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OCTOBER, 2023.


I declare that the contents of this project are my original work and that no part of it has

been lifted or quoted from other sources without full and adequate citation of the sources

and without due credit given to the original authors of the work cited or lifted. I also

declare that this work has not been presented in any form for any award or publication


__________________ _________________

Samuel, Faith Ojochenemi



This project title Identification and Characterization of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) found in

“Ogi” from different areas in Anyigba by Samuel, Faith Ojochenemi with matriculation number

19FS1059 meet the regulations governing the award of the degree of a Bachelor of Science

(B.Sc) Food Science And Technology of Prince Abubakar Audu University Anyigba Kogi State

University, and is approved for its contribution to knowledge and literary presentation.

__________________ __________________
Dr. Mrs. Grace Usman Date

__________________ __________________
Prof. C. O Orishagbemi Date
HOD (Food Nutrition and Home Science)

__________________ __________________
External Supervisor Date


This piece of work is dedicated to Almighty God for His love, care and support throughout my

educational pursuit.


All praises and adorations to Almighty Yahweh for keeping me to the end of this program. I

wouldn't have been here without Him.

To my amiable supervisor, Dr. Mrs. Grace Usman whose correcting ink never ceased to flow

where necessary, on her instructions was the word success depended. Your effort is really

appreciated ma. I also want to appreciate my H. O. D, Prof. C. O. Orishagbemi, and lecturers,

Mr. Isah Rasheed, Mrs. Ladi Opega, Mr. Achimugu Solomon, Mr. Igbatigbi Jesse, to mention

but a few. I appreciate you all.

My unending gratitude goes to my late dad, Mr. Samuel Odawn and my Mum, Mrs. Blessing

Samuel who started and supported my educational journey in all aspect, to my cheerful and

lovely siblings, Ufedojo, Ojochegbe, Oneh and Ojotule also goes my appreciation for their moral


Also, am elated to extend my warm gratitude to my boyfriend, Ojonimi Daniel for love, care and

financial supports thrown at me throughout this period.

I also want to thank my uncle, Mr. Philip Obaje, my friend, Joan, Queen, Abdulhadi and Daniel

for their kind gestures and hands of friendship extended. To everyone whose name am unable to

mention, I am indeed grateful for your immense contributions towards my success. God bless

and reward you all.

This study was carried out to Identify and Characterize Lactic acid Bacteria (LAB) found in
“Ogi” from Anyigba Metropolis. The results of qualitative analysis showed that all sample
tested positive for Streptococcus sp. L. brevis was detected in AAA 1, BBB1, CCC1, and CCC2,
indicating its presence in “Ogi” samples derived from maize (AAA 1), millet (BBB1), and
sorghum (CCC1), as well as the control sample CCC2. L. plantarum was found in AAA2, BBB1,
and BBB2. This indicates that it was present in the control sample AAA 2 and ogi samples derived
from millet (BBB1) and the control sample BBB2. L. Casei was detected in BBB1 and BBB2,
which are both millet-based ogi samples. It was not found in the other samples. Lactis was
detected in CCC1, indicating its presence in sorghum-based ogi, and in AAA 2, the control
sample. The quantitative data related to LAB counts (colony-forming units per gram, cfu/g) for
different species of LAB (Streptococcus sp, L. brevis, L. plantarum, L. Casei, L. Lactis) in
various samples of “Ogi”. The result reveals significant variability in LAB counts (colony-
forming units per gram, cfu/g) across the different ogi samples (AAA 1, AAA2, BBB1, BBB2, CCC1,
and CCC2). From the result, it appears that Streptococcus sp is present in all samples, while
other species like L. brevis, L. plantarum, L. Casei, and L. Lactis show variations in their
presence. The study underscores the diversity of LAB populations in “Ogi”, influenced by the
type of grain used for fermentation. Specific LAB species were identified in various samples,
suggesting that grain selection impacts microbial composition. Control samples were crucial for
establishing baselines and provided insights into the natural occurrence of LAB. Based solely on
the microbial counts from the result of this study, it appears that the control samples (AAA 2,
BBB2, and CCC2) have counts within the international standards and may be recommended for


Cover Page
Table of Contents..........................................................................................................................vii
Chapter One.....................................................................................................................................1
1.0 Introduction...........................................................................................................................1
1.1 Justification of the Study......................................................................................................4
1.2 Significance of this Study.....................................................................................................4
1.3 Broad Objective of the Study...............................................................................................5
1.4 Specific Objective of the Study............................................................................................5
Chapter Two....................................................................................................................................6
2.0 Literature Review.................................................................................................................6
2.1 Fermentation.........................................................................................................................6
2.2 Fermentation Process in Ogi.................................................................................................8
2.3 Nutritional Quality of Ogi..................................................................................................10
2.4 Microbiological Properties of Ogi......................................................................................12
2.5 Safety Assessment of Ogi...................................................................................................14
2.6 Probiotic Attributes of Ogi.................................................................................................16
2.7 Types and properties of lactic acid bacteria (LAB)............................................................17
2.7.1 Lacticbacillus:.............................................................................................................18
2.7.2 Bifidobacterium:..........................................................................................................18
2.7.3 Streptococcus:.............................................................................................................18
2.7.4 Leuconostoc:...............................................................................................................18
2.7.5 Pediococcus:................................................................................................................18
2.7.6 Enterococcus:..............................................................................................................19
2.7.7 Oenococcus:................................................................................................................19
2.7.8 Lacticcoccus:...............................................................................................................19

Chapter Three................................................................................................................................20
3.0 Materials and Methods.......................................................................................................20
3.1 Source of Raw Materials and Sample Collection...............................................................20
3.2 Preparation of Ogi Control Samples...................................................................................20
3.3 Enumeration of LAB Ogi Sample......................................................................................20
3.4 Statistical Data Analysis.....................................................................................................23
Chapter Four..................................................................................................................................24
4.0 Results and Discussion.......................................................................................................24
4.1 Interpretation and Discussion of Table 4.1:........................................................................24
4.2 Interpretation and Discussion of Table 4.2:........................................................................27
Chapter Five...................................................................................................................................32
Conclusion and Recommendation.................................................................................................32
5.1 Conclusion..........................................................................................................................32
5.2 Recommendations:.............................................................................................................33


