1982 Synapses Between L-Neurons J Comp Physiol

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J Comp Physiol (1982) 147:401-414 of Comparative

Physiology. A
9 Springer-Verlag 1982

Transmission Mediated With and Without Spikes at Connexions

Between Large Second-Order Neurones of Locust Ocelli
Peter J. Simmons
Department of Zoology, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, England

Accepted February 19, 1982

Summary. Large second-order neurones of locust ject to the whole area of the retina, and most project
ocelli (L-neurones) make both excitatory and inhibi- to the dorsal or ventral halves (Fig. 6). The excitatory
tory connexions with each other. Small, graded depo- connexions may sharpen responsiveness to decreases
larisations and hyperpolarisations are transmitted at in illumination, and the inhibitory connexions may
the excitatory connexions but, at the inhibitory con- enhance the detection of rapid movements of large
nexions, spikes in the presynaptic neurone are re- objects, such as the visual horizon.
quired for transmission.
1. L-neurones spike, usually once only, when hy-
perpolarisations end rapidly. The hyperpolarisations
can be caused either by illumination of the ocellus,
or by injection of current. The amplitude of a spike
depends both upon the amplitude and the duration Introduction
of the preceding hyperpolarisation (Fig. 1 B). The reasons why particular neurones should or should
2. At the excitatory connexions, the resting poten- not be able to produce spikes are not always clear.
tial of the presynaptic neurone normally lies depolar- In some cases spikes are necessary because signals
ised from the threshold for transmission, so that both must travel some distance within a neurone's axon.
small hyperpolarisations and depolarisations effect However, there are examples where one type of neu-
changes in postsynaptic potential (Fig. 2A, B). Over rone produces spikes, whereas another type, of similar
periods of several minutes, there is no sign of de- dimensions does not. For instance, in the vertebrate
crement in transmission at these connexions retina amacrine cells spike, but horizontal cells -
(Fig. 2D). Spikes in the presynaptic neurone usually which are of comparable size to them - do not (Werb-
ensure that the postsynaptic neurone also spikes. lin and Dowling 1969); and in the thoracic ganglia
3. At the inhibitory connexions, the postsynaptic of locusts, the morphologies of local neurones which
potential decrements within 10-20 ms (Fig. 3A). Be- normally operate without spikes (Siegler and Burrows
cause of this, rapidly rising presynaptic potentials, 1979) are very similar to those of other local neurones
such as spikes, are required for transmission. Also, which produce trains of spikes (M. Burrows and
presynaptic hyperpolarisations do not effect changes M.V.S. Siegler, personal communication). For small
in postsynaptic potential. Following an inhibitory neurones, it could be seen as disadvantageous to em-
postsynaptic potential, transmission at an inhibitory ploy spikes, as time is required to convert a signal
connexion remains depressed for about a second expressed as spike frequency into one expressed as
(Figs. 3 B, C). membrane potential. In this paper it is shown that
4. All three members of one anatomical class of spikes are required for transmi~ssion at one type of
L-neurone (Ll-3; C.S. Goodman 1976) of a lateral connexion made between large, second-order neu-
ocellus make reciprocal inhibitory connexions with rones of locust ocelli. Spikes are required because
each other (Fig. 7B ; Table 1). Some of these neurones the effectiveness of transmission declines very fast,
are presynaptic at excitatory connexions with another so that a rapidly rising depolarising signal, such as
class (L4-5; Fig. 7A). Many L-neurones do not pro- a spike, is needed in the presynaptic neurone. These
same second-order neurones also make another type
Abbreviation: L-neurone large second-order neurone of connexion amongst themselves where spikes are

402 P.J. Simmons: Connexions Between Second-Order Ocellar Neurones of Locusts

not required for transmission, and at which small Results

depolarisations or hyperpolarisations in the presyn-
aptic neurone effect changes in postsynaptic potential. Spikes in L-Neurones
Large second-order neurones of insect ocelli
(called 'L-neurones' in the locust by C.S. Good- Spikes in L-neurones are produced when hyperpolar-
man 1976) hyperpolarise when illumination increases, isations, induced either by illumination of photore-
and may spike when light intensity decreases rapidly ceptors or, as reported by Wilson (1978b), by injec-
(Chappell and Dowling 1972 - dragonfly; Patterson tion of current through a microelectrode, end
and L.J. Goodman 1974; Wilson 1978a, b - locust; abruptly. The amplitude of a spike depends both upon
Guy et al. 1979 - bee). Some of the membrane proper- the amplitude and duration of the preceding hyperpo-
ties of L-neurones have been investigated (Wilson larisation. In Fig. 1A are recordings from an L-neu-
1978b), and the operation of excitatory synapses rone, penetrated with two microelectrodes, to three
which they make with some large brain neurones has identical pulses of light delivered during three differ-
been described (Simmons 1981b). At these synapses, ent amplitudes of hyperpolarising pulse injected into
under ordinary conditions of illumination, transmitter the neurone. As the neurone was more strongly hyper-
is continually released, so that both depolarising and polarised, the amplitude of the spike produced at
small hyperpolarising changes in presynaptic poten- the end of the pulse of light increased. The hyperpo-
tial are communicated to the postsynaptic neurones. larisation induced by the light pulse decreased slightly
Evidence that L-neurones synapse with each other in amplitude as the membrane potential of the L-
has been found before in an ultrastructural study (L.J. neurone moved towards the reversal potential of the
Goodman et al. 1977), where synaptic structures were neurone's synapses with photoreceptors (Wilson
found in the ocellar nerve and in the ocellar tracts 1978 b). In Fig. 1 B, the amplitudes of spikes produced
in the brain. Ultrastructural studies also suggest the at the end of hyperpolarising pulses of different ampli-
possibility that L-neurones interact in the ocellar neu- tudes ( + ) or durations (.) are plotted. To study the
ropile (Dowling and Chappell 1972 - dragonfly; L.J. effects of varying pulse amplitude, current pulses
Goodman et al. 1979 - locust). 600 ms long were injected into it, and to study the
effects of varying pulse duration sufficient current
to hyperpolarise the neurone by 35 mV was injected
in each pulse. The plots show that for each successive
equal increment in pulse amplitude or length, the
Materials and Methods increase in spike amplitude declines progressively. In-
Experiments were performed on male and female Sehistocerca gre- creasing the length of the pulse beyond 800 ms had
garia (Forskal), a n d most of the methods used have been described no further effect on spike amplitude. With increasing
in more detail before (Simmons 1981 b). pulse amplitude, the maximum spike amplitude
The brain was exposed and stabilised by manipulating a small
reached was 23 mV above resting (L-neurones have
platform to lie beneath it. It was constantly bathed in saline at
18-20 ~ In the purely physiological experiments, intracellular resting potentials of about - 30 mV, Simmons 1981).
glass capillary electrodes were filled with 2 tool/1 potassium acetate. Depolarising pulses are seldom effective at elicit-
Initially electrodes had d.c. resistances of 40-70 M O h m , and this ing spikes in L-neurones. Sometimes, when long depo-
was often reduced by bevelling to 20-25 M O h m . To stain single larising pulses were injected (e.g. Fig, 2Aiii), there
neurones, they were injected with 5% cobalt chloride and later
intensified (Bacon and A l t m a n 1977). W h e n two neurones to the
was a steep depolarising transient, followed by a
same oceilus were stained, one was injected with cobalt chloride notch, but discrete spikes have never been elicited
and the other with nickel chloride. On reaction with rubeanic by short depolarising pulses. When sine waves are
acid, cobalt-filled neurones stained red and nickel-filled neurones injected into L-neurones, spikes, when elicited,
blue (Quieke and Brace 1979). Light was delivered to each ocellus
usually take off as the potential rises towards resting
separately t h r o u g h a plastic light guide (' Crofon', du Pont), a n d
light sources were lens-end torch bulbs, each provided with a me-
(Fig. 1 C). In some neurones of the lobula plate of
chanical shutter. In some experiments stimulus programs applied the fly, hyperpolarisation also enhances the produc-
to neurones were controlled by a microcomputer. tion of spikes (Hengstenberg 1977).
Particular care was taken to ensure L-neurones were not dam- L-neurone spikes originate within the brain rather
aged (criteria in Simmons 1981b). Neurones were identified as
than in the ocellar neuropile. This is shown in
L-neurones purely by the way they responded to pulses of light.
Over 160 neurones identified as L-neurones in this way have subse- Fig. 1 D, where a spike was recorded with one elec-
quently been stained, and all have had the structure of an L- trode in the brain, and a second electrode in an ocellar
neurone (C.S. G o o d m a n 1976). Most recordings were made from process of the same L-neurone, confirming the con-
L-neurone axons, within 200 g m (either side) of where they enter clusion reached by Wilson (1978b) using the less di-
the brain. Most recordings were made from L-neurones of the
lateral ocelli as, in Schistocerca, the nerves to these ocelli are more
rect method of recording spike amplitudes at different
accessible t h a n that of the median ocellus. locations.
P.J. Simmons: Connexions Between Second-Order Ocellar Neurones of Locusts 403

