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University of Zakho

Faculty of Science
Department of Mathematics

limit point and derived sets

Prepared By: Supervised By:

Bahadin Rashid Mrs. Shadya Merkhan
Xorshid Abdullah


Limit points and derived sets are fundamental concepts in
topology and real analysis. A limit point, also known as an
accumulation point, is a point in a set that can be approached
arbitrarily closely by elements of that set. The derived set,
denoted as d(A) or A', encompasses all such limit points of a
given set A, including accumulation points. These concepts
serve as the building blocks for defining open and closed sets,
compactness, continuity, and other key properties in
mathematical spaces. Understanding limit points and derived
sets is essential for analyzing the structure and behavior of sets
within the context of topological and analytical mathematics.

Topology is a branch of mathematics that focuses on
understanding the fundamental properties of spaces and the
relationships between points within those spaces. Central to this
field are the concepts of "limit points" and "derived sets," which

provide essential tools for characterizing the structure of sets in
a topological space.


limit point:

Let A be any Subset of a topological Space (X , T ). A Point x ∈ X
is said to be a limit point (or a cluster point or an accumulation
point) of A if
A ∩ N ¿[ x ¿]≠ ∅ ∀ open set N
Containing X.
Note that for practical purposes it is enough to consider open
nhds in the above definition, since every neighbourhood of x is a
super set of some open neighbourhood of x . Also x will not be a
limit point of A if there exists a nhd N of x such that
N∩A = ∅ or N∩A={x}.
A point x ∈ X is said to be a point of condensation of A iff
every nhd of x contains uncountably many points of A. Note that
every point of condensation is a limit point but not conversely.
Derived set:
Let(X , T )be a topological space. The derived set of A∈ X - denoted
by D ( A ) or A is the set of all the limit points of A.

Isolated point:
Let(X , T ) be a topological space. A point in A ∈ X is called an
isolated point of A if it has a neighbourhood which contains no
other point of A.
Remark: It follows that an adherent point is either an isolated
point or a limit point of A. For if x is an adherent point of A,
then there are the following two mutually exclusive possibilities.
(i) Every nhd N of x contains a point of A other than X. In this
case x is a limiting point of A.
(ii) x ∈ A and there is some nhd of x which contains no point of
A except x. In this case x is an isolated point
Let A be a subset of a topological space X and let x ∈ X. Then x
is called an adherent point (also called contact point) of A iff
every nhd of x contains a point of A. The set of all adherent
points of A is called the adherence of A and shall be denoted by
Adh A.

What is limit point of sets?

The concept of limit point is of fundamental importance in
topology; a point p is called a limit point of the set S if every
open set containing p also contains some point (s) of S (points
other than p, should p happen to lie in S ).
What is a limit point and derived set?
The point and set considered are regarded as belonging to a
topological space. A set containing all its limit points is called
closed. The set of all limit points of a set M is called the derived
set, and is denoted by M′.
Can a finite set have limit points?
Any finite set is composed of isolated points only. Since for any
isolated point there exists a neighborhood that does not contain
any other element of the set, a finite set cannot have any limit
Which set contains its limit points?
closed set In a topological space, a closed set can be defined as
a set which contains all its limit points. In a complete metric
space, a closed set is a set which is closed under the limit
Is infinity a limit point?
Yes, if you are working in the context of extended real
numbers, then it makes perfect sense to treat the limit at infinity
(resp. at negative infinity) as a limit point.

X =[1 ,2 , 3], T =[ ∅ ,[1], x ], A=[1, 3]

N 1=[[1],[1 , 2],[1 ,3 ], x ]

N 2= [ x ] , N 3= [ x ] find D(A) ?

X =1

[1, 3]∩[1][1 ¿=¿ ∅ is not limit point

X =2

[1, 3]∩[x ][2 ¿=¿ [1, 3]¿ 2 ¿ ≠ ∅ is limit point

X =3

[1, 3]∩[x ][3 ¿=¿ [1, 3]¿ 3 ¿ ≠ ∅ is limit point

D( A)=[2 ,3]

Let X ={a ,b ,c } and let τ ={ ∅ , {a }, {a , b },{a , c }, X }
Find all limit points of the sets
(i) A={b , c },(ii) B={a , c }.

(i) a is not a limit point of A since (a) is a τ -nhd of a which
contains no points of A. Again b is not a limit point of A since

(a, b) is a τ -nhd of b which contains no point of A other than b.
Also c is not a limit point of A since {a, c} is a τ -nhd of c which
contains no points of A other than c. Hence A has no limit
points. Thus D (A) = 0.
(iii) Here a is not a limit point of B since {a} is a τ -nhd of a
which contains no point of B other than a. But b is a limit point
of B since τ -open nhds of b are {a, b} and X , each of which
contains a point of B other than b. Note that here b is not a point
of B. Also e is a limit point of B since there are only two τ -open
nhds of c, namely {a, c} and X each of which contains a point of
B other than c. Since b, c are limit points of B, we have D
(8)={b. c}.


X =[ 1, 2 , 3 ] , T =[ ∅ , x ] =indiscrete

∅ ,if A= ∅
D ( A )= x , if A
x ,if A=[x ]


D( A)=¿ ∅

A=[ 1 , 2 ]
D ( A )= [ 1 , 2 ,3 ] =x
A=[ 3 ]
D( A)=[1 ,2]

∴ If (x ,T ) is discrete topology the D(A)=∅ ,T=P(x)

∴ In (R,U) In general If A=[a,b] or A=(a,b) or A=[a,b)

Or A=(a,b]

Theorem: Let A, B, be subsets of a topological space. Then

1: D ( ∅ )= ∅
2 : A ⊂ B ⇒ D(A) ⊂ D(B)
3:D (A ∩ B) ⊂ D(A) ∩ D(B) .
1: Since Ø is closed; D ( ∅ ) ⊂ ∅ But is a subset of every set and
so ∅ subset D ( ∅ ) Hence D ( ∅ )=∅
2: p contains a point of A different from p. Since A ⊂ B. every
nhd of p mustalso contain a point of B different from p. Hence p

is also a limit point of B.that is p ∈ D(B) . ThusA subset B
Rightarrow D(A) subset D(B) .
3: Since A∩B ⊂ A and A∩ B ⊂ B ;: by [2] we have
D (A ∩ B) ⊂ D(A) and ( A ∩ B) ⊂ D(B) and consequently
D (A ∩ B ) ⊂ D (A) ∩ D(B).

limit points and derived sets are fundamental concepts in
topology that play a crucial role in understanding the structure
and properties of sets within topological spaces.

1:Gaal, Steven A. Point set topology. Courier Corporation,
2:Moore, Gregory H. "The emergence of open sets, closed sets,
and limit points in analysis and topology." Historia
Mathematica 35.3 (2008): 220-241.

3:Egenhofer, M. J., & Franzosa, R. D. (1991). Point-set

topological spatial relations. International Journal of
Geographical Information System, 5(2), 161-174.

4:Naimpally, Somashekhar A., and James F. Peters. Topology
with applications: topological spaces via near and far. World
Scientific, 2013.


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