1.0 Introduction

Nigeria, ogi is either prepared into

a smooth porridge
called pap or a solid gel known as
eko or agidi. The
consistency of the pap varies from
thick to watery
according to choice. The pap can be
sweetened with sugar
and milk; it is then eaten with bean
cake. The pap is used
as the first native food for weaning
babies [11-12]. It also
serves as breakfast meal for pre-
school, school children
and adults [13]. In a more
concentrated form, it is boiled

into a thick gel and then allowed to
set stiff in leaf moulds
as eko or agidi. In either form, it
is usually preferred to
many other indigenous foods by
the aged and the
Nigeria, ogi is either prepared into
a smooth porridge
called pap or a solid gel known as
eko or agidi. The
consistency of the pap varies from
thick to watery
according to choice. The pap can be
sweetened with sugar
and milk; it is then eaten with bean
cake. The pap is used
as the first native food for weaning
babies [11-12]. It also
serves as breakfast meal for pre-
school, school children
and adults [13]. In a more
concentrated form, it is boiled
into a thick gel and then allowed to
set stiff in leaf moulds
as eko or agidi. In either form, it
is usually preferred to
many other indigenous foods by
the aged and the
Nigeria, ogi is either prepared into
a smooth porridge
called pap or a solid gel known as
eko or agidi. The
consistency of the pap varies from
thick to watery
according to choice. The pap can be
sweetened with sugar
and milk; it is then eaten with bean
cake. The pap is used
as the first native food for weaning
babies [11-12]. It also
serves as breakfast meal for pre-
school, school children
and adults [13]. In a more
concentrated form, it is boiled
into a thick gel and then allowed to
set stiff in leaf moulds
as eko or agidi. In either form, it
is usually preferred to
many other indigenous foods by
the aged and the
"Ogi, a traditional fermented maize-based food staple in West Africa, is produced by soaking,

dehulling, and grinding maize, followed by fermentation and drying (Ekpa et al., 2019). “Ogi”

has become part of the staple diets for young adults, nursing mothers and weaning ration for

infants between the ages of 1-2 yrs. (De Vries-Ten Have et al., 2020). “Ogi” is also a choice

meal for patients that are in need of soft and easily digestible foods. It is a fermented non-

alcoholic starch food that has sour taste. The fermentation process used in making ogi is a lactic

acid fermentation, which is a type of anaerobic fermentation (Ekpa et al., 2020). During the

fermentation process, lactic acid bacteria convert the sugars in the cereal grains into lactic acid,

which gives the ogi its characteristic sour taste and helps to preserve it. This process also

increases the digestibility and nutritional value of the ogi by breaking down complex

carbohydrates into simpler forms that are easier for the body to absorb (Ekpa et al., 2020).

Ogi can be consumed with varieties of other food products like bread, fried bean cake (Akara),

Moi-moi, fried yam, cooked beans and fried plantain. “Ogi” can also be consumed with milk,

tea, sugar and honey to improve its taste and nutrients (Rashwan, et al., 2021). This

supplementation is also done to improve the low quality of maize protein and to replenish the

substantial loss of nutrient at different stages of production.

Ogi, being important cereal

porridge in the
West African sub-region, has for
some time, been a
subject of scientific evaluations.
Many workers have
reported on different aspects of ogi
production. Particular
attention has been given to the
various aspects such as

process variations and
mechanization, and nutritional
improvement [11, 15]. The
microbiology of ogi and
related products during the
processing stages up to the
finished products have equally been
studied [15-16]. New
attention is presently on the use of
starter cultures, which
is solving numerous problems
associated with the product.
An important cereal porridge in the West African sub-region, “ogi” has for some time,

been a subject of scientific evaluations (Amagloh, 2022). Many workers have reported on

different aspects of “Ogi” production. Particular attention has been given to the various

aspects such as process variations and mechanization, and nutritional improvement (Sala et

al., 2017). The microbiology of “Ogi” and related products during the processing stages

up to the finished products have equally been studied (Chibuzor-Onyema et al., 2021). New

attention is presently on the use of starter cultures, which is solving numerous problems

associated with the product.

Wild fermentation is a process of food and beverage preparation that involves allowing naturally

occurring microorganisms, such as bacteria and yeasts, to ferment the ingredients without the

addition of commercial starter cultures. In this method, the microorganisms that are present on

the surface of the fruits, vegetables, or grains are allowed to interact with the food, which

initiates the fermentation process.

Wild fermentation can be used to make a variety of foods and beverages, including bread, beer,

wine, sauerkraut, kimchi, and pickles (Schloss, 2019). The resulting products often have unique

flavors and textures that reflect the specific mix of microorganisms that were present during the

fermentation process (Katz, 2012). One of the advantages of wild fermentation is that it can be a

more sustainable and cost-effective method of food preparation, as it does not require the use of

commercial starter cultures or other additives (Rezac et al., 2018). Additionally, some

proponents of wild fermentation argue that it can lead to greater diversity of microbial

communities in our food and in our bodies, which may have health benefits (Tournas and

Katsoudas, 2015). However, it is important to note that wild fermentation can be a somewhat

unpredictable process, as it can be affected by factors such as temperature, humidity, and the

specific mix of microorganisms present (Marco et al., 2021).

Lactic-acid bacteria (LAB) are a group of bacteria that produce lactic acid as a primary

metabolic end-product of carbohydrate fermentation. In food production, LAB play a vital role

as starter cultures for fermented foods, such as yogurt, kefir, sourdough bread, and ogi

(Maluleke, 2019). Lactic-acid bacteria (LAB) play a vital role in the fermentation process,

contributing to the flavor, aroma, and texture of the final product, preserving the quality and

safety of the food by suppressing the growth of spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms, and

offering potential health benefits to consumers through their probiotic properties (Valero-Cases

et al., 2020).

The identification and characterization of LAB in ogi is important for several reasons. Firstly,

LAB contribute to the flavor, aroma, and texture of the final product (Liptáková et al., 2017).

Secondly, LAB play a crucial role in preserving the quality and safety of fermented foods by

suppressing the growth of spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms (Liptáková et al., 2017).

Finally, some LAB have been found to have probiotic properties, which may offer health

benefits to consumers (Liptáková et al., 2017).

To identify and characterize the LAB in ogi, researchers typically use a combination of

microbiological, molecular, and biochemical methods (Efiuvwevwer et al., 2022). These include

culture-based methods, such as isolation and identification of LAB strains, as well as molecular

methods, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR), denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis

(DGGE), and sequencing of 16S rRNA genes (Efiuvwevwer et al., 2022). Biochemical methods,

such as sugar fermentation patterns and the production of exopolysaccharides, can also be used

to further characterize the strains (Efiuvwevwer et al., 2022).

Thus, this study seek to identify and characterize the LABS present in fermented ogi produced

from yellow maize, millet and sorghum to establish the significance in terms of nutrition in these

cereal products.

1.1 Justification of the Study
"Ogi is a traditional fermented maize-based food staple in West Africa that is an important

source of nutrition for many people in the region. The fermentation process of ogi is crucial for

its flavor, aroma, texture, and preservation, and is largely influenced by the LAB present in the

product. Understanding the microbial diversity and functionality of the LAB in ogi is important

for ensuring the quality, safety, and potential health benefits of this traditional food.

