Honduras Exit Strategies ExecSummary Oct2016 0

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Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance III Project October 2016

Sustaining Development: Results from a Study of Sustainability

and Exit Strategies among Development Food Assistance Projects–
Honduras Country Study
Beatrice Rogers, Leslie Sanchez, Jamie Fierstein, of the Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman School of
Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University

This brief summarizes the approach to and findings

and recommendations of the sustainability and exit
strategies study in Honduras. Additional findings
from the Honduras study and other country studies
are available at www.fantaproject.org.

To be effective, development projects must
result in lasting change. Projects may meet
their objectives by improving economic,
health, or social conditions while they are
operating, but genuine success is achieved
only through sustained change that does not
depend on continued external resources. To A girl carries her brother in the Maya-Chortí village of
assess the effectiveness of the U.S. Agency Estanzuelas. (Source: Sean Hawkey/Photoshare)
for International Development (USAID) Office
of Food for Peace (FFP) development food
assistance projects’ sustainability plans and
outcomes, and impacts evolved over the 2–3
exit strategies for achieving sustainable
years after the projects exited. In Honduras,
impacts after the projects exited their
three organizations—Adventist Development
implementation areas, the Tufts University
and Relief Agency (ADRA), Save the Children
Friedman School of Nutrition Science and
(SC), and World Vision (WV)—implemented
Policy, a partner on the USAID-funded Food
development FFP projects in the technical
and Nutrition Technical Assistance III Project
sectors of maternal and child health and
(FANTA), conducted a multi-country study of
nutrition (MCHN); water and sanitation (W&S);
project activities, outcomes, and impacts from
and agriculture, income-generating activities
2009 to 2016.
(IGAs), and natural resource management
Twelve FFP development projects in four (NRM). These organizations also implemented
countries (Kenya, Honduras, Bolivia, and India) cross-cutting infrastructure projects.
were included in the study. Funding for these
multisectoral projects ended between 2008 Objectives
and 2009, providing the study team with an • Determine the extent to which the activities,
opportunity to observe how their activities, outcomes, and impacts of FFP development

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Results from a Study of Sustainability and Exit Strategies among Food Assistance Projects–Honduras

projects in Honduras were sustained after the the study team identified three factors that it
withdrawal of FFP funding. considered to be critical to sustainability: an
• Identify project and non-project factors that made
ensured source of resources to sustain the
it possible to sustain project benefits after the activities that contribute to sustainable impact,
projects ended. sufficient technical and managerial capacity
on the part of project participants and service
• Assess how project design, sustainability plans, the providers to continue implementing activities
development of exit strategies, and the process of independent of the projects, and motivation
exit affected sustainability.1 on the part of service providers and project
• Provide guidance to future project implementers participants to continue engaging in these
and funders regarding how to improve activities post-project. The study team also
sustainability. found that a fourth factor, linkages (including
vertical linkages, such as between community
Methods health workers and the Government of
Qualitative data were collected at the time of Honduras health system, and/or horizontal
the projects’ exit, 1 year later, and 2 years later linkages, such as among local committees),
(2009, 2010, and 2011). In 2009, qualitative was also essential to consider, and appropriate
data were collected through phone interviews linkages were critical to sustainability for most
with project staff and other stakeholders, as technical sector interventions. In addition,
a political crisis made it impossible to conduct the study team found that the process of exit
fieldwork. In 2010 and 2011, the study team affected sustainability. Gradual exit, with the
conducted key informant interviews and focus opportunity for project participants (individuals
groups discussions in the field with project and organizations) to operate independently
participants and non-participants, as well as prior to project closure, made it more likely that
with project staff, service providers, and other activities would be continued without project
stakeholders. The study team also visited and support. The results from each technical sector
observed farmers’ fields, production facilities, supported the importance of these factors.
and infrastructure created by the projects. In
One of the key results applicable to all technical
2011, 2 years after the projects exited, the study
sectors was that evidence of the sustainability
team also conducted quantitative follow-up
of activities, outputs, and impacts at the time
surveys that replicated the projects’ endline
of project exit did not necessarily predict
evaluations to permit statistical comparison of
sustainability 2 years later. Although there were
key indicators at the time of exit and 2 years
many examples of project impacts that were
later. Primary data collection was complemented
substantial and positive at project exit that were
by information from baseline and midterm
evaluation reports, as well as from other project maintained or even improved 2 years later, there
documents. were also many examples of positive impacts
at exit that were not sustained and, in some
Results cases, declined to the project’s baseline levels or
below. Further, the provision of free resources
Sustainability was judged in terms of the threatened sustainability by, in some instances,
continuation of service delivery and service creating unrealistic expectations that could not
use, the adoption of practices promoted by be met once these resources were withdrawn.
the projects, and the maintenance or further Withdrawal of free resources sometimes also
improvement of project impacts. As successive reduced the motivation of beneficiaries and
rounds of data collection were implemented, service providers. A synopsis of findings by the
This study defines sustainability plan as a plan describing those
technical sectors implemented in Honduras
elements of a project that incorporate sustainability concerns follows.
and increase the likelihood that project activities and impacts will
continue after exit. Exit strategy is defined as an operational plan
for withdrawing from target communities without jeopardizing
progress toward project goals.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Results from a Study of Sustainability and Exit Strategies among Food Assistance Projects–Honduras

