English Synonyms and Antonyms Workbooks Volume 2

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English Synonyms and Antonyms


Volume II

2500 multiple-choice items

Daniel B. Smith

Copyright © 2020

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permitted by copyright law.

Volume II

-2500 multiple-choice items-

Table of contents
First set of items
Second set of items
The main purpose of these book series (two
volumes) is to provide you an impressive and
invaluable collection of English synonyms and
antonyms multiple-choice exercises.

By completing this book you will enhance and

enrich your vocabulary skills. Your quest is to find
the right antonym for the given word. It can either be
a word with the farthest meaning (depending on the
context) or a word opposite to the one which you
should find an antonym for.

This book is suitable for both medium and

advanced English learners.

Please keep an eye on further releases and

check my books on English Grammar.

Good luck!
First set of items
1. Choose the right antonym for: “bloodiest”.
a) recrement
b) tame
c) fealty
2. Choose the right antonym for: “handful”.
a) mass
b) acted
c) varmint
3. Choose the right antonym for: “forsaken”.
a) bawdry
b) interpretive
c) helped
4. Choose the right antonym for: “deserted”.
a) membrane
b) populated
c) migrative
5. Choose the right antonym for: “stray”.
a) tempted
b) prototypical
c) remain
6. Choose the right antonym for: “kidnapped”.
a) released
b) jouster
c) layer
7. Choose the right antonym for: “adaptable”.
a) soprano
b) marketer
c) unadaptable
8. Choose the right antonym for: “modifiable”.
a) supervisors
b) inflexible
c) dilatoriness
9. Choose the right antonym for: “myopic”.
a) abuse
b) far-sighted
c) regain
10. Choose the right antonym for: “astigmatic”.
a) wise
b) cavillous
c) freethinking
11. Choose the right antonym for: “admissible”.
a) nicely
b) inadmissible
c) perception
12. Choose the right antonym for: “fallible”.
a) reliable
b) vapid
c) inactive drug
13. Choose the right antonym for: “preventable”.
a) sapid
b) inescapable
c) smooth
14. Choose the right antonym for: “elective”.
a) passed
b) gabber
c) required
15. Choose the right antonym for: “calculable”.
a) incalculable
b) defenseless
c) meek
16. Choose the right antonym for: “foreseeable”.
a) accrual
b) recap
c) unpredictable
17. Choose the right antonym for: “discoverable”.
a) gender
b) uncomputable
c) pallid
18. Choose the right antonym for: “countable”.
a) advocated
b) ungenteel
c) uncomputable
19. Choose the right antonym for: “eatable”.
a) stridulate
b) unsuitable
c) chorine
20. Choose the right antonym for: “culinary”.
a) harmful
b) indubitable
c) multicultural
21. Choose the right antonym for: “communicable”.
a) pooch
b) distinctive
c) noncommunicable
22. Choose the right antonym for: “edible”.
a) poisonous
b) mellowing
c) placing
23. Choose the right antonym for: “scalable”.
a) upstart
b) impenetrable
c) harbinger
24. Choose the right antonym for: “combustible”.
a) nonexplosive
b) commemoratory
c) griping
25. Choose the right antonym for: “ignitable”.
a) renounce
b) freedoms
c) flameproof
26. Choose the right antonym for: “combustive”.
a) pander
b) apposite
c) nonexplosive
27. Choose the right antonym for: “burnable”.
a) flameproof
b) dock
c) encrustation
28. Choose the right antonym for: “audible”.
a) cosign
b) invisible
c) agitator
29. Choose the right antonym for: “curable”.
a) censurer
b) incurable
c) exemption
30. Choose the right antonym for: “restorable”.
a) puma
b) camisole
c) unhelpable
31. Choose the right antonym for: “reparative”.
a) incurable
b) forbode
c) nonanimal
32. Choose the right antonym for: “improvable”.
a) charm
b) hourly
c) unhelpable
33. Choose the right antonym for: “corrigible”.
a) fix up
b) incurable
c) pleasant
34. Choose the right antonym for: “correctable”.
a) displayed
b) council
c) incurable
35. Choose the right antonym for: “ignorable”.
a) remarkable
b) spoked
c) membership
36. Choose the right antonym for: “renewable”.
a) economizing
b) flavorful
c) unendurable
37. Choose the right antonym for: “imaged”.
a) hide
b) linens
c) surfaced
38. Choose the right antonym for: “touchable”.
a) homophile
b) untouchable
c) unequivocal
39. Choose the right antonym for: “understandable”.
a) inelegantly
b) be rivals
c) unfathomable
40. Choose the right antonym for: “reusable”.
a) store
b) brood over
c) perishable
41. Choose the right antonym for: “multipurpose”.
a) single-serving
b) mullioned
c) professed
42. Choose the right antonym for: “washable”.
a) zany
b) flippancy
c) nonwashable
43. Choose the right antonym for: “sure”.
a) gnome
b) doubtful
c) vulgarian
44. Choose the right antonym for: “capable”.
a) deceiving
b) untalented
c) bender
45. Choose the right antonym for: “literate”.
a) admit
b) publican
c) unsophisticated
46. Choose the right antonym for: “self-sufficient”.
a) eager
b) incompetent
c) incommunicative
47. Choose the right antonym for: “competent”.
a) freezer
b) freeing
c) insufficient
48. Choose the right antonym for: “proficient”.
a) relics
b) clumsy
c) coiffure
49. Choose the right antonym for: “qualified”.
a) groupie
b) betrothing
c) unrestricted
50. Choose the right antonym for: “skillful”.
a) inexperienced
b) misshapen
c) barnstorm
51. Choose the right antonym for: “deviant”.
a) bile
b) bod
c) same
52. Choose the right antonym for: “freakish”.
a) redress
b) regular
c) ephemeral
53. Choose the right antonym for: “unorthodox”.
a) orthodox
b) factotum
c) refurbish
54. Choose the right antonym for: “pending”.
a) admix
b) proprium
c) improbable
55. Choose the right antonym for: “impeccable”.
a) bonus
b) insecureness
c) corrupt
56. Choose the right antonym for: “upper”.
a) terrene
b) unimportant
c) question
57. Choose the right antonym for: “short”.
a) partizan
b) long
c) applicants
58. Choose the right antonym for: “shortest”.
a) thick
b) validity
c) bulwark
59. Choose the right antonym for: “curtate”.
a) mescalin
b) polite
c) illegally
60. Choose the right antonym for: “synoptic”.
a) seine
b) unabridged
c) metamorphose
61. Choose the right antonym for: “compendious”.
a) unabridged
b) tincture
c) knot
62. Choose the right antonym for: “bluffer”.
a) percipient
b) definite
c) chapfallen
63. Choose the right antonym for: “bluff”.
a) paint
b) estrange
c) dishonest
64. Choose the right antonym for: “bearish”.
a) swamped
b) tournament
c) mannerly
65. Choose the right antonym for: “offhand”.
a) careful
b) fake
c) indignant
66. Choose the right antonym for: “curt”.
a) desertification
b) ceremonious
c) wunderkind
67. Choose the right antonym for: “dutifully”.
a) jilted
b) diver
c) unfinished
68. Choose the right antonym for: “sideling”.
a) logograph
b) indefinite
c) tendency
69. Choose the right antonym for: “bemused”.
a) class dance
b) season
c) disinterested
70. Choose the right antonym for: “crashing”.
a) leech
b) unfinished
c) saddlebow
71. Choose the right antonym for: “inalienable”.
a) alienable
b) gooey
c) unlucky
72. Choose the right antonym for: “unmitigated”.
a) steepness
b) imperfect
c) paterfamilias
73. Choose the right antonym for: “unconditional”.
a) maimed
b) cleek
c) conditional
74. Choose the right antonym for: “assured”.
a) miserly
b) compassion
c) distrustful
75. Choose the right antonym for: “self-centered”.
a) giving
b) token
c) readiness
76. Choose the right antonym for: “rapt”.
a) curd
b) sorrowful
c) onomastics
77. Choose the right antonym for: “permeable”.
a) empyrean
b) impenetrable
c) greatcoat
78. Choose the right antonym for: “enterable”.
a) crimpy
b) burgundy
c) impenetrable
79. Choose the right antonym for: “gripping”.
a) fatherlike
b) boring
c) infirmness
80. Choose the right antonym for: “enthralling”.
a) happily
b) foreordain
c) uninteresting
81. Choose the right antonym for: “celibate”.
a) emptying
b) elemental
c) promiscuous
82. Choose the right antonym for: “conceptual”.
a) woful
b) real
c) inoculable
83. Choose the right antonym for: “farcical”.
a) grave
b) booking
c) remittance
84. Choose the right antonym for: “nonsensical”.
a) rip-off
b) thriving
c) sensible
85. Choose the right antonym for: “silliest”.
a) avoiding
b) practical
c) stripper
86. Choose the right antonym for: “silly”.
a) repeat
b) serious
c) friskiness
87. Choose the right antonym for: “sillier”.
a) smart
b) yurt
c) reflexive
88. Choose the right antonym for: “ludicrous”.
a) splint
b) ordinary
c) along with
89. Choose the right antonym for: “leafiest”.
a) warlock
b) trove
c) leafless
90. Choose the right antonym for: “leafier”.
a) leafless
b) tracks
c) musket
91. Choose the right antonym for: “leafy”.
a) reuse
b) scoot
c) leafless
92. Choose the right antonym for: “copious”.
a) forging
b) art work
c) rare
93. Choose the right antonym for: “plentiful”.
a) scarce
b) rehearsing
c) imperilment
94. Choose the right antonym for: “bountiful”.
a) touring
b) scarce
c) perceived
95. Choose the right antonym for: “profuse”.
a) prime
b) gaming
c) sparse
96. Choose the right antonym for: “teeming”.
a) gendarme
b) needing
c) praiseworthy
97. Choose the right antonym for: “considerable”.
a) undistinguished
b) backhoe
c) gleanings
98. Choose the right antonym for: “semitropical”.
a) ring
b) clean
c) uncordial
99. Choose the right antonym for: “manifold”.
a) eyelet
b) same
c) smaller
100. Choose the right antonym for: “multifold”.
a) foyer
b) investigative
c) single
101. Choose the right antonym for: “insulting”.
a) tote
b) nice
c) separate
102. Choose the right antonym for: “opprobrious”.
a) nice
b) borrowed
c) aggravating
103. Choose the right antonym for: “scholarly”.
a) phlegm
b) careworn
c) uneducated
104. Choose the right antonym for: “passable”.
a) consistency
b) obstructed
c) germinal
105. Choose the right antonym for: “tolerable”.
a) virtuoso
b) unfit
c) unwashed
106. Choose the right antonym for: “okay”.
a) crier
b) gigantic
c) reject
107. Choose the right antonym for: “satisfactory”.
a) bridle
b) prosaic
c) insufficient
108. Choose the right antonym for: “pleasant”.
a) mean
b) may
c) wielding
109. Choose the right antonym for: “undisputed”.
a) hum
b) scoop
c) doubtful
110. Choose the right antonym for: “goer”.
a) wrong
b) able
c) rattle
111. Choose the right antonym for: “canonical”.
a) propone
b) not representative
c) unorthodox
112. Choose the right antonym for: “orthodox”.
a) mulch
b) ledger
c) untraditional
113. Choose the right antonym for: “prevalent”.
a) rare
b) legwork
c) frying
114. Choose the right antonym for: “understanding”.
a) untransportable
b) mean
c) head servant
115. Choose the right antonym for: “pervious”.
a) flatly
b) impervious
c) cautious
116. Choose the right antonym for: “approachable”.
a) venter
b) inaccessible
c) snapshot
117. Choose the right antonym for: “reachable”.
a) jazzed
b) mingy
c) unreachable
118. Choose the right antonym for: “tipper”.
a) integral
b) dun
c) brogue
119. Choose the right antonym for: “extra”.
a) flyer
b) lessening
c) mitigatory
120. Choose the right antonym for: “inadvertent”.
a) floss
b) cooperative
c) attentive
121. Choose the right antonym for: “coincidental”.
a) inhale
b) decided
c) climatization
122. Choose the right antonym for: “chance”.
a) a person
b) faultiness
c) law
123. Choose the right antonym for: “yielding”.
a) unclog
b) connective
c) obstinate
124. Choose the right antonym for: “over”.
a) fewer
b) versed
c) awesome
125. Choose the right antonym for: “done”.
a) unperfected
b) dint
c) breathed
126. Choose the right antonym for: “responsible”.
a) adrift
b) aligning
c) immature
127. Choose the right antonym for: “cumulative”.
a) staginess
b) decreasing
c) gibbous
128. Choose the right antonym for: “increscent”.
a) shrinking
b) duskily
c) tenebrific
129. Choose the right antonym for: “additory”.
a) force
b) revenant
c) decreasing
130. Choose the right antonym for: “unerring”.
a) inaccurate
b) obduracy
c) distinctiveness
131. Choose the right antonym for: “stoner”.
a) sluice
b) wrong
c) maggot
132. Choose the right antonym for: “correct”.
a) tiredly
b) remain
c) seaway
133. Choose the right antonym for: “undistorted”.
a) be ruined
b) unenthused
c) unhealthy
134. Choose the right antonym for: “truthful”.
a) hosed
b) untruthful
c) bum-off
135. Choose the right antonym for: “exact”.
a) as to
b) overmuch
c) approximate
136. Choose the right antonym for: “obtainable”.
a) proprium
b) unavailable
c) edentate
137. Choose the right antonym for: “won”.
a) gaudy
b) ungaudy
c) lost
138. Choose the right antonym for: “transpacific”.
a) at home
b) dissipation
c) logician
139. Choose the right antonym for: “overseas”.
a) gravel
b) existing
c) at home
140. Choose the right antonym for: “transatlantic”.
a) defalcate
b) at home
c) incredulous
141. Choose the right antonym for: “crosswise”.
a) lengthwise
b) fiend
c) constrain
142. Choose the right antonym for: “vertically”.
a) misapplied
b) cerebrate
c) lengthwise
143. Choose the right antonym for: “crossways”.
a) slat
b) appeal to
c) lengthwise
144. Choose the right antonym for: “thwarter”.
a) straight on
b) depending
c) entrancingly
145. Choose the right antonym for: “longways”.
a) discipline
b) cockalorum
c) straight on
146. Choose the right antonym for: “horizontally”.
a) residue
b) straight on
c) ebullition
147. Choose the right antonym for: “wackier”.
a) sensible
b) toasty
c) stocky
148. Choose the right antonym for: “wacky”.
a) uprear
b) bedstead
c) calm
149. Choose the right antonym for: “babyish”.
a) justle
b) laniferous
c) mature
150. Choose the right antonym for: “impetuous”.
a) reflective
b) slambang
c) tiring
151. Choose the right antonym for: “going”.
a) stubby
b) arriving
c) recuperation
152. Choose the right antonym for: “functioning”.
a) laical
b) idle
c) untwist
153. Choose the right antonym for: “operative”.
a) inactive
b) earth
c) bad
154. Choose the right antonym for: “working”.
a) resolute
b) patriotic
c) unengaged
155. Choose the right antonym for: “dynamic”.
a) destruct
b) apathetic
c) dogcatcher
156. Choose the right antonym for: “spriest”.
a) financed
b) cleverly
c) stiff
157. Choose the right antonym for: “spry”.
a) disfigured
b) lawfully
c) unenergetic
158. Choose the right antonym for: “sprier”.
a) stiff
b) implicative
c) fund
159. Choose the right antonym for: “spryest”.
a) prior
b) sluggish
c) cussing
160. Choose the right antonym for: “spryer”.
a) sunning
b) sophic
c) stiff
161. Choose the right antonym for: “concrete”.
a) general
b) astrometry
c) punishment
162. Choose the right antonym for: “probing”.
a) collards
b) demarche
c) nice
163. Choose the right antonym for: “pliant”.
a) lordly
b) rigid
c) demeritorious
164. Choose the right antonym for: “recuperative”.
a) unflexible
b) plateful
c) ananym
165. Choose the right antonym for: “suited”.
a) manger
b) hearted
c) inappropriate
166. Choose the right antonym for: “plus”.
a) graze
b) loss
c) billions
167. Choose the right antonym for: “further”.
a) collegiate
b) markedness
c) curtail
168. Choose the right antonym for: “other”.
a) included
b) stating
c) plodding
169. Choose the right antonym for: “more”.
a) untutored
b) fewer
c) obloquy
170. Choose the right antonym for: “efficient”.
a) quake
b) worthless
c) appearance
171. Choose the right antonym for: “tenantable”.
a) unbearable
b) hounded
c) swoon
172. Choose the right antonym for: “livable”.
a) count
b) manuring
c) unbearable
173. Choose the right antonym for: “commensurate”.
a) incommensurate
b) lulling
c) surplus
174. Choose the right antonym for: “coextensive”.
a) fireboard
b) experiment
c) unacceptable
175. Choose the right antonym for: “middling”.
a) unusual
b) unamazing
c) parthenogenetic
176. Choose the right antonym for: “neighboring”.
a) funnel
b) recommend
c) faraway
177. Choose the right antonym for: “contiguous”.
a) waterflood
b) iniquitous
c) separated
178. Choose the right antonym for: “nearby”.
a) faraway
b) conferee
c) gable
179. Choose the right antonym for: “attachable”.
a) defeat
b) inseparable
c) rummage
180. Choose the right antonym for: “versatile”.
a) amen
b) luggage
c) unadjustable
181. Choose the right antonym for: “executive”.
a) alto
b) follower
c) tidbit
182. Choose the right antonym for: “laudable”.
a) bedim
b) coexisting
c) unworthy
183. Choose the right antonym for: “hated”.
a) plasma
b) tamp
c) loved
184. Choose the right antonym for: “glorious”.
a) horrible
b) profaned
c) carousing
185. Choose the right antonym for: “clad”.
a) fete
b) unclad
c) glean
186. Choose the right antonym for: “mature”.
a) ascetic
b) young
c) barkeeper
187. Choose the right antonym for: “putrescent”.
a) uncontaminated
b) innocuousness
c) pale
188. Choose the right antonym for: “old”.
a) new
b) remiss
c) sweetly
189. Choose the right antonym for: “eldest”.
a) skids
b) uncommited
c) unsteady
190. Choose the right antonym for: “geriatric”.
a) current
b) inusitation
c) cloud
191. Choose the right antonym for: “forward”.
a) hatch
b) never
c) back
192. Choose the right antonym for: “forward-looking”.
a) illogically
b) flax
c) worthless
193. Choose the right antonym for: “dexter”.
a) shalom
b) unfitting
c) hardtack
194. Choose the right antonym for: “beneficial”.
a) assembly
b) tromp
c) worthless
195. Choose the right antonym for: “opportune”.
a) inopportune
b) fulfill
c) conniver
196. Choose the right antonym for: “profitable”.
a) respiratory
b) reneger
c) disadvantageous
197. Choose the right antonym for: “daring”.
a) replicated
b) thoughtful
c) influenced
198. Choose the right antonym for: “supporting”.
a) opposing
b) buyers
c) stuck
199. Choose the right antonym for: “tensed”.
a) geese
b) extend
c) lawwoman
200. Choose the right antonym for: “influenced”.
a) source
b) bypass
c) kept
201. Choose the right antonym for: “mincing”.
a) unaffected
b) instructions
c) ataractic
202. Choose the right antonym for: “mannered”.
a) adulate
b) outburst
c) unpretentious
203. Choose the right antonym for: “systemic”.
a) napped
b) secondary
c) bumpy
204. Choose the right antonym for: “psychedelic”.
a) tropic
b) ecclesiast
c) monochrome
205. Choose the right antonym for: “psychotropic”.
a) academic
b) monochrome
c) taletelling
206. Choose the right antonym for: “psychotomimetic”.
a) flung
b) rubberlike
c) monochrome
207. Choose the right antonym for: “psychoactive”.
a) globally
b) projected
c) monochrome
208. Choose the right antonym for: “mind-expanding”.
a) monochrome
b) suspend
c) moiling
209. Choose the right antonym for: “hallucinogenic”.
a) waste
b) abridging
c) monochrome
210. Choose the right antonym for: “moving”.
a) raspy
b) fixed
c) vaticination
211. Choose the right antonym for: “touching”.
a) pus
b) totalistic
c) unaffecting
212. Choose the right antonym for: “poignant”.
a) caret
b) solvency
c) blah
213. Choose the right antonym for: “amative”.
a) abuse
b) platonic
c) jitney
214. Choose the right antonym for: “amatory”.
a) color
b) primordium
c) unfriendly
215. Choose the right antonym for: “downtrodden”.
a) jamb
b) happy
c) previous
216. Choose the right antonym for: “luxurious”.
a) ordinary
b) exploiter
c) inherit
217. Choose the right antonym for: “panicky”.
a) milky
b) presumptive
c) happy
218. Choose the right antonym for: “terrified”.
a) joyful
b) unafraid
c) fragrant
219. Choose the right antonym for: “timorous”.
a) nerd
b) profound
c) forthcoming
220. Choose the right antonym for: “subsequent”.
a) antecedent
b) dislocation
c) culturally
221. Choose the right antonym for: “illegal”.
a) insolency
b) authorized
c) driving force
222. Choose the right antonym for: “unwarrantable”.
a) low
b) nutshell
c) omnipotent
223. Choose the right antonym for: “unlicensed”.
a) arsonist
b) sordid
c) permissible
224. Choose the right antonym for: “extralegal”.
a) difficile
b) blessed
c) desolation
225. Choose the right antonym for: “unlawful”.
a) thermos
b) legal
c) sycophant
226. Choose the right antonym for: “loather”.
a) edict
b) willing
c) wordlessness
227. Choose the right antonym for: “loath”.
a) for
b) replay
c) sanitize
228. Choose the right antonym for: “doddering”.
a) young
b) pour
c) egotism
229. Choose the right antonym for: “dotard”.
a) capering
b) iterance
c) strongman
230. Choose the right antonym for: “provocative”.
a) motor
b) boring
c) telelogical
231. Choose the right antonym for: “assertive”.
a) quiet
b) cloudless
c) whammy
232. Choose the right antonym for: “confrontational”.
a) salver
b) upsurge
c) compromising
233. Choose the right antonym for: “combative”.
a) kind
b) intimate
c) procession
234. Choose the right antonym for: “gladiatorial”.
a) bang into
b) newish
c) compromising
235. Choose the right antonym for: “militant”.
a) peaceful
b) inclose
c) universalize
236. Choose the right antonym for: “pushier”.
a) jerky
b) quiet
c) detached
237. Choose the right antonym for: “pushy”.
a) jingo
b) amalgamate
c) unassuming
238. Choose the right antonym for: “fighting”.
a) inaffable
b) freight
c) peace
239. Choose the right antonym for: “warmongering”.
a) melliferous
b) aligned
c) kind
240. Choose the right antonym for: “jousting”.
a) kind
b) stodge
c) capable
241. Choose the right antonym for: “jingoistic”.
a) doting
b) ambitious
c) antisocial
242. Choose the right antonym for: “lissome”.
a) portly
b) landslide
c) treasury
243. Choose the right antonym for: “graceful”.
a) harborage
b) awkward
c) unleisurely
244. Choose the right antonym for: “deft”.
a) epicene
b) awkward
c) cleverness
245. Choose the right antonym for: “defter”.
a) fertility
b) panicky
c) inept
246. Choose the right antonym for: “deftest”.
a) sadness
b) unhandy
c) achieved
247. Choose the right antonym for: “athletic”.
a) composer
b) conceived
c) inactive
248. Choose the right antonym for: “complaisant”.
a) trooper
b) insecurity
c) disagreeable
249. Choose the right antonym for: “harmonious”.
a) worthier
b) weigh
c) disagreeable
250. Choose the right antonym for: “congruent”.
a) tabularize
b) unharmonious
c) bravely
251. Choose the right antonym for: “reconcilable”.
a) condoling
b) machine
c) antagonistic
252. Choose the right antonym for: “compatible”.
a) unsuitable
b) theoretic
c) livable
253. Choose the right antonym for: “willing”.
a) dodging
b) scuzzbag
c) disinterested
254. Choose the right antonym for: “consonant”.
a) disagreeing
b) treatise
c) housemate
255. Choose the right antonym for: “consentient”.
a) desexed
b) divided
c) roguery
256. Choose the right antonym for: “analogous”.
a) secured
b) unbodied
c) disconnected
257. Choose the right antonym for: “advance”.
a) recede
b) consume
c) urchin
258. Choose the right antonym for: “advanced”.
a) cataplasm
b) come back
c) behind
259. Choose the right antonym for: “futuristic”.
a) old
b) saphenous
c) voluntarily
260. Choose the right antonym for: “helped”.
a) disrobe
b) halftone
c) discouraged
261. Choose the right antonym for: “stifling”.
a) factorage
b) illegally
c) dry
262. Choose the right antonym for: “watertight”.
a) inaccurate
b) bawd
c) etherize
263. Choose the right antonym for: “fearful”.
a) hotfoot
b) forthright
c) unafraid
264. Choose the right antonym for: “aflutter”.
a) mud
b) rapidly
c) easy-going
265. Choose the right antonym for: “fearsome”.
a) ordain
b) soothing
c) coloration
266. Choose the right antonym for: “supraliminal”.
a) not deliberate
b) claimed
c) rhyme
267. Choose the right antonym for: “conscious”.
a) republic
b) metaphoric
c) unconscious
268. Choose the right antonym for: “percipient”.
a) irrational
b) incross
c) athirst
269. Choose the right antonym for: “wakeful”.
a) literate
b) box up
c) unaware
270. Choose the right antonym for: “insomniac”.
a) rudely
b) unaware
c) forbidding
271. Choose the right antonym for: “perceptive”.
a) schoolgirl
b) careless
c) desexualize
272. Choose the right antonym for: “observant”.
a) triable
b) indifferent
c) complacency
273. Choose the right antonym for: “advertent”.
a) feudal
b) neglectful
c) hardware
274. Choose the right antonym for: “disaffected”.
a) contented
b) selfdom
c) weak spot
275. Choose the right antonym for: “parallel”.
a) accost
b) remainder
c) unlikeness
276. Choose the right antonym for: “straighter”.
a) beseech
b) framed
c) disorderly
277. Choose the right antonym for: “unbent”.
a) drony
b) frazzled
c) close
278. Choose the right antonym for: “straightest”.
a) intermittent
b) transaction
c) dispossessed
279. Choose the right antonym for: “uncurled”.
a) stagnate
b) kennel
c) blithe
280. Choose the right antonym for: “straight”.
a) jennet
b) condone
c) unconventional
281. Choose the right antonym for: “collinear”.
a) horizontal
b) explosive
c) specifize
282. Choose the right antonym for: “equal”.
a) impair
b) inferior
c) shellack
283. Choose the right antonym for: “indistinguishable”.
a) sapper
b) unmixed
c) different
284. Choose the right antonym for: “cognate”.
a) nightie
b) oriflamme
c) unconnected
285. Choose the right antonym for: “identical”.
a) opposite
b) magnetic
c) excathedra
286. Choose the right antonym for: “same”.
a) dissimilar
b) fortified
c) passed
287. Choose the right antonym for: “duper”.
a) unequal
b) coalitionist
c) measuring
288. Choose the right antonym for: “life-giving”.
a) diverted
b) admonition
c) unimportant
289. Choose the right antonym for: “animate”.
a) military
b) shy
c) dislocate
290. Choose the right antonym for: “vibrant”.
a) slathers
b) colorless
c) emotional support
291. Choose the right antonym for: “en masse”.
a) feds
b) gloss
c) one at a time
292. Choose the right antonym for: “monotonous”.
a) light
b) intituted
c) misbehavior
293. Choose the right antonym for: “catholic”.
a) driving force
b) exclusive
c) rhapsody
294. Choose the right antonym for: “through”.
a) grounds
b) poniard
c) incomprehensive
295. Choose the right antonym for: “inclusive”.
a) incomprehensive
b) cullions
c) cinders
296. Choose the right antonym for: “catchall”.
a) sagely
b) exclusive
c) bondsman
297. Choose the right antonym for: “wholesale”.
a) ordinal
b) retail
c) later
298. Choose the right antonym for: “exhaustive”.
a) slinging
b) narrow
c) patterning
299. Choose the right antonym for: “embracive”.
a) partial
b) requisition
c) galloping
300. Choose the right antonym for: “omniscient”.
a) coronach
b) finalized
c) stupid
301. Choose the right antonym for: “full-blown”.
a) partial
b) gag line
c) anointed
302. Choose the right antonym for: “omnipotent”.
a) franchise
b) observers
c) weak
303. Choose the right antonym for: “omnipresent”.
a) receptacle
b) limited
c) epistolarian
304. Choose the right antonym for: “ostensible”.
a) unmade
b) vague
c) plundered
305. Choose the right antonym for: “pretended”.
a) as to
b) vocal
c) revealed
306. Choose the right antonym for: “corporate”.
a) finance
b) separate
c) extrusion
307. Choose the right antonym for: “confederate”.
a) wowed
b) opponent
c) sprayed
308. Choose the right antonym for: “syndicated”.
a) distribute
b) perfidious
c) gliding
309. Choose the right antonym for: “federal”.
a) lapsing
b) divided
c) draggle
310. Choose the right antonym for: “excusable”.
a) lattermost
b) proffered
c) unallowable
311. Choose the right antonym for: “vindicatory”.
a) kinsperson
b) inexcusable
c) indispensability
312. Choose the right antonym for: “exculpatory”.
a) alleviating
b) retrench
c) unjustifiable
313. Choose the right antonym for: “permissible”.
a) unbearable
b) cuckoo
c) upgrading
314. Choose the right antonym for: “lawful”.
a) illegitimate
b) grenades
c) playhouse
315. Choose the right antonym for: “jural”.
a) closeout
b) wrong
c) dunderhead
316. Choose the right antonym for: “legal”.
a) grafter
b) unsightly
c) illegal
317. Choose the right antonym for: “contractual”.
a) invalid
b) rickly
c) anadem
318. Choose the right antonym for: “palatine”.
a) prevented
b) snooping
c) classmate
319. Choose the right antonym for: “franchised”.
a) sparkler
b) governed
c) public
320. Choose the right antonym for: “enabling”.
a) cream
b) cantillate
c) disabling
321. Choose the right antonym for: “fetching”.
a) repulsive
b) lawless
c) imaginary
322. Choose the right antonym for: “inviting”.
a) raptness
b) desecrated
c) disgusting
323. Choose the right antonym for: “tempting”.
a) gleaner
b) unattractive
c) airedale
324. Choose the right antonym for: “seductive”.
a) spun
b) rivel
c) unprovocative
325. Choose the right antonym for: “approximate”.
a) far
b) thereupon
c) resultantly
326. Choose the right antonym for: “practically”.
a) effuse
b) far
c) dune
327. Choose the right antonym for: “quasi”.
a) spatial
b) total
c) swinger
328. Choose the right antonym for: “semi”.
a) total
b) passing
c) approximtely
329. Choose the right antonym for: “pseudo”.
a) hybrid
b) paganist
c) entire
330. Choose the right antonym for: “unaccompanied”.
a) dispeace
b) pilfer
c) accompanied
331. Choose the right antonym for: “solo”.
a) together
b) tenor
c) exuviation
332. Choose the right antonym for: “single-handedly”.
a) biggety
b) tediousness
c) jointly
333. Choose the right antonym for: “single”.
a) mustang
b) unimportant
c) protestor
334. Choose the right antonym for: “unshared”.
a) gawky
b) searching
c) unimportant
335. Choose the right antonym for: “solitary”.
a) hygiene
b) sociable
c) regalement
336. Choose the right antonym for: “sole”.
a) fakery
b) united
c) specifications
337. Choose the right antonym for: “unique”.
a) trite
b) raveled
c) chronometer
338. Choose the right antonym for: “sociable”.
a) megrim
b) aged
c) closed
339. Choose the right antonym for: “impassive”.
a) gardener
b) warm
c) clarifying
340. Choose the right antonym for: “unimpassioned”.
a) frayed
b) harsh
c) piker
341. Choose the right antonym for: “rescheduled”.
a) loyal
b) aphid
c) accomplish
342. Choose the right antonym for: “reprogrammed”.
a) epee
b) stabilized
c) bleeding
343. Choose the right antonym for: “substitute”.
a) continue
b) interplay
c) alley
344. Choose the right antonym for: “substitutive”.
a) permit
b) shivery
c) finished
345. Choose the right antonym for: “lay”.
a) spite
b) ordained
c) recurrent
346. Choose the right antonym for: “dilettante”.
a) cellar
b) tapdance
c) professional
347. Choose the right antonym for: “unaccomplished”.
a) supplied
b) bullheaded
c) accomplished
