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with Epstein-Barr virus and congenital or acquired immunodeficiencies. Residual K2EDTA samples collected from subjects
Am J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 1988; 10: 196.
8. Risdall RJ, Brunning RD, Hernandez JI, Gordon DH. Bacteria-associ-
without Hb variants for routine HbA1c testing (n = 121) were
ated hemophagocytic syndrome. Cancer 1984; 54: 2968e72. centrifuged at 3000 g for 5 min. Following this, 3 mL of the
9. Reiner AP, Spivak JL. Hematophagic histiocytosis. A report of 23 new packed red blood cells were mixed with 1.5 mL (i.e., 1:500
patients and a review of the literature. Medicine 1988; 67: 369e88. dilution ratio) of the Variant II Turbo diluent to standardise
10. Henter JL, Horne A, Arico M, et al. HLH-2004: diagnostic and thera-
peutic guidelines for hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. Pediatr the total area count to 1.5e2.5 million (within the manufac-
Blood Cancer 2007; 48: 124e31. turer’s recommendation of 1.5e3.5 million total area count).
11. Jaffe R. The histiocytoses. Clin Lab Med 1999; 19: 135e55. Next, the samples were incubated in a water bath at 37 C for
12. Allen CE, Yu X, Kozinetz CA, McClain KL. Highly elevated ferritin
levels and the diagnosis of hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis.
4 h before re-analysis on the Variant II Turbo 2.0 analyser.
Pediatr Blood Cancer 2008; 50: 1227e35. Since the concentration of labile HbA1c is dependent on
HbA1c,6 the degree of reduction in labile HbA1c after in-
DOI: cubation was expressed as labile HbA1c to HbA1c ratio. The
reference interval for the post-incubation labile HbA1c to
HbA1c ratio from subjects without Hb variants was calcu-
lated. The reference interval was then applied to samples with
known Hb variant after identical incubation. The results of
A simple means to differentiate
the experiments are summarised in Table 1.
labile HbA1c from haemoglobin Of note, urea can dissociate in vivo to form isocyanic acid
variant on Bio-Rad Variant II Turbo and react with Hb to form carbamylated Hb. It is elevated in
2.0 cation-exchange HPLC method patients with chronic renal disease. In the Variant II Turbo 2.0
analyser, carbamylated Hb co-elutes with labile HbA1c and
may confound the above interpretation. In the presence of a
history of chronic renal disease or significantly elevated
Sir, serum urea concentration, an elevated labile HbA1c may be
Accurate measurement of glycated haemoglobin A1c clarified by Hb phenotyping, if clinically indicated.
(HbA1c) is important for optimal management of diabetes. Incubating EDTA whole blood samples in diluent at 37 C
Cation-exchange high performance liquid chromatography for 4 h reduces the labile HbA1c fraction. The use of the
(CA-HPLC) methods can be interfered with by haemoglobin labile HbA1c:HbA1c ratio can effectively differentiate Hb
(Hb) variants,1,2 which are prevalent in many parts of the variants eluting in the labile HbA1c window, because the
world, including South-East Asia (prevalence: Singapore apparent elevated labile HbA1c due to the presence of an Hb
3.5%, Thailand up to 30%).3,4 The Variant II Turbo 2.0 variant does not decrease after incubation, as shown by
analyser (HbA1c program, Bio-Rad Laboratories, USA) is a subjects with HbJ.
CA-HPLC method. Certain Hb variants (e.g., HbJ) can elute It is important to identify the presence of Hb variant on
in the labile HbA1c window that precedes HbA1c, and chromatogram and suggest confirmatory testing where
interfere with its measurement. clinically indicated, since it can affect the relationship with
Labile HbA1c is a reversible intermediary formed acutely the glycaemic status of the patient.7 However, the investi-
between glucose and Hb, and can rise considerably after gation strategy adopted by a laboratory (e.g., at what con-
ingestion of carbohydrate.5 The glucose attached to labile centration of labile HbA1c should one begin to investigate
HbA1c can spontaneously dissociate over time when the for the presence of Hb variant) should be individualised,
ambient glucose is low. It is important to differentiate labile taking into account the prevalence of Hb variant in the
HbA1c formed after a meal from co-eluting Hb variant for population served by the laboratory. More than 600 Hb
proper interpretation of the chromatograms. We explored variants have been reported thus far. It would be prudent to
the use of a decrease in native labile HbA1c after diluting verify the performance of the laboratory manipulation
whole blood with instrument diluent and incubating in 37 C described above on Hb variants that are prevalent in the
water bath as a simple means to differentiate it from co- local population, particularly if they differ from the five Hb
eluting Hb variants, which cannot be reduced in this variants described in this study. When in doubt, laboratory
manner. practitioners can use this simple manipulation and the labile

