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Asia Pacific Consumer Trends: How Self-love

and Individuality are Taking Centre-stage

May 2023

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The data included in this report is accurate according to

Euromonitor International´s market research database,
at time of publication: May 2023

© Euromonitor International


The rise of the self

Wellbeing: A language of love for the self

Evolving perceptions of beauty


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© Euromonitor International

The Asian consumer is changing. Traditional
values that served the collective in terms of
both society and the family are on the wane,
with COVID-19 lockdowns accelerating a new
focus on individualism and the self. This report
explores how Asian consumers are evolving
and emerging new opportunities through a
deep cultural lens for manufacturers to tap
into the market post-COVID.

Scope: The report leverages Passport industry data spanning across industries but are especially
relevant for health and beauty, food and beverage, and home and technology. The report also
extensively utilises Economics and Consumers data, as well as insights generated from various Disclaimer
Euromonitor International’s Voice of the Consumer surveys to capture Asian consumers’ Much of the information in this briefing is of a
evolving perceptions and behaviours. statistical nature and, while every attempt has
been made to ensure accuracy and reliability,
Euromonitor International cannot be held
responsible for omissions or errors.
Figures in tables and analyses are calculated
from unrounded data and may not sum. Analyses
found in the briefings may not totally reflect the
companies’ opinions, reader discretion is advised.

© Euromonitor International

Executive summary
Priorities for Asian consumers have been gradually shifting to a focus on the self due to higher
A focus on the self, rooted in disposable incomes and globalisation, with COVID-19 as a turning point. Consumers are
shifting values and economic challenging the legitimacy of collective expectations and the illusion of collective
power interest. Greater individualism has shifted the focus to the self, with self-growth and
development, self-acceptance and expression and personal wellbeing at the fore.

Values are changing from being family-centred to being self-centred. This change has led to an
The rise of the increase in people choosing a life without marriage, respecting individual ways of life and
self/individuality values, and embracing time spent alone. Opportunities lie in solutions tailored for single urban
lifestyles, such as smaller homes and convenient dietary options.

The importance of wellbeing and a focus on the self has risen amongst Asia Pacific consumers,
bolstered by the outbreak of COVID-19. There is a shift in the perception of wellbeing to
Wellbeing and self-care encompass emotional and mental wellbeing, with a need to lower stress levels, encourage
better sleep and highlight physical exercise while ensuring one’s domestic surroundings are
calm and comforting.
Enhanced self-awareness in Asia Pacific has led to the reshaping of beauty and fashion
Evolving perceptions of perceptions by local consumers. Opportunities surrounding the increasing demand in emerging
beauty sectors, like inclusive beauty and body positivity, exist. With Asia Pacific playing an increasingly
influential role in today’s global beauty and fashion industries, more localised solutions and
trend-setting products will help players seize the initiative.
© Euromonitor International

A shifting focus on the self is rooted in changing values

Traditional values of prioritising the collective, regarding wider societal norms and the importance of family, have lingered for longer in Asia
Pacific, especially in East Asia, than in other regions globally. Individual exceptionalism, which resonates in lifestyle behaviours and spending
choices, has not reached the levels it enjoys in other cultures. Factors such as a homogenous ethnicity and low rates of immigration also
play a role in this, with China, Japan and South Korea far less ethnically diverse than Western countries such as the USA and the UK.
However, priorities for Asian consumers are changing. Globalisation and higher levels of overseas travel and studying have shifted
consumers' views on accepting different ways of life, focusing more strongly on self-expression and self-acceptance. COVID-19 further
bolstered the change in perceptions. The unprecedented challenges of prolonged lockdowns caused many consumers to question the
validity of collective ideas and the concept of society over the individual. Lockdowns heavily impacted consumers as the certainties of their
previous lives vanished. This led to a focus on the self, with home seclusion leading to a desire for comfort and personal welfare.
This shift in people’s values is the fundamental driver Dominant Ethnicity/Race 2022
behind a new focus on the self and the rise of %
individualistic lifestyles and Brazil
purchasing decisions. Through prioritising one’s needs USA
and self-acceptance, authenticity sits at the core
of self-care. The focus on the self in Asia should be
United Kingdom
seen through a cultural lens and not merely the result
of living through COVID-19, which was focused on
short-term spending for stress relief. The current shift South Korea
to focusing on the self marks a significant new China
opportunity for manufacturers to approach and 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
engage with Asian consumers. Source: Euromonitor International
© Euromonitor International

