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Instructions for Completing the DAAD Online Application

At the current time, applicants to the programmes and this application number.
 Grants for Students Reading German Studies You will need a pdf reader (like Acrobat Reader) to be
 Study Scholarships for Graduates of All Disciplines able to print out the form. If you have not yet installed
Study Scholarships for Artists one on your computer, please download Acrobat Reader
 ERP Study Scholarships for Graduates of Economics (or a similar programme) and install it before you start
and Management your application.
 Research Grants for Doctoral Candidates and Young Please remember to print out and sign your completed
Academics and Scientists application form and to submit it with your supplemental
documents and materials and the requisite number of
must use the online application form. The application
copies in one package to the DAAD Information Centre
form is designed in an easy to use format and will assist
Tbilisi. Please note that applications cannot be submitted
us with processing applications more efficiently. If, for
directly to the DAAD Head Office in Bonn. You may
any reason, you cannot use the online application form,
want to make an extra copy of your application for your
please contact the DAAD Information Centre Tbilisi
own files.
and we'll discuss alternative ways.
If you need to make (a) correction(s) after you have prin-
Prior to submitting an application, please make sure that
ted out your completed application form, you feel the
you meet all of the eligibility requirements of the DAAD
choices offered or the space available was not sufficient
scholarship programme to which you wish to apply. If
for your answer, or you wish to submit additional
you have any questions about your eligibility, please
information to any of the sections of the form, we will
contact the DAAD Information Centre Tbilisi. You may
accept hand-written (typed/word processed) addenda.
also contact us if you are unsure to which funding
Please include your full name, the DAAD scholarship
programme you should apply.
programme name, and application number on each page
Please note that your application can be saved only when and make the same number of copies of your addenda as
the form has been fully completed. This means that you are required for your application form.
cannot save a partially completed form and continue
Completion of the online application form does not
working on it at a later point in time. The entire form
constitute a complete application. Your paper application
must be completed in one session. Please also note that
must be submitted in its entirety to the DAAD
the portal will close if you do not enter any details for
Information Centre Tbilisi or to the DAAD-Lecturer
more than one hour! Thus we therefore strongly
in Kutaisi not later than the relevant deadline.
recommend you first look through all of the questions and
Please submit your application to:
collect any documents you may need for answering them
(e.g. curriculum vitae, academic certificates etc.) before DAAD Information Centre Tbilisi
you start entering your details. Zandukeli 16
0108 Tbilisi
You must complete all sections of the application form
except for, in some cases, the second part of section 4
("Previous stays abroad and career experience"). Department for German Language
Required elements are noted with an asterisk (*). After State Akaki Tsereteli University Kutaisi
you have entered your data and clicked "save", a Tamar-Mepe-Str. 59
confirmation page will follow; please check the accuracy 4600 Kutaisi
of your data and from this page you may click the "edit"
button to make any changes; when all data is complete
If you feel uncertain about any aspect of the application
and correct, click "save" then "Go back to Main
procedure, please contact the DAAD Information
Menu/Overview" and go on to the next section.
Centre Tbilisi. It is your responsibility alone to ensure
After you have completed the entire form, click the that your application arrives on time and is complete.
“send” button. A link to a pdf file with your application Incomplete or late applications cannot be accepted.
form will come up; you will notice that you have been
assigned an application number near the top of the first
page. In all subsequent correspondence regarding your
application, please give your full name, the name of the
DAAD scholarship programme to which you have applied

Are you ready? Then click on the online application form to start entering your data and details!

DAAD Information Centre Tbilisi E-Mail:

