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Cabrera, Jan Fernel A.
Fernandez, Jewel B.
Manalansan, Kathleen Crisha Marie A.
Llanera, Jaylyn M.
Repuya, Carla C.
Satsatin, Andrei G.
Turla, Kimberly D.


Don Honorio Ventura State University
Main Campus, Villa De Bacolor, Pampanga
JANUARY 28, 2022
Potnies De ’Pine
The simpler the better taste 1


Potnies de’Pine is a freshly baked dessert product with a more straightforward look
but tastes better. Our product is a new version of brownies with a square bar and bit size.
It contains two layers of bite-size of the soft texture of Potato Brownies filled with the cream
flavor of Pineapple and Banana serve as a surprise taste of our Products.
The main ingredients we used for the Brownies are Mashed Potato to balance the
cocoa powder's bitter taste because Potatoes contain a savory taste. We combined all the
dry and liquid ingredients to make Potato Brownies and Baked them in a preheated oven
over 450F. The filling cream flavor has a sweet and sour taste because of the Pineapple and
banana. We make sure that all the ingredients we use complement each other to balance
the taste.

Mission Statement
Our Mission is to introduce our product to the market and serve our customers with
high-quality products and outstanding services. We are preparing baked goods of
exceptional quality that bring a special joy to the life of every customer—having an
Employee that has faster workflow and excellent services.
Vision Statement
Our Vision is to be top or of the best bakery with the most delicious and nutritious
brownies. We strive to provide our customers the quality service and relaxation in our
shop’s ambiance.

We arrived at this idea; the seven of us love to eat dessert products and fruits and
vegetables. So why not try to combine this two to make an excellent product. A new version
and have a unique flavor, not an ordinary one, but it gives customer satisfaction.
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 2

Our product has a unique taste and gives you the authenticity to satisfy you with
buying it. Focusing on your customers is an excellent start to a successful outcome. The
difference is included price with cheaper, packaging with eco-friendly, food quality, and
services that Ingredients contain a good amount of carbs and fiber, as well as vitamin C,
vitamin B6, potassium, and manganese that good for the health of the customer. The
original logo and overall customer experience when they buy our new product. Our goal is
to create a competitive advantage and make our product superior to alternatives on the
market. A good product emphasizes the unique benefits of your goods or services.

The company plans to advertise our product to market by posting on social media.
Nowadays, we know that social media has become a big part of the market industry in
selling everything, from cooking and homemade food tools. We also plan to use flyers and
posters for advertising it in public markets, the old way of introducing your product in town
and making it boom by giving a free taste or giving them a buy 1 take 1 promo.
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The simpler the better taste 3


BUSINESS SUMMARY…………………………………………………………………………………………………...... 1

I. PRODUCT FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS………………………………………………………………………… 4



IV. FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS………………………………………………………………………. 22

V. PORTER’S FIVE FORCES ANALYSIS………………………………………………………………………. 25

VI. BUSINESS MODEL………………………………………………………………………………………………. 29

VII. TYPE OF OWNERSHIP…………………………………………………………………………………………. 32


IX. SUPPLY CHAIN PROCESS……………………………………………………………………………………..35

X. OPERATION WORKFLOW………………………………………………………………………………….. 35

XI. PLANT LAYOUT…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 42

XII. HUMAN RESOURCE PLAN…………………………………………………………………………………. 43

REFERENCES………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 54
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 4



Product Description
Potnies de’Pine is a freshly baked dessert product with a more straightforward look
but taste better. Our product is a new version of brownies with a square bar and bit size. It
contains two layers of bite-size of the soft texture of Potato Brownies filled with the cream
flavor of Pineapple and Banana serve as a surprise taste of our Products.

Target Market
Our target market is children and teenagers aged 5to25 years old. This target is a
broad range consumer because most young people prefer and crave sweet food or dessert
According to two Famous International Chefs, Chef Alvin Leung and Chef Barrie
Mcconachie, children are passionate pastry eaters and dessert experts because they love
eating a sweet dessert product.

Product Benefits
Our product has two benefits to the consumer's health and the Indigenous Vendors,
the Aeta Community. First Consumers health Our Products have Nutritious Ingredients, the
Potato, banana, and Pineapple, rich in Potassium which can lower blood pressure and
benefits heart health, and Vitamin C, which helps reduce tiredness and contributes to
normal collagen formation for the normal function of the skin. Another to Indigenous
Vendors is the Aeta Community, which can help their local products that will help their daily
lives. We are not the only ones who will have earned them because of our help.
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 5

Product Distribution
We sell it in two types of boxes for the packaging, the Mini Small Box and Large Box.
The box-type packaging with the company logo and product name on it and with a piece of
ribbon to seal it. Our company decided that it can be sold in different box type sizes with
the company logo and the product name with a piece of ribbon style to be cute and simple
to present. Our product's price is worth the taste and is affordable for everyone.

Product Positioning
Our first stall business is located in the City of San Fernando Pampanga. These areas
are the Center of the Pampanga Province. It is a Popular area because of different food
businesses, tourist spots, etc. We choose this area because many populations and residents
live in that area, and many tourists come from other places. So, this is a way to promote
and patronize our new products offer in the market with high quality of products and
services. Our Products are also available to order our Social Media platforms, Facebook, and
Instagram that deliver via grab food and Food Panda.

Founder of the Business

The Don Honorio Ventura State University students are currently taking the Bachelor
of Science in Hospitality Management course. We came up with this Product Proposal as a
requirement for our THENTREP class. The seven of us share a piece of great knowledge and
love for the Dessert Products, which are the Brownies, so we decided to do a business out
of it.
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The simpler the better taste 6

Company and Product Name/Logo

Packaging Concept (per piece

Packaging Concept (by 6 per box)

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The simpler the better taste 7


Food and Beverage Sector

Food and beverage have a unique role in expanding economic opportunity because
it is universal to human life and health. The industry operates at multiple levels of society:
families grow crops for their consumption, communities trade fresh produced and home
processed goods, local companies transform domestic crops for local markets, and
international corporations purchase commodities globally to deliver products across

In this diverse landscape, billions of people grow, transform, and sell food,
particularly in developing countries where agriculture dominates all together economic
sectors. Yet a vast share of these workers cannot satisfy their immediate consumption
needs and earn sufficient income from food markets to improve their lives. The global
bakery products market is projected to witness a CAGR of 2.6% during the forecast period,