Rising incomes is a key driver for increased spending on the self

The Asia Pacific region has enjoyed, and Disposable Income Per Capita by Sex in Selected Markets, 2022 Actuals and 2022/27 CAGR
will continue to enjoy, fast growth in levels USD in constant 2022 prices
of disposable incomes amongst both male 60,000
and female consumers. China, Vietnam 4%
and Indonesia lead in terms of growth, 40,000

although disposable income levels 20,000 2%

remain low.
0 0%
Consumer expenditure on leisure, Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
recreation and miscellaneous goods and China Vietnam Indonesia South Korea Singapore Japan Australia
services has also seen the strongest
growth of all regions, being second to Consumer Expenditure on Leisure, Recreation, Miscellaneous Goods and Services,
2022 Actuals and 2022/27 CAGR
North America in total spending. USD in constant 2022 prices

While price remains a key factor in 5,000,000 5%

purchasing decisions, higher disposable 4,000,000 4%
incomes allow consumers to indulge in 3,000,000 3%
products and services that offer personal 2,000,000 2%
growth, worthwhile experiences, greater
1,000,000 1%
pleasure, and health and
0 0%
emotional benefits. As such, this allows Asia Pacific Australasia Eastern Europe Latin America Middle East North America Western
consumers to satisfy their needs and focus and Africa Europe
on purchases that make them feel good. Source: Euromonitor International
© Euromonitor International

How a focus on the self is shaping today and tomorrow’s Asian consumers
Shifting values and economic power drives consumers’ focus and spending on the self. Self-growth, development, acceptance and
expression, closely tied to personal wellbeing, are key values and areas that Asian consumers look to care for and invest in for the long
term. While these are universal pursuits and can be achieved in numerous ways, there are three opportunities manufacturers can tap into in
Asia Pacific, spanning multiple industries. This includes the health and beauty industry, food and beverage, and home and technology.

Wellbeing: a language of love for

The rise of the self Evolving perceptions on beauty
the self

My life, my choice: emerging single Mental and emotional wellbeing as a Embracing diversity and inclusion in
lifestyles that advocate for comfort and default: Asian consumers increasingly look beauty: beauty stereotypes still exist in
growth of the self, rebelling against the inward and search for holistic solutions Asia but how far have different
conventional structure of Asian societies for health, exercise and surroundings generations gone to genuinely accept how
and families they look and what they wear?
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The rise of the self

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Asia Pacific records the fastest increase of single-person households globally

Share Of Single-person Households There is a global shift to smaller household numbers, but Asia Pacific is expected to
2022-2040 witness the most dynamic change. In 2022, the share of single-person households in Asia
% Pacific was 17%, the second-lowest globally after the Middle East and Africa; however,
30 Asia Pacific will see the fastest growth in single-person households globally, 25% by
2040, a level higher than developed Western economies such as the USA and the UK, and
close to the global average.
East Asian countries will drive this growth: China already has the highest total number of
single-person households but will see an increase from 25% to 40% between 2022 - 2040,
reaching 272 million households. Japan and South Korea have a high proportion of single-
person households, with 39% and 34% in 2022, respectively. This ratio is expected to
15 increase further to 45% and 42% in 2040. Globally, this will place them in 8th and 11th
place, respectively.
10 Share Of Single-person Households 2022/2040
5 40
0 10
China Japan South Korea USA Germany United Kingdom
World Asia Pacific 2022 2040
Source: Euromonitor International Source: Euromonitor International
© Euromonitor International

Changing individual values: daring to stay single

Number of Marriages 2016=100 Several factors contribute to the increase in single-person households, such as an ageing population
and increased urbanisation. Another key factor is the increase in unmarried people.
Traditionally, East Asia has a strong respect for family values, with marriage a key societal institution.
However, the number of marriages is quickly declining. Furthermore, unlike in the West, common-law
partnerships are unusual, so declining marriages mean people are not coupling up, living together or
having families. The pandemic further accelerated this decline.
The shift towards online activities following COVID-19 limited opportunities to meet potential
partners. Although a short-term recovery is expected, the decline in the number of marriages is set to
60 accelerate throughout the forecast period.
An increasing number of young people are
simply choosing a life without marriage. In
East Asia, people's changing values are
20 shown in the term “非婚(hikon)”. Unlike
the similar term “未婚(mikon)” which
0 simply means the unmarried state, the In Korea, some singletons even decide to
former implies not being married as a hold unmarried ceremony; inviting guests
personal choice. Staying unmarried has and celebrating their single life.
China Japan become an active choice, respecting
South Korea Singapore individual ways of life and values, with
many embracing single life positively. Image Source:
Source: Euromonitor International
© Euromonitor International

