Design of PT Structure

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Pom COE uyuis I heinwodaction of commercay| sable unbonded post tensoning Justover four decades ago addeca new ‘dimension othe design and applica ‘lomo cocrete oor systems. Longer clear spans, thinner slabs, Hghtor Steuctores, shorter overall building heights, andthe potential for cet a= ings have made uaboaded postteasioning a prime choice for Foor systems. Posttensioning in building ‘Unbonded tendons were fist used fer ‘oor systems inthe US. inthe le 1980s Mheirus has increased rapidly sincethen and there have been com rable developments in engineering fad constuction techniques. Both Consulting engineers and post. tensioning system suppliers ave played important roles inthe deve fpiment of the industry, Although extensive application of pos Tensioning in balding construction s Sul somewhat ns, the inital uncer ‘aintes and problems associated with 4 new technology have bee left be hind Design guidelines an construction practices have matured and ate well lsh within he bsg inde ty. These guidelines are given 19 publications suchas the PTI Design Manval (PTT 1990), PTT Technical [Notes (Aalani 1993, 1994, 1998, 2000) and ACF-ASCE 423.38 (1996, ‘The guidelines are backed by Oe millions of square feet of pest- tensioned floor systems in salstacary ervice worldwide. Comprehensve Information on posteasoning hery and design is provided in Collins sad Michel (1991) Post-tensioning systoms Posttensioning isa form of pesuess- ing that uses high-strength steel seam ‘ saND { 1b NOK CORROSIVE ENVRONVENT (GREASE FLED PLASTIC CAP. Tee: sem ne ——— san oc ar aly comp tensioning systems can be either Lunbonded or bonded (routed) Tbe USS. oor are typically consiuced ‘wih bonded systems. Minimam bonded reinforcement is placed in critical locations where racking may “The tendons consist of 1/2 in, 270 ksi (12mm, 1860 MP, seven. ‘re, low-relacation ste sands. The Strand is greased and encased ia an ‘extruded pase protective sheathing {0 forms monostand tendon (ig) ‘The tendons are aid oot a pred ‘mined locations inthe forme before {he concrete is placed. After he cx. crete has attained the steagth quired to support the compressive force, the tendons ate stetsed and anchored atthe slab edges. Te est leon anchorage devices use core sped wedges to clamp the sand (Fig. 2). For added protection ino Fosive environment, te wedges nd ‘exposed sand tails te covered wrth “Uplastic cap (Fig 16). Figure 3 ‘hows an onbonded fora "Figure shows bonded syiem. In atypical bonded slab system, to fivertande are encased ina at mest or plate duct and anchored with a common anchorage device (Fig. 5. ‘After the tendons are stessed, We ‘ucts filled with acementions great that bonds the stands to the concrete Surrounding the duct. although bonded rystens are primary sean ‘Sanuary 2001 bridge construction, they are some tet used for uansfer girders and in seas lke Landscaped plaza decks ‘where Reavy loads require a lage Ihumber of sands. The design proce: Glres ae essentially the same for Sonded tnd unbnnded systeme There Fs more los of pesess de to ic- ‘om in bonded systems, however, $9 {he final effective fore in he rads is aight lower General recommendations govern. ing’ the sizing and design of osetensioned systems are given inthe Taternational Building Code (IBC 200) and ACT318 (1999). ACE-ASCE. 423.38 (1996) provides peciieecom- mendations for floor systems psttnsoned wit unbooded tendons, [n aditon, he Post Tesiolng Ins ‘ute as camped several puieations ‘hat incloe design examples and prae- teal constution deta (Aalamt and Bommer 1999), The PTI Design “Manual (PT 1990) provides informa Sq oe bot posensoaing systers and posttensioning design theory, forslabs sz lo discussed ina sep fate publication, Design of Pose Tenoned Floor Slabs P1983), Posttensioning design requirements ‘A conventionally reinforced concrete icesbility (cack and deflection owe) is addressed