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In Algeria.

For Algeria.
Business to Society Report
Table of content

3 Siemens in Algeria:
an engagement, a responsibility!

5 Why Business to Society

7 Business to Society in Algeria

8 Algeria’s ambitions

10 Our contribution to the social and economic

prosperity of Algeria

13 Stimulating the economy

21 Stimulating jobs and skills

29 Supporting environmental protection

35 Quality of life, health and integrity

41 Productivity and innovation

47 Transformation of society

Published by Siemens Spa

Lotissement El Kadous, lot n°10, Moutchatchou
Haut site d’Hydra, Hydra
Alger - Algeria
Printed in Algeria
Illustrations: ©Siemens 2017
This report may not be reproduced or used,
in full or in part, without prior authorisation.
© Siemens 2017. All rights reserved.

Siemens in Algeria:
an engagement,
a responsibility!
Siemens has been present in Algeria for report, that we call “Business to Society
55 years and since our start we have always Algeria”.
done more than just carrying out economic
It talks about our country, but from a
activities. Through our innovative solutions
business point of view. The aim is not to
and services, we have extensively
present our achievements, but to ask
contributed to the sustainable development
important questions such as: what is our
of the local infrastructures. From the
added value in Algeria? How do our
installation in 1857 of the first telegraphic
activities create value for the Algerian
cable linking Annaba (North Africa) to
society? And what exactly do these values
Cagliari (Italy), in the presence of Werner
need to be? In this report, we have quite
Von Siemens, to the creation of the Siemens
simply measured our impact on society and
Algeria company on 20th August 1962,
our participation in the development and
Siemens has always showed a keen interest
growth of our country.
in this country. As demonstrated by the
many projects developed after For the very first time in Algeria, Siemens
independence illustrates its contribution to employability,
training, health, etc. through figures and
But are winning and implementing contracts
facts. I am particularly proud of the jobs we
the only motivation for a company? We live
have created, of the training we give in the
in a world where companies are clearly
SITRAIN training center, of our Digital Grid
looking to grow, to increase their
Engineering Center, which serves Western
productivity and to acquire new sources of
Europe and French-speaking Africa, of the
revenue. However they also need to
successful partnership between Siemens
consider the impact they have on societies
and the SNTF (ESTEL), and of the
and environments in which they function.
construction of the first metro line in
This country has enormous potential with Algiers! We have been able to show what is
young people bubbling over with ideas in a important for the Algerian society and we
multicultural environment that is will continue to do so through the new
omnipresent. We at Siemens will continue challenges that wait ahead of us.
our ambition to be part of this society and
To conclude, I hope that you will find this
we are driven to leave our mark on it.
report as interesting as I do, showing that
At Siemens Algeria we firmly believe that it over our 55 years of presence here, “we say
is impossible to lay the foundations of a what we do and we do what we say “.
sustainable business without taking part in
Siemens in Algeria, for Algeria!
the life of the community. As a company,
our responsibility to society and the
environment in which we work is far more
important than any other project. This is
why, based on our experience and our
know-how, we decided to publish this

Farouk Benabdoun
CEO Siemens Algeria

“Siemens is able to recognize potential
wherever it is!”
Farouk Benabdoun, CEO Siemens Algeria and Tunisia


Why Business to Society?

At Siemens, we like to understand our true value. As an international
company, we are driven by the desire to make a real difference in the
countries in which we work.

We measure the economic growth we create in a country through our

products, our services and the employees who work in our offices.
But, for Siemens, “making a difference” goes far beyond these financial
indicators. We aim to evaluate how we can help improve the wellbeing
and prosperity of a society as a whole. Business to Society consists in
spotlighting what Siemens brings to society.

Measuring our impact

Business to Society is a new and different After this first step, we mapped what
way of placing things in perspective. Siemens does in Algeria to tackle these
Traditionally, we tended to measure our developments and meet the country’s goals.
impact primarily from the viewpoint of By more closely examining the current
internal indices, such as the budget we influence of Siemens in Algeria, we clearly
devote to education and research, or the determined the short, medium and long-
quantity of CO2 we emit. term future potential.
But this method did not enable us to Finally, all this information was collated. It
precisely identify what difference we made constitutes the reference framework
to society. We therefore decided to measure enabling us to address the important issues
things differently, at a whole new level. for our customers, our suppliers, for the
local authorities, for governmental
In this Business to Society report for Algeria,
communities and for all the other parties
we first of all examined a range of data such
as the status of the Algerian economy and
its future strategic orientation. From the Business to Society therefore helps us move
social standpoint, we analyzed the social away from the traditional financial report.
and health indices, the economic indices The aim is to explore and optimize the
and the education indices. We were advantages for Algerian society as a whole.
gradually able to gain a clearer
understanding of Algeria’s real concerns.

“With more than 300 water pumping and
treatment stations in service, thanks to
Siemens industrial equipment, Algerian
operators such as Algérienne Des Eaux,
la Société des Eaux et de l’Assainissement
d’Alger, or the Agence Nationale des
Barrages et Transferts, can offer millions
of Algerian homes direct access to
drinking water”
Mehdi Benzerga,
Director of the Process Industries & Drives division and the Digital Factory division

Business to Society in Algeria

Business to Society in Algeria

Our research and analysis work has enabled us to identify six funda-
mental pillars. These pillars or topics constitute the reference frame-
work for measuring our contribution in Algeria.

The main challenges for Algeria

Algeria is one of the leading exporters of oil. In response to this new reality, Algerian
The country is faced with a rapidly changing political leaders have already adopted
environment. Falling oil prices since 2014 positions and taken measures to achieve
have had negative effects: falling economic substantial progress in diversifying the
growth plus an increase in budget and trade economy. Their main reforms encompass
deficits. Faced with the rising problems of improving the business climate, opening up
unemployment and the fragility of the the economy with a view to intensifying
financial sector, the government is effecting trade and investment, improved access to
considerable adjustments in all key areas: financing and the development of financial
tax-related, financial and structural. markets and, finally, strengthening govern-
ance, competition and transparency.
Algeria however, has one major advantage,
it entered this troubled period from a posi- Improved social and economic welfare in
tion of strength, as it had built up considera- Algeria will depend on two key areas: the
ble financial reserves during the years when development of high-level skills on the one
oil prices were more favorable. This enabled hand and tailoring them to the demands of
it to absorb the shock caused by the fall in the economic sector, on the other. In this
oil prices, to gradually implement its re- respect, Siemens Algeria is playing a signifi-
forms and to revamp its growth model. cant role. Its close collaboration with the
government, universities, the Advanced
Technologies Development Center (CDTA) is
helping to optimize the necessary transfer
of know-how, both for companies and for
job-seekers on the employment market.