Becoming self-centred rather than family-centred

1st Life Priorities Asia Pacific 2019/2022 Behind the increase of people choosing not to marry, there is a rise in self-centred values.
% of respondents In 2022, 26% of respondents said that ‘time for myself’ was their first priority. This was five
Time with partner or percentage points up from 2019. Respondents prioritised time spent on activities of their
spouse choice, such as work, travel, time with friends, and volunteering. Conversely, respondents
Time for myself
gave less priority to spending time with their families, such as their partner, spouse or
Time with children
Giving priority to oneself, especially among the younger generation, is on the rise. While
Time with parents
this increased amongst all generations, the fastest growth was seen by Generation Z,
followed by Millennials. Individualistic attitudes encourage consumers to embrace single
Time for my favorite
positivity, focusing on careers, friendships, self-fulfilment, and personal freedom, above
Time for work
Respondents who answered “time for myself” as 1st Life priorities Asia Pacific 2019/2022
Time with extended % of respondents
family 35
Time to travel
Time with friends 15
Time to volunteer 5
0 10 20 30 Baby Boomers Generation X Millennials Generation Z
2019 2022
2019 2022 Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January to February 2022
© Euromonitor International

Singleton lifestyles boost demand for smaller homes and appliances

Growth in Households by Type of Dwelling: The growth in single-person households is driving demand for smaller homes. Despite
2022-2040 cramped conditions and high rents, an increasing number of singletons are looking for greater
% of growth urban convenience and access to work. By 2040, the growth in the number of apartments will
35 greatly exceed that of houses in East Asian countries. People are shifting to living in smaller
apartments, which require solutions tailored for solo use, to enable comfortable living even in
confined spaces.
25 In China, the demand for all-in-one appliances is increasing. For instance, there is demand for
2-in-1 automatic washer-dryers to compensate for the lack of balconies. Manufacturers are
promoting upgraded models featuring both slim designs and larger capacities. In 2022, Xiaomi
launched Mijia, whose unit price is half the average market unit price. Introducing price-
disruptive products is expected to further accelerate the penetration of washer dryers in China
In 2021, IKEA Japan launched a
5 campaign called Tiny Homes, providing
a 10-square-meter room in Tokyo at
0 less than USD1.00 per month rent. The
campaign is not about making money
-5 in the rental business, but about
showcasing IKEA’s space-saving and
multipurpose furniture to create cosy
House Apartment rooms, despite limited space.
Source: Euromonitor International Image Source: left, xiaomitoday, right,
© Euromonitor International

Singletons demand convenience and smaller pack sizes

Respondents Who Answered: Do The The increase in single-person households impacts dietary
Following Almost Everyday Asia Pacific 2022 habits. Compared to families, single-person households are
% of respondents more likely to eat out or use ready meals than to cook for
40 themselves. As such, retail sales of ready meals in Asia Pacific
are expected to record a 5% average growth between 2022 -
2027 to reach USD42 billion.
Manufacturers are expanding their product ranges to align
with the rising demand. In 2022, Nissin Foods Holdings
20 launched a new series called “kanzen meshi” (perfect meal)
15 in Japan, each containing 33 nutrients, offering a “perfect”
10 balance of calories, salt, carbs, fats, and protein. Nutritional-
balanced products can attract those who live alone and are Image Source:
less willing to spend time preparing nutritious dishes for one.
Cook or bake Reheat or Eat at a Pack sizes are also being adapted to meet the change in
prepare a ready restaurant household composition. Whilst breakfast cereals are usually
offered in larger pack sizes of 350g-500g cartons, the newly
Live with children launched Kellogg’s Singapore’s granola is offered in 220g
Live with partner or other adults stand-up pouches. Unlike other Kellogg’s advertisements that
Live alone usually show families, the advertisement features one
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles individual, illustrating the strategy to appeal to single people. Image Source: Kellogg’s Singapore
Survey, fielded January to February 2022 Facebook
© Euromonitor International

Daring to spend time alone

Compared to the more individualistic West, doing things alone has I Typically Travel Alone 2019-2022
traditionally not been common in collectivist Asian % of respondents
countries. People highly value harmony with their peers and tend to 16
behave in accordance with others. In this context, eating out or
travelling alone is uncommon as such activities are enjoyed for the 10
purpose of socialising with others. However, this is gradually 8
changing. 6
When asked about travel partners, respondents who chose “I 2
typically travel alone” increased from 6% to 8% between 2019 and 0
2022 in Asia Pacific, which was the largest increase of all North America Europe Asia Pacific Latin America Middle East and
regions. The end of the pandemic has further entrenched this 2019 2020 2021 2022 Africa
behaviour. Although the proportion is still lower than in the West, it Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January to February
shows that solo activities are slowly gaining ground in the region.
Companies are launching services that offer solo activities to
capitalise on the boom. In Japan, Ozmall, a web platform for
booking services, launched a plan for single people dining out. The
service includes venues which are typically viewed as difficult to
visit alone, such as afternoon tea or fine dining restaurants. The
customer will be directed to an area reserved for single guests only,
so that they can enjoy meals in a quiet atmosphere.
Image Source:
© Euromonitor International

