Total Quality Management Assignment June 2023

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Total Quality Management

June 2023

Answer 1

InTotal Quality Management (TQM) is a management philosophy that

has emerged from the contributions of quality gurus, such as

Deming, Juran, Crosby, Feigenbaum, Ishikawa, and others. These

gurus have developed powerful management techniques to improve

the quality of businesses within organizations. The philosophy of

TQM aims to ensure that every aspect of a business is focused on

quality, from the product or service to the customer service

provided. In this essay, we will discuss three propositions stated by

most of the gurus in quality management.troduction:

The Quality Gurus—Dr. W. Edwards Deming, Dr. Joseph Juran, Philip

Crosby, Armand V. Feigenbaum, Dr. H. James Harrington, Dr. Kaoru
Ishikawa, Dr. Walter A. Shewhart, Shigeo Shingo, Frederick Taylor,
and Dr. Genichi Taguchi—have made a significant impact on the
world through their contributions to improving not only businesses,
but all organizations including state and national governments,
military organizations, educational institutions, healthcare
organizations, and many other establishments and organizations.
Concept and application:

Usually, choices about supply chain design are made under pressure and with little

information. The following are typical behaviors in this situation.

Delivery system "redesign" In practice, "blank slate" judgments about SCD are infrequently

taken. Acquisitions, mergers, layoffs, and significant shifts in corporate strategy are the most

prevalent reasons for SCD queries. The main problem in this scenario is adapting the supply

chain to gradual design changes in the supply network.

a novel strategy. Many businesses struggle to understand how corporate-level data can affect

their supplier networks.

The affected demographic groups span a wide range. A range of corporate functions are

usually significantly impacted by supply chain redesign. A person, a group, or an

organization is frequently unprepared to assess or look into such effects. The greatest benefits

of supply chain design become seen when functional areas of an organization intersect.

Within an organization, incentives may prevent change. The SCD's findings may necessitate

a reduction in some groups' present performance metrics and an increase in enterprise-level

KPIs. For example, having more inventory in one place may result in higher local expenses

but lower total expenditures.

collaboration between several functional sectors. SCD enables collaboration amongst

businesses that would not often cooperate with one another, which is one of its main

advantages. We now have a better knowledge of departmental challenges because to the


SCD may have disastrous implications. Researchers typically use optimization, heuristics,

and simulation to "solve" SCD iterations. Numerous approaches to problem-solving, such as

linear and integer programming, dynamic programming, and stochastic programming, are

used in optimization. The fact that optimization produces the best theoretical results is the

most important point to make. It is usually shown how much the actual output deviates from

the ideal when optimization fails. Because of this crucial feature, optimization is the best

approach for dealing with SCD issues. Global supply chain design is examined and put into
practice as part of supply chain research. Numerous advantages of a well-designed supply

chain include reduced costs, increased coordination, and improved customer service.

Numerous organizational challenges must be resolved when a SCD is implemented, and the

advantages of cross-functional cooperation typically outweigh the immediate cost savings.

Customs, duty drawback, local content, taxes, and fluctuating exchange rates are just a few of

the many challenges that must be overcome while running a worldwide supply chain.


Risques in international procurement must be reduced. To do this, you must first recognize

potential risks, assess the damage they could do to your company, and then take the required

safety measures. There must also be a process in place for handling problems and resolving

conflicts. The legal and regulatory frameworks of each country must be fully understood, and

a strategy for resolving any problems must be in place. It's important to track and assess a

supplier's performance. This approach comprises inspecting the goods and services, finding

out how effective the supplier is, and making sure they satisfy your company's requirements.

Evaluating the success of your global purchasing strategy is also crucial. Keeping track of

spending, comparing the outcomes of different service providers, and comprehending the

overall effect on your corporation are all part of this. A cost-effective way to save expenses,
investigate new markets, and find new suppliers is through global procurement. However,

there are many challenges. By learning about the benefits and drawbacks of the process,

evaluating their strengths, devising a sourcing strategy, managing logistics and transportation,

reducing risks, and monitoring and evaluating performance, businesses may overcome the

hurdles of global sourcing.