COVID-19 had a significant impact on the bakery products market. Many bakers had
to close their businesses during the peak of the pandemic due to insufficient sales of bakery
products and a shortage of workers. Due to the lockdown, disruption in logistic facilities
affected the supply chain, leading to the unavailability of products as per consumers’ needs,
ultimately affecting the market. Moreover, the inaccessibility of raw materials hampered
production in this market during the lockdown. The smaller bakers in the unorganized
sector were the most affected by all these constraints, as stated by the All-India Bread
Manufacturers Association.
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 8

On the other hand, bakery products (especially bread) have been a staple diet for
people worldwide for centuries. The convenience, accessibility, and nutrition profile
associated with them are the significant factors that have sustained these products in the
modern market. Bakery products are included in people's daily diet in developed economies
and in underdeveloped or developing economies. All these factors have contributed to the
growth of this market even during the lockdown, and they are expected to boost the growth
of this market over the forecast period.

Additionally, the rising trends of “natural nutrition”, “healthy living,” and “organic
products” have significantly increased the demand for whole wheat, light (low calorie),
natural, and additive-free bakery products. In recent years, growth in whole wheat,
wholemeal, and gluten-free bakery products is an important indication of this new trend of
wellness in the market. The increased availability of such specialized bakery products will
further aid the market growth during the forecast period.

Bakery products are prepared from flour or meal derived from grains and are
available in a wide range. The global bakery products market is segmented based on
product type, distribution channel, and geography. The market has been segmented into
cakes and pastries, biscuits, bread, morning goods, and other product types based on
product type. The distribution channel has segmented the market into hypermarkets/
supermarkets, convenience stores, specialty stores, online retail stores, and other
distribution channels. Finally, based on geography, the market has been segmented into
North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, and the Middle East and Africa. The
market sizing and forecasts for each segment are based on value (in USD million).

Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 9

Characteristics of Filipino Consumers

Perner (1999) proposed in his model (See Figure 1) that consumer attitude has 3
major components such as: (1) Beliefs (2) Affect (Feeling), and (3) Behavioral Intentions.
These components are viewed together since they are highly interrelated and
interdependent. Altogether, the components represent forces that influence how the
consumer will react to the object.

The first component is beliefs. A consumer may hold both positive beliefs toward an
object as well as negative beliefs. The influence of beliefs is very strong than the influence
of others. An example in the Filipino culture is that “Don’t buy a black shirt as it signifies bad
luck”. This old belief still carries thru generations and generations to come. However, this
old belief was already modernized due to the modern concept of fashion and fad. Western
influence in this stage is rampant as its culture was introduced to Filipinos during their
Philippine occupation after the Spaniards. These beliefs are very strong as many western
principles and influences are still in the mind of most Filipinos, which has become a part of
their culture.

Affect (Feelings)
Consumers also hold certain feelings toward brands or other objects. Sometimes
these feelings are based on the beliefs (e.g., a person feels nauseated when thinking about
a hamburger because of the tremendous amount of fat it contains), but there may also be
feelings which are relatively independent of beliefs. The influence of family has always been
strong ties for most Filipinos. In typical Filipino family, the parents (father and mother) are
the ones who hold the money of their children. In some instances, they are also the advisers
in terms of buying things for personal effects. Modern approaches to consumer buying lead
to a more successful buying power for marketers. An example is when there is an ultimate
sale, the marketers usually put the timing on the first or last week of the month. Moreover,
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 10

the Philippines has a lot of holidays wherein the marketers can take advantage of these

Behavioral Intentions
Behavioral intention is what the consumer plans to do concerning the object (e.g.,
buy or not buy the brand). This is sometimes a logical consequence of beliefs (or affect) but
may sometimes reflect other circumstances. For Filipinos, this intention may or may be
applied as to its psychological behavior in buying things. One of the common denominators
of the behavior pattern of Filipino consumers is that they look for alternative brands and
compare the prices, then weigh things. They want products that will last even if the product
is expensive. They believe that they will save a lot in the long run than buying more cheaper
or alternative things as compared to the original.

Attitude-Behavior Consistency Factor

The marketing concept emphasizes that profitable marketing begins with
discovering and understanding consumer needs and then develops a marketing mix to
satisfy these needs. Unfortunately, no single theory of consumer behavior can totally
explain why customers behave as they do. Instead, some notions have been influenced by
a variety of other disciplines such as sociology, psychology, anthropology, and economics,
and must be integrated to understand consumer behavior.

The Filipino consumer behavior is one of the most influential buyers in the world
today. Their needs, wishes, and desires should be understood to accommodate them. It can
be noted, however, that consumers often do not behave consistently with their attitudes
for several reasons:
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 11

They may be unable to do so the buying power or the purchasing power of the
individual maybe be lacking due to financial constraints. Even if they have the means, they
do not have that eagerness to buy such. The price of products and services often influences
whether consumers will purchase them at all, if so, which competitive offering is selected.
In terms of the price of goods, a typical Filipino will still buy things they want if it is within
their budget. Even if the product is not in their favorite shop, this will not discourage them
from looking and finding another shop. There are also products that can only be sold in a
certain region or places, but a typical Filipino buyer will find means and ways to get that

Filipino consumers prefer to buy branded things as they know they came from a
reputable quality brand. It is also one way of showing people how proud you are wearing
and carrying that brand. In some cases, this may be a way of boasting to fellow and common
friends that you have something new. Most brands, especially for apparel, Filipinos want
the brands to be exposed so other people will recognize that such is expensive, or it can be
seen as a status symbol as the case may be.

Competing Demands for Resources

Many products and services are out in the market today, but the consumer’s choice
will prevail the most. In marketing, there is a saying that "Consumers buy products because
they need them. They buy products because they want them. They buy products they wish
for because it’s a status symbol. They buy products they desire because it makes them
separate from the crowd. Needs, wants, wishes, and desires." They are all part and parcel
of why people buy. They are all critical to keeping your current customers and attracting
new ones. We have choices that are far beyond the simple fulfillment of basic needs for
most products and services. We have moved to a point where uncovering and exploiting
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what might have been a significant need or want several years ago is now a basic to just
being competitive.