Business to Society in Algeria

Algeria’s ambitions

Stimulating Stimulating jobs Supporting environ-

the economy and skills mental protection

Owing to its size and his high level of GDP, The main employer is the government. It Algeria has ratified the COP21 Climate
Algeria is clearly a major player. represents 32% of manpower in the Agreement; by 2030, the country envisages
The country’s financial situation is sound country2. Despite several years of sustained a 7% reduction in its emissions of CO24.
and its level of debt very low. However, the growth, the country’s unemployment rate This figure could reach 22% if Algeria
downturn in oil prices has had negative remains high by comparison with the other receives adequate technological and
impacts: a stricter budget policy, falling emerging economies. financial support along with investments
confidence in the private sector and It is mainly the young that are affected, from its development partners.
restrictions on liquidity in the banking with a rate of close to 30%3. Finding a job The government has announced long-term
system. Major adjustments are necessary in outside the public sector and public energy programs. They include a renewa-
all the main areas: budgetary, financial and industries is a challenge for many Algeri- ble energies strategy with investment of up
structural. ans. to 10.977 billion DZD (92 billion EUR) by
In terms of exports, oil and gas account for In the field of education, the country 2030. This ambitious project should enable
just over 98% of total revenues1. Two stands out by a high level of access to basic one third of domestic energy to be pro-
factors – pressure on oil prices and the and higher education. The teaching and duced from renewable sources. Despite the
promising potential of shale gas in the vocational training sector (EFTP) comprises efforts made to free its economy from
United States – are having a negative effect a vast network of facilities and training dependence on hydrocarbons and an
on exports of Algerian oil and gas. Faced centers. The training and diplomas pro- unstable financial context caused by the
with this energy crisis, the government has posed cover a wide range of specializa- collapse of the price of oil, Algeria will
committed to opening up trade and tions, with various types and levels of continue to meet its commitments and
encouraging foreign investment. qualification. take part in realizing the goals of the
At the end of 2013, Algeria reinforced its More than ever, the education sector is COP21.
focus on the private sector, SMEs in required to provide high-quality training. Algeria has drawn up its Renewable Energy
particular, which play a major role in With regard to this training, the govern- and Energy Efficiency Development Plan
economic development and job creation. ment has decided to give priority to (2015-2030)4. The last update of this plan
These SMEs are mainly active in the agriculture, tourism and industry, as provides for the installation of new projects
services, building, construction and alternatives to hydrocarbons. The vocation- with a capacity of 4,500 MW up until 2020
hydraulic sectors. al training centers of excellence, located in and an overall total of 22,000 MW up until
various different wilayas around the 2030. The total capacity is divided among
country, are adapting to the needs of the six types of energy: solar photovoltaic
national economy, in particular in the field (13,575 MW), wind (5,010 MW), solar
of agriculture. New centers have been thermal (2,000 MW), biomass (1,000 MW),
opened up in the wilayas of Mascara, Oran, cogeneration (400 MW) and geothermal
Khenchela, Biskra, Aïn Defla and El-Oued. (15 MW). If this capacity target is met, the
They are an integral part of the country’s share of renewable energies in total
new economic policy: diversify the national electricity production in Algeria will
economy and stimulate priority sectors. amount to 27%.

: OECD 3
: Algeria Press Service 4
: Algerian Ministry of Energy

Business to Society in Algeria

Quality of life, Productivity Transformation

health and integrity and innovation of society

In terms of human development, Algeria The World Intellectual Property Organiza- Controlling urban growth is one of the
tops the rankings for the North African tion (WIPO) ranked Algeria 72nd in the world main challenges for Algeria. The effects of
continent and life expectancy (at birth) out of a total of 128 countries, in terms of rapid urban spread are over-population and
now stands at 74.8 years5. innovation. In Algeria, R&D spending concentration of the population in the
Algeria today has a well-established represents less than 1% of GDP – a relative- cities in the north. The new towns (Sidi
network of hospitals (including university ly low figure which can be primarily Abdellah, Bouinan, Boughzoul,
hospitals), clinics, health centers and small explained by the low level of private sector Hassi-Messaoud and El Ménéa) are the
health units and dispensaries. Even if the investment in research. perfect expression of the new sustainable
equipment is not always the latest genera- Innovation in the country is based on the city.
tion, staffing levels are high and the activity of the multinationals, local SMEs, The extensive urban development and
country has one of the best health systems universities and local research institutes. increased standard of living among the
in Africa.
Of the inventions patented by the INAPI7, population have led to a spectacular rise in
The Algerian water distribution network,
90% come from multinational companies, urban mobility and the volume of journeys
which covers more than 58,000 kilomets6,
with the remaining 10% from domestic made. Numerous Algerian towns are
has a high capacity and can carry more
companies and researchers. expanding and some are in the process of
than three billion cubic meters of water per
Digital technology is placed at the heart of becoming cities. The private car has
Algeria has numerous large dams (70) and the strategy to develop and diversify become the most widely used solution for
increasing storage capacity is a key factor Algeria’s economy. With nearly 60% of its dealing with the problem of urban mobili-
in the country’s water management population under 30 years old and a high ty.
strategy. level of penetration of digital devices, it Transport is also one of the government’s
Despite its 70 dams, Algeria is in 14th place has the resources and potential to become priorities. Major expansion work is current-
among the countries poorest in water. It a land of opportunity in the digital econo- ly under way as part of the vast Algerian
was in this context that the Algerian my. This is a crucial advantage on the eve public investment program. Emphasis is
Ministry of Water Resources implemented a of a new industrial revolution based on today being placed on the upgrading,
strategy to mobilize and guarantee water information and communication technolo- refurbishment and expansion of the rail
resources (groundwater, desalination and gies. network, which is heavily concentrated
surface water). Redistribution and in- along the country’s northern coastline, to
creased storage and desalination capacity help relieve congestion in the urban areas.
will help optimize existing resources. The In recent years, the country has also
aim is to achieve sustainable and integrat- succeeded in improving its performance in
ed water management. the fields of customs, logistical follow-up
and delivery punctuality. According to the
latest Logistics Performance Index (LPI),
Algeria is in 125th place in the general
rankings for 2012 while it was in 130th place
in 2010 and 140th in 2007.

: World Health Organization (WHO) 7
: Algerian National Industrial Property
: Algerian Ministry of Water Resources Institute (INAPI)

Our contribution to
the social and economic
prosperity of Algeria

Stimulating Stimulating jobs Supporting environ-

the economy and skills mental protection

Siemens operations as a whole made a More than 13,000 jobs in Algeria are linked to More than 3,400,000 families will have
contribution of 28.1 billion DZD Siemens’ global activities. For 2015, this figure access to electricity thanks to Siemens
(238.5 million EUR) to Algerian GDP for the is equivalent to 0.1% of the active population turbines (by 2020).
2015 financial year, or 0.2% of Algeria’s in the economic sector in Algeria.*
GDP in 2015.* Siemens aims to become the world’s first
471 direct jobs in 2015.* major industrial group to achieve zero
Added value is calculated at about carbon footprint, by 2030.
1.8 billion DZD (15.3 million EUR), for For each Siemens job in Algeria there are more
Siemens operations in Algeria, in terms of than six jobs linked to purchasing by Siemens The Hassi R’Mel hybrid solar power plant is
wages and salaries paid to the staff based and to private spending financed by the one of the most innovative in the world;
in Algeria.* salaries received.* Siemens provides preventive and corrective
maintenance services.
An indirect contribution of about Taking account of the effects of derived
9 billion DZD (76.4 million EUR) results products and services on the employment Siemens equips several electrical power
from worldwide purchases by Siemens of market, 5,800 jobs could be linked to Siemens plants in Algeria contributing 18% of the
intermediate products and services, partly activity in Algeria (indirect effects).* total installed capacity by 2020.
manufactured or supplied by Algerian
companies (indirect effects of the supply 3,700 further jobs can be attributed to the
chain).* multiplying effect created by private spending
of the wages received by employees of
The wages paid to the Siemens staff in companies which are customers of Siemens.*
Algeria and the companies involved in the
Siemens supply chain finance private
consumption. The value created in Algeria
makes a 6 billion DZD (50.9 million EUR)
contribution to Algerian GDP (induced
effects and supply chain).*