However, there is limited information on the LAB present in ogi produced from maize, sorghum

and millet fermented at varying periods (2 days, 4days and six days) and their role in the

fermentation process. To address this gap in knowledge, a study on the Identification and

characterization of LAB (Lactic acid bacteria) found in ogi is necessary. The results of this study

will contribute to the overall understanding of the microbial diversity and functionality of LAB

in ogi, providing valuable information for the preservation and improvement of this traditional

food. The findings of this study will also have implications for the potential health benefits of

ogi, as some LAB have been found to have probiotic properties. Furthermore, this study will

provide a foundation for future research on the optimization of the fermentation process and the

development of improved starter cultures for ogi.

1.2 Significance of the Study

"The significance of the study lies in its contribution to the understanding of the microbial

diversity and functionality of LAB in ogi, a traditional fermented cereal-based food staple in

West Africa. Ogi is an important source of nutrition for many people in the region and the

fermentation process is crucial for its preservation and quality, as well as its flavor, aroma, and

texture (Oke et al., 2019).

The results of this study provide valuable information on the LAB present in ogi and their role in

the fermentation process. This information will have implications for the quality, safety, and

potential health benefits of the food. For example, the study may identify LAB strains with

probiotic properties, which could have positive effects on the health of consumers (Efiuvwevwer

et al., 2022).

Furthermore, the findings of this study will provide a foundation for future research on the

optimization of the fermentation process and the development of improved starter cultures for

ogi. This will benefit the production and preservation of this traditional food and ensure its

availability as a nutritious source of food for generations to come.

1.3 Broad Objective of the Study

The broad objective of the study was is to identify and characterizes Lactic-acid bacteria (LAB)

present in “Ogi,” from Anyigba metropolis.

1.4 Specific Objective of the Study

1. To collect samples from major “ogi” producers in Anyigba metropolis.

2. To isolate and characterize the LAB’s present in the sample.


2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Fermentation
Fermentation is a metabolic process that produces chemical changes in organic substrates

through the action of enzymes. In biochemistry, it is narrowly defined as the extraction of energy

from carbohydrates in the absence of oxygen. In food production, it may more broadly refer to

any process in which the activity of microorganisms brings about a desirable change to a

foodstuff or beverage Hui, (2004). The science of fermentation is known as zymology.

In microorganisms, fermentation is the primary means of producing adenosine triphosphate

(ATP) by the degradation of organic nutrients anaerobically (Klein et al., 2006). Humans have

used fermentation to produce foodstuffs and beverages since the Neolithic age. For example,

fermentation is used for preservation in a process that produces lactic acid found in such sour

foods as pickled cucumbers, Ogi, kombucha, kimchi, and yogurt, as well as for producing

alcoholic beverages such as wine and beer.

Most fermented foods contain a complex mixture of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and so on;

undergoing modification simultaneously, or in some sequence, under the action of a variety of

microorganisms and enzymes. In addition to the roles of fermentation in preservation and

providing variety to the diet, there are further important consequences of fermentation (Potter

and Hotchkiss, 2006). Several of the end products of food fermentation, particularly acids and

alcohols, are inhibitory to the common pathogenic microorganisms that may find their way into

foods, e.g. inability of Clostridium botulinum to grow and produce toxin at pH values of ≤4.6.

When microorganisms ferment food constituents, they yield energy in the process and increase in

numbers. To the extent that food constituents are oxidized, their remaining energy potential for

human decreases Hui, (2004). Compounds that are completely oxidized by fermentation to such

end products as CO2 and water retain no further energy value. Some of the beneficial effects of

fermented food which contains probiotic organism consumption include: (i) improving intestinal

tract health; (ii) enhancing the immune system, synthesizing and enhancing the bioavailability of

nutrients; (iii) reducing symptoms of lacticse intolerance, decreasing the prevalence of allergy in

susceptible individuals; and (iv) reducing risk of certain cancers. The mechanisms by which

probiotics exert their effects are largely unknown, but may involve modifying gut pH,

antagonizing pathogens through production of antimicrobial compounds, competing for pathogen

binding and receptor sites as well as for available nutrients and growth factors, stimulating

immunomodulatory cells, and producing lactase. The fermenting organisms include LAB (Lactic

acid bacteria) such as Leuconostoc, Streptococcus, Lacticbacillus, Enterococcus, Aerococcus and

Pediococcus spp (Moslehi-Jenabian et at., 2010). The yeasts isolated are mainly of the species

Saccharomyces, Kluyeromyces and Debaryomyces (Jones et at. 2010). Moulds have been used

mainly in milk and cheese fermentation and include Penicillium, Mucor, Geotrichium, and

Rhizopus species (Wouters et al., 2012; Varga et al., 2015). Some of the microorganisms

isolated from fermented food are, however, yet to be identified. In all the foods and beverages

examined, LAB is the dominant microorganisms, and therefore, lactic acid fermentation is

considered as the major contributor to the beneficial characteristics observed in fermented foods.

The numerous fermented food products in Asia can be categorized into five groups: (1)

fermented soybean products, (2) fermented fish products, (3) fermented vegetable products, (4)

fermented bread and porridges, and (5) alcoholic beverages. Probiotics are involved in all of

these fermentations to a varying extent, having either positive or negative effects on the eventual

product. Nutrition is known to influence the heath and can thereby modulate resistance to


2.2 Fermentation Process in Ogi
Fermented foods native to Africa have gained substantial recognition in both research and

economic sectors due to their organoleptic and health advantages, in addition to their role as a

source of energy and nutrients. These health benefits are primarily attributed to the activities of

beneficial microflora that dominate the fermentation process (Steinkraus, 2017).

A variety of traditional fermented cereal-based foods are prevalent across the African continent,

including kunun-zaki, bushera, fura, mawe, mahewu, injera, burukutu, bussa, and ogi, among

others. Among these, ogi, a fermented food native to Nigeria and West Africa, stands out due to

its versatility and widespread consumption. Ogi serves as a breakfast porridge suitable for

individuals of all age groups and socio-economic classes. It also functions as a weaning food for

infants, a soft meal for convalescents and the elderly, a stimulant for milk production in nursing

mothers, and a reliable source of income for producers, primarily women, in both rural and urban

communities across developing countries in sub-Saharan Africa (Omemu et al., 2005).

In Nigeria, ogi goes by different names depending on the region, with popular references

including 'ogi' among the Yoruba, 'koko' among the Ibo, and 'akamu' among the Hausa. The gel-

like variant of ogi is known as 'eko' among the Yoruba and 'agidi' among the Ibo. Additionally,

the supernatant of ogi is consumed as a laxative and is sometimes used in the treatment of

specific ailments, particularly in rural areas (Omemu et al., 2005). The significance of ogi

transcends its role as a staple food; it reflects the rich cultural diversity and dietary heritage of

the region. Furthermore, the consumption of ogi contributes to the preservation of traditional

food processing techniques and the sustenance of rural livelihoods, emphasizing the cultural and

economic importance of this indigenous fermented food.