DAAD Online Application Form (Georgia)
– Line-by-Line Instructions –
Key Data Type of final qualification (*): enter “school leaving diploma
after 11 school years”
Applicant status / Scholarship programme / Type of final qualification (actual original name of
Nationality qualification): please enter “attestat”
Status at the time of starting the scholarship: your expected Awarded on (day/month/year) (*): date of your graduation
academic status at the time of starting the scholarship (e.g. if Result(s) / Grade(s) (*): the average grade of your school
you apply for a study scholarship starting in october and you leaving diploma
will finish your studies in july, specify “(post)graduate”);
University Studies
choose one from the list (“student” / “(post)graduate” / “doc-
toral candidate” / “postdoc”) Current/Last university (attended) (*)
Scholarship Programme: the exact title of the DAAD Name of university / place(*): give the complete name and
scholarship programme you apply for town of your current or the most recent university you
Nationality: your citizenship attended
from(*): month/year you began at this university
Summary to(*): month/year you most recently attended or until when
(this section is also referred to as “Overview”, as in the button you plan to stay there
to click “back to overview). You will notice that as you complete Subject(*): your major or degree field
each section, the blue box at the left will fill in. All sections must “more” Tab: If you have attended more than one higher
be completed. There is nothing for you to complete on this education institution, click here and give further details. Please
“summary” page – just click the first line, and it will take you to list the most recent first.
the first page to fill in
Current/Last subject (studied)
1. Personal Details Subject(*): your major or degree field
Academic year / Doctoral year: the current year of your study
Name / Personal Details or doctoral programme in this field, if applicable
Surname(*): last/family name Subsidiary subject/minor: if you study a second/minor field,
First name(s)(*): [self explanatory] too, enter it; else, leave this field empty
Date of birth (*): day/month/year Academic year / Doctoral year: the current year of your study
Place of birth (*): city or doctoral programme in this field, if applicable
Country of birth (*): [self explanatory]
Currently working/studying at
Academic title: if you hold a doctoral degree, you may put
university/institution: current university affiliation (if you
“Dr.” here etc; else, leave it empty
don’t work/study at a university/ institution, leave this field
Sex (*): [self explanatory]
Marital status(*): [self explanatory]
Number of children (*): if you have children, please give the Degrees held
number of dependant minors Exact degree title: give any academic degrees (e.g. Diplom,
Country of permanent residence (*): Bachelor, Master, ...); else (e.g. if you're still a student), leave
[self explanatory] it empty
→ save Awarded on (day/month/year): date you got your academic
Correspondence Address Subject: for studies/research in what field did you receive this
Please give your complete postal address exactly in the form to degree
be written on letters – the postman has to be able to find you Degree result / Grade: average grade of your degree or “cum
with these data! laude” etc.
Street(*): don't forget to enter street name, house number, “more” Tab: If you hold more than one degree, click here and
apartment number give further details about it
Additional address information 1+2:
only if your surname is not written on the doorbell Degrees you expect to gain before taking up a possible
P.O. Box: [self explanatory] scholarship
Post/Zip Code: indexi Exact degree title(s): if you're currently a student, give the title
Town(*): [self explanatory] of the degree on which you are working (e.g. BA); otherwise,
County/Province/State: you can give your region. leave this field empty
Country (*): [self explanatory] Expected graduation date (day/month/ year): date you expect
Telephone, area code: phone number under which you're to finish/receive the degree (month/year)
actually reachable, (e.g. mobile number)
Fax: [self explanatory]
Email (*): much of the corresponence will be by email; if you 3. Planned Stay in Germany and Scholarship
don't reply in time, your application may be removed. Scholarship term / host university
Therefore, enter your correct email address here. Check
your email at least once a week after the deadline and notify Total length of stay in Germany and requested scholarship
us immediately if there are any problems with your email term
account or if you change your email address! Total length of planned stay in Germany in months: give the
number of months you intend to stay in Germany
Requested scholarship term from: starting date of the period
2. Previous Studies for which you wish to receive a scholarship
Requested scholarship term to: ending date of the period for
Higher Education Entrance Qualification which you wish to receive a scholarship
Secondary school (name, place) (*): name and town of the
high school where you got your attestat. CHOSEN HOST UNIVERSITY / INSTITUTION IN
from (day/month/year) (*): month/year you began high school GERMANY
to (day/month/year) (*): month/year you graduated from high First choice(*)
Place(*): town of your university of choice. Your selection 4. Additional Competencies, Skills and
here is linked to which choices you are offered in the next Experience
section (that is, only the universities/institutions in the town
you pick in this field) Language Skills
University/Institution(*): the complete names of German
universities are listed here in alphabetical order, e.g. the Foreign Language Skills
University of Greifswald is listed as Ernst-Moritz-Arndt- Since when have you been learning German and where or how
Universität Greifswald and alphabetised under “E” long did you learn German and where?(*): if you haven't
Another university/institution not listed here: use this field learnt any German, please enter “–“ in this field (you cannot
only in the unlikely case that you're absolutely sure your leave it empty!)
intended university/ institution cannot be found in the list Knowledge of other languages: give some other language you
above know, if any
You can give up to three universities (first/second/third choice). Grade/Level: choose your level of proficiency from the list
For DAAD-OSI study scholarships you have to choose three (“very good” / “good” / “fair” / “poor”)
master programs. Previous Stays Abroad and Career Experience
Why did you choose this/these particular institutions? give a
short response / keywords here (up to 140 characters max.); Previous study/research stays abroad of at least one month
