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Psychology 10th Edition Bernstein Test

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1. Which characteristic is least associated with motivation?
a. ability
b. initiation
c. direction
d. persistence
REFERENCES: Introduction
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

2. You have written a paper on the topic of motivation for your psychology class. You decide to entitle the paper,
“Motivation” and want to add a tag line to give more emphasis to the title. From the choices below, you decide the most
fitting is: “____.”
a. Motivation: Reasons behind people's thoughts and actions
b. Motivation: The thought processes in which people engage
c. Motivation: Actions that people are capable of performing
d. Motivation: The brain's role in emotion
REFERENCES: Concepts and Theories of Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

3. Turkey Lurkey corners Henny Penny and demands, "Tell me exactly what purpose you have for running around here
and telling us all the sky is falling. Why are you doing this?" Turkey Lurkey is asking Henny Penny to reveal her ____.
a. optimal arousal
b. well-being
c. motive
d. need
REFERENCES: Concepts and Theories of Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

4. People sometimes choose a certain career because they want to please their parents. This is an example of a(n) ____
factor as a motivational source.
a. innate
b. biological
c. social
d. cognitive
REFERENCES: Concepts and Theories of Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

5. Which behavior is most motivated by physiological factors?

a. turning down an offer from an extremely prestigious university because your parents attended good old State
b. adding and removing clothes so as to maintain a comfortable body temperature
c. fulfilling a request made by your employer in the hope that she will return the favor
d. donating clothes, canned goods, and money to charitable organizations because you have plenty
REFERENCES: Concepts and Theories of Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

6. Which individual is displaying behavior that is most motivated by cognitive factors?

a. Kathy, who starts smoking cigarettes because all of her friends have started doing so
b. Thrupti, who drinks a large glass of water after a softball game
c. Norm, who punches a wall after his girlfriend breaks up with him
d. Yoon, who drops out of school because she has doubts about her academic ability
REFERENCES: Concepts and Theories of Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

7. Imagine you are a male three-spined stickleback (a fish). You come across a nest of unfertilized three-spined
stickleback eggs and you can't help but do a particular dance and then go ahead and fertilize the eggs. Which theory of
motivation accounts for your behavior?
a. arousal theory
b. behavioral doctrine
c. drive reduction theory
d. instinct doctrine
REFERENCES: Concepts and Theories of Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

8. Kent and Jebreel both ask Danielle out on a date. Kent is very attractive and a lot of fun to be with, but he is also
unemployed. Jebreel is older than Kent, has a secure job, and owns his own home; however, Jebreel is quite unattractive
and not very much fun. Danielle chooses to go out with Jebreel instead of Kent. The ____ theory of motivation would best
predict Danielle's choice.
a. drive reduction
b. arousal
c. evolutionary
d. humanistic
REFERENCES: Concepts and Theories of Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

9. Jessi, a college freshman, is engaged in the following activities. Which activity cannot be explained by the drive
reduction theory of motivation?
a. drinking juice with breakfast
b. working at a local restaurant to earn some extra money
c. eating a hamburger for dinner
d. reading a book to satisfy her curiosity about how diamonds are formed
REFERENCES: Concepts and Theories of Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

10. Which behaviorbest illustratesthe maintenance of homeostasis?

a. starting to salivate when you smell freshly baked cookies
b. depositing a check in your newly opened checking account
c. shivering to generate body heat when you are cold
d. dimming the lights before a romantic encounter
REFERENCES: Concepts and Theories of Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

11. According to drive reduction theory, an imbalance in homeostasis creates a(n) ____, to which the brain responds by
creating a psychological state called a(n) ____.
a. drive; need
b. need; drive
c. instinct; motive
d. motive; instinct
REFERENCES: Concepts and Theories of Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

12. Jeremy works very hard at school and almost always gets As. According to drive reduction theory, Jeremy's
motivation for studying hard is most likely due to a ____.
a. primary reinforcer
b. reward
c. primary drive
d. secondary drive
REFERENCES: Concepts and Theories of Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

13. After finishing a marathon, Adena grabs a water bottle and quickly drinks all of its contents in an attempt to satisfy a
____ drive.
a. fixed
b. learned
c. primary
d. secondary
REFERENCES: Concepts and Theories of Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