348. Choose the right antonym for: “half-cocked”.
a) lumpy
b) fortressed
c) delayed
349. Choose the right antonym for: “percussive”.
a) scantling
b) comforting
c) buckler
350. Choose the right antonym for: “awesome”.
a) nice
b) ugly
c) exuviation
351. Choose the right antonym for: “eye-opening”.
a) broker
b) burgee
c) planned
352. Choose the right antonym for: “rad”.
a) lesser
b) poor
c) messenger
353. Choose the right antonym for: “fabulous”.
a) only
b) filled
c) unamazing
354. Choose the right antonym for: “clouded”.
a) clear
b) enmesh
c) front office
355. Choose the right antonym for: “indefinite”.
a) vid
b) meg
c) bounded
356. Choose the right antonym for: “indeterminable”.
a) halter
b) distinct
c) weepingly
357. Choose the right antonym for: “capacious”.
a) playful
b) tiny
c) cakewalk
358. Choose the right antonym for: “expandable”.
a) small
b) compliant
c) disembogue
359. Choose the right antonym for: “distensible”.
a) pacifist
b) small
c) valiantness
360. Choose the right antonym for: “dilatable”.
a) calumny
b) tiny
c) wobble
361. Choose the right antonym for: “commodious”.
a) step
b) squeezed
c) uncover
362. Choose the right antonym for: “comical”.
a) timepiece
b) blotched
c) solemn
363. Choose the right antonym for: “droll”.
a) negate
b) leafage
c) usual
364. Choose the right antonym for: “entertaining”.
a) unpleasant
b) innocuousness
c) lockup
365. Choose the right antonym for: “hoarier”.
a) link
b) new
c) refitting
366. Choose the right antonym for: “hoary”.
a) raise
b) swimmy
c) new
367. Choose the right antonym for: “primeval”.
a) alarmist
b) modern
c) circuitry
368. Choose the right antonym for: “immemorial”.
a) new
b) noncivil
c) anabasis
369. Choose the right antonym for: “primitive”.
a) doodle
b) modern
c) old
370. Choose the right antonym for: “seraphic”.
a) demonic
b) covertly
c) pronouncing
371. Choose the right antonym for: “cater-cornered”.
a) feracious
b) feudalism
c) straightforward
372. Choose the right antonym for: “temperamental”.
a) forecast
b) constant
c) warship
373. Choose the right antonym for: “indignant”.
a) pleased
b) rocketer
c) limpidity
374. Choose the right antonym for: “heated”.
a) outfoxed
b) frozen
c) militancy
375. Choose the right antonym for: “wroth”.
a) volative
b) pessimistic
c) cheerful
376. Choose the right antonym for: “irate”.
a) calm
b) expressive
c) commode
377. Choose the right antonym for: “huffy”.
a) joyful
b) linger
c) smutty
378. Choose the right antonym for: “huffier”.
a) delighted
b) tucks
c) imminence
379. Choose the right antonym for: “huffish”.
a) bluish
b) decrepitude
c) cheerful
380. Choose the right antonym for: “inhuman”.
a) melted
b) good
c) perquisite
381. Choose the right antonym for: “inhumane”.
a) publish
b) racetrack
c) humanitarian
382. Choose the right antonym for: “perky”.
a) dull
b) flipflop
c) restrictedly
383. Choose the right antonym for: “perkier”.
a) softy
b) cloudy
c) hell
384. Choose the right antonym for: “enlivening”.
a) revert
b) maniacal
c) boring
385. Choose the right antonym for: “advertised”.
a) revisal
b) belletrist
c) suppressed
386. Choose the right antonym for: “bothered”.
a) unworried
b) apply to
c) deathwatch
387. Choose the right antonym for: “irritated”.
a) defier
b) amaurosis
c) calm
388. Choose the right antonym for: “irksome”.
a) ingleside
b) fit
c) helpful
389. Choose the right antonym for: “liable”.
a) excusable
b) dilatant
c) ascribe
390. Choose the right antonym for: “contradictory”.
a) oscine
b) consistent
c) god
391. Choose the right antonym for: “antithetic”.
a) override
b) smudgy
c) correspondent
392. Choose the right antonym for: “anti”.
a) pinko
b) assistant
c) revue
393. Choose the right antonym for: “opposed”.
a) calibrate
b) grubbiness
c) in favor of
394. Choose the right antonym for: “resistant”.
a) emerge
b) receptive
c) cheaters
395. Choose the right antonym for: “incompatible”.
a) weaponless
b) fitting
c) decorously
396. Choose the right antonym for: “inimical”.
a) frowsty
b) secluse
c) nice
397. Choose the right antonym for: “hostile”.
a) inductee
b) mediator
c) agreeable
398. Choose the right antonym for: “contrary”.
a) similar
b) asker
c) emerge
399. Choose the right antonym for: “wrongheaded”.
a) industry
b) submissive
c) mysterious
400. Choose the right antonym for: “recusant”.
a) meanly
b) vasectomy
c) rightful
401. Choose the right antonym for: “dissentient”.
a) dogleg
b) friendly
c) ruckus
402. Choose the right antonym for: “prospective”.
a) impair
b) agreed
c) etymological
403. Choose the right antonym for: “old-fashioned”.
a) in vogue
b) acquit
c) peak
404. Choose the right antonym for: “eager”.
a) epistoler
b) possum
c) dispassionate
405. Choose the right antonym for: “appetent”.
a) shrift
b) heedless
c) pollination
406. Choose the right antonym for: “nervous”.
a) bogey
b) layer
c) sufficient
407. Choose the right antonym for: “apprehensive”.
a) pinchfist
b) happy
c) humiliated
408. Choose the right antonym for: “jellyfish”.
a) distate
b) collected
c) dispirit
409. Choose the right antonym for: “worried”.
a) numbles
b) uncaring
c) dampness
410. Choose the right antonym for: “unenthusiastic”.
a) careful
b) empyreal
c) convulsed
411. Choose the right antonym for: “stolid”.
a) desuetude
b) remission
c) intelligent
412. Choose the right antonym for: “seeming”.
a) berserk
b) real
c) shrubbery
413. Choose the right antonym for: “quasi”.
a) stumble
b) bedsheet
c) true
414. Choose the right antonym for: “observable”.
a) invisible
b) deer
c) bottle
415. Choose the right antonym for: “evident”.
a) tool
b) hidden
c) doughboys
416. Choose the right antonym for: “marked”.
a) pander
b) clover
c) ambiguous
417. Choose the right antonym for: “distinct”.
a) general
b) key
c) manna
418. Choose the right antonym for: “visible”.
a) invisible
b) goggles
c) knocker
419. Choose the right antonym for: “obvious”.
a) dilettante
b) evident
c) inconspicuous
420. Choose the right antonym for: “attractive”.
a) gem
b) offensive
c) noncombative
421. Choose the right antonym for: “mesmeric”.
a) dull
b) air freight
c) unfettering
422. Choose the right antonym for: “interesting”.
a) rat
b) owing
c) dull
423. Choose the right antonym for: “quizzical”.
a) divot
b) herolike
c) certain
424. Choose the right antonym for: “calming”.
a) semolina
b) upsetting
c) landowner
425. Choose the right antonym for: “ataractic”.
a) shiraz
b) spotting
c) upsetting
426. Choose the right antonym for: “pacific”.
a) recall
b) loud
c) mindful
427. Choose the right antonym for: “peacemaking”.
a) loud
b) domino
c) concealment
428. Choose the right antonym for: “thankful”.
a) barbell
b) ungrateful
c) presence
429. Choose the right antonym for: “grateful”.
a) mean
b) cultural
c) impassible
430. Choose the right antonym for: “accessible”.
a) felicitation
b) hinterland
c) inaccessible
431. Choose the right antonym for: “nearing”.
a) spattering
b) adulator
c) departing
432. Choose the right antonym for: “coming”.
a) exit
b) observe
c) called up
433. Choose the right antonym for: “befitting”.
a) unfitting
b) uncurling
c) evaginate
434. Choose the right antonym for: “germane”.
a) tillage
b) whet
c) inappropriate
435. Choose the right antonym for: “ad rem”.
a) loin
b) unrelated
c) epistolize
436. Choose the right antonym for: “applicable”.
a) irrelevant
b) no secret
c) transfigure
437. Choose the right antonym for: “associable”.
a) elision
b) wearily
c) inappropriate
438. Choose the right antonym for: “applicatory”.
a) lorn
b) sloop
c) inappropriate
439. Choose the right antonym for: “applicative”.
a) immaterial
b) succinct
c) exoticism
440. Choose the right antonym for: “suitable”.
a) pavilion
b) violently
c) unfitting
441. Choose the right antonym for: “condign”.
a) wailer
b) uneven
c) irrelevant
442. Choose the right antonym for: “fitted”.
a) kudos
b) wrong
c) hallway
443. Choose the right antonym for: “felicitous”.
a) squared
b) totaliser
c) unfitting
444. Choose the right antonym for: “fitting”.
a) excitant
b) restoring
c) wrong
445. Choose the right antonym for: “decorous”.
a) unsuitable
b) mushroom
c) overhauled
446. Choose the right antonym for: “seemlier”.
a) provoking
b) raciness
c) inappropriate
447. Choose the right antonym for: “seemly”.
a) unsuitable
b) illume
c) infrared
448. Choose the right antonym for: “convenient”.
a) protensive
b) misbehaving
c) preparative
449. Choose the right antonym for: “timesaving”.
a) trismus
b) strumpet
c) wasteful
450. Choose the right antonym for: “conformable”.
a) sparkle
b) gullible
c) mismatched
451. Choose the right antonym for: “relevant”.
a) laywomen
b) negativeness
c) unsuitable
452. Choose the right antonym for: “borrowed”.
a) massing
b) animalcule
c) owned
453. Choose the right antonym for: “authorized”.
a) quieted
b) unofficial
c) implying
454. Choose the right antonym for: “favorable”.
a) wellness
b) unsuitable
c) dish
455. Choose the right antonym for: “recommendatory”.
a) infection
b) gyratory
c) hurting
456. Choose the right antonym for: “comparative”.
a) separate
b) weepingly
c) bashfulness
457. Choose the right antonym for: “contrastive”.
a) angrily
b) bacterium
c) correspondent
458. Choose the right antonym for: “polemic”.
a) calm
b) provident
c) musicality
459. Choose the right antonym for: “disputatious”.
a) titled
b) calm
c) roster
460. Choose the right antonym for: “dissentious”.
a) assistive
b) trephine
c) friendly
461. Choose the right antonym for: “wellborn”.
a) lowly
b) bimbo
c) turnip
462. Choose the right antonym for: “noble”.
a) preferred
b) abjectly
c) unsympathetic
463. Choose the right antonym for: “noblest”.
a) counters
b) normal
c) manslayer
464. Choose the right antonym for: “nobler”.
a) sentence
b) unrefined
c) intoxicated
465. Choose the right antonym for: “queenly”.
a) languid
b) submissive
c) unchangeably
466. Choose the right antonym for: “remindful”.
a) oblivious
b) poised
c) molest
467. Choose the right antonym for: “stimulated”.
a) calm
b) crummy
c) sticking
468. Choose the right antonym for: “heartrending”.
a) upturned
b) explicatory
c) pleasant
469. Choose the right antonym for: “calibrated”.
a) wind
b) unfit
c) fry
470. Choose the right antonym for: “neater”.
a) yacht
b) slovenly
c) pederasty
471. Choose the right antonym for: “neat”.
a) enough
b) labium
c) careless
472. Choose the right antonym for: “neatest”.
a) unclean
b) soiling
c) knuckles
473. Choose the right antonym for: “catalogued”.
a) shooter
b) guess
c) warehouse
474. Choose the right antonym for: “incoming”.
a) buck
b) pompon
c) outgoing
475. Choose the right antonym for: “haughty”.
a) pang
b) timid
c) trucking
476. Choose the right antonym for: “haughtier”.
a) vent
b) lambent
c) humble
477. Choose the right antonym for: “overweening”.
a) snout
b) modest
c) palliated
478. Choose the right antonym for: “snobby”.
a) torsion
b) modest
c) counterorder
479. Choose the right antonym for: “cavalier”.
a) reticent
b) insertion
c) swamper
480. Choose the right antonym for: “overbearing”.
a) candor
b) showing
c) humble
481. Choose the right antonym for: “pompous”.
a) humble
b) anxiety
c) exterminatory
482. Choose the right antonym for: “contemptuous”.
a) ahead
b) organizer
c) humble
483. Choose the right antonym for: “derisory”.
a) correlated
b) believable
c) abusage
484. Choose the right antonym for: “dismissive”.
a) sad
b) dirtying
c) interfere
485. Choose the right antonym for: “supercilious”.
a) spit
b) pill
c) humble
486. Choose the right antonym for: “fluent”.
a) coral
b) effortful
c) fixedness
487. Choose the right antonym for: “mellifluent”.
a) strong
b) imprisoning
c) apologize
488. Choose the right antonym for: “faux”.
a) edged
b) authentic
c) forewoman
489. Choose the right antonym for: “ersatz”.
a) gorse
b) true
c) workbench
490. Choose the right antonym for: “synthetic”.
a) genuine
b) zone
c) incarnate
491. Choose the right antonym for: “man-made”.
a) outlast
b) outlast
c) natural
492. Choose the right antonym for: “sham”.
a) uprightness
b) cancerous
c) solecistic
493. Choose the right antonym for: “mock”.
a) counted
b) real
c) penalized
494. Choose the right antonym for: “mocker”.
a) sincere
b) connections
c) depreciating
495. Choose the right antonym for: “pseudo”.
a) reinforced
b) pope
c) real
496. Choose the right antonym for: “stilted”.
a) apprive
b) relaxed
c) vituperate
497. Choose the right antonym for: “creative”.
a) conjugal
b) sensatory
c) untalented
498. Choose the right antonym for: “originative”.
a) titbit
b) ordinary
c) doodle
499. Choose the right antonym for: “abed”.
a) conscious
b) foreboding
c) jellify
500. Choose the right antonym for: “desirous”.
a) etcher
b) ambulant
c) unambitious
501. Choose the right antonym for: “gathered”.
a) dibble
b) enticed
c) separated
502. Choose the right antonym for: “alleged”.
a) senior
b) grandly
c) certain
503. Choose the right antonym for: “affiliated”.
a) separated
b) vividly
c) niggardly
504. Choose the right antonym for: “mixed”.
a) foretoken
b) similar
c) brotherly
505. Choose the right antonym for: “interdenominational”.
a) bare
b) separate
c) mad money
506. Choose the right antonym for: “crossbred”.
a) sneakthief
b) stay
c) ultramasculine
507. Choose the right antonym for: “heterogeneous”.
a) dying
b) eyewash
c) uniform
508. Choose the right antonym for: “several”.
a) one
b) corkscrew
c) addressing
509. Choose the right antonym for: “understood”.
a) acculture
b) explained
c) triangular
510. Choose the right antonym for: “amazing”.
a) lime
b) gilly
c) believable
511. Choose the right antonym for: “open-mouthed”.
a) after all
b) avid
c) disenchanted
512. Choose the right antonym for: “dumbfounded”.
a) dinted
b) unsurprised
c) banderole
513. Choose the right antonym for: “phenomenal”.
a) poor
b) melted
c) gardens
514. Choose the right antonym for: “slanted”.
a) beheaded
b) meditation
c) straight
515. Choose the right antonym for: “point-blank”.
a) aback
b) roundabout
c) leucous
516. Choose the right antonym for: “contented”.
a) sad
b) tonnage
c) goliath
517. Choose the right antonym for: “periodic”.
a) unbuild
b) permanent
c) luckiness
518. Choose the right antonym for: “orbital”.
a) hasp
b) sporadic
c) lifted
519. Choose the right antonym for: “hourly”.
a) idiolize
b) withhold
c) lasting
520. Choose the right antonym for: “imminent”.
a) far
b) erode
c) prodigal
521. Choose the right antonym for: “inevasible”.
a) refresh
b) never
c) pitiful
522. Choose the right antonym for: “controversial”.
a) flounder
b) rachitic
c) incontrovertible
523. Choose the right antonym for: “doubtable”.
a) convinced
b) accession
c) used
524. Choose the right antonym for: “controvertible”.
a) memoir
b) lease
c) proven
525. Choose the right antonym for: “contestable”.
a) apposite
b) definite
c) authoring
526. Choose the right antonym for: “disparate”.
a) shaken
b) visitant
c) like
527. Choose the right antonym for: “ad lib”.
a) old man
b) dice
c) rehearse
528. Choose the right antonym for: “ad-lib”.
a) prepared
b) clownish
c) enormously
529. Choose the right antonym for: “perpendicular”.
a) camber
b) perturbable
c) horizontal
530. Choose the right antonym for: “subject”.
a) unsusceptible
b) arbitrator
c) oxter
531. Choose the right antonym for: “timelier”.
a) eructate
b) irreturable
c) improper
532. Choose the right antonym for: “timely”.
a) amnion
b) untimely
c) cantilever
533. Choose the right antonym for: “opposing”.
a) fort
b) indifference
c) agreeable
534. Choose the right antonym for: “darner”.
a) loveable
b) woodcut
c) personate
535. Choose the right antonym for: “damnable”.
a) itching
b) capillary
c) cherished
536. Choose the right antonym for: “dratted”.
a) commend
b) widening
c) incipiently
537. Choose the right antonym for: “dang”.
a) luna
b) expansive
c) favorable
538. Choose the right antonym for: “shameful”.
a) rebus
b) specificate
c) reputable
539. Choose the right antonym for: “mindful”.
a) scab
b) rash
c) oiling
540. Choose the right antonym for: “alert”.
a) inattentive
b) foramen
c) amazed
541. Choose the right antonym for: “regardful”.
a) admired
b) woolly
c) ignorant
542. Choose the right antonym for: “intrigued”.
a) childbed
b) uninterested
c) overzealous
543. Choose the right antonym for: “photogenic”.
a) drippy
b) arride
c) unattractive
544. Choose the right antonym for: “handsome”.
a) dull
b) bide
c) dialectical
545. Choose the right antonym for: “handsomest”.
a) indefensible
b) disagreeable
c) miscommunication
546. Choose the right antonym for: “handsomer”.
a) amber
b) prefab
c) poor
547. Choose the right antonym for: “ravishing”.
a) preparation
b) ugly
c) betrothing
548. Choose the right antonym for: “appealing”.
a) indication
b) rowdyism
c) repulsive
549. Choose the right antonym for: “enticing”.
a) preux
b) fickle
c) boring
550. Choose the right antonym for: “bewitching”.
a) repulsive
b) lowery
c) unanticipated
551. Choose the right antonym for: “prettiest”.
a) welch
b) eagre
c) disgusting
552. Choose the right antonym for: “prettier”.
a) offensive
b) countless
c) coercion
553. Choose the right antonym for: “pretty”.
a) poach
b) ugly
c) idiopathic
554. Choose the right antonym for: “alluring”.
a) extirpate
b) repulsive
c) impermissible
555. Choose the right antonym for: “prepossessing”.
a) artfully
b) spiralled
c) unattractive
556. Choose the right antonym for: “picturesque”.
a) unfixed
b) infiltrator
c) unsightly
557. Choose the right antonym for: “desirable”.
a) leisured
b) engild
c) disadvantageous
558. Choose the right antonym for: “covetable”.
a) disgusting
b) decaying
c) glossologist
559. Choose the right antonym for: “veritable”.
a) basanite
b) false
c) nonextant
560. Choose the right antonym for: “unalloyed”.
a) tuxedo
b) deviant
c) second-rate
561. Choose the right antonym for: “carat”.
a) flatly
b) only
c) insincere
562. Choose the right antonym for: “genuine”.
a) schedule
b) counterfeit
c) batty
563. Choose the right antonym for: “legitimate”.
a) irregular
b) faithless
c) aspersive
564. Choose the right antonym for: “strictest”.
a) ranter
b) easy-going
c) motherliness
565. Choose the right antonym for: “stricter”.
a) trimly
b) perjured
c) tractable
566. Choose the right antonym for: “strict”.
a) uncertain
b) tunk
c) erringly
567. Choose the right antonym for: “definitive”.
a) incomplete
b) erecting
c) minuscule
568. Choose the right antonym for: “sanctioned”.
a) chanced
b) refused
c) caryatid
569. Choose the right antonym for: “licensed”.
a) efflux
b) integrate
c) refused
570. Choose the right antonym for: “warranted”.
a) erector
b) action
c) uncertain
571. Choose the right antonym for: “official”.
a) skuller
b) unofficial
c) underfoot
572. Choose the right antonym for: “perfunctory”.
a) caitiff
b) detailed
c) prosaism
573. Choose the right antonym for: “involuntary”.
a) sass
b) potency
c) unforced
574. Choose the right antonym for: “reflexive”.
a) conscious
b) ware
c) muculent
575. Choose the right antonym for: “usable”.
a) unadaptable
b) recall
c) uttermost
576. Choose the right antonym for: “consumable”.
a) heater
b) airbrain
c) unadaptable
577. Choose the right antonym for: “mediocre”.
a) jacky
b) bordering
c) extraordinary
578. Choose the right antonym for: “common”.
a) noteworthy
b) geminated
c) apartheid
579. Choose the right antonym for: “commonest”.
a) cottony
b) criticizer
c) unconventional
580. Choose the right antonym for: “acquainted”.
a) ignorant
b) nostalgia
c) calmant
581. Choose the right antonym for: “witting”.
a) inhabitant
b) enhanced
c) disinterested
582. Choose the right antonym for: “cognizant”.
a) senseless
b) gutsily
c) carbuncle
583. Choose the right antonym for: “knowledgeable”.
a) forgo
b) uninformed
c) peccadillo
584. Choose the right antonym for: “seaward”.
a) atone
b) hyperpnea
c) onshore
585. Choose the right antonym for: “offshore”.
a) onshore
b) camouflage
c) plastron
586. Choose the right antonym for: “beastlier”.
a) japan
b) calming
c) caliper
587. Choose the right antonym for: “abominable”.
a) heretic
b) evote
c) desirable
588. Choose the right antonym for: “unwieldy”.
a) convenient
b) golpe
c) arciform
589. Choose the right antonym for: “maladroit”.
a) embus
b) sensitive
c) industrial art
590. Choose the right antonym for: “palpitant”.
a) craved
b) lave
c) certain
591. Choose the right antonym for: “uneasy”.
a) shrimp
b) strong
c) eminent
592. Choose the right antonym for: “infantile”.
a) mature
b) fumigator
c) madhouse
593. Choose the right antonym for: “hind”.
a) mound
b) punning
c) beginning
594. Choose the right antonym for: “postern”.
a) front
b) floricultural
c) melodramatic
595. Choose the right antonym for: “rear”.
a) poser
b) why
c) first
596. Choose the right antonym for: “mizzen”.
a) preceding
b) bronze
c) barn
597. Choose the right antonym for: “hindermost”.
a) scone
b) front
c) shiraz
598. Choose the right antonym for: “lagging”.
a) render
b) smart
c) spleenful
599. Choose the right antonym for: “unpleasant”.
a) muddle
b) arrogance
c) good
600. Choose the right antonym for: “negative”.
a) involve
b) vocative
c) approval
601. Choose the right antonym for: “privative”.
a) confident
b) prune
c) seneschal
602. Choose the right antonym for: “incorrigible”.
a) drinking
b) giving
c) obedient
603. Choose the right antonym for: “terrible”.
a) grate
b) pleasant
c) lesion
604. Choose the right antonym for: “pernicious”.
a) healthy
b) romance
c) infertility
605. Choose the right antonym for: “naughty”.
a) notoriety
b) chaste
c) pansophic
606. Choose the right antonym for: “naughtier”.
a) decent
b) fowl
c) wagger
607. Choose the right antonym for: “unconformable”.
a) off ramp
b) good
c) enterprising
608. Choose the right antonym for: “repugnant”.
a) planar
b) prudential
c) delightful
609. Choose the right antonym for: “revulsive”.
a) pleasing
b) nought
c) sacrum
610. Choose the right antonym for: “nefarious”.
a) affinity
b) even
c) gentle
611. Choose the right antonym for: “sour”.
a) disused
b) excite
c) impartiality
612. Choose the right antonym for: “sourer”.
a) rimy
b) blah
c) eagle freak
613. Choose the right antonym for: “sourest”.
a) summit
b) recruitment
c) wonderful
614. Choose the right antonym for: “ill-natured”.
a) proud
b) nice
c) aper
615. Choose the right antonym for: “oversensitive”.
a) imprecise
b) mixed
c) punish
616. Choose the right antonym for: “irritable”.
a) happy
b) outcrier
c) affiliation
617. Choose the right antonym for: “disagreeable”.
a) stingy
b) misguided
c) pleasing
618. Choose the right antonym for: “gruff”.
a) even-tempered
b) puppy
c) synergist
619. Choose the right antonym for: “ill-mannered”.
a) vibrancy
b) sunshade
c) mannerly
620. Choose the right antonym for: “flabbier”.
a) cornball
b) ass
c) firm
621. Choose the right antonym for: “flabby”.
a) piddling
b) nerveless
c) thin
622. Choose the right antonym for: “proportionate”.
a) crocheting
b) headroom
c) dissimilar
623. Choose the right antonym for: “roundest”.
a) skinny
b) gullet
c) agglutinant
624. Choose the right antonym for: “rounder”.
a) lowness
b) deceitful
c) irresolute
625. Choose the right antonym for: “round”.
a) tiny
b) peavy
c) siren
626. Choose the right antonym for: “orbiculate”.
a) everlasting
b) inexpressive
c) inadequate
627. Choose the right antonym for: “globose”.
a) vixen
b) small
c) victual
628. Choose the right antonym for: “domical”.
a) dilatable
b) telefax
c) dishonest
629. Choose the right antonym for: “bulbous”.
a) soft
b) days
c) inhabit
630. Choose the right antonym for: “preliterate”.
a) singed
b) mild
c) irreducible
631. Choose the right antonym for: “atavistic”.
a) bigeminal
b) developed
c) quidnunc
632. Choose the right antonym for: “leanest”.
a) charade
b) banderole
c) plump
633. Choose the right antonym for: “leaner”.
a) majuscule
b) leaving
c) plump
634. Choose the right antonym for: “lean”.
a) strong
b) plaid
c) wallaby
635. Choose the right antonym for: “sylphlike”.
a) lapel
b) fertile
c) serenader
636. Choose the right antonym for: “windswept”.
a) embassy
b) novel
c) clean
637. Choose the right antonym for: “bleak”.
a) bags
b) episcopate
c) happy
638. Choose the right antonym for: “unfruitful”.
a) tetrad
b) kernel
c) fruitful
639. Choose the right antonym for: “desert”.
a) wetland
b) raid
c) wayfarer
640. Choose the right antonym for: “plebeian”.
a) ectype
b) controvertible
c) high
641. Choose the right antonym for: “primary”.
a) ineradicable
b) cheapen
c) last
642. Choose the right antonym for: “idiopathic”.
a) outweigh
b) reiterated
c) inferior
643. Choose the right antonym for: “rudimentary”.
a) sophisticated
b) actress
c) measly
644. Choose the right antonym for: “larval”.
a) implacable
b) refashion
c) complicated
645. Choose the right antonym for: “inherent”.
a) residum
b) emulsion
c) incidental
646. Choose the right antonym for: “unalienable”.
a) superficial
b) tempering
c) gnome
647. Choose the right antonym for: “fundamental”.
a) fear
b) migrated
c) preview
648. Choose the right antonym for: “grassroots”.
a) quench
b) tortoise
c) needless
649. Choose the right antonym for: “axiological”.
a) needless
b) oversell
c) gully
650. Choose the right antonym for: “intrinsic”.
a) debate
b) accidental
c) bathysphere
651. Choose the right antonym for: “organic”.
a) recidivist
b) unimportant
c) hoodlumism
652. Choose the right antonym for: “cellular”.
a) unnecessary
b) curly
c) stoned
653. Choose the right antonym for: “biotic”.
a) sawlike
b) toiling
c) inessential
654. Choose the right antonym for: “amoebic”.
a) coin
b) revivified
c) man-made
655. Choose the right antonym for: “accustomed”.
a) wet
b) baggy
c) unaccustomed
656. Choose the right antonym for: “grooved”.
a) frustrate
b) molasses
c) unblenching
657. Choose the right antonym for: “disciplined”.
a) toiler
b) gentleness
c) disorganized
658. Choose the right antonym for: “zoological”.
a) mild
b) terrace
c) be forthright
659. Choose the right antonym for: “animal”.
a) outraged
b) mineral
c) cheeseburger
660. Choose the right antonym for: “mammalian”.
a) brushed
b) gentle
c) fecklessness
661. Choose the right antonym for: “brutish”.
a) zeal
b) humane
c) acceptable
662. Choose the right antonym for: “comelier”.
a) typhus
b) seaman
c) bad-looking
663. Choose the right antonym for: “comely”.
a) bud
b) aeronautics
c) disagreeable
664. Choose the right antonym for: “aesthetic”.
a) unattractive
b) lawyer
c) breakup
665. Choose the right antonym for: “golden”.
a) funds
b) gloomy
c) tarpaulin
666. Choose the right antonym for: “breathtaking”.
a) margin
b) stag
c) ugly
667. Choose the right antonym for: “loveliest”.
a) muck
b) awful
c) unreason
668. Choose the right antonym for: “lovely”.
a) cent
b) drab
c) babble
669. Choose the right antonym for: “lovelier”.
a) insignificant
b) refinished
c) glistening
670. Choose the right antonym for: “exquisite”.
a) offed
b) blaring
c) unsophisticated
671. Choose the right antonym for: “gorgeous”.
a) cheek
b) unabashed
c) unintelligent
672. Choose the right antonym for: “stunning”.
a) scene
b) ordinary
c) skew
673. Choose the right antonym for: “scenic”.
a) ordinary
b) inclose
c) jaunty
674. Choose the right antonym for: “artistic”.
a) penalizing
b) dissuading
c) horrible
675. Choose the right antonym for: “elegant”.
a) defining
b) unblunted
c) unfashionable
676. Choose the right antonym for: “decorative”.
a) turned
b) plain
c) demonic
677. Choose the right antonym for: “cosmetic”.
a) disfiguring
b) vagary
c) tam
678. Choose the right antonym for: “prehistoric”.
a) new
b) wordless
c) headshrinker
679. Choose the right antonym for: “initial”.
a) final
b) salaam
c) hood
680. Choose the right antonym for: “anterior”.
a) outlet
b) diabolist
c) after
681. Choose the right antonym for: “zestful”.
a) share
b) unbigoted
c) conservative
682. Choose the right antonym for: “affirmative”.
a) slick
b) dissenting
c) corollary
683. Choose the right antonym for: “confirmatory”.
a) principal
b) conic
c) unshameful
684. Choose the right antonym for: “affirmatory”.
a) cunt
b) unpopulated
c) negative
685. Choose the right antonym for: “alive”.
a) elusiveness
b) dull
c) subdividing
686. Choose the right antonym for: “absorbed”.
a) cuckoo
b) patiently
c) unoccupied
687. Choose the right antonym for: “cooking”.
a) inwardly
b) freezing
c) unaccompanied
688. Choose the right antonym for: “browning”.
a) help
b) nudism
c) titbit
689. Choose the right antonym for: “quarrelsome”.
a) friendly
b) vibrate
c) untimely
690. Choose the right antonym for: “cat-and-dog”.
a) certifiable
b) calm
c) viciousness
691. Choose the right antonym for: “sexy”.
a) adroit
b) conjuring
c) disgusting
692. Choose the right antonym for: “sexier”.
a) unarguable
b) pansophic
c) unsexy
693. Choose the right antonym for: “thanking”.
a) spiritless
b) beautified
c) disparaging
694. Choose the right antonym for: “angry”.
a) peaceful
b) flexibly
c) emerging
695. Choose the right antonym for: “angriest”.
a) franticly
b) cool
c) unreflecting
696. Choose the right antonym for: “angrier”.
a) laced
b) joyful
c) hurler
697. Choose the right antonym for: “adult”.
a) tramp
b) uncurbed
c) adolescent
698. Choose the right antonym for: “adjoining”.
a) catenate
b) detached
c) confidante
699. Choose the right antonym for: “coterminous”.
a) dissecting
b) partial
c) defeatism
700. Choose the right antonym for: “approximal”.
a) gone
b) canyon
c) augustness
701. Choose the right antonym for: “attendant”.
a) detached
b) outvote
c) operable
702. Choose the right antonym for: “unready”.
a) ciao
b) salubrity
c) attentive
703. Choose the right antonym for: “credible”.
a) buffeting
b) unsound
c) flasher
704. Choose the right antonym for: “thinkable”.
a) councilor
b) untrusty
c) unthinkable
705. Choose the right antonym for: “cogitable”.
a) unlikely
b) stickling
c) onlookers
706. Choose the right antonym for: “imaginable”.
a) loud
b) jangling
c) impossible
707. Choose the right antonym for: “reputed”.
a) bouillon
b) intoxicated
c) actual
708. Choose the right antonym for: “suppository”.
a) real
b) triplicity
c) sociable
709. Choose the right antonym for: “accounted”.
a) gather
b) piously
c) semantics
710. Choose the right antonym for: “optimistic”.
a) revising
b) pitiful
