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2023/2024 ACADEMIC Year.

Mr. Chairman, The Principal, Program Heads Teaching and Non-Teaching Staffs, Outgoing SRC
Executives, Fellow Aspirants, Colleges of the Noble Profession, Ladies and Gentlemen.
Greetings to you all!!!

I am Adzoamfoa Erica Nyamedi, a Registered General Nursing Student of this noble institution
of ours, a former course rep of D8. I stand before you as your humble, elegant, competent and
dedicated servant, and ably supported by Miss Dotse Abigail Adjo, an assistant course rep of
RM6 class, as my running mate.

Mr. Chairman, let me use this opportunity to appreciate the entire SRC of the 2022/2023
academic year headed by His Excellency William Wemegah and Miss Rebecca Mibakawo.
Ayekoo, mia woe wor dor for being able to run the affairs of student leadership well during
their tenure. And as the Good Book says in Ecclesiastes 3:1, “to everything there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under the heaven”. It is now time to handover to a set of safe hands,
and we are well placed as those safe hands the students’ leadership of this great institution yearn
to take over the mantle at this crucial time.

Mr. Chairman, Leadership as defined by Warren Bennés is “the capacity to transform vision
into reality”. A leader is one who knows the way, goes with the way, and shows the way, and
maximizes effort towards a goal. The quality of leaders is reflected in the standards they set for
themselves, and our tract records in this institution and beyond, bear testimonies to these
standards. Therefore, we deem it a great pleasure and honour to express our intentions and
dreams to the entirety of this noble institution to head the students’ leadership as SRC president
and vice, when given the opportunity. So look no further in your choice of who should lead the
SRC by voting massively for Team Morkpokpor!

To give Team Morkporkpor a real meaning, we undertake align our campaign and tenure with
the following areas for improvement: Academics, Below are the core areas that underpin our
campaign that we would love to present to you on this august occasion:

One cannot be complete professional nurse or midwife without a sound academic background,
and Team Morkporkpor is bringing renewed hope in that direction to sustain the gains and
elevate the school higher heights. We intend improving academic performance by tackling three
areas which include instituting award schemes; creating extended access to the libraries;
provision of internet and study groups formation.
As psychology teaches us, motivation (through reinforcement) is an effective catalyst for
improved performance and we intend creating this motivation through instituting awards scheme
for students when we come to power. With the buy-in of other members of the SRC board, we
will table a proposal to use some of the SRC resources to award best performing students every
semester. Additionally, we will contact Administration to discuss their involvement with awards
which could become annual Speech and Prize giving Day. Special awards will be created and
awarded to deserving students including overall best student, subject-specific best students and
many more.
The second area to look at include library and internet access for students. As has been the case,
our library staff mostly work within the time students are also in class. Even with the recent
extended time for the library staff, students are still unable because the time is still unfavourable.
We believe that, access can be improved by doing two things. Firstly, by electing library prefects
who will be given 24 hour access (by Administration and Librarian). They will in turn, recruit
student staff to run shift manning the library. Second, the librbary prefect with students’ library
staff will draw a roster for classes to regulate their access to the library. On internet provision to
both campuses, we undertake to consult Administration regarding challenge of lack of internet
which has persist in order to find a lasting solution to it and make access to online information
much easier.
Thirdly, it is a widely known fact that studying in groups is an effective learning strategy when
used well. We will use the formation of study groups as a vehicle to speed up academic
performance by collaborating with the course tutors to pair student with higher academic
capacity to those who have been noticed to be facing challenges as far as academic performance
is concerned. Evaluation would be done from time to time to check its effectiveness, and reform
where necessary.

Creating Visibility
Mr. Chairman, it an undeniable fact that our noble institution is being noticed for its great
performance during the final year Licensing and Diploma Exams, but physically difficult to find
due to lack of visibility. Currently, we do not have any recognizable sign-board to guide people
coming to either campus. When we are been given the mantle of leadership we will collaborate
with Administration to construct a modern sign post to show our location at vantage points.
Speaking about visibility Mr. Chairman, we would try making use of the media especially our
social media handles to sell the school out positively to the world at large.
Furthermore, we would organize educational talk on health related issues on the various radio
stations such as Suncity Radio and Jubilee Radio which are just a stone throw from us.
Additionally, we will also utilize outreaches, clean up exercises in the Keta community at least
once a semester to give back to the community we find ourselves and educate them on health
practices. All these will contribute to soaring our image and visibility.
On this note I would to say to my noble Registered Public Health Nurses to get ready because we
are going into the community to give the breath of life they deserve! Prevention they say is better
than cure.
Mr. Chairman, it is a known fact that, many students walk far distances to and from school which
negatively affects them. They sometimes arrive late and exhausted which in turn affect their
alertness in class. Others too spend a lot on transportation in and out.
Mr. Chairman, when given the opportunity, we will revisit the challenges that resulted in the
halting of the shuttle service and find the best way to solve it with the Administration.
Bringing back the shuttle system with low cost will increase students patronizing it which will
prevent lateness which attracts punishment. This will also call for everyone being on guard to
ensure the smooth running of the system if it happens to come back.
Mr. Chairman, discipline is a bridge between goals and accomplishment. It is that habit of the
body and mind that empowers you to reach full development.
When given the nod, we will ensure that discipline which is the backbone and hallmark of
excellence is never under-estimated because, for a man to conquer himself, is the first and
noblest of all victories.
We will achieve this by organizing educational sessions for the whole student’s body to prevent
ignorance before the law.
We will also work effectively with the Administration to ensure effective orientation of first
years student’s to make them acquainted with the professional codes of conduct.
We will also support the judicial committee of the SRC to ensure law enforcement with the help
of the tutor’s disciplinary committee.