14. The fact that some people often ignore their hunger and skip lunch in anticipation of a special dinner is a direct
contradiction to the ____ theory of motivation.
a. drive reduction
b. arousal
c. incentive
d. opponent-process
REFERENCES: Concepts and Theories of Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand
15. Josh starts smoking to experience the pleasurable feelings associated with nicotine. This behavior is best explained by
the ____ theory of motivation. Eventually, however, Josh becomes physically addicted to nicotine and now he needs the
drug to reduce the cravings he feels. Josh's behavior is now best explained by ____ theory.
a. incentive; drive reduction
b. drive reduction; arousal
c. arousal; drive reduction
d. drive reduction; incentive
REFERENCES: Concepts and Theories of Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

16. Jessi decides to take caffeine pills to stay on top of all of her homework, her job, and her extracurricular activities.
However, the resulting overstimulation may be problematic for Jessi because ____.
a. she will experience a drive reduction
b. her subjective well-being will diminish
c. people tend to perform best when arousal is moderate
d. the pills are acting as an intervening variable
REFERENCES: Concepts and Theories of Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

17. Geoff, a basketball player for City High School, sinks thirty straight free throws during practice. However, during the
critical game of the season, with the score tied and twenty seconds left to play, Geoff misses three consecutive free
throws. Geoff's behavior can be best explained by ____ theory.
a. incentive
b. arousal
c. drive reduction
d. opponent-process
REFERENCES: Concepts and Theories of Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

18. Anu has just finished watching a movie about cement mixing that she thought was long and boring. According to the
arousal theory of motivation, Anuwill most likely ____ next.
a. drink water
b. do something exciting
c. read about cement mixing
d. go to sleep
REFERENCES: Concepts and Theories of Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

19. Karl wants to get straight As in school because his parents have promised to buy him a new car if he does so. This is
an illustration of the ____ of motivation.
a. incentive theory
b. arousal theory
c. drive reduction theory
d. instinct doctrine
REFERENCES: Concepts and Theories of Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

20. When Lani has an unpleasant task to complete, such as writing a term paper, she sets up rewards for herself. When she
completes her outline, she watches TV for one hour. When she completes the rough draft, she spends an evening relaxing
with her friends. When she finishes the final draft, she goes to the mall and purchases a CD she has been wanting. Lani's
behavior is best explained by the ____.
a. instinct doctrine
b. arousal theory
c. drive reduction theory
d. incentive theory
REFERENCES: Concepts and Theories of Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

21. Rory and Dory are identical twin rats. The lateral area of Rory's hypothalamus has been destroyed in a tragic exercise
wheel accident. The ventromedial nucleus of Dory's hypothalamus has an electrode implanted in it that is constantly
stimulating that part of her brain. This situation has existed for a week now. How will Rory's weight compare to Dory's?
a. Rory weighs much more than Dory.
b. Dory weighs much more than Rory.
c. Dory and Rory are both tremendously overweight.
d. Dory and Rory are both extremely underweight.
REFERENCES: Hunger and Eating
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

22. Pedro has always been of average weight and build. However, over the past year, his eating habits and his weight have
changed drastically. He now seems to eat constantly and has gained over seventy-five pounds. Pedro most likely has
damage to his ____.
a. lateral hypothalamus
b. thalamus
c. ventromedial nucleus
d. paraventricular nucleus
REFERENCES: Hunger and Eating
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

23. As the hormone responsible for communicating satiety to the brain, ____ enters the blood when fat supplies increase
in cells and reduces food intake.
a. glucose
b. leptin
c. estrogen
d. melatonin
REFERENCES: Hunger and Eating
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

24. When a lack of nutrients is detected by the stomach, the hormone ____ is released into the bloodstream and acts as a
“start eating” signal when it reaches the brain.
a. leptin
b. melatonin
c. estrogen
d. ghrelin
REFERENCES: Hunger and Eating
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

25. Mario takes a drug for Restless Thumb Syndrome. One side effect of the drug is the stimulation of the paraventricular
nucleus of his hypothalamus. As a result, Mario should anticipate that he will ____.
a. eat less than usual
b. crave foods low in carbohydrates
c. eat more than usual
d. crave lots of water
REFERENCES: Hunger and Eating
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