PwC report 2017 Unless otherwise specified, 1 euro = 117.8 DZD

Quality of life, Productivity Transformation
health and integrity and innovation of society

More than 8 million people have access to Siemens plays an important role in the digital More than 75,000 passengers per day, or a
Siemens CT scanners in Algeria. field, built on more than 20 years of experi- total of 28,000,000 passengers per year,
ence. are carried by the Algiers metro, for which
Siemens Healthineers products are essen- Siemens – as consortium leader – delivered
tial for diagnosing and treating more than To stimulate innovation, Siemens launched the the complete rail system.
90 million people around the world, every regional engineering centres (REC) in 2014;
year. one of the first was set up in Algeria. More than 70 technologies are deployed in
the Siemens City Performance Tool (CyPT),
More than 1.08 billion people in the 11 billion m3 of gas are routed every year along a complete, interactive tool designed to
developing countries have access to the GPDF gas pipeline, fully equipped with a help cities achieve their environmental
Siemens imaging technologies. Siemens control and data acquisition system. objectives.

In 2015, Siemens devoted more than With its 17,500 IT engineers, Siemens is one of More than 50% of Algeria’s cement produc-
117.7 billion DZD (1 billion EUR) to research the world’s leading suppliers of software tion, or more than 8 million tonnes per
and development (R&D) in the medical solutions. year, uses Siemens electrical and automa-
sector worldwide. tion technology equipment.
60% of oil production is routed via Siemens
With 300 projects under its belt, Siemens pumping stations. The capacity of the Biskra cement
has been one of the leading water industry works, for which Siemens delivered
players in Algeria since 1978. More than 1,474 disclosures of invention were the air insulated substations (AIS), is
registered, including more than 700 patent 2.7 million tonnes per year.
applications (2015).

Stimulating the economy

“Having decided to set up its third

regional engineering center in Algeria,
dedicated to smart electricity grid and
energy automation solutions and today
serving Africa and Europe, Siemens has
been investing in the transfer of know-
how since 2014. Since then, 13 Algerian
engineers have benefited from a
long-duration training program abroad”
Amine Rabehi,
Director Energy Management division

Stimulating the economy

the economy

1.8 billion DZD
Salaries and wages paid to staff based in Algeria

28.1 billion DZD

Contribution of Siemens’ worldwide operations
to Algerian GDP (2015)

Stimulating the economy

Most of the large companies

started out as SMEs
Algeria will be increasingly focusing its economy on the private sector

The Algerian economy is dominated by the In addition to its financial support, Siemens
State – a legacy of the development model Algeria also creates value in local commer-
that followed the country’s independence. cial practices.
In 2013 however, things began to change
and the country started to focus its econo-
my more on the private sector, SMEs in In 2015, the total volume
particular, owing to their attractiveness:
they play a major role in economic develop- of local purchases by the group
ment and provide numerous jobs. Further-
more, SMEs make a significant contribution
amounted to more than
to non-hydrocarbon exports, to skills devel-
opment, to the assimilation of technologies
9 billion DZD (76.4 million EUR)
and to stimulating innovation.
At the end of 2013, the number of SMEs It more specifically set up a dedicated sup-
registered in Algeria exceeded 748,000, plier process, thus contributing to SME
representing 99% of all companies in the development.
country. However, the public sector still
dominates the economic landscape.
Of the business sectors in which Algerian
SMEs are active, services (transport in
particular) comes first with 49%. The other
sectors are building, construction and
hydraulics (33.85%). The manufacturing
sector represents 16.07%, while the share of
agriculture is 1.09% and that of energy

Siemens is committed to supporting

Algerian SMEs
The Algerian private sector in general and
SMEs in particular are faced with major
challenges which affect their development.
In numerous areas, Siemens Algeria is
committed to supporting SMEs. More than
70% of its suppliers are actually local SMEs.
In 2015, the total volume of group purchases
amounted to more than 9 billion DZD
(76.4 million EUR).

Stimulating the economy

9 billion DZD
Value of purchases by Siemens, worldwide, of products and services
from Algerian companies (indirect effects)

6 billion DZD
in salaries paid to staff of Siemens and companies
involved in the supply chain

Stimulating the economy

For 55 years, Siemens has been

contributing to the economic
and social wellbeing of Algeria
Owing to its size (2.38 million km²), its negative effect on Algerian oil and gas
economic power (GDP of 17,568 billion DZD exports and thus exert pressure on the
– 149 billion EUR – in 2016) and its stable backbone of the country’s economy.
growth (3.9% in 2015 and nearly 4% estimat-
Algeria is implementing a new “economic
ed for the coming years), Algeria is clearly a
growth model”, built around reform of the
major player on the African continent. The
tax system and aiming to boost revenues
country has the fourth largest economy in
and reduce dependence on energy exports.
Africa and its financial situation is sound,
Major measures are currently being drafted
with very low levels of debt.
with a view to improving the business
As a member of OPEC, Algeria enjoys a good climate and attracting more foreign inves-
level of trade but is extremely dependent on tors. It is essential for Algeria to identify
exports of hydrocarbons. Oil and gas ac- new destinations for its hydrocarbons ex-
count for just over 98% of all export reve- ports – probably in the emerging economies
nues. Fluctuating oil prices, the promising of Asia, Africa and South America – and to
potential of shale gas in the United States diversify its economy.
and climate change initiatives should have a

