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Shreshtha Acharjee


Good morning dearest Varanasi family!

I am Shreshtha Acharya, a student from Kolkata. Since 2012, my family and I have been
practicing the life-changing philosophy of Nichiren Buddhism.

I arrived in Banaras last December, and it took me almost an entire semester to adjust to the
demanding lifestyle of a college student away from home. Through trial and error methods, I
managed to fit in. I used to feel anxious, expecting someone to reprimand me at any moment for
not utilizing my day productively. After performing even the simplest tasks, I would feel
exhausted, leaving me with little energy for studying or my prayers.

After carefully observing the patterns of my procrastination, I decided to take charge of my

circumstances in May. With prayer at the center, I began waking up at 6 am daily to start
chanting. Afterward, I would tidy up my space and engage in yoga or a simple workout. I
practiced mindfulness and structured my day around actively focusing on each task at hand.
This approach helped me overthink less and feel more mentally energetic.

Sensei Dr. Daisaku Ikeda writes, "Courage, strength, and wisdom emerge in those
who consciously take on everything as protagonists and take responsibility for
achieving their goals. Unlimited wisdom and fervent resolve arise from a sense of

On the 18th of August, just two days ago, our external exams began. My friend and I, having
finished our paper early, decided to take a stroll around the college campus. While it was
raining, we joyfully took pictures as well. While descending the stairs, my friend accidentally
slipped and fell, scraping her right shin bone, which turned into a bruised line. The security
personnel suggested we take an ambulance to the nearest hospital. From that point on, she and
I navigated the Emergency Outpatient section of a crowded government hospital for over five
hours, with her in a wheelchair.

Silently chanting daimoku, I sent her prayers and provided her with constant affirmative
consolations. I had the wisdom and courage to communicate directly with the doctors, seek their
guidance, and proceed to have the x-ray done. Ultimately, her leg was put in a cast. Throughout
this time, I kept our warden ma'am informed, and she ensured our safe transportation. She
expressed gratitude for my bravery and human spirit. My friend and I returned, laughing all the
way, as we recalled the adventurous day we had experienced. She thanked me for making her
pain more bearable, and we both consider it a cherished memory. I am pleased to share that as
a token of her appreciation, she has agreed to attend every Zadankai and Gosho meeting with
me starting from November.
Sensei Ikeda shares in "The Human Revolution" that, "Casting off the transient
and revealing the true" means each of us establishing a strong self capable of
overcoming all difficulties, breaking through fundamental ignorance, and
expressing our inherently enlightened nature, the Dharma nature.

As a Capable Disciple of Sensei Ikeda, I pledge to base my life on the Strategy of the Lotus
Sutra, building a fortress of happiness imbued with the spirit of indigo and an even deeper blue.
I will make studying my foundation, construct an invincible self, expand the circle of Soka
sisterhood in my hostel, and succeed in every aspect of life!

Thank you very much! Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

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