Because of that competition, the marketing mix plays an important role in developing
consumer decision-making in terms of its holistic approach. Marketing strategies are
designed to influence consumer decision-making, leading to product purchases and
exchanges. As many brands are offered today, Filipino consumer buyers usually look around
for price canvass and then decide whether to buy. In some instances, due to the need, they
buy the item instantly because they do not want to risk getting the same item in other malls
or shops maybe of out stocks.

Social Influence
Factors such as family, societal and the like. Behavioral scientists have become
increasingly aware of the powerful effects of the social environment and personal
interactions on human behavior. In terms of consumer behavior, culture, social class, and
reference group influences have been related to purchasing and consumption. Culture is
one of the most basic influences on an individual's needs, wants, and behavior since all
facets of life are carried out against the background of the society in which an individual
lives. Filipino consumers can easily be identified as upper, middle, or lower in social class in
the case of Filipino consumers. Aside from that, it has a corresponding interval that will
differentiate its class in society. Filipino class can be classified from class A to E in terms of
its social status. It is very common for Filipinos to visit malls and different shopping centers
as it has become their habit to visit them. It is commonplace to stop over as it was a good
meeting place for different occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, dates, and business
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The simpler the better taste 13

Family influences among reference groups are common to Filipino buyers, handed on
from generation to generation. In some instances, during payday, the family members are
being asked for the stuff they want to buy. This practice is very common to typical Filipino
families. The influence of the family is very strong in terms of purchasing power and buying
behavior. Sometimes, the parents are the ones who decide whether to buy or not. The
children usually ask for things that their parents can buy them to reward their
accomplishments, such as good grades, awards, and even good deeds. As noted, the family
is generally recognized as an important reference group. It has been suggested that the
household, rather than the individual, is the relevant unit for studying consumer behavior.

Because family wants and needs affect the buying behavior of each family member
including the budget. Some brands even family members suggest to fellow brothers and
sisters, including mother and father. These products are tried and tested brands that stand
through the years. Once this product has already spread through word of mouth among
family members, this brand becomes a family (house) brand which can be easily referred to
common friends, officemates, schoolmates and same. This kind of social influence is widely
spread for most Filipino consumers in making their buying decisions.

Measurement Problems
Measuring attitudes is difficult. In many situations, consumers do not consciously set
out to enumerate how positively or negatively they feel about mopeds. When a market
researcher asks them about their beliefs about mopeds, how important these beliefs are,
and their evaluation of the performance of mopeds with respect to these beliefs, consumers
often do not give very reliable answers. Thus, the consumers may act consistently with their
true attitudes, which were never uncovered because an erroneous measurement was
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 14

The use of visualized and multimedia marketing are common approaches in terms of
IMC which has a good appeal to the mass public. Commercials, sales promotions,
advertisement, and other marketing gimmicks can influence and trigger successful sales.
The typical Filipino consumer always looks for good product or service information that is
available on the market. They usually ask for things that will last longer through wear and
tear usage. Integrated marketing communication approach can also be applied to Filipino
consumers as it creates product awareness. Transpo-marketing is also an effective means
of marketing products and services that are relatively cheaper. Basically, the trend right
now in terms of products and goods mobility is convenience. Most products that are
available in shopping malls and supermarkets can also be found in different shops
elsewhere as it increases the chance of buying products.

In order to stand the stiff competition in the Philippine settings, you have to offer
different products and services that are new to consumers. The typical Filipino consumers
always go and look for very different items. They will find the product they want wherever
and whatever it takes, this culture is typical to Filipinos and only for Filipino. Typically,
Filipino consumers look for items that are on sale. They usually scrutinize such items for
defects and the like. Most common applications and perks of marketers are sale items
which are old stocks if not stocks that are sacrificially sold as they cannot be returned to the
distributor. Filipino buyers also look for sale items such as bundled products which are
common in supermarkets. Filipino consumers usually know that this mode of sale can make
or break their needs to buy new things offered for sale. Most shopping malls and shopping
canters usually invest a lot in terms of information awareness such as leaflets, brochures
and the like. This traditional marketing strategy is the most common and popular approach
that triggers psychological decision making. They usually put the announcement and
advertisement of sale items in big signage or tarpaulin that is very visible to the general
public. Moreover, the calendar of the sales gimmicks is usually put during paydays or public
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holidays. As the typical Filipino usually goes to the malls by groups, this marketer knows
how to twist the sale items as it encourages them to buy things based on their stimulus.


The Paris Baguette supplies fresh bakery products in over 3000 locations
worldwide. However, poor guide reading will lead to misunderstanding cases and failure of
analyses. Rare and valuable resources grant many competitive advantages to the firm. As
the problem and its solution cannot coincide, it should be described as mutually exclusive.
Firstly, the introduction is written. The challenging diagnosis for Macro Environment
External Forces That Affect Bakery Industry and the management of information is needed
to be provided. Impacts of Political Factors on Starbucks Besides, Paris Baguette in the
American and China markets have faced some uncertain economic failure. They did 1st
place in the bakery industry in 1997, and they maintained 1st place all the way. Available:
These will affect the business of the main internal functions and possible business and
strategic objectives. furthermore, buying from suppliers at ethical policies is a huge
attraction for consumers which could be impacted and affect … This is because are only four
branches of Paris Baguette, which is far less than numbers of branches of Bread Talk and
other bakery companies. Macro environment forces that affect Paris Baguette. Following
factors will influence the buying power of customers: Competitive advantage of company’s
product. To compare these two brands, Paris Baguette is more suitable for yuppies, but
Bread Talk is suitable for ordinary family. Then, a very careful reading should be done at
second time reading of the case. In addition, policies of childbirth encouragement and
immigration also help increase the number of consumers.

Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 16

The Household Final Consumption Expenditure (HFCE) comprises around 70 percent

of the Philippines' Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2018. HFCE has the highest contribution
to GDP growth during the same period among the expenditure items. This consists of
expenditure incurred by resident households on the final consumption of goods and
services, including barter transactions; goods and services in kind; and goods and services
produced and consumed by the same household. In most cases, this is also compared with
the Family Income and Expenditure Survey (FIES) conducted by the Philippine Statistics
Authority (PSA) every three years. However, there are a lot of differences between the two
conceptually and operationally.