Stimulating the economy

Another goal of this new economic model is Rail transport, medical imaging, production
to stimulate investment in high value added and distribution of electricity, oil and gas:
sectors such as the agri-food industry, the business sectors of Siemens Algeria are
renewable energies, services, the digital numerous and diversified.
economy, industry, mining and downstream
activities in the hydrocarbons sector. Siemens has the means to cover virtually
all links in the economic chain
Siemens in Algeria: more than 50 years of In the field of transports, the company took
stable relations part in building the first metro line between
Siemens has been active in Algeria since La Grande Poste and Hai El Badr, in a con-
1962, when Siemens SARL Algérie was sortium with VINCI and CAF. Siemens also
founded, the first multinational to be en- manages all the signaling for the Algerian
tered on the companies registry in the rail network via the ESTEL partnership with
country. However, already in 1857, the the SNTF.
group’s founder, Werner Von Siemens, was
In the field of industry, Siemens supplies
taking part in installing the first deep-water
products and solutions for process control
telegraph cable between Europe and
and automation of manufacturing process-
Africa, more precisely between Cagliari
es, as well as for smart management of
and Annaba.
production facilities.
On 1st October 2002, with the creation of the
In the field of energy, Siemens is active in
regional company Siemens Algeria, via an
both production and transformation (from
investment of more than 300 million DZD,
high to medium and low voltages for distri-
Siemens sent out a strong signal. This
bution to the end-user).
further step clearly indicates the develop-
ment ambitions of Siemens in Algeria and Siemens has been contributing to the eco-
its confidence in the future of the country. nomic and social wellbeing of Algeria for
55 years and is committed to continuing to
Siemens adds a gross value of 28.1 bil-
do so in the future.
lion DZD, or 0.2% of the Algerian GDP.
Siemens employs 471 people. Some 99% of
the Algerian personnel have acquired skills
and been trained at Siemens Algeria. This
represents a five-year investment of
108.2 million DZD (915,000 EUR).

Another objective of this new

economic model is to stimulate
investment in sectors with high
added value

Stimulating the economy

For Siemens in Africa,

local partnerships
are crucial

Over the years, Siemens Algeria has forged

partnerships with the leading names in the
economic sector, in order to cover the
Algerian market and promote the growth of
the SMEs contributing to the national bal-
ance of trade. We are also engaged in trans-
ferring skills to our partners in the fields of
electrification, automation and digitization.
The Siemens partnership program is built
around “certification by a Solution Partner”
in order to meet the strict criteria that
govern the performance of our projects.
This includes one or two annual certification
workshops, the Siemens industrial training
program intended for the partners (SILPP)
and on-line training sessions. To date, more
than 10 companies have been accepted in
this program, in the fields of automation
and drive systems.
Our technological partners specialize in
vertical fields and markets that are impor-
tant for Siemens. We also have five building
technology partners trained to enhance
their expertise and be able to submit bids
meeting the security and fire safety de- More than 15 local partners are
mands of the customers.
In our partnership programs, we strive to
qualified to market Siemens
use sustainable, eco-energy and economi-
cally balanced solutions, at all times.
products directly in the fields of
automation, drive systems and
safety technologies

Stimulating jobs and skills

“Wherever it works, Siemens has always

based its customer relations on service
and transfer of know-how, which involves
training, ranging from PLCs to variable
speed drives and process control systems.
Our State-certified SITRAIN center enab-
led us to train more than 500 people in
Sofiane Galou, Director of the SITRAIN Algeria training center

Stimulating jobs and skills

Stimulating jobs
and skills

Stimulating jobs and skills

471 et 5,800
direct and indirect jobs in 2015

Algerian jobs linked to Siemens global activities

jobs due to the multiplying effect of private
spending by Siemens employees

Stimulating jobs and skills

Tailoring skills
to the needs
of the market

To create more jobs and more growth, Most of the vocational teaching and training
Algeria is aware of the fact that it will need programs are run free of charge by the State
to adapt its existing growth model towards a
more diversified one, run by the private
sector. A transformation such as this re-
quires an ambitious program of structural In Algeria, Siemens represents
471 direct jobs, 7,500 indirect jobs
The way the labor market works is undergo-
ing change and closer links between the and 5,800 induced jobs (2015) with
education system and the private sector are
essential to guaranteeing that the skills more than 13,000 jobs linked to
acquired by the persons available on the
labor market are more in step with the skills Siemens’ activities worldwide
looked for by the employers.
The Algerian government has also stepped In 2008, Algeria passed a law to reform its
up its efforts to improve the quality and vocational training system. A total of 12 new
effectiveness of its vocational training vocational teaching institutes were thus set
system (EFP). up in order to cover the main employment
sectors (industry, agriculture, agri-food,
The vocational training policy is moving hotels and tourism, construction, manage-
forwards ment and accounting, sales). This vocational
Public spending devoted to national educa- teaching is organized in close cooperation
tion represents 7.34% of Algerian GDP. The with businesses.
spending allocated to vocational training for
its part represents 0.76% of GDP. Thanks to Siemens plays an active role in training
the efforts made in recent decades, the young people
education and training system has enjoyed In Algeria, Siemens represents 471 direct
considerable development. jobs, 7,500 indirect jobs and 5,800 induced
jobs (2015) with more than 13,000 jobs
A large number of students (38%) leave
linked to Siemens’ activities worldwide.
school after the mandatory secondary
education. However, vocational teaching Siemens fully intends to continue its policy
and training represent an alternative. of engagement to employ several thousand
people and attract the most talented staff.
99% of Siemens Algeria employees were
trained in Algeria.

Stimulating jobs and skills

Over the past five years, Siemens Higher Education and Scientific 95% found a job within six months
Algeria has devoted a budget of research and the Houari Boumedi- and 5% moved into Research &
108.2 million DZD (915,000 EUR) to ene University of Science and Development.
training its personnel. Technology (USTHB).
This success encouraged Siemens to
In this budget, 45.4 million DZD are Under the terms of this collabora- expand this program to other Alge-
invested in local training courses. tion, Siemens Algeria provides rian universities. A new partnership
More than 1,000 were organized on technical support for certain teach- has been reached with the école
behalf of 344 people. ing modules. It prepares the stu- Polytechnique in Oran and Siemens
dents for the world of work by is in discussions with other schools
Over the past five years, the inter-
including modules not programmed and universities.
national training budget, mainly in
by the University and taught by
technical areas, reached 62.7 mil-
Siemens staff: project management Training dedicated to the Algerian
lion DZD.
or compliance with commercial workforce
Siemens Algeria plays an active role rules of best practice. Driven by this same desire to train
in training the young and integrat- the young, Siemens opened its
This collaboration has proven to be
ing them into the world of work. In SITRAIN training center in 2013 to
a considerable success: in 2016, the
2008, the company set up an Auto- offer vocational training devoted to
Siemens Algeria Master’s had more
mation Master’s degree, in partner- the industrial professions.
than 180 graduates. Of them,
ship with the Algerian Ministry of

Algeria instructors
comply with strict
criteria in terms of
technical skills
and teaching

Stimulating jobs and skills

The modules proposed are based on

a process of continuous improve-
ment and on a wealth of interna-
tional experience. The hardware
and software made available are
regularly upgraded so that the
trainees benefit from the most
recent, high-performance solutions.

Over the past five years,

Siemens Algeria has devoted a budget
of 108.2 million DZD (915,000 EUR) to
train its personnel
They themselves then become more
efficient, representing a real gain in
productivity for the companies.