c) depressed
711. Choose the right antonym for: “opinionated”.
a) indifferent
b) successful
c) oligopoly
712. Choose the right antonym for: “scrappy”.
a) facilely
b) calm
c) station
713. Choose the right antonym for: “scrappier”.
a) soda
b) peaceful
c) hounding
714. Choose the right antonym for: “bellicose”.
a) hewn
b) operative
c) passive
715. Choose the right antonym for: “pugnacious”.
a) trucked
b) kind
c) convergence
716. Choose the right antonym for: “truculent”.
a) gurgle
b) prospect
c) gentle
717. Choose the right antonym for: “aggressive”.
a) aboriginal
b) dull
c) medicated
718. Choose the right antonym for: “hawkish”.
a) personal
b) reprobate
c) nice
719. Choose the right antonym for: “own”.
a) surrender
b) desire
c) heart
720. Choose the right antonym for: “its”.
a) intuitive
b) hustler
c) repulsion
721. Choose the right antonym for: “his”.
a) dabbling
b) bonehead
c) au revoir
722. Choose the right antonym for: “aboriginal”.
a) bandana
b) modern
c) transection
723. Choose the right antonym for: “pertaining”.
a) pissed
b) susurration
c) disconnected
724. Choose the right antonym for: “dearest”.
a) worthless
b) sable
c) blended
725. Choose the right antonym for: “dearer”.
a) tenderness
b) neglecter
c) valueless
726. Choose the right antonym for: “dear”.
a) wrecked
b) sandals
c) inexpensive
727. Choose the right antonym for: “underground”.
a) sky
b) avuncular
c) unapproachable
728. Choose the right antonym for: “down”.
a) joyous
b) madam
c) shoofly
729. Choose the right antonym for: “earthward”.
a) brewed
b) happy
c) unpracticed
730. Choose the right antonym for: “supple”.
a) shameful
b) sport
c) inflexible
731. Choose the right antonym for: “suppler”.
a) unyielding
b) revenant
c) dear
732. Choose the right antonym for: “puttier”.
a) routing
b) deflated
c) inadaptable
733. Choose the right antonym for: “pliable”.
a) suitor
b) stiff
c) safe house
734. Choose the right antonym for: “winding”.
a) spay
b) straight
c) poached
735. Choose the right antonym for: “wriggly”.
a) parity
b) direct
c) misdeem
736. Choose the right antonym for: “beneficent”.
a) cold-hearted
b) pernicious
c) clank
737. Choose the right antonym for: “helpful”.
a) clapper
b) useless
c) foulmouthed
738. Choose the right antonym for: “rewarding”.
a) specify
b) inelastic
c) impotent
739. Choose the right antonym for: “useful”.
a) invitingly
b) metre
c) inconvenient
740. Choose the right antonym for: “all-purpose”.
a) injurious
b) uninventive
c) numskulled
741. Choose the right antonym for: “arced”.
a) jay
b) harassed
c) straight
742. Choose the right antonym for: “arcuate”.
a) straight
b) nit
c) extreme case
743. Choose the right antonym for: “angular”.
a) jabber
b) chubby
c) censuring
744. Choose the right antonym for: “divaricate”.
a) locker
b) concur
c) disdainful
745. Choose the right antonym for: “crotched”.
a) fat
b) jiving
c) stableyard
746. Choose the right antonym for: “akimbo”.
a) savorless
b) luxuriant
c) thick
747. Choose the right antonym for: “crooked”.
a) caviling
b) scrupulous
c) unstained
748. Choose the right antonym for: “knurly”.
a) tango
b) hairstylist
c) wholesome
749. Choose the right antonym for: “agee”.
a) pilose
b) lawful
c) scag
750. Choose the right antonym for: “irrelevant”.
a) glabrate
b) shrink
c) needed
751. Choose the right antonym for: “optimum”.
a) poorest
b) unindulgent
c) incongruent
752. Choose the right antonym for: “prize”.
a) eagle
b) disregard
c) strong
753. Choose the right antonym for: “tiptop”.
a) lower
b) longer
c) leftover
754. Choose the right antonym for: “first class”.
a) disposition
b) smacking
c) trivial
755. Choose the right antonym for: “champion”.
a) bloop
b) tizzy
c) trivial
756. Choose the right antonym for: “elite”.
a) proletariat
b) reactant
c) happiness
757. Choose the right antonym for: “gilt-edged”.
a) carjack
b) offensive
c) endmost
758. Choose the right antonym for: “most”.
a) delimit
b) little
c) gracelessly
759. Choose the right antonym for: “topper”.
a) lowest
b) delineating
c) buccaneer
760. Choose the right antonym for: “top”.
a) crudity
b) foot
c) lacerated
761. Choose the right antonym for: “choicer”.
a) inferior
b) carriage
c) inevitable
762. Choose the right antonym for: “choicest”.
a) sad
b) sermon
c) restarting
763. Choose the right antonym for: “choice”.
a) unrefined
b) neurotic
c) stipulation
764. Choose the right antonym for: “overlying”.
a) excessive
b) low-class
c) extraordinary
765. Choose the right antonym for: “superior”.
a) normal
b) birched
c) toying
766. Choose the right antonym for: “interpersonal”.
a) tow
b) uncivil
c) mispronouncement
767. Choose the right antonym for: “possessed”.
a) kale
b) normal
c) annunciate
768. Choose the right antonym for: “magical”.
a) diary
b) motify
c) plain
769. Choose the right antonym for: “telekinetic”.
a) extrusion
b) cariosity
c) ordinary
770. Choose the right antonym for: “wizardly”.
a) furibund
b) boring
c) unloved
771. Choose the right antonym for: “runic”.
a) boring
b) man
c) cinch
772. Choose the right antonym for: “witchlike”.
a) mandrill
b) regular
c) bailiff
773. Choose the right antonym for: “witching”.
a) chassis
b) familiar
c) rectilineal
774. Choose the right antonym for: “necromantic”.
a) obvious
b) pocket
c) nubile
775. Choose the right antonym for: “incredible”.
a) hogan
b) reasonable
c) exteriority
776. Choose the right antonym for: “inexplicable”.
a) ignite
b) normal
c) libertarian
777. Choose the right antonym for: “incontrovertible”.
a) changeable
b) associates
c) penscript
778. Choose the right antonym for: “indisputable”.
a) facing
b) cerate
c) refutable
779. Choose the right antonym for: “superhuman”.
a) deviceful
b) usual
c) sovereign
780. Choose the right antonym for: “bionic”.
a) pith
b) regress
c) common
781. Choose the right antonym for: “out of bounds”.
a) distill
b) curtsy
c) open
782. Choose the right antonym for: “irrefutable”.
a) unwatchful
b) questionable
c) sanctimony
783. Choose the right antonym for: “odds-on”.
a) improbable
b) seafaring
c) precocious
784. Choose the right antonym for: “inconceivable”.
a) centrolineal
b) corset
c) imaginable
785. Choose the right antonym for: “incogitable”.
a) highroller
b) describable
c) nonbelieving
786. Choose the right antonym for: “unrecoverable”.
a) practical
b) appareled
c) reappeared
787. Choose the right antonym for: “impossible”.
a) fluent
b) logical
c) irrefutable
788. Choose the right antonym for: “unobtainable”.
a) stroll
b) open
c) rehearsing
789. Choose the right antonym for: “infeasible”.
a) biowarfare
b) open
c) valiantness
790. Choose the right antonym for: “unbelievable”.
a) airmail
b) plausible
c) reparable
791. Choose the right antonym for: “indescribable”.
a) explainable
b) gutsily
c) spritz
792. Choose the right antonym for: “untellable”.
a) arc
b) describable
c) indefatigable
793. Choose the right antonym for: “prejudiced”.
a) unfriendly
b) unashamed
c) open-minded
794. Choose the right antonym for: “one-sided”.
a) nag
b) water
c) unprejudiced
795. Choose the right antonym for: “narrow-minded”.
a) broad-minded
b) illogicalness
c) idiomatic
796. Choose the right antonym for: “strapping”.
a) sublunar
b) tastefully
c) attenuated
797. Choose the right antonym for: “large-scale”.
a) dork
b) rhymer
c) small
798. Choose the right antonym for: “large”.
a) short
b) riot
c) girdered
799. Choose the right antonym for: “heftier”.
a) sunbathe
b) flocking
c) impoverished
800. Choose the right antonym for: “hefty”.
a) vaquero
b) small
c) floodmark
801. Choose the right antonym for: “voluminous”.
a) little
b) pustules
c) resignedly
802. Choose the right antonym for: “blue chip”.
a) effuse
b) cummerbund
c) inconsequential
803. Choose the right antonym for: “major”.
a) extradite
b) unknown
c) formulation
804. Choose the right antonym for: “racist”.
a) airily
b) fair
c) ravish
805. Choose the right antonym for: “compulsory”.
a) free
b) hear
c) incisive
806. Choose the right antonym for: “monoclinous”.
a) infective
b) inamorata
c) homosexual
807. Choose the right antonym for: “intersexual”.
a) scotch
b) unhealthful
c) homosexual
808. Choose the right antonym for: “hermaphroditic”.
a) homosexual
b) parcel
c) fornicate
809. Choose the right antonym for: “gynandrous”.
a) raja
b) lawgiver
c) heterosexual
810. Choose the right antonym for: “slashing”.
a) cutesy
b) kind
c) mannerisms
811. Choose the right antonym for: “vitriolic”.
a) agreeable
b) related
c) eclipse
812. Choose the right antonym for: “inclement”.
a) hick
b) attempted
c) sympathetic
813. Choose the right antonym for: “acerbic”.
a) clouds
b) calm
c) anatomize
814. Choose the right antonym for: “tart”.
a) chilly
b) nice
c) ochroid
815. Choose the right antonym for: “vinegary”.
a) pleach
b) solacer
c) old-fashioned
816. Choose the right antonym for: “acid”.
a) passage
b) ascension
c) bland
817. Choose the right antonym for: “vinegarish”.
a) sweet
b) sis
c) penitent
818. Choose the right antonym for: “acrid”.
a) nice
b) procurator
c) whirligig
819. Choose the right antonym for: “acidulous”.
a) highbrow
b) missive
c) sweet
820. Choose the right antonym for: “outlandish”.
a) blench
b) ordinary
c) catalyst
821. Choose the right antonym for: “eccentric”.
a) tinkering
b) conscious
c) reasonable
822. Choose the right antonym for: “jet”.
a) lackey
b) walk
c) jodhpurs
823. Choose the right antonym for: “onyx”.
a) white
b) quad
c) cashbox
824. Choose the right antonym for: “bituminous”.
a) scantness
b) renter
c) white
825. Choose the right antonym for: “ebony”.
a) mine
b) white
c) tellurian
826. Choose the right antonym for: “contraband”.
a) amended
b) cording
c) allowed
827. Choose the right antonym for: “accused”.
a) discharged
b) vigilant
c) allowance
828. Choose the right antonym for: “innocent”.
a) offshoot
b) faith
c) immoral
829. Choose the right antonym for: “impeccant”.
a) dirt
b) blamable
c) intellection
830. Choose the right antonym for: “sinless”.
a) scull
b) sinful
c) pickpocket
831. Choose the right antonym for: “inculpable”.
a) pep
b) sadistic
c) culpable
832. Choose the right antonym for: “unimpeachable”.
a) basic
b) slammer
c) blameworthy
833. Choose the right antonym for: “guiltless”.
a) wrong
b) doggerel
c) encomiastic
834. Choose the right antonym for: “blamable”.
a) degree
b) inculpable
c) hashish
835. Choose the right antonym for: “guiltier”.
a) placenta
b) aura
c) guiltless
836. Choose the right antonym for: “guiltiest”.
a) moral
b) conoidal
c) bronze
837. Choose the right antonym for: “guilty”.
a) right
b) integrate
c) severally
838. Choose the right antonym for: “institutional”.
a) cobble
b) individual
c) highness
839. Choose the right antonym for: “inexpressive”.
a) zenana
b) expressive
c) mouthpiece
840. Choose the right antonym for: “loudest”.
a) last
b) undefined
c) refined
841. Choose the right antonym for: “loud”.
a) indistinct
b) bandwagon
c) shiftable
842. Choose the right antonym for: “louder”.
a) tine
b) low
c) hashish
843. Choose the right antonym for: “full-mouthed”.
a) jab
b) vaporware
c) tasteful
844. Choose the right antonym for: “burning”.
a) blazer
b) remake
c) nice
845. Choose the right antonym for: “smoking”.
a) truantry
b) predilection
c) old-fashioned
846. Choose the right antonym for: “faded”.
a) avail
b) brightened
c) sadness
847. Choose the right antonym for: “dismal”.
a) cheerful
b) elf
c) giblets
848. Choose the right antonym for: “bloody”.
a) gag line
b) cutlas
c) nonviolent
849. Choose the right antonym for: “unstopped”.
a) locked
b) restoring
c) compiler
850. Choose the right antonym for: “imbrued”.
a) snout
b) pleasant
c) tongueless
851. Choose the right antonym for: “beatific”.
a) shoot
b) equalize
c) devilish
852. Choose the right antonym for: “happy-go-lucky”.
a) bloody
b) emotionally
c) discontented
853. Choose the right antonym for: “tumid”.
a) atheism
b) shrunken
c) covenance
854. Choose the right antonym for: “congested”.
a) water gun
b) clear
c) phoniness
855. Choose the right antonym for: “overfilled”.
a) unpolite
b) unstuff
c) spanning
856. Choose the right antonym for: “gory”.
a) pleasant
b) convoke
c) fender
857. Choose the right antonym for: “gorier”.
a) punctual
b) deescalate
c) pleasing
858. Choose the right antonym for: “bloodletting”.
a) mild
b) grieving
c) diminish
859. Choose the right antonym for: “spottier”.
a) expansible
b) exuberancy
c) constant
860. Choose the right antonym for: “spotty”.
a) differ
b) regular
c) popery
861. Choose the right antonym for: “pimply”.
a) continuous
b) bop
c) prostrate
862. Choose the right antonym for: “bleary”.
a) passivist
b) distinct
c) flabbergast
863. Choose the right antonym for: “corporeal”.
a) frugal
b) refused
c) spiritual
864. Choose the right antonym for: “corporal”.
a) earful
b) partial
c) foretaste
865. Choose the right antonym for: “anatomical”.
a) unequaled
b) contagious
c) partial
866. Choose the right antonym for: “material”.
a) unimportant
b) splendor
c) coagulum
867. Choose the right antonym for: “rowdy”.
a) birthday
b) mild
c) confidant
868. Choose the right antonym for: “rowdier”.
a) voyeur
b) scoffer
c) mild
869. Choose the right antonym for: “undismayed”.
a) grade
b) fearful
c) death rattle
870. Choose the right antonym for: “bravest”.
a) weak
b) delimitation
c) big business
871. Choose the right antonym for: “brave”.
a) shading
b) fear
c) deprecate
872. Choose the right antonym for: “braver”.
a) reticent
b) detainer
c) pigheaded
873. Choose the right antonym for: “doughtier”.
a) mixer
b) timid
c) meanest
874. Choose the right antonym for: “doughty”.
a) scoot
b) schizo
c) timid
875. Choose the right antonym for: “gutsier”.
a) cautious
b) delivering
c) piddling
876. Choose the right antonym for: “gutsy”.
a) cubs
b) thymus
c) meek
877. Choose the right antonym for: “dauntless”.
a) tyke
b) fearful
c) gnarled
878. Choose the right antonym for: “insolent”.
a) vacuum
b) modest
c) abide by
879. Choose the right antonym for: “impertinent”.
a) planted
b) conferral
c) respectful
880. Choose the right antonym for: “dashing”.
a) calm
b) frost
c) playmaker
881. Choose the right antonym for: “swashbuckling”.
a) manor
b) plain
c) terminate
882. Choose the right antonym for: “nervy”.
a) afraid
b) inhumed
c) strategy
883. Choose the right antonym for: “nervier”.
a) syrupy
b) analytical
c) shy
884. Choose the right antonym for: “impudent”.
a) sandy
b) humble
c) baking
885. Choose the right antonym for: “pedantic”.
a) induction
b) centurion
c) imprecise
886. Choose the right antonym for: “marginal”.
a) important
b) wake
c) hispid
887. Choose the right antonym for: “rimming”.
a) mess up
b) cotton
c) vegetables
888. Choose the right antonym for: “uninteresting”.
a) erosivity
b) schema
c) interesting
889. Choose the right antonym for: “humdrum”.
a) potter
b) hardtop
c) infrequent
890. Choose the right antonym for: “firstborn”.
a) last-born
b) racist
c) relapse
891. Choose the right antonym for: “elder”.
a) vouch
b) youngster
c) achievement
892. Choose the right antonym for: “first-born”.
a) peril
b) younger
c) smelly
893. Choose the right antonym for: “derivative”.
a) acted
b) loyalty
c) inventive
894. Choose the right antonym for: “plagiaristic”.
a) inventive
b) polar
c) osteology
895. Choose the right antonym for: “buxom”.
a) small
b) priest
c) restricting
896. Choose the right antonym for: “busty”.
a) tribute
b) flat
c) defront
897. Choose the right antonym for: “imperious”.
a) impure
b) unilateral
c) subservient
898. Choose the right antonym for: “unsettled”.
a) lilac
b) firm
c) unhallowed
899. Choose the right antonym for: “peskier”.
a) insaneness
b) subterfuge
c) untroubling
900. Choose the right antonym for: “pesky”.
a) pleasing
b) nephew
c) firecrackers
901. Choose the right antonym for: “inconvenient”.
a) bounce
b) aiding
c) primogenitor
902. Choose the right antonym for: “troublesome”.
a) pleasant
b) pulverous
c) glimmery
903. Choose the right antonym for: “unplumbed”.
a) debris
b) explainable
c) matronymic
904. Choose the right antonym for: “unfathomable”.
a) tribe
b) tinting
c) explicable
905. Choose the right antonym for: “unmeasured”.
a) tress
b) finite
c) amnion
906. Choose the right antonym for: “charged”.
a) empty
b) galoshes
c) dentation
907. Choose the right antonym for: “debited”.
a) choler
b) odor
c) exonerate
908. Choose the right antonym for: “resilient”.
a) hard
b) modulate
c) coercion
909. Choose the right antonym for: “rubbery”.
a) visible
b) gauging
c) rigid
910. Choose the right antonym for: “destined”.
a) elusory
b) gatehouse
c) unscheduled
911. Choose the right antonym for: “unavoidable”.
a) avoidable
b) gorgon
c) quartette
912. Choose the right antonym for: “constipated”.
a) tadpole
b) regular
c) lowering
913. Choose the right antonym for: “curved”.
a) bribery
b) straight
c) intentionally
914. Choose the right antonym for: “wreathed”.
a) deceiver
b) rubicund
c) raze
915. Choose the right antonym for: “twisty”.
a) straight
b) slat
c) vowed
916. Choose the right antonym for: “sigmoid”.
a) totaliser
b) straight
c) reformatory
917. Choose the right antonym for: “declinate”.
a) relieving
b) sightless
c) straight
918. Choose the right antonym for: “boastful”.
a) tying
b) wonder
c) modest
919. Choose the right antonym for: “hot stuff”.
a) lowest
b) sassily
c) lad
920. Choose the right antonym for: “hifalutin”.
a) quintet
b) modest
c) scroungy
921. Choose the right antonym for: “mint”.
a) insensibility
b) blackmailer
c) break
922. Choose the right antonym for: “minter”.
a) footsteps
b) few
c) damaged
923. Choose the right antonym for: “brazen”.
a) shamed
b) coop
c) marsh
924. Choose the right antonym for: “valiant”.
a) reason
b) meek
c) army rule
925. Choose the right antonym for: “boldest”.
a) menhir
b) apathetic
c) gibbon
926. Choose the right antonym for: “bolder”.
a) lethargic
b) apprehend
c) infrangible
927. Choose the right antonym for: “bold”.
a) afraid
b) clarion
c) tunnel
928. Choose the right antonym for: “risky”.
a) tourist
b) cautious
c) adjacency
929. Choose the right antonym for: “pluckier”.
a) meek
b) aided
c) harmful
930. Choose the right antonym for: “plucky”.
a) persecute
b) receiver
c) meek
931. Choose the right antonym for: “lionhearted”.
a) dulled
b) fearful
c) amoebic
932. Choose the right antonym for: “undaunted”.
a) tactic
b) biking
c) cowardly
933. Choose the right antonym for: “courageous”.
a) depreciation
b) duping
c) unadventurous
934. Choose the right antonym for: “red-blooded”.
a) meek
b) exegete
c) gawkily
935. Choose the right antonym for: “heroic”.
a) cowardly
b) cayuse
c) limpness
936. Choose the right antonym for: “intrepid”.
a) driven
b) afraid
c) titled
937. Choose the right antonym for: “gallant”.
a) hewn
b) credential
c) meek
938. Choose the right antonym for: “chestier”.
a) murdered
b) peregrine
c) weak
939. Choose the right antonym for: “fearless”.
a) ranting
b) conjugational
c) apprehensive
940. Choose the right antonym for: “chesty”.
a) conning
b) stupid
c) dissenter
941. Choose the right antonym for: “bodacious”.
a) transfix
b) boring
c) dignifying
942. Choose the right antonym for: “game”.
a) cautious
b) disquisitive
c) cornucopian
943. Choose the right antonym for: “beefy”.
a) tiny
b) linked
c) drafty
944. Choose the right antonym for: “beefier”.
a) implied
b) slight
c) thankfulness
945. Choose the right antonym for: “fragile”.
a) coact
b) spore
c) strong
946. Choose the right antonym for: “frail”.
a) gigantism
b) reframing
c) hearty
947. Choose the right antonym for: “frailer”.
a) rutted
b) strong
c) loin
948. Choose the right antonym for: “frailest”.
a) crappy
b) thick
c) incipiency
949. Choose the right antonym for: “bursting”.
a) empty
b) abrade
c) doomsdayer
950. Choose the right antonym for: “windy”.
a) delictum
b) uncommunicative
c) evolutionism
951. Choose the right antonym for: “windier”.
a) branded
b) flooded
c) uncommunicative
952. Choose the right antonym for: “venal”.
a) ethical
b) vampiric
c) persuadable
953. Choose the right antonym for: “passing”.
a) chaise
b) tall
c) compacting
954. Choose the right antonym for: “momentary”.
a) deducible
b) trashcan
c) staying
955. Choose the right antonym for: “terser”.
a) overplus
b) sidelong
c) polite
956. Choose the right antonym for: “terse”.
a) wordy
b) woodlot
c) athwart
957. Choose the right antonym for: “tersest”.
a) play
b) stylish
c) verbose
958. Choose the right antonym for: “gnomic”.
a) meow
b) caked
c) polite
959. Choose the right antonym for: “meteoric”.
a) lavement
b) grouped
c) slow
960. Choose the right antonym for: “overnight”.
a) correction
b) pointed
c) obviation
961. Choose the right antonym for: “succinct”.
a) shadow
b) lengthy
c) compliable
962. Choose the right antonym for: “pithiest”.
a) bambino
b) convivially
c) long-winded
963. Choose the right antonym for: “pithy”.
a) verbose
b) illegalize
c) capitulation
964. Choose the right antonym for: “pithier”.
a) stole
b) cirrus
c) weak
965. Choose the right antonym for: “fleeting”.
a) continual
b) trinal
c) frenziedly
966. Choose the right antonym for: “gaudy”.
a) order
b) refined
c) losses
967. Choose the right antonym for: “gaudier”.
a) integer
b) tasteful
c) vexation
968. Choose the right antonym for: “splendiferous”.
a) thaw
b) delimitate
c) unintelligent
969. Choose the right antonym for: “neon”.
a) plummy
b) dark
c) sereneness
970. Choose the right antonym for: “reddish”.
a) dyeing
b) pale
c) peerless
971. Choose the right antonym for: “incarnadine”.
a) freighter
b) sad
c) sufficing
972. Choose the right antonym for: “shining”.
a) stupid
b) bunky
c) squib
973. Choose the right antonym for: “polished”.
a) hurdling
b) wanton
c) uncivilized
974. Choose the right antonym for: “encouraging”.
a) pamphlet
b) boundlessness
c) unpromising
975. Choose the right antonym for: “sunnier”.
a) catenate
b) ascensive
c) sorrowful
976. Choose the right antonym for: “sunny”.
a) dark
b) undue
c) recreancy
977. Choose the right antonym for: “blinding”.
a) grade
b) promote
c) lay open
978. Choose the right antonym for: “shinier”.
a) dark
b) heeder
c) amnesty
979. Choose the right antonym for: “shiny”.
a) tosser
b) handclapping
c) matte
980. Choose the right antonym for: “sheeny”.
a) being
b) dull
c) organisms
981. Choose the right antonym for: “agleam”.
a) unaware
b) excogitate
c) luminously
982. Choose the right antonym for: “luminous”.
a) cashier
b) unclear
c) disinclined
983. Choose the right antonym for: “cleverer”.
a) brash
b) controlling
c) ignorant
984. Choose the right antonym for: “cleverest”.
a) glint
b) shake
c) foolish
985. Choose the right antonym for: “clever”.
a) extenuative
b) earl
c) senseless
986. Choose the right antonym for: “radiant”.
a) dark
b) miscount
c) dishevel
987. Choose the right antonym for: “resplendent”.
a) rutted
b) withering
c) overdue
988. Choose the right antonym for: “scintillating”.
a) shining
b) dull
c) quiescent
989. Choose the right antonym for: “aglow”.
a) piously
b) burke
c) unenthusiastic
990. Choose the right antonym for: “colorful”.
a) deskman
b) colorless
c) collaborating
991. Choose the right antonym for: “prismatic”.
a) paunchy
b) crepuscular
c) lifeless
992. Choose the right antonym for: “chromatic”.
a) figurante
b) drab
c) proffering
993. Choose the right antonym for: “weighted”.
a) disorder
b) musician
c) greenness
994. Choose the right antonym for: “fullest”.
a) volatilize
b) narrow
c) humbling
995. Choose the right antonym for: “fuller”.
a) unsatisfied
b) enroll
c) wooded
996. Choose the right antonym for: “full”.
a) tinctured
b) part
c) monotomy
997. Choose the right antonym for: “fruitless”.
a) wringer
b) harp
c) fruitful
998. Choose the right antonym for: “gainless”.
a) clitoris
b) nonplus
c) useful
999. Choose the right antonym for: “bracing”.
a) temperate
b) nuzzle
c) actually
1000. Choose the right antonym for: “exhilarative”.
a) parked
b) depressed
c) mantua
1001. Choose the right antonym for: “crumblier”.
a) flexible
b) aural
c) anapestic
1002. Choose the right antonym for: “crumbly”.
a) lanugo
b) pliable
c) culinary
1003. Choose the right antonym for: “crisp”.
a) start
b) accumbency
c) fuzzy
1004. Choose the right antonym for: “crisper”.
a) crown
b) customer
c) temperate
1005. Choose the right antonym for: “all-embracing”.
a) particular
b) pellicle
c) history
1006. Choose the right antonym for: “expansive”.
a) balmy
b) quiet
c) commit
1007. Choose the right antonym for: “dilatant”.
a) synonymity
b) expediently
c) quiet
1008. Choose the right antonym for: “far-reaching”.
a) trivial
b) mingy
c) scrutinate
1009. Choose the right antonym for: “widely”.
a) planer
b) applique
c) locally
1010. Choose the right antonym for: “fragmentary”.
a) center
b) complete
c) pullback
1011. Choose the right antonym for: “defective”.
a) field glasses
b) disentranced
c) enough
1012. Choose the right antonym for: “damaged”.
a) profs
b) working
c) uncostly
1013. Choose the right antonym for: “flubbed”.
a) grumbly
b) colligate
c) mended
1014. Choose the right antonym for: “beat-up”.
a) organized
b) napkins
c) abdomen
1015. Choose the right antonym for: “shabbier”.
a) raptness
b) fresh
c) break off
1016. Choose the right antonym for: “shabby”.
a) fresh
b) mortality
c) wariness
1017. Choose the right antonym for: “amok”.
a) torrid
b) impassible
c) calmly
1018. Choose the right antonym for: “disrepair”.
a) boom
b) chapfallen
c) good condition
1019. Choose the right antonym for: “inconsolable”.
a) crumb
b) grandee
c) understanding
1020. Choose the right antonym for: “sullen”.
a) pleasant
b) perturbable
c) groupthink
1021. Choose the right antonym for: “fraternal”.
a) raglan
b) sisterly
c) rascal
1022. Choose the right antonym for: “imported”.
a) exported
b) overtax
c) snippet
1023. Choose the right antonym for: “pasturing”.
a) hound
b) neglect
c) clean up
1024. Choose the right antonym for: “black-and-blue”.
a) reminders
b) tabulate
c) happy
1025. Choose the right antonym for: “bestial”.
a) intoner
b) gentle
c) emplane
1026. Choose the right antonym for: “yeasty”.
a) dull
b) cojoin
c) deformed
1027. Choose the right antonym for: “yeastier”.
a) baroness
b) bullying
c) dull
1028. Choose the right antonym for: “foamier”.
a) krater
b) flat
c) interpreter
1029. Choose the right antonym for: “foamy”.
a) flat
b) tiller
c) inorganic
1030. Choose the right antonym for: “spumescent”.
a) justifiably
b) accroach
c) flat
1031. Choose the right antonym for: “frothy”.
a) tongs
b) flat
c) eventualize
1032. Choose the right antonym for: “frothier”.
a) flat
b) hideout
c) resolutely
1033. Choose the right antonym for: “portly”.
a) goofiness
b) loved
c) underweight
1034. Choose the right antonym for: “portlier”.
a) lucifer
b) cote
c) underweight
1035. Choose the right antonym for: “hillier”.
a) moderate
b) deprive
c) magnate
1036. Choose the right antonym for: “hilly”.
a) newest
b) mild
c) persisting
1037. Choose the right antonym for: “unaligned”.
a) phase
b) agitated
c) dandified
1038. Choose the right antonym for: “zigzagged”.
a) rise
b) surreal
c) kerchief
1039. Choose the right antonym for: “elliptic”.
a) intercede
b) tested
c) systematic
1040. Choose the right antonym for: “rugged”.
a) purely
b) flat
c) fireboard
1041. Choose the right antonym for: “floating”.
a) nictitate
b) exhaustive
c) sunk
1042. Choose the right antonym for: “light-hearted”.
a) espial
b) cobber
c) heavy
1043. Choose the right antonym for: “taxing”.
a) gasohol
b) facile
c) disregard
1044. Choose the right antonym for: “flaming”.
a) continue
b) dull
c) thoughts
1045. Choose the right antonym for: “red-hot”.
a) cold
b) speck
c) lenity
1046. Choose the right antonym for: “glowing”.
a) unhappy
b) glamor
c) perceptibility
1047. Choose the right antonym for: “caustic”.
a) lapin
b) nice
c) merchandise
1048. Choose the right antonym for: “breaking”.
a) watcher
b) tautologous
c) union
1049. Choose the right antonym for: “fracturing”.
a) headland
b) build
c) acting for
1050. Choose the right antonym for: “hurrying”.
a) crawling
b) showered
c) jaggedness
1051. Choose the right antonym for: “occupied”.
a) free
b) stem
c) vacancy
1052. Choose the right antonym for: “crowded”.
a) cruise
b) catnap
c) uncongested
1053. Choose the right antonym for: “preoccupied”.
a) phonetic
b) euphistic
c) uninterested
1054. Choose the right antonym for: “fortuitously”.
a) normally
b) decode
c) ectoderm
1055. Choose the right antonym for: “lone”.
a) unleash
b) narration
c) together
1056. Choose the right antonym for: “spoken”.
a) jabbering
b) sugar
c) heard
1057. Choose the right antonym for: “timed”.
a) tampon
b) guess
c) periphrastic
1058. Choose the right antonym for: “level-headed”.
a) prompted
b) excitable
c) pettifogging
1059. Choose the right antonym for: “self-possessed”.
a) actionable
b) unsure
c) spirituality
1060. Choose the right antonym for: “unruffled”.
a) anxious
b) aviation
c) wages
1061. Choose the right antonym for: “undisturbed”.
a) swing
b) affected
c) securities
1062. Choose the right antonym for: “imperturbable”.
a) jittery
b) cuisine
c) vanguard
1063. Choose the right antonym for: “composed”.
a) gramps
b) hackle
c) aroused
1064. Choose the right antonym for: “sedate”.
a) spieler
b) excited
c) gamin
1065. Choose the right antonym for: “nerveless”.
a) wattage
b) oblate
c) disconcerted
1066. Choose the right antonym for: “clement”.
a) sordid
b) dressed
c) violent
1067. Choose the right antonym for: “placid”.
a) turbulent
b) back side
c) rectifying
1068. Choose the right antonym for: “temperate”.
a) pool
b) harsh
c) bhang
1069. Choose the right antonym for: “still”.
a) agitated
b) kendo
c) clothier
1070. Choose the right antonym for: “stillest”.
a) havana
b) towers
c) broken
1071. Choose the right antonym for: “stiller”.
a) mooning
b) variable
c) afflicted
1072. Choose the right antonym for: “motionless”.
a) lively
b) foal
c) stylist
1073. Choose the right antonym for: “deadlocked”.
a) clause
b) thievery
c) alive
1074. Choose the right antonym for: “apoplectic”.
a) avatar
b) unfixed
c) clod
1075. Choose the right antonym for: “halcyon”.
a) rope
b) watershed
c) agitated
1076. Choose the right antonym for: “untroubled”.
a) tricky
b) doodads
c) troubled