Final consumption of households is mostly the biggest component of Gross Domestic

Product (GDP) among ASEAN countries in the expenditure side. In the Philippines, HFCE is
73.5 percent of the GDP making it an essential component in the analysis of the demand.
More specifically, a comprehensive estimate of the household expenditure can be useful to
the monetary authority and policymakers as household consumption growth sustains
economic growth. This is useful in the assessment of the consumption patterns for
economic policy planning as pointed out by Selznick [3] that some economists consider
consumption as an appropriate measure of the well-being of the household.

In the Philippine System of National Accounts (PSNA), data to measure the HFCE are
not readily and regularly available. Several indicators are considered to estimate HFCE like
output from production industries and imports of goods. On the other hand, the Family
Income and Expenditure Survey (FIES) of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) serves as
the basis for the structure of expenditure items of HFCE. Currently, this survey is done every
three years as a rider to the Labour Force Survey (LFS). Since this survey presents the
expenditure of families on several items, its results are often compared to HFCE estimates
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 17

Exchange Rate
The exchange rate is the price of one currency in terms of another currency. The ratio
at which a unit of the currency of one country can be exchanged for that of another country.
Exchange rates can be either fixed or floating. Fixed exchange rates are decided by the
country's central banks, whereas floating exchange rates are determined by the mechanism
of market demand and supply.


Ecology often takes form of so-called corporate environmentalism, i.e., all actions
promoting sustainability, gaining consumer appreciation of eco-friendly products and
services, creating image of the responsible corporation. Several ecological factors influence
management decisions, business, and environment goals. Proper identification of natural
environment and its influences during strategic analysis (STEEP analysis, SWOT analysis,
TOWS analysis) could lead to better strategic alignment of company to ecosystem and state
Ecological factors influencing business are connected to actions and processes
necessary to protect natural environment and at the same time maintain or increase
efficiency of the corporation. Factors influencing business are connected to actions and
processes necessary to protect natural environment and at the same time maintain or
increase efficiency of the corporation.
Availability of non-renewable goods
The availability of non-renewable goods, especially popular ones like oil or natural
gas, can vastly change the market. Should the supply of these goods drop prices might grow
higher, greatly affecting businesses that use the fuels in any significant amounts like
industrial or logistical ones.
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The simpler the better taste 18

Get Creative and Crafty

Think beyond how you typically sell – a customer coming in and buying one item or
a box of baked goods. Consider things like Bake At Home kits where customers can buy
donuts, cinnamon rolls or muffins by the dozen that they can take home and bake
themselves. Or, sell Decorating In A Box kits where families can buy a dozen cookies
complete with icings and sprinkles for home. These are fun ideas for homebound families
looking for something to do and it keeps revenue coming in.

Prioritize Your Product Assortment

Now is the time to focus on what you can make well, at a low cost, and with minimal
waste and errors. Put a pause on more complex recipes and decorating to stick with the
staples that sell well and remind customers of the traditional comfort they are looking for
in trying times. You will keep your costs lower and appeal to a broader audience.


The technology infrastructure includes hardware and software components to

support the business's applications and information management requirements. The
components of technology infrastructure are Computer hardware, Systems software,
Communication and networking systems, Development tools, Application software, Special
purpose tools. The technology architecture maps the physical infrastructure with
information, processes, and organizational structures. Architectures indicate how the
various applications, information stores, and linkages are mapped on the physical model.

The types of architectures shown in Table I could be involved in information

Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 19

The Philippines is endowed with a plethora of natural and human resources, which
present tremendous prospects for economic development and poverty reduction. Although
overall development achievements have fallen short of expectations over the past three
decades, all countries have not been the case. A big part of the discrepancy stems from
public institutions' poor performance in providing services to citizens, which feeds a vicious
cycle of inadequate public services, a lack of trust in the government, and citizens'
unwillingness to provide the government with sufficient resources. So, the most important
development challenge is to turn the cycle around and into one of virtuous development,
in which increasing government revenue leads to improved service delivery and increased
public confidence in the government
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The simpler the better taste 20


Potnies de’Pine
Organizational Chart

Chief Executive Officer

Jewel Fernandez

General Manager
Carla Repuya

Pastry Chef Cashier Packaging Personnel Marketing Manager

Jan Fernel Cabrera Andrei Satsatin

Chief Executive Officer

Responsible for managing a company's overall operations. This may include
delegating and directing agendas, driving profitability, managing company organizational
structure strategy, and communicating with the board. Often, he is responsible for
purchasing, hiring, training, quality control, and day-to-day supervisory duties.

General Manager
He or she is asked to oversee daily business activities, improve overall business
functions, train department heads, manage budgets, develop strategic plans, create
policies, and communicate business goals.
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The simpler the better taste 21

Marketing Manager
He or she is responsible for managing the promotion and positioning of a brand or the
products and services that a company sells—employed to attract more customers to buy
from the company and raise brand awareness through marketing campaigns.

Pastry Chef
Prepare bakery recipes in operation according to culinary, production and quality
standards. Weigh, sift, measure and mix baking ingredients responsibilities include opening
the bakery early in the morning, mixing dough, preparing fillings, and glazing pastries.

Cashier is responsible for receiving the payments and should know how much the
product they want to buy it. He or she should also know how to communicate.

Packaging Personnel
Packaging Personnel is responsible for preparing the finished product and for
inspecting the product if it is good or not.
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Initial Capital Requirements

Initial Capital Requirements Amount

Stall Rental ₱5,000

Stall Renovation ₱3,000

Product Ingredients ₱6,448

Baking Tools & Equipment ₱18,129

Computer (POS) ₱10,000

Electric Bills ₱2,000

Water Bills ₱500

Total ₱44,627

Sources of financing
Our Company will apply to the Commercial Bank that accepts deposits, offers loans,
and offers basic financial products for our business. Loan 60,000 with a 2.5% interest rate.

Credit cards are also a great short-term small business cash advance option because
they have lower interest rates.