Pul~e chJra~ton, ml

200 400 600 800

[ I i I I
20hA E ....................... 20, §

15. 6 §
amplitude, §

mV I0_ §


!0 20 30 40
500me Pulom ampl1~ude, mV +

I" i r'----'l

500ms Im8
Fig. 1A-D. Features of spikes in L-neurones. A. Two electrodes were inserted into this L-neurone, one to inject current (monitored
on the bottom trace) and the other to record potential (top trace). Identical 500 ms long pulses of light were delivered to the ocellus.
When no current was injected into the neurone, the intensity of light was not sufficient to cause a spike (0. When the neurone was
hyperpolarised by 7 mV (i/) it produced a spike at the end of the light pulse, End the amplitude of the spike grew as progressively
greater currents were injected (iii). B The effects on the amplitudes of spikes in an L-neurone, produced at the ends of hyperpolarising
current pulses, of varying the amplitude (+) or duration (.) of the pulses. Two electrodes were again used, positioned about 200 gm
apart at the base of the ocellar nerve. C A sinusoidal current was injected into the same neurone that was used for the plots in
B. Initially the neurone was at its normal resting potential, and a spike took off at a potential more negative than this during repolarisation
following hyperpolarisation. No spike was produced when the neurone was initially depolarised. D L-neurone spikes travel away from
the brain. This spike occurred at the end of a pulse of light. The electrode for the upper trace was placed in the ocellar tract in
the brain, and that for the lower was placed in the ocellar neuropile

The Excitatory Connexions n e u r o n e s synapse with each other over a c o n s i d e r a b l e

part o f the ocellar tract within the brain, as well
The o p e r a t i o n of excitatory c o n n e x i o n s between L- as in the nerve itself, so t h a t p o t e n t i a l changes re-
n e u r o n e s has been studied in detail in 6 different prep- corded in the present work are p r o b a b l y those which
arations, a n d m o r e cursorily in a b o u t 25. T h e results actually occur at the presynaptic sites.
presented here are representative of all of these. The The o p e r a t i o n o f a n excitatory c o n n e x i o n in one
excitatory c o n n e x i o n s operate in a n identical m a n n e r p r e p a r a t i o n is described by Fig. 2. T w o electrodes
to the excitatory c o n n e x i o n s which L - n e u r o n e s m a k e were inserted into the p r e s y n a p t i c n e u r o n e , one to
with the large descending n e u r o n e s 03 a n d 04 (Sim- inject c u r r e n t a n d the other to record p o t e n t i a l
m o n s 1981 b). changes (the results were a l m o s t identical w h e n the
The length c o n s t a n t of a n L - n e u r o n e is m u c h lon- roles of the two electrodes were reversed). A third
ger t h a n the length of the n e u r o n e itself ( W i l s o n electrode recorded the m e m b r a n e p o t e n t i a l of the
1978b; c o n f i r m e d by p e r s o n a l observations). This p o s t s y n a p t i c n e u r o n e . T o study the transfer of sus-
m e a n s that p o t e n t i a l s recorded f r o m a n L - n e u r o n e t a i n e d graded potentials across the c o n n e x i o n ,
a x o n at the p o i n t were it enters the b r a i n - which 500 m s - l o n g pulses of c u r r e n t were applied to the
was the u s u a l site for p o s i t i o n i n g electrodes - will presynaptic n e u r o n e (Fig. 2A). The a m p l i t u d e o f the
be very similar to those o c c u r r i n g elsewhere in the presynaptic p o t e n t i a l at the middle o f each pulse is
n e u r o n e . L.J. G o o d m a n et al. (1977) report that L- plotted against the c o r r e s p o n d i n g p o s t s y n a p t i c p o t e n -
404 P.J. Simmons: Connexions Between Second-Order Ocellar Neurones of Locusts


~OmV Po8s s

20~A mV 4

Currens 3
2 R ~

1 m

. ' I I I I I I I
-40 -30 -20 -lg i0 20 30 40
-2 Pre- mV
9 q 9 9


i ii

iV 5mV

. . . . . . . . . . ~

500ms puJ-ses

mV [ 2mV

~o v 9 f............ ........... = ' L .............