The process of fermentation in Ogi begins with selecting and cleaning the raw grains, usually

maize or sorghum, which are then washed thoroughly to remove dirt and debris (Adepeju et al.,

2017). The cleaned grains are soaked in water for a specific period, typically overnight. This

soaking process softens the grains and initiates the fermentation (Okafor et al., 2018).

After soaking, the grains are drained to remove excess water. They are then ground into a coarse

paste or slurry using traditional grinding stones or mechanical grinders. This paste is known as

"akamu" (Omemu et al., 2007). The akamu paste is cooked in a large pot over an open flame or

on a stove. It is continuously stirred to prevent lumps and ensure uniform cooking. During this

process, additional water may be added to achieve the desired consistency (Okafor et al., 2018).

Once the akamu has reached the desired consistency, it is removed from the heat and allowed to

cool to a temperature suitable for fermentation (Omemu et al., 2007).

To start the fermentation process, a small quantity of previously fermented ogi (known as

"backslopping") or a natural starter culture is added to the cooled akamu. This culture contains

lactic acid bacteria and yeast strains responsible for fermentation (Adepeju et al., 2017).

The mixture is transferred to a fermentation container, which is traditionally made of wood or

plastic. It may also be lined with banana leaves or other natural materials. The container is

covered with a cloth to allow for aeration while preventing contamination (Omemu et al., 2007).

The fermentation container is placed in a warm, dark area, typically for 24 to 48 hours,

depending on the desired level of fermentation. During this time, the lactic acid bacteria and

yeast ferment the akamu, producing ogi (Adepoju et al., 2012).

The fermentation progress is checked by observing changes in taste, texture, and acidity. Ogi is

considered ready when it has the desired sour taste and creamy consistency (Omemu et al.,


Once fermentation is complete, the ogi is harvested and transferred to clean containers for

storage or immediate consumption (Okafor et al., 2018). The fermentation process in ogi

production not only enhances the flavor but also improves the nutritional value of the cereal

grains. The beneficial microorganisms involved in fermentation break down complex

carbohydrates, making the nutrients more bioavailable and producing organic acids that act as

natural preservatives, extending the shelf life of the product.

Numerous advancements have been explored to enhance the conventional ogi fermentation

process, with a focus on improving its quality and characteristics. These innovations encompass

the utilization of starter cultures, dry milling of grains before soaking and fermentation,

dehulling and milling, sprouting prior to milling, fortification, boiling of grains before milling,

and accelerated batch fermentation, often referred to as backslopping (Adegunwa et al., 2018).

In particular, the introduction of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) starter cultures and the

implementation of backslopping techniques have significantly influenced the attributes of ogi.

Ogi produced through these modern methods exhibits a heightened degree of sourness in

comparison to traditionally fermented ogi. This increased sourness can be attributed to the

relatively short period of acidification, typically spanning 24 to 48 hours, which is a

characteristic feature of LAB-mediated fermentation (Oyewole et al., 2008).

These innovations not only impact the sensory attributes of ogi but also hold potential for

enhancing its nutritional profile and shelf life, contributing to its suitability as a nutritious and

culturally significant food product.

2.3 Nutritional Quality of Ogi

The production process of ogi, a traditional cereal-based food, is associated with significant

nutrient losses. These losses occur at various stages of processing, ultimately impacting the

nutritional composition of the final product. Several factors contribute to these nutrient losses,

including steeping, the discarding of steeping water, the sifting process (which removes bran and

germ, rich in protein), and the disposal of the ogi supernatant. As a result, essential nutrients like

minerals, fiber, protein, iron, phosphorus, calcium, and various vitamins (such as riboflavin,

thiamine, niacin, folic acid, and pantothenic acid) are substantially reduced (Adegunwa et al.,

2018; Oyewole et al., 2008).

These nutrient losses have implications for the nutritional quality of ogi, leading to diminished

net protein utilization, protein energy ratio, and biological values. In regions where ogi

consumption is prevalent, particularly in developing countries, the consumption of this

nutritionally compromised product can contribute to protein and energy deficiencies. Such

deficiencies can manifest as serious clinical conditions, including kwashiorkor and marasmus in

children, with severe cases resulting in fatalities (Oyewole et al., 2008).

To address these nutritional shortcomings and enhance the overall nutritional quality of ogi,

various fortification approaches have been investigated. These strategies aim to compensate for

the lost nutrients and improve the product's health benefits. Some of the studied fortification

methods include:

 Fortification of fermented maize with Nile tilapia (Oreochromis nicoliticus) to enhance

protein content and functional characteristics (Igwenyi et al., 2019).

 Development of protein-enriched soy-ogi to increase protein content and improve

nutritional value (Oluwole et al., 2019).

 Enrichment of sorghum ogi flour with cocoa for improved nutritional content and sensory

attributes (Adeyeye et al., 2018).

 Production of instant ogi from blends of fermented maize, conophor nuts, and melon

seeds for enhanced nutritional value (Adepoju et al., 2014).

 Co-fermentation of maize/cowpea and sorghum/cowpea ogi to create instant

complementary foods with improved nutritional profiles (Oyewole et al., 2010).

 Nutritional enhancement of sorghum ogi through fortification with groundnut seed

(Arachis hypogaea L.) to increase protein and micronutrient content (Oduro et al., 2000).

 Dietary fortification of sorghum-ogi using crayfish (Paranephrops planifrons) as a

supplement for infant nutrition (Oluwole et al., 2014).

 Fortification of maize Ogi with okra seed meal to improve its nutritional composition

(Obizoba et al., 2006).

 Fortification of ogi with okra seed flour to enhance protein and micronutrient content

(Ijarotimi and Keshinro, 2012).

These fortification strategies contribute to the development of ogi variants with improved

nutritional profiles, making them valuable dietary options in regions where ogi is a staple food.

Oyarekua and Eleyinmi (2018) in their study on the nutritional quality of corn, sorghum and

millet ogi reported the amino acid (AA) composition of ogi prepared from these grains with

leucine and proline as the most abundant amino acids in corn and millet while for sorghum ogi,

phenylalanine, glycine, arginine and valine were the most abundant. As a result, in the choice of

weaning foods and for children, sorghum ogi would be preferable because of its high value of

arginine 91.5 compared to 33.2 and 43.1 of millet and corn ogi which is an essential amino acid

for children. Considering the total essential amino acid of ogi flours from the three varieties of

cereals as reported by Oyarekua and Eleyinmi (2018), millet ogi (275.2 mg g-1 crude protein),

corn ogi (373.2 mg g-1 CP), and sorghum (721.9 mg g-1 CP), comparatively, only the ogi from

sorghum had values that can be compared with the egg reference protein (566 mg g-1 CP).

Therefore, since sorghum had values that have been shown to satisfy the amino acid requirement

of all age groups it can be regarded as a high quality protein. Although, generally lysine is

reported to be low for all the cereals, however, sorghum ogi has a higher content than the other

cereals. In order to improve their nutritional quality as weaning foods, ogi from these cereals

could be supplemented with milk or legume high in lysine (Oluwole et al., 2014).