1077. Choose the right antonym for: “restrained”.
a) confident
b) trifle
c) realize
1078. Choose the right antonym for: “moderate”.
a) go up
b) papality
c) descendants
1079. Choose the right antonym for: “serene”.
a) threat
b) poor
c) errancy
1080. Choose the right antonym for: “equanimous”.
a) layman
b) edify
c) rough
1081. Choose the right antonym for: “aboveboard”.
a) deceitful
b) coffers
c) mammalian
1082. Choose the right antonym for: “abler”.
a) elitist
b) ceaseless
c) inadequate
1083. Choose the right antonym for: “able”.
a) thin
b) disinclined
c) festoon
1084. Choose the right antonym for: “ablest”.
a) raped
b) mainstay
c) inadequate
1085. Choose the right antonym for: “absorbent”.
a) wordsmith
b) improvisation
c) impermeable
1086. Choose the right antonym for: “retentive”.
a) seditious
b) pastelike
c) surrendering
1087. Choose the right antonym for: “patient”.
a) violent
b) allegorize
c) bordered
1088. Choose the right antonym for: “uncomplaining”.
a) actions
b) frustrated
c) demolisher
1089. Choose the right antonym for: “fascinated”.
a) riverbank
b) proffering
c) disenchanted
1090. Choose the right antonym for: “charming”.
a) allure
b) repulsing
c) blackout
1091. Choose the right antonym for: “catchier”.
a) ignorable
b) bronco
c) hectically
1092. Choose the right antonym for: “catchy”.
a) sexual
b) dull
c) lever
1093. Choose the right antonym for: “lighthearted”.
a) alchemy
b) troubled
c) resister
1094. Choose the right antonym for: “lightsome”.
a) bottled
b) rigid
c) bemused
1095. Choose the right antonym for: “unconcerned”.
a) slugger
b) anxious
c) sneerer
1096. Choose the right antonym for: “gingerly”.
a) abattoir
b) brutalize
c) rough
1097. Choose the right antonym for: “wary”.
a) heedless
b) verso
c) cherubical
1098. Choose the right antonym for: “warier”.
a) gravity
b) foolish
c) ripen
1099. Choose the right antonym for: “wariest”.
a) wish
b) rash
c) dimmet
1100. Choose the right antonym for: “charier”.
a) flipped
b) ghetto
c) hasty
1101. Choose the right antonym for: “chary”.
a) propulsive
b) careless
c) unblenching
1102. Choose the right antonym for: “sparing”.
a) spendthrift
b) demented
c) childbed
1103. Choose the right antonym for: “punctilious”.
a) finer
b) careless
c) putrid
1104. Choose the right antonym for: “overscrupulous”.
a) preferable
b) boutonniere
c) uncaring
1105. Choose the right antonym for: “provident”.
a) improvident
b) raceme
c) contretemps
1106. Choose the right antonym for: “cautious”.
a) be carnal
b) sure
c) protuberate
1107. Choose the right antonym for: “forethoughtful”.
a) dong
b) pledge
c) sure
1108. Choose the right antonym for: “vigilant”.
a) beagle
b) rash
c) clampdown
1109. Choose the right antonym for: “heedless”.
a) gingerly
b) caring
c) decadency
1110. Choose the right antonym for: “unthinking”.
a) orison
b) cavy
c) careful
1111. Choose the right antonym for: “neglectful”.
a) unlock
b) corvee
c) attentive
1112. Choose the right antonym for: “rash”.
a) thoughtful
b) hire
c) common
1113. Choose the right antonym for: “lackadaisical”.
a) judder
b) energetic
c) befriend
1114. Choose the right antonym for: “spring fever”.
a) institute
b) diabolist
c) active
1115. Choose the right antonym for: “negligent”.
a) attentive
b) legal
c) pudding
1116. Choose the right antonym for: “derelict”.
a) improved
b) ordure
c) intrigued
1117. Choose the right antonym for: “irresponsible”.
a) byplace
b) shark
c) reliable
1118. Choose the right antonym for: “improvident”.
a) supreme
b) vintner
c) thrifty
1119. Choose the right antonym for: “thriftless”.
a) righteous
b) arsenal
c) shoplifting
1120. Choose the right antonym for: “remiss”.
a) retention
b) thoughtful
c) antivenin
1121. Choose the right antonym for: “slipshod”.
a) harem
b) neat
c) margin
1122. Choose the right antonym for: “thoughtful”.
a) trivial
b) cream
c) insignificant
1123. Choose the right antonym for: “pregnant”.
a) attestable
b) cloudy
c) insignificant
1124. Choose the right antonym for: “gestating”.
a) insignificant
b) conceit
c) crumbling
1125. Choose the right antonym for: “cursory”.
a) rested
b) dreamlike
c) perfect
1126. Choose the right antonym for: “half-assed”.
a) cogitate
b) overspending
c) detailed
1127. Choose the right antonym for: “depthless”.
a) execrated
b) serious
c) excursus
1128. Choose the right antonym for: “informal”.
a) incised
b) greatcoat
c) ceremonious
1129. Choose the right antonym for: “uncritical”.
a) sleaze
b) fussy
c) transfigured
1130. Choose the right antonym for: “leisurely”.
a) hurriedly
b) brush
c) prostitute
1131. Choose the right antonym for: “tragic”.
a) excellent
b) mugginess
c) shamelessly
1132. Choose the right antonym for: “infectious”.
a) floors
b) unflashy
c) uncontagious
1133. Choose the right antonym for: “miasmic”.
a) germless
b) nebbish
c) scrambler
1134. Choose the right antonym for: “devastating”.
a) exigent
b) fortunate
c) carry out
1135. Choose the right antonym for: “deadly”.
a) weak
b) animating
c) beseecher
1136. Choose the right antonym for: “deadliest”.
a) gloze
b) aeronautical
c) healthful
1137. Choose the right antonym for: “deadlier”.
a) calm
b) plumbing
c) verdurous
1138. Choose the right antonym for: “carcinogenic”.
a) hobo
b) harmless
c) sendal
1139. Choose the right antonym for: “cliffhanging”.
a) fouled
b) withering
c) calm
1140. Choose the right antonym for: “hair-raising”.
a) comforting
b) dialectics
c) equation
1141. Choose the right antonym for: “alarming”.
a) papule
b) comforting
c) immoderate
1142. Choose the right antonym for: “intoxicating”.
a) boring
b) ratting
c) sureness
1143. Choose the right antonym for: “annoying”.
a) saloon
b) alchemy
c) helpful
1144. Choose the right antonym for: “disruptive”.
a) sampling
b) plighted
c) well-behaved
1145. Choose the right antonym for: “incendiary”.
a) proffer
b) evulse
c) peacemaking
1146. Choose the right antonym for: “rabble-rousing”.
a) shore
b) tranquilizing
c) undraped
1147. Choose the right antonym for: “demagogic”.
a) earthlike
b) purist
c) tranquilizing
1148. Choose the right antonym for: “termagant”.
a) silent
b) swart
c) ancestors
1149. Choose the right antonym for: “warning”.
a) token
b) poetic
c) misinformation
1150. Choose the right antonym for: “unadventurous”.
a) baton
b) exposed
c) raz
1151. Choose the right antonym for: “circumspect”.
a) poorer
b) numinous
c) inattentive
1152. Choose the right antonym for: “conservative”.
a) left-wing
b) wimble
c) upbringing
1153. Choose the right antonym for: “precautious”.
a) religionist
b) idiotic
c) prosopopeia
1154. Choose the right antonym for: “discreet”.
a) rapidity
b) incautious
c) unhopeful
1155. Choose the right antonym for: “careful”.
a) upstart
b) sequela
c) thoughtless
1156. Choose the right antonym for: “scolded”.
a) complimented
b) refuse
c) recidivist
1157. Choose the right antonym for: “middle”.
a) suntan
b) margin
c) essence
1158. Choose the right antonym for: “mezzo”.
a) virile
b) outside
c) infinitesimal
1159. Choose the right antonym for: “inner”.
a) outside
b) twig
c) rainwater
1160. Choose the right antonym for: “overriding”.
a) labyrinth
b) boiled
c) extra
1161. Choose the right antonym for: “unassailable”.
a) be tough
b) unsure
c) adulterer
1162. Choose the right antonym for: “confident”.
a) meek
b) hoarded
c) unconcentrated
1163. Choose the right antonym for: “surer”.
a) crisply
b) gloat
c) unsteady
1164. Choose the right antonym for: “sure”.
a) inhale
b) consecutive
c) dubious
1165. Choose the right antonym for: “surest”.
a) stirring
b) hesitant
c) belligerence
1166. Choose the right antonym for: “decided”.
a) deferential
b) perplexity
c) all there
1167. Choose the right antonym for: “unmistakable”.
a) engorge
b) indefinite
c) outlaw
1168. Choose the right antonym for: “express”.
a) road
b) expulse
c) suppress
1169. Choose the right antonym for: “unfailing”.
a) uncertain
b) cosily
c) smile
1170. Choose the right antonym for: “inevitable”.
a) chaffing
b) preventable
c) ad hoc
1171. Choose the right antonym for: “ineludible”.
a) fiasco
b) aperture
c) avoidable
1172. Choose the right antonym for: “approved”.
a) painted
b) davenport
c) disapproved
1173. Choose the right antonym for: “demanding”.
a) freed
b) tolerant
c) versicolored
1174. Choose the right antonym for: “backbreaker”.
a) unsound
b) easy
c) ululation
1175. Choose the right antonym for: “fluky”.
a) planned
b) copyright
c) outmoded
1176. Choose the right antonym for: “flukier”.
a) homeland
b) certain
c) peregrination
1177. Choose the right antonym for: “casual”.
a) infold
b) deliberate
c) miscarriage
1178. Choose the right antonym for: “serendipitous”.
a) unfavorable
b) ovoid
c) crippled
1179. Choose the right antonym for: “mutable”.
a) entrance
b) liquidate
c) constant
1180. Choose the right antonym for: “unpredictable”.
a) desirous
b) unrealizable
c) stable
1181. Choose the right antonym for: “hammier”.
a) friendlessness
b) true
c) anthropology
1182. Choose the right antonym for: “hammy”.
a) ovation
b) tectonic
c) depreciated
1183. Choose the right antonym for: “altered”.
a) polly
b) preserved
c) wideness
1184. Choose the right antonym for: “reshaped”.
a) fluidic
b) antidotal
c) maintained
1185. Choose the right antonym for: “modified”.
a) vibrato
b) minted
c) unlimited
1186. Choose the right antonym for: “reformed”.
a) deteriorated
b) unpalatable
c) necrosis
1187. Choose the right antonym for: “reconstituted”.
a) vehiculate
b) forfeit
c) caboose
1188. Choose the right antonym for: “changing”.
a) fixed
b) slowness
c) decentness
1189. Choose the right antonym for: “ambulatory”.
a) obscurity
b) settled
c) debilitate
1190. Choose the right antonym for: “perambulatory”.
a) deify
b) lunging
c) unchanging
1191. Choose the right antonym for: “ambulant”.
a) settled
b) lore
c) solemn
1192. Choose the right antonym for: “vacillating”.
a) hefty
b) impalpable
c) resolute
1193. Choose the right antonym for: “variable”.
a) theft
b) unchanging
c) unwary
1194. Choose the right antonym for: “riotous”.
a) rotgut
b) moderate
c) uncivilly
1195. Choose the right antonym for: “hierarchical”.
a) disordered
b) corps
c) unpredictable
1196. Choose the right antonym for: “human”.
a) plant
b) enchase
c) meringued
1197. Choose the right antonym for: “hominid”.
a) squall
b) resorption
c) immortal
1198. Choose the right antonym for: “ethological”.
a) neck
b) unmanly
c) blameable
1199. Choose the right antonym for: “ethnologic”.
a) general
b) clothier
c) micronize
1200. Choose the right antonym for: “creatural”.
a) bluecoat
b) veneration
c) plant
1201. Choose the right antonym for: “bipedal”.
a) animal
b) ensurient
c) faked
1202. Choose the right antonym for: “biped”.
a) unpack
b) immortal
c) unalarmed
1203. Choose the right antonym for: “anthropological”.
a) relatedness
b) unmanly
c) bloodshed
1204. Choose the right antonym for: “peculiar”.
a) tocsin
b) porous
c) conventional
1205. Choose the right antonym for: “classic”.
a) griddle
b) different
c) jocularly
1206. Choose the right antonym for: “representative”.
a) peculate
b) issued
c) unrepresentative
1207. Choose the right antonym for: “presentational”.
a) bennie
b) felicitations
c) unrepresentative
1208. Choose the right antonym for: “adumbrative”.
a) different
b) unstriking
c) topnotch
1209. Choose the right antonym for: “evangelistic”.
a) evident
b) indifferent
c) filamentous
1210. Choose the right antonym for: “residential”.
a) creep
b) commercial
c) relational
1211. Choose the right antonym for: “voltaic”.
a) boring
b) refinery
c) benefaction
1212. Choose the right antonym for: “electrical”.
a) tellurian
b) unexciting
c) greasepaint
1213. Choose the right antonym for: “philanthropic”.
a) civility
b) legendary
c) misanthropic
1214. Choose the right antonym for: “benevolent”.
a) stingy
b) ironclad
c) analysis
1215. Choose the right antonym for: “bewitched”.
a) equalized
b) slumberous
c) turned off
1216. Choose the right antonym for: “ensorcelled”.
a) last
b) disgust
c) shipload
1217. Choose the right antonym for: “rakish”.
a) unmeet
b) clean
c) strabismic
1218. Choose the right antonym for: “engaging”.
a) tendon
b) visitant
c) unattractive
1219. Choose the right antonym for: “disarming”.
a) despicable
b) dissymetric
c) legal goods
1220. Choose the right antonym for: “debonair”.
a) chiton
b) inelegant
c) exotically
1221. Choose the right antonym for: “suave”.
a) impolite
b) deduction
c) turnable
1222. Choose the right antonym for: “virginal”.
a) easeful
b) unfertile
c) cluttered
1223. Choose the right antonym for: “continent”.
a) season
b) unchaste
c) ciao
1224. Choose the right antonym for: “abstentious”.
a) satirize
b) uncontrolled
c) mensuration
1225. Choose the right antonym for: “blathering”.
a) uncannily
b) prostitution
c) speak clearly
1226. Choose the right antonym for: “blabbering”.
a) admiring
b) be quiet
c) improve
1227. Choose the right antonym for: “tawdry”.
a) tasteful
b) raucous
c) roulade
1228. Choose the right antonym for: “tawdrier”.
a) charges
b) tensely
c) sophisticated
1229. Choose the right antonym for: “tacky”.
a) dealt
b) clean
c) phonemics
1230. Choose the right antonym for: “tackier”.
a) plate
b) respectable
c) personal
1231. Choose the right antonym for: “pulp”.
a) jam
b) moral
c) insufflate
1232. Choose the right antonym for: “double-dealing”.
a) revelry
b) despoil
c) forthrightness
1233. Choose the right antonym for: “jocund”.
a) sad
b) jointed
c) desirable
1234. Choose the right antonym for: “cheerier”.
a) bedim
b) unhappy
c) atomic
1235. Choose the right antonym for: “cheery”.
a) unhappy
b) meagerly
c) jellied
1236. Choose the right antonym for: “upbeat”.
a) terracotta
b) suppress
c) gloomy
1237. Choose the right antonym for: “comforting”.
a) dear me
b) hag
c) dispiriting
1238. Choose the right antonym for: “heart-warming”.
a) beaming
b) bawl
c) dispiriting
1239. Choose the right antonym for: “consolatory”.
a) dispiriting
b) affix
c) liegeman
1240. Choose the right antonym for: “mouthed”.
a) wolfish
b) bussing
c) keep quiet
1241. Choose the right antonym for: “leading”.
a) subordinate
b) potpourri
c) millennial
1242. Choose the right antonym for: “juvenile”.
a) shrinking
b) greens
c) tinsel
1243. Choose the right antonym for: “puerile”.
a) nugget
b) hoodang
c) adult
1244. Choose the right antonym for: “naive”.
a) accentuating
b) graciousness
c) skeptical
1245. Choose the right antonym for: “nippy”.
a) vestments
b) galumphing
c) warm
1246. Choose the right antonym for: “nippier”.
a) warm
b) execute
c) unpinned
1247. Choose the right antonym for: “sleety”.
a) amusing
b) zealous
c) bezonian
1248. Choose the right antonym for: “rimy”.
a) culling
b) friendly
c) mastodon
1249. Choose the right antonym for: “colder”.
a) placate
b) eager
c) armada
1250. Choose the right antonym for: “cold”.
a) whirled
b) unswerving
c) stupid
Second set of items
1251. Choose the right antonym for: “coldest”.
a) zealous
b) nonplus
c) coronate
1252. Choose the right antonym for: “iced”.
a) doodads
b) squawky
c) annoy
1253. Choose the right antonym for: “hyperborean”.
a) replaced
b) ingenuous
c) kind
1254. Choose the right antonym for: “bored”.
a) enthusiastic
b) viands
c) heat
1255. Choose the right antonym for: “frore”.
a) reckoner
b) excited
c) marshmallow
1256. Choose the right antonym for: “brumal”.
a) unbuckle
b) tabling
c) interested
1257. Choose the right antonym for: “algid”.
a) undefensive
b) directness
c) ardent
1258. Choose the right antonym for: “pickier”.
a) systems
b) accepting
c) papaverine
1259. Choose the right antonym for: “picky”.
a) accepting
b) pastime
c) pietism
1260. Choose the right antonym for: “habituated”.
a) curling
b) esthetics
c) transient
1261. Choose the right antonym for: “lingering”.
a) ending
b) confounding
c) avocation
1262. Choose the right antonym for: “plumb”.
a) intuitive
b) skinny
c) pathogen
1263. Choose the right antonym for: “plumper”.
a) follicle
b) impatience
c) weak
1264. Choose the right antonym for: “viral”.
a) contained
b) unlively
c) jughead
1265. Choose the right antonym for: “urban”.
a) fag
b) suburban
c) rotator
1266. Choose the right antonym for: “oppidan”.
a) country
b) prosperity
c) cinders
1267. Choose the right antonym for: “downtown”.
a) crabby
b) calm
c) minor
1268. Choose the right antonym for: “midtown”.
a) residential
b) capsize
c) synopsis
1269. Choose the right antonym for: “civil”.
a) jus
b) unkind
c) minutes
1270. Choose the right antonym for: “urbane”.
a) devisable
b) caginess
c) uncivilized
1271. Choose the right antonym for: “clothed”.
a) axial
b) exposed
c) unsterile
1272. Choose the right antonym for: “shod”.
a) unclothed
b) power
c) browser
1273. Choose the right antonym for: “robed”.
a) male
b) harbor
c) unclothed
1274. Choose the right antonym for: “costumed”.
a) workday
b) undesired
c) undress
1275. Choose the right antonym for: “dank”.
a) unreal
b) arid
c) sufferable
1276. Choose the right antonym for: “covert”.
a) frank
b) teasing
c) nuncio
1277. Choose the right antonym for: “hygienic”.
a) assume
b) robbery
c) diseased
1278. Choose the right antonym for: “sanitary”.
a) airfoil
b) polluted
c) swearword
1279. Choose the right antonym for: “tidier”.
a) halogen
b) littered
c) appetent
1280. Choose the right antonym for: “tidy”.
a) inconsequential
b) invariable
c) congratulate
1281. Choose the right antonym for: “pristine”.
a) displace
b) whilom
c) dirty
1282. Choose the right antonym for: “traversable”.
a) trafficator
b) exceptional
c) temerarious
1283. Choose the right antonym for: “crossable”.
a) obstructed
b) fullback
c) liberalizing
1284. Choose the right antonym for: “unambiguous”.
a) unretiring
b) vague
c) obdurately
1285. Choose the right antonym for: “cloudless”.
a) truckling
b) cloudy
c) unbelievingly
1286. Choose the right antonym for: “blank”.
a) occupied
b) phobia
c) longhorn
1287. Choose the right antonym for: “blankest”.
a) plebeian
b) oust
c) oriented
1288. Choose the right antonym for: “blanker”.
a) imperfect
b) pray
c) growth
1289. Choose the right antonym for: “uncompleted”.
a) roomie
b) finished
c) woodlot
1290. Choose the right antonym for: “unblocked”.
a) filled
b) gauntlet
c) castigating
1291. Choose the right antonym for: “see-through”.
a) bolstered
b) temples
c) cloudy
1292. Choose the right antonym for: “see through”.
a) obscure
b) scammed
c) valance
1293. Choose the right antonym for: “translucent”.
a) aged
b) opaque
c) entozoon
1294. Choose the right antonym for: “semitransparent”.
a) sexist
b) blocked
c) cradle
1295. Choose the right antonym for: “limpid”.
a) vague
b) forerun
c) comparison
1296. Choose the right antonym for: “luculent”.
a) joke
b) impaired
c) obscure
1297. Choose the right antonym for: “graphic”.
a) murk
b) vague
c) loiterer
1298. Choose the right antonym for: “palpable”.
a) provable
b) rearwards
c) questionable
1299. Choose the right antonym for: “plain”.
a) spellbound
b) imperceptible
c) distinguishable
1300. Choose the right antonym for: “plainest”.
a) obscured
b) cognate
c) goggle
1301. Choose the right antonym for: “plainer”.
a) devious
b) crooning
c) lands
1302. Choose the right antonym for: “manifest”.
a) outdo
b) licentious
c) disprove
1303. Choose the right antonym for: “perspicuous”.
a) songwriter
b) obscure
c) collaborative
1304. Choose the right antonym for: “clarion”.
a) overpass
b) low
c) impetuousness
1305. Choose the right antonym for: “crystal”.
a) blare
b) palpable
c) clouded
1306. Choose the right antonym for: “simpler”.
a) abstain
b) slight
c) syndication
1307. Choose the right antonym for: “simplest”.
a) spoor
b) exacting
c) reappearance
1308. Choose the right antonym for: “simple”.
a) complex
b) galleon
c) nostrum
1309. Choose the right antonym for: “articulate”.
a) be quiet
b) value
c) nonparticipating
1310. Choose the right antonym for: “cannier”.
a) galleon
b) professedly
c) hasty
1311. Choose the right antonym for: “canny”.
a) toilette
b) reckless
c) repudiate
1312. Choose the right antonym for: “slyer”.
a) on course
b) stupid
c) breathless
1313. Choose the right antonym for: “slier”.
a) filcher
b) unclever
c) day care
1314. Choose the right antonym for: “sliest”.
a) honest
b) geminate
c) inductive
1315. Choose the right antonym for: “slyest”.
a) unfaded
b) gratitude
c) open
1316. Choose the right antonym for: “sly”.
a) profits
b) grog
c) straightforward
1317. Choose the right antonym for: “shrewd”.
a) loge
b) buffeted
c) unclever
1318. Choose the right antonym for: “shrewdest”.
a) reeking
b) unwise
c) incalculable
1319. Choose the right antonym for: “craftier”.
a) open
b) circulation
c) orphic
1320. Choose the right antonym for: “crafty”.
a) glued
b) unclever
c) staleness
1321. Choose the right antonym for: “ingenious”.
a) inept
b) lever
c) pescetarian
1322. Choose the right antonym for: “hackneyed”.
a) dry
b) tempersome
c) original
1323. Choose the right antonym for: “nearer”.
a) separate
b) ananym
c) overemotional
1324. Choose the right antonym for: “near”.
a) weakling
b) them
c) unfamiliar
1325. Choose the right antonym for: “nearest”.
a) benighted
b) away
c) sudoriferous
1326. Choose the right antonym for: “squattier”.
a) high
b) speculum
c) proceed
1327. Choose the right antonym for: “low”.
a) lamasery
b) upright
c) procrastinating
1328. Choose the right antonym for: “squatty”.
a) leaflet
b) cheerful
c) bind
1329. Choose the right antonym for: “bottommost”.
a) piracy
b) lounger
c) strong
1330. Choose the right antonym for: “stuffiest”.
a) redivide
b) dislimb
c) current
1331. Choose the right antonym for: “stuffier”.
a) airy
b) hazing
c) narcotized
1332. Choose the right antonym for: “stuffy”.
a) hoyden
b) informal
c) hashery
1333. Choose the right antonym for: “tightest”.
a) affiliation
b) puzzling
c) unfixed
1334. Choose the right antonym for: “tight”.
a) intermittent
b) effluence
c) inimitably
1335. Choose the right antonym for: “tighter”.
a) worship
b) flexible
c) irreprovable
1336. Choose the right antonym for: “skintight”.
a) giving
b) prison
c) germs
1337. Choose the right antonym for: “close-fitting”.
a) significate
b) unfixed
c) smithereen
1338. Choose the right antonym for: “impassable”.
a) traveled
b) industrialist
c) impudently
1339. Choose the right antonym for: “trackless”.
a) posturing
b) rabbi
c) open
1340. Choose the right antonym for: “pathless”.
a) aspen
b) lyrist
c) passable
1341. Choose the right antonym for: “opaque”.
a) traject
b) determined
c) expressiveness
1342. Choose the right antonym for: “undimmed”.
a) shadowy
b) plasm
c) buck
1343. Choose the right antonym for: “clearest”.
a) fateful
b) congested
c) wiffer
1344. Choose the right antonym for: “clearer”.
a) meetings
b) doubtful
c) mistake
1345. Choose the right antonym for: “clear”.
a) alter
b) ceil
c) spend
1346. Choose the right antonym for: “sunshiny”.
a) swap
b) partial
c) commanded
1347. Choose the right antonym for: “hazier”.
a) ass
b) sure
c) staircase
1348. Choose the right antonym for: “haziest”.
a) interment
b) sure
c) highjack
1349. Choose the right antonym for: “hazy”.
a) luminous
b) boozed
c) unharness
1350. Choose the right antonym for: “fumy”.
a) lecture
b) feuilleton
c) unclouded
1351. Choose the right antonym for: “fuliginous”.
a) sure
b) styler
c) triteness
1352. Choose the right antonym for: “turbid”.
a) padre
b) clear
c) voidance
1353. Choose the right antonym for: “sedimentary”.
a) when
b) theism
c) clear
1354. Choose the right antonym for: “overcast”.
a) climatology
b) tormented
c) luminous
1355. Choose the right antonym for: “bungling”.
a) expert
b) senary
c) paramour
1356. Choose the right antonym for: “gawkier”.
a) lithe
b) classics
c) empowering
1357. Choose the right antonym for: “gawky”.
a) joist
b) permission
c) athletic
1358. Choose the right antonym for: “ungainly”.
a) evaporate
b) elegant
c) psychology
1359. Choose the right antonym for: “lumbering”.
a) agile
b) pacific
c) extemporary
1360. Choose the right antonym for: “heavy-footed”.
a) rethink
b) hoarfrost
c) agile
1361. Choose the right antonym for: “cumbersome”.
a) helpful
b) plait
c) underestimate
1362. Choose the right antonym for: “clunky”.
a) cells
b) diplomatic
c) sterling
1363. Choose the right antonym for: “inelegant”.
a) mental
b) sparks
c) refined
1364. Choose the right antonym for: “unhandy”.
a) littoral
b) wright
c) competent
1365. Choose the right antonym for: “awkward”.
a) dexterous
b) loyalist
c) ophidian
1366. Choose the right antonym for: “uncouth”.
a) nontoxic
b) agile
c) uncommunicative
1367. Choose the right antonym for: “inept”.
a) largest
b) environ
c) competent
1368. Choose the right antonym for: “graceless”.
a) trendy
b) colt
c) graceful
1369. Choose the right antonym for: “messier”.
a) systematic
b) hatch
c) irritableness
1370. Choose the right antonym for: “messy”.
a) inflect
b) organized
c) circling
1371. Choose the right antonym for: “messiest”.
a) nether
b) uncluttered
c) downright
1372. Choose the right antonym for: “gelatinous”.
a) liquid
b) mod
c) breakneck
1373. Choose the right antonym for: “jellied”.
a) responding
b) decrease
c) subjugation
1374. Choose the right antonym for: “gluey”.
a) pacifism
b) temerarious
c) flushed
1375. Choose the right antonym for: “unrefined”.
a) indignant
b) refined
c) handicapped
1376. Choose the right antonym for: “crassest”.
a) careful
b) athrill
c) witch
1377. Choose the right antonym for: “crass”.
a) untruly
b) polite
c) counterblow
1378. Choose the right antonym for: “informed”.
a) composer
b) ignorant
c) appealed
1379. Choose the right antonym for: “chilly”.
a) warm
b) underline
c) knuckle
1380. Choose the right antonym for: “chillier”.
a) sire
b) weaken
c) warm
1381. Choose the right antonym for: “icebox”.
a) lovable
b) uselessly
c) wrestle
1382. Choose the right antonym for: “polar”.
a) ruthless
b) friendly
c) severance
1383. Choose the right antonym for: “hardhearted”.
a) dentile
b) warm
c) answered
1384. Choose the right antonym for: “standoffish”.
a) ligneous
b) standpatter
c) sociable
1385. Choose the right antonym for: “coolest”.
a) upset
b) dissipater
c) campaign
1386. Choose the right antonym for: “cool”.
a) sensing
b) bad
c) misprint
1387. Choose the right antonym for: “coldish”.
a) pitiful
b) unbelief
c) square
1388. Choose the right antonym for: “chiller”.
a) sucrose
b) active
c) hot
1389. Choose the right antonym for: “chill”.
a) hot
b) streamer
c) pistol
1390. Choose the right antonym for: “wintry”.
a) loveseat
b) friendly
c) procrastination
1391. Choose the right antonym for: “wintrier”.
a) toehold
b) deadbolt
c) responsive
1392. Choose the right antonym for: “hibernal”.
a) tined
b) warm
c) quibble
1393. Choose the right antonym for: “impersonal”.
a) informal
b) calico
c) viaduct
1394. Choose the right antonym for: “communal”.
a) uncombine
b) personal
c) mellowing
1395. Choose the right antonym for: “wan”.
a) flushed
b) inaffable
c) motherland
1396. Choose the right antonym for: “composite”.
a) festered
b) bike
c) unblended
1397. Choose the right antonym for: “united”.
a) economical
b) treatment
c) uncoordinated
1398. Choose the right antonym for: “conjunctive”.
a) morning
b) illustrious
c) uncoordinated
1399. Choose the right antonym for: “multidisciplinary”.
a) modernism
b) inflexible
c) uncoordination
1400. Choose the right antonym for: “foregoing”.
a) after
b) foresee
c) enthusiastic
1401. Choose the right antonym for: “aforementioned”.
a) submarine
b) following
c) carbohydrate
1402. Choose the right antonym for: “balmier”.
a) staunchly
b) bear down
c) sane
1403. Choose the right antonym for: “balmy”.
a) sane
b) fungicide
c) crassly
1404. Choose the right antonym for: “homey”.
a) inexact
b) sectorial
c) unhappy
1405. Choose the right antonym for: “homier”.
a) rajah
b) unretiring
c) unfriendly
1406. Choose the right antonym for: “cosy”.
a) oration
b) coiffeur
c) cool
1407. Choose the right antonym for: “cozy”.
a) cool
b) nutritive
c) bewitch
1408. Choose the right antonym for: “funnier”.
a) uphill
b) unamusing
c) prejudgment
1409. Choose the right antonym for: “funniest”.
a) snooze
b) melancholy
c) generously
1410. Choose the right antonym for: “funny”.
a) electrify
b) trackable
c) common
1411. Choose the right antonym for: “later”.
a) carbine
b) sick
c) before
1412. Choose the right antonym for: “downstream”.
a) tearing
b) earlier
c) swivel
1413. Choose the right antonym for: “genetic”.
a) cell
b) acquired
c) elixir
1414. Choose the right antonym for: “eugenic”.
a) acquired
b) overdue
c) renascent
1415. Choose the right antonym for: “digenetic”.
a) coaxed
b) roadster
c) acquired
1416. Choose the right antonym for: “abiogenetic”.
a) kvetch
b) acquired
c) sofa
1417. Choose the right antonym for: “next”.
a) lissom
b) previous
c) bureau
1418. Choose the right antonym for: “back to back”.
a) undesired
b) deposited
c) previous
1419. Choose the right antonym for: “governing”.
a) subordinate
b) spool
c) bisected
1420. Choose the right antonym for: “presidential”.
a) preordain
b) inferior
c) tipster
1421. Choose the right antonym for: “gubernatorial”.
a) picked
b) inferior
c) delineate
1422. Choose the right antonym for: “memorial”.
a) carnage
b) temptress
c) dishonorable
1423. Choose the right antonym for: “devoted”.
a) neglectful
b) bitten
c) sanctified
1424. Choose the right antonym for: “lovesome”.
a) cinders
b) rubbing
c) uncommitted
1425. Choose the right antonym for: “everyday”.
a) ripen
b) uncommon
c) glitzy
1426. Choose the right antonym for: “general”.
a) mobile
b) specific
c) gradient
1427. Choose the right antonym for: “generic”.
a) individual
b) uninventive
c) intelligible
1428. Choose the right antonym for: “conventional”.
a) original
b) songful
c) undertaken
1429. Choose the right antonym for: “ordinary”.
a) perfection
b) ponderable
c) unconventional
1430. Choose the right antonym for: “frequent”.
a) heister
b) exercise
c) infrequent
1431. Choose the right antonym for: “usual”.
a) clay
b) unfamiliar
c) imminence
1432. Choose the right antonym for: “normal”.
a) abnormal
b) reparative
c) immunotoxin
1433. Choose the right antonym for: “familiar”.
a) skip
b) distant
c) sterling
1434. Choose the right antonym for: “putative”.
a) laboratory
b) true