20,~^ ~ ......
r---n 1 sec
1 ms

Fig. 2 A - E . The operation of an excitatory connexion between two L-neurones. In all records two electrodes were inserted into the
presynaptic neurone, one to inject current and the other to record potential. Records are all from the same pair of nenrones. Records
from the postsynaptic neurone on the top trace, with records from the presynaptic neurone below them. A (i) A depolarising pulse
was applied to the presynaptic neurone. A small spike leads the more sustained potential and the postsynaptic neurone also spiked at
the beginning of the pulse. (ii-iv) progressively larger hyperpolarising pulses were injected into the presynaptic neurone. B A plot of
presynaptic against postsynaptic potentials, made from an enlarged series of records, including those in A. C A comparison of an EPSP
elicited by a presynaptic spike (/) with one elicited by a depolarising pulse (i0. The postsynaptic neurone was depolarised by 5 n A
to reduce its tendency to spike (one electrode was used to inject current a n d record from this neurone). Dotted lines: n o r m a l presynaptic
resting potential. In (i/) there was an initial transient peak in the presynaptic neurone when the depolarising pulse was applied, right
at the start of this sweep. D M e a s u r e m e n t of transmission latency across the connexion. Depolarising pulses were injected into the
presynaptic neurone, and 5 single sweeps are superimposed. E A 5 min long depolarising pulse was applied to the presynaptic neurone;
start and end of this pulse are shown.

tial in Fig. 2 B. The plot shows that the normal resting it was difficult to compare the amplitudes of postsyn-
potential of the presynaptic neurone lies 14 mV depo- aptic potentials produced by presynaptic spikes with
larised from the threshold for transmission, so that those produced by more sustained presynaptic depo-
both positive and negative potential changes in the larisations. In a few preparations, the postsynaptic
presynaptic neurone effect potential changes in the neurone was reluctant to spike, and this comparison
postsynaptic neurone. For presynaptic potentials be- could be made. Alternatively, small depolarising cur-
tween 10 mV below and 20 mV above resting, each rents applied to the postsynaptic neurone would
1 mV change in presynaptic potential caused a change sometimes block spikes in it. In Fig. 1 C a steady
of 0.27 mV in postsynaptic potential. current of + 5 nA was injected into the postsynaptic
Usually at excitatory connexions, spikes in the neurone, and this reduced its tendency to spike. A
presynaptic neurone would always drive the postsyn- spike was produced in the presynaptic neurone at
aptic neurone to spike (Fig. 2A). This meant that the end of a hyperpolarising pulse applied to it, and
P.J. Simmons: Connexions Between Second-Order Ocellar Neurones of Locusts 405

A i B
5mY [ Ampii~udm 8O
o~ 2rid 8O
ii IPSP ag 4O m

% o~ le~. 2O
200 400 800 800 IOOO
| |
I I I I 1 1 I I I I

Interval 6es ~plkee, me

C i ii iii





Fig. 3A-D. Decrement and recovery from depression of transmission at inhibitory connexions. Records from postsynaptic neurones
are on all upper traces, and from presynaptic neurones on second traces. In A and C separate electrodes were used for injecting
current into and recording from the presynaptic neurones. A Comparison between IPSPs elicited by a presynaptic spike (0 and by
a longer depolarising pulse (ii). In both cases the IPSP decrements within 10 ms, although the presynaptic neurone remained depolarised
throughout the length of the pulse in (i0. The spike in (0 was elicited at the end of a 500 ms long hyperpolarising pulse. B, C Recovery
of transmission from depression. Pairs of spikes were elicited in the presynaptic neurone, each elicited by a brief hyperpolarising pulse
(current monitored on bottom trace). The interval between the spikes was varied (C i-iii), and the amplitudes of the IPSPs were measured.
In B five repetitions of each interspike interval were used to plot each point. D Recordings from 3 separate L-neurones, which all
made reciprocal inhibitory connexions with each other. Spikes were elicited in two of them (bottom two traces), eliciting IPSPs in
the third (top trace). Although the spikes were separated by only 25 ms, the amplitude of the second IPSP was not diminished by
the occurrence of the first. In each presynaptic neurone, a single electrode passed current and recorded potential, and the bridge
circuits of the DC amplifiers used were approximately balanced

was followed by a n excitatory p o s t s y n a p t i c p o t e n t i a l so that there was n o extra time required for the pre-
(EPSP) in the p o s t s y n a p t i c n e u r o n e (Fig. 2 Ci). W h e n synaptic n e u r o n e to exceed a threshold for t r a n s m i t t e r
a pulse of c u r r e n t was injected into the presynaptic release. F o r this c o n n e x i o n it was a b o u t 2 m s
n e u r o n e to depolarise it to the same p o t e n t i a l as that (Fig. 2D). A t some others it was u p to 2.5 ms, b u t
reached by the spike, the a m p l i t u d e of the E P S P was it is often difficult to j u d g e the p o i n t at which post-
i n d i s t i n g u i s h a b l e f r o m that p r o d u c e d by tile spike synaptic p o t e n t i a l first begins to change.
(Fig. 2 Cii). N o sign of d e c r e m e n t in the E P S P was f o u n d
The latency for t r a n s m i s s i o n was m e a s u r e d by ap- when very long depolarising pulses were injected into
plying depolarising pulses to the presynaptic n e u r o n e , the presynaptic n e u r o n e . Such a pulse 5 m i n long
406 P.J. Simmons: Connexions Between Second-Order Ocellar Neurones of Locusts

A Spike amp., mV.