26. Tweety Bird is tired of being chased by Sylvester, the Cat, who wants to eat Tweety for dinner. Tweety could reduce
Sylvester's desire to eat by ____.
a. destroying Sylvester's ventromedial nucleus
b. stimulating Sylvester's lateral hypothalamus
c. destroying Sylvester's lateral hypothalamus
d. stimulating Sylvester's ventromedial nucleus
REFERENCES: Hunger and Eating
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

27. You are a space alien who wishes to conquer Earth. You use a special ray gun that makes humans immobile by
making them too fat to move. Your ray gun should ____ in the hypothalamus.
a. stimulate the ventromedial nucleus
b. destroy the ventromedial nucleus
c. destroy the lateral hypothalamus
d. stimulate the thalamus
REFERENCES: Hunger and Eating
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

28. Sabrina is trying to lose weight with a low-carbohydrate diet. She knows this is an effective short-term plan, but she
finds herself craving everything that contains carbohydrates. The neurotransmitter responsible for her cravings is ____.
a. enterostatin
b. galanin
c. neuropeptide Y
d. serotonin
REFERENCES: Hunger and Eating
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

29. Dr. Luze-Moore is working on a drug that will curb people’s appetite for high-fat foods. Based on your reading of the
text, Dr. Luze-Moore should focus on a way to block the stimulation of what neurotransmitter?
a. enterostatin
b. galanin
c. serotonin
d. neuropeptide Y
REFERENCES: Hunger and Eating
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

30. Jerry is severely overweight. He asks his doctor whether injections of the hormone called leptin would be an effective
treatment for his obesity. His doctor will probably inform him that a leptin injection ____.
a. would not be effective because leptin has no role in regulating body fat
b. is effective in helping most obese people lose weight and body fat
c. would reduce his weight but would negatively affect his muscle tissue
d. is not very effective in reducing weight for most obese individuals
REFERENCES: Hunger and Eating
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

31. More recent research has shown that the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus plays an important role in ____.
a. experiencing flavor
b. increasing specific hungers
c. receptivity toward a food culture
d. reducing and increasing food intake
REFERENCES: Hunger and Eating
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

32. Due to a freak accident involving reindeer games, a sleigh, and some of Santa's elves, Rudolph's lateral hypothalamus
was destroyed. As a result, Rudolph will most likely ____.
a. overeat, well past the point of satiation
b. have intense cravings for his favorite foods
c. lose the desire to eat, nearly starving himself
d. become a finicky eater, preferring only foods high in fat
REFERENCES: Hunger and Eating
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

33. After Taki is diagnosed with cancer of the stomach, the doctors decide to remove his stomach entirely. After the
operation, Taki will probably ____.
a. eat much more than before
b. eat roughly the same amount of food as before
c. eat much less than before
d. be unable to regulate his food intake
REFERENCES: Hunger and Eating
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

34. Laura likes to eat Mexican food, but she always eats way too much. Even though Laura is full, she orders caramel flan
(her favorite Mexican dessert) just because she enjoys it. According to the textbook, what is Laura’s the most likely
reason for doing this?
a. Food culture
b. Social referencing
c. Appetite
d. Volatile odorants
REFERENCES: Hunger and Eating
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

35. Devon and Saurabh are discussing their favorite meals. Devon raves about how much he loves grilling steak and
chicken in his backyard. Saurabhshakes his head, explaining that because of his Hindu beliefs, he feels that animals
should be respected and not slaughtered. Such expressions of food culture demonstrate that ____.

a. our environment can change how the hypothalamus functions

b. eating serves functions beyond nutrition
c. the drive reduction theory has limitations on explaining motivation
d. social referencing is a powerful cue for emotion
REFERENCES: Hunger and Eating
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

36. The most effective weight-loss programs available today are least likely to focus on ____.
a. reducing food intake
b. increasing energy expenditure through exercise
c. altering brain mechanisms involved in overeating through anti-obesity drugs
d. changing eating habits and attitudes toward food
REFERENCES: Hunger and Eating
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