c) gallipot
1435. Choose the right antonym for: “stock”.
a) infrequent
b) cavil
c) sinkhole
1436. Choose the right antonym for: “stocker”.
a) paneling
b) eccentric
c) crucifixion
1437. Choose the right antonym for: “banal”.
a) intelligent
b) vitiation
c) celibacy
1438. Choose the right antonym for: “cornball”.
a) nacre
b) antecedently
c) new
1439. Choose the right antonym for: “bourgeois”.
a) neutrality
b) dubiety
c) nonconforming
1440. Choose the right antonym for: “old-line”.
a) thirst
b) insane
c) annalist
1441. Choose the right antonym for: “taking”.
a) repellent
b) vicarage
c) centrum
1442. Choose the right antonym for: “contagious”.
a) necrosis
b) septicemia
c) harmless
1443. Choose the right antonym for: “transmissible”.
a) harmless
b) bogus
c) provender
1444. Choose the right antonym for: “inoculable”.
a) paradox
b) ambiguous
c) noncommunicable
1445. Choose the right antonym for: “impartible”.
a) boob
b) aerosol
c) noncommunicable
1446. Choose the right antonym for: “wireless”.
a) cruise
b) jubilant
c) wired
1447. Choose the right antonym for: “public”.
a) private
b) chelonian
c) downcome
1448. Choose the right antonym for: “relative”.
a) semester
b) unrelated
c) confident
1449. Choose the right antonym for: “kindhearted”.
a) nasty
b) ribbon
c) propitiation
1450. Choose the right antonym for: “kindly”.
a) clad
b) aftereffect
c) unsympathetic
1451. Choose the right antonym for: “kindlier”.
a) conceal
b) cervix
c) unkind
1452. Choose the right antonym for: “irresistible”.
a) worst
b) incapable
c) porch
1453. Choose the right antonym for: “outgiving”.
a) burdening
b) troubled
c) subsidiary
1454. Choose the right antonym for: “easygoing”.
a) demanding
b) scale
c) defier
1455. Choose the right antonym for: “carping”.
a) ductus
b) uncurl
c) complimentary
1456. Choose the right antonym for: “grousing”.
a) tent
b) uncritical
c) decorum
1457. Choose the right antonym for: “grouchy”.
a) cheerful
b) evert
c) dumping
1458. Choose the right antonym for: “grouchier”.
a) mutt
b) shorthand
c) content
1459. Choose the right antonym for: “thoroughgoing”.
a) finical
b) incomplete
c) vellum
1460. Choose the right antonym for: “overall”.
a) incomplete
b) unhurried
c) nefarious
1461. Choose the right antonym for: “long-range”.
a) cue
b) champaign
c) incomplete
1462. Choose the right antonym for: “soundest”.
a) every
b) explainable
c) broken
1463. Choose the right antonym for: “sound”.
a) unrealistic
b) barb
c) dignifying
1464. Choose the right antonym for: “sounder”.
a) stand
b) incorrect
c) trammel
1465. Choose the right antonym for: “total”.
a) cold pack
b) limited
c) pluralism
1466. Choose the right antonym for: “outright”.
a) refer
b) levity
c) ambiguous
1467. Choose the right antonym for: “entire”.
a) overtire
b) pillarist
c) part
1468. Choose the right antonym for: “uninjured”.
a) snuggery
b) vulnerable
c) abstersion
1469. Choose the right antonym for: “fulfilled”.
a) unfinished
b) daredevil
c) fasthold
1470. Choose the right antonym for: “perfected”.
a) rouse
b) affable
c) unfinished
1471. Choose the right antonym for: “axenic”.
a) unprovable
b) dirty
c) axiomatically
1472. Choose the right antonym for: “unpolluted”.
a) crumby
b) stained
c) ironically
1473. Choose the right antonym for: “antiseptic”.
a) dainty
b) remissible
c) contaminated
1474. Choose the right antonym for: “germfree”.
a) obscene
b) periwig
c) shamefacedness
1475. Choose the right antonym for: “germicidal”.
a) trivial
b) polluted
c) microcircuit
1476. Choose the right antonym for: “disinfectant”.
a) contaminated
b) peaceably
c) orchestrion
1477. Choose the right antonym for: “bactericidal”.
a) scat
b) quad
c) unsanitary
1478. Choose the right antonym for: “antibacterial”.
a) beer
b) unsterile
c) infantry
1479. Choose the right antonym for: “frankest”.
a) aquatics
b) toehold
c) evasive
1480. Choose the right antonym for: “frank”.
a) secretive
b) dotty
c) limiter
1481. Choose the right antonym for: “franker”.
a) slums
b) insincere
c) inauspicious
1482. Choose the right antonym for: “submissive”.
a) leper
b) immodest
c) minuteness
1483. Choose the right antonym for: “docile”.
a) obstinate
b) cutaway
c) recumbency
1484. Choose the right antonym for: “convoluted”.
a) snowbank
b) fitfulness
c) uncomplicated
1485. Choose the right antonym for: “involved”.
a) prodded
b) blameless
c) idiom
1486. Choose the right antonym for: “tricky”.
a) formalistic
b) logjam
c) certain
1487. Choose the right antonym for: “trickiest”.
a) engineer
b) uncomplicated
c) reorganization
1488. Choose the right antonym for: “trickier”.
a) stable
b) ungracefully
c) scrupulously
1489. Choose the right antonym for: “intricate”.
a) epithet
b) direct
c) machinist
1490. Choose the right antonym for: “daedal”.
a) plower
b) hour
c) systematic
1491. Choose the right antonym for: “laudatory”.
a) bailiff
b) forger
c) castigating
1492. Choose the right antonym for: “constituent”.
a) minor
b) penna
c) pendulate
1493. Choose the right antonym for: “modular”.
a) bribery
b) fixed
c) vocalizing
1494. Choose the right antonym for: “written”.
a) harlequin
b) unthankful
c) spoken
1495. Choose the right antonym for: “together”.
a) imbalanced
b) titillated
c) despondence
1496. Choose the right antonym for: “collected”.
a) mismatch
b) upset
c) rubbernecking
1497. Choose the right antonym for: “unimpressed”.
a) dawn
b) created
c) friendly
1498. Choose the right antonym for: “collective”.
a) separate
b) sum
c) bulgy
1499. Choose the right antonym for: “massed”.
a) humdrum
b) fashioning
c) similar
1500. Choose the right antonym for: “conglomerate”.
a) explosion
b) unvaried
c) concentration
1501. Choose the right antonym for: “blanket”.
a) foolproof
b) conditional
c) candidly
1502. Choose the right antonym for: “encyclopedic”.
a) brief
b) size
c) spiciness
1503. Choose the right antonym for: “eclectic”.
a) regards
b) registrar
c) like
1504. Choose the right antonym for: “denser”.
a) sapless
b) smart
c) barbarism
1505. Choose the right antonym for: “dense”.
a) brainy
b) croupy
c) commence
1506. Choose the right antonym for: “densest”.
a) enfold
b) nursery
c) soft
1507. Choose the right antonym for: “close-knit”.
a) open
b) jaguar
c) jabber
1508. Choose the right antonym for: “forced”.
a) equate
b) laughing
c) voluntary
1509. Choose the right antonym for: “conscripted”.
a) blandly
b) surrender
c) negativistic
1510. Choose the right antonym for: “masked”.
a) maxi
b) unmasked
c) backbite
1511. Choose the right antonym for: “buried”.
a) fancying
b) stenchful
c) bare
1512. Choose the right antonym for: “hiding”.
a) obvious
b) googol
c) minim
1513. Choose the right antonym for: “egotistic”.
a) pricky
b) reserved
c) silk hat
1514. Choose the right antonym for: “gummous”.
a) monitoring
b) soft
c) blatherskite
1515. Choose the right antonym for: “attentive”.
a) neglecting
b) stressful
c) drowsing
1516. Choose the right antonym for: “glued”.
a) fun
b) unfix
c) genre
1517. Choose the right antonym for: “enrapt”.
a) fond
b) unaware
c) precipitating
1518. Choose the right antonym for: “abstract”.
a) signpost
b) adjudicate
c) lengthen
1519. Choose the right antonym for: “narcissistic”.
a) unselfish
b) blowy
c) worm
1520. Choose the right antonym for: “unilateral”.
a) surname
b) divulgement
c) many-sided
1521. Choose the right antonym for: “mingy”.
a) careless
b) idiolize
c) erection
1522. Choose the right antonym for: “interested”.
a) helmer
b) dotingly
c) ignorant
1523. Choose the right antonym for: “sympathetic”.
a) disagreeable
b) hippie
c) complexity
1524. Choose the right antonym for: “metropolitan”.
a) namely
b) country
c) comedian
1525. Choose the right antonym for: “national”.
a) private
b) cashier
c) mumbled
1526. Choose the right antonym for: “nationwide”.
a) local
b) lumpy
c) wharf
1527. Choose the right antonym for: “countrywide”.
a) circulatory
b) local
c) interpenetration
1528. Choose the right antonym for: “classical”.
a) modern
b) hellbent
c) explicatory
1529. Choose the right antonym for: “roman”.
a) unclassical
b) list
c) jocosely
1530. Choose the right antonym for: “humanistic”.
a) racist
b) ageism
c) economical
1531. Choose the right antonym for: “classicistic”.
a) tabs
b) partridge
c) unclassical
1532. Choose the right antonym for: “ionic”.
a) modern
b) secretness
c) forethought
1533. Choose the right antonym for: “bodily”.
a) aurify
b) soulful
c) urged
1534. Choose the right antonym for: “religious”.
a) henhouse
b) wicked
c) irresponsibility
1535. Choose the right antonym for: “literary”.
a) simply
b) race
c) illiterate
1536. Choose the right antonym for: “commercial”.
a) stainless
b) stabilize
c) noncommercial
1537. Choose the right antonym for: “saleable”.
a) crewcut
b) scrounger
c) not-for-profit
1538. Choose the right antonym for: “mercantile”.
a) voodoo
b) dissolved
c) noncommercial
1539. Choose the right antonym for: “municipal”.
a) country
b) sheerness
c) sty
1540. Choose the right antonym for: “priestly”.
a) settler
b) espoused
c) ungodly
1541. Choose the right antonym for: “monkish”.
a) irenics
b) sociable
c) firefly
1542. Choose the right antonym for: “apostolic”.
a) irreligious
b) elucidative
c) globate
1543. Choose the right antonym for: “technical”.
a) village
b) motorcycle
c) untechnical
1544. Choose the right antonym for: “technological”.
a) illusive
b) coachman
c) unmechanical
1545. Choose the right antonym for: “methodological”.
a) detest
b) uneven
c) unmechanical
1546. Choose the right antonym for: “physiological”.
a) psychological
b) coil
c) bead
1547. Choose the right antonym for: “math”.
a) feather
b) decrease
c) solicited
1548. Choose the right antonym for: “arithmetical”.
a) elongate
b) lunging
c) alphabetical
1549. Choose the right antonym for: “algorithmic”.
a) performable
b) pipe
c) alphabetical
1550. Choose the right antonym for: “algebraic”.
a) alphabetic
b) lovely
c) rasher
1551. Choose the right antonym for: “nuptial”.
a) alienation
b) divorce
c) radioactivate
1552. Choose the right antonym for: “bridal”.
a) divorce
b) hastate
c) whirling
1553. Choose the right antonym for: “nubile”.
a) spray
b) young
c) tortured
1554. Choose the right antonym for: “hymeneal”.
a) pail
b) reopen
c) divorce
1555. Choose the right antonym for: “marital”.
a) bug
b) divorce
c) deodorizing
1556. Choose the right antonym for: “numerical”.
a) fanatic
b) infrequent
c) oppression
1557. Choose the right antonym for: “numerary”.
a) woof
b) alphabetic
c) obit
1558. Choose the right antonym for: “logarithmic”.
a) alphabetical
b) formalities
c) exporter
1559. Choose the right antonym for: “logarithm”.
a) lemma
b) rue
c) alphabetical
1560. Choose the right antonym for: “punitive”.
a) identical
b) beneficial
c) slimebucket
1561. Choose the right antonym for: “retaliatory”.
a) liking
b) cornball
c) imprecate
1562. Choose the right antonym for: “correctional”.
a) cool
b) beneficial
c) spellbinding
1563. Choose the right antonym for: “qualitative”.
a) berg
b) quantitative
c) quietude
1564. Choose the right antonym for: “sexual”.
a) dull
b) grips
c) malform
1565. Choose the right antonym for: “genitive”.
a) barf
b) frigid
c) emphatic
1566. Choose the right antonym for: “mental”.
a) tryout
b) original
c) body
1567. Choose the right antonym for: “subliminal”.
a) physical
b) firewood
c) reasonably
1568. Choose the right antonym for: “ideological”.
a) exult
b) simple
c) barreling
1569. Choose the right antonym for: “psychological”.
a) valor
b) burly
c) body
1570. Choose the right antonym for: “cognitive”.
a) senseless
b) hopping
c) sourdine
1571. Choose the right antonym for: “seagoing”.
a) power
b) freshwater
c) debut
1572. Choose the right antonym for: “saltwater”.
a) evidenced
b) case study
c) freshwater
1573. Choose the right antonym for: “oceanographic”.
a) meadow
b) freshwater
c) thwart
1574. Choose the right antonym for: “natatorial”.
a) surety
b) intrepidity
c) freshwater
1575. Choose the right antonym for: “hydrographic”.
a) bigheaded
b) intimating
c) freshwater
1576. Choose the right antonym for: “deep-sea”.
a) lavishly
b) shallow-sea
c) approximal
1577. Choose the right antonym for: “ventral”.
a) rear
b) snuffed
c) hubby
1578. Choose the right antonym for: “summary”.
a) slender
b) gratified
c) long-winded
1579. Choose the right antonym for: “unredeemed”.
a) gloat
b) existing
c) grieving
1580. Choose the right antonym for: “doomed”.
a) nice
b) endovenous
c) brokerage
1581. Choose the right antonym for: “ill-omened”.
a) airplane
b) cellular
c) promising
1582. Choose the right antonym for: “thumbnail”.
a) long
b) calibrate
c) solidifying
1583. Choose the right antonym for: “compact”.
a) euro
b) augury
c) uncondense
1584. Choose the right antonym for: “appressed”.
a) loose
b) surround
c) bussing
1585. Choose the right antonym for: “concentrated”.
a) unlikeness
b) conduction
c) incomplete
1586. Choose the right antonym for: “unmixed”.
a) aware
b) immobilize
c) blacktop
1587. Choose the right antonym for: “telescoped”.
a) glove
b) decrease
c) neglectful
1588. Choose the right antonym for: “patronizing”.
a) salver
b) humble
c) portraying
1589. Choose the right antonym for: “tentative”.
a) institutor
b) definite
c) regularize
1590. Choose the right antonym for: “contingent”.
a) sure
b) memory
c) witch
1591. Choose the right antonym for: “cocksure”.
a) modest
b) mocking
c) incalculably
1592. Choose the right antonym for: “certain”.
a) holy
b) revolve
c) unreal
1593. Choose the right antonym for: “questionless”.
a) temp
b) doubtful
c) pane
1594. Choose the right antonym for: “narrower”.
a) abased
b) giving
c) lumpish
1595. Choose the right antonym for: “narrow”.
a) pelerine
b) likeliness
c) spendthrift
1596. Choose the right antonym for: “narrowest”.
a) unrestricted
b) stellary
c) fleshliness
1597. Choose the right antonym for: “incapacious”.
a) rapidly
b) spendthrift
c) cold feet
1598. Choose the right antonym for: “verified”.
a) supposing
b) refuted
c) defective
1599. Choose the right antonym for: “ambivalent”.
a) determined
b) snout
c) leaden
1600. Choose the right antonym for: “factious”.
a) hyphen
b) hangdog
c) peaceful
1601. Choose the right antonym for: “man-to-man”.
a) devious
b) wheat
c) anomic
1602. Choose the right antonym for: “muddleheaded”.
a) outstart
b) prevision
c) intelligent
1603. Choose the right antonym for: “bewildered”.
a) stilled
b) oriented
c) broaden
1604. Choose the right antonym for: “muddled”.
a) systematic
b) blueness
c) nonfunctioning
1605. Choose the right antonym for: “tumultuous”.
a) calm
b) piston
c) absonant
1606. Choose the right antonym for: “puzzled”.
a) ghoulish
b) drawers
c) sure
1607. Choose the right antonym for: “clueless”.
a) dippy
b) in writing
c) cognizant
1608. Choose the right antonym for: “befuddled”.
a) emotag
b) clear
c) vicarious
1609. Choose the right antonym for: “addled”.
a) vacuous
b) clear
c) bullied
1610. Choose the right antonym for: “unglued”.
a) order
b) grammatical
c) smoulder
1611. Choose the right antonym for: “confounded”.
a) overtop
b) clear
c) bootleg
1612. Choose the right antonym for: “dazed”.
a) televised
b) found
c) understanding
1613. Choose the right antonym for: “perplexed”.
a) clear
b) down
c) ambuscade
1614. Choose the right antonym for: “jumbled”.
a) denticulate
b) occultation
c) systematic
1615. Choose the right antonym for: “nebulous”.
a) wale
b) clear
c) paramount
1616. Choose the right antonym for: “disoriented”.
a) nook
b) reclaim
c) balanced
1617. Choose the right antonym for: “disconnected”.
a) thought
b) ordered
c) cancelled
1618. Choose the right antonym for: “disconcerted”.
a) composed
b) wracked
c) leatherlike
1619. Choose the right antonym for: “puzzling”.
a) backfit
b) intelligible
c) reparative
1620. Choose the right antonym for: “cramped”.
a) outpace
b) huge
c) field guide
1621. Choose the right antonym for: “circuited”.
a) spooky
b) exclude
c) supercilious
1622. Choose the right antonym for: “related”.
a) helpers
b) dominance c) separate
1623. Choose the right antonym for: “hardworking”.
a) vitally
b) lazy
c) cogitation
1624. Choose the right antonym for: “awake”.
a) outwork
b) inattentive
c) astraddle
1625. Choose the right antonym for: “camp”.
a) calm
b) spectrum
c) cajoling
1626. Choose the right antonym for: “economical”.
a) flexibility
b) pervasive
c) unreasonable
1627. Choose the right antonym for: “prudential”.
a) generous
b) root
c) lawyers
1628. Choose the right antonym for: “penny-wise”.
a) pint
b) invader
c) spendthrift
1629. Choose the right antonym for: “rightist”.
a) lyric
b) thievish
c) untrustworthy
1630. Choose the right antonym for: “reactionary”.
a) geld
b) liberal
c) resorption
1631. Choose the right antonym for: “obscurantist”.
a) pleura
b) fairy
c) progressive
1632. Choose the right antonym for: “counterrevolutionary”.
a) everted
b) radical
c) unrelate
1633. Choose the right antonym for: “sizable”.
a) warily
b) snippet
c) tiny
1634. Choose the right antonym for: “uniform”.
a) uneven
b) sex
c) eagle
1635. Choose the right antonym for: “unwavering”.
a) sheet
b) varying
c) stampede
1636. Choose the right antonym for: “powdery”.
a) asperser
b) solid
c) nonfiction
1637. Choose the right antonym for: “floury”.
a) girlfriend
b) lass
c) solid
1638. Choose the right antonym for: “branny”.
a) vegetate
b) solid
c) avenge
1639. Choose the right antonym for: “noticeable”.
a) uncertain
b) adding
c) commiserable
1640. Choose the right antonym for: “stable”.
a) bring
b) ephemeral
c) ampoule
1641. Choose the right antonym for: “continual”.
a) staker
b) bounded
c) tensity
1642. Choose the right antonym for: “aeonian”.
a) amending
b) intricacy
c) irregular
1643. Choose the right antonym for: “permanent”.
a) pineapple
b) temporary
c) imitated
1644. Choose the right antonym for: “unchanging”.
a) swish
b) windbag
c) changeable
1645. Choose the right antonym for: “consistent”.
a) triplet
b) plague
c) unsuitable
1646. Choose the right antonym for: “undeviating”.
a) unalike
b) joint
c) capricious
1647. Choose the right antonym for: “unchangeable”.
a) unfacile
b) sullied
c) temporary
1648. Choose the right antonym for: “continuous”.
a) bibber
b) wobbly
c) methodological
1649. Choose the right antonym for: “peripatetic”.
a) stabilized
b) settled
c) headstrongness
1650. Choose the right antonym for: “component”.
a) whole
b) creditably
c) obsessing
1651. Choose the right antonym for: “indwelling”.
a) emplacement
b) cohabitant
c) incomplete
1652. Choose the right antonym for: “obsessed”.
a) confess
b) pullover
c) indifferent
1653. Choose the right antonym for: “depleted”.
a) grift
b) augmented
c) cumbrance
1654. Choose the right antonym for: “far-gone”.
a) productive
b) hereticism
c) fiddling
1655. Choose the right antonym for: “all in”.
a) flexure
b) rested
c) be serious
1656. Choose the right antonym for: “corrosive”.
a) whisk
b) kind
c) cramming
1657. Choose the right antonym for: “transmittable”.
a) aural
b) antiseptic
c) washer
1658. Choose the right antonym for: “catching”.
a) dopiness
b) magistral
c) uncontagious
1659. Choose the right antonym for: “infective”.
a) potence
b) stochastic
c) wholesome
1660. Choose the right antonym for: “epizootic”.
a) developer
b) safe house
c) uncontagious
1661. Choose the right antonym for: “included”.
a) rejected
b) outsider
c) reputed
1662. Choose the right antonym for: “emptier”.
a) draped
b) bones
c) copious
1663. Choose the right antonym for: “emptiest”.
a) coronary
b) satiated
c) daedal
1664. Choose the right antonym for: “empty”.
a) josh
b) productive
c) underclothing
1665. Choose the right antonym for: “waxy”.
a) impregnate
b) lamenting
c) unimpressionable
1666. Choose the right antonym for: “waxier”.
a) bumpy
b) unimpressionable
c) vaccination
1667. Choose the right antonym for: “ceraceous”.
a) unimpressionable
b) incision
c) hothead
1668. Choose the right antonym for: “including”.
a) obedience
b) removable
c) rejecting
1669. Choose the right antonym for: “meditative”.
a) mutation
b) kerchief
c) ignorant
1670. Choose the right antonym for: “ruminant”.
a) bake
b) ignorant
c) roiled
1671. Choose the right antonym for: “introspective”.
a) unthoughtful
b) unhampered
c) kindheartedly
1672. Choose the right antonym for: “current”.
a) pronto
b) antiquated
c) heartfelt
1673. Choose the right antonym for: “common knowledge”.
a) echo
b) past
c) charged
1674. Choose the right antonym for: “satisfied”.
a) dissenting
b) unsatisfied
c) ounce
1675. Choose the right antonym for: “complacent”.
a) cottage
b) concerned
c) eradicable
1676. Choose the right antonym for: “provisional”.
a) definite
b) trapping
c) watershed
1677. Choose the right antonym for: “unremitting”.
a) colorfully
b) finished
c) cupreous
1678. Choose the right antonym for: “round-the-clock”.
a) speciously
b) beginnings
c) ceasing
1679. Choose the right antonym for: “perpetual”.
a) terminable
b) spit
c) swellheadedness
1680. Choose the right antonym for: “abiding”.
a) articulate
b) storeroom
c) ending
1681. Choose the right antonym for: “unending”.
a) eyes
b) huckster
c) terminating
1682. Choose the right antonym for: “uninterrupted”.
a) stopping
b) formula
c) reconvene
1683. Choose the right antonym for: “ongoing”.
a) hushful
b) infrequent
c) ungrudging
1684. Choose the right antonym for: “nonstop”.
a) purist
b) completed
c) tactility
1685. Choose the right antonym for: “running”.
a) broken
b) loophole
c) capital
1686. Choose the right antonym for: “unabated”.
a) top
b) bracer
c) merciful
1687. Choose the right antonym for: “hired”.
a) bullet
b) idle
c) distracted
1688. Choose the right antonym for: “conflicting”.
a) harmonious
b) goon
c) acquaintance
1689. Choose the right antonym for: “inconsonant”.
a) atonic
b) harmonious
c) redecorating
1690. Choose the right antonym for: “inconsistent”.
a) tactlessly
b) steady
c) computative
1691. Choose the right antonym for: “counterintuitive”.
a) remarks
b) ignorance
c) reasonable
1692. Choose the right antonym for: “wayward”.
a) mourn
b) dependable
c) sculpting
1693. Choose the right antonym for: “concomitant”.
a) chance
b) kind
c) untitled
1694. Choose the right antonym for: “coefficient”.
a) intermittence
b) interrelation
c) unrelated
1695. Choose the right antonym for: “manageable”.
a) exporter
b) billyclub
c) unfeasible
1696. Choose the right antonym for: “amendable”.
a) archives
b) bankroller
c) unfeasible
1697. Choose the right antonym for: “regulated”.
a) upset
b) plover
c) understated
1698. Choose the right antonym for: “dominating”.
a) unite
b) secondary
c) forsworn
1699. Choose the right antonym for: “debatable”.
a) resolved
b) period
c) maiden
1700. Choose the right antonym for: “proverbial”.
a) reflection
b) slingshot
c) untraditional
1701. Choose the right antonym for: “unflappable”.
a) ballad
b) prowl
c) disconcerted
1702. Choose the right antonym for: “coolheaded”.
a) everyone
b) passionate
c) reasonless
1703. Choose the right antonym for: “concerted”.
a) disordered
b) misdeem
c) atlas
1704. Choose the right antonym for: “prearranged”.
a) moving
b) dapifer
c) nondrinker
1705. Choose the right antonym for: “burlesqued”.
a) happen
b) nit
c) be original
1706. Choose the right antonym for: “reprinted”.
a) destroy
b) visualize
c) deduced
1707. Choose the right antonym for: “mimeographed”.
a) confessor
b) destroy
c) poaching
1708. Choose the right antonym for: “blueprinted”.
a) boldfaced
b) meringued
c) cave in
1709. Choose the right antonym for: “hospitable”.
a) definitude
b) meticulously
c) unfriendly
1710. Choose the right antonym for: “revised”.
a) back
b) kept
c) inhumed
1711. Choose the right antonym for: “matching”.
a) different
b) couple
c) overcritical
1712. Choose the right antonym for: “kindred”.
a) unaffiliated
b) gain
c) declination
1713. Choose the right antonym for: “congeneric”.
a) gingery
b) dialectal
c) far
1714. Choose the right antonym for: “congruous”.
a) antitoxin
b) unsuitable
c) matched
1715. Choose the right antonym for: “rustier”.
a) disabling
b) practiced
c) dismounted
1716. Choose the right antonym for: “rusty”.
a) experienced
b) inure
c) undiscerning
1717. Choose the right antonym for: “praetorian”.
a) causal
b) honest
c) untruly
1718. Choose the right antonym for: “unprincipled”.
a) earshot
b) moral
c) splintering
1719. Choose the right antonym for: “wicked”.
a) obedient
b) lionized
c) impassively
1720. Choose the right antonym for: “degenerate”.
a) maroon
b) uncorrupt
c) scimitar
1721. Choose the right antonym for: “depraved”.
a) piked
b) incrustation
c) clean
1722. Choose the right antonym for: “shameless”.
a) signal
b) moral
c) driver
1723. Choose the right antonym for: “decadent”.
a) good
b) lured
c) petting
1724. Choose the right antonym for: “overripe”.
a) lodestar
b) secretary
c) pleasant
1725. Choose the right antonym for: “seamy”.
a) floater
b) solacer
c) pleasant
1726. Choose the right antonym for: “seamier”.
a) paladin
b) wonderful
c) unleisurely
1727. Choose the right antonym for: “vicious”.
a) alien
b) right
c) panting
1728. Choose the right antonym for: “defiled”.
a) purified
b) knout
c) predestination
1729. Choose the right antonym for: “trashed”.
a) scantling
b) praise
c) solemnization
1730. Choose the right antonym for: “sophisticated”.
a) weepy
b) treacle
c) unrefined
1731. Choose the right antonym for: “couth”.
a) excited
b) chance
c) guarded
1732. Choose the right antonym for: “valued”.
a) entireness
b) worthless
c) babushka
1733. Choose the right antonym for: “bogus”.
a) fizzing
b) honest
c) breath
1734. Choose the right antonym for: “quack”.
a) indiscrete
b) genuine
c) erectness
1735. Choose the right antonym for: “spurious”.
a) true
b) detractive
c) insighted
1736. Choose the right antonym for: “unauthentic”.
a) purled
b) kilt
c) real
1737. Choose the right antonym for: “incalculable”.
a) unsociable
b) limited
c) brightly
1738. Choose the right antonym for: “unfixed”.
a) vexing
b) unexciting
c) reputable
1739. Choose the right antonym for: “provincial”.
a) reenact
b) city
c) sketched
1740. Choose the right antonym for: “rural”.
a) urban
b) hampering
c) breathlessly
1741. Choose the right antonym for: “agronomic”.
a) shag
b) fee
c) suburban
1742. Choose the right antonym for: “rustic”.
a) prolocutor
b) suburban
c) expatriate
1743. Choose the right antonym for: “venturesome”.
a) cowardly
b) ballet
c) printing
1744. Choose the right antonym for: “manly”.
a) veto
b) meek
c) bung
1745. Choose the right antonym for: “manlier”.
a) designful
b) repurchase
c) impotent
1746. Choose the right antonym for: “manliest”.
a) railing
b) marooned
c) meek
1747. Choose the right antonym for: “colter”.
a) weak
b) pace
c) hobnob
1748. Choose the right antonym for: “jockstrap”.
a) revised
b) fearful
c) inventive
1749. Choose the right antonym for: “respectful”.
a) piglet
b) leasing
c) disrespectful
1750. Choose the right antonym for: “membranous”.
a) randy
b) translucent
c) fastened
1751. Choose the right antonym for: “treed”.
a) vicarage
b) muddle
c) release
1752. Choose the right antonym for: “wrapped”.
a) slotback
b) antipodean
c) unwrapped
1753. Choose the right antonym for: “recreant”.
a) flask
b) crower
c) moral
1754. Choose the right antonym for: “lily-livered”.
a) brave
b) mini
c) sightsee
1755. Choose the right antonym for: “spineless”.
a) irremediable
b) bodybuilding
c) strong
1756. Choose the right antonym for: “yellow”.
a) driving
b) bold
c) liberty
1757. Choose the right antonym for: “snug”.
a) abrading
b) ignited
c) uncozy
1758. Choose the right antonym for: “snugger”.
a) connect
b) crier
c) uncomfortable
1759. Choose the right antonym for: “snuggest”.
a) uncozy
b) peril
c) sputter
1760. Choose the right antonym for: “irascible”.
a) grumpy
b) pleasant
c) board
1761. Choose the right antonym for: “petulant”.
a) pleasant
b) pounce
c) humanly
1762. Choose the right antonym for: “moodier”.
a) raconteur
b) incontrovertibly
c) happy
1763. Choose the right antonym for: “moody”.
a) depressant
b) petulance
c) overjoyed
1764. Choose the right antonym for: “wilier”.
a) puritan
b) frank
c) printout
1765. Choose the right antonym for: “wily”.
a) open
b) corrosity
c) childbearing
1766. Choose the right antonym for: “stuffed”.
a) goals
b) empty
c) consummating
1767. Choose the right antonym for: “poky”.
a) assert
b) spacious
c) reposeful
1768. Choose the right antonym for: “pokier”.
a) cased
b) spacious
c) unequitable
1769. Choose the right antonym for: “loony”.
a) sane
b) salvager
c) torment
1770. Choose the right antonym for: “loonier”.
a) arrest
b) proem
c) sane
1771. Choose the right antonym for: “nuts”.
a) excepting
b) sprinkle
c) reasonable
1772. Choose the right antonym for: “bonkers”.
a) prorogate
b) sane
c) desecrate
1773. Choose the right antonym for: “manic”.
a) griddle
b) sane
c) thieve
1774. Choose the right antonym for: “battier”.
a) want
b) broth
c) sane
1775. Choose the right antonym for: “batty”.
a) exiled
b) sane
c) roguery
1776. Choose the right antonym for: “zany”.
a) hold nose
b) serious
c) lengthily
1777. Choose the right antonym for: “zanier”.
a) peaceful
b) serious
c) excursive
1778. Choose the right antonym for: “madcap”.
a) apical
b) porcelain
c) sane
1779. Choose the right antonym for: “maddest”.
a) dredge
b) expanse
c) peaceful
1780. Choose the right antonym for: “mad”.
a) reasonable
b) recreate
c) forgiveness
1781. Choose the right antonym for: “madder”.
a) sound
b) precentor
c) mollescent
1782. Choose the right antonym for: “deranged”.
a) prescient
b) tribulation
c) sane
1783. Choose the right antonym for: “schizoid”.
a) dun
b) pilferage
c) logical
1784. Choose the right antonym for: “demented”.
a) rational
b) strongbox
c) porch
1785. Choose the right antonym for: “crackbrained”.
a) calm
b) eats
c) stagecoach
1786. Choose the right antonym for: “lunatic”.
a) paradisiac
b) companionless
c) logical
1787. Choose the right antonym for: “wrinkled”.
a) inverness
b) occluded
c) unwrinkled
1788. Choose the right antonym for: “inventive”.
a) dull
b) tousled
c) exposed
1789. Choose the right antonym for: “causative”.
a) previse
b) derivative
c) audacious
1790. Choose the right antonym for: “innovative”.
a) traditional
b) pursuer
c) judicature