-I0 0 I0 20
! u u u B




-3 i




c D

E [
5mY [ 20mY
9 9 9 . 9 ~ 9 9

Fig. 4A-D. Transmission characteristics of an inhibitory connexion between two L-neurones. A, B The presynaptic neurone (middle
traces) was injected with current to hyperpolarise it to 15 mV below resting, and pulses of additional hyperpolarising current (lower
traces) elicited spikes in it. Separate electrodes were used to inject current and record potential. Each spike elicited an IPSP in the
postsynaptic neurone (top traces). Note that in (z) the spike reaches an amplitude which is negative from the normal resting potential.
Spikes of this amplitude were only rarely produced, and so plots of transmission characteristics of these connexions are not detailed
for smaller presynaptic potentials, and it is not possible to arrive at estimates of thresholds for transmission. In (i0 and (ii~) are
progressively larger spikes. Note that here the IPSPs lasted about twice as long as those in Fig. 3A. Calibrations: presynaptic, 20 mV;
postsynaptic, 1 mV; current, 40 nA; 50 ms. B Plot of spike amplitude, relative to the normal resting potential, against IPSP amplitude.
C Estimate of transmission latency. Five different spikes were elicited in the presynaptic neurone. The difficulty in measuring latency
is to know which pre- and postsynaptic potentials to take. The shortest estimate is 3.7 ms, between the point where the smallest
spike starts to rise sharply, and where a negative inflexion is first seen in the postsynaptic recording (recording on the right). D In
this preparation, IPSPs could be seen to travel away from the brain. One electrode injected current into the presynaptic neurone
and recorded spikes in it (lower trace) while one electrode recorded from the postsynaptic neurone near the base of the ocellar nerve
(middle trace) and a third recorded the IPSPs in the ocellus (top trace). Four sweeps superimposed

was a p p l i e d in t h e r e c o r d i n g f r o m w h i c h Fig. 2 D is p r e s s e d for a b o u t a s e c o n d (Fig. 3). I n Fig. 3 Ai, t h e

t a k e n . N o d o u b t if l o n g e r p u l s e s o r m o r e i n t e n s e p r e s y n a p t i c n e u r o n e s p i k e d at t h e e n d o f a h y p e r p o -
d e p o l a r i s a t i o n s w e r e a p p l i e d , signs o f E P S P d e - l a r i s i n g p u l s e w h i c h was i n j e c t e d i n t o it, a n d a n i n h i b i -
c r e m e n t w o u l d a p p e a r , b u t it also b e c o m e s h a r d e r t o r y p o s t s y n a p t i c p o t e n t i a l ( I P S P ) f o l l o w e d i n the
to m a i n t a i n s t a b l e r e c o r d i n g s . p o s t s y n a p t i c n e u r o n e . T h e d u r a t i o n o f the I P S P was
a b o u t 10 ms. W h e n a 40 m s l o n g p u l s e o f d e p o l a r i s i n g
c u r r e n t was i n j e c t e d i n t o the p r e s y n a p t i c n e u r o n e
The Inhibitory Connexions (Fig. 3Aii), the d u r a t i o n o f the I P S P was n o l o n g e r
t h a n t h a t f o l l o w i n g a spike. I n a d d i t i o n , a l t h o u g h
T r a n s m i s s i o n at i n h i b i t o r y c o n n e x i o n s b e t w e e n L- the a m p l i t u d e o f the d e p o l a r i s i n g p u l s e in Fig. 3 A i i
n e u r o n e s d e c r e m e n t s v e r y r a p i d l y , a n d r e m a i n s de- was g r e a t e r t h a n t h a t o f t h e spike i n Fig. 3 Ai, the
P.J. Simmons: Connexions Between Second-Order Oce1Iar Neurones of Locusts 407

amplitude of the IPSP was no greater. This is because, A B

preceding the depolarising pulse, the presynaptic neu-
rone was at its normal resting potential, which has
50mY- -- 40mV~"--~ ~ - - ~
the effect of depressing transmission (see below). In
all cases where transmission at inhibitory connexions -4OrnV
has been examined (8 cases in detail, with two elec-
trodes in the presynaptic neurone, and over 50 cases 40mY [ ~ -50rnV I"
more cursorily, with only one electrode in the presyn-
aptic neurone), IPSPs have decremented very rapidly:
usually within 10 ms, and have never been found to
last more than 20 ms. l__.__l
To plot the recovery of transmission at an inhibi- IOtas
tory connexion following its depression caused by Fig. 5A, B. Reversal of EPSPs (A) and IPSPs (B). In each case
a single presynaptic spike, pairs of sp!kes, separated one electrode passed current into and recorded spikes from the
by a variable interval, were induced in the presynaptic presynaptic neurone (lower traces). In the postsynaptic neurones,
neurone by injecting short hyperpolarising pulses into separate electrodes recorded potential and injected current.
A The postsynaptic potential follows presyuaptic potential as the
it (Fig. 3 C). In the plot of Fig. 3 B, for each spike presynaptic neurone is released from a hyperpolarising pulse and
separation interval, the amplitude of the second IPSP then spikes. The polarity of the postsynaptic response reversed
is expressed as a percentage of the first. The IPSP when the neurone was depolarised by more than 45 mV from resting.
recovered to 50% of its original amplitude in 225 ms, B Reversal o f an IPSP at 45 mV negative from resting
and recovered completely in about 1 s. Two other
experiments on different preparations revealed very
similar time courses for recovery from depression. onstrate directly because it was difficult to produce
Many L-neurones receive IPSPs from connexions suitable presynaptic potential changes - spikes usually
with at least two other L-neurones (see results on boosted membrane potential well over resting poten-
L-neurone interconnectivity). An IPSP mediated by tial. Some attempts to employ a voltage clamp, allow-
one connexion does not appear to depress transmis- ing presynaptic potential to be controlled more direct-
sion at another connexion (Fig. 3 D). ly, were made, but caused unacceptable stimulus arte-
In experiments to plot the relationship between facts.
presynaptic and postsynaptic potential changes at in- The latencies of IPSPs at these connexions are
hibitory connexions, the presynaptic neurone was greater than those of EPSPs at the excitatory connex-
held at a potential about 15 mV hyperpolarised from ions. Measurement of latency is difficult because,
resting. This potential is below the threshold for trans- since the IPSPs are depressed if the presynaptic ter-
mission at the excitatory connexions (Fig. 2B), and minal is depolarised, it is difficult to decide at what
so it is also likely that no transmission, and therefore presynaptic potential to start measurement of the de-
no depression of transmission, would occur at the lay before the first sign of the IPSP. In Fig. 4B, spikes
inhibitory connexion under study when the presyn- of different amplitudes in the presynaptic neurone
aptic neurone was held hyperpolarised by this were induced at the ends of various hyperpolarising
amount. The results of one experiment, which are pulses. For the largest presynaptic spikes, there is
representative of the other two successfully per- a delay of 5 ms before the postsynaptic potential starts
formed, are shown in Fig. 4A and B. In the records to hyperpolarise sharply. This may overestimate the
of Fig. 4A, short hyperpolarising pulses were applied delay, since, in some traces, it can be seen that the
to the presynaptic neurone, which was already held postsynaptic neurone starts to hyperpolarise sooner
hyperpolarised by 15 mV, to induce spikes in it. The than this. For instance, the delay between the inflex-
plot in Fig. 4B was made from a series of similar ion where the smallest spike begins to rise and the
recordings, and also a series where 50 ms long depo- point at which the corresponding hyperpolarisation
larising pulses were applied instead of the hyperpolar- of the postsynaptic neurone is first detectable is
ising ones. For presynaptic spikes reaching ampli- 3.7 ms. The shortest measurements of latencies at the
tudes between resting potential and 40 mV above it inhibitory connexions was 3.5 ms, and this will be
(the maximum reached), each 1 mV increase in pre- taken as a minimum value for the latency.
synaptic potential causes an increase of about 0.1 mV Although their amplitude is rather small, IPSPs
in IPSP amplitude. The plot shows that depolarising mediated at these connexions appear to reach all parts
potentials which jump from the - 15 mV holding po- of an L-neurone. In Fig. 4D, one electrode was placed
tential to potentials more negative than resting can in an L-neurone near the ocellus, and a second elec-
effect transmission. This Was usually difficult to dem- trode in the same L-neurone near to where its axon
408 P.J. Simmons : Connexions Between Second-Order Ocellar Neurones of Locusts

