Matchup Guide 2

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Matchup Guide for each archetype

Aggro -
against aggro, this is really where you want your mentor and your treasure seekers.
Early units like 1 and 2 mana units are going to help you stabalize easier. The
goal when playing against aggro, is to run them out of resources. So if you can
trade 1 for 1 with their units and occasionally get a nice 2 for 1 with vulnerable
and quick attack, you should be good to go. Don't be greedy with health just to
make 1 good trade. You don't play much healing so if you get to a point where your
opponent can kill you with burn spells, it will be hard for you to come back.

Midrange -
this is where the deck absolutely shines! In the midrange matchups, you're able to
use every card in your deck to its fullest. Look for really high value trades like
vulnerable and quick attack. Basically if you watched the deck guide, you will have
super free wins. Your key cards in these matchups are going to be Young Witch, Rock
Hopper, Merciless Hunter, Sivir. Basically just things that give vulnerable, and
things with quick attack.

Control -
Spell Shield, Spell Shield. That's how you beat control. Spell shield will hard
carry you. I literally keep every ruin runner in my opening hand because control
decks really can't deal with that card. Sivir 2x Ruin Runner is nuts. Don't be
scared because you aren't applying pressure early on. Trust me when I say Ruin
Runner will single handedly win you these matches.

Mulligans for each archetype -

Aggro - Inspiring Mentor, Treasure Seeker, Young Witch, Merciless Hunter

Midrange - Rock Hopper, Young Witch, Merciless Hunter, Sivir
Control - Ruin Runner, Sivir

Cards you 100% Always keep in the mulligan -

Akshan, Merciless Hunter

Rules of Keeping Flurry of Fists in opening hand -

1. If you aren't against aggro, Keep Flurry
2. If you have Sivir + Ghost, Keep Flurry
3. If you have at least 1-2 other units in your hand, Keep Flurry
4. If your hand is all spells, Do Not Keep Flurry


Azirelia -
Inspiring Mentor, Treasure Seeker, Young Witch, Merciless Hunter

Mirror -
Rock Hopper, Young Witch, Merciless Hunter, Sivir

Lebonk Sivir -
Rock Hopper, Young Witch, Merciless Hunter, Sivir
Fizz/Draven Elusives -
Inspiring Mentor, Treasure Seeker, Young Witch, Merciless Hunter

Lee Sin -
Rock Hopper, Ruin Runner, Sivir

Draven/Ez & TF/Swain -

Ruin Runner, Sivir

Shen/J4 -
Rock Hopper, Young Witch, Merciless Hunter, Sivir

Thralls -
Merciless Hunter, Ruin Runner, Sivir

Discard -
Inspiring Mentor, Treasure Seeker, Young Witch, Merciless Hunter

Lurk -
Inspiring Mentor, Treasure Seeker, Young Witch, Merciless Hunter

Viego/Shurima & Viego/Ionia -

Rock Hopper, Young Witch, Merciless Hunter, Sivir

Ekko/Zilean -
Rock Hopper, Young Witch, Merciless Hunter, Sivir

Deep -
Rock Hopper, Young Witch, Merciless Hunter, Sivir

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