Maternal and child health and baseline and endline, though, were maintained
nutrition or improved 2 years after exit.
In the MCHN sector, community health workers
Water and sanitation
(CHWs) provided growth monitoring and
supplementary food rations, health talks, and The FFP development projects in Honduras
home visits to mothers, and were expected worked with existing community-based
to transition to being supported by the water committees or created new ones to
Government of Honduras health system when provide, maintain, and manage piped water to
the project exited. Linkages to the government households and to promote the construction
health system were effective in some cases, of latrines or toilets. Projects provided high-
but in others, financial constraints meant that quality materials for construction and repairs
CHWs did not consistently receive continued and trained water committee members in
government support (e.g., in the form of training the technical and administrative aspects of
or supplies). Nonetheless, 2 years after project managing the piped water systems, including
exit, more than two-thirds of former FFP how to set fees at a level that would sustain
communities still had at least one working CHW, the systems. Project sustainability plans for
supported either by a Government of Honduras this intervention were based on collecting
health system service provider or by another household water fees that would provide the
nongovernmental organization (NGO). resources to maintain and repair the systems
when needed. This plan worked, as households
The majority of mothers continued to make were motivated by the tangible benefit of having
use of growth monitoring services 2 years after access to piped water in the home. Projects also
project exit, but many shifted from growth planned to establish linkages between water
monitoring provided in the community by committees and the municipalities to provide
the CHW to growth monitoring provided by ongoing training and resources, but these
public health centers (typically outside the linkages were not generally implemented, as
community) or other NGOs. This decline in water committees preferred to manage their
demand for key CHW services meant that some budgets independently. Households’ access
CHWs stopped working, and almost all stopped to piped water was well maintained, and the
making home visits to monitor and encourage great majority of piped water systems were
good health and hygiene practices. Although maintained at the community level by the water
mothers cited health benefits as the motivation committees 2 years after the projects exited.
for participating in growth monitoring, both
Water quality testing and water purification
mothers and CHWs cited the withdrawal of FFP
were less well maintained: few water
project-provided food rations as one reason
committees were arranging for water quality
for the shift away from CHW-provided growth
testing 2 years after exit or were applying
monitoring. Mothers largely chose to use other
chlorine at the water tank, as the project
growth monitoring services where material
had encouraged. One reason for this is that
benefits, including meals and food rations, were
motivation was lacking, since households
objected to the taste of chlorine. In addition,
In addition, the practice of exclusive because project staff took responsibility for
breastfeeding until 6 months of age was well arranging for water quality testing up to the time
maintained 2 years after exit, but most other of project exit, water committees had not taken
health practices (e.g., continued feeding during on this responsibility and had no independent
episodes of diarrhea, timely introduction of experience managing water quality testing prior
complementary feeding, and handwashing) to exit.
declined, in some cases dramatically. Declines The provision of piped water demonstrates
in the prevalence of stunting between project that the convergence of three critical factors