37. Ashley has the most common eating disorder in the United States. She is a picky eater and often cannot accurately
assess how much she has eaten. What is Ashley’s most likely diagnosis?
a. anorexia nervosa
b. obesity
c. bulimia
d. pica
REFERENCES: Hunger and Eating
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

38. Tracie has recently been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. She is least likely to exhibit which symptom?
a. a perfectionistic personality
b. an obsession with being attractive
c. a realization that her eating habits are problematic
d. low levels of certain neurotransmitters
REFERENCES: Hunger and Eating
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

39. Research on obesity has found that obese people ____.

a. eat more of every food offered to them than do normal-weight people
b. are most often male
c. may be genetically predisposed to gain weight
d. have the same set-point as normal-weight people
REFERENCES: Hunger and Eating
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

40. Deidre is constantly worried about being fat. In addition, a few times a week, she will eat large quantities of food and
then force herself to vomit. As a result, she also suffers from nutritional imbalances, intestinal damage, and dental
problems. What is Deidre most likely diagnosis?
a. obesity
b. weight obsession
c. anorexia nervosa
d. bulimia
REFERENCES: Hunger and Eating
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

41. According to research, ____ is/are a major cause of inactivity in overweight children.
a. television watching
b. maladaptive reactions to stress
c. genetic abnormalities
d. not having a parent home after school
REFERENCES: Hunger and Eating
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

42. The health danger least associated with anorexia nervosa is ____.
a. diabetes
b. an increased risk of stress fractures
c. death
d. irreversible physical damage
REFERENCES: Hunger and Eating
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

43. Which statements about the National Health and Social Life Survey conducted by researchers at the University of
Chicago is false?
a. The researchers attempted to obtain a representative sample of the U.S. population.
b. The results indicate that people in committed, one-partner relationships tend to have the most sex.
c. The survey contained controversial questions regarding pornography, pedophilia, and sexual fetishes.
d. About a third of the participants reported having sex only a few times, or not at all, in the preceding year.
REFERENCES: Sexual Behavior
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

44. Which statement about studies on U.S. sexual behavior is true?

a. Representative samples were not used.
b. Pornography, pedophilia, and fetishism were specifically covered.
c. People in the United States may be rather sexually conservative.
d. Response rates were relatively low for this mail-in survey.
REFERENCES: Sexual Behavior
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

45. Which of the following is the primary pattern of sexual response?

a. Orgasm, plateau, resolution, and excitement
b. Excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution
c. Resolution, plateau, orgasm, and excitement
d. Excitement, orgasm, plateau, and resolution
REFERENCES: Sexual Behavior
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

46. William and Virginia are discussing the sexual response cycle. William says, "It really isn't fair that women can have
orgasm after orgasm after orgasm after orgasm. We men have our orgasms and then have to wait around a while before
we can have another one." Virginia says, "That is just the way things are—women don't have as long a ____ as men do!"
a. plateau phase
b. feedback loop
c. refractory period
d. resolution phase
REFERENCES: Sexual Behavior
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

47. You are watching Sex Talk Live on TV when Sue, the host, begins talking to a caller about sex hormones. Though men
and women have all the same sex hormones, Sue explains, on average, men have relatively more ____ and women have
relatively more ____.
a. progestational hormones; androgens
b. androgens; progestational hormones
c. progestational hormones; estrogens
d. estrogens; androgens
REFERENCES: Sexual Behavior
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

48. Sex hormones are said to have an organizational effect on sexuality because they determine ____.
a. whether sexual activity will occur
b. the form of sexual behavior: male or female
c. the timing of reproduction
d. the timing and amount of hormones released from the adrenal cortex
REFERENCES: Sexual Behavior
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

49. Katrina wants to study the organizing effects of sex hormones on female brain development. To begin, Katrina needs
to understand when the organizing effects of sex hormones occur, which is ____.
a. conception
b. around the time of birth
c. in the first year of infancy
d. during puberty
REFERENCES: Sexual Behavior
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

50. According to research, a male's sexual orientation is most likely due to ____.
a. genetic factors
b. his strict upbringing, which he is reacting against
c. several factors, including prenatal hormones and learning
d. the fact that his father is loving but his mother is cold
REFERENCES: Sexual Behavior
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