2.4 Microbiological Properties of Ogi

The microbiology of ogi fermentation is a multifaceted process driven by a diverse community

of microorganisms. Traditionally, this fermentation begins through the unintentional inoculation

of cereal grains by microorganisms from the surrounding environment, resulting in a dynamic

interplay of various bacterial and fungal species. Over the course of fermentation, some

microorganisms may act concurrently, while others succeed one another, leading to shifts in the

dominant microbial populations (Ogunbanwo et al., 2003; Adegunwa et al., 2017).

Numerous studies have sought to identify and quantify the microorganisms involved in ogi

fermentation. These investigations have revealed a spectrum of microbial genera that play

pivotal roles in shaping the characteristics of ogi. Within the bacterial domain, the predominant

genera engaged in the fermentation of ogi include Lacticbacillus, Lacticcoccus, Leuconostoc,

Pediococcus, Streptococcus, Micrococcus, and Bacillus (Ogunbanwo et al., 2003; Oluwafemi et

al., 2008).

In the fungal realm, the fermentation process is influenced by representatives of Saccharomyces,

Candida, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Cladosporium, Penicillium, and other fungal genera

(Ogunbanwo et al., 2003; Adegunwa et al., 2017). These fungi contribute to the complex

metabolic activities occurring during ogi fermentation.

Notably, lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are among the most prevalent microorganisms responsible

for cereal fermentations, including ogi. LAB are renowned for their beneficial contributions,

including preservation, enhanced nutritional value, detoxification, lactic acid production, and the

development of flavor and aroma compounds. Among the LAB species, Lacticbacillus

plantarum is frequently identified as the dominant contributor to ogi fermentation (Ogunbanwo

et al., 2003; Oluwafemi et al., 2008).

LAB are recognized for their competitive abilities to suppress the growth of other

microorganisms, including potential pathogens, within the fermentation process. The synergy

between LAB and yeast is a common phenomenon in food and beverage fermentations. LAB

create an acidic environment conducive to yeast growth, while yeast reciprocate by providing

essential vitamins and growth factors that support the survival and activity of LAB (Gänzle,

2015; Adegunwa et al., 2017).

Overall, studies investigating ogi fermentation have consistently identified and characterized

these microorganisms, shedding light on the intricate microbial interactions that underpin this

traditional cereal-based food production.

2.5 Safety Assessment of Ogi

Microbial food safety is of paramount concern when it comes to fresh ogi, a traditional African

fermented cereal porridge. Fresh ogi is known to harbor a diverse community of lactic acid

bacteria, including health-promoting strains like Lacticbacillus plantarum, Lacticbacillus

fermentum, and Streptococcus lactis, which are commonly associated with fermented foods

(Adegunwa et al., 2017). However, during spontaneous fermentation of ogi, undesirable

microorganisms such as Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus cereus, Salmonella spp., Streptococcus

pyogenes, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Aspergillus

flavus, and other enterobacteriaceae can contaminate the process, raising significant concerns

about the safety and reliability of ogi production (Adegunwa et al., 2017; Ogunbanwo et al.,


The presence of these associated microorganisms implies possible contamination during

processing and post-processing stages, and they have been linked to food poisoning incidents

(Adegunwa et al., 2017). Water quality and the often unhygienic conditions surrounding ogi

processing are major contributors to such contamination, particularly in areas where clean,

potable water is scarce (Adegunwa et al., 2017). Consequently, the microbial quality of ogi can

be severely compromised, potentially leading to foodborne illnesses, particularly in children,

such as diarrhea and malnutrition (Adegunwa et al., 2017).

Contaminated water sources, including wells, rivers, and streams, often serve as the primary

water supply for rural ogi processors. Even municipal water supplies may not be immune to

microbial contamination. The presence of Escherichia coli (E. coli) in water signifies direct or

indirect fecal contamination and raises concerns, especially when ogi is consumed either raw or

inadequately cooked (Adegunwa et al., 2017).

Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas spp. in raw ogi contribute to the development of undesirable

flavors such as rancidity and ropiness in the fermented product. Moreover, the presence of

Aspergillus spp. in processed ogi poses severe health risks, as some strains of A. flavus are

known to produce aflatoxins, which have been associated with hepatoxicity and cancer-related

diseases (Adegunwa et al., 2017).

Infectious diseases, including cholera, have been linked to ogi consumption due to contamination

during handling and poor hygiene practices during preparation. Additionally, mold growth,

mycotoxin production, yeast infections, and allergies have been associated with stored ogi,

highlighting contamination by spoilage organisms commonly found in carbohydrate-rich foods

(Adegunwa et al., 2017).

Effective measures to prevent contamination of ogi during processing include using latex gloves

to minimize hand contact, utilizing clean, non-infected grains, treating municipal water, and

ensuring the conscious use of clean surface water during milling and sieving. Proper packaging

and storage of both wet and dry ogi are also essential to avoid microbial contamination

(Adegunwa et al., 2017).

To reduce the microbial load, processing water can be boiled and allowed to cool before use.

Muslin cloths used in sieving should be thoroughly washed and properly sterilized. Regular

cleaning of the inner and outer parts of milling machines can also be effective in reducing

contamination risks (Adegunwa et al., 2017; Okoronkwo et al., 2015).

It is important to note that while ogi fermentation is associated with inhibiting the growth of

most pathogenic organisms due to its low pH and high total titratable acidity (TTA), maintaining

good hygiene practices and implementing Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)

measures are crucial to minimize the presence of pathogens in ogi and ensure its safety

(Adegunwa et al., 2017; Okoronkwo et al., 2015).

Studies revealed that factors such as poor hygiene, infrequent cleaning of milling machine and

frequent exposures of raw and cooked products may contribute to contamination of ogi. The

presence of coliform is an indication of faecal contamination associated with unhygienic

practices and poor environmental sanitation. Although food handlers and environment could

serve as possible and important reservoirs for pathogens, studies have shown that the pathogens

investigated could not grow but only survive in the antimicrobial environment of ogi for a short

period at room temperature (Salami et al., 2015).

2.6 Probiotic Attributes of Ogi

Probiotics are known as beneficial living microorganisms that, when consumed in adequate

amounts (typically around 10^6 colony-forming units per milliliter or cfu/ml), confer various

health benefits to the host (Hill et al., 2014). These probiotic bacteria possess specific

characteristics that make them advantageous for human health. These characteristics include

resistance to the acidic and bile environments of the digestive tract, the ability to produce

antimicrobial substances, adherence to epithelial tissues lining the gastrointestinal tract,

colonization of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulation of the host immune response, the potential

to lower cholesterol levels, and lacticse activity (Gupta et al., 2019; Hill et al., 2014).