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Results from a Study of Sustainability and Exit Strategies among Food Assistance Projects–Honduras

(resources, capacity, and motivation) and a as well as resilience to climate and other shocks
process that allowed water committees to and stressors, declined when inputs (such as
operate independently for extended periods seedlings) and training were no longer provided.
of time before project exit contributed to
the largely successful sustainability of the Integral to all of the projects’ implementation
project-provided piped water systems 2 years strategies was the formation of producer
after exit. The case of water quality testing associations that were intended to be a
and purification demonstrates how the lack mechanism for sharing information and for
of a critical factor (motivation) and absence collective marketing to obtain better prices
of a period of independent operation can be for products. Two years after the projects
detrimental to sustainability. exited, farmer participation in producer
associations had declined. Farmers cited the
Agriculture, Income-Generating cost of membership and an inability to produce
Activities, and natural resource a sufficient quality and quantity of products
management to participate in collective marketing efforts
as inhibitors to engagement in this activity.
The goal of the agriculture, IGA, and NRM
Farmers also expressed reluctance to engage
components of the FFP development projects
in collective marketing and a preference for
in Honduras was to improve household
selling independently. Indeed, the follow-up
income and food security by teaching farmers
survey found that most farmers were marketing
to apply productivity-enhancing agricultural
their crops as individuals, and this fraction had
practices, encouraging them to produce non-
increased since project exit.
traditional crops, and promoting sales of crops
and processed products. The basis for the Projects also organized small enterprises to
sustainability of these interventions was that process agricultural commodities for sale.
profits would provide the resources for the In addition, WV, which worked in a coffee-
inputs needed to continue applying the practices producing region, linked coffee farmers with
farmers had learned, farmers’ capacities would exporters for long-term contracts that included
be maintained through continued application access to technical assistance and credit. Two
of the learned practices, and farmers would years after exit, the proportion of farmers
be motivated by increased production and engaged in agricultural sales fell in areas where
associated income. marketing support had been provided by the
project and without charge until project exit.
Project staff taught model farmers to train
The proportion of farmers engaged in sales
other farmers in improved practices. The
was sustained in many areas where farmers had
model farmers were given free inputs to use
established and were independently nurturing
on their own land as an incentive throughout
links to commercial markets at the time of exit.
project implementation, but the study results
The change in yields for project-targeted staple
show that model farmers stopped providing
crops was inconsistent, in part due to climate
training once the project-provided inputs
shocks over the 2-year period. Nonetheless,
and incentives were withdrawn. Two years
household food security as measured by months
after exit, the percent of farmers applying the
of adequate household food provisioning was
improved practices taught in the projects fell
sustained or improved 2 years after exit in all
in all project areas, although this decrease was
three project areas and dietary diversity was
less pronounced in project areas where exit
sustained or improved over the same period in
was more gradual. Farmers who owned their
two of the three project areas.
own land were more likely to continue using
project-supported improved practices, as were Among the key lessons learned for this sector
farmers trained by the projects. Similarly, NRM were that withdrawal of material incentives
practices, such as reforestation and terracing, threatened the sustainability of service delivery
which were intended to improve productivity and other activities, and sustainability was

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Results from a Study of Sustainability and Exit Strategies among Food Assistance Projects–Honduras

greater when withdrawal of support was gradual • Assumptions underlying sustainability plans
so that individuals and organizations could should be realistically assessed, taking into
develop independence in applying practices and account the time horizon, contextual factors, and
implementing activities (e.g., commercialization) available resources; projects based on unrealistic
prior to project exit. The critical factors of expectations (or hopes) should be adjusted
resources, capacity, and motivation were accordingly.
essential. Vertical linkages to market institutions • Exit strategies should clearly allocate
and buyers were also key for this sector. responsibilities for phase-over.

