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Graphic timeline

10 june, 2006
I was born at the Manuel Uribe
Angel hospital, in Envigado,
Antioquia at 8:15 AM. My parents
wanted to name me Alejandro
but in the last moment my mother
thought that it was a Good idea
to her first son to have a more
“american name”, after hours of
discusion they decided to name
me Steven Alejandro :/

January 9, 2007
The first Smart-phone was
present by Steve Jobs. That
phone would change the world
and the life of many people born
during this era (the technological
January 20, 2008
I went to kindergarten, I
remember that I was very sad the
first day because I thought that
my parents had abandoned me
with a woman and other kids.

28 December, 2010
My little sister was born. I don't
remember much of that moment,
I only remember that I felt very
strange, my father told me that
we were going to have someone
else in the family.

September 4, 2012
The president of Colombia
signed a peace treaty with the
FARC. My family was very
nervous because we were afraid
for what could happen later with
these armed groups and what
could happen to the country.
December 13 2013
My mom graduated from college
as a teacher. My whole family
was very happy, after several
attempts in various careers, my
mother had found the one she

May 16, 2015

I made my first communion. I was
very nervous at that time
because I did not know what to
do, or how to receive the ostia (a
kind of cookie).
June 25, 2015
I went to disney land for the first
time. All my life I had wanted to
go and finally had. It was
incredible, one of the best
vacations of my life. I will never
forget it.

March 6, 2020
COVID-19 arrived in Colombia.
My life changed a lot from that
moment, I could no longer see
my friends every day, I couldn't
leave the house a lot and I would
have to wear face masks.

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