Pig. 6A-C. Three different lateral ocelli in which single L-neurones have been stained with cobalt and intensified. The base of an
antenna can be seen at the bottom of each ocellus. The ocelli are photographed from within the head capsule; nerves have been
cut. A An L-neurone L4-5 (see text) which projected to the dorsal part of the retina. This was neurone 1 of Fig. 7A. B Another
neurone Lz~5 projected to the ventral half of this ocellar retina. C This neurone of class L1-3 projected to all parts of the retina.
Most other fills of L1-3 neurones have revealed more restricted projections. Bar in A 100 gm

enters the brain. A third electrode was used to inject The Pattern of L-Neurone Interconnectivity
current into and record from another L-neurone,
which made an inhibitory connexion with the first. Three separate anatomical classes of L-neurone con-
IPSPs mediated by spikes in the second L-neurone nect each lateral ocellus with the brain (C.S. Good-
were recorded by the proximal electrode before the man 1974) and in this account they are named after
distal one, showing that they originate in the brain the terminology of C.S. G o o d m a n (1976). Two neu-
(or in a proximal region of the ocellar nerve) rather rones, MLI22, connect the median ocellus with a
than in the ocellus. On one other occasion, IPSPs lateral, and do not branch in the brain except for
could be shown to travel away from the brain, and a narrow neurite to the cell body. The remaining
they have never been recorded travelling towards it. two groups project only to the lateral ocellus and
are distinguishable by the length of their projection
in the brain, L4-5 projecting further towards the trito-
Reversal Potentials of EPSPs and IPSPs cerebrum than L1-3, and by the positions of their
Reversal potentials of EPSPs and IPSPs were mea- cell bodies. In order to establish the identities of the
sured by employing one electrode in a postsynaptic lateral ocellar L-neurones which make the different
L-neurone to inject 500 ms long pulses of current types of connexion, and so to determine a wiring
into it; a second electrode to monitor postsynaptic pattern, pairs of L-neurones were penetrated, the type
potential; and a third electrode both to pass current of connexion between them established, and then the
into and record from the presynaptic neurone. neurones were stained. One neurone was injected with
Results from one experiment with an excitatory cobalt and the other with nickel so that they could
connexion are shown in Fig. 5A, and results from later be distinguished (Quicke and Brace 1979). In
another experiment, with an inhibitory connexion, addition, several single L-neurones have been stained,
in Fig. 5 B. Five measurements of EPSP reversal were following study of some of their connexions. Most
made in different animals and gave a mean value of these single neurones were intensified. In about
of 45 mV above resting (range 22 mV to 65 mV; L- half of the preparations, details of an L-neurone's
neurone resting potential is about - 30 mV, Simmons projection to the retina were revealed. Three different
1981). For IPSPs, five different preparations gave a types of projection to the ocellar neuropile are shown
mean of 50 mV negative from resting (range 40 mV in Fig. 6. Usually L-neurones seem to project either
to 60 mV). These measurements show that both the to the dorsal (Fig. 6A) or ventral (Fig. 6B) half but
EPSPs and IPSPs are generated by an increased per- some project to the anterior or posterior (towards
meability to one or more species of ion. the compound eye). Three L l - 3 neurones have been
P.J. Simmons: Connexions Between Second-Order Ocellar Neurones of Locusts 409