51. If genetics is the most important determinant of sexual orientation, which set of brothers will have the greatest
likelihood of both having homosexual orientations?
a. identical twin brothers
b. nonidentical twin brothers
c. nontwin brothers
d. adopted brothers
REFERENCES: Sexual Behavior
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

52. Randall is attracted to members of both genders and has had male and female sex partners. Randall most likely
identifies himself as ____.
a. homosexual
b. asexual
c. heterosexual
d. bisexual
REFERENCES: Sexual Behavior
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

53. Ludwig has high achievement motivation. Which statement will be least characteristic of Ludwig?
a. He will select tasks with clear outcomes.
b. He will prefer a critic who is harsh but competent.
c. He will persist at problem solving.
d. He will seek immediate rewards.
REFERENCES: Achievement Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

54. Kris is taking the TAT test. She looks at a picture and says, "The woman in the picture is trying to solve a problem at
work. She is thinking hard. She knows if she thinks about it long enough, she'll be able to figure it out." This response
reflects ____ motivation.
a. achievement
b. affiliation
c. attachment
d. parenting
REFERENCES: Achievement Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

55. Frankie, a good basketball player, is extremely competitive and has high achievement motivation. In a psychology
experiment, he is asked to throw a ball from anywhere on the court and try to make a basket. Frankie will probably shoot
the ball from a ____ distance from the basket.
a. very short
b. short
c. moderate
d. long
REFERENCES: Achievement Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

56. Who is displaying high achievement motivation?

a. Joe, who doesn't care about his grade in psychology but does care about his grade in engineering
b. Cora, who wants only immediate positive feedback from a friendly critic
c. Nitaya, who keeps working on a problem that she doesn’t understand at first
d. Bryan, who chooses to play a piano piece way beyond his skill level
REFERENCES: Achievement Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply
57. Alice allows her kids to do only those things that she knows they can do successfully. Barry severely punishes his kids
whenever they fail. Connie believes that rewards and punishments should be internal, so she never comments when her
kids succeed or fail. Dwight encourages his kids to attempt challenging, difficult tasks. Who is most likely going to have
kids with high achievement motivation?
a. Alice
b. Barry
c. Connie
d. Dwight
REFERENCES: Achievement Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

58. Juan is a CEO of Hoola-Hoops, Inc. He sees his employees as lazy, untrustworthy creatures with no interest in their
work. Thus, he offers a highly structured, heavily supervised work environment. Juan assumes that his employees are
primarily motivated by ____ rewards.
a. primary
b. intrinsic
c. extrinsic
d. personal
REFERENCES: Achievement Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

59. Leon is intrinsically motivated to wash his neighbor's car. Accordingly, he expects his neighbor to give him ____.
a. food
b. money
c. nothing
d. respect
REFERENCES: Achievement Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

60. Whit started playing the saxophone. He wants to get better at it, so he watches the techniques of professional players
and practices constantly. Whit does not care how he compares to other saxophone players, nor does he want to seek help
from others. Whit appears to have adopted a(n) ____.
a. approach-avoidance conflict
b. avoidance-avoidance conflict
c. performance goal
d. learning goal
REFERENCES: Achievement Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

61. Kareem, who has high achievement motivation, is looking for a job that will satisfy him. Which job should he take?
a. Company one: medium pay, lots of responsibility, chances for advancement, demanding boss
b. Company two: very high pay, easy work, low participation in decision making, great boss
c. Company three: high pay, little responsibility, rigid job structure, great boss
d. Company four: low pay, lots of responsibility, lots of job supervision, mediocre boss
REFERENCES: Achievement Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

62. Beavis works at Burger World. Beavis's manager wants to motivate Beavis to work harder. According to your
textbook, which incentive is least likely to increase Beavis's motivation and job satisfaction?
a. providing increased pay and benefits
b. allowing Beavis to participate in decisions about how the kitchen should operate
c. training Beavis to work both the drive-thru and the counter, not just one or the other
d. recognizing excellence with an "employee of the month" award
REFERENCES: Achievement Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

63. Fernandez owns a business that employs several hundred people. He would like to increase both the satisfaction and
the productivity of his employees. According to research, the least effective way for Fernandez to accomplish this would
be to ____.
a. encourage employees to participate in decisions about how their work should be done
b. give employees problems to solve without being told how to solve them
c. recognize employees publicly for good performance
d. increase employees' pay and benefits
REFERENCES: Achievement Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