Improving SRC Finances (SRC SHOP)

Mr. Chairman, it is in our ultimate interest to make the SRC financially independent by
improving on SRC financing system. We want to achieve this through:
 Reducing spending
 Collaborating with Administration to set-up an SRC shop where SRC Souvenirs can be
kept and sold at any time which will help generate funds.
 Seeking of sponsorship from credible philanthropies and organisations to support SRC
activities. Starting right from renowned shops like Honesty Shop, Babylast and others
just to mention a few and other Non-Governmental Bodies/Organizations

Sports and Entertainment

Mr. Chairman, George Bernard Shaw once said that, “We don’t stop playing because we grow
old; we grow old because we stop playing”. This goes to say that those who play rarely became
brittle in the face of stress or lose the healing capacity of humor.
On this note, we will like to say a big thank you to the current Entertainment Committee headed
by Mr Amekuedi Lord for their tireless efforts to enrich sports and entertainment in this
Ladies and Gentlemen, Nursing and Midwifery Training College Keta deserves nothing but the
best. And hence we cannot be dormant on sports and entertainment. We are going to work
tremendously to boost sports and Entertainment to develop more social, sporting and recreationist
spaces for students in the following ways:
Firstly, we are going to ensure efficient use of the money paid by all students every semester for
educational visits. In collaboration with the administration, we will organize excursion for
student’s to help visit educational site across the country. This will help protect our students,
since many students may like to visit these sceneries on their own which they may end up
endangering their lives.
Furthermore, we are going to ensure the celebration of certain ceremonial days, like Valentine’s
Day, Bob Marley night among others. This will help bring unity among members of our noble
institution and serve as an avenue for relationship talks.
Mr. Chairman, we aim to introduce inter-school games by beginning with interclasses in our
school and scaling it up to the schools in Volta and Oti regions, where we will invite our
neighboring sister schools.
Also, we will organize movie nights, where educational programs and current sports events will
be brought to the doorstep of our students. This will help inspire different talents during our
sports festivals.
Mr. Chairman, we are not going to do these things in isolation. We will ensure an effective
organizational committee and entertainment committee including tutors who will ensure the
success of all this programs and ensure they are all done in time so students get the opportunity
and much time to prepare for other academic works, since most often our activities goes beyond
the planned time.

Sanitation and Health

Mr. Chairman, we cannot talk about the effectiveness of an institution without talking about
health and sanitation. In this regard, we say kudos to our current SRC for their hard work.
We would also like to appreciate our leaders for having the best interest of the student body at
heart and providing orderlies to help in the maintenance of our noble institution’s sanitation.
During our tenure of office, we will ensure an effective working relation between the school’s
store keepers and environmental committee to ensure effective procurement of the supplies
needed to complement the maintenance of a healthy environment from our classrooms to our
washrooms in our own little way as students.
Mr. Chairman, our students work tirelessly to ensure that our school premise is kept clean. This
sometimes keeps them working till evening, making them very tired to continue academic work
for the rest of the day.
When given the mandate, we will liaise with the Administration and Municipal Assembly to
provide the school with mower and other equipment to lessen the workload on students.
We will also lobby for more dust bins from the municipal Assembly to ensure proper waste
disposal to prevent the outbreak of disease like cholera and dysentery on campus.
Mr. Chairman, often times, aspirants have focused more attention on hoodwinking the voter with
lofty and ill-informed promises without carefully assessing their feasibility. With us, fear not;
because all the things we have mentioned here to you have been well and truly thought through
not forgetting to make necessary consultation that will ensure the fruition of our plans when
given the nod.
Mr. Chairman, as opined by leaders “He who thinks he is leading and has no one following him
is only taking a walk”. On this note some students may be having discrepancies with themselves
of which among the candidates to vote for, but we assure you that, if you want a patriotic goal
oriented and reliable leader look no further because team “HOPE – MORKPORKPOR” is the
best choice to make. So make the right choice by voting for ADZOMFOA ERICA NYAMEDI
and DOTSE ABIGAIL ADJO number 3 on the presidential ballot as your SRC or local
GNMTA president and vice president respectively for 2023/2024 academic year.

Long live local GNMTA

Long live NMTC-Keta
Long live Ghana

Thank you

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