Answer 2


The term statistical process control (SPC) describes the use of statistical approaches to

manage a manufacturing system or operation. It is feasible to track process behavior, spot

internal system problems, and deal with production-related problems using SPC tools and

procedures. Statistical quality control (SQC) and statistical process control (SPC) are terms

that are occasionally used interchangeably, but they have very different meanings. To

maintain the quality of munitions and other strategically important commodities during

World War II, the United States used control charts more frequently. SPC techniques were

used less frequently after the conflict, but they were later adopted with great success in Japan,

where they are still used today. (See Quality in Historical Context for further details.)
Businesses all across the world have recently started putting SPC approaches into practice,

particularly as part of Six Sigma quality improvement projects. The availability of specialized

statistical tools and improved data collection methods have led to a widespread adoption of

control charting approaches. Statistical process control, or SPC, is not a new idea in the

corporate world. The control chart and the idea of statistically monitoring a process were

invented in 1924 by a Bell Laboratories employee. It has William A. Shewart written on it.

He published his own work, "Statistical Method from the Perspective of Quality Control," in

1939. During World War II, the military made widespread use of SPC for ammunition and

weapon installations. In order to meet the growing demand, a more accurate way of assessing

product quality must be created without endangering consumer security. The SPC complied

with the demands. Less SPC tactics were used by the United States after World War II. It was

eventually improved by Japanese producers, and it is still in use today. High-quality Japanese

imports put pressure on American companies in the 1970s, which led to a rebirth of interest

in SPC. Many different industries employ SPC as a form of quality control.

Concept and application:

By examining its own data, a process can be managed, monitored, and improved using a set

of techniques called statistical process control (SPC). It guarantees that the procedure is
appropriately used and regularly produces outcomes of the specified caliber. The following

SPC tools can be beneficial to Maxx Industry:

The most popular tool for statistical process control is the control chart. They are graphs that

provide information about a process over time and allow abnormalities to be found. The

centre line of a control chart indicates the average of the process data, while the bounds at

each extreme represent the permissible variation range. One data point must vary from the

control boundaries before the process is considered out of control and requires additional


Graphical depictions of data distribution are called histograms. They help to define the form

and distribution of the data as well as to spot outliers. Histograms can help in locating the

underlying reason for process variation, enabling corrections.

Pareto charts can show the quantity and frequency of errors in a process using bar diagrams.

They are helpful for figuring out which problems need to be resolved first because they have

the biggest influence on the process.

Scatter plots are diagrams that show the relationship between two variables. They make it

easier to spot trends, anomalies, and patterns in data. Scatter diagrams can be used to
determine the link between factors and their results, which can subsequently be utilized to

optimize operations.

Flowcharts are diagrammatic representations of processes. Their contribution has an impact

on the movement of individuals, things, and information. Process bottlenecks and

inefficiencies can be found and fixed using flowcharts.

The causes and effects of a problem or error are graphically represented in cause-and-effect

diagrams, Ishikawa diagrams, and fishbone diagrams. They aid in identifying the source of an

issue and put new practices into place to streamline business processes.

SPC is a technique for keeping an eye on the production process as well as for measuring,

analyzing, and controlling quality. Quality data is produced using measurements of the final

product or process as well as observations made using a number of devices. Data collection

and analysis allow for the evaluation, monitoring, and management of processes. SPC works

well for fostering an improvement culture. We can make sure a process runs as efficiently as

possible by carefully monitoring and managing it. One of the best and most complete SPC

resources is the document from the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG). Today's

industrial businesses confront more competition. Additionally, the cost of production-related

goods is rising. Most businesses have little or no control over these variables.

Therefore, businesses should concentrate on the processes that they have control over. Give

increased productivity, higher quality standards, and the reduction of waste top priority.

Additional quality assurance testing are carried out by numerous organizations on

manufactured goods. A business can shift the focus of its quality management from defect

detection to defect prevention by using SPC. The operator can identify trends or changes by

continuously monitoring the process performance before they lead to nonconforming

products and waste. Maxx Industry can easily assess and control its business processes to

make sure they meet the appropriate export quality requirements by using the SPC tools listed

above. Maxx may utilize these tools to change the process as necessary after determining the

root cause of any process variation or problem.