by limiting he Spardepth ios and enseing ele n= lated defections ace within acceptable Limite Pst ensoned ub are deg for bath erength ana eericeaity fequicenents, however. The post: ‘tensioning sally designed to sasty ‘ervizaliy regiments by limiting {tresses ener ervice loading Noopee Srested reinforcement is added to {shieve the strength requirement if ‘eves, Minimum banded reinforce {Bent i so requved i eal seas ‘there cncing may occur Post-tensioning design procedure Structural modeling (Once th geometry and loading are ablisieg, the design of @post- fensonel slab conist of to pips ‘epe nanely, determining he actions (Gromens and shears) and designing roted in onpeesuessd slab contigu- {atlone that lend themselves to the pplication of post-tensioning. The satura modeling of two-way pot. tensioned flor systems fllows the fame guidelines as souprestessed floors In bie the slabs vied ito ‘design strip in asordance wit des inact support lines and load paths ‘The demand actions (moments and shears) foreach design spare cle lated using frame or fnteclement nays, The design sip ae then ‘Concrete iterations checked for reinforcement at se lected cesign sections. Design ‘etions are normal tothe supp Tine and extend over the entre tebuay sith (he with ofthe design sip. “Treatment of post- tensioring | ‘When cmpating moments and shear inepostsestoned sia the | Posecensoning is ‘typically con- = eel ag Fig emp ct nied oon a een oA reassure EAGSOC ensue age appre on lia, te o> wih he e-em bee nce ne eer ofp Bement ut am, ih etreed rem Sicieeeasgeennas pitccemimupeream etm ad ee Sqocmcwtewoce Reet cat RutTaetmatata Sis Geicloetnce, SeTuiay ate liga nies en Secon Sutra satus: Goines scien Rents jasc) Tees tiv aciats qgtan'/Se Snuspticaenss ‘artenetcemes owcreeate ns See dino eae ea eee eect loading (Fig: 64) ent at each design section is obtained Control of concrete stresses under ser- ae, Sein ied Gina cae tee THethimetocming imine i od ares nied grkemeurctctapeeer fimelmar wy mma sib ie ero ated secinag Farenheit te al mene te mech, he se Siamiecwtcncoes See See ei aesSapatl iad ee taste aesoege nha eran accemeoeeeme han, heme eean, ep he nn Ineigminig Toe wench SMSO meme Sn ad gfe Poca slayfen betes acannon Siriano see he pi Sener (es cet “The balsnced lading diagram ‘T30N Toad, live load, and post soe sec ferme yromemwo stat smut alo ined the moment ‘hatresuls when be cenwoldof tf te meme changes The en eMTOX 20 VEN se aad ober infeeuene changeifts depth changes. The | BEAM POST TESENED loading are not considered i ented of slab wil also serviceability sss checks ‘hangeiftere are column cap For the strength (timate tals or op panels. Figure 7 momen) init, the section Issa the separton ofthe posttensioning actons iato {hose casing Mexire snd those ‘auring niform compression (One of the cenualpremsss of Toad balancing is at the solve hyperstatic (secondary) me. sens that fesult from the posttensioning are alse ti obtained from the beading Included The hypersaicmo. ‘famentercaibe superposed sent ar unfactred with wniform precompression ‘fompreszesing Superposition Design for late! foading {S oly vai ifthe Bending of the memoer includes the o- ‘ent shown a Fig. 18). Ties discoseed further in Aslam ‘Ath time there en simple, ‘widely aceped procedure for ‘modeling pos-easioned sla) fumes under lateral loading 9 ‘The geile Frame blthod sesh entre abbr or ‘Stress calculations [Evi loading. The relative ra desgn sections taken atthe alma ses ale fr facecofsupport of an elastic Tater oading ae sigan ‘Senuary2007 trent fm those used for grvity ssrction, ACI31S requires 2 minimums loading, however As res one-half [thous of reinforcement over each ofthe sls eibtary i tpiealy ated ‘appom for eack control and duct fersisess computations when deter a | ioe Thi minimum etnorcement is « ‘ining moments de lateral oan f, Lag | fincion ofthe geomery of the sab eet and most be placed within a narrow Principal design constraints vo | Band over te columns. ‘The pincisl design constraint that | ‘HoH | vit Tong spans, considerable Timilab ind cols dimensions of | SAB IAL LOND ORLY | tof sadtoal reinforcement twovway sls ar | | may be required to achieve suength ‘emands Congestion can become Punching shear ' fog) | problem because mos engineers favor Unless specal shear enforcement Sa | Sal ciametr bas (No. and No. 5 provided, punching shear capacity [13t 16mm) forcrack convo. Small ‘he ft renriton fo the ase of lon ‘Spans lt plate ystems, A dop exp | ©) SEPARATION INTO COMPRESSION AND ‘ound the column lows an crease Inspan engh unl he puning shear fapecty of the sab inkmediately be- Yond the dep becomes etic or ther Iiatioos we encountered Drop pan flr andslabbands cam also be sed if ‘terete preblem with punching shear Insome stations, however, tmay be | | | Nest nbouedto masiize te mo tent ofthe refer bat ad $l mere pe for tendo the deren decion Touhive et [tye conoldaion of be come, | etal ae of reinforcement ver | Simo sgl no exceed 675 0 | 00 amt i ech direction, Drop | panes ean be sed to reduce the | i oust of enforcement quire, eee caer ince ade ie Ge Sosa ere same Feeley ateat Sanne! a emete times used as punching shear (i) FLEXURAL PART ‘recommendations; deflections are sel- ‘eiforcementia Shy arent pate fort pore ‘easloned Habs, though — itis ‘dicultto anchor te sip legs effectively snough for them 10 develop tefl yield suena ‘Stimape al intertere withthe placement of tendons and onpresuessed reinforcement ‘ver supp. Sher heads ean fot bewsedsntieactniy i slabs {ese than Bn. 200 mm) deep: this preven their use in most postensiowed oie andres ‘ena slab “There ae sowever, variety of punching shear relaforcement 7 eqpassonotpreerestngine | som lining citron Forlnger “Rourcandtiateonponent | deletions «maximum of san230 : F Oeeeae be used as a pullin, ‘Wea calcalating long-term de Feats he gross moment of Inert owed and a ere fc tor of 210 3 applied tothe Susisned Yoadiag (dead tod ls posttesioning) aframe sages sucha he equivalent fame method is wed, dels ‘on obsined rom he ps in ‘oth eiecdons must be com ine. Average precom Eovees sch we configured 0 ACH S48 reqs» minim ‘reopen ene ee ‘ts wera es mtn be iy ‘Design of these shear devices is v precompression (P/A) is the Sere dn of fosctenoning force ithe Sos Acta a5 ‘er dd ye Cone ‘omncntoes forte design |) ELASTE SOLITON DSTRBUTION Sens aes of be member ‘of shear studs. The recommen- a OF STRESS | Tix 'twovway slab systems, the sions cane ape ower | Egnsmpte te mmr) For Seadevte poled ey de | Seno dco an rene ‘Sipser uel seed Soin | ERnvomceeecopente st TOO | Sterne pecopresion ber Reinforcement ‘een 180 and 250 ps (1.0 and congestion 17 MPa wally produce sat fafetory solution. Is rarely ie ah important on scent forthe precompees ‘when asing long | Son to exceed 300 psi (2.0 ‘pans. In wbonded tendon con (MPa) in oor slab systems. At x ‘Conerete torational ‘precampression levels above 500 ALIS. MPa} restenat from the Suprorts and slab shortening be coms important and needs fo be consdered. Thssparcularly true {nth lowerlevesof building and in builings with unfavorable sup- portarangements. Teresing the depth ofa lightly loaded slab may actually increase the guid post tensioning de ‘ininum precomprersion require mens. In epic! slab, however, Increasing the lab depth wil allow lan crease the endon Grapes thus a decrease in the required force Construction considerations ‘Tendon layout Several schemes were initially pro- posed forthe layout of tendons in {Two-way floor systems. These in- luded: uniformly diseboted in both ‘iretons, banded in bot duections, and banded in one direction snd ds {eibued in the other Test results ‘onchded thatthe tendon rangemest [Swoverical tothe sla pecformance: Ie tendon drape nd te total force in the bay that govern sab benavioe “The mest commonly usd layout bandedin one dreton snd uniformly

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