The SITRAIN center offers training It is also essential to subscribe

covering the full range of Siemens to the quality system set up by
products (SIMATIC S7 PLCs, variable Siemens SITRAIN Algeria and to
speed drives, SIMATIC NET industrial meet the objectives of each training
communication, SIMATIC HMI course (content, theory / practical,
human-machine interfaces, PCS7 timing, etc.). All the instructors
process control system, as well as have already been able to put their
many other specific training cours- knowledge into practice during the
es). courses they have given to custom-
ers who purchased Siemens PLCs.
The center is approved by the
Directorate for vocational teaching Siemens Algeria has also given
and training and today occupies a technical training to more than
complete floor at the Siemens 2,000 people working for various
Algeria headquarters. It offers customers and suppliers, since
several training classrooms, all 2013.
equipped with a screen and video
The training center now also covers
projector. Each workstation has the
the energy portfolio and is
technical and teaching equipment
equipped with the latest generation
necessary for training: program-
of teaching systems for digital
ming consoles, teaching benches or
networks and telecommunication
interactive mock-ups simulating the
industrial process.
The SITRAIN Algeria instructors are
trained by Siemens and meet strict
criteria in terms of technical skills
and teaching expertise.

In 2016, more than 180 students

graduated with a Siemens Master’s
diploma organized in collaboration
with USTHB

Stimulating jobs and skills

Stimulating jobs and skills

Creating jobs and decent

living standards

One of the most pressing national priorities Siemens Algeria is creating highly quali-
in Algeria is job creation. The public sector is fied jobs
the country’s leading employer. In 2015, For 55 years, Siemens has been making a
with the collapse of oil prices (more than significant contribution to the employment
half its value), the government reacted by rate in Algeria, where it directly occupies
freezing public sector hirings. 471 people (2015). The company is develop-
ing and training highly qualified staff for its
Outside the public sector and the public
industries, numerous Algerians are strug-
gling to find work. In 2013, the total employ- Siemens Algeria hires an average of
ment rate was 39%. 32.6 staff per year, 41% of whom are aged
between 30 and 39 and 40% aged 45 and
Considerable disparities can be observed
over. 23% of the personnel are women.
according to age, gender and level of educa-
tion. The groups most severely affected by Siemens Algeria makes another significant
unemployment are the young and women. contribution by creating indirect jobs.
The unemployment rate for the young stood Thanks to local purchases, spending by
at 24.8% in 2013. Many of them have turned employees and a technological range that
to “informal” jobs, such as street trading. creates added value for the customers, the
However, in recent years, the positive expe-
rience of Algeria in terms of the creation of Siemens develops and trains
decent jobs (outside the public sector) and
the fight against unemployment – in par- highly qualified personnel
ticular for the young – must be underlined.
In the field of employment, the Govern- company generates indirect jobs for
ment’s action plan is focused on six points: 7,500 persons and induced jobs for a further
support investments in economic sectors 5,800. In total, Siemens Algeria provides
creating jobs, promote qualified trainers, work for more than 13,000 people, or 0.1%
encourage companies to hire, stimulate of the total employment rate of the country,
youth employment, reinforce the various according to the 2015 figures.
professional integration plans and modern-
ize management of the labor market.

Supporting environmental protection

By 2013, about 37% of the

electricity produced for domestic
consumption will come from
renewable energies

Supporting environmental protection

Supporting environ-
mental protection

families will have access to electricity thanks
to Siemens turbines (by 2020)

of oil production is transported

via Siemens pumping stations

of Algeria’s total electrical

capacity by 2020, owing to
electrical power plants equipped
by Siemens

water-related projects carried
out by Siemens since 1978

Supporting environmental protection

In 2011, the country created a green dynamic with the launch of

its ambitious renewable energies program

The question of climate change is becoming electricity from renewable sources repre-
an increasingly urgent one. The extreme use sents barely 1% of total production.
of resources and high living standards have
led to a spectacular increase in CO2 emis- An ambitious program to develop renew-
sions worldwide. able energies
Algeria has decided to turn the situation
The history of hydrocarbons in Algeria goes
round by creating a true green dynamic. In
back to the time when fossil fuels were
2011, it launched an ambitious program to
discovered in abundance by experts looking
develop renewable energies and promote
for natural resources. Petroleum products at
energy efficiency. This program, revised in
present represent 30% of the country’s gross
2015, aims to install up to 22,000 MW of
domestic product (GDP), 95% of export
electricity production from renewable
revenues and 60% of budget revenues.
sources between 2015 and 2030, including
Before it joined OPEC in 1969, Algeria had an 12,000 MW to meet domestic electricity
excellent “CO2 bulletin”. Today, with CO2 demand and 10,000 MW for export. By
emissions higher than 140,000 kt in 2013 2030, about 37% of electricity produced for
(and this rate is continuing to rise), the domestic consumption will come from
country is ranked 38th. renewables.
Virtually all of Algeria’s current energy The Algerian renewable energies program is
needs are met by hydrocarbons. The other focused on solar energy, because the poten-
forms of energy are only called on when tial of the other green energies (wind,
natural gas cannot be used. Despite consid- biomass, geothermal and hydroelectricity) is
erable potential in the fields of solar, wind relatively low. This does not of course pre-
and hydroelectricity, the production of vent several wind farm projects and experi-
mental projects in the field of biomass and
geothermal sources from being set up. The
green energies plan is primarily based on

Supporting environmental protection

the development and use of inex- energies. The company has made also good company management”,
haustible sources such as solar firm commitments to lower its declared Joe Kaeser, President and
energy and its aim is to prepare the carbon emissions worldwide, re- CEO of Siemens AG.
Algeria of tomorrow. duce its contribution to climate
In order to ensure a long-term
change and help its customers
reduction in its CO2 emissions,
Increased energy capacity in mitigate their environmental im-
Siemens will be acting in three
order to become a major player pact.
other areas. Firstly, the group will
Algeria has also initiated a major
Siemens aims to be the first major use distributed energy systems in
program to reinforce its energy
industrial group in the world to its production facilities and offices,
capacity and is positioning itself to
achieve a zero net carbon footprint in order to optimize energy costs. It
become a major player in electricity
by 2030 and intends to halve its CO2 will systematically use low-emis-
production. The aim of this pro-
emissions by 2020. To do this, sions vehicles and e-mobility con-
gram, run by the public company
Siemens will be investing nearly cepts for its global automobile fleet.
Sonelgaz, is to double its electricity
11.7 billion DZD (100 million EUR) Thirdly, it will increasingly opt for
production capacity, as the country
over the coming three years, to clean energy sources, emitting little
will be needing an additional 20 GW
bring down the energy footprint of or no CO2, such as natural gas or
by 2030. The idea is to produce
its production sites and its build- wind power.
electricity not only for Algeria but
also for neighboring markets.
In the field of sustainable develop-
Siemens is banking on energy
ment, whether production and
Siemens’ contribution to reducing savings of about 2.4 billion DZD
distribution of gas and oil, mainte-
CO2 emissions (20 million EUR) per year as of
nance of solar and hybrid power
Siemens is fundamentally attached 2020. “Limiting our carbon footprint
plants or other industrial applica-
to the development of sustainable is not only a responsible action, it is