Answer 3(a)


The acronym ISO stands for the International Organization for Standardization. The

enormous number of experts from many fields who work there enable them to function
autonomously. Businesses can utilize this to gather and exchange knowledge across

industries to identify best practices and crucial safety information, allowing them to decide

how best to carry out specific operations or processes. An ISO standard is essentially a

standard that is widely acknowledged. This guarantees that everyone, regardless of location,

adheres to the same standards and gets the same trustworthy result. Both the business and the

client win from this. Because this standard has been created and is widely accepted,

businesses may relax. Everyone wins when customers are convinced that the good or service

they are buying is dependable, trustworthy, and of a high caliber.

Concept and application:

The International Standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems, ISO

45001:2018, seems to be the most appropriate in this case. The goal of this standard is to give

businesses a framework for improving occupational health and safety, decreasing diseases

and accidents at work, and making the workplace safer and healthier for employees. The use

of ISO 45001:2018 offers many benefits.

A framework for managing workplace health and safety is provided by ISO 45001, which

helps with hazard identification and mitigation, the prevention of occupational diseases and

injuries, and personnel development.

Productivity increases with decreased absenteeism, attrition, and lost time from work due to

illness and workplace accidents, which can boost output and enhance financial results.

Improved balance Putting ISO 45001 into practice could demonstrate to your customers,

staff, and other stakeholders that you are concerned about workplace safety.

The following are some legislative prerequisites for a safe workplace: Businesses can comply

with certain legal and regulatory standards with the help of the ISO 45001 standard.

Organizations are required by ISO 45001 to regularly upgrade their occupational health and

safety management system to take into account the most recent best practices and scientific



Getting ISO certification has several advantages. The first thing you'll learn are tried-and-true

techniques that have worked in every facet of business management. Collaboration with other

parties is simple because your operating standards are widely accepted. Adherence to ISO

standards greatly simplifies compliance with more demanding requirements. In order to meet

industry standards and address all important concerns, including demonstrating compliance

with applicable laws, your quality management system must be ISO 9001-certified.

Additionally, ISO accreditation shows clients that you are dedicated to excellence in quality
and safety. Organizations may benefit from using ISO 45001:2018 to improve their public

image, increase output, adhere to standards, decrease occupational injuries and illnesses, and

promote ongoing development.

Answer 3(b)


We talked about how businesses might achieve uniformity across the industry in terms of

management, service provision, and product development. To control and create industry

standards, a group of organizations formed the International Organization for

Standardization, or ISO, in 1946. (IFNS, UNSCC, and IFNS) 64 delegates from 25 different

nations attended the inaugural meeting, which was held at the Institute of Civil Engineers in

London. We have created nearly 23,000 different standards since then. They also need a

broad spectrum of technical and production procedures, as well as administrative expertise.

The non-governmental ISO is composed of 164 countries and 781 operational technical

committees and subcommittees. Geneva, Switzerland serves as the Central Secretary's

administrative center.

Concept and application:

The following are the key phases for producing a new international standard, which is a

labor-intensive, lengthy, and complex procedure.

Finding a need is the first step. This skill is shared by patients and doctors. For example, as a

result of technology developments in remote monitoring of health issues, new criteria would

be needed to adequately reflect the evolving reality. When a need is discovered, a project

proposal to build a new benchmark or update an existing one is produced.

A group of subject-matter specialists is assembled to create or assess the criteria. A technical

council made up of experts in academia, medicine, patients, and families represents them.

Thirdly, the technical committee develops the framework of the standard and conducts

preliminary research. This preparatory work could be done mostly online.

The technical committee reviews the papers in person before they are made public.

Consensus must be established prior to moving forward.

Dissemination of the updated or new standard for public comment is the last stage. All

interested parties' opinions are solicited in order to improve the standards and guarantee that

all pertinent problems and points of view are addressed.

Accept - After the standard has been reviewed by the public, the technical committee will

assess it and make any changes that are thought to be necessary in light of the comments

received. The committee will then vote on the final draft following that.

After receiving the final approval from the technical committee, the revised or new standard

is subsequently published. It is commercially available for usage by automated systems and

medical personnel.


As stated in the conclusion, developing a new global standard is a challenging, complex task

that necessitates the cooperation of experts from various industries. The standard that comes

out of this lengthy process is being quickly adopted by the worldwide business sector.

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