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for the Ti-Nspire CX CAS –

Solve 2. order Differential Equation using Laplace Transforms
Find Transfer Function via Laplace Transforms
Solve 3. order Differential Equation using Laplace Transforms
Solve Integral Equation using Laplace Transforms
Laplace Transform - Step by Step
Laplace Transform of Piecewise Defined Functions
Laplace Transform of Dirac Delta
Laplace Transform of Unit Step
Laplace Transform over given Interval
Laplace Transform and RLC Circuit Analysis
Transfer Function ay''+by'+cy=dx+ex'
Table of Laplace Transforms
Laplace Transform of Unit Step and Heavyside Functions
Inverse Laplace Transform
Inverse Laplace and Partial Fractions
Table of Laplace Transforms


Fourier Transform - Step by Step
Fourier Transform - Basic Signals
Fourier Transform - Unit Step Function
Fourier Transform of f(t)*u(t) over (-oo,oo)
Fourier Transform of f(t)*u(t) over [a,b]
Fourier Transform of f(t) over [a,b]
Fourier Transform of Piecewise Def Function
Inverse Fourier Transform - Step by Step
Table of Fourier Transforms
Usual Fourier Series of Function over [-pi,pi]
Fourier Series of Function over [-a,a]
Fourier Series of Function over [a,b]
Fourier Series of Function with 2 Pieces
Fourier Series of Function with 3 Pieces
Fourier Series of Function with 4 Pieces
Fourier Series of Stepwise Function
Convolution Integral over [a,b]
Convolution ∫x(τ)h(t-τ)dτ

Z-Transforms Step by Step
Z-Transform of u(n), a^n*u(n), n*a^n*u(n)
Z-Transform of δ(n), -a^n*u(-n-1), a^n*u(n)+b^n*u(-n-1)
Z-Transform of X(n)=n
Z-Transform of X(n)=n^2
Z-Transform of X(n)=a^n*u(n)
Z-Transform of X(n)=-b^n*u(-n-1)
Z-Transform of X(n)= a^n*u(n)-b^n*u(-n-1)
Z-Transform of X(n)= e^(a*x)*u(n)
Z-Transform of X(n)= n*e^(a*x)*u(n)
Z-Transform of X(n)= n^2*e^(a*x)*u(n)
Z-Transform of X(n)= sin(a*x)*u(n)
Z-Transform of X(n)= cos(a*x)*u(n)
Z-Transform of X(n)= e^(a*x)*sin(w*n)*u(n)
Z-Transform of X(n)= e^(a*x)*cos(w*n)*u(n)

Inverse Z-Transforms Step by Step

Inverse Z-Transforms via Partial Fraction Decomposition
Inverse Z-Transforms via Polynomial Division
Inverse Z-Transforms via Contour Integrals & Residues
Table of Z Transforms

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