A study conducted by Ogunbanwo et al. in 2003 investigated the probiotic potential of

Lacticbacillus plantarum strains isolated from fermenting corn slurry, commonly known as

"ogi." The results of this study revealed that these Lacticbacillus plantarum strains exhibited

strong antagonistic activity against selected pathogenic bacteria, including Bacillus cereus NCIB

6349, Escherichia coli Type 1 NCIB 14070, Klebsiella pneumoniae NCIB 950, Staphylococcus

aureus NCIB 8588, and a clinical isolate of Shigella dysenteriae. Inhibition zones ranging from 1

to 4 mm were observed, indicating the probiotic strains' ability to inhibit the growth of these

harmful bacteria. Furthermore, Lacticbacillus plantarum demonstrated the capacity to adhere to

the epithelial cells of the gastrointestinal tract in experimental albino rats. This adherence is a

crucial characteristic as it enables probiotics to establish and maintain a presence in the host's

digestive system. Additionally, the study found that these Lacticbacillus plantarum strains

contributed to the reduction of aminotransferase levels and serum cholesterol, further

highlighting their potential as effective probiotic agents (Ogunbanwo et al., 2013).

Adebolu et al. (2017) investigated the effect of uncooked ogi liquor from five varieties of

grains; white maize, yellow maize, white guinea corn, red guinea corn and millet on some

diarrhoeal bacteria; Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella dysenteriae, Escherichia coli, Salmonella

typhimurium and Enterobacter species and concluded almost all the test organisms were

inhibited by the raw ogi liquor with zones of inhibition ranging from 4.0-14.0 mm. The

possibility of which is due to ability of LAB isolated from the raw ogi liquor to produce various

bioactive compounds such as organic acids, diacetyl, lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide and

bacteriocin during lactic acid fermentation. In addition, low pH of liquors could also be partly

responsible for the antibacterial activity against common bacteria that cause diarrhoea. As a

result of this therapeutic benefit, raw ogi is therefore effective in the treatment and prevention of

diarrhoeal a major health hazard and a principal cause of morbidity and mortality especially

among infants in rural communities of sub-Saharan Africa where access to primary healthcare

care is not readily available before they are transported to hospital for proper medical care

(Salami et al., 2015).

2.7 Types and properties of lactic acid bacteria (LAB)

Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) encompass a diverse group of microorganisms known for their

capacity to produce lactic acid through carbohydrate fermentation. They are commonly

encountered in fermented foods, dairy products, and the human gastrointestinal tract, playing

pivotal roles in food production, preservation, and gut health. The following are various types of

LAB along with their essential properties:

2.7.1 Lacticbacillus:
Fermentation: Lacticbacillus species demonstrate versatility in fermenting a wide range of

sugars, including lacticse, glucose, and fructose.

Applications: Lacticbacilli are pivotal in the production of dairy products like yogurt and

cheese, as well as sourdough bread and various fermented vegetables.

Probiotic Potential: Certain strains of Lacticbacillus exhibit probiotic attributes, beneficial for

gut health and digestive processes (Marco & Sanders, 2019).

2.7.2 Bifidobacterium:
Fermentation: Bifidobacteria, typically anaerobic, excel in fermenting complex carbohydrates,

such as dietary fiber.

Applications: They are crucial constituents of the gut microbiota, contributing to the

degradation of complex carbohydrates in the colon.

Probiotic Potential: Many Bifidobacterium strains serve as probiotics, supporting intestinal

well-being (Turroni et al., 2014).

2.7.3 Streptococcus:
Fermentation: Streptococcus thermophilus is renowned in the dairy industry for its role in

yogurt production, fermenting lacticse and generating lactic acid and carbon dioxide.

Applications: Apart from yogurt, Streptococcus thermophilus is employed in crafting various

dairy products.

2.7.4 Leuconostoc:
Fermentation: Leuconostoc species often participate in the initial stages of fermentation and are

recognized for their capacity to produce exopolysaccharides.

Applications: They contribute to the development of texture and flavor in fermented foods such

as sauerkraut.

2.7.5 Pediococcus:
Fermentation: Pediococcus species are involved in the fermentation of specific beers and


Applications: They can produce lactic acid, diacetyl, and other compounds impacting the taste

and aroma of fermented foods.

2.7.6 Enterococcus:
Fermentation: Enterococcus species are robust LAB capable of surviving diverse environmental


Applications: They find utility in the fermentation of certain meat products and some cheeses.

2.7.7 Oenococcus:
Fermentation: Oenococcus oeni is widely used in winemaking to facilitate malolactic

fermentation, which reduces acidity and enhances the flavor and stability of wine.

2.7.8 Lacticcoccus:
Fermentation: Lacticcoccus species are integral to dairy fermentation, particularly in cheese


Applications: They contribute to lactic acid production and the development of cheese texture

and flavor (Hols et al., 2015).

LAB are indispensable in the production of a diverse array of fermented foods and beverages.

Their metabolic activities not only preserve these foods but also elevate their flavor, texture, and

nutritional value. Furthermore, certain LAB strains serve as probiotics, offering various health

advantages when consumed.


3.0 Materials and Methods

3.1 Source of Raw Materials and Sample Collection
The Ogi samples for maize, sorghum and millet was obtained from different commercial Ogi

producers in Anyigba metropolis (Abuja Area, Anyigba Market and Idah Road) and transported

to the laboratory under refrigeration conditions. The sample was label for proper identification.

3.2 Preparation of Ogi Control Samples

Samples of Ogi was produced from maize, millet and sorghum by adapting the method described

by Pael et al., (2013). The cereal grains were cleaned by hand to remove dirt like stones and

chaff. A quantity, 500g of each cereal was steeped in 2 liters of water in clean plastic buckets and

allowed to ferment for 2 days at room temperature. The fermented whole cereal grains were

separated from the steeping water by decanting. Afterwards, the grains were wet milled using a

blender and the resulting slurry passed through a fine sieving cloth(800µ), and will washed with

excess water. The by-products in the sieving cloth was discarded, and the starch in the buckets

was covered with cheesecloth and allowed to settle for 48hrs at room temperature.

3.3 Enumeration of LAB Ogi Sample

The samples of Ogi samples for maize, sorghum and millet was diluted serially and cultured.

The inoculated plates were incubated overnight at 37 0C. The plates were sub-cultured using

Nutrient agar (NA) and incubated microaerophilically overnight at 37 0C. Aerobic count was

determined using de Mann Rogosa Sharp agar (MRS). The colonies were counted using colony

counting. Characterization of the bacterial isolated was done using biochemical tests. LAB’s was

identified by sugar fermentation test according to Chessbrough (2000).