64. Myron is a manager. He has noticed that the majority of his employees seem unhappy and unmotivated in their jobs.
What would be an effective way for Myron to improve the job satisfaction of his employees?
a. Encourage workers to set their own work goals.
b. Increase the amount of supervision given to employees.
c. Create the goal of "increased production" for all employees and send it to them in an e-mail.
d. Take a more active role in telling his employees how to solve problems.
REFERENCES: Achievement Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

65. Dr. Happy Golucky believes that to achieve happiness in life, one must develop a sense of well-being, and sets out to
create a list of dos and don’ts. Dr. Golucky identifies which behavior as least characteristic of well-being?
a. experiencing positive moods frequently
b. creating a deficiency orientation
c. adapting to changes by altering expectations and goals
d. experiencing negative emotions relatively infrequently
REFERENCES: Achievement Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand
66. Even though Randa recently went through a divorce and her daughter moved across the country, she still feels
relatively positive about her life and continues to maintain strong social ties. She knows that these hard times will fade
and changes her expectations accordingly. Randa seems to have ____.
a. learned by using social referencing
b. reached her optimal level of arousal
c. a high need for achievement
d. achieved well-being
REFERENCES: Achievement Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

67. While watching Survivor on television, you realize that the participants cannot worry about creating alliances or
making worthy contributions until they have first secured a source of food and shelter. This phenomenon is explained best
by ____ theory of motivation.
a. Maslow's hierarchy of needs
b. the opponent process
c. the incentive
d. the arousal
REFERENCES: Relations and Conflicts Among Motives
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

68. Nathan works at a homeless shelter. The people who come into the shelter are usually tired and hungry after spending
days at a time on the dangerous streets. Most of these individuals have lost touch with their friends and family members
and receive little indication of being loved or needed. According to Maslow's hierarchy, Nathan should first ____.
a. reassure them of the safety and security features of the building
b. try to boost their self-esteem by treating them as respected and honorable individuals
c. provide them with a hot meal and a warm place to sleep
d. express love for and acceptance of them
REFERENCES: Relations and Conflicts Among Motives
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

69. Joani is a college student working two jobs to pay her tuition and living expenses. Despite working long hours, she is
worried that she cannot afford to stay in college another semester. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Joani is
attempting to satisfy needs at the ____ level.
a. safety
b. belongingness and love
c. self-actualization
d. esteem
REFERENCES: Relations and Conflicts Among Motives
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

70. Shmuel is well fed and owns his own home. According to Maslow, this information suggests that Shmuel's current
motivation should be focused primarily on ____.
a. trying to completely fulfill his potential—to "be all he can be."
b. achieving a sense of personal accomplishment
c. constructing stable relationships with other people
d. reading books of great literature and listening to good music
REFERENCES: Relations and Conflicts Among Motives
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

71. Magda claims that she will not be satisfied until she gets the respect she deserves for the job she does at work.
According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Magda has ____.
a. given up her biological needs because she probably was unable to fulfill them
b. probably been poor all of her life
c. had her lower needs fulfilled to an acceptable degree
d. not had her lower needs fulfilled to an acceptable degree
REFERENCES: Relations and Conflicts Among Motives
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

72. Mother Theresa is often praised for the good works she accomplished during her life. She became a nun, took a vow
of poverty, and helped others in the slum areas of cities. According to Maslow, she would be in the ____ stage of his
a. self-actualization
b. physiological
c. safety and security
d. belongingness and love
REFERENCES: Relations and Conflicts Among Motives
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

73. While watching Survivor on television, you realize that the participants cannot worry about creating alliances or
making worthy contributions until they have first secured a source of food and shelter. This phenomenon is explained best
by ____ theory of motivation.
a. the incentive
b. Solomon’s opponent process
c. Maslow's hierarchy
d. the arousal
REFERENCES: Relations and Conflicts Among Motives
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

