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Quiz 3 Business English IV ICOM 1538

Content: Ethics, conditionals. NAME:_________________________________

Date: June 2017
I. Insert the correct verbal tense according to the type of conditional, Type 1 (near possibility) or
type 2 (hypothetical situation). 4 p
1. If the states finds a solution to rule collaborative economy apps, like Uber and crowdfunding, it
______________________ (help) these platforms to deal with customers regarding free
2. The top managers´ annual bonds ________________________ (be) around 14% higher if our
economic performance were better.
3. A leadership coacher thinks that Arica lacks specialized human capital and that paperwork slows
its business initiatives. She adds that Arica ____________________ (move) forward provided
that it had less bureaucracy.
4. Antofagasta will never diversify unless it ___________________ (open) to tourism, renewable
energy and astronomy, fields that have a huge potential.

II. Complete these sentences: 4.5 p (1.5 each)

1. Two Attorney Generals will deeply investigate the Police Officers embezzlement case, otherwise

2. Cultural authorities have to inform about the Heritage Open Day, or else ______________

3. Scams won´t be stopped unless ________________________________________________

IV. In brief 8p
a)explain the corruption case
b) explain how this corruption case is related to the given word. CHOOSE 4
1. Volkswagen / greenwashing


2. Petrobras- slush fund



3. Enron – accounting scandal


4. Chilean Police - embezzlement


5. Odebrecht – traffic of influences



V. Complete the sentences with words from the box. 10p

glass ceiling misselling grease the wheel bullying small print
insider trading Chinese wall accountability slush fund colluded
1. Healthcare contracts have a _____________________ that consumers should read so as to know
exactly what they are paying for.
2. ______________ is effort to make a sale to a potential customer, a financial products
salesperson could leave out certain information or describe a financial product as something the
investor urgently needs, even though sound financial judgment would come to the opposite
3. Allegations that Nestlé – the maker of chocolate bars such as Kit Kat, Coffee Crisp and Big Turk –
________________ with its major competitors in Canada to co-ordinate price increases ranging
from 4 per cent to 8 per cent were first revealed in 2007, after Competition Bureau investigators
raided the Canadian offices of Nestlé, Hershey, Mars and ITWAL.
4. This is particularly true in Croatia since the country has an extensive bureaucracy and many
business regulations. Returning to factors of corruption, the many authors discuss the
________________ hypothesis, which argues that bribery helps to compensate for an excess of
bureaucratization and bad governance.
5. Management ________________ may consist on overloading of work and being set unrealistic
targets with unachievable deadlines, or constant criticism without appreciation of your
6. With the legal advice of Alcaíno | Abogados, last April 26, the solution offered by Aurus Capital
S.A. Administradora General de Fondos to the investors of its Insignia and Global Funds ended
successfully. On that date, the process of Aurus Capital S.A. Administradora General de Fondos
offered the purchase of their quotas to the investors of those funds, paying them the sale price
of their quotas, which allowed them to recover 96.5% of their investment. The process of
purchase of quotas is an example of Aurus _________________. They responded for the fraud
carried out by a former executive and partner of the administrator, Mauricio Peña, who was
convicted of the crimes and frauds committed, detected in early October.
7. ____________________ is a promotion barrier in companies, usual ones are because of sex and
racial discrimination.
8. Caval, owned by the president´s sister-in-law, is being prosecuted for _______________ as it
bought some rural land knowing it could be sold more expensively as its use was changing to
9. Siemens had a/an _________________ to bribe for contracts in many countries of the world.
10. An/a ____________________ is thrown up to prevent leaks of corporate inside information, which
could influence the advice given to clients making investments, and allow staff to take advantage of
facts that are not yet known to the general public.

VI. Answer precisely 6p

1. What three reasons does Trump have to build the wall?

2. How did Siemens recover its prestige? Refer to 4 measures.

3. How is refugee smuggling an excellent business practice ?

VII Match this information about the video “10 Charities that made thing worse”. 5p

1.The growth of imports of second hand …… fecal matter leakages in the water.
clothes has led to
2.Charity donated to a bookstore and school ……... was used to fund militia and Jihadist
3.Haitians inhabitants got cholera through …….. was used to people´s resettlement.
4.Money raised to fight famine in Ethiopia …….. camps become militarized.
5.War torn children offered to adoptive …….. unemployment in the textile industry.
…….. were actually kidnapped.

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