Supporting environmental protection

Hassi R’Mel, the first hybrid

electricity power plant

tions, Siemens is a reliable partner The hybrid (combined cycle) solar 500 MW turnkey electricity power
for Algeria. The aim is to help the power plant in Hassi R’Mel started plant, including a maintenance
country migrate to a more efficient to produce electricity in June 2011. contract.
energy generating scheme with It is one of the very first hybrid
By 2020, Siemens will also supply
lower carbon emissions. power plants in the world, combin-
solutions and services for gas and
ing an array of parabolic mirrors
A major role in low carbon emis- steam turbines to several electricity
concentrating 25 MW of solar
sions industrialization power plants in the country, such as
power over a surface of 180,000 m²
Thanks to its particularly efficient Ain Arnet, Ras Djinet, Biskra and
with a combined cycle gas power
combined cycle energy offering, Hassi R’Mel, which will represent
plant of 130 MW.
Siemens is one of the world’s lead- 18% of the total installed energy
ing suppliers of environmental- The gas turbine and the steam cycle capacity of Algeria.
ly-friendly technologies. are supplied with natural gas and
the steam turbine receives addition- Rhourde Nouss: a major gas
The Siemens environmental portfo-
al solar generated steam during the producing site
lio comprises all of its technologies
daytime. Rhourde Nouss is an important gas
in the fields of energy efficiency
producing site representing more
and CO2 reduction. During the 2014 The Siemens contract comprises
than 20% of Algeria’s gas produc-
financial year, it generated preventive and corrective mainte-
tion: 75 million m3 per day spread
3,892 billion DZD (33 billion EUR) in nance services for the two SGT-800
over four processing units.
sales, or 46% of the total revenues gas turbines installed by the group
of Siemens. in 2011. One of these units is equipped with
This service contract aims to ensure Siemens turbocompressors. After
Siemens is pleased to play a major
the long-term reliability, with pre- being commissioned in 2014, its
role in the low carbon emissions
dictable maintenance costs, of the capacity is 10 million m3 per day.
industrialization of Algeria.
Hassi R’Mel, power plant, one of the
Hassi R’Mel, first hybrid electricity world’s most innovative.
power plant
Estimated at 13.9 TWh per year, the Siemens is also present in the
solar potential of Algeria is among electricity sector, from production
the highest in the world. Annual to distribution
exposure to sunshine is the equiva- As leader of the consortium chosen
lent of 2,500 KWh/m2. The daily by the Algerian public company
solar energy potential varies from Sonelgaz, Siemens also built a
4.66 kWh/m2 in the North, to
7.26 kWh/m2 in the South.

Quality of life, health and integrity

“Today, Siemens means Integrity!

At Siemens Algeria, more than
50 training and awareness-raising
sessions have been held since 2012
for execution of the compliance and
anti-corruption program being
implemented group-wide”
Ines Boushaki, Compliance Director Algeria

Quality of life, health and integrity

Quality of life,
health and integrity

8 million
people have access to a Siemens
CT scanner in Algeria

117.8 billion DZD

devoted by Siemens to R&D in the medical sector

worldwide (1 billion EUR) in 2015

patients per hour benefit from care based on

Siemens equipment and technology

Quality of life, health and integrity

In Algeria, the health index has

considerably improved

When Algeria gained its independence in In the field of health, even if most targets
1962, it had barely 300 doctors and no (established under the United Nations
appropriate health system. Millennium Development Goals) were
reached in 2015, the Algerian health system
In the following decades, considerable
still suffers from qualitative and institutional
progress was made in building up the health
insufficiencies. The primary health care
sector, with doctors being trained and
facilities are often under-used and use of
numerous health facilities being built.
the various levels of health care is not
Algeria today has a well-established network optimized. The country’s health care net-
of hospitals (including university hospitals), work requires modernization, new invest-
clinics, health centers and small health units ments and improved organization and
and dispensaries. Even if the equipment and administration. Services in the rural areas
drugs are not necessarily the very latest and regions far from the towns are generally
generation, staffing numbers are high and even more under-equipped.
the country has one of the best health
systems in Africa.
Almost 98% of the population has access to
Almost 98% of the population has
basic health care and the health indices
have improved in recent decades. Free
access to basic health care
medical care was introduced in the 1970s.
The right diagnosis can save lives
Algeria enjoys one of the highest human Siemens is a leading global engineering
development levels in Africa, with life ex- company in the health sector. It specializes
pectancy of 74.8 years (2015). This figure is primarily in medical imaging, laboratory
higher than in the other countries with a diagnosis and new offerings such as man-
similar level of income. aged services, consulting, IT health services
and other technologies in the growing
Vaccination coverage exceeds 90%. The
market of therapeutic and molecular diag-
country’s epidemiological profile is gradual-
noses. Siemens has achieved a number of
ly being dominated by “rich country”
world firsts in the medical field, such as the
diseases, such as cardiovascular problems
X-ray tube, real time ultrasound imaging,
and diabetes. However, the upturn in “poor
dual-source scanner and integrated PET-MR
country” diseases such as cholera and
tuberculosis has reminded the authorities
that the health system is not yet robust Siemens Healthineers are helping to fight
enough. As is the case in many regions of the deadliest diseases, cancer, cardiovascu-
the world, Algeria will also have to deal with lar diseases and the infectious diseases
rapid population ageing and a simultaneous present in the developing countries.
drop in the birth rate. Siemens Healthineers products are essential
for diagnosing and treating more than
90 million people around the world, every

Quality of life, health and integrity

More than 1.08 billion people in the Siemens contributes to the distri- plants, etc.) entirely equipped with
developing countries have access to bution of water to the Algerian Siemens electrical and automation
Siemens imaging technologies. population systems
Every hour, more than 209,000 pa- Siemens has also been one of the
tients benefit from care based on leading water industry players in
Siemens equipment and technolo- Algeria since 1978, with more than
gy. 300 projects under its belt (pump-
ing stations, wastewater treatment
Siemens Algeria – at the cutting
edge of medical technologies
In 2016, Siemens Algeria installed
and started up a Skyra MRI in the
National Imaging Centre.
Although this equipment was
acquired under an international
contract signed with Siemens AG, it “Siemens is synonymous with quality
was carried out 100% by the team
at Siemens Algeria.
and rigorousness. We therefore intend
Over and above the fact that this is to use our experience and our robust
the first 3 Tesla MIR installed and
commissioned in the public sector position on the Algerian market to be-
in Algeria, with a configuration
superior to most of the equivalent come a leading and trusted partner for
facilities in Europe, this contract
also includes the implementation of the Health Sector.”
a scientific partnership focused on Anne Marie Mendes,
Director of the Healthineers Division

Quality of life, health and integrity

Algeria has progressed in the

“Doing Business” rankings

In recent years, the government has adopt- Along the same lines, Siemens selects its
ed reforms and laws (such as the Investment suppliers and partners according to a proce-
Code), to diversify the local economy, dure binding them to comply with its code
reduce dependence on hydrocarbons and on of ethics.
imports and stimulate the most promising
Siemens has also made safety a commit-
sectors in terms of exports. Algeria has thus
ment and a responsibility that is both indi-
risen from 163rd to 156th in the World Bank’s
vidual and collective, shared by all. This
Doing Business rankings.
“zero injuries” culture extends across the
Algeria recently adopted a new constitution entire company, through specific training
aiming to improve transparency and govern- programs.
ance and encourage a market economy.

