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Context Assessment Overview:

In this unit, Prep students will learn about the importance of

following instructions and algorithms in a fun and engaging way Cross-Curricular Integration: This unit also integrates elements from various subject areas to provide a well-
through building their own basic Lego set. They will explore how rounded learning experience:
images can make algorithms clearer and develop their creativity and  Language Arts: Through the use of the Book Creator app, students practice sequencing skills, develop
sequencing skills by creating an instruction manual using the Book vocabulary related to instructions and algorithms, and learn to communicate their ideas effectively through
Creator app. Throughout the unit, students will also gain basic captions.
knowledge of Lego building techniques, using iPads to switch  Fine Motor Skills: The Lego building activities enhance students' fine motor skills as they manipulate and
Cycle no.
between apps, and using the Book Creator app. connect Lego pieces.
 Digital Literacy: Introducing students to iPads and the Book Creator app enhances their digital literacy
Term(s) 3 skills, teaching them how to navigate between apps and create digital content.
 Mathematics: The concept of algorithms introduces basic mathematical ideas of sequencing and
Week Numbers following steps in a logical order.
Extension Activities: For students who grasp the concepts quickly, consider incorporating these extension
Duration 7 Weeks activities:
 Algorithmic Art: Have students create simple drawings using step-by-step instructions, highlighting the
importance of precise algorithms.
 Algorithm Dance: Create a fun activity where students follow an algorithm to perform a simple dance
routine, reinforcing the idea of sequences.
 Advanced Lego Builds: Challenge more advanced students to create more complex Lego structures and
document their building process using Book Creator.
 Algorithms in Nature: Explore how animals follow algorithms in their behaviors (e.g., bee's dance for
finding nectar). Connect this to the concept of following instructions.
Assessment: Assess students' progress through various means:
 Observation: Observe students during hands-on activities to gauge their understanding of following
instructions, building with Lego, and using the Book Creator app.
 Class Discussions: Engage students in discussions about algorithms, clarity in instructions, and the
process of creating instruction manuals.
 Review of Instruction Manuals: Evaluate the final instruction manuals created by students in the Book
Creator app. Check for clarity, sequencing, and effective use of images and captions.
 Self-Assessment: Encourage students to reflect on their learning journey and how well they followed
instructions and algorithms during the unit.

Adjustments (instructional/environmental)
Occasionally Frequently Constantly
please indicate frequency of adjustment
Check ins throughout (e.g. for understanding, on-task behaviours, participation, KM, AG, CT, BB, SG AH, FD, AP, MH, KN, ET
Additional time to process/complete tasks AG, BB, SG AH, FD AP, MH, KN, ET
Break down or modify instructions (e.g. verbal/written) MH, KN, ET,
Preferential proximal seating ET, KN, ET, AH, LT, CT AP, MH
Visual supports/timers
Provision of movement/rest breaks KO, CT, LT
(Core Knowledge and Skills students will (Multiple opportunities to activate learning through: GRoR and Look For’s) (What evidence do we gather to check for understanding / feedback/
gain) scaffolding
WALT Lesson 1: Introduction to Algorithms and Instructions WORKING TOWARDS
Duration: 40 minutes EXPECTED
Overview: In this lesson, students will be introduced to the concepts of ABOVE
algorithms and instructions. They will learn why clear instructions are important
WILF and how they help achieve desired outcomes.
Learning Objectives:
WINK • Understand what algorithms and instructions are.
• Recognize the importance of clear instructions.
• Identify examples of instructions in daily life.
Australian Curriculum Outcomes:
• Design and Technologies: Investigate how people use instructions to achieve
specific outcomes (ACTDIK002)
• Digital Technologies: Explore the characteristics and properties of data

Lesson 2: Exploring LEGO Basics and Building Techniques

Duration: 40 minutes
Overview: Students will familiarize themselves with LEGO bricks and basic
building techniques. They will learn how to connect and stack bricks
Learning Objectives:
• Identify different types of LEGO bricks.
• Practice basic LEGO building techniques.
• Understand the importance of precision in following instructions.
Australian Curriculum Outcomes:
Design and Technologies: Explore how technologies use forces to create
movement in products (ACTDEP003)
Lesson 3: Understanding Images in Instructions
Duration: 40 minutes
Overview: This lesson focuses on the role of images in instructions. Students
will learn how images can make instructions clearer and more comprehensible.
Learning Objectives:
• Understand how images can enhance instructions.
• Identify symbols and visual cues in instructions.
• Discuss the advantages of using both text and images in instructions.
Australian Curriculum Outcomes:
• Design and Technologies: Investigate the suitability of materials, systems,
components, tools, and equipment (ACTDEK001)
Lesson 4: Building LEGO Creations with Step-by-Step Images
Duration: 40 minutes
Overview: Students will start building their own basic LEGO set following step-
by-step instructions provided. They will take photos of each step to document
their progress.
Learning Objectives:
• Follow step-by-step instructions accurately.
• Practice patience and attention to detail.
• Use an iPad to take clear photos of their LEGO build.
Australian Curriculum Outcomes:
• Design and Technologies: Generate, develop, and record design ideas through
describing, drawing, and modelling (ACTDEP005)
Lesson 5: Introduction to Book Creator App
Duration: 40 minutes
Overview: Students will be introduced to the Book Creator app. They will learn
its basic functionalities and how to create a new project.
Learning Objectives:
• Understand the purpose of the Book Creator app.
• Navigate through the app's interface.
• Start a new project and add pages.
Australian Curriculum Outcomes:
• Digital Technologies: Recognize and explore patterns in data (ACTDIK002)

Lesson 6: Creating Instructions Using Book Creator

Duration: 40 minutes
Overview: Students will use the photos they took in Lesson 4 to create their
own instruction manual using the Book Creator app. They will add images and
simple text to explain each step of their LEGO build.
Learning Objectives:
• Create an instruction manual using the Book Creator app.
• Organize images and text logically.
• Practice sequencing and clear communication.
Australian Curriculum Outcomes:
• English: Create short texts to explore, record, and report ideas and events
using familiar words and beginning writing knowledge (ACELY1651)
Lesson 7: Sharing and Reflecting
Duration: 40 minutes
Overview: In the final lesson, students will share their instruction manuals with
their peers. They will reflect on their learning journey and discuss the
importance of clear instructions.
Learning Objectives:
• Share their created instruction manuals.
• Reflect on the process of creating instructions.
• Discuss the significance of clear communication.
Australian Curriculum Outcomes:
• Design and Technologies: Evaluate design ideas, processes, and solutions
based on criteria for success developed with guidance (ACTDEP007)
By the end of this unit, students will have gained an understanding of the
importance of instructions and algorithms, how to use images effectively in
instructions, and how to create their own instruction manuals using digital
tools. They will have also developed skills in LEGO building techniques and
using the Book Creator app for creating digital content.

- Lego
- Ipads
- Book Creator App

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