Conclusions and Recommendations • Project exit should be gradual; support should be

progressively withdrawn so that organizations and
The results of the study support the conclusion individuals (and associated linkage partners) have a
that the three critical factors—resources, significant period of independent operation before
capacity, and motivation—are all essential to the project exit.
sustainability of project activities, outcomes,
and impacts, while the fourth factor, linkages, • Sustainability strategies should incorporate
must also be considered in project design and clear and realistic plans for continued access to
implementation. Sustainability is more likely resources, capacity, and motivation over the long
when project withdrawal is gradual, and when term.
beneficiaries, both individuals and organizations, • Plans for linking project activities to external
have an opportunity to operate independently entities should consider carefully whether the
while project staff are still available to offer institutions involved in these planned linkages have
guidance. the resources, capacity, and motivation to sustain
In addition, the study found that indications of
impact at the time of exit do not necessarily • Linkages should be established early so that
assure that those impacts will be felt after linkage partners (including commercial entities)
exit. Impact and sustainability are distinct have time to develop relationships and procedures
achievements, and an exclusive focus on impact and have time to test and modify them before
at exit may jeopardize sustainability over project exit.
the longer term. For example, providing free • Provision of free resources should be avoided, or
resources (such as food or agricultural inputs) should be structured as a one-time donation that
may maximize short-term impact, but their will result in ongoing service delivery or service use
withdrawal may jeopardize sustainability if no without further free resources. If free resources
provision has been made for these resources are provided, projects should identify locally
to be replaced. Providing free resources itself available replacement resources and build in a shift
poses risks for sustainability, as these may lead to cost-sharing these resources and, ultimately, to
to unrealistic expectations that cannot be met full beneficiary payment for any goods and services
after project exit. prior to project exit.

The results of the study in Honduras led to Recommendations for Donors/Funders

the following recommendations for project • Criteria for project success should incorporate
designers and managers, donors/funders, and indicators for sustainability, not only impact
for future research. indicators, possibly by means of staged evaluations
with indicators adjusted for the stage of
Recommendations for Project implementation.
Designers and Managers
• Progress toward sustainability should be
• Explicit sustainability plans and exit strategies monitored throughout the project cycle (e.g., at
should be incorporated into development project baseline, midterm, and endline) so that identified
plans from the beginning. modifications can be implemented as necessary in
ongoing and/or future projects.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Results from a Study of Sustainability and Exit Strategies among Food Assistance Projects–Honduras

• The project cycle should allow sufficient time to • Collect information on outcomes and impacts at
build capacity and have a period of independent the level of the target communities and beyond,
operation of activities and linkages prior to project rather than focusing only on the intended direct
exit. beneficiaries. That is, design sustainability studies
to capture not only direct, but also second- and
• Projects should be required to maintain archives of
third-order indirect effects (for example, project
baseline, midterm, and endline evaluations, as well
impact not only on agricultural income, but on
as associated data, along with information derived
household income from all sources, and not only
from routine project monitoring and associated
on agricultural households, but on all households in
reporting so that these are accessible for learning.
the target communities).
Recommendations for Future Research • Consider studies to compare the long-term
• Incorporate into sustainability studies, when impacts on low-income communities of targeting
possible, a control (randomly assigned) or project resources to the poorest of poor recipients
comparison group to permit an experimental versus targeting those with more resources.
research design in order to strengthen conclusions.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Results from a Study of Sustainability and Exit Strategies among Food Assistance Projects–Honduras

www.fantaproject.org @FANTAproject

Contact Information: Recommended Citation: Rogers, Beatrice; Sanchez, Leslie; and

Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance III Project Fierstein, Jamie. 2016. Sustaining Development: Results from a
(FANTA) Study of Sustainability and Exit Strategies among Development
FHI 360 Food Assistance Projects—Honduras Country Study Executive
Summary. Washington, DC: FHI 360/FANTA.
1825 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20009-5721 This study was made possible by the generous support of the American
Tel: 202-884-8000 people through the support of the Office of Health, Infectious
Email: fantamail@fhi360.org Diseases, and Nutrition, Bureau for Global Health, and the Office of
Food for Peace, Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian
Assistance, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), under
terms of Cooperative Agreements GHN-A-00-08-00001-00, AID-
OAA-A-11-00014, and AID-OAA-A-12-00005 through the Food and
Nutrition Technical Assistance III (FANTA) Project, managed by FHI 360.
The contents are the responsibility of FHI 360/FANTA and do not
necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

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