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Software Requirements Specification

Version 1.0
February 17, 2007

Web Analytical Tool

Ashok Philip Verghese & Kiran Kumar


Submitted in partial fulfillment

Of the requirements of
MSIT final semester Project
SRS 03/18/07

Table of Contents
Table of Contents..................................................................................................................................... 2
1.0. Purpose ......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 3
1.2. Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.4. References ........................................................................................................................................... 4
1.5. Document overview ........................................................................................................................ 4
2.0. Overall description ...................................................................................................................... 5
2.1. System environment ....................................................................................................................... 5
2.2. Functional requirements definitions ........................................................................................ 6
2.3. Use cases .............................................................................................................................................. 6
2.4. Non-functional requirements .................................................................................................... 10

SRS 03/18/07

1.0. Purpose

1.1. Introduction

This Software Requirements Specification provides a complete description of all the

functions and specifications of the Web Analytical Tool.

The expected audience of this document is the faculty of IIITMK, including the faculty who

will use this tool, R Ajith Kumar, Praveen Kumar and the developers.

1.2. Scope

The Web analytical tool will provide statistics regarding the specific website on which it is

used. Web analytics is the measurement of the behaviour of visitors to a website. In a

commercial context, it especially refers to the measurement of which aspects of the website

work towards the business objectives; for example, which landing pages encourage people to

make a purchase.

1.3 Glossary

Term Definition
blog A blog is a user-generated website where
entries are made in journal style and
displayed in a reverse chronological order.
JSP Java server pages
API Application programming interface
Html Hyper text markup language
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic

SRS 03/18/07

QA Quality assurance
SCMP Software Configuration Management Plan
SEI Software Engineering Institute
SQAP Software Quality Assurance Plan
SRS Software Requirements Specification
Tbd To be decided
Tbn To be named
Web Site A place on the world wide web

1.4. References

1) webanalyticsdemystified by Eric T. Peterson, Celilo Group Media



1.5. Document overview

The remainder of this document provides a full description of the project for the users of

the web analytical tool. It lists all the functions performed by the system.

SRS 03/18/07

2.0. Overall description

The Web Analytical tool provides relevant statistics regarding your website. It gives number

of visits to each page, number of unique visitors, the countries from which the visits were

made ,report on the most often viewed pages, report on entry pages and exit pages and

similarly relevant statistics.

2.1. System environment

Website being
USER Web Analytics tool monitored

Figure 1 System Block Diagram

The Web Analytical Tool will interact with the website which you want to monitor.

This tool will record details of the requests made to the website and enter the

details in a database.The required reports are generated by querying this database.

The tool provides reports that can be viewed using a web browser.

SRS 03/18/07

2.2. Functional requirements definitions

Functional Requirements are those that refer to the functionality of the system, i.e.,

what services it will provide to the user. Nonfunctional (supplementary) requirements pertain

to other information needed to produce the correct system and are detailed separately.

2.3. Use cases

The system will consist of Web Analytical tool will have a login page for the webmaster.

Then it will lead to the next page, which will have links view report, help.

2.3.1. Use Case: Web Analytical Tool Login Page

Figure 2 Web Analytical Tool Login Page

Brief Description

The Webmaster accesses the login page of the web analytics tool.

SRS 03/18/07

Initial step-by-step description

For this use case to be initiated, the Webmaster must type in the address of the web analytics

tool in the browser.

1. The Webmaster types in the address of the web analytics tool login page.

2. The Webmaster can login by giving the username and password.

2.3. Use Case: User home Page

Figure3 user home page

Brief Description:

The Webmaster selects view report.

Initial step-by-step description:

For this use case to be initiated the Webmaster must be logged in and be on the logged in

Page and select the view report link.

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2.3.3 User Chooses View report

Brief Description

The User selects the View report link of the login page.

Initial step-by-step description:

Once the User select the view report page he goes to a page from where he can

choose different types of reports.

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Usecase of different types of reports

SRS 03/18/07

The different reports are

1) Statistics for visit

2) Statistics for unique visitors
3) Report countries
4) Report hosts
5) Report most often viewed pages
6) Report entry pages
7) Report exit pages
8) Report details of browser versions
9) Report screen sizes
10) Report tech supported by browser for java/flash/pdf
11) Daily statistics
12) Monthly statistics
13) Yearly statistics
14) Graphical statistics

2.4. Non-functional requirements

There are requirements that are not functional in nature. Specifically, these are the constraints

the system must work within.

The web analytical tool must be compatible with both the Netscape and Internet Explorer

web browsers.


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