Objects of affection to relieve loneliness, while enjoying freedom

While an increasing number of people choose not to marry Top Five Countries By Pet Population 2022/2027
and enjoy spending time alone, many still look for affection Millions of animals
and an emotional bond. 500
In China, the pet population grew by 26 million between 2017 300
- 2022, and it is expected to reach over 465 million by 200
2027. With an increasing number of single-person 100
households, people often choose pets as an alternative to 0
interpersonal relationships, with pets requiring less time, China USA Brazil Germany Russia
effort, and money. The cat population is especially growing, 2022 2027
with ease of ownership in an urban environment compared to Source: Euromonitor International
dogs. For those who live alone, pets have become a relief
from loneliness, and they are willing to pay extra for their
pets’ care.
For consumers who find it difficult to keep a live animal, non-
living organisms can also be objects of affection. In Korea,
some people choose to adopt “pet stones”. The stone owner
Pet stones have become a communication partner for those
takes care of them as if they were pets, by washing and giving
who want to relieve their loneliness without the need for
them snacks or creating a house for them. Loving and talking special care.
to pet stones is meant to relieve stress and loneliness, and
they can be a good option for the singleton who does not
want to be constrained by keeping a live animal. Image Source:
© Euromonitor International

Opportunities from the rise of the self

Asia Pacific expects the most Opportunities lie in solutions

Balancing solitude and affection
significant change in household tailored for smaller homes, and
will be the key factor to
composition due to the convenient dietary options, both
satisfying singletons looking for
increasing number of single- of which will appeal to urban
both freedom and attachment
person households singletons

Image Source: Image Source: Image Source:

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Wellbeing: A language of love for the self

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Wellbeing and its evolving meaning for Asia Pacific consumers

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, consumers in Asia Pacific Definition of being healthy in APAC 2021/2022
faced increased burnout due to a lack of separation between % of respondents
work and personal lives, as Asian lifestyles have become 70
more hybrid. With changes to traditional workplace routines and 60
educational structures following the pandemic, the impact of 50

stress levels on the younger population is growing more 40

pronounced as boundaries between work and personal life grow 30

increasingly blurred. However, the pandemic has also pushed 20

consumers to re-evaluate their values and take proactive steps
to redefine wellbeing. As such, consumers are growing more
Avoiding Avoiding Emotional Feeling Getting Low stress Mental
inclined to look after themselves and their mental and alcohol illness wellbeing “good” enough wellbeing
physical wellbeing. This can involve setting clear boundaries, 2021 2022 sleep
taking time for self-care and rest, and being compassionate Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Health and Nutrition Survey, fielded January to
February 2022
towards oneself.
As consumers in Asia Pacific grow mindful of self-care, there is a growing shift
in perceptions of wellbeing. Euromonitor International’s Voice of the
Consumer: Health and Nutrition Survey echoes this shift with consumers in
Asia Pacific valuing emotional, mental and holistic wellbeing. Lower stress
levels and better sleep are indicators of being healthy, along with a good
immune system and physical wellbeing. There is an ongoing shift in attitudes
in Asia Pacific, as consumers focus on themselves and increasingly ignore
societal pressures in both work and play Image source:
© Euromonitor International

Growing sober-curious: Asian consumers rethink their relationship with alcohol

There has been a strong attitudinal shift in consumers around the awareness of health risks and the impact that alcohol poses. With a
shifting narrative of showing more love for yourself and moving away from a collective to more individualistic ideals, consumers in Asia
Pacific are redefining their relationship with alcohol. From the sober-curious, to consumers who are more intentional about drinking less,
the dip in drinking can be attributed to the self-love movement, as consumers aim to be mindful of their consumption habits.
This shift has driven up demand for non- and low-alcoholic beverages in Asia Pacific, with a strong spike in 2021 during
the pandemic. Demand for these products is expected to remain higher than pre-pandemic levels. As Asian consumers become more
attuned to their personal choices, not being afraid to reject peer pressure, opting for a zero-alcohol beverage is becoming
more normalised. Responding to these changing consumer attitudes and preferences, Lyre launched the world's first non-alcoholic baiju
exclusively in China, allowing consumers to partake in baiju drinking customs without compromising their personal choices

Sales Performance of Non/Low Alcohol Beer in Asia Pacific 2019-

Retail Value RSP - USD million
600 14%

% Y-o-y growth
500 12%
400 8%
300 6%
200 4%
100 0%
0 -2%
Non-alcoholic Baiju by Lyre Sober spicy lemon ginger
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
(China) by Asahi (Japan)
Retail Value RSP - USD million % Y-O-Y Growth
Source: Euromonitor International Image source: Image source:
© Euromonitor International

