Flash 4 Module 5A

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Name: _____________________________
I. Przetłumacz wyrazy na język angielski.
mięso pomidory
płatki śniadaniowe marchewka
masło czipsy
herbata ogórek
zdrowy pyszny

II. Przeczytaj tekst i zaznacz czy zdania są prawdziwe (True) czy fałszywe (False).
Rui Paula

Rui Paula is a famous chef from Porto, Portugal. He has got three restaurants and two cookery books
about Portuguese cuisine. He’s also in the Master Chef Portugal TV programme.
Rui Paula likes using all kind of fresh ingredients like fish, meat, fruit and vegetables to create delicious
Portuguese dishes. Some of his recipes are difficult to make, but many of them are simple, quick and taste
great. He says that people need to learn how to make delicious tomato rice to become great chefs one day.
He loves eating lots of foods, but his favourite meal is ‘filetes de polvo com arroz de polvo’. It is a simple,
but very tasty traditional Portuguese rice dish!
1. Rui Paula has got three restaurants. TRUE FALSE
2. Master Chef is a cookery book. TRUE FALSE
3. He likes using fresh ingredients to create delicious dishes. TRUE FALSE
4. Great chefs need to learn how to make tomato rice. TRUE FALSE
5. Rice dish isn’t his favourite meal. TRUE FALSE

III. Zakreśl kółkiem właściwe słowo. 10. Martha and I don’t/doesn’t have lunch at
1. She don’t/doesn’t eat meat. school.
2. My sister and I don’t/doesn’t drink fruit juice. IV. Wstaw czasownik w nawiasie w formie
3. Your brother doesn’t/don’t know how to przeczącej.
cook. 1. Benjamin __________________ (drink) cola.
4. I doesn’t/don’t like eating fish. 2. I _______________________ (like) fish pie.
5. Betty and Mark don’t/doesn’t eat spaghetti. 3. We ________________________ (eat) meat.
6. The girls don’t/doesn’t like yoghurt. 4. Hannah ______________________ (prepare)
7. Dave don’t/doesn’t drink coffee. lunch.
8. Sally don’t/doesn’t cook dinner. 5. My friends ______________________ (live) in
9. My parents don’t/doesn’t eat meat. Poland.

V. Uzupełnij zdania stosując do lub does.

________ he eat cheese omelette?
________ they drink cola?
_________ like peaches?
________ you know how to prepare lunch?

VI Uzupełnij zdania właściwą formą

do/does, don’t /doesn’t.
1. A: __________ you like apples? B: Yes, I ____________________.
2. A: __________ Rebecca know how to cook chicken? B: No, she ____________________.
3. A: __________ they eat at a restaurant every Sunday? B: No, they ____________________.
4. A: __________ David eat breakfast at 8:00 am? B: Yes, he ____________________.

VII. Dopasuj odpowiedź do pytania.

1. Does she like tomatoes? a. Yes, they do.
2. Do we eat dinner at 7 o’clock? b. Yes, she does.
3. Does Marek eat meat? c. No, we don’t.
4. Do they like milk? d. No, he doesn’t.

VIII. Ułóż wyrazy we właściwej kolejności.

1. doesn’t / Mark / crisps / eat ___________________________________________
2. have / you / at / lunch / do / home / ? ________________________________________?
3. eggs / for / John / breakfast / eats ___________________________________________
4. coffee / like / I / drinking / really _____________________________________________
5. Mary’s / What / favourite / is / food / ? _________________________________________?

IX. Odpowiedz na pytania.

1. What’s your favourite food? ______________________________________________
2. What do you usually have for breakfast? ____________________________________
3. What do you hate eating? ________________________________________________
4. What’s your favourite drink? _______________________________________________
5. What’s your favourite vegetable? ____________________________________________

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