Long term engagement

Siemens has been involved in Algeria for
more than 160 years (with the first tele-
graph in 1857) and had been established in
the country since 1962, becoming one of

“To be perfectly clear:

the companies most deeply rooted in the
Siemens Algeria makes it a point of honor to
follow the principle of good governance
with regard to compliance, suppliers and
safety and compliance
are the foundations of
Since 2012, a Siemens compliance manager
based in Algeria has provided more than
50 in-house training courses on this subject
and organizes conferences for students on
our company and are
the same subject, with the assistance of

Joe Kaeser, President and CEO of Siemens AG

Encouraging productivity and innovation

“We will help ensure that more

than 3,000,000 Algerian homes
have access to electricity by 2020
Mourad Chirk Belhadj,
Director of the Power & Gas division and the Power Generation Services division

Encouraging productivity and innovation

and innovation

IT engineers – Siemens is one of the
world’s leading suppliers of software solutions

In 2014, Siemens launches its
regional engineering centers
(REC); one of the first was set

11 billion
up in Algeria

m3 of gas transported every year by the GPDF

20 years
pipeline, equipped with Siemens systems

of Siemens experience in the

digital field

Encouraging productivity and innovation

When it comes to innovation, the World A certain number of obstacles hinder Algeri-
Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) an companies in their innovation efforts:
ranked Algeria 72nd out of a total of lack of capacity for acquiring and integrat-
128 countries studied worldwide. ing external innovation within the company,
problems with identifying effective commer-
In Algeria, spending on research and on
cial models to encourage new ideas, and
development accounts for less than 1% of
insufficient investment funds and financing
GDP – a virtually insignificant level – to a
opportunities. In Algeria, the banks grant
large extent owing to the low level of pri-
too few credits and there is no risk-capital or
vate sector investment in research.
start-up capital market for companies.
Participation in research and innovation
The Algerian Government, which has fully
activities is generally good in the large
companies but insufficient in the SMEs.
There are currently no statistics for innova-
tion in Algeria, but if we take the filing of
innovation patents as an indicator, the
Algerian National Institute for Intellectual
Property (INAPI) has so far recorded more
than 800 inventions protected by patents.
Participation in research and
Of these, 90% come from the multination-
als, with the remaining 10% concerning
innovation activities is generally
national companies. good in the large companies but
insufficient in the SMEs

Encouraging productivity and innovation

Digitization is
seen as a social is the need to ensure the profitabili- in our economy and our society.
project ty of this model for the national
economy. Digitization is seen as a
The constantly growing and chang-
ing range of electricity production
social project with a cross-cutting
methods and new developments in
approach and implementation
the distribution, storage and con-
(technological and technical)
understood that the country cannot sumption of energy, are making the
around an exceptional human
rely on a hydrocarbons-based energy landscape increasingly
economy forever, has developed a complex. This market has more
series of plans to boost innovation. players and is producing more data
Every day, a gas turbine gener-
On the eve of a new industrial than ever before. For example, a
ates an average volume of 30 gi-
revolution based on information gas turbine generates an average
gabytes of operating data
and communication technologies, volume of 30 gigabytes of operating
in the global economy, data have
Algeria has placed the digital sector data daily. Smart assessment of
become the most important “raw
at the heart of its strategy to devel- these data makes it possible to
material” and, unlike others, their
op and diversify the economy. Two determine at what moment the
volume is constantly rising. They
significant advantages (nearly 60% turbines need to be serviced – lead-
also lead to greater transparency
of the population under 30 years ing to shorter down-times for the
and allow improved decision-mak-
old and a high level of penetration customers.
ing. By integrating the masses of
of digital tools) put Algeria in a
data produced by the machines Digitization is a highly strategic
good position to become a country
with the data from other sources challenge for Siemens’ customers.
with high potential in the digital
(such as weather forecasts and field Thanks to its digital transformation
service reports) and by carrying out expertise and experience of more
advanced analyses, the experts can than 20 years in this field, Siemens
Placing the digital economy at the
predict and avoid failures. They can is playing an important role in data
also identify opportunities for generation and analysis. Siemens’
For the Minister in charge of the
improving performance or for digital services, described as “smart
digital economy and modernization
making energy and cost savings. information systems”, combine the
of the financial systems, the imple-
Digitization is in the process of most advanced algorithms, data
mentation of the digital economy
bringing about a profound change analysis and automatic learning
ecosystem is an absolute priority, as
The overall digitization offering

Encouraging productivity and innovation

(processing, analysis and smart use Our role is to meet the particular Siemens supplies integrated solu-
of the mass of data generated by needs of oil and gas pipeline tions for pipelines: machinery,
the Siemens solutions and prod- operators automation, electricity and security
ucts) enables the customers to Pipelines are vital in ensuring the and communication systems.
significantly boost their productivi- safe, reliable and efficient transport
ty. By combining data and engineer- of oil and gas. They represent a vital
ing technology throughout the link for any national economy.
value chain, they reach high levels
of flexibility and resilience in pro-
duction and in operations. The global digitization offering ena-
Siemens digitization technologies bles the customers to significantly
and engineering working for
Algeria boost their productivity
To stimulate innovation around the
world, Siemens launched a new
The Maghreb-Europe gas pipeline
initiative in 2014: the regional
(GPDF) connects the Algerian site of
engineering centers (REC) built
Hassi R’mel, through Morocco, to
around the “Digital Grid”, one of the
Spain, where it is connected to the
first of which was set up in Algeria.
Spanish and Portuguese networks.
This enabled 13 young graduates It mainly supplies Spain and
from this sector to take part in a Portugal, as well as Morocco, with
training program in Belgium. natural gas.
The center now offers its expertise Every year, 11 billion m3 are carried
to Africa and Europe. by this gas pipeline, entirely
equipped with a Siemens control
and data acquisition system.

