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Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb

Good morning, hello everyone, and all my teachers and my friends. Let me introduce my self,
I’m ....... from ........

Today, I want to share a short story about isra mi’raj. It’s a night journey of prophet Muhammad
SAW. So, before I tell you about the story I want to ask you something. Do you ever imagine
travelling at night? Do you ever think of how amazing it would be to move from one place to
another in just a few leaps. Well, it happen to our prophet Muhammad SAW. He had a great
journey where he travelled from one place to another in just a few leaps and finally when he went
up to the heaven to meet Allah SWT.

The story was started at one night in month Rajab. Prophet Muhammad SAW was sleeping near
the Ka’bah. At that night, the angel Jibril came with the Buraq to take him on the journey. The
Buraq travelled at a very fast speed.

After a short journey of travel from Masjidil Haram in Mecca, they arived in Masjid Al-Aqsa in
Palestine, and it is called as Isra.

From Masjid Al-Aqsa, our Prophet Muhammad SAW ascended into the heaven or Sidrat Al
Muntaha accompanied by Angel Jibril. This part of journey is known as Al-Miraj.

As they move to the heaven, Prophet Muhammad SAW met angels and prophets at each heaven.
And you know what? At the top, Prophet Muhammad met Ibrahim AS. It was amazing, right?

One of the gift from the Isra Miraj Journey is “Sholat 5 Waktu” or five prayers per day. Prophet
Muhammad was asked by Allah SWT to do this daily pray as a form of grateful or “Rasa Syukur” to
Allah for all the blessings which we have got from Allah.

So, that would be the Isra Miraj story, a wonderful story to remember.

Thank you so much, wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

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