One size does not fit all: Consumers in Asia Pacific look for personalised experiences
Consumers globally are experiencing lifestyle shifts, and values have changed as a growing majority are re-evaluating life
priorities. Consumers are increasingly seeking personalised and tailored experiences that promote their wellbeing. This includes
personalised nutrition and fitness plans, personalised beauty and skincare routines, and personalised mental health and stress
management strategies. There is a growing recognition in Asia Pacific that a one-size-fits-all approach to wellness does not work for
everyone, and that individual needs and preferences must be considered to achieve optimal wellbeing. As a result, more businesses and
organisations offer personalised products and services catering to their customer's specific self-care needs and goals.
Personal Traits And Attitudes Towards Experiences Of Consumers In Asia Pacific 2019/2022
% of respondents
I seek curated I shop in stores that I use technology to I value online virtual I value real world International products It is important to It is important to
experiences that are create engaging improve my day-to- experiences experiences are more readily experience cultures spend money on
tailored to my tastes experiences day life available to me now other than my own experiences
than they were five
years ago
2019 2022

Source: Euromonitor’s Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyle Survey, fielded January to February 2022

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Natural mood enhancers to boost self-care

Self-love is an important aspect of overall wellness, as it Level Of Concern Over Stress Impacting Health In Asia Pacific 2020-2022
involves caring for one's physical, mental, and emotional % of respondents
wellbeing. A positive relationship with oneself enables
people to make choices that support their overall
wellbeing. This includes habits such as eating a nutritious
diet, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and taking
time to relax and destress. In response to these demands,
manufacturers are launching innovations that aid 0
2020 2021 2022
consumers to achieve better states of wellbeing as people Extremely concerned Moderately concerned A little concerned Not at all concerned
increasingly invest in products that make them feel better. Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Health and Nutrition Survey, fielded January to February
Consumers are increasingly leaning towards wellbeing
products as awareness of the consequence of stress on
physical and emotional wellbeing grows. Natural
substances like adaptogens and GABA that help the body
manage stress, maintain physiological function and a
healthy immune system have become increasingly
popular among Asian consumers. Cargill China’s
functional nutrition brand Proliv, with their Carefree
Gummies, and South Korea’s Korea Ginseng Corporation
with their new HSW herbal drinks, reflect this shifting
dynamic towards mindful self-care. HongSamWon by Korean Ginseng Corp. Proliv Carefree gummies by Cargill China

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Stress reduction and mental wellbeing activities have a renewed focus

A new holistic health paradigm in Asia Pacific is shifting Stress-reduction And Mental Wellbeing Activities In APAC 2020-2022
consumer focus from treatment to prevention. As reflected by ‘% of respondents
Euromonitor's Voice of the Consumer: Health and Nutrition 50
survey, people are increasingly adopting lifestyle habits such as 40
meditation, counselling and therapy to manage stress. More 20
than 40% of respondents from Asia Pacific also use sleep aids 10
and herbal remedies for stress reduction. Stress reduction and
Herbal remedies Meditation Sleep aids Spa visit Therapy or
self-care are interrelated; taking care of themselves can enable (eg, lavender, counselling
consumers to cope better with stress and reduce its negative chamomile tea) 2020 2021 2022
effects on wellbeing. Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Health and Nutrition Survey, fielded January to
February 2022
As Asian consumers strive to be kinder to themselves, they
gravitate towards accessible self-care solutions.
Food and beverage manufacturers are able to tap into this
growing consumer need. Jin Jin in Japan poses as a fermented
super drink to boost mood, increase immunity and maintain
healthy blood pressure levels with ingredients like GABA and
Superoxide Dismutase(SOD). Kin Euphorics in Singapore,
dubbed a social lubricant beverage, offers a zero-calorie blend
of adaptogens and nootropics, which helps to alleviate stress
and elevate mood. These launches indicate a clear shift to
consumers investing in self-care products. Kin Euphorics (Singapore) JIN JIN (Japan)
© Euromonitor International

Rising interest for sleep aids with added benefits

Sleep problems, especially among the younger population due to work-related stress, anxiety, and the constant use of digital devices,
have heightened in Asia Pacific. When the pandemic began in 2020, less exposure to sunlight and reduced physical activity amongst
consumers were major reasons for disrupted sleep cycles and poor sleep quality. In 2022, sales of sleep aids are set to remain higher
than pre-pandemic, although current value growth is set to slow due to competition from fortified food and beverages. Consumers are
gravitating towards products that promote better sleep and have value-added benefits like relaxation, muscle recovery and reduced
fatigue levels. Developed markets with a strong awareness of self-care, including Australia, have a growing demand for products that
improve sleep quality and offer added health benefits. This includes Maxine’s thermogenic night-time protein, positioned to help achieve
slow protein release for muscles to repair while sleeping. In Asia, newer formats like BYHEALTH’s dissolvable Sleep Pro strips are
expected to appeal to younger generations due to the convenience of use. Morinaga Japan has launched Suimin Kaizen - a sleep
improvement drink that contains L-theanine to aid relaxation.
Sales Performance of Sleep Aids in Asia Pacific 2019-2025
Retail Value RSP - USD million
1200 30
1000 25