Transformation of society

“As the leader on the rail automation

market, we provide Algeria with cutting
edge solutions”
Abdelaziz Sameur – Director Mobility Division

Transformation of society

of society

of cement production in Algeria uses
Siemens equipment and technologies

2.7 millions 28,000,000

passengers per year are carried by the
tons per year: the capacity of the Algiers metro for which Siemens, as
Biskra cement works, for which consortium leader, delivered the first
Siemens delivered the air insulat- line and is continuing to supply the
ed substations (AIS) signaling systems

Transformation of society

Algeria is experiencing
rapid urban development

Known for its magnificent Sahara desert and Algiers) and other urban centers such as
its impressive Atlas mountains, Algeria is the Constantine and Annaba. On the Mediterra-
largest country in Africa. More than 90% of nean coast in the north of the country,
its population is concentrated in about 1/8th Algiers is home to 5.7 million people. It has
of its territory, with the plateau and the the privilege of being the oldest city in the
desert regions being scarcely populated. country, going back nearly 3,000 years. Its
Nine out of every ten people live in the port, the largest in Algeria, is also a major
northern coastal region, where the coun- industrial center.
try’s main cities are located.
Urban development in Algeria is rapid
(2.77% per year between 2010 and 2015),
and it has a population of 40,263,711 (July
2016 estimates), distributed between the
rural and above all urban areas, because
Siemens is developing Smart City
more than 70% of Algerians (2015) live in
cities. Algiers, the capital is the largest city
projects worldwide
in the country, followed by Oran (west of

Transformation of society

A sustainable city in every sense This strong trend towards urban tives, while enabling them to meas-
The creation of new towns (Sidi development, combined with the ure the impact of their technologi-
Abdellah, Bouinan, Boughzoul, rapid rise in the number of cities cal choices on job creation and
Hassi-Messaoud and El-Ménéa) over a short period, complicates growth in the infrastructures sector.
demonstrates the desire to inte- urban management as a whole.
The City Performance Tool is a
grate a certain number of “sustaina- Algeria is tackling this major chal-
sophisticated simulation tool that
ble city” aspects in the broadest lenge within the framework of a
can be used for a large number of
possible sense. In addition to the new urban governance program.
different decision-making scenarios.
new towns, Algeria is also initiating This more particularly involves
It analyses the buildings, transports
integrated city projects (new town enabling the new towns to carry
and energy technologies of a city,
centers), including collective equip- out residential, social and economic
through more than 70 technologies
ment, access to energy, water and functions, harmoniously.
deployed at any given moment and
green spaces. A large number of the
level of implementation. It meas-
new towns enjoy large residential An interactive tool for cities
ures the impact of a city’s strategic
areas, sustainable development The “City Performance Tool” (CyPT)
plans, compares traditional and
centers and links with universities is a complete, interactive tool
more modern methods and deter-
or scientific research centers. developed by Siemens to help cities
mines the rate at which each city
meet their environmental objec-

Transformation of society

needs to deploy them in order to Siemens has won a contract to 60% of oil production is transport-
reach its environmental objectives. supply air insulated substations ed via Siemens pumping stations
It also provides environmental and (AIS) for the Biskra cement works in The 800 km long OZ2 oil pipeline
economic performance indicators in the south of the country, with a links Haoud el Amra, in the south of
the transport, building and energy capacity of 2.7 million tons per year. Algeria, to Arzew, on the Mediterra-
sectors. nean coast. It was built in 2005 and
Today, 50% of cement production in
was designed to help Algeria stimu-
In Algeria, given the current rate of Algeria, or more than 8 million tons
late oil exports. The OZ2 pipeline
increase in production by the vari- per year, is based on electrical
follows the route of the OZ1 pipe-
ous cement manufacturing compa- equipment and automation technol-
line, built about 30 years ago.
nies, the country will be “self-suffi- ogies from Siemens.
cient” in cement by 2017-2018. Today, 60% of all oil production in
Several cement-works projects have Algeria is transported through the
been launched, allowing substantial OZ2 pipeline. This innovative pipe-
additional production of cement for line is equipped with six pumping
the Algerian market. stations, for which Siemens sup-
plied the equipment, including
30 turbines.

Transformation of society

1st 70
As consortium leader, technologies in the Siemens City
Siemens delivered the first metro Performance Tool (CyPT)
line in Algeria

of all oil production in Algeria is
carried via the OZ2 pipeline,
equipped with 6 Siemens pump-
ing stations

Transformation of society

Rail automation
market leader
During the dark decade from 1991 to 2001, In recent years, the rail infrastructure has
infrastructure investments were practically benefited from significant investments;
paralyzed in Algeria. This situation led to orders were placed or improvements made
significant delays in infrastructure mainte- on the main routes. This work is part of the
nance and upgrades. Moreover, the coun- government’s long-term plan to develop and
try’s vast desert area poses a permanent modernize the rail network.
challenge to infrastructure projects.
Long-distance connectivity along the nor­
To remedy this, the government has made
thern coast is also on the agenda. The
transport a priority; major upgrades and
Algerian government is investing
expansions are in progress, under its vast
9,596 billion DZD (81 billion EUR) to develop
public investment program.
a high-speed east-west line over a distance
of 1,300 km, crossing the country from
A high-speed line
Tunisia to Morocco. It will also have spurs
Most of the population and therefore most
connected to the main ports and cities.
of the country’s economic lifeblood, is
situated along the northern coastal strip.
Algerian railways are also most densely
concentrated in this same zone.
Road and rail links focus mainly on long-
distance connectivity on the east-west
and north-south routes. Long-distance connectivity
along the northern coast
is also on the agenda

Transformation of society

First metro line

The key question is to organize
transport so as to avoid unneces-
sary delays and harmful emissions.
Long-distance transport linking vari-
ous regions in Algeria and crossing
the continents, poses a series of
questions. It is essential to ensure
economic management along the
entire logistic chain and guarantee
reliability and safety at all levels for
the transport of goods.
Safety, efficiency and responsible For the capital, Algiers, Siemens carried more than 75,000 passen-
management of resources are the – as consortium leader – delivered gers per day, or an average of
main reasons why increasing num- the first metro line: Trainguard MT 28,000,000 passengers every year.
bers of logistics managers are CBTC automatic train control sys-
opting for rail transport in the Siemens will also be in charge of
tem, Airlink radiocommunication
future – in particular for transport- the first phase of deployment of the
system and Digiloc train localization
ing heavy goods. European Train Control System
system. Siemens also installed the
(ETCS) on the Algiers metro net-
Goods transport by rail has two key telecommunication system and the
work. It will enable trainsets to run
advantages: it is far faster than traction electricity power supply.
at top speeds of 160 km/h and
transport by sea (all the more so The operations control center was increase hourly frequencies in order
over long distances) and financially also equipped with Siemens tech- to boost capacity. Siemens will also
far more interesting than air freight. nology. The company was in charge be delivering shunting infrastruc-
of project management and sched- tures in order to reinforce the
Sound technology for more than uling. The consortium partners efficiency of the freight line and a
150 years were Construcciones y Auxiliar de cutting edge technology to optimize
A number of the rail transport Ferro- carriles S.A. (CAF) and Vinci freight handling. The Algerian
challenges can be overcome by Construction. personnel will be trained in the
implementing individual automa-
tion solutions. Rail systems safety
technology has proven its worth for For the capital Algiers, Siemens,
more than 150 years now.
From the beginning, Siemens has
as consortium leader, delivered
been a player in this field and still
has a key role in the future develop-
the first metro line
ment of innovative technologies for
rail automation in North Africa. operation and maintenance of the
Since it opened in 2010 and up to
the end of 2016, the metro line has

“We cannot rely on oil, industry
and agriculture alone. We must move
towards a knowledge-based
digital economy”
Abdelmalek Sellal,
Prime Minister of Algeria


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