Table 1. Interconnexions of identified L-neurones. ? indicates that ML1-2, which respond to illumination of the median
the neurone was not stained sufficiently to permit identification
as well as the lateral ocellus; and third, L4-5 have
Identity of neurones Number
never been stained when reciprocal inhibitory connex-
of preparations ions have been found. The second generalisation is
that members of L1-3 excite one or both of L4-5.
1. Excitatory connexions Most excitatory connexions encountered were of this
Pre- L1-3 : post- L4-5 9 type (Table 1). In Fig. 7A are recordings from a pair
Pre- L4-5: post- L4-5 1 of mutually-inhibitory L-neurones ( L l - 3 by the first
Pre- MLI~: post- L4-5 1
generalisation) which each excited a third L-neurone.
Pre- L1-3 : post- ? 1
Pre- ML1 2: post- ? 1 This third neurone was stained and found to be of
Pre- ?: post- L4-5 3 the pair L4-5, and to project to the top half of the
2. Inhibitory connexions
retina (the neurone of Fig. 6A). The combination of
one L-neurone which excites two different postsynap-
Pre- L1 3 : post- L4-5 1 tic L-neurones has never been found, which suggests
Pre- ML1-2: post ? 1 that both L4 and L-5 are not excited by the same
Reciprocal: neurones. A third possible generalisation is that ML1
L1-3 : L1 3 14 makes a reciprocal inhibitory connexion with ML2,
MLI~: ML1-2 4 but this only relies on 4 preparations (Table 1). F r o m
LI-3: ? 4 the records of pairs of neurones recorded from at
3. No connexion found the bottom of Table 1 it can be seen that far fewer
L4-5 : L4-5 3 M L I - 2 neurones have been stained than the other
ML1-2 : L4-5 1 two categories. The reason for this is that they appear
LI-3 : L4-5 2 to make fewer connexions than the other two types,
LM1-2:" ? 2
and that when no connexion could be f o u n d between
Totals of pairs recorded two L-neurones, one electrode was usually withdrawn
Ll-3 : L1 3 14 (all inhibitory) and placed in another L-neurone rather than staining
L1 3 : L4-5 12 (9 excitatory) the original two L-neurones.
LI-3 : ML1-2 0 Details of the connectivity pattern of L-neurones
L4-5: L4-5 4 (3 no conn.)
L4 5: ML1-2 2
might vary from one locust to another. One example
MLI-2: ML1-2 2 of this, from Table 1, is that an excitatory connexion
Total: 34 between one of the L4-5 pair and the other was found
on one occasion, but on four other occasions when
a These neurones were not stained, but identified by illuminating
this pair was stained no connexion was found. A
the different ocelli
second example is that a one-way inhibitory connex-
ion from an L1-3 neurone to one of L4-5 was found
in one preparation, and this was exceptional. It is
not to be unexpected that variation in the connectivity
stained with projections to all parts of the retina pattern should occur, since variation in L-neurone
(Fig. 6C). Some L-neurones project to only about structure is well documented (C.S. G o o d m a n 1978),
one third of the ocellar retina. It may be that individ- and variation in connectivity of identified neurones
uals of each sub-class can be uniquely identified by in locusts has been reported previously (Pearson and
their projection to the retina. C.S. G o o d m a n 1979).
The results of 34 experiments where pairs of L- No obvious correlation between the way two L-
neurones have been penetrated and later identified neurones were connected and their projections to the
anatomically are given in Table 1. Also, in a number retina emerged (Table 2), but the sample obtained
of experiments, three different L-neurones have been is small.
penetrated simultaneously, and the nature of connex- In Fig. 8 are shown recordings from a succession
ions between them studied (usually none of these were of pairs of L-neurones together with 03, a large de-
stained). Results of two such experiments are shown scending brain neurone. L-neurones make excitatory
in Fig. 7. Two generalisations can be made. The first connexions with 03 (Simmons 1981b) which operate
is that each of the three L-neurones L1 3 makes a like those they make amongst themselves. The gener-
reciprocal inhibitory connexion with the other two. alisations presented above provide evidence for an
The argument in support of this is: first, three differ- anatomical identity for the L-neurones recorded from
ent L-neurones interconnected in this way were found in Fig. 8, and lead to the conclusion that members
in five different preparations (Fig. 7B is one exam- of all three anatomical group drive it. Figure 8 C
ple); second, the neurones involved did not include shows that when one L-neurone was depolarised by
410 P.J. Simmons: Connexions Between Second-Order Ocellar Neurones of Locusts

A g ,~

) iv


Fig. 7A, B. Two patterns of interconnectivity among L-neurones of a lateral oceilus. A single eIectrode, connected to an amplifier
with a bridge circuit, was inserted in each neurone. A Two neurones, 2 and 3, inhibited each other and each excited a third neurone
1. This is shown in the connectivity diagram (v). In this diagram, triangles with+symbols indicate excitatory connexions and filled
circles with - symbols indicate inhibitory connexions. The numbers of the neurones correspond to the order of the traces in the
records. Hyperpolarising pulses were injected into each neurone in turn, causing it to spike, and dots indicate which neurone is being
driven to spike in each record. In (iii) the spike is mis-shapen because the electrode resistance was not linear, so that the bridge
imbalance varied. In (iv) insufficient current was injected into neurone 3 to elicit a spike in it. Its excitatory connexion with neurone 1
operates, but no sign of an IPSP in neurone 2 is apparent. Neurone 1 was stained and found to belong to class L4-5. Results presented
in Table 1 suggest that 2 and 3 belonged to class 1-3. None of these neurones responded to illumination of the median ocellus.
Calibrations: 10 ms; neurones induced to spike, and 3 in 4, 20 mV; neuron 1 EPSPs, 5 mV; traces with IPSPs, 2 inV. B Three L-neurones
which make reciprocal inhibitory connexions with each other. Connectivity pattern is drawn in (iv). In (i-iii) each neurone in turn
was induced to spike (dots), and IPSPs recorded from the other two. None of these neurones responded to illumination of the median
ocellus, and they were probably the neurones L1-3. Calibrations. 5 mV; neurones with spikes, 30 mV; neurones with IPSPs, 5 mV

Table 2. Ocellar projections of pairs of lateral L-neurones. ? indi- t h e l a t e r a l a n d m e d i a n ocelli, b u t t h a t a n o t h e r L-

cates the neurone was not filled sufficiently to allow identification
n e u r o n e ( L 1 - 3 ) r e s p o n d e d o n l y to i l l u m i n a t i o n o f t h e
Projections No. of Neurone identity l a t e r a l ocellus. ( N o t e t h a t since, as T a b l e 1 s h o w s ,
preparations M L I - 2 c a n excite L 4 - 5 t h e n L 4 - 5 c a n also r e s p o n d
to i l l u m i n a t i o n o f t h e m e d i a n ocellus).
1. Excitatory connexions
Dorsal: ventral 2 Pre- L1-3 : post- L4-5
Posterior: posterior 1 ?: ?
2. Inhibitory connexions (all reciprocal)
Dorsal: ventral 4 Synaptic Transmission
Posterior: posterior 1 All
M e d i a t e d with and without S p i k e s
Dorsal: dorsal 1 L1-3
Anterior: ventral 1 The connexions between L-neurones are remarkable
3. No connexion found because of the difference between the tonic nature
Dorsal: ventral 2 ?: ? o f t r a n s m i s s i o n at t h e e x c i t a t o r y c o n n e x i o n s a n d t h e
Posterior: dorsal 1 MLI-2 (back): ? p h a s i c n a t u r e o f t r a n s m i s s i o n at t h e i n h i b i t o r y ones.
At some inter-neuronal connexions which have been
s t u d i e d p r e v i o u s l y , t r a n s m i s s i o n is m a i n t a i n e d t o n i -
cally w h e n l o n g d e p o l a r i s a t i o n s a r e i n j e c t e d i n t o t h e
i n j e c t i o n o f 10 n A ( w h i c h w o u l d p r o b a b l y d e p o l a r i s e p r e - s y n a p t i c n e u r o n e , w h e r e a s at o t h e r c o n n e x i o n s
it b y r a t h e r less t h a n 10 m V a b o v e r e s t i n g ; see W i l s o n t r a n s m i s s i o n is m o r e phasic. T h i s is t h e first e x a m p l e
1978b), this w a s s u f f i c i e n t t o d r i v e s o m e s p i k e s in where both tonically and phasically transmitting con-
03, b u t n o t to p r o d u c e a n I P S P in a n L - n e u r o n e w h i c h n e x i o n s h a v e b e e n f o u n d w i t h a single n e u r o n e as
h a d b e e n s h o w n to be c o n n e c t e d w i t h it (Figs. 8 A the p r e s y n a p t i c e l e m e n t . E x a m p l e s o f t o n i c a l l y t r a n s -
v, vi). I n Fig. 8 D it is s h o w n t h a t o n e L - n e u r o n e m i t t i n g c o n n e x i o n s are t h o s e m a d e b y n o n - s p i k i n g ,
( M L 1 - 2 ) a n d 03 r e s p o n d e d to i l l u m i n a t i o n o f b o t h l o c a l i n t e r n e u r o n e s w i t h m o t o n e u r o n e s in l o c u s t t h o -
P.J. Simmons: Connexions Between Second-Order Ocellar Neurones of Locusts 411