Raw Grains of Maize, Millet and Sorghum
Cleaning (to remove dirt’s)

Steeping (in 2 liters of water for 2 days at room temperature)


Wet Milling



Discarding of by-products

Settling (for 48hrs at room temperature)


Figure 1: Flow chat for the Preparation of Ogi

Source: Pael et al., (2013)

Fresh Raw Ogi

Serial dilusion



Colony counting

Characterization of the bacterial

Identification of LAB

Figure 2: Flow chat for the Identification and Characterization of LAB (lactic acid
Source: Chessbrough (2000)

Table 3.1. Sample Code

Sample AAA1: Ogi maize sample

Sample AAA2: Control maize sample

Sample BBB1: Ogi millet sample

Sample BBB2: Control millet sample

Sample CCC1: Ogi sorghum sample

Sample CCC2 Control sorghum sample


Sample AAA1----- Maize Ogi from Abuja Area

Sample AAA2----- Control
Sample BBB1----- Millet Ogi from Anyigba Market
Sample BBB2----- Control
Sample CCC1----- Sorghum Ogi from Idah Road
Sample CCC2----- Control

3.4 Statistical Data Analysis

The data obtained from these findings were coded and subjected to One-Way Anova analysis to

determine their similarities and differences statistically.


4.0 Results and Discussion

4.1 Interpretation and Discussion of Table 4.1:
Qualitative Microbial Identification: The Table presents qualitative results for the presence (+

ve) or absence (- ve) of specific LAB species, including Streptococcus sp, L. brevis, L.

plantarum, L. Casei, and L. Lactis, in different Ogi samples from various sources.

Presence of LAB Species:

Streptococcus sp: All sample were tested positive for Streptococcus sp, indicating that this LAB

species was present in the control sample but absent in the other Ogi samples. This suggests that

Streptococcus sp is a dominant LAB species in the fermented Ogi samples.

L. brevis: L. brevis was detected in AAA1, BBB1, CCC1, and CCC2, indicating its presence in

Ogi samples derived from maize (AAA1), millet (BBB1), and sorghum (CCC1), as well as the

control sample CCC2. This suggests that L. brevis is a common LAB species in these samples.

L. plantarum: L. plantarum was found in AAA2, BBB1, and BBB2. This indicates that it was

present in the control sample A2 and ogi samples derived from millet (BBB1) and the control

sample B2. L. plantarum was not detected in samples AAA1, CCC1, or CCC2.

L. Casei: L. Casei was detected in BBB1 and BBB2, which are both millet-based ogi samples. It

was not found in the other samples.

L. Lactis: L. Lactis was detected in CCC1, indicating its presence in sorghum-based ogi, and in

A2, the control sample. It was not detected in the other samples.

Implications and Discussion:

The presence or absence of specific LAB species in Ogi samples is influenced by factors such as

the type of grain used (maize, millet, sorghum) and potentially the fermentation process.

Different grains may support the growth of specific LAB species.

The control samples (AAA2, BBB2, CCC2) provide a reference point for assessing the presence

of LAB in the absence of grain fermentation. These control samples indicate that some LAB

species may naturally occur or have been introduced during processing.

The findings suggest variability in LAB composition among Ogi samples, which aligns with the

objective of characterizing LAB diversity based on their sugar fermentation patterns and

exopolysaccharide production. The presence of specific LAB species can impact the sensory and

nutritional properties of Ogi.

Table 4.1: Qualitative Microbial Identification

Sample Streptococcus s L. brevis L. plantarum L. Casei L. Lactis

Code p (cfu/g) (cfu/g) (cfu/g) (cfu/g)
AAA1 - ve + ve - ve - ve - ve

AAA2 + ve - ve + ve - ve - ve

BBB1 + ve - ve + ve + ve - ve

BBB2 + ve - ve + ve - ve - ve

CCC1 + ve + ve - ve - ve + ve

CCC2 + ve - ve - ve - ve - ve

Sample AAA1-------- Maize Ogi from Abuja Area
Sample AAA2----- Control
Sample BBB1----- Millet Ogi from Anyigba Market
Sample BBB2----- Control
Sample CCC1----- Sorghum Ogi from Idah Road
Sample CCC2----- Control
+ ve ------------ Positive
- ve ------------ Negative

4.2 Interpretation and Discussion of Table 4.2:
The Table presents quantitative data related to LAB counts (colony-forming units per gram,

cfu/g) for different species of LAB (Streptococcus sp, L. brevis, L. plantarum, L. Casei, L.

Lactis) in various samples of Ogi. The samples are labeled AAA 1, AAA2, BBB1, BBB2, CCC1,

and CCC2, with corresponding descriptions: Sample AAA 1: Maize Ogi from Abuja Area, Sample

AAA2: Control, Sample BBB1: Millet Ogi from Anyigba Market, Sample BBB2: Control, Sample

CCC1: Sorghum Ogi from Idah Road, Sample CCC2: Control.

Variation in LAB Counts: The data in Table 4.2 reveals significant variability in LAB counts

(colony-forming units per gram, cfu/g) across the different ogi samples (AAA 1, AAA2, BBB1,

BBB2, CCC1, and CCC2). This suggests that the type and source of the grains (maize, millet,

sorghum) used to make ogi can influence the LAB population in the final product. For example,

sample AAA1 (Maize Ogi) and sample CCC1 (Sorghum Ogi) have relatively higher LAB counts

compared to others.

Influence of Control Samples: The presence of control samples (AAA 2, BBB2, CCC2) is

essential for comparison. They help establish a baseline for LAB counts in the absence of

specific grain fermentation. For instance, sample AAA2 (Control) has LAB counts similar to

sample AAA1 (Maize Ogi) in some cases, indicating potential contamination or naturally

occurring LAB in the control sample.

Identification of Specific LAB Species: The study's specific objective was to characterize LAB

species. The presence of specific LAB species in each sample provides insights into the

microbial diversity of Ogi. From the result, it appears that Streptococcus sp is present in all

samples, while other species like L. brevis, L. plantarum, L. Casei, and L. Lactis show variations

in their presence. The absence of some LAB species in certain samples could be due to the

specific grains used or the fermentation process.

Influence of Grain Type: The presence or absence of certain LAB species in Ogi samples may

be related to the type of grain used for fermentation. For example, L. Casei is detected in millet-

based Ogi (sample BBB1), while L. Lactis is prominent in sorghum-based Ogi (sample CCC1).

Implications for Fermentation and Product Quality: The presence of specific LAB species

can influence the sensory and nutritional properties of Ogi. For example, LAB species like L.

brevis and L. Lactis are known for their role in fermentation and may contribute to the

characteristic taste and texture of Ogi. The differences in LAB counts and species composition

across samples can impact the fermentation process, including the production of organic acids

and other metabolites, which play a role in product preservation and flavor development.

Exopolysaccharide Production: The data does not directly provide information about

exopolysaccharide production. However, the presence of LAB species known for

exopolysaccharide production (such as L. brevis and L. Lactis) suggests that further

investigations into exopolysaccharide production could be beneficial.