A business Partnership that shares financial support and contributes to the growth
and development of our Business.
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The simpler the better taste 23



Income Statement

For the years ended of 2021-2023

Sales will increase 1% every following year

2021 2022 2023

Sales 1,725,360 1,742,613.6 1,760,039.736
Less Cost of Goods (40 %) 690,144 697,045.44 704,015.744
Gross Profit 1,035,216 1,045,568.16 1,056,023.992
Less: Expenses
Salary Expenses 262,080 262,080 262,080
Compensation Benefits 35,640 35,640 35,640
Utilities Expenses 30,000 30,000 30,000
Rent Expenses 60,000 60,000 60,000
Stall Renovation Expenses 36,000 36,000 2,400
Baking Tools and 18, 129 18, 129 18, 129
Equipment’s Expenses
Other Expenses 77,376 77,376 77,376
Total Expenses 519,225 519,225 519,225
Operating 515,991 526,343.16 536,798.992
Less Taxes (40%) 206,396.4 210,537.264 214,719.5968
NET INCOME 309,594.6 315,806.896 322,079.3952
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The simpler the better taste 24

Recipe Name: Potnies de’Pine
Yield: 40pcs
Ingredients Quantity Quantity Purchased Cost unit Extension cost
AP EP Price AP
Potato 263.16g 250g. ₱50/ 500g 0.1/g ₱26.32
Pineapple 378.95ml 360ml ₱35/ 500g 0.07/g ₱26.53
Banana 2pcs 2pcs ₱12/2pcs 6/pc. ₱12.00
Cocoa Powder 120g 120g ₱115/ 500g 0.23/g ₱27.6
All Purpose 240g 240g ₱55/ 1kg 0.055/g ₱13.2
Brown Sugar 240g 240g ₱25/500g 0.05/g ₱12.00
Butter 120g 120g ₱45/225g 0.2/g ₱24.00
Corn starch 120g 120g ₱26/500g 0.052/g ₱6.24
Granulated 240g 240g ₱25/500g 0.05/g ₱12.00
Salt 1.25g 1.25g ₱10/250g 0.04/g 0.05
Evaporated 120ml 120ml ₱28/350ml 0.08/ml ₱9.6
Vegetable oil 15ml 15ml ₱35/200ml 0.175/ml ₱2.63
Kremdensada 410ml 410ml ₱55/410ml 0.134/ml ₱54.94
Eggs 3pcs. 3pcs. ₱18/3pcs 6/pc. ₱18.00
Vanilla Extract 5ml 5ml ₱25/ 60ml 0.42/ml ₱2.1
Total Recipe Cost ₱247.21
Buffer Margin 10% ₱247.21 x .10
= 24.72

Cost of Goods 40% ₱ 247.21 / .40

= 618.025
=₱ 618.03 + 24.72
Cost Per Piece =₱ 642.75 / 40 pcs
= ₱17 per pcs
Selling Price per Box (6pcs) 618.03 + 24.72
Packaging (Box) = 642.75 / 6
= 107.04 + 10
= 117 per box
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 25


Porter's Five Forces Analysis of Potnies de'Pine
Threat of Substitute
This describes the threat of substitute of products and services of a business. If there
is a high substitute of a product or it is not up to the standard of our customers can use
alternative products from other food businesses that are like our products to meet their
needs. The possible factors that made customers change to substitutes are:

•Products substitute available in the market

•Price performance of substitute

There are many substitutes for the Potnies de'Pine, such as products from Pastry
Shops, Bakery Shops, Coffee Shops, and other businesses available to the market that offer
and sell various types of brownies that similar products to us. Consumers changing
preferences depend on the availability in the Market. So, the substitute for the Potnies de’
Pine is high. In addition, the price performance of substitute Once other businesses offer a
lower price to the consumers, and they grab on it. Why do they buy our product if it cost
higher than they expect? So Potnies de’ Pine will give affordable prices and high-quality
products to satisfy the consumers.

Barriers to Entry
Many new entrants will try to enter the market. However, the emergence of new
entrants will ultimately lead to reduced profits for the industry. Therefore, our business
takes a risk to enter the business industry even though there are many barriers. The reason
is to promote and patronize our new business products to the market. The following factors
describe the threat level for new entrants.
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 26

•High capital requirement

• Brand loyalty
• Economic of scale
•Geographical barriers
•Vertical integration

Starting a new business is need high capital requirements to run it. Since Potnies de’
Pine does not yet have a supply, raw materials, and other things needed for the business
high capital requirement are needed. We need to find different suppliers and other things
we need to get inexpensive. Compared to other businesses that already have suppliers and
sources of materials that less cost to them. Additionally, the Brand Loyalty, where is the
power of the brand itself, lies in its ability to influence consumer behavior to make the
buyer. Brand awareness is one element of brand equity that is very important. With the
brand awareness of the brand will be better known by consumers. Since we have many
competitors in a market that is like our products and the brand is better known to like,
customers cannot risk new products if they have not tried them. So, we can offer high-
Quality Products and services to support our new product. Consumers' attachment to
existing products. Marketing is essentially an activity that builds brands in the minds of
consumers. Where is the power of the brand itself lies in its ability to influence consumer
behavior to make the buyer? Brand awareness is one element of brand equity that is very
important. With brand awareness, the brand will be better known by consumers.
Geographical barriers no access to suitable location prevents new entry. Competitive
advantage and involve it in the transformation of the industry. Lastly, Vertical integration
cannot sell your product if there is no access to suppliers. Vertical integration can allow our
business to expand geographically by adding distribution centers in new areas or by
acquiring a new brand.
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 27

Degree of Rivalry
There appears to be severe competition in the market industry. The higher there will
be new competitors and be an effective competitor. It will also weaken the business
position. Following are the potential factors that will influence the business competition:

•Competitive advantage
•Continuous innovation
•Level of advertising
•Competitive strategy

There are a lot of competitors in our industry that has a competitive advantage
compared to the new business because they are famous brands and products. So, when
they have lower price offers in the market, customers choose it so if we lower the price that
they offer we can get a high customer, gain profit, and attract to try our new products. But
it can also affect our business. Continue to innovate new products and services and our
competitors, Pastry Shops, Bakery shops and other businesses. Our business will be
affected, because they may try their own rather than the new product. So, our products
created a delicious taste and a good quality brownie compared to other competitors,
making their customers' satisfactions better while maintaining prices lower than other
Additionally, the level of advising there are many ways for us to promote our
business, some businesses are already in advance in being used to promote their products
since their business has been around for a long time. Compared with our company that is
just starting a business, we need to think of an advanced and innovative way to advertise
our product in a market to patronize it. Lastly, the strategy that we need to build on how to
our business becomes successful.
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 28

Supplier Power
It refers to the supplier’s ability to increase and decrease prices. If there are few
alternatives o suppliers available, this will threaten the company, and it would have to
purchase its raw material in supplier’s terms. However, if there are many suppliers’
alternatives, suppliers have low bargaining power, and businesses do not have to face high
switching costs. The bargaining power of the supplier of Potnie's de’ Pine’s there is many
options for the supplier. It is up to the suppliers if their price increases and decreases
because they can raise the price. After all, they are the ones who get what you need for
your product. It is better to have many suppliers than just one because there are chances
that they will run out of the product you need.