i A



D i ii

[ 1 J- ;;%
500me 4 4

LeF~ Median
Fig. 8 A - D . Connexions a m o n g 5 lateral L-neurones and their connexions with 03, a Iarge descending brain neurone. The connectivity
pattern is summarised in B, a n d records providing evidence for it are presented in A. One electrode recorded from 03 continually,
while another two recorded from and injected current into two L-neurones. Neurone 1 was held for the longest, and connexions it
makes with neurones 2, 3 and 4 were studied. After neurone 1 was lost, the electrode was inserted into neurone 5. The connectivity
pattern summarises only those connexions which were found in this preparation - several other connexions m a y have existed. In
each pair of records (i-iv) one neurone was injected with current in the record on the left, the other L-neurone was injected in the
record on the right. Which neurone was injected is indicated with a dot. Calibrations." 10 m s ; 03, 10 m V ; traces with spikes, 20 m V ;
EPSP in (i), 10 m V ; traces with IPSPs, or no PSPs visible, 5 mV. C A small depolarising pulse of 5 n A (bottom trace) was injected
to neurone 1. This elicited a depolarisation and two spikes in 03, but was insufficient to mediate a detectable IPSP in neurone 4.
Calibrations. 03, 5 m V ; 1, 20 m V ; 4, 5 mV. D Responses of 03, neurone 1, and neurone 4 to illumination of the left (i) and median
(ii) ocelli. Pulses of light 500 ms. Neurone 4 gave large responses to illumination of either ocellus, suggesting it was one of the M L 1 - 2
neurones. 03 also responded to illumination of either ocellus, but neurone 1 responded to the left ocellus only. Calibrations: 03, 20 m V ;
1, 4, 40 mV. Probable identities of L-neurones: 1, L1-3; 2, L4-5; 3, L1-3; 4, ML1-2, 5 cannot be identified

racic ganglia (Burrows and Siegler 1978) and by the tic potentials climb to an initial peak and then decline
'non-impulsive' coxal stretch receptors in crabs with to a more sustained plateau when long depolarising
leg motoneurones (Blight and Llingts 1980). In con- pulses are applied to the presynaptic terminal. The
trast, at excitatory synapses between giant neurones transitory IPSP which is found at the inhibitory con-
in the squid (e.g. Katz and Miledi 1967, 1971) and nexions which L-neurones make amongst themselves
at some inhibitory synapses in the stomatogastric gan- resembles the initial peak of the PSP at the squid
glion of the spiny lobster (Graubard 1978), postsynap- giant synapse (e.g. Katz and Miledi 1971; Kusano
412 P.J. Simmons: ConnexionsBetweenSecond-OrderOcellar Neurones of Locusts

and Landau 1975) and at some stomatogastric gangli- sure transmission. Similarly a function of the regener-
on synapses (Graubard 1978) in that its amplitude ative potentials which have been described in some
becomes depressed with repetition and then recovers. neurones which do not generate discrete spikes (e.g.
Both depression and recovery occur a little more rap- Blight and Llin/ts 1980; Mirolli 1981 - crab coxal
idly at the connexions between L-neurones than at stretch receptor; Hengstenberg, 1 9 7 7 - lobula plate
the other two examples. No sign of a sustained pla- neurones in flies) may be to ensure effective transmis-
teau response following the initial peak has been seen sion at connexions where PSPs decrement rapidly.
at the inhibitory connexions among L-neurones.
Since transmission at the inhibitory connexions
Are the Connexions Monosynaptic ?
between L-neurones becomes depressed very rapidly,
transmission could decrement during slowly rising Although the latency of transmission at both the ex-
presynaptic potential changes, and the size of the citatory and inhibitory connexions is rather long,
IPSP will depend on the rate of presynaptic depolar- there is anatomical evidence that both types of con-
isation as well as on its amplitude. Depolarising po- nexion are monosynaptic (see Maynard and Walton
tentials which rise more slowly than spikes could be 1975; Graubard 1978; Patterson and Goodman 1974;
ineffective at mediating IPSPs since the IPSPs de- Chappell and Dowling 1972 for longer latencies at
crement completely within 10-20 ms (Fig. 3A). The presumed monosynaptic connexions). In their ultra-
signal which ocellar photoreceptors produce when il- structural study, L.J. Goodman and co-workers
lumination is reduced is usually a very slow repolar- (1977) found evidence that locust L-neurones synapse
isation from light-induced depolarisation (Patterson directly with each other in the brain. They also report
and L.J. Goodman 1974) and this, when inverted that many of the synapses they found were reciprocal.
at the synapse with an L-neurone, would be insuffi- Since the only reciprocal connexions found in the
cient to drive the IPSPs. Two further consequences present study were inhibitory, whereas all excitatory
of the rapid decrement of the IPSPs are: first, in connexions were one-way, this is evidence that both
contrast to the excitatory connexions, at the inhibito- types of connexion are monosynaptic, although the
ry connexions hyperpolarisations of the presynaptic inhibitory connexions had consistently longer laten-
terminal are ineffective at producing changes in post- cies than the excitatory ones.
synaptic potential; and second, the amplitude of an The conclusions reached above about the role of
IPSP depends on the recent history of presynaptic spikes in the connexions between L-neurones are not
potential change. dependent upon their monosynaptic or polysynaptic
There are a number of possible mechanisms for nature. If the connexions can be shown conclusively
the rapid depression and subsequent recovery of to be monosynaptic then a single presynaptic neurone
transmission at the inhibitory synapses. Presynaptic may make output synapses which have different tem-
mechanisms include a depletion of transmitter avail- poral properties, and may even have different mecha-
able for release (e.g. Elmqvist and Quastel 1965; Ku- nisms controlling the rate of release of transmitter.
sano and Landau 1975), and a possible postsynaptic
mechanisms is desensitization (Katz and Thesleff
Functional Consequences
of the Connexions Among L-Neurones
The conclusion that one function of spikes in L-
neurones is to enable the rapidly decrementing inhibi- Any discussion about the contributions that the con-
tory connexions to operate may be applicable to a nexions among L-neurones make to the function of
number of other inter-neuronal connexions. The most an ocellus must be speculative until we know more
obvious examples are those involving neurones which about the neurones downstream from L-neurones and
give similar waveforms to those exhibited by L-neu- the types of stimuli which these higher-order neurones
rones in response to stimulation. Large monopolar react to. One implication of the connexions is that
cells of insect compound eyes (e.g. Shaw 1968; Au- individual L-neurones may have different sensitivities
trum et al. 1970; Laughlin 1973; Lauglin and Hardie to various visual stimuli since, as discussed below,
1978) and some amacrine cells of the vertebrate retina the connexions may enhance differences in the reac-
(review, Miller 1979) hyperpolarise when their photo- tions of various L-neurones to stimulation. The dem-
receptors are illuminated and generate spikes of vari- onstration that many L-neurones have projections re-
able amplitude when illumination decreases rapidly. stricted to one part of the ocellar retina (Fig. 6) also
Some of the connexions which these neurones make suggests that L-neurones may differ in their receptive
may operate in a similar way to the inhibitory connex- fields. Previously, L.J. Goodman et al. (1979) and
ions made amongst L-neurones, requiring rapid depo- Taylor (1981a) have reported that L-neurone arbor-
larising potentials at the presynaptic terminals to en- isations do not always extend over the whole ocellar
P.J. Simmons: Connexions Between Second-Order Ocellar Neurones of Locusts 413