1791. Choose the right antonym for: “imaginative”.
a) cheerfully
b) vowing
c) unimaginative
1792. Choose the right antonym for: “crawling”.
a) skirl
b) empty
c) housetop
1793. Choose the right antonym for: “villainous”.
a) nisi
b) respectable
c) dutiful
1794. Choose the right antonym for: “thieving”.
a) benevolent
b) wanted
c) toothless
1795. Choose the right antonym for: “light-fingered”.
a) wizard
b) semiyearly
c) benevolent
1796. Choose the right antonym for: “ridged”.
a) teachy
b) auditing
c) smooth
1797. Choose the right antonym for: “palsied”.
a) centenary
b) healthy
c) accumbency
1798. Choose the right antonym for: “sclerotic”.
a) unsmooth
b) healthy
c) euphemism
1799. Choose the right antonym for: “rheumatic”.
a) normal
b) gutter
c) malapert
1800. Choose the right antonym for: “neurasthenic”.
a) steady
b) melon
c) midiron
1801. Choose the right antonym for: “atonic”.
a) sadist
b) trashcan
c) steady
1802. Choose the right antonym for: “arthritic”.
a) act
b) supple
c) occlude
1803. Choose the right antonym for: “discriminating”.
a) spotted
b) tractate
c) undemanding
1804. Choose the right antonym for: “climacteric”.
a) unimportant
b) lovesome
c) sinking
1805. Choose the right antonym for: “crucial”.
a) licitness
b) senectitude
c) unimportant
1806. Choose the right antonym for: “climatic”.
a) extraction
b) optional
c) impendence
1807. Choose the right antonym for: “distorted”.
a) straight
b) leased
c) honesty
1808. Choose the right antonym for: “crookedly”.
a) quelch
b) truthfully
c) treasury
1809. Choose the right antonym for: “aslant”.
a) prognostic
b) volution
c) ok
1810. Choose the right antonym for: “anamorphic”.
a) illume
b) straight
c) amenable
1811. Choose the right antonym for: “twisted”.
a) direct
b) gent
c) strangle
1812. Choose the right antonym for: “squinter”.
a) sinuous
b) straight
c) compatibility
1813. Choose the right antonym for: “cockeyed”.
a) sundry
b) wheat
c) level
1814. Choose the right antonym for: “cam”.
a) dimpled
b) level
c) parking
1815. Choose the right antonym for: “detouring”.
a) let go
b) diffused
c) strutting
1816. Choose the right antonym for: “strategic”.
a) flossy
b) footstool
c) inessential
1817. Choose the right antonym for: “sobering”.
a) flicks
b) superintend
c) insignificant
1818. Choose the right antonym for: “rough-and-ready”.
a) impair
b) undersigned
c) sophisticated
1819. Choose the right antonym for: “low-minded”.
a) high-minded
b) rubbings
c) satiating
1820. Choose the right antonym for: “boorish”.
a) pietist
b) refined
c) finality
1821. Choose the right antonym for: “lowbred”.
a) handpicked
b) ink
c) planned
1822. Choose the right antonym for: “inurbane”.
a) incapability
b) estimate
c) pleasant
1823. Choose the right antonym for: “ill-bred”.
a) outcrop
b) respectful
c) urbane
1824. Choose the right antonym for: “clownish”.
a) juiced
b) unrecognized
c) dull
1825. Choose the right antonym for: “clodhopping”.
a) delicate
b) exodus
c) expressed
1826. Choose the right antonym for: “cloddish”.
a) ehanol
b) cultured
c) pestilential
1827. Choose the right antonym for: “churlish”.
a) sophisticated
b) combine
c) unvaried
1828. Choose the right antonym for: “inartistic”.
a) foiling
b) unharmed
c) polished
1829. Choose the right antonym for: “wolfish”.
a) erased
b) calm
c) choking
1830. Choose the right antonym for: “barbarous”.
a) venue
b) nice
c) augurer
1831. Choose the right antonym for: “barbaric”.
a) nice
b) booking
c) headlight
1832. Choose the right antonym for: “barbarian”.
a) creeps
b) nice
c) jodhpurs
1833. Choose the right antonym for: “lowbrow”.
a) mild
b) corrosive
c) confederate
1834. Choose the right antonym for: “undignified”.
a) fleecy
b) moral
c) drilling
1835. Choose the right antonym for: “crumbier”.
a) tetrad
b) kind
c) browbeat
1836. Choose the right antonym for: “crumby”.
a) paleness
b) chiseled
c) well
1837. Choose the right antonym for: “unmerciful”.
a) gilt
b) merciful
c) aviation
1838. Choose the right antonym for: “cold-blooded”.
a) nice
b) cryonics
c) cobber
1839. Choose the right antonym for: “steelier”.
a) bitten
b) merciful
c) registers
1840. Choose the right antonym for: “steely”.
a) supple
b) chacma
c) interjaculate
1841. Choose the right antonym for: “callous”.
a) arrange
b) deadly
c) feeling
1842. Choose the right antonym for: “relentless”.
a) nonviolent
b) fruit
c) diurnal
1843. Choose the right antonym for: “sadistic”.
a) hordeolum
b) humane
c) blindside
1844. Choose the right antonym for: “inexorable”.
a) floriculture
b) sympathetic
c) imploringly
1845. Choose the right antonym for: “brutal”.
a) generous
b) amiga
c) predetermined
1846. Choose the right antonym for: “hashed”.
a) strife
b) unite
c) unwrought
1847. Choose the right antonym for: “decocted”.
a) prism
b) privation
c) neglect
1848. Choose the right antonym for: “weepy”.
a) oviform
b) paralysis
c) unemotional
1849. Choose the right antonym for: “tearful”.
a) happy
b) gloppy
c) ingenuously
1850. Choose the right antonym for: “gentlemanly”.
a) rude
b) vendee
c) escalating
1851. Choose the right antonym for: “seeded”.
a) captive
b) upset
c) stark
1852. Choose the right antonym for: “finished”.
a) grouch
b) saved
c) predative
1853. Choose the right antonym for: “broadening”.
a) orangutan
b) decrease
c) reverently
1854. Choose the right antonym for: “cultivated”.
a) cogent
b) unrefined
c) beduffled
1855. Choose the right antonym for: “refined”.
a) inelegant
b) redundance
c) disguisement
1856. Choose the right antonym for: “inquisitive”.
a) popularize
b) unwarned
c) unconcerned
1857. Choose the right antonym for: “nosier”.
a) expunction
b) finalization
c) indifferent
1858. Choose the right antonym for: “nosy”.
a) uninterested
b) elongated
c) lounging
1859. Choose the right antonym for: “coiled”.
a) uncoiled
b) outfitted
c) swale
1860. Choose the right antonym for: “spiral”.
a) beveled
b) unwinding
c) overestimation
1861. Choose the right antonym for: “whorled”.
a) roughen
b) dilettante
c) gadget
1862. Choose the right antonym for: “scrolled”.
a) waybill
b) sundowner
c) straight
1863. Choose the right antonym for: “helicoid”.
a) jailer
b) uncoiled
c) chapeau
1864. Choose the right antonym for: “helical”.
a) spartan
b) straight
c) similitude
1865. Choose the right antonym for: “recent”.
a) sunken
b) slick
c) past
1866. Choose the right antonym for: “topical”.
a) past
b) disc
c) caballer
1867. Choose the right antonym for: “luckless”.
a) shovel
b) lucky
c) disliked
1868. Choose the right antonym for: “brusque”.
a) celestial
b) wiretapping
c) tactful
1869. Choose the right antonym for: “slouchier”.
a) etcher
b) undecided
c) sewer
1870. Choose the right antonym for: “bent”.
a) uniquely
b) straight
c) parings
1871. Choose the right antonym for: “slouchy”.
a) nurturing
b) skill
c) undecided
1872. Choose the right antonym for: “humped”.
a) drop
b) ornaments
c) heliotrope
1873. Choose the right antonym for: “beaked”.
a) attested
b) straight
c) copacetic
1874. Choose the right antonym for: “concave”.
a) scarp
b) convex
c) redistribute
1875. Choose the right antonym for: “dimpled”.
a) bulge
b) candid
c) subtlety
1876. Choose the right antonym for: “cupped”.
a) insinuatory
b) raised
c) townsperson
1877. Choose the right antonym for: “biconcave”.
a) convex
b) quaker
c) hoarding
1878. Choose the right antonym for: “bulging”.
a) visa
b) jellied
c) contracting
1879. Choose the right antonym for: “spongier”.
a) adversative
b) hard
c) blackish
1880. Choose the right antonym for: “spongy”.
a) hard
b) scenery
c) ponderously
1881. Choose the right antonym for: “cribriform”.
a) enthused
b) inexhaustibly
c) impermeable
1882. Choose the right antonym for: “softest”.
a) blaming
b) stones
c) unadaptable
1883. Choose the right antonym for: “softer”.
a) zone
b) healthy
c) impermanent
1884. Choose the right antonym for: “soft”.
a) sharp
b) saddened
c) automobilist
1885. Choose the right antonym for: “cushiony”.
a) dockyard
b) skein
c) well
1886. Choose the right antonym for: “torn”.
a) tenet
b) resolute
c) vanward
1887. Choose the right antonym for: “adorable”.
a) despicable
b) candor
c) afflicting
1888. Choose the right antonym for: “dishy”.
a) vigorous
b) fee
c) disagreeable
1889. Choose the right antonym for: “barbed”.
a) rectitude
b) raised
c) complimentary
1890. Choose the right antonym for: “fine-drawn”.
a) bad
b) counterstep
c) ascension
1891. Choose the right antonym for: “delicate”.
a) taskmaster
b) hard
c) insufficiency
1892. Choose the right antonym for: “hairline”.
a) detriment
b) ignorant
c) gratification
1893. Choose the right antonym for: “fine-grained”.
a) robust
b) figuring
c) mischievous
1894. Choose the right antonym for: “spoiled”.
a) puzzle
b) unspoiled
c) presage
1895. Choose the right antonym for: “detrimental”.
a) slump
b) fragile
c) aiding
1896. Choose the right antonym for: “cursed”.
a) kind
b) sailing
c) sandwich
1897. Choose the right antonym for: “foredoomed”.
a) consul
b) nice
c) revolve
1898. Choose the right antonym for: “doggone”.
a) loveable
b) vacating
c) transfixed
1899. Choose the right antonym for: “blankety-blank”.
a) propose
b) kind
c) conjointment
1900. Choose the right antonym for: “infernal”.
a) deck
b) hammy
c) heavenly
1901. Choose the right antonym for: “sulphurous”.
a) praising
b) particles
c) stint
1902. Choose the right antonym for: “chthonian”.
a) peeping
b) pepo
c) moral
1903. Choose the right antonym for: “soggier”.
a) arid
b) gander
c) canoness
1904. Choose the right antonym for: “soggy”.
a) ream
b) dry
c) stylite
1905. Choose the right antonym for: “sweaty”.
a) dry
b) distribution
c) nauseating
1906. Choose the right antonym for: “sweatier”.
a) dry
b) surfeit
c) regaled
1907. Choose the right antonym for: “diaphoretic”.
a) fictionist
b) dry
c) repetition
1908. Choose the right antonym for: “clammy”.
a) dry
b) chattiness
c) depilation
1909. Choose the right antonym for: “clammier”.
a) recuperative
b) intermedia
c) dry
1910. Choose the right antonym for: “mucous”.
a) doctored
b) dry
c) posturing
1911. Choose the right antonym for: “drizzly”.
a) giant
b) schemed
c) dry
1912. Choose the right antonym for: “wetter”.
a) tour
b) dry
c) besides
1913. Choose the right antonym for: “wet”.
a) collect
b) willed
c) prig
1914. Choose the right antonym for: “wettest”.
a) sucking
b) charred
c) arid
1915. Choose the right antonym for: “showery”.
a) smoker
b) wrongness
c) dehydrated
1916. Choose the right antonym for: “unsafe”.
a) true
b) retired
c) baton sinister
1917. Choose the right antonym for: “risky”.
a) manipulated
b) congenator
c) safe
1918. Choose the right antonym for: “riskier”.
a) nada
b) sure
c) circumstance
1919. Choose the right antonym for: “perilous”.
a) salted
b) certitude
c) nice
1920. Choose the right antonym for: “harrowing”.
a) mitigating
b) protracting
c) unfrightening
1921. Choose the right antonym for: “unshielded”.
a) lately
b) confident
c) assonance
1922. Choose the right antonym for: “rootless”.
a) seigneur
b) inhabiting
c) generations
1923. Choose the right antonym for: “headlong”.
a) prenotice
b) dabbling
c) thoughtfully
1924. Choose the right antonym for: “chancier”.
a) secure
b) logging
c) meaningless
1925. Choose the right antonym for: “chancy”.
a) social
b) sure
c) ladybug
1926. Choose the right antonym for: “fluctuant”.
a) slovenly
b) calmly
c) trustworthy
1927. Choose the right antonym for: “hazardous”.
a) dulcorate
b) certain
c) colporteur
1928. Choose the right antonym for: “adventurous”.
a) solecism
b) timid
c) woefulness
1929. Choose the right antonym for: “muddy”.
a) infirm
b) brabant
c) good
1930. Choose the right antonym for: “muddier”.
a) clean
b) stark
c) sprucely
1931. Choose the right antonym for: “pigmented”.
a) fade
b) erosion
c) dunked
1932. Choose the right antonym for: “gloomy”.
a) melon
b) decimal
c) exhilarating
1933. Choose the right antonym for: “gloomier”.
a) comforted
b) vie
c) nontranslucent
1934. Choose the right antonym for: “ochre”.
a) obtuse
b) covered
c) icebound
1935. Choose the right antonym for: “chocolate”.
a) disgrace
b) honorable
c) dissatisfaction
1936. Choose the right antonym for: “shadier”.
a) bounden
b) foreroom
c) aboveboard
1937. Choose the right antonym for: “shadiest”.
a) certain
b) bunky
c) employed
1938. Choose the right antonym for: “shady”.
a) hawser
b) quag
c) aboveboard
1939. Choose the right antonym for: “chiaroscuro”.
a) cells
b) light
c) obtrusion
1940. Choose the right antonym for: “coaler”.
a) circum
b) optimistic
c) overrefined
1941. Choose the right antonym for: “black”.
a) dreaming
b) optimistic
c) imaginable
1942. Choose the right antonym for: “slater”.
a) patriotic
b) indirectly
c) optimistic
1943. Choose the right antonym for: “blacker”.
a) nice
b) shoplift
c) dispensation
1944. Choose the right antonym for: “blackest”.
a) dreck
b) pleasant
c) harborage
1945. Choose the right antonym for: “swart”.
a) blonde
b) diffusely
c) according to
1946. Choose the right antonym for: “starless”.
a) bluffer
b) cinque
c) good
1947. Choose the right antonym for: “sombre”.
a) melee
b) hopeful
c) analogous
1948. Choose the right antonym for: “sloe”.
a) oil
b) scooter
c) hopeful
1949. Choose the right antonym for: “raven”.
a) ounce
b) deprive
c) death squad
1950. Choose the right antonym for: “pitch-dark”.
a) calumny
b) illuminated
c) rehearsal
1951. Choose the right antonym for: “piceous”.
a) hotel
b) good
c) chantry
1952. Choose the right antonym for: “obsidian”.
a) optimistic
b) vegetative
c) skinniness
1953. Choose the right antonym for: “melanoid”.
a) connotative
b) unambiguously
c) white
1954. Choose the right antonym for: “ebon”.
a) scalp
b) light
c) swarmed
1955. Choose the right antonym for: “tenebrous”.
a) touched
b) light
c) perfectly
1956. Choose the right antonym for: “swarthy”.
a) citing
b) genus
c) fair
1957. Choose the right antonym for: “swarthier”.
a) fired
b) blonde
c) war dog
1958. Choose the right antonym for: “dusky”.
a) goalpost
b) depressing
c) clear
1959. Choose the right antonym for: “duskier”.
a) bathetic
b) light
c) skepticism
1960. Choose the right antonym for: “twilit”.
a) light
b) hooray
c) outpour
1961. Choose the right antonym for: “dim”.
a) joyful
b) directive
c) feelingly
1962. Choose the right antonym for: “dimmest”.
a) misty
b) hazily
c) lively
1963. Choose the right antonym for: “dimmer”.
a) newsy
b) joyful
c) reasonable
1964. Choose the right antonym for: “mater”.
a) numbed
b) lively
c) come round
1965. Choose the right antonym for: “wistful”.
a) integer
b) negligent
c) snuffer
1966. Choose the right antonym for: “stunned”.
a) clear
b) brand
c) decussation
1967. Choose the right antonym for: “deceased”.
a) mayhap
b) prelection
c) born
1968. Choose the right antonym for: “exanimate”.
a) penitency
b) on time
c) metronome
1969. Choose the right antonym for: “extinct”.
a) alive
b) abbe
c) performer
1970. Choose the right antonym for: “numb”.
a) waxen
b) bastion
c) sympathetic
1971. Choose the right antonym for: “lethal”.
a) retral
b) kind
c) popover
1972. Choose the right antonym for: “necrotic”.
a) zombie
b) cylinder
c) life-giving
1973. Choose the right antonym for: “mortal”.
a) ritual
b) plant
c) undivulged
1974. Choose the right antonym for: “noxious”.
a) crazed
b) deigning
c) nonpoisonous
1975. Choose the right antonym for: “fatal”.
a) healthy
b) cabby
c) tattler
1976. Choose the right antonym for: “ear-splitting”.
a) trivial
b) proles
c) growler
1977. Choose the right antonym for: “immortal”.
a) jumpy
b) bambino
c) terminable
1978. Choose the right antonym for: “adulterated”.
a) childlike
b) honorable
c) athwart
1979. Choose the right antonym for: “disputable”.
a) skyward
b) worked
c) unquestionable
1980. Choose the right antonym for: “purulent”.
a) trustworthy
b) modicum
c) amiable
1981. Choose the right antonym for: “rotten”.
a) mix
b) moral
c) perpetuating
1982. Choose the right antonym for: “underhand”.
a) junked
b) routed
c) aboveboard
1983. Choose the right antonym for: “underhanded”.
a) open
b) reflective
c) embolden
1984. Choose the right antonym for: “hypocritical”.
a) requisite
b) genuine
c) weightily
1985. Choose the right antonym for: “scheming”.
a) quench
b) honest
c) setose
1986. Choose the right antonym for: “evasive”.
a) discomfort
b) sib
c) clear
1987. Choose the right antonym for: “casuistic”.
a) ethical
b) lurker
c) fedora
1988. Choose the right antonym for: “shiftiest”.
a) choked
b) countermine
c) frank
1989. Choose the right antonym for: “shifty”.
a) cuddle
b) aboveboard
c) inaccurately
1990. Choose the right antonym for: “shiftier”.
a) exclamation
b) serene
c) trustworthy
1991. Choose the right antonym for: “delusive”.
a) truthful
b) sluggard
c) promulgator
1992. Choose the right antonym for: “illusive”.
a) complain
b) real
c) wrinkly
1993. Choose the right antonym for: “illusory”.
a) hyperactive
b) navigator
c) honest
1994. Choose the right antonym for: “duplicitous”.
a) allocated
b) truthful
c) funded
1995. Choose the right antonym for: “misleading”.
a) right
b) traces
c) brittle
1996. Choose the right antonym for: “fraudulent”.
a) center
b) refinish
c) true
1997. Choose the right antonym for: “witted”.
a) pugnacity
b) burn off
c) frank
1998. Choose the right antonym for: “cut-and-dried”.
a) vague
b) vocalize
c) confrere
1999. Choose the right antonym for: “predetermined”.
a) disrobe
b) unarranged
c) redeemer
2000. Choose the right antonym for: “set”.
a) poetry
b) refuse
c) affected
2001. Choose the right antonym for: “refused”.
a) piety
b) allowed
c) be greedy
2002. Choose the right antonym for: “herbaceous”.
a) moral
b) lore
c) stalk
2003. Choose the right antonym for: “festive”.
a) mage
b) concise
c) upset
2004. Choose the right antonym for: “grooving”.
a) betide
b) troubled
c) antagonized
2005. Choose the right antonym for: “ornamental”.
a) soupy
b) nonviolently
c) unembellished
2006. Choose the right antonym for: “baroque”.
a) unadorned
b) seen
c) mimeograph
2007. Choose the right antonym for: “waning”.
a) averted
b) reediting
c) waxing
2008. Choose the right antonym for: “decrescent”.
a) waxing
b) bloodmobile
c) entranceway
2009. Choose the right antonym for: “lessening”.
a) nasalize
b) rise
c) bigshot
2010. Choose the right antonym for: “committed”.
a) bars
b) mentioned
c) disloyal
2011. Choose the right antonym for: “hard core”.
a) supposal
b) fraudulent
c) specialness
2012. Choose the right antonym for: “hard-core”.
a) rubify
b) moderate
c) sprinkler
2013. Choose the right antonym for: “pious”.
a) bad
b) teen
c) backing
2014. Choose the right antonym for: “derivable”.
a) voiced
b) underivable
c) crowned
2015. Choose the right antonym for: “extractable”.
a) tolerate
b) stinginess
c) inconcludable
2016. Choose the right antonym for: “attributable”.
a) settled
b) elder
c) farms
2017. Choose the right antonym for: “guttural”.
a) shorter
b) despotize
c) dulcet
2018. Choose the right antonym for: “glottal”.
a) project
b) thin
c) particularly
2019. Choose the right antonym for: “contemplative”.
a) disdainful
b) vernal
c) gum
2020. Choose the right antonym for: “thick”.
a) mean
b) bad
c) bright
2021. Choose the right antonym for: “thickest”.
a) guise
b) little
c) nickname
2022. Choose the right antonym for: “thicker”.
a) pottage
b) various
c) skinny
2023. Choose the right antonym for: “husky”.
a) underweight
b) faddish
c) smudgy
2024. Choose the right antonym for: “huskier”.
a) solicitude
b) quiet
c) unkind
2025. Choose the right antonym for: “ingrained”.
a) sweetbread
b) rewording
c) surface
2026. Choose the right antonym for: “inbuilt”.
a) days
b) incidental
c) dactylic
2027. Choose the right antonym for: “immersed”.
a) cobbler
b) inactive
c) begrimed
2028. Choose the right antonym for: “touched”.
a) unmoved
b) blistered
c) hussy
2029. Choose the right antonym for: “affected”.
a) ripple
b) untroubled
c) habitue
2030. Choose the right antonym for: “acute”.
a) tale
b) bother
c) trivial
2031. Choose the right antonym for: “worsted”.
a) pianola
b) aspersion
c) give up
2032. Choose the right antonym for: “inadequate”.
a) potent
b) implode
c) incitement
2033. Choose the right antonym for: “fortified”.
a) peril
b) unprotected
c) eolith
2034. Choose the right antonym for: “manned”.
a) proud
b) unprotected
c) pushing
2035. Choose the right antonym for: “garrisoned”.
a) rifle
b) party
c) attack
2036. Choose the right antonym for: “bastioned”.
a) charmer
b) twinge
c) unguarded
2037. Choose the right antonym for: “unprotected”.
a) secure
b) texture
c) height
2038. Choose the right antonym for: “fawning”.
a) disinterested
b) poise
c) caginess
2039. Choose the right antonym for: “prorogued”.
a) smoldering
b) movement
c) go
2040. Choose the right antonym for: “disobedient”.
a) hollowware
b) pheasant
c) observant
2041. Choose the right antonym for: “decisive”.
a) sulks
b) irresolute
c) overruling
2042. Choose the right antonym for: “clear-cut”.
a) quail
b) indefinite
c) riproaring
2043. Choose the right antonym for: “positive”.
a) unskilled
b) hogs
c) rebuffed
2044. Choose the right antonym for: “conclusive”.
a) limpness
b) dubious
c) miserliness
2045. Choose the right antonym for: “unanswerable”.
a) libertine
b) outlander
c) unclear
2046. Choose the right antonym for: “unarguable”.
a) sanity
b) ireful
c) ambiguous
2047. Choose the right antonym for: “irrefrangible”.
a) suited
b) witching
c) questionable
2048. Choose the right antonym for: “irrefragable”.
a) questionable
b) revivified
c) documents
2049. Choose the right antonym for: “univocal”.
a) reassess
b) secret
c) unenlightened
2050. Choose the right antonym for: “unequivocal”.
a) kendo
b) questionable
c) last rites
2051. Choose the right antonym for: “undeniable”.
a) unradical
b) dubious
c) staunchly
2052. Choose the right antonym for: “unquestionable”.
a) doubtful
b) permit
c) chassis
2053. Choose the right antonym for: “diverted”.
a) behave
b) depressed
c) soupy
2054. Choose the right antonym for: “redirected”.
a) goofus
b) goop
c) straighten
2055. Choose the right antonym for: “reclassified”.
a) robed
b) bored
c) sepulcher
2056. Choose the right antonym for: “scammed”.
a) city boy
b) contract
c) daydreaming
2057. Choose the right antonym for: “dispirited”.
a) encouraged
b) literature
c) euphony
2058. Choose the right antonym for: “intentional”.
a) extolled
b) restorable
c) involuntary
2059. Choose the right antonym for: “considered”.
a) tailoress
b) forgotten
c) executioner
2060. Choose the right antonym for: “prepense”.
a) uncareful
b) formula
c) represented
2061. Choose the right antonym for: “aforethought”.
a) narcotic
b) harmonicon
c) unintentional
2062. Choose the right antonym for: “dainty”.
a) crude
b) grader
c) colonnade
2063. Choose the right antonym for: “daintier”.
a) principle
b) steeping
c) unrefined
2064. Choose the right antonym for: “ethereal”.
a) frozenness
b) worldly
c) incompetent
2065. Choose the right antonym for: “lacier”.
a) reek
b) thick
c) blazing
2066. Choose the right antonym for: “lacy”.
a) glint
b) thick
c) vinegary
2067. Choose the right antonym for: “lacelike”.
a) loot
b) timpani
c) thick
2068. Choose the right antonym for: “yummier”.
a) unappetizing
b) dormitory
c) disfigured
2069. Choose the right antonym for: “yummy”.
a) glitched
b) tasteless
c) resistantly
2070. Choose the right antonym for: “scrumptious”.
a) aerated
b) chances
c) untasty
2071. Choose the right antonym for: “tasty”.
a) aphasic
b) antsiness
c) offensive
2072. Choose the right antonym for: “tastier”.
a) roll
b) proceedings
c) flavorless
2073. Choose the right antonym for: “flavory”.
a) unsavory
b) pennate
c) exploding
2074. Choose the right antonym for: “toothy”.
a) crummy
b) afflictive
c) sour
2075. Choose the right antonym for: “palatable”.
a) palaver
b) unpleasant
c) demobilization
2076. Choose the right antonym for: “toothier”.
a) flexuous
b) unflurried
c) disagreeable
2077. Choose the right antonym for: “saporific”.
a) coinage
b) unfeasible
c) disagreeable
2078. Choose the right antonym for: “luscious”.
a) surfeit
b) nasty
c) sal soda
2079. Choose the right antonym for: “delectable”.
a) horrible
b) move
c) cookbook
2080. Choose the right antonym for: “pleasurable”.
a) freezing
b) resultless
c) disagreeable
2081. Choose the right antonym for: “insistent”.
a) landlord
b) breakdown
c) unimportant
2082. Choose the right antonym for: “exacting”.
a) accordant
b) infertile
c) tolerant
2083. Choose the right antonym for: “importunate”.
a) unimportant
b) pulpy
c) assonance
2084. Choose the right antonym for: “unhinged”.
a) cracked
b) stable
c) ostracism
2085. Choose the right antonym for: “emotional”.
a) had
b) screak
c) calm
2086. Choose the right antonym for: “outgoing”.
a) jamboree
b) entering
c) evanesce
2087. Choose the right antonym for: “impenetrable”.
a) enrobe
b) clear
c) ingenuously
2088. Choose the right antonym for: “bulletproof”.
a) conquerable
b) frank
c) galena
2089. Choose the right antonym for: “close-grained”.
a) bonbons
b) interweave
c) alterable
2090. Choose the right antonym for: “lacker”.
a) indulge
b) waved
c) anatomical
2091. Choose the right antonym for: “addicted”.
a) erecting
b) nonpareil
c) indifferent
2092. Choose the right antonym for: “hyped”.
a) skiff
b) dishonor
c) wresting
2093. Choose the right antonym for: “conditional”.
a) replete
b) definite
c) preplanned
2094. Choose the right antonym for: “codicillary”.
a) certain
b) crawly
c) cloudiness
2095. Choose the right antonym for: “contextual”.
a) caracole
b) homilize
c) out-of-context
2096. Choose the right antonym for: “despondent”.
a) prepare
b) congratulate
c) encouraged
2097. Choose the right antonym for: “spiritless”.
a) energetic
b) curator
c) flipping
2098. Choose the right antonym for: “melancholic”.
a) tingling
b) joyful
c) woodlands
2099. Choose the right antonym for: “low-spirited”.
a) mirth
b) pentacle
c) high-spirited
2100. Choose the right antonym for: “sectioned”.
a) clomp
b) revolting
c) stay
2101. Choose the right antonym for: “dejected”.
a) upright
b) item
c) interview
2102. Choose the right antonym for: “broody”.
a) uplifted
b) glad
c) amaroidal
2103. Choose the right antonym for: “atrabilious”.
a) revisit
b) inspirited
c) attestant
2104. Choose the right antonym for: “morose”.
a) oratory
b) gig
c) happy
2105. Choose the right antonym for: “melancholy”.
a) sex
b) boon
c) thrown
2106. Choose the right antonym for: “woebegone”.
a) untroubled
b) emigrate
c) tridented
2107. Choose the right antonym for: “disconsolate”.
a) ordnance
b) consoled
c) pretentious
2108. Choose the right antonym for: “downcast”.
a) flexing
b) signed
c) satisfied
2109. Choose the right antonym for: “downhearted”.
a) lies
b) goading
c) heartened
2110. Choose the right antonym for: “doleful”.
a) gleeful
b) flooring
c) fictitious
2111. Choose the right antonym for: “funereal”.
a) probate
b) craftiness
c) lively
2112. Choose the right antonym for: “unpromising”.
a) charcuterie
b) appropriate
c) handgun
2113. Choose the right antonym for: “drear”.
a) urgently
b) fop
c) encouraging
2114. Choose the right antonym for: “cheerless”.
a) tough
b) happy
c) optic
2115. Choose the right antonym for: “mopey”.
a) honest
b) menaced
c) components
2116. Choose the right antonym for: “peckish”.
a) healthy
b) scorchin
c) lippy
2117. Choose the right antonym for: “starving”.
a) lustily
b) postilion
c) thick
2118. Choose the right antonym for: “needier”.
a) crisp
b) interferer
c) prosperous
2119. Choose the right antonym for: “needy”.
a) wealthy
b) sinecure
c) jungle
2120. Choose the right antonym for: “nutty”.
a) excepted
b) sensible
c) gunboat
2121. Choose the right antonym for: “unregulated”.
a) sunning
b) altercation
c) restrained
2122. Choose the right antonym for: “derivate”.
a) adaptable
b) first-class
c) memorizing
2123. Choose the right antonym for: “exogenous”.
a) hastily
b) bays
c) endogenic
2124. Choose the right antonym for: “disparaging”.
a) bloom
b) fomenter
c) complimentary
2125. Choose the right antonym for: “libelous”.
a) complimentary
b) told
c) solely
2126. Choose the right antonym for: “explanatory”.
a) arsonist
b) mysterious
c) abandoned
2127. Choose the right antonym for: “expositional”.
a) vague
b) outdoor
c) distingue
2128. Choose the right antonym for: “exegetical”.
a) puzzling
b) outlined
c) stripes
2129. Choose the right antonym for: “diagrammatic”.
a) ordinal
b) involved
c) delineating
2130. Choose the right antonym for: “declarative”.
a) prospect
b) puzzling
c) overtiredness
2131. Choose the right antonym for: “annotative”.
a) seaway
b) vague
c) cognoscente
2132. Choose the right antonym for: “explicatory”.
a) vinegar
b) infallibility
c) involved
2133. Choose the right antonym for: “castoff”.
a) agreement
b) acidulous
c) asyndeton
2134. Choose the right antonym for: “blameworthy”.
a) smooch
b) innocent
c) admonitor
2135. Choose the right antonym for: “praiseworthy”.
a) dislike
b) stirrup
c) vibrancy
2136. Choose the right antonym for: “ergonomic”.
a) hired
b) freeholder
c) uncomfortable
2137. Choose the right antonym for: “wanted”.
a) disclosed
b) satisfied
c) sung
2138. Choose the right antonym for: “enviable”.
a) bad
b) pervaded
c) purgatorial
2139. Choose the right antonym for: “greedier”.
a) hallucinate
b) grandstanding
c) abstemious
2140. Choose the right antonym for: “greedy”.
a) week
b) neighbour
c) charitable
2141. Choose the right antonym for: “insatiate”.
a) tidbit
b) satiated
c) censoring
2142. Choose the right antonym for: “esurient”.
a) replete
b) potter
c) stripes
2143. Choose the right antonym for: “curious”.
a) bleed
b) downbeat
c) standard
2144. Choose the right antonym for: “ambitious”.
a) facile
b) ligature
c) cupful
2145. Choose the right antonym for: “ball of fire”.
a) passive
b) trek
c) undeniably
2146. Choose the right antonym for: “tempted”.
a) isolationism
b) predicament
c) disinclined
2147. Choose the right antonym for: “ruttish”.
a) squirm
b) without
c) chaste
2148. Choose the right antonym for: “aphrodisiacal”.
a) roster
b) chaste
c) brush aside
2149. Choose the right antonym for: “longing”.
a) agent
b) riffle
c) hating
2150. Choose the right antonym for: “begging”.
a) undesirous
b) pervaded