Buyer Power
Refers to the customer's ability to reduce prices. This is mainly about the importance
of the customer and how much it will cost if the customer moves from one product to
another. Buyer power is high if there are too many alternatives and will be below if few
alternatives and conversions. Consumers can choose from pastry shops, bakery shops, and
other businesses that offer brownies than Potnies de’ Pine products. So, when consumers
demand the price of the product it can affect the profitability of our business when we
grand the demand of our consumers.
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 29


Chief Executive

Operation Management

Financial Management

Resource Procurement

Inbound Operations Outbound Marketing & Service

Logistics Logistics Sales

The process of making Our products Potnies

We buy Our Potnies de'Pine or Our product Brownies
main Potato Brownies is can be sold on
can be sold provides good
ingredient first boil or soften the our food stalls. quality of
potatoes, mash the into box type
from potatoes. Melt the Or maybe ingredients that
Indigenous butter and add the with the customers
mash Potato and milk. brings
Vendors In Seperate bowl business logo. placed order satisfaction to
which is the combine the It is kept at online using customer. To
granulated sugar,
Aeta brown sugar, eggs, the right social media satisfy our
Community salt, vanilla extract
temperature platforms. It customers best,
and then mix it
that mainly also helps to we provide a one
properly. And the to prevent
root crops, mixture of the butter advertise our (1) free Potnies
and mash potatoes damage. To brownies when
mostly lastly add the cocoa product to get
be sure that the customer
potatoes powder and mix it more
properly. Place the our customers celebrates
bananas, Potato Brownies in customers. his/her birthday
and a baking tray and put at will be
parchment paper and as a token for
variety of satisfied with
oil. Lastly Bake in a his/her special
vegetables. preheat oven in 325F their orders. day. Potnies
and wait until it done.
We can For the special filling brownies will
make sure Cream flavour with continue to bring
mix Banana and
that all our Pineapple, blend the
ingredients Banana and Pineapple satisfaction,
in blender or food dedication, and
processor. In separate
passion to every
chemical- bowl
Put the chilled customer
free and Kremdensada and purchasing it.
pure natural whisk after that add
the Banana and
Pineapple, vanilla
extract, brown sugar,
and corn-starch mix it
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 30

Core Competencies
Mission Statement
Potnies de’Pine Mission introduces our product to the market and serves our
customers a high quality of products and great services. We are preparing baked goods of
exceptional quality that bring a special joy to the life of every customer—having an
Employee that has faster workflow and excellent services.

Product/Market Scope
Potnies de’ Pine is a freshly baked dessert product with a more straightforward look
but tastes better. Our product is a new version of brownies with a square bar and bit size.
It contains two layers of bite-size of the soft texture of Potato Brownies filled with the cream
flavor of Pineapple and Banana serve as a surprise taste of our Products.

Basis of Differentiation
Our product has no exact similarities with other products. Potnies de’ Pine will
improve every other day for customer's expectations. It is a combination of bittersweet and

Strategic Resources
Core Competencies
Our advantage with potnies de'Pne is that we made it ourselves and thought of
selling this kind of product. We will know it immediately if it is popular right away, and we
have the advantage of knowing the downside of this product, if any, in the future.

Strategic Assets
Our most asset for this product is the cream filling flavor with Banana and Pineapple
that the consumer will be surprised when they taste.
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 31

Partnership Network
Our raw ingredients supplier is the Indigenous Vendors, the Aeta Community that
mainly root crops, primarily potatoes bananas, and a variety of vegetables. We can make
sure that all our ingredients are chemical-free and pure natural

Other Key Relationship

These are the factors of our company that will be expanding through finance, and
would it be a bank wherein we can have loans for the fund and capital if we would like to
hire a new people.
Customer Interface
Target Market
Our target market is everyone, including families with children, teenagers, and
adults. But the biggest targets are children's and teenagers age 5to25 years old. They are
called dessert experts. They love to eat sweet dessert products. We make sure our product
gives satisfaction to our target market that contains affordable and delicious products.

Fulfillment and Support

Our products can be sold on our food stalls. Or maybe customers placed orders
online using social media platforms. It also helps to advertise our product to get more

Pricing Structures
Our product can be sold at a lower price other than the brownies sold in the market
without sacrificing their taste and appearance.
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 32


Ownership is taking the initiative to bring about positive results. It means not waiting
for others to act and caring about the outcome as much as an owner of the product. It is
being accountable for the results of your actions that are of the highest quality and
delivered promptly.

Here are some of our group’s reasons why we chose Partnership as our business’ type
of ownership:

• The goal of all businesses is to remain relevant for a long time and reach its set corporate
• Partnership you should know that you are happy and love what you do.
•Partnerships increase your lease of knowledge, expertise, and resources available to make
better products.
• A partnership manifests itself in different forms, from business owners cooperating to
invest in a project to share technical knowledge and ideas between firms.
• Similar values and shared goals, it is important to form a partnership agreement with a
firm whose corporate goals and values augment your own.
• The secret to the success of every partnership agreement is rooted in trust and respect
between the two partners.
• Before starting a partnership, know exactly what each business does and how your brands
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 33


Initial Capital Requirements Amount

Stall Rental ₱5,000

Stall Renovation ₱3,000

Product Ingredients ₱6,448

Baking Tools & Equipment ₱18,129

Computer (POS) ₱10,000

Electric Bills ₱2,000

Water Bills ₱500

Total ₱44,627
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 34


Income Statement

For the years ended of 2021-2023

Sales will increase 1% every following year

2021 2022 2023

Sales 1,725,360 1,742,613.6 1,760,039.736
Less Cost of Goods (40 %) 690,144 697,045.44 704,015.744