Streptococcus sp in Ogi: Streptococcus sp is a diverse genus of gram-positive, cocci-shaped

bacteria found in various environments, including the gastrointestinal tracts of humans and

animals, soil, and fermented foods like Ogi (Tyson, 2020). The presence of Streptococcus sp in

samples of the Ogi can be attributed to several factors. According to the report of Odunfa &

Adeyele (2015), contamination from various sources, including raw ingredients, utensils, or

environmental factors during the fermentation process, can introduce these bacteria into the

mixture. Traditional fermentation processes of samples the of Ogi, involving exposure to air and

utensils, can also facilitate their entry. Favorable fermentation conditions, such as temperature

and pH, promote the growth of Streptococcus sp and other LAB species during Ogi fermentation.

Streptococcus sp plays a crucial role in Ogi fermentation. LAB, including Streptococcus sp,

contribute to sensory attributes, preservation, and nutritional changes in the final product. They

produce lactic acid, which lowers the pH of Ogi, creating the sour taste characteristic of

fermented foods. This acidity also inhibits the growth of spoilage and pathogenic

microorganisms. Additionally, LAB produce metabolites and enzymes that influence the texture

and aroma of Ogi, enhancing its overall sensory quality. LAB can break down complex

carbohydrates and proteins, improving the bioavailability of nutrients and enhancing the

nutritional value of the final product (Sharma et al., 2020).

Lacticbacillus brevis (L. brevis): L. brevis, a gram-positive, rod-shaped LAB species, is versatile

and commonly found in different environmental conditions. It may naturally inhabit raw

ingredients used in the Ogi samples production and can be introduced during fermentation

(Birikan, 2022). L. brevis is known for its involvement in lactic acid fermentation, contributing

to the sour taste, texture, and preservation of Ogi. However, some strains of L. brevis have been

associated with the production of biogenic amines, which can be harmful if consumed

excessively. Proper fermentation control and strain selection are crucial to minimize the

production of these compounds.

Lacticbacillus plantarum (L. plantarum): L. plantarum, a gram-positive, rod-shaped LAB

species, is adaptable to various environmental conditions. It may naturally inhabit grains and be

introduced during fermentation, contributing to carbohydrate fermentation in Ogi (Baliyan et al.,

2022). L. plantarum plays a crucial role in carbohydrate fermentation, producing lactic acid that

influences the flavor, acidity, and preservation of Ogi. However, some strains of L. plantarum

can produce off-flavors or undesirable compounds if fermentation conditions are not well-

controlled. Monitoring the fermentation process is essential to ensure the desired sensory quality.

Lacticbacillus casei (L. casei): L. casei, a gram-positive, rod-shaped LAB species known for its

probiotic properties, may be present in Ogi due to contamination or introduction during

processing. Its role in Ogi may be limited compared to other LAB species. Proper fermentation

conditions are crucial to prevent any undesirable effects.

Lacticcoccus lactis (L. lactis): L. lactis, a gram-positive, cocci-shaped LAB species commonly

used in dairy fermentations, may be present in Ogi due to its distribution and adaptation to

different fermentation processes. L. lactis is known for producing lactic acid and other

metabolites, contributing to the sourness and sensory attributes of fermented foods (Ahmed et

al., 2019). While generally beneficial, specific strains of L. lactis may not contribute positively

to Ogi fermentation if they are not well-suited to the conditions.

Microbial Analysis and Contamination: The microbial analysis of Ogi samples showed the

presence of microorganisms. Contamination may result from various sources, including the raw

materials purchased from open markets, where conditions may allow microorganisms to thrive.

Grains and other food substances can retain their natural microflora from the field, and

contamination can occur from soil, water, insects, and other sources during collection and

fermentation (Rawat, 2015).

The presence of microorganisms in Ogi underscores the importance of proper hygiene and

sanitation practices throughout the production process (Oyedeji et al., 2023). Contamination can

occur through contact with the nose, hands, skin, and clothing of handlers, as well as through

coughing, talking, and sneezing, which can produce droplets that settle on the food during

transportation, storage, and retailing (Haas et al., 2014). Therefore, adherence to hygiene and

sanitation practices is essential to ensure the safety and quality of Ogi.

Table 4.2: Quantitative Microbial Identification
Sample Streptococcus sp L. brevis L. plantarum L. Casei L. Lactis
Code (cfu/g) (cfu/g) (cfu/g) (cfu/g) (cfu/g)
AAA1 1.25 x 105 3.7 x 104 0.00 0.00 0.00

AAA2 9.80 x 104 0.00 2.20 x 104 0.00 .000

BBB1 1.03 x 105 0.00 1.00 x 104 1.10 x 104 0.00

BBB2 4.70 x 104 0.00 9.00 x 103 0.00 0.00

CCC1 1.74 x 105 3.74 x 104 0.00 0.00 7.50 x 104

CCC2 2.10 x 105 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


Sample AAA1------- Maize Ogi from Abuja Area

Sample AAA2----- Control
Sample BBB1----- Millet Ogi from Anyigba Market
Sample BBB2----- Control
Sample CCC1----- Sorghum Ogi from Idah Road
Sample CCC2----- Control

5.0 Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1 Conclusion
The study aimed to isolate, identify, and characterize lactic-acid bacteria (LAB) present in “Ogi”,

a traditional fermented food staple made from maize, millet, and sorghum in the metropolis of

Anyigba. The investigation involved quantitative and qualitative microbial identification to

understand the LAB population, their species composition, and potential implications for Ogi


Quantitative Microbial Identification revealed significant variation in LAB counts across

different Ogi samples. The presence of specific LAB species differed among samples, suggesting

that factors such as grain type and source influence LAB populations.

Qualitative Microbial Identification provided insights into the presence or absence of specific

LAB species in the samples. It revealed variations in LAB species composition, highlighting

their diversity in Ogi.

The study underscores the diversity of LAB populations in Ogi, influenced by the type of grain

used for fermentation. Specific LAB species were identified in various samples, suggesting that

grain selection impacts microbial composition. Control samples were crucial for establishing

baselines and provided insights into the natural occurrence of LAB. Some control samples

exhibited LAB counts similar to fermented Ogi, suggesting the presence of naturally occurring

LAB or potential contamination.

5.2 Recommendations:

1. Based solely on the microbial counts from the result of this study, it appears that the

control samples (AAA2, BBB2, and CCC2) have counts within the international standards

and may be recommended for production.

2. Future research should focus on a more comprehensive characterization of LAB species

in Ogi, including their metabolic activities, sugar fermentation patterns, and production of

exopolysaccharides. This will help elucidate their specific roles in fermentation.

3. Investigate the impact of environmental factors, such as temperature, humidity, and pH

during fermentation, on LAB populations. Optimizing these conditions can enhance the

consistency and quality of Ogi production.

4. Understanding the functional roles of LAB species can lead to improvements in Ogi

quality and shelf life. Exploring LAB's potential as starter cultures for controlled

fermentation may be beneficial.

5. Grain Selection: Evaluate the suitability of different grains (maize, millet, sorghum) for

Ogi production and their influence on LAB diversity. This can guide grain selection for

specific product characteristics.

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