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A short Essay on a global

Joannes Richter

A number of animals may have learned to communicate by a few acoustic tokens, which are
modulated by their breath in relatively simple obstacles in their windpipes.
In contrast the human vocal tract may be generated in five independent sources, which may control
a relatively large number of compact acoustic signals, which are named the letters in our alphabet.
The composition of the letters to words allows the human voice to produce numerous words. A
subset of dedicated 5-letter words, in which each letter represents one of the five independent
sources, may also be interpreted as a hierarchical more important word to indicate principal
definitions such as kings, impressive or huge animals or plants, deities, religious concepts, rivers,
etc. These 5-letter compositions may be named pentagrammatons.
The 5 letter-categories are linguals, palatals, labials, gutturals, dentals, which are related to the
primary 5 points of articulation: tongue, palate, lips, throat and the teeth. The Nasals (M and N),
Liquids and Sibilants are secondary points of articulation.
In a Judeo-Arabic commentary on “Sefer Yetzirah” (chapter 4, paragraph 3) Rabbi Saadia Gaon
describes the phonetic sounds of the 22 characters of the Hebrew alphabet and classifies them in 5
groups based on their individual sounds1:
1. “Aleph (‫א‬, A), He (‫ה‬, E), Heth (‫ח‬, H), ‘Ayin (‫ע‬, Gh) are [Gu= guttural sounds] produced
from the depth of the tongue with the opening of the throat,
2. but Bet (‫ב‬, B), Waw (‫ו‬, V), Mem (‫מ‬, M), Pe (‫פ‬, Ph) are [La= labial sounds] made by the
release of the lips and the end of the tongue;
3. whereas Gimel (‫ג‬, G), Yodh (‫י‬, I), Kaph (‫כ‬, Ch), Qoph (‫ק‬, K) are [Pa=palatals] separated by
the width of the tongue [against the palate] with the [emission of] sound.
4. However, Dalet (‫ד‬, D), Teth (‫ט‬, T), Lamedh (‫ל‬, L), Nun (‫נ‬, N), Taw (‫ת‬, Th) are
[Li=linguals] separated by the mid-section of the tongue with the [emission of] sound;
5. whereas Zayin (‫ז‬, Z), Samekh (‫ס‬, S), Tsade (‫צ‬, Ts), Resh (‫ר‬, R), Shin (‫ש‬, Sh) are [De=
dental sounds] produced between the teeth by a tongue that is at rest.” 2
In “The Vocabulary of the 5-Letter Words” an overview of ~400 possible Pentagrammatons. An
analysis of the pentagrammatons may be found in The 2-Dimensional Alphabets' Compendium.
The compositions of the genuine Pentagrammatons without any traces of the common metaphors
may identify an etymology, which is based on the 5 sources at the points of articulation.
The name of the sky-god may have been one of the earliest foundations for the pentagrams. The
name IU-PITER contains the root word PITER, PITAR or VITAR, respectively FITAR for
“father”. An equivalent for “mother” may have been MITER or MITAR.

1 Notes to the Sefer Yetzirah and Another View on the Sefer Yetzirah (Scribd) 10.11.2020, 20:11:09, j ri
2 Footnote in Modern Hebrew phonology – Wikipedia – quoted in Another View on the Sefer Yetzirah (Scribd) -
10.11.2020, 20:11:09, j ri

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