c) flimsiness
2151. Choose the right antonym for: “jealous”.
a) retail
b) avarice
c) confident
2152. Choose the right antonym for: “possessory”.
a) elatedly
b) content
c) communicated
2153. Choose the right antonym for: “contemptible”.
a) anytime
b) pleasant
c) beggared
2154. Choose the right antonym for: “scummy”.
a) ossify
b) likeable
c) immuration
2155. Choose the right antonym for: “low-down”.
a) gentle
b) boring
c) steppe
2156. Choose the right antonym for: “currish”.
a) fittingness
b) respectable
c) bar pin
2157. Choose the right antonym for: “tyrannical”.
a) taper
b) mitigate
c) democratic
2158. Choose the right antonym for: “down-and-out”.
a) unzip
b) rich
c) odious
2159. Choose the right antonym for: “strapped”.
a) wealthy
b) tipoff
c) fix up
2160. Choose the right antonym for: “ruined”.
a) flatness
b) seafarer
c) preserved
2161. Choose the right antonym for: “wrecked”.
a) repaired
b) nattiness
c) deprecate
2162. Choose the right antonym for: “slivered”.
a) canvas
b) domesticate
c) cover
2163. Choose the right antonym for: “broken”.
a) pissed
b) rumple
c) continuous
2164. Choose the right antonym for: “fractured”.
a) definitude
b) cure
c) etched
2165. Choose the right antonym for: “violent”.
a) tapering
b) knowing
c) pleasant
2166. Choose the right antonym for: “catastrophic”.
a) delude
b) successful
c) envoi
2167. Choose the right antonym for: “cataclysmic”.
a) visional
b) fortunate
c) patois
2168. Choose the right antonym for: “divided”.
a) undivided
b) haunt
c) cuddle
2169. Choose the right antonym for: “reft”.
a) be sore
b) alluring
c) undivided
2170. Choose the right antonym for: “partite”.
a) undivided
b) codex
c) ratting
2171. Choose the right antonym for: “disinterested”.
a) metastasis
b) ascendent
c) passionate
2172. Choose the right antonym for: “meticulous”.
a) false
b) faculty
c) postcode
2173. Choose the right antonym for: “decrepit”.
a) fit
b) behead
c) soporose
2174. Choose the right antonym for: “anile”.
a) roofing
b) damnable
c) youthful
2175. Choose the right antonym for: “weighable”.
a) tissued
b) specious
c) unmeasurable
2176. Choose the right antonym for: “measurable”.
a) unmeasurable
b) biggety
c) franchised
2177. Choose the right antonym for: “quantitative”.
a) peccant
b) part
c) nominative
2178. Choose the right antonym for: “quantifiable”.
a) uproarious
b) misstate
c) unmeasurable
2179. Choose the right antonym for: “mensurable”.
a) speller
b) spiritualize
c) unmeasurable
2180. Choose the right antonym for: “gaugeable”.
a) caulk
b) unmeasurable
c) coolhouse
2181. Choose the right antonym for: “assessable”.
a) cute
b) incuriousness
c) undeterminable
2182. Choose the right antonym for: “tireless”.
a) diverting
b) trundle
c) unenthusiastic
2183. Choose the right antonym for: “dogged”.
a) yielding
b) trader
c) job
2184. Choose the right antonym for: “perseverant”.
a) untrustworthy
b) hyperborean
c) dispassionately
2185. Choose the right antonym for: “intent”.
a) irresolute
b) caricaturize
c) companionate
2186. Choose the right antonym for: “resolute”.
a) fishy
b) sibyl
c) irresolute
2187. Choose the right antonym for: “persistent”.
a) loins
b) inspirative
c) untrustworthy
2188. Choose the right antonym for: “deciding”.
a) rationalism
b) indefinite
c) extrication
2189. Choose the right antonym for: “disastrous”.
a) nabob
b) otherwise
c) advantageous
2190. Choose the right antonym for: “disadvantageous”.
a) disarrange
b) unbriefed
c) favorable
2191. Choose the right antonym for: “uncomplimentary”.
a) appall
b) adultory
c) accreditation
2192. Choose the right antonym for: “dyslogistic”.
a) sacellum
b) boldfaced
c) complimentary
2193. Choose the right antonym for: “brokenhearted”.
a) happy
b) naval
c) chit
2194. Choose the right antonym for: “bred”.
a) caviler
b) outspoken
c) unsophisticated
2195. Choose the right antonym for: “full-grown”.
a) immature
b) consoling
c) decapitate
2196. Choose the right antonym for: “incipient”.
a) grown
b) calves
c) duskily
2197. Choose the right antonym for: “budding”.
a) reiterate
b) dying
c) telelogical
2198. Choose the right antonym for: “nascent”.
a) unimportant
b) recruited
c) changeful
2199. Choose the right antonym for: “germinal”.
a) cowgirl
b) ostracize
c) following
2200. Choose the right antonym for: “anomalous”.
a) tightly
b) creche
c) usual
2201. Choose the right antonym for: “unrepresentative”.
a) standard
b) angled
c) awed
2202. Choose the right antonym for: “strange”.
a) adjuration
b) frightfulness
c) native
2203. Choose the right antonym for: “strangest”.
a) harm
b) similar
c) inscribed
2204. Choose the right antonym for: “diabolical”.
a) fume
b) gentle
c) deteriorated
2205. Choose the right antonym for: “mischievous”.
a) kind
b) flank
c) movably
2206. Choose the right antonym for: “cunning”.
a) devisal
b) slut
c) stupid
2207. Choose the right antonym for: “patriotic”.
a) competing
b) compromiser
c) misanthropic
2208. Choose the right antonym for: “statesmanlike”.
a) antisocial
b) boisterous
c) unexampled
2209. Choose the right antonym for: “nationalistic”.
a) sawhorse
b) flicks
c) misanthropic
2210. Choose the right antonym for: “devotional”.
a) assailer
b) irreligious
c) perniciousness
2211. Choose the right antonym for: “nimblest”.
a) forenoon
b) stupid
c) semiology
2212. Choose the right antonym for: “nimble”.
a) clumsy
b) tippy
c) climbable
2213. Choose the right antonym for: “nimbler”.
a) cockcrow
b) benefice
c) undexterous
2214. Choose the right antonym for: “undemocratic”.
a) assignation
b) columbary
c) partial
2215. Choose the right antonym for: “totalitarian”.
a) democratic
b) fragment
c) impermanence
2216. Choose the right antonym for: “dogmatic”.
a) accouch
b) indecisive
c) briefness
2217. Choose the right antonym for: “fascistic”.
a) arete
b) nobly
c) amenable
2218. Choose the right antonym for: “abnormal”.
a) alley
b) common
c) unpreventable
2219. Choose the right antonym for: “spastic”.
a) wren
b) unbroken
c) abetting
2220. Choose the right antonym for: “heteromorphic”.
a) fiercely
b) straight
c) override
2221. Choose the right antonym for: “heteroclite”.
a) conventional
b) intent
c) autocade
2222. Choose the right antonym for: “unusual”.
a) fishy
b) maudlin
c) regular
2223. Choose the right antonym for: “variant”.
a) ideation
b) root
c) desperate
2224. Choose the right antonym for: “unlike”.
a) novitiate
b) related
c) sidetrack
2225. Choose the right antonym for: “varied”.
a) uniform
b) barrier
c) frothing
2226. Choose the right antonym for: “unequal”.
a) revered
b) makings
c) balanced
2227. Choose the right antonym for: “dissonant”.
a) excerpts
b) intermediate
c) consonant
2228. Choose the right antonym for: “unfamiliar”.
a) on course
b) regular
c) unmanned
2229. Choose the right antonym for: “distinctive”.
a) enchase
b) candy floss
c) standard
2230. Choose the right antonym for: “diacritic”.
a) same
b) outstretch
c) publicness
2231. Choose the right antonym for: “diverse”.
a) parallel
b) coached
c) delivered
2232. Choose the right antonym for: “divergent”.
a) lapsed
b) tuxedo
c) correspondent
2233. Choose the right antonym for: “factional”.
a) gutter
b) like
c) drove
2234. Choose the right antonym for: “agonizing”.
a) hulky
b) pleasant
c) extraction
2235. Choose the right antonym for: “perplexing”.
a) simple
b) lavatory
c) repelling
2236. Choose the right antonym for: “mazy”.
a) arbitrate
b) chap
c) exonerated
2237. Choose the right antonym for: “paradoxical”.
a) discernible
b) satirically
c) unnaturally
2238. Choose the right antonym for: “abstruse”.
a) teachy
b) simple
c) awarding
2239. Choose the right antonym for: “labored”.
a) depute
b) selected
c) spontaneous
2240. Choose the right antonym for: “murderous”.
a) facile
b) vowel
c) illogicality
2241. Choose the right antonym for: “intractable”.
a) lucidly
b) willing
c) rummage
2242. Choose the right antonym for: “trying”.
a) ointment
b) demagogue
c) moderate
2243. Choose the right antonym for: “complicated”.
a) facile
b) ravine
c) exultation
2244. Choose the right antonym for: “gasser”.
a) straightforward
b) thewy
c) tintannabulate
2245. Choose the right antonym for: “cantankerous”.
a) determinant
b) unsurprising
c) pleasant
2246. Choose the right antonym for: “ill-humored”.
a) cete
b) joyful
c) juice
2247. Choose the right antonym for: “arduous”.
a) sniffy
b) easy
c) volatilization
2248. Choose the right antonym for: “hair trigger”.
a) easy
b) spirant
c) respectfully
2249. Choose the right antonym for: “grueling”.
a) trivial
b) chou
c) hostility
2250. Choose the right antonym for: “ticklish”.
a) tiger
b) heated
c) easy
2251. Choose the right antonym for: “onerous”.
a) unbelt
b) cared for
c) effortless
2252. Choose the right antonym for: “strenuous”.
a) toadies
b) answer for
c) apathetic
2253. Choose the right antonym for: “dietary”.
a) bridal
b) slouchy
c) unwholesome
2254. Choose the right antonym for: “statelier”.
a) unimportant
b) tutored
c) larval
2255. Choose the right antonym for: “stately”.
a) outrun
b) fanatics
c) unimportant
2256. Choose the right antonym for: “august”.
a) undignified
b) mouse
c) virtuous
2257. Choose the right antonym for: “tangential”.
a) relevant
b) sleeky
c) annoying
2258. Choose the right antonym for: “broken-down”.
a) obliterate
b) solid
c) memorized
2259. Choose the right antonym for: “minus”.
a) plus
b) humanize
c) circumcision
2260. Choose the right antonym for: “complete”.
a) rogue
b) frown
c) incomplete
2261. Choose the right antonym for: “firsthand”.
a) sideline
b) impersonal
c) pinhead
2262. Choose the right antonym for: “managing”.
a) subordinate
b) tainted
c) hesitate
2263. Choose the right antonym for: “unclean”.
a) harrow
b) unpolluted
c) oily
2264. Choose the right antonym for: “grimy”.
a) ruction
b) appendix
c) pure
2265. Choose the right antonym for: “grimier”.
a) strut
b) settled
c) pure
2266. Choose the right antonym for: “sordid”.
a) clean
b) virus
c) slightness
2267. Choose the right antonym for: “grubbier”.
a) sterile
b) insomnia
c) ad hoc
2268. Choose the right antonym for: “grubby”.
a) rationally
b) dressed-up
c) corrigendum
2269. Choose the right antonym for: “slovenly”.
a) ordered
b) chagrin
c) temperamental
2270. Choose the right antonym for: “untidy”.
a) tidy
b) flabby
c) craftiness
2271. Choose the right antonym for: “filthier”.
a) radiance
b) batch
c) decent
2272. Choose the right antonym for: “filthiest”.
a) aristate
b) pleasant
c) spiritedness
2273. Choose the right antonym for: “filthy”.
a) volcano
b) sterile
c) cupola
2274. Choose the right antonym for: “feculent”.
a) pleasant
b) corridor
c) cabalistic
2275. Choose the right antonym for: “fecal”.
a) blare
b) producer
c) sweet
2276. Choose the right antonym for: “crippled”.
a) informed
b) fixed
c) taciturn
2277. Choose the right antonym for: “housebound”.
a) ruddy
b) able
c) seditiousness
2278. Choose the right antonym for: “gimp”.
a) skivvy
b) assist
c) invariably
2279. Choose the right antonym for: “incapacitated”.
a) healthy
b) multeity
c) snoozy
2280. Choose the right antonym for: “impotent”.
a) patulous
b) skyward
c) skillful
2281. Choose the right antonym for: “forceless”.
a) external
b) productive
c) indictable
2282. Choose the right antonym for: “discrepant”.
a) concurring
b) tuned
c) attunement
2283. Choose the right antonym for: “dissident”.
a) artificer
b) conforming
c) gorgeousness
2284. Choose the right antonym for: “crestfallen”.
a) honor
b) unresourceful
c) cheered
2285. Choose the right antonym for: “chapfallen”.
a) gay
b) disenable
c) adversarial
2286. Choose the right antonym for: “cast down”.
a) girded
b) misguided
c) comforted
2287. Choose the right antonym for: “disillusioned”.
a) staples
b) summing
c) enthusiastic
2288. Choose the right antonym for: “frustrated”.
a) stolid
b) puce
c) fulfilled
2289. Choose the right antonym for: “heartbreaking”.
a) comforting
b) unnail
c) remade
2290. Choose the right antonym for: “unarmed”.
a) armed
b) modified
c) automatically
2291. Choose the right antonym for: “tousled”.
a) celibacy
b) tainted
c) organized
2292. Choose the right antonym for: “ruinous”.
a) talon
b) beneficial
c) economize
2293. Choose the right antonym for: “calamitous”.
a) lustily
b) helpful
c) percuss
2294. Choose the right antonym for: “distrustful”.
a) trustworthy
b) hiding
c) mineralize
2295. Choose the right antonym for: “skeptical”.
a) metier
b) definite
c) dumpsite
2296. Choose the right antonym for: “distinguishable”.
a) unsnap
b) furrow
c) unnoticeable
2297. Choose the right antonym for: “punished”.
a) exonerated
b) pertinent
c) noncommercial
2298. Choose the right antonym for: “separate”.
a) framer
b) tertiary
c) united
2299. Choose the right antonym for: “detached”.
a) floored
b) nettlesome
c) subjective
2300. Choose the right antonym for: “rambling”.
a) straightforward
b) precondition
c) monotone
2301. Choose the right antonym for: “grumbling”.
a) happy
b) lemma
c) following
2302. Choose the right antonym for: “dissatisfied”.
a) snaps
b) dilapidate
c) contented
2303. Choose the right antonym for: “putout”.
a) dinger
b) happy
c) drink
2304. Choose the right antonym for: “put-out”.
a) ring
b) validated
c) satisfied
2305. Choose the right antonym for: “unfulfilled”.
a) whole
b) snipe
c) coals
2306. Choose the right antonym for: “jarring”.
a) steady
b) gaily
c) overweight
2307. Choose the right antonym for: “depressed”.
a) skew
b) above
c) rashly
2308. Choose the right antonym for: “depressing”.
a) coagulation
b) encouraging
c) wardship
2309. Choose the right antonym for: “ungracious”.
a) castile
b) caravansary
c) pleasant
2310. Choose the right antonym for: “disgraced”.
a) grain
b) in favor
c) intermitted
2311. Choose the right antonym for: “discerning”.
a) undiscriminating
b) scrambler
c) humanities
2312. Choose the right antonym for: “gnostic”.
a) jones
b) granny
c) unaware
2313. Choose the right antonym for: “selective”.
a) wiseacre
b) billy
c) thoughtless
2314. Choose the right antonym for: “malignant”.
a) tenderize
b) healthful
c) cucumber
2315. Choose the right antonym for: “deformed”.
a) free
b) begrime
c) plundered
2316. Choose the right antonym for: “hunchbacked”.
a) free
b) scorpion
c) uncial
2317. Choose the right antonym for: “humpbacked”.
a) absolute
b) graceful
c) investigate
2318. Choose the right antonym for: “fallen”.
a) dent
b) lauded
c) phoniness
2319. Choose the right antonym for: “veiled”.
a) spinmeister
b) bare
c) foreignness
2320. Choose the right antonym for: “fed up”.
a) draftsperson
b) apostrophize
c) happy
2321. Choose the right antonym for: “nauseous”.
a) cartoons
b) pleasing
c) reviled
2322. Choose the right antonym for: “seasick”.
a) pleasing
b) steps
c) nonexplosive
2323. Choose the right antonym for: “sickening”.
a) mobster
b) rescuing
c) nice
2324. Choose the right antonym for: “foulest”.
a) honest
b) dominant
c) substitute
2325. Choose the right antonym for: “fouler”.
a) interlock
b) pleasurably
c) sweet
2326. Choose the right antonym for: “foul”.
a) appealing
b) sweet
c) epicureanism
2327. Choose the right antonym for: “revolting”.
a) prioritize
b) moral
c) fatiguing
2328. Choose the right antonym for: “nastier”.
a) giving
b) bean
c) subsidy
2329. Choose the right antonym for: “nastiest”.
a) babies
b) dispatched
c) giving
2330. Choose the right antonym for: “nasty”.
a) rampancy
b) pleasing
c) telephony
2331. Choose the right antonym for: “discouraged”.
a) mildness
b) beginning
c) heartened
2332. Choose the right antonym for: “deceptive”.
a) true
b) guided
c) charge
2333. Choose the right antonym for: “untrue”.
a) laborers
b) honest
c) subjection
2334. Choose the right antonym for: “knavish”.
a) unfun
b) noble
c) woodcut
2335. Choose the right antonym for: “corrupt”.
a) ejecta
b) sedgy
c) honorable
2336. Choose the right antonym for: “untruthful”.
a) truthful
b) hipster
c) nominees
2337. Choose the right antonym for: “lying”.
a) frank
b) crush
c) involuntary
2338. Choose the right antonym for: “mendacious”.
a) woodcut
b) fluency
c) sincere
2339. Choose the right antonym for: “devious”.
a) flaunting
b) naïve
c) abreast
2340. Choose the right antonym for: “treacherous”.
a) tower
b) milked
c) untreacherous
2341. Choose the right antonym for: “scoundrelly”.
a) straight
b) departure
c) assumption
2342. Choose the right antonym for: “deceitful”.
a) domain
b) prefigurement
c) trustworthy
2343. Choose the right antonym for: “insincere”.
a) monstrousness
b) unwillingness
c) frank
2344. Choose the right antonym for: “disreputable”.
a) subfuscous
b) respected
c) unflatteringly
2345. Choose the right antonym for: “faithless”.
a) facilitate
b) believing
c) glace
2346. Choose the right antonym for: “unfaithful”.
a) unoffending
b) contrived
c) trustworthy
2347. Choose the right antonym for: “foresworn”.
a) loyal
b) claviger
c) versatility
2348. Choose the right antonym for: “adulterine”.
a) heeler
b) lowland
c) faithful
2349. Choose the right antonym for: “lugubrious”.
a) brier
b) cheerful
c) bastardism
2350. Choose the right antonym for: “furloughed”.
a) hire
b) investing
c) sufficient
2351. Choose the right antonym for: “unruly”.
a) covetable
b) fused
c) compliant
2352. Choose the right antonym for: “defiant”.
a) convert
b) submissive
c) unengaged
2353. Choose the right antonym for: “recalcitrant”.
a) bilker
b) manageable
c) posh
2354. Choose the right antonym for: “rebellious”.
a) obedient
b) scold
c) erectile
2355. Choose the right antonym for: “pell-mell”.
a) parcels
b) cramp
c) ordered
2356. Choose the right antonym for: “formless”.
a) adoring
b) distinct
c) superchip
2357. Choose the right antonym for: “unscrewed”.
a) systematic
b) tract
c) toga
2358. Choose the right antonym for: “confused”.
a) scarce
b) understanding
c) lapstrake
2359. Choose the right antonym for: “clinical”.
a) perfidy
b) subjective
c) slambang
2360. Choose the right antonym for: “homeless”.
a) unfix
b) sierra
c) settled
2361. Choose the right antonym for: “houseless”.
a) exegesis
b) grille
c) settled
2362. Choose the right antonym for: “misplaced”.
a) existing
b) privilege
c) blueness
2363. Choose the right antonym for: “miffed”.
a) inamorato
b) critiquing
c) pleased
2364. Choose the right antonym for: “minded”.
a) autonomy
b) undetermined
c) fix up
2365. Choose the right antonym for: “disturbing”.
a) helpful
b) glue
c) inertia
2366. Choose the right antonym for: “unheeded”.
a) inclose
b) sanatorium
c) thought-out
2367. Choose the right antonym for: “scandalous”.
a) timpani
b) infelicitous
c) respectable
2368. Choose the right antonym for: “sleazy”.
a) fine
b) purify
c) mutter
2369. Choose the right antonym for: “sleazier”.
a) wuss
b) reputable
c) ingurgitate
2370. Choose the right antonym for: “saucy”.
a) possible
b) etna
c) kind
2371. Choose the right antonym for: “saucier”.
a) serenader
b) homeliness
c) polite
2372. Choose the right antonym for: “irreverent”.
a) chore
b) reverent
c) reword
2373. Choose the right antonym for: “offensive”.
a) welcome
b) fragment
c) cherub
2374. Choose the right antonym for: “ruder”.
a) foreseen
b) exact
c) prevalence
2375. Choose the right antonym for: “rudest”.
a) sward
b) manacle
c) kind
2376. Choose the right antonym for: “rude”.
a) menology
b) refined
c) unremarkable
2377. Choose the right antonym for: “different”.
a) piggy
b) indefinite
c) possibilities
2378. Choose the right antonym for: “mismatched”.
a) join
b) sucking
c) divergency
2379. Choose the right antonym for: “incommensurable”.
a) fang
b) united
c) swerve
2380. Choose the right antonym for: “contradistinctive”.
a) breakdown
b) same
c) demagogic
2381. Choose the right antonym for: “far-off”.
a) close
b) back off
c) consensually
2382. Choose the right antonym for: “out-of-the-way”.
a) ragweed
b) returns
c) accessible
2383. Choose the right antonym for: “pronounced”.
a) unmaking
b) indistinct
c) grounding
2384. Choose the right antonym for: “aromatic”.
a) stipulate
b) imperfect
c) unsavory
2385. Choose the right antonym for: “odoriferous”.
a) goateed
b) revisitation
c) good
2386. Choose the right antonym for: “individual”.
a) darn
b) firkin
c) general
2387. Choose the right antonym for: “special”.
a) ordinary
b) shudder
c) nubile
2388. Choose the right antonym for: “celebrated”.
a) clement
b) tussock
c) obscure
2389. Choose the right antonym for: “laureate”.
a) impale
b) ephemeral
c) marionette
2390. Choose the right antonym for: “malformed”.
a) reassemble
b) puffing
c) regular
2391. Choose the right antonym for: “frantic”.
a) calm
b) inquietude
c) flunkey
2392. Choose the right antonym for: “stressful”.
a) virtuosity
b) subscriber
c) facile
2393. Choose the right antonym for: “vexatious”.
a) soothing
b) cue
c) exacerbated
2394. Choose the right antonym for: “suspicious”.
a) waterloo
b) believable
c) rollicking
2395. Choose the right antonym for: “disturbed”.
a) ravin
b) sunshade
c) ordered
2396. Choose the right antonym for: “displaced”.
a) unfamiliar
b) reinstated
c) instigate
2397. Choose the right antonym for: “upset”.
a) healthy
b) conditions
c) pitchperson
2398. Choose the right antonym for: “perturbing”.
a) preserver
b) fierceness
c) happy
2399. Choose the right antonym for: “unsettling”.
a) financier
b) generousness
c) pleasing
2400. Choose the right antonym for: “upsetting”.
a) allineate
b) unusuable
c) helpful
2401. Choose the right antonym for: “multifarious”.
a) roofed
b) homogenous
c) addictedness
2402. Choose the right antonym for: “multiple”.
a) same
b) rudely
c) atelier
2403. Choose the right antonym for: “miscellaneous”.
a) trustee
b) simple
c) stably
2404. Choose the right antonym for: “variegated”.
a) cited
b) like
c) enjoined
2405. Choose the right antonym for: “separated”.
a) flange
b) incontestably
c) united
2406. Choose the right antonym for: “reeling”.
a) understanding
b) suffrage
c) rampage
2407. Choose the right antonym for: “woozier”.
a) soup
b) spurt
c) clear
2408. Choose the right antonym for: “woozy”.
a) cosmopolite
b) sure
c) crafty fellow
2409. Choose the right antonym for: “groggier”.
a) gallows
b) pacemaker
c) unshaky
2410. Choose the right antonym for: “groggy”.
a) cognizant
b) rigmarole
c) ratting
2411. Choose the right antonym for: “doctrinaire”.
a) garments
b) everyone
c) manageable
2412. Choose the right antonym for: “loafing”.
a) exercised
b) energetic
c) be prone
2413. Choose the right antonym for: “home”.
a) outside
b) banter
c) timemarker
2414. Choose the right antonym for: “homer”.
a) shindy
b) outside
c) unsigned
2415. Choose the right antonym for: “household”.
a) solitaire
b) feedbag
c) abnormal
2416. Choose the right antonym for: “tame”.
a) adverse
b) waste
c) exciting
2417. Choose the right antonym for: “tamer”.
a) bright
b) risk
c) rhyme
2418. Choose the right antonym for: “tamest”.
a) buttery
b) violent
c) insalutary
2419. Choose the right antonym for: “housebroken”.
a) baron
b) wild
c) doggerel
2420. Choose the right antonym for: “sovereign”.
a) servant
b) apropos
c) combust
2421. Choose the right antonym for: “self-governed”.
a) dependent
b) snafu
c) confection
2422. Choose the right antonym for: “monarchal”.
a) snip
b) unsexy
c) subservient
2423. Choose the right antonym for: “ruling”.
a) disaster
b) unimportant
c) displeased
2424. Choose the right antonym for: “authoritarian”.
a) operation
b) capuche
c) submissive
2425. Choose the right antonym for: “highhanded”.
a) moderate
b) usurp
c) reported
2426. Choose the right antonym for: “high-handed”.
a) fugue
b) originator
c) democratic
2427. Choose the right antonym for: “ironhanded”.
a) considerate
b) greenness
c) geologist
2428. Choose the right antonym for: “bossy”.
a) bizarre
b) pitting
c) modest
2429. Choose the right antonym for: “bossier”.
a) flip
b) gasping
c) modest
2430. Choose the right antonym for: “repeated”.
a) tolerate
b) irregular
c) disrelation
2431. Choose the right antonym for: “unwilled”.
a) baluster
b) stilted
c) anhydrate
2432. Choose the right antonym for: “autogenetic”.
a) by hand
b) concede
c) explorer
2433. Choose the right antonym for: “manual”.
a) draw in
b) drink in
c) automatic
2434. Choose the right antonym for: “mechanical”.
a) by hand
b) convivially
c) mucilaginous
2435. Choose the right antonym for: “deputed”.
a) erose
b) disapprove
c) egression
2436. Choose the right antonym for: “automatic”.
a) geotic
b) befall
c) manual
2437. Choose the right antonym for: “self-regulating”.
a) moron
b) stilted
c) dragon
2438. Choose the right antonym for: “self-moving”.
a) flit
b) circadian
c) by hand
2439. Choose the right antonym for: “through”.
a) indirect
b) undear
c) telling
2440. Choose the right antonym for: “ill-starred”.
a) jizz
b) eagerly
c) nice
2441. Choose the right antonym for: “sleeping”.
a) conscious
b) harbor
c) awaited
2442. Choose the right antonym for: “vestigial”.
a) headset
b) evilness
c) refined
2443. Choose the right antonym for: “latent”.
a) open
b) notoriety
c) dimensional
2444. Choose the right antonym for: “speckled”.
a) influence
b) provincially
c) unspeckled
2445. Choose the right antonym for: “studded”.
a) divided
b) culvert
c) revealed
2446. Choose the right antonym for: “punctate”.
a) fouled
b) prorogued
c) plain
2447. Choose the right antonym for: “peppered”.
a) idiom
b) exposed
c) timidity
2448. Choose the right antonym for: “matched”.
a) unlike
b) colossus
c) black look
2449. Choose the right antonym for: “unstable”.
a) quahog
b) constant
c) revolving
2450. Choose the right antonym for: “dubious”.
a) cohabit
b) stoolie
c) determined
2451. Choose the right antonym for: “suspect”.
a) disbelieve
b) behest
c) over reduce
2452. Choose the right antonym for: “moot”.
a) jaws
b) exploring
c) sure
2453. Choose the right antonym for: “uncertain”.
a) enrolling
b) anyhow
c) trustworthy
2454. Choose the right antonym for: “unsure”.
a) drippings
b) believing
c) definitively
2455. Choose the right antonym for: “fishier”.
a) even
b) littleneck
c) aboveboard
2456. Choose the right antonym for: “fishy”.
a) honest
b) jingle
c) logarithmic
2457. Choose the right antonym for: “equivocal”.
a) pollen
b) sure
c) opportunely
2458. Choose the right antonym for: “muzzier”.
a) cavil
b) palmer
c) clear
2459. Choose the right antonym for: “muzzy”.
a) uncanny
b) intruding
c) unquestionable
2460. Choose the right antonym for: “questionable”.
a) indisputable
b) demureness
c) litany
2461. Choose the right antonym for: “unproven”.
a) creel
b) dispose
c) settled
2462. Choose the right antonym for: “wiggly”.
a) species
b) reliable
c) larvate
2463. Choose the right antonym for: “mushy”.
a) mingle
b) cleaned
c) hard
2464. Choose the right antonym for: “mushier”.
a) even so
b) unfeeling
c) introduction
2465. Choose the right antonym for: “semisolid”.
a) stiff
b) raftered
c) jurisprudent
2466. Choose the right antonym for: “semiliquid”.
a) sorceress
b) systematic
c) hard
2467. Choose the right antonym for: “destitute”.
a) wealthy
b) autologous
c) mature
2468. Choose the right antonym for: “moneyless”.
a) halter
b) unaesthetic
c) wealthy
2469. Choose the right antonym for: “pileous”.
a) aberrant
b) clean
c) vertical
2470. Choose the right antonym for: “matte”.
a) demonstrator
b) sensationally
c) visible
2471. Choose the right antonym for: “mousy”.
a) claimant
b) fancy
c) reappointed
2472. Choose the right antonym for: “mousier”.
a) fixed-up
b) concubine
c) roadway
2473. Choose the right antonym for: “theatrical”.
a) mutation
b) scenery
c) real
2474. Choose the right antonym for: “magnetic”.
a) feebly
b) repulsive
c) fuming
2475. Choose the right antonym for: “prolonged”.
a) irreversible
b) initiated
c) shortened
2476. Choose the right antonym for: “wizened”.
a) moist
b) convertible
c) telepath
2477. Choose the right antonym for: “determined”.
a) paranoid
b) undecided
c) contemning
2478. Choose the right antonym for: “compulsive”.
a) utilized
b) breeches
c) unenthusiastic
2479. Choose the right antonym for: “baggier”.
a) untrained
b) fitting
c) encyclopedic
2480. Choose the right antonym for: “baggy”.
a) firm
b) first
c) rutted
2481. Choose the right antonym for: “oversize”.
a) mummy
b) ungiving
c) undetectable
2482. Choose the right antonym for: “flaccid”.
a) tomboyish
b) taut
c) inattentiveness
2483. Choose the right antonym for: “cernuous”.
a) stagnant
b) engrossing
c) upright
2484. Choose the right antonym for: “languid”.
a) hurried
b) mystery
c) gambler
2485. Choose the right antonym for: “sleepyhead”.
a) animated
b) forgiveness
c) delinquency
2486. Choose the right antonym for: “falling”.
a) brazier
b) assayable
c) rising
2487. Choose the right antonym for: “stewed”.
a) esoterism
b) sober
c) outdistance
2488. Choose the right antonym for: “sloshed”.
a) frolic
b) alate
c) straight
2489. Choose the right antonym for: “potted”.
a) straight
b) content
c) ism
2490. Choose the right antonym for: “pickeld”.
a) nipper
b) pearl
c) straight
2491. Choose the right antonym for: “looped”.
a) hermetic
b) exploiter
c) straight
2492. Choose the right antonym for: “pissed”.
a) smile
b) sober
c) waiter
2493. Choose the right antonym for: “blitzed”.
a) braggart
b) modifying
c) slough off
2494. Choose the right antonym for: “crocked”.
a) sober
b) academy
c) conflation
2495. Choose the right antonym for: “bombed”.
a) remise
b) flirtation
c) straight
2496. Choose the right antonym for: “half-seas over”.
a) fore
b) straight
c) culled
2497. Choose the right antonym for: “inebriated”.
a) straight
b) lasting
c) technicality
2498. Choose the right antonym for: “intoxicated”.
a) machete
b) criticized
c) unhappy
2499. Choose the right antonym for: “parched”.
a) wet
b) leotard
c) choristers
2500. Choose the right antonym for: “waterless”.
a) griminess
b) goatskin
c) wet
1.b 2.a 3.c 4.b 5.c 6.a 7.c 8.b 9.b 10.a
11.b 12.a 13.b 14.c 15.a 16.c 17.b 18.c 19.b 20.a
21.c 22.a 23.b 24.a 25.c 26.c 27.a 28.b 29.b 30.c
31.a 32.c 33.b 34.c 35.a 36.c 37.a 38.b 39.c 40.c
41.a 42.c 43.b 44.b 45.c 46.b 47.c 48.b 49.c 50.a
51.c 52.b 53.a 54.c 55.c 56.b 57.b 58.a 59.b 60.b
61.a 62.b 63.c 64.c 65.a 66.b 67.c 68.b 69.c 70.b
71.a 72.b 73.c 74.c 75.a 76.b 77.b 78.c 79.b 80.c
81.c 82.b 83.a 84.c 85.b 86.b 87.a 88.b 89.c 90.a
91.c 92.c 93.a 94.b 95.c 96.b 97.a 98.b 99.b 100.c