% Y-O-Y Growth
800 20
600 15
400 10
200 5
0 0
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Retail Value RSP - USD million % Y-O-Y Growth SleepPro oral strips by Maxine’s Night Recovery Suimin Kaizen (Japan)
BYHEALTH (China) (Australia)
Source: Euromonitor International
© Euromonitor International

Beautify the home for a calming effect

High costs of living and inflationary pressures are impacting Asia Pacific consumers, however, people are indulging in smaller splurges of
affordable luxury. The ‘lipstick effect’ is a theory that during periods of economic crisis, consumers are more willing to spend on smaller
indulgences to make them feel good. A similar trend is taking off in Asia Pacific - the “candle effect”, wherein small home decor items, such
as scented candles and cushions, have increased in popularity. Lifestyle improvement and a changing attitude regarding living spaces is
likely to push more consumers to beautify their homes. Following the pandemic, the number of hours spent at home has increased
significantly and there is a growing desire to have a calming space to destress and unwind, with demand for affordable home improvement
solutions like candles, air purifiers and décor to liven up their space, rather than furniture or bigger renovations. Diptyque, a luxury perfume
brand launched a new range of household cleaning supplies as a perfect blend of utility and luxury for extending their signature scents
around homes. The brand also opened its world’s largest flagship store in South Korea in 2022, indicative of consumers wanting to treat
themselves to cosier living spaces and transform homes into self-care havens.
Sales Performance of Candle Air Fresheners in Asia Pacific 2019-2025
Retail Value RSP - USD million
100 14%

% Y-0-Y growth
60 8%
40 6%
0 0%
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Retail Value RSP - USD million % Y-O-Y Growth
Diptyque flagship store (Seoul) La Droguerie by Diptyque
Source: Euromonitor International
© Euromonitor International

Opportunities in wellbeing

Opportunities lie in solutions Transforming living spaces into

Redefine brand portfolios to
tailored for better sleep and rest havens play a key role in
respond to shifting consumer
managing stress, as consumers helping Asian consumers unwind
preferences in Asia Pacific
seek peace as a form of self-care and indulge in self care

Source: Source: Source:

© Euromonitor International
Evolving perceptions of beauty

© Euromonitor International

Asia Pacific consumers traditionally prioritise outwardly-focused beauty

Asia Pacific consumers share a similar pattern in terms
of perception of beauty with global consumers, Consumers’ perception of beauty 2022
focusing on looking healthy, being hygienic and
supporting inner confidence. However, Asia Pacific
beauty standards differ from global standards in Looking healthy
certain ways. According to Euromonitor International’s
Status symbol Hygiene/cleanliness
Voice of the Consumer: Beauty Survey, Asia Pacific
consumers emphasise the following beauty factors Being comfortable
Being on trend
compared to the global average: being on-trend, social in your own skin
acceptance and keeping a youthful appearance. The
expression of beauty amongst Asia Pacific consumers
Social acceptance Inner confidence
has an outwardly-focused tendency compared to other
parts of the world.
Other factors resonate less in Asia Pacific, such as being Embracing yourself Looking presentable
comfortable in one’s own skin, embracing yourself and
having inner confidence, which are more Good oral Keeping a youthful
important globally. appearance
Looking your best
This reflects the importance in Asia Pacific placed on Asia Pacific Global
societal norms, the importance of fitting in and the
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Beauty Survey, fielded June to July 2022
need for social acceptance, which all prevail over
aspects of self-love.
© Euromonitor International

Consumers focus on enhancing their appearance

Around one-third of Asia Pacific consumers link beauty to looking presentable to others. According to Voice of the Industry: Beauty Survey,
consumers are accustomed to applying heavy make-up to enhance their appearance. This also reveals that instead of focusing on one area
of make-up like the eyes or lips, 19% of Asia Pacific consumers favour a total make-up style higher than in other regions. However, this is
changing. Almost 60% of Generation Z consumers use natural make-up or no make-up, suggesting a rise in individualistic behaviour and less
concern over societal norms.
Asia Pacific consumers still pursue perfection in their physical appearance. Asian countries are known for certain signature appearance
improvement techniques. In Japan, make-up style is profoundly influenced by anime and manga, and the prominence of a baby doll-like
appearance in Japanese pop culture has spawned the false eyelash industry. Coloured contact lenses are also popular among make-up users
in Asia. Korea is a hub of plastic surgery, while China is known for beauty applications like beauty cameras. China’s Huawei and South
Korea’s Samsung compete with front-facing camera specs for the ideal selfie. The ‘V-shape face, enlarged eyes, and fair-skinned look’ used
to be the fixed image of a stereotypically beautiful face across Asian markets in the past.
Heavy Make-up 2022 Colour Cosmetics Routines in Asia Pacific 2022
% of respondents % of respondents
Baby Heavy make-up
15 Light make-up
Generation X
10 Moderate make-up
5 Millennials
Natural or barely
0 there make-up
Generation Z No make-up
Overall make-up
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Asia Pacific Europe Latin America Middle East and Africa North America
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Beauty Survey, fielded June to July 2022
© Euromonitor International