Table 1 Summary of the Variant II Turbo results before and after incubation at 37 C for haemoglobin (Hb) variants

Haemoglobin (Hb) subtype n Pre-incubation Post- incubation

Labile HbA1c Labile HbA1c: Labile HbA1c HbA1c Labile HbA1c:
HbA1c HbA1c ratio (% remaining) HbA1c ratio

Normal Hba 121 1.6e4.8 4.9e14.2 0.18e0.55 1.1e3.1 (51e90%) 4.8e14.3 0.13e0.41
Heterozygous HbE 12 1.1e2.1 5.5e9.8 0.12e0.37 0.9e1.4 (61e91%) 5.4e9.8 0.11e0.25
Heterozygous HbS 11 1.0e2.3 5.0e9.7 0.20e0.27 0.8e1.6 (59e85%) 5.1e10.0 0.14e0.21
Heterozygous HbD 12 1.0e2.7 5.0e10.2 0.17e0.28 0.9e1.4 (52e90%) 4.8e10.4 0.12e0.21
Heterozygous HbQ-Thailand 7 1.2e2.2 5.6e9.1 0.21e0.30 0.9e1.6 (64e79%) 5.6e9.2 0.14e0.22
Heterozygous HbJ 12 3.5e7.9 4.6e8.0 0.74e1.03 3.5e7.3 (92e100%) 4.5e8.3 0.76e1.02

The values shown for normal haemoglobin are the 95% reference intervals while those shown for the other haemoglobin subtypes are the minimum and
maximum values.
818 CORRESPONDENCE Pathology (2017), 49(7), December

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2. Cheng WL, Neo SF, Chew S, Sethi SK, Loh TP. HbG-Honolulu in-
Conflicts of interest and sources of funding: The authors terferes with some cation-exchange HPLC HbA1c assays. Clin Chem Lab
Med 2016; 54: e77e9.
state that there are no conflicts of interest to disclose. 3. Saw S, Loh TP, Yin C, Sethi SK. Identification of hemoglobin variants in
samples received for glycated hemoglobin testing. Clin Chim Acta 2013;
Wan Ling Cheng 415: 173e5.
4. Viprakasit V, Lee-Lee C, Chong QT, Lin KH, Khuhapinant A. Iron
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Suru Chew tives. Int J Hematol 2009; 90: 435e45.
Sunil Kumar Sethi 5. Higgins PJ, Bunn HF. Kinetic analysis of the nonenzymatic glycosylation
Tze Ping Loh of hemoglobin. J Biol Chem 1981; 256: 5204e8.
6. Loh TP, Peng WK, Chen L, Sethi SK. Application of smoothed contin-
uous labile haemoglobin A1c reference intervals for identification of
Department of Laboratory Medicine, National University potentially spurious HbA1c results. J Clin Pathol 2014; 67: 712e6.
Hospital, Singapore 7. Loh TP, Sethi SK, Wong MS, Tai ES, Kao SL. Relationship between
measured average glucose by continuous glucose monitor and HbA1c
measured by three different routine laboratory methods. Clin Biochem
Contact Tze Ping Loh. 2015; 48: 514e8.

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