Gross Profit 1,035,216 1,045,568.16 1,056,023.992

Less: Expenses
Salary Expenses 262,080 262,080 262,080
Compensation Benefits 35,640 35,640 35,640
Utilities Expenses 30,000 30,000 30,000
Rent Expenses 60,000 60,000 60,000
Stall Renovation Expenses 36,000 36,000 2,400
Baking Tools and 18, 129 18, 129 18, 129
Equipment’s Expenses
Other Expenses 77,376 77,376 77,376
Total Expenses 519,225 519,225 519,225
Operating 515,991 526,343.16 536,798.992
Less Taxes (40%) 206,396.4 210,537.264 214,719.5968
NET INCOME 309,594.6 315,806.896 322,079.3952
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 35



Name Pictures Quantity Unit Extension Total

Food 1 ₱139.00 ₱139.00 ₱139.00
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 36

Measuring 1 ₱56.00 ₱56.00 ₱56.00


Baking 2 ₱7.00 ₱14.00 ₱14.00


Teaspoon/ 1 ₱30.00 ₱30.00 ₱30.00


Bowl 9 ₱15.00 ₱135.00 ₱135.00

Baking 2 ₱40.00 ₱80.00 ₱80.00

sheets Tray

Parchment 1 ₱25.00 ₱25.00 ₱25.00


Cooking 1 ₱123.00 ₱123.00 ₱123.00

Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 37

Potato 1 ₱35.00 ₱35.00 ₱35.00


Strainer 1 ₱38.00 ₱38.00 ₱38.00

Whisk 1 ₱25.00 ₱25.00 ₱25.00

Measuring 1 ₱59.00 ₱59.00 ₱59.00

cups Set

Oven 1 ₱663.00 ₱663.00 ₱663.00


Mixing 2 ₱155.00 ₱310.00 ₱310.00


Bread 1 ₱27.00 ₱27.00 ₱27.00

Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 38

Chef knife 2 ₱85.00 ₱170.00 ₱170.00

Chopping 1 ₱75.00 ₱75.00 ₱75.00


Peeler 1 ₱25.00 ₱25.00 ₱25.00

Gas stove 1 ₱5,000.00 ₱5,000.00 ₱5,000.00

Bakery 1 ₱2,100.00 ₱2,100.00 ₱2,100.00


Bread 1 ₱9,000.00 ₱9,000.00 ₱9,000.00


Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 39


Boil or soften the The next step is to melt

potatoes, and then when the ½ cup of butter in
Prepare all the ingredients
the potatoes have medium size and then put
of your product
softened, mash the the mash potatoes and
potatoes the ½ cup of milk.

Then the next step is to Next step, put 1 cup

mix all the ingredients Next step, put ¼ tsp salt, 1 granulated sugar, 1 cup
starting with the butter, tsp vanilla extract and brown sugar, 3 eggs and
mash potatoes up to the then mix it again mix it until the mixture is
vanilla extract obtained

The next step is, ofcourse, Next, carefully put the

Next, while mixing,
to grease the pan and mixture into your
gradually add the 1 cup of
preheat the oven. In this prepared pan for baking.
flour, ½ cup of cocoa
case, preheat your oven Bake for 35 to 40
powder, and then mix it
to 350F or 325F for dark minutes, keeping an eye
metal and or glass pans. so as not to over bake

And then after baking the Next, on the other bowl

brownies, put them in a put the kremdensada and
clean container and whisk it carefully and put Next, Mix the sliced
refigerate them first, and the mixed pineapple and banana and pineapples in
next the next is slice the banana, 1 tsp vanilla a blender or in a dicer
brownies in half and place extract, 1 tsp brown sugar
the filling in the middle and ½ cup of cornstarch
and mix it until the

Lastly, prepare in
packaging by piece or by
4's in the kraft boxes. And
then add a ribbon and a
tag with company's name
for each order
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 40

Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 41
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 42


Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 43


1. Position Needed
a. Cashier
b. Packaging Personnel

2. Number of Person per Position:

a. One (1) Cashier
b. One (1) Packaging Personnel

2. Roles And Responsibility

The cashier is responsible for receiving the payments, and should know how much
the product they want to buy. They should also know how to communicate.
• Responsible for processing the cash
• Know the basic skills in math
• Being friendly and cheerful in your co-workers
• Excellent communication skill

Packaging Personnel is responsible for preparing the finished product and for
inspecting the product if it is good or not.
• Keep clean the working area and be alerted to prevent an accident
• Packaging and labeling properly
• Examining and expecting to ensure they are not damaged.

3. Qualifications / Requirements
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 44

• High school diploma/GED

• 18 yrs. old above
• 3-6 months experience handling money and working in a cashier
• Ability to read and understand instructions
• Math skills
• Experience operating a cash register
• Clerical skills
• Strong customer service skills
• ability to handle transactions accurately
• computer skills
• Attention to detail

Packaging Personnel
• Male/ Female
• 18yrs old above
• Highschool Diploma/ GED
• Experience in manufacturing
• Basic shop skills
• Ability to follow verbal and written instructions
• Good attention to detail
• Good team working skills
• Communication skills
• Product knowledge
• Excellent customer service
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 45


Position Daily rate Day per Month Monthly Salary Total

Cashier ₱420/day 26 days ₱10,920 ₱ 131, 040
Annual Salary
Packaging ₱420/day 26 days ₱10,920 ₱ 131, 040
Personnel Annual Salary
TOTAL ₱ 262,080


Position SSS Pag-ibig Phil Total 13th Month Total

health Benefit Pay
Cashier 200 200 175 6,900 ₱10,920 ₱ 17,820

Packaging 200 200 175 6,900 ₱10,920 ₱ 17,820


TOTAL ₱ 35,640
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 46

Natividad Guagua, Pampanga

Email address:
Phone number: 09976156166
Cabrera, Jan Fernel Azuro
To further my skills and knowledge about the job, willing to be assigned and be trained
To become more efficient and productive to the company.

