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Small Parts Plating

Whether it is touching up the nickel plating, gold plating shotgun triggers
or plating an entire gun, this is a job that can be done in your shop.

by Paul Mazan and reassembly harder than the plat- The plating process is the same
rom nickel plating as a standard ing process. The results were spectac- no matter what metal you are apply-
finish to custom gold plated guns ular. Along with the S&W revolver I ing. As always, before you start any
made for royalty, plating has thought I’d gold plate the triggers on firearms project be absolutely certain
been around almost as long as my much modified Stevens 311. That the gun is unloaded. Check it yourself
firearms themselves. Most of us think poor Stevens 311 has been a test bed and KNOW it is empty. Then proceed
of plating as something that must be for so many projects it’s actually start- to disassemble the gun until you have
performed in a large shop full of tanks ing to look pretty good. I’ve owned the every part to be plated detached and
and hazardous chemicals. For some old beast since 1961 when it became laying in front of you on the bench. In
types of plating this would be correct, the first gun I bought with my own the case of the S&W that meant total
however, there are many types of plat- money and I well remember the day disassembly. With the Stevens only
ing that can be done on firearms parts I walked out of Hildebrand’s Sport- the triggers had to be removed.
at home with only a modest outlay of ing Goods in Broadview, Illinois. I For larger parts, commercial rust
cash and no special tools. thought I had purchased the finest and blue remover works well for the
Texas Platers Supply (214/330- gun in the world. Ah, the delusions initial stripping. For smaller parts,
7168) has been offering easy to use of youth! hand polish using finer and finer grits
plating kits for many years. Kits are My project S&W revolver has had of paper to a mirror polish. Even if rust
offered in Nickel, Pure Silver and 24 a hard life. It has ridden on the hip of and blue remover is used the parts
karat Gold with prices ranging from a cop for many years as evidenced by still must be polished to a bright fin-
just under $30 for Nickel to just un- the wear to the grips. It was also re- ish before plating. After polishing, the
der $80 for Gold. The chemicals are blued, badly, at least once and the side- parts must be degreased. Every trace
poisonous if taken internally so keep plates have been rusted and buffed to of oil, including the oils you left on the
them out of the reach of children. The the point that the S&W logo is nearly part by touching it, has to be removed.
only supplies you will have to provide gone. Its saving grace is that it shoots I do this wearing latex gloves and use
are abrasives for polishing the metal, superbly and the action is smooth as Birchwood Casey Gun Scrubber. Now
batteries to provide the direct current a baby’s cheek. the parts are ready to plate.
to plate with and a degreaser to clean
the parts so the plating will adhere. Below left: The Gold kit contained wires, clips, a special brush, copper
I recently bought a well used and solution to use as an undercoat, as well as the gold solution used as the top
tired Smith & Wesson revolver and coat. There are two pages of instruction including tips on replating worn
thought I’d see just how hard it was spots on old plating. Below right: The triggers are from a Stevens 311 shot-
to plate and what the results would gun that has been the test bed for numerous first time gunsmithing projects.
be. I found the disassembly, polishing For comparison sake they are shown here before being removed for plating.


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The plating process requires a Above left: The triggers are removed from the gun and buffed to a mirror
three volt DC power source. The in- finish. This job is much faster with a Dremel-type tool but can be done by
structions recommend batteries but I hand. Be sure to remove all scratches and blemishes or they will appear
used a power pack from an old elec- in the finished work. Clean and degrease thoroughly. Above right: After
tric train. This is not a transformer but connecting the battery, the brush is dipped into the solution. Make sure the
a power pack that some of the model bristles and underside of the plate are well covered with the chemical. The
railroad trains used in the 70’s. You chemical is the consistency of heavy cream so there is little chance of drip-
must used direct current. One pole ping or running.
is attached to the work and the other
is attached to the brush used to ap- be kept free of grease and oil and revolver. The result was a gun that
ply the plating chemical. The brush are polished to a bright, mirror-like looked old and weathered rather than
is loaded just like a paintbrush, dip- finish. After plating the parts they a shiny nickel. Sometimes it’s better
ping it in the bottle of plating solu- can be brightened further with 0000 to be lucky than good.
tion. The plating chemical is applied steel wool. Immediately after plating, wash
in a slow sweep of the brush across The only problem I’ve ever expe- the parts in clean water, wipe them
the part, making sure the bristles of rienced with the product has been dry and you are ready to reassemble.
the brush contact the large metal plate when I tried to increase the voltage Reseal the compound, wash out your
on the top of the brush. As the cur- to see if I could get a thicker plate. brush well with soap and water and
rent flows from the plate through the See my remarks above regarding start looking for other things around
plating solution it leaves a deposit of fools. The higher voltage caused the the shop that can be plated. How
metal on the surface. Like most every nickel to discolor and I ended up about nickel plating the trigger guard
other metal working proposition, the with a finish that looked more like to really set off those gold triggers, the
higher the polish put on the metal the old bare steel. That turned out to be bolt on that old .22 or the hammer on
brighter the finish. a good thing considering I was nickel your revolver? Once you get started it
Anyone that thinks any opera- plating a brass framed cap and ball is kind of addictive. AG
tion is foolproof doesn’t have a high
enough regard for fools, but this one Below left: To get the plating to work, the backplate or anode must press
is pretty simple. If you can follow the bristles of the brush against the work. The trigger is connected to the
directions and use a paintbrush you negative terminal of the battery and the brush is connected to the positive
can achieve excellent results as long terminal. The circuit must be completed so it will deposit the plating on the
as you remember that the parts must work. Below right: Gold plated triggers are shown reinstalled on the gun.


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