101.b 102.a 103.c 104.b 105.b 106.c 107.c 108.a 109.c

110.a 111.c 112.c 113.a 114.b 115.b 116.b 117.c 118.a
119.b 120.c 121.b 122.c 123.c 124.a 125.a 126.c 127.b
128.a 129.c 130.a 131.b 132.b 133.c 134.b 135.c 136.b
137.c 138.a 139.c 140.b 141.a 142.c 143.c 144.a 145.c
146.b 147.a 148.c 149.c 150.a 151.b 152.b 153.a 154.c
155.b 156.c 157.c 158.a 159.b 160.c 161.a 162.c 163.b
164.a 165.c 166.b 167.c 168.a 169.b 170.b 171.a 172.c
173.a 174.c 175.a 176.c 177.c 178.a 179.b 180.c 181.b
182.c 183.c 184.a 185.b 186.b 187.a 188.a 189.c 190.a
191.c 192.c 193.b 194.c 195.a 196.c 197.b 198.a 199.b
200.c 201.a 202.c 203.b 204.c 205.b 206.c 207.c 208.a
209.c 210.b 211.c 212.c 213.b 214.c 215.b 216.a 217.c
218.b 219.c 220.a 221.b 222.a 223.c 224.b 225.b 226.b
227.a 228.a 229.c 230.b 231.a 232.c 233.a 234.c 235.a
236.b 237.c 238.c 239.c 240.a 241.c 242.a 243.b 244.b
245.c 246.b 247.c 248.c 249.c 250.b 251.c 252.a 253.c
254.a 255.b 256.c 257.a 258.c 259.a 260.c 261.c 262.a
263.c 264.c 265.b 266.a 267.c 268.a 269.c 270.b 271.b
272.b 273.b 274.a 275.c 276.c 277.c 278.a 279.a 280.c
281.a 282.b 283.c 284.c 285.a 286.a 287.a 288.c 289.b
290.b 291.c 292.a 293.b 294.c 295.a 296.b 297.b 298.b
299.a 300.c 301.a 302.c 303.b 304.b 305.c 306.b 307.b
308.a 309.b 310.c 311.b 312.c 313.a 314.a 315.c 316.c
317.a 318.a 319.c 320.c 321.a 322.c 323.b 324.c 325.a
326.b 327.b 328.a 329.c 330.c 331.a 332.c 333.b 334.c
335.b 336.b 337.a 338.c 339.b 340.b 341.c 342.b 343.a
344.c 345.b 346.c 347.c 348.c 349.b 350.b 351.c 352.b
353.c 354.a 355.c 356.b 357.b 358.a 359.b 360.b 361.b
362.c 363.c 364.a 365.b 366.c 367.b 368.a 369.b 370.a
371.c 372.b 373.a 374.b 375.c 376.a 377.a 378.a 379.c
380.b 381.c 382.a 383.b 384.c 385.c 386.a 387.c 388.c
389.a 390.b 391.c 392.b 393.c 394.b 395.b 396.c 397.c
398.a 399.b 400.c 401.b 402.b 403.a 404.c 405.b 406.c
407.b 408.b 409.b 410.a 411.c 412.b 413.c 414.a 415.b
416.c 417.a 418.a 419.c 420.b 421.a 422.c 423.c 424.b

425.c 426.b 427.a 428.b 429.a 430.c 431.c 432.a 433.a

434.c 435.b 436.a 437.c 438.c 439.a 440.c 441.c 442.b
443.c 444.c 445.a 446.c 447.a 448.b 449.c 450.c 451.c
452.c 453.b 454.b 455.c 456.a 457.c 458.a 459.b 460.c
461.a 462.c 463.b 464.b 465.b 466.a 467.a 468.c 469.b
470.b 471.c 472.a 473.b 474.c 475.b 476.c 477.b 478.b
479.a 480.c 481.a 482.c 483.b 484.a 485.c 486.b 487.a
488.b 489.b 490.a 491.c 492.a 493.b 494.a 495.c 496.b
497.c 498.b 499.a 500.c 501.c 502.c 503.a 504.b 505.b
506.b 507.c 508.a 509.b 510.c 511.c 512.b 513.a 514.c
515.b 516.a 517.b 518.b 519.c 520.a 521.b 522.c 523.a
524.c 525.b 526.c 527.c 528.a 529.c 530.a 531.c 532.b
533.c 534.a 535.c 536.a 537.c 538.c 539.b 540.a 541.c
542.b 543.c 544.a 545.b 546.c 547.b 548.c 549.c 550.a
551.c 552.a 553.b 554.b 555.c 556.c 557.c 558.a 559.b
560.c 561.c 562.b 563.a 564.b 565.c 566.a 567.a 568.b
569.c 570.c 571.b 572.b 573.c 574.a 575.a 576.c 577.c
578.a 579.c 580.a 581.c 582.a 583.b 584.c 585.a 586.b
587.c 588.a 589.b 590.c 591.b 592.a 593.c 594.a 595.c
596.a 597.b 598.b 599.c 600.c 601.a 602.c 603.b 604.a
605.b 606.a 607.b 608.c 609.a 610.c 611.b 612.b 613.c
614.b 615.a 616.a 617.c 618.a 619.c 620.c 621.c 622.c
623.a 624.b 625.a 626.c 627.b 628.c 629.a 630.b 631.b
632.c 633.c 634.a 635.b 636.c 637.c 638.c 639.a 640.c
641.c 642.c 643.a 644.c 645.c 646.a 647.a 648.c 649.a
650.b 651.b 652.a 653.c 654.c 655.c 656.a 657.c 658.a
659.b 660.b 661.b 662.c 663.c 664.a 665.b 666.c 667.b
668.b 669.a 670.c 671.c 672.b 673.a 674.c 675.c 676.b
677.a 678.a 679.a 680.c 681.c 682.b 683.a 684.c 685.b
686.c 687.b 688.a 689.a 690.b 691.c 692.c 693.c 694.a
695.b 696.b 697.c 698.b 699.b 700.a 701.a 702.c 703.b
704.c 705.a 706.c 707.c 708.a 709.a 710.c 711.a 712.b
713.b 714.c 715.b 716.c 717.b 718.c 719.a 720.c 721.c
722.b 723.c 724.a 725.c 726.c 727.a 728.a 729.b 730.c
731.a 732.c 733.b 734.b 735.b 736.a 737.b 738.c 739.c
740.a 741.c 742.a 743.b 744.b 745.a 746.c 747.b 748.c
749.b 750.c 751.a 752.b 753.a 754.c 755.c 756.a 757.b
758.b 759.a 760.b 761.a 762.a 763.a 764.b 765.a 766.b
767.b 768.c 769.c 770.b 771.a 772.b 773.b 774.a 775.b
776.b 777.a 778.c 779.b 780.c 781.c 782.b 783.a 784.c
785.b 786.a 787.b 788.b 789.b 790.b 791.a 792.b 793.c
794.c 795.a 796.c 797.c 798.a 799.c 800.b 801.a 802.c
803.b 804.b 805.a 806.c 807.c 808.a 809.c 810.b 811.a
812.c 813.b 814.b 815.c 816.c 817.a 818.a 819.c 820.b
821.c 822.b 823.a 824.c 825.b 826.c 827.a 828.c 829.b
830.b 831.c 832.c 833.a 834.b 835.c 836.a 837.a 838.b
839.b 840.c 841.a 842.b 843.c 844.c 845.c 846.b 847.a
848.c 849.a 850.b 851.c 852.c 853.b 854.b 855.b 856.a
857.c 858.a 859.c 860.b 861.a 862.b 863.c 864.b 865.c
866.a 867.b 868.c 869.b 870.a 871.b 872.a 873.b 874.c
875.a 876.c 877.b 878.b 879.c 880.a 881.b 882.a 883.c

884.b 885.c 886.a 887.a 888.c 889.c 890.a 891.b 892.b

893.c 894.a 895.a 896.b 897.c 898.b 899.c 900.a 901.b
902.a 903.b 904.c 905.b 906.b 907.c 908.a 909.c 910.c
911.a 912.b 913.b 914.c 915.a 916.b 917.c 918.c 919.a
920.b 921.c 922.c 923.a 924.b 925.b 926.a 927.a 928.b
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2486.c 2487.b 2488.c 2489.a 2490.c 2491.c 2492.b 2493.c 2494.a
2495.c 2496.b 2497.a 2498.c 2499.a 2500.c
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Daniel B. Smith

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