Age : 21
Date of birth : January 10, 2000
Place of birth : Guagua, Pampanga
Gender : Male
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Nationality : Filipino
Height : 5’6
Weight : 65

Tertiary: Don Honorio Ventura State University
Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga
Secondary: Mary the Queen College of Pampanga
San Matias, Guagua Pampanga
Natividad High School
Natividad, Guagua Pampanga
2013- 2017
Primary: Natividad Elementary School
Natividad, Guagua Pampanga
2007- 2013
● Communication skills . Leadership Experience
●Strong work ethics
●Critical thinking and problem solving
Applicant’s Signature
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 47

# 57 Purok 02 Apalit Floridablanca, Pampanga

Email address:
Phone number: 09657150942
Fernandez, Jewel Buna Cruz
To gain competitive position that offer my skills, knowledge, abilities, and experience
to be an asset to your company.

Age : 21
Date of birth : October 17, 2000
Place of birth : San Jose Floridablanca, Pampanga
Gender : Female
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Nationality : Filipino
Height : 5’7
Weight : 58

Tertiary: Don Honorio Ventura State University
Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga
Secondary: Basa Air Base National High School
Basa Air Base Floridablanca, Pampanga
Pasay City North High School
Basa Air Base Floridablanca, Pampanga
Primary: Apalit Elementary School
Apalit, Floridablanca, Pampanga

●Fast learner, Hardworking, Communication Sills, Critical Thinking

●With Honors (Grade 12)
●President Lister (2nd Year College)
Applicant’s Signature
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 48

Gutad Floridablanca, Pampanga

Email address:
Phone number: 09396573478
Llanera, Jaylyn Montemayor
To eager to expand my skills through trainings to help boost my knowledge.

Age : 21
Date of birth : December 19, 2000
Place of birth : San Jose Floridablanca, Pampanga
Gender : Female
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Nationality : Filipino
Height : 5’0
Weight : 48

Tertiary: Don Honorio Ventura State University
Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga
Secondary: College of Subic Montesorri, Inc
Sta. Isabel Dinalupihan, Bataan
2018- 2019
Gutad National High School
Gutad, Floridablanca, Pampanga
Primary: San Jose Panlumacan Elementary School
San Jose Panlumacan City of San Fernando Pampanga
●Active Listening
● Adaptability

Applicant’s Signature
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 49

Blk 14 lot 25 Apalit Floridablanca, Pampanga

Email address:
Phone number: 09090658984
Manalansan, Kateleen Crisha Marie Antonio
To pursue a tough job with determination and to maximize my efficiency in a
professional organizational environment where I serve my tasks, which will allow me to
realize my full potential.


Age : 20
Date of birth : February 27 ,2001
Place of birth : San Jose Floridablanca, Pampanga
Gender : Female
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Nationality : Filipino
Height : 5’4
Weight : 63 lbs

Tertiary: Don Honorio Ventura State University
Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga
Secondary: Floridablanca National Agricultural School
Palmayo Floridablanca, Pampanga
Floridablanca National Agricultural School
Palmayo Floridablanca, Pampanga
Primary: Floridablanca New Settlement Elementary School
Palmayo Floridablanca, Pampanga

●Computer Software
●Communication Skills
●Creative Thinking
Applicant’s Signature
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 50

# 169 Purok Garcia Sto.Tomas Sasmuan, Pampanga

Email address:
Phone number: 09069135933
Repuya, Carla Calleja
To secure my responsibility in a career and to expand my knowledge , learnings and skills.


Age : 21
Date of birth : October 17, 2000
Place of birth : Malusac, Pampanga
Gender : Female
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Nationality : Filipino
Height : 5’0
Weight : 40 lbs.

Tertiary: Don Honorio Ventura State University
Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga
Secondary: Mary the Queen College of Pampanga
San Matias, Guagua Pampanga
Sto. Tomas High School
Sto. Tomas Sasmuan, Pampanga
Primary: Sto. Tomas Elementary School
Sto. Tomas Sasmuan, Pampanga
●Trainable and willing to learn
●Fast learner with a positive and responsible attitude

Applicant’s Signature
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 51

Purok 1, San Rafael, Guagua, Pampanga

Email address:
Phone number: 09054018017
Turla, Kimberly Dale

To Secure a responsible career opportunity to fully utilize my training and skills, while
making a significant contribution to the success of the company.


Age : 20
Date of birth : May 23, 2001
Place of birth : Sta. Rita ,Pampanga
Gender : Female
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Nationality : Filipino
Height : 5’2
Weight : 55 lbs.

Tertiary: Don Honorio Ventura State University
Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga
Secondary: AMA-CLC of Guagua
Plaza Burgos Guagua, Pampanga
Paguiruan High School
Paguiruan Floridablanca, Pampanga
Primary: Lambac Elementary School
Lambac Guagua, Pampanga

●Good in Communication. Active Listening, Adaptability, Negotiation
●Conflict Resolution, Empathy
●Customer Service. Decision Making
Applicant’s Signature
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 52

#0405 Purok 2 Natividad Guagua, Pampanga

Email address:
Phone number: 09691385437
Satsatin, Andrei Garcia
To enhance skills and gain knowledge. An Inductive student with the ability to create

new ideas that can stir the objectives of a company towards success. Looking to gain an

internship position to utilize my abilities and skills in ensuring work efficiency.

Age : 21
Date of birth : October 11, 2000
Place of birth : Guagua, Pampanga
Gender : Male
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Nationality : Filipino
Height : 5’7
Weight : 60 lbs.

Tertiary: Don Honorio Ventura State University
Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga
Secondary: Natividad High School
Natividad Guagua, Pampanga
Natividad High School
Natividad Guagua, Pampanga
Primary: Natividad Elementary School
Natividad Guagua, Pampanga

●Communication skills . Leadership Experience
●Strong work ethics
●Critical thinking and problem solving ANDREI G. SATSATIN
Applicant’s Signature
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 53
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 54


Barber. (2021). Tips for Bakeries in the COVID-19 Environment


Castillo. (2018). Consumer Buying Behavior: The Multicultural Influence in the


Chavez, Dimafelix , Garnis , Pascasio & Robredo (2017). Demystifying the

Household Final Consumption Expenditure (HFCE) in the Philippine System of
National Accounts (PSNA)



MasterChef. (2019 ) The French Patisserie Challenge
Potnies De’Pine
The simpler the better taste 55



Wozniak. (2020). Ecological factors affecting business 2020

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