Younger generations show greater self-confidence

Perceptions of beauty in Asia Perceptions of Beauty 2022
Pacific are % of respondents: what does beauty mean to you
constantly evolving. Beauty
perceptions are diversifying with
increased awareness of the self
and the influence of global
beauty culture. However, unique
ethnic attributes remain. 0
This conclusion is echoed by the
Voice of the Consumer: Beauty
Survey results, which revealed the
changing beauty perceptions
among different generations. Baby Baby Boomers Generation X Generation Z Millennials
Boomers and Generation X focus Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Beauty Survey, fielded June to July 2022
on ageing and health-related
Gen Z respondents over-index other cohorts when perceiving beauty as embracing oneself, inner
topics, like keeping a youthful
confidence and social acceptance. The rise of individualism and the awakening of self-awareness are
appearance and
reshaping beauty perceptions amongst younger generations. The inherent Asian aesthetic still
looking healthy. Compared to the
coexists with an emerging trend to individualism, thus forming a unique and comprehensive
older generation, Generation Z
beauty landscape. This complicated expression of beauty will be elaborated and discussed under the
and Millennials focus on self-
topics of body positivity, skin tone inclusivity, and the controversy over inner beauty versus
acceptance and social recognition.
appearance to showcase the ’paradox of beauty’
© Euromonitor International

The Asian quest to be thin

Differences exist between the preferred body aesthetic in Asia Obesity population 2022 ( ≥BMI 30kg/sq m)
Pacific and other regions of the world, with Asians showing a
preference for a skinny aesthetic. Slim bodies are the epitome % of population aged 18+
of beauty across Asia. Asians tend to be of a slender physical
stature, and the region has a low percentage of the population 7.5%
who are obese, at 7.5% compared to 15% globally. However, 2022 APAC
body image is still a thorny issue for many consumers in Asia
Pacific, especially females.
2022 Global
Regarding the weight management and wellbeing market, Asia
Pacific consumption of weight management products is around
Source: Euromonitor International from WHO/OECD
40% of the world market, with retail sales of USD8.7 billion in
2022. Asia Pacific has also seen the strongest growth over the Weight Management And Wellbeing Market 2022
past five years, with a CAGR of 7.7%(USD y-o-y ex rates) USD million, current prices

The COVID-19 pandemic further stimulated demand in certain

markets, including South Korea and China, where consumers
gained weight due to home seclusion, lack of exercise,
prolonged screen time, poor diets and comfort eating. Asia Pacific

However, with the rise of self-awareness, many consumers try 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000
to rid themselves of tying their sense of self-worth to how they
Asia Pacific World
look, focusing on advocating body positivity instead.
Source: Euromonitor International
© Euromonitor International

From skinny aesthetics to body positivity

Fashion heavily influences the evolution of body aesthetics. The trend of being thin has
dominated and had a long-standing impact on fashion styles in Asia Pacific. However, the
emergence of diverse beauty is gaining influence, creating a landscape in the fashion
industry where thin stereotypes still prevail, but beauty diversity is on the rise.
Brandy Melville, a fashion brand originating in Italy and famous for its ‘one size fits all’ crop
tops and short skirts, is popular with young women across Asia, despite the region being
traditionally conservative when showing skin.
The brand has split opinions in Asia. Many think ‘BM-style’ in Asia aligns with consumers’
pursuit of a slim figure by recruiting tall, white, skinny girls as sales advisors, reinforcing
traditional beauty aesthetics. On the other hand, many consumers view the brand as
body-shaming and not in line with new trends in body positivity. Meanwhile, trends like
fitspiration are fighting against the skinny look in the Asia Pacific fashion market, and
forward-thinking brands are aligning with this trend. The emergence of home-grown
sportswear brands like Maia Active from China and Mulawear from South Korea indicates
that fashion brands are increasingly aware of body positivity as a draw to Asia Pacific
consumers. These brands capitalise on the increasing popularity of working out with Asian-
tailored activewear. Besides specific product offerings, brands like Maia Active have
attracted consumers with marketing campaigns advocating inclusive beauty, with
advertisements featuring non-celebrity models to break the stereotype of beauty and
advocate body and skin diversity. This shift towards healthy figures reshapes how fashion
players appeal to Asia Pacific consumers. Source: Maia Active
© Euromonitor International