74. The existence, relatedness, growth (ERG) theory was proposed to address some of the problems with Maslow’s
hierarchy of needs. Which statement is not an assumption of the ERG theory?
a. Needs can be satisfied in any order.
b. Needs will vary from time to time.
c. Needs will vary from situation to situation.
d. Needs can be met only one at a time.
REFERENCES: Relations and Conflicts Among Motives
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand
75. Bryan has been recovering from a series of painful cancer treatments and recently injured his arm in an accident.
Despite these hardships, he has decided to participate in the charity bicycle ride from Toronto to Pittsburgh. Bryan’s
behavior is best explained by what theory of motivation?
a. Existence, relatedness, growth (ERG) theory
b. Maslow’s needs hierarchy
c. Cannon's central theory
d. Drive reduction theory
REFERENCES: Relations and Conflicts Among Motives
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

76. In deciding whether to accept the invitation to attend Whoville's annual Whobilation, the Grinch makes a list of pros
and cons. On the one hand, he would enjoy stealing Christmas, as well as upsetting and making fun of the Whoville
residents. On the other hand, he doesn't have anything to wear and it might cause him to recall traumatic childhood
memories. What kind of motivational conflict is the Grinch facing?
a. Approach-approach
b. Multiple approach-avoidance
c. Approach-avoidance
d. Avoidance-avoidance
REFERENCES: Relations and Conflicts Among Motives
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

77. You've received job offers from two companies. Both positions offer excellent starting salaries and benefits. Both are
with stable companies that have room for you to advance. You are making an important and difficult decision and thus,
facing a(n) ____.
a. zero-sum game
b. approach-approach conflict
c. multiple approach-avoidance conflict
d. social dilemma
REFERENCES: Relations and Conflicts Among Motives
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

78. Stone has just received the opportunity to advance to assistant manager at the car wash. He really wants the extra pay
and the additional experience, but unfortunately, the only slot available for this new position is nights (midnight to 8:00
a.m.). What type of conflict is Stone facing?
a. approach-approach conflict
b. avoidance-avoidance conflict
c. approach-avoidance conflict
d. multiple approach-avoidance conflict
REFERENCES: Relations and Conflicts Among Motives
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

79. Shoba has two options for the summer. She could do an internship that would be pretty boring, but the money and
experience would be good. She also has an opportunity to be a nanny in France, which would be very exciting but
wouldn't bring in much money. Shoba is experiencing a(n) ____ conflict.
a. approach-approach
b. approach-avoidance
c. avoidance-avoidance
d. multiple approach-avoidance
REFERENCES: Relations and Conflicts Among Motives
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

80. In Marsha’s history class, the students are given a choice of either writing a twelve-page paper or giving a twenty-
minute oral presentation in front of the class. Marsha is having a difficult time making the decision because both are a lot
of work. She is experiencing a(n) ____ conflict situation.
a. multiple approach-avoidance
b. approach-approach
c. avoidance-avoidance
d. approach-avoidance
REFERENCES: Relations and Conflicts Among Motives
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

81. Rosa is trying to decide where to go to college. She could go to the University of Hawaii where the weather is
beautiful, but the tuition is high and she would be a long way from home. She could also go to the University of Chicago
where she would be close to her family and have a scholarship, but she's tired of the cold winters and would like to live in
a different state. Rosa is faced with a(n) ____ conflict.
a. approach-approach
b. avoidance-avoidance
c. approach-avoidance
d. multiple approach-avoidance
REFERENCES: Relations and Conflicts Among Motives
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

82. You are just ready to pull into a parking place when another driver pulls into the spot from the opposite direction.
Angry, you walk into the store and bump into a person blocking the aisle. Then you tell a father that he should keep his
loud child quiet. Your frustration from the parking lot incident has triggered a(n) ____, causing you to behave rudely to
other people.
a. action tendency
b. opponent-process
c. need for achievement
d. primary drive
REFERENCES: The Nature of Emotions
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

83. We can usually control whether we cry, but we can't usually control whether we feel sorrow. This illustrates that
emotions ____.
a. arise in part from a cognitive appraisal of a situation
b. are passions, not actions
c. are accompanied by bodily responses
d. are experiences, not overt behaviors or specific thoughts
REFERENCES: The Nature of Emotions
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