retina field, but have not related this to the orientation also boost the responsiveness of brain neurones to
of the ocelli. Asymmetry of lateral ocellar L-neurone stimulation of the compound eyes (Simmons 1981 a),
projections is particularly marked about the horizon- and a sharpening of response to decreased illumina-
tal axis, and this could be an adaptation for sensitivity tion would also be important here.
to movements of the visual horizon. Wilson (1978a) Inhibitory connexions among arrays of similar
has pointed out that L-neurones are particularly well visual neurones can enhance contrasts in the visual
adapted to monitor movements of the visual horizon, field (Hartline et al. 1956). In the case of L-neurones,
and that these could be used to stabilise the flight however, the rapid decrement of the IPSPs would
of an insect. Evidence for this is provided in locusts make such enhancement short-lived. The inhibitory
by the demonstration that 03, one of the large de- connexions may help to enhance responsiveness to
scending brain neurones which is driven by changes a moving shadow. Imagine that two L-neurones,
in ocellar illumination and by wind currents, makes which are connected by inhibitory connexions, have
direct connexions with some flight motoneurones different receptive fields, and that a shadow passes
(Simmons 1980) and by repeatable changes in myo- first over the receptive field of one neurone and then
grams recorded from tethered flying locusts when over that of the second. If the change in light intensity
ocellar illumination is altered (Taylor 1981 b). In fly- is sufficient, the first L-neurone will spike. This will
ing dragonflies, head movements can be elicited by cause an IPSP in the second L-neurone. The hyperpo-
varying the illumination of individual ocelli (Stange larisation that this IPSP causes will enhance the abili-
and Howard 1979). The only measurements of L- ty of the second L-neurone to spike (Fig. 1), increas-
neurone angular sensitivity reported to date are by ing the amplitude of the spike it produces when the
Wilson (1978 a), who measured this for median ocellar shadow falls over its receptive field. The enhancement
neurones in the horizontal plane. Measurement of will, of course, be short-lived, and most effective for
the angular sensitivities of lateral ocellar L-neurones shadows which pass over the second L-neurone's re-
in the vertical plane might show that individual L- ceptive field about 5 ms after they pass over the first
neurones have different receptive fields. For L4 and (Figs. 3A, 4A, C, D). In addition,, the enhancement
L5, however, it is possible that any effect of a re- will wane rapidly if a succession of shadows pass
stricted projection to the ocellar retina would be over- in front of the ocellus, as might happen if a locust
come by the excitatory connexions they receive from were to fly beneath branches of a tree for example.
other L-neurones. Similar connexions to the inhibitory ones made
Recently Taylor (1981 a) has suggested that L-neu- between L-neurones might be found in movement-
rones of the lateral ocelli can inhibit the responsive- detecting circuits of other eyes. A number of models
ness to illumination of some median ocellar L-neu- for these have been proposed (e.g. Reichardt 1962;
rones. His evidence for this was that sometimes the Barlow and Levick 1965), and they employ lateral
hyperpolarising response of a median L-neurone to inhibition and elements with temporal filtering prop-
increased illumination was decreased if light was di- erties. They are difficult to test in the vertebrate or
rected at one of the lateral ocelli. Such an effect could compound eye retinas, however, because of the diffi-
not be mediated by the type of connexion between culty in recording from two or more interconnected
L-neurones which is described here. It is possible that neurones at the same time. In the compound eye
L-neurones of the median ocellus make different types of the fly, there have been a number of ultrastructural
of connexion from those made by lateral L-neurones, studies in which synapses made between some of the
but no sign of such connexions have been seen in larger second-order neurones have been examined
the present study, although several recordings have (e.g. Braitenberg and Debbage 1974; Strausfeld and
been made from L-neurones which connect the medi- Campos-Ortega 1973; the literature to 1980 is re-
an and lateral ocelli (ML neurones) in conjunction viewed by Shaw 1981).
with pure median L-neurones. The possibility that
the effects reported by Taylor are mediated by small Acknowedgements. I am grateful to Malcolm Burrows for advice
and encouragement. Some equipment was bought with a grant
second-order ocellar neurones, or by neurones driven from The Royal Society.
by the compound eyes cannot presently be ruled out.
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of the blowfly Calliphora. Z Vergl Physiol 70:414M24
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