Advocating colour tone inclusivity

There is strong demand for whitening products in Asia Pacific, given the pervasive idea
that lighter skin is more attractive. Beauty and skincare products positioned around
brightening or whitening functions are profitable for cosmetic companies. Ingredients
such as niacinamide and vitamin C are widely adopted and advertised for their
whitening functions. Pola, a leading Japanese beauty company, is known for its
signature White Shot series, offering a full whitening product line-up, from skincare to
dietary supplements. Whitening supplements like Transino White C Clear(Daiichi
Sankyo Healthcare Co. Ltd) are also very well-received in Asian markets.
Though colour tone inclusivity still wrestles with the obsession with whitening, the
acceptance of natural skin tones is gaining traction in Asian markets. According to Image source: Pola WHITE SHOT
Euromonitor's Voice of the Industry: Beauty Survey, younger generations take the lead
in ‘being comfortable in your own skin’ (see slide 32). China has seen increasing
penetration of colour cosmetics with bold colours and shades, popular amongst Gen
Z. L'Oréal took the lead in exploring beauty diversity and advocating colour tone
inclusivity with the launch of colour cosmetics exclusively for Asian skin tones, in
partnership with a Chinese underwear upstart Neiwai. Furthermore, consumers in
Asia Pacific are increasingly aware of the concept of photo-ageing, unlocking the
market potential of sun care products in Asia Pacific, which will see a stronger forecast
CAGR of 7.7% (2022/27) compared to 2.7% over the past five years. Demand is no
longer purely driven by the fear of getting tanned but by the need to maintain
skin health.
Image source: L’Oreal x Neiwai
© Euromonitor International

A holistic approach to beauty is here to stay

Younger consumers associate beauty more closely with intrinsic values than
extrinsic values, according to Euromonitor Voice of the Industry: Beauty Survey,
and Asia Pacific consumers are no exception. Millennial and Gen Z spending is
reshaping the Asian beauty landscape. Consumers no longer pursue beauty rigidly
and are shifting towards more natural or holistic approaches to
appearance enhancement. Instead of just using exaggerated filters or heavy
makeup to refine one’s appearance, a combination of beauty supplements and
clean beauty is favoured.
Asian beauty has a longstanding reputation for harnessing indigenous natural
ingredients, which is highly compatible with the ‘clean beauty’ trend, explaining Image source: CJ news room
why clean beauty has caught on quickly. In 2022, a leading health and beauty
retailer in South Korea, Olive Young, reinforced its key “clean beauty” strategy by
launching and promoting more “clean beauty” brands like Round Lab and
Torriden, to cater to safety-obsessed consumers in a post-pandemic world.
Besides choosing natural and 'safe' beauty ingredients, enhanced health and
wellness awareness also focuses consumers’ attention on
holistic beauty. Ingestible beauty or edible beauty has also gained share, aligning
with the ‘beauty-from-within’ trend over recent years. Swisse, an Australian-
originated health and wellness company, has a holistic approach to beauty with its
signature combination of well-known beauty supplements and an extended
skincare range, which brings out the synergy between inside and out beauty. Image source: Swisse
© Euromonitor International


Product development and Opportunities in inclusive

Health and natural elements will
marketing strategy should beauty, which spans a wide
be key messaging to engage with
resonate with increasingly spectrum, from body positivity
beauty consumers
diverse perceptions of beauty to skin tone inclusivity

Image Source: Image Source: Neiwai Image Source:

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Executive summary
Priorities for Asian consumers have been gradually shifting to a focus on the self, due to higher
A focus on the self, rooted in disposable incomes and globalisation, with COVID-19 as a turning point. Consumers are
shifting values and economic challenging the legitimacy of collective expectations and the illusion of collective
power interest. Greater individualism has shifted the focus to the self, with self-growth and
development, self-acceptance and expression and personal wellbeing at the fore.

Values are changing from being family-centred to being self-centred. This change has led to an
increase in people choosing a life without marriage, respecting individual ways of life and
The rise of self/individuality
values, and embracing time spent alone. Opportunities lie in solutions tailored for single urban
lifestyles, such as smaller homes and convenient dietary options.

The importance of wellbeing and a focus on the self has risen amongst Asia Pacific consumers,
bolstered by the outbreak of COVID-19. There is a shift in the perception of wellbeing to
Wellbeing and self-care encompass emotional and mental wellbeing, with a need to lower stress levels, encourage
better sleep and highlight physical exercise while ensuring one’s domestic surroundings are
calm and comforting.
Enhanced self-awareness in Asia Pacific has led to the reshaping of beauty and fashion
Evolving perceptions of perceptions by local consumers. Opportunities surrounding the increasing demand in emerging
beauty sectors, like inclusive beauty and body positivity, exist. With Asia Pacific playing an increasingly
influential role in today’s global beauty and fashion industries, more localised solutions and
trend-setting products will help players seize the initiative.
© Euromonitor International

For Further Insight please contact

Rachel He Tim Foulds

Research Manager Head of Insights
▪ •

Tomomi Fujikawa

Kemo Zhou

© Euromonitor International

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