you may elaborate in your motivation letter / project proposal from: the beginning date (month/year) of your first
Have any contacts been made yet? have you made any international trip for academic or professional purposes
contacts at your intended German institution? to: the ending date (month/year) of that trip
Yes, namely with (Please include proof of contacts): full name Place: name of the destination institution and town
of contact person Country: [self explanatory]
Purpose of the stay? be brief here, if relevant you can
Planned project elaborate in your narrative
Chosen field of study/specialisation at the German host Financed by? did you receive a scholarship or were you paid,
university/institution and who provided this funding?
Subject group(*): broad subject area. Your selection here is “more” Tab: list more academically/professionally oriented
linked to which choices you are offered in the next section. trips abroad
These choices are according to German categorisations of Practical or career experience during your studies or after
subject areas, e.g. “History” is found under “Languages and graduating
Cultural Studies”, and “Architecture” and “Urban Planning” from: the beginning date (month/year) of your first internship,
are under “Engineering” job, research or other professional experience
Subject(*): your specific field of study/research in Germany to: the ending date (month/year) of that practical/ professional
(if you don't find your exact field, choose the broadest topic experience
encompassing it and give the exact name in the next space) Where? institution, town, country
Another subject not listed here: you may write the exact name Type of work: what kind of work did you do there?
of your field in this space (e.g. “Ancient Greek history”, Position/professional status: what was your title/role while in
“polymer chemistry”, ...) this practical/professional experience?
Target degree/qualification “more” Tab: list more practical/professional experiences
Do you intend to gain a degree? (*): Do you intend to gain any Present occupation (PLEASE ENCLOSE WRITTEN PROOF,
kind of university degree whether in Germany, Georgia or SUCH AS A REFERENCE): specify your present
elsewhere? occupation (e.g. student, PhD student, manager, trainee, ...)
If yes: Will you be granted leave of absence for your stay in
1. which degree do you intend to gain? (*): Germany? if you have a steady job and you're guaranteed to
choose the denomination from the topdown-list keep it after your stay in Germany, click “yes”
2. at which university/institution do you intend to gain a If yes, will the leave be paid? if your present salary will be
degree? (*) paid even while you're in Germany, click “yes”
at the German host university/ institution: if you want to
gain your intended degree at the German host institution, click
5. Further Details and Other Scholarships/Grants
“yes” Former or Current Scholarships/Grants and Other
at another university/institution, namely: Applications
if you want to gain your intended degree at some other
institution (in Germany, Georgia or elsewhere), please name it Former or Current Scholarships
in this field Have you ever received DAAD funding in the past? (*): did
you ever benefit from a DAAD scholarship?
Planned study/research project in Germany Yes, from: if yes, give the starting date (month/ year) of your
Please outline the project in key words (*) (PLEASE SUBMIT A previous DAAD scholarship
DETAILED AND PRECISE DESCRIPTION to: give the ending date (month/year) of your previous DAAD
SEPARATELY): give a short summary (maximum 420 scholarship
characters), you can elaborate in your motivation letter / Programme: give the name of the scholarship
project proposal Are you/have you ever been sponsored by other
Who (academic referees) submitted a reference for this institutions? (*): have you ever received a scholarship from
application? another organisation?
Please specify name, academic field, university/ Yes, from: if yes, give the starting date (month/ year) of that
institution: give the names, titles, organisations of those who scholarship
wrote letters of reference/recommendation for you to: give the name of the scholarship
Name of institution: name of the funding organisation
Simultaneous applications
Are you applying to other DAAD programmes for the same
period? (*): do you have any other pending applications to
DAAD programmes?
Yes, programme title(s): if yes, please give the name of the
scholarship programme
Do you currently have any other applications with other Other information/remarks which seem important to you in
institutions? (*): do you have any other pending applications connection with this application.: if there's something you
with other institutions for the same period/project? want to tell the selection committee, feel free to do so; if not,
Yes, institution name: if yes, give the name of the funding leave this space empty
organisation at which you have pending scholarship
applications Name and address of the person to be notified in case of an
If yes, have you already received a decision and what is emergency
it? please inform us of whether you have received other Please give the contact data of a person we can contact in the
scholarships already for this project/period case we cannot reach you
Surname: last/family name
Supplementary information on your application First name(s): [self explanatory]
What is your career goal? (*): please give your career goal Street: include all necessary numbers (block etc.)
indeed, and not just your field of study/research (e.g. “senior P.O. Box: [self explanatory]
civil servant in the ministry of economy” and not just Post/Zip Code: [self explanatory]
“economist”) Town: [self explanatory]
What are your extracurricular interests? County/Province: [self explanatory]
[self explanatory] Country: [self explanatory]
Telephone: [self explanatory]
Fax: [self explanatory]
Email: [self explanatory]

Submitting your data and printing out the application form

Once you've completed all required sections, you see the option “Send application” at the bottom of the „Overview“-page.
Please note that when you send the application, you can no longer make any changes to the information and data you have
entered. When you're absolutely sure everything is completed correctly, press “Send application”.
The next page you see contains some text and, near the top, your application number (big letters); please write down this
number and keep it safe. Read the text of this page carefully and press “Open PDF Document” (big blue letters).
Print out and save the pdf file (containing your application form), make the requested number of copies, sign them and submit
your complete application files (with all required documents) at the DAAD-Information Center Tbilisi or at the DAAD-
Lecturer in Kutaisi.

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