84. After several stories in the news about a strangler in a blue van attacking women, Kelly becomes afraid of public
places and pays more attention to any dark-colored vans. Kelly's emotions have ____.
a. negated any action tendency
b. been changed by the emotion culture
c. ceased to be passions
d. altered her thought processes
REFERENCES: The Nature of Emotions
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

85. Serena is upset that she is not allowed to push the shopping cart at the grocery store. She cries for several minutes, but
once her mother asks her to help select items from the shelf, Serena is smiling and happy. This scenario shows that
emotions tend to be ____.
a. controlled by moods
b. temporary
c. objective
d. mostly negative
REFERENCES: The Nature of Emotions
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

86. Roberto is getting extremely angry. His body is experiencing the fight-flight reaction, caused by the ____.
a. release of norepinephrine by his sympathetic system
b. release of acetylcholine by his parasympathetic system
c. conscious experience of the activity of his autonomic nervous system
d. struggle between his sympathetic and parasympathetic systems
REFERENCES: The Nature of Emotions
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

87. While using his do-it-yourself brain surgery kit, Ryan accidentally damages his right hemisphere. Now when Ryan
hears a joke, he ____.
a. does not understand the logic underlying the joke
b. does not understand the joke's punchline
c. understands the joke but does not laugh
d. understands the joke and laughs uncontrollably
REFERENCES: The Nature of Emotions
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

88. Tyra is about to go on the Millennium Force roller coaster at Cedar Point amusement park. As she gets on the coaster,
she finds that her mouth is dry, her hands are sweaty, and her heartbeat has increased. The ____ nervous system is
responsible for Tyra's bodily changes.
a. extrapyramidal
b. pyramidal
c. sympathetic
d. parasympathetic
REFERENCES: The Nature of Emotions
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

89. Leslie has eaten lunch and relaxes on the couch with a good book. At that moment in time, the ____ nervous system is
stimulating her body to increase digestion and obtain more nutrients from the food she ate.
a. central
b. parasympathetic
c. sympathetic
d. somatic
REFERENCES: The Nature of Emotions
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

90. Sandy looks at the final exam and becomes upset when she discovers that it covers two chapters she did not read. As a
result, neurons in Sandy's ____ system are releasing the neurotransmitter ____ at the target organs.
a. parasympathetic; serotonin
b. sympathetic; serotonin
c. parasympathetic; norepinephrine
d. sympathetic; norepinephrine
REFERENCES: The Nature of Emotions
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

91. Vern was quite nervous during his atmospheric science final exam. A few hours afterward, Vern has calmed down,
allowing his ____ nervous system to release ____ and focus on functions of protection and growth.
a. sympathetic; acetylcholine
b. parasympathetic; acetylcholine
c. sympathetic; norepinephrine
d. parasympathetic; norepinephrine
REFERENCES: The Nature of Emotions
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

92. You are watching Christina Aguilera on MTV Cribs. As she walks through her backyard, she trips over a rake, falls to
the ground, and gets all dirty. You laugh uncontrollably and cannot help but smile for the next few minutes. In this
situation, the ____ motor system is controlling your facial expressions.
a. extrapyramidal
b. paraventricular
c. pyramidal
d. ventromedial
REFERENCES: The Nature of Emotions
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

93. Sharise lands a small role in a local play. However, two days later, she sustains head injuries in a car accident. After
the accident, Sharise can no longer voluntarily look angry on stage when she does not actually feel the emotion of anger.
Sharise most likely has damaged her ____ motor system.
a. pyramidal
b. extrapyramidal
c. somatosensory
d. association
REFERENCES: The Nature of Emotions
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

94. Because Lola's mouth is dry, her hands are sweaty, and her heartbeat has increased, she experiences the emotion of
"fear." This is consistent with ____ theory of emotion.
a. Cannon's central
b. Schachter-Singer's
c. the attribution
d. James's peripheral
REFERENCES: Theories of Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

95. In a research study, participants are asked to rate the funniness of a cartoon while either just looking at it or holding a
pencil with their teeth. Those who rate the cartoon while holding a pencil with their teeth rate the cartoon as funnier.
Because the facial muscles for a smile are similar to those required to hold a pencil in one's mouth, the results of this
experiment support ____ theory of emotion.
a. James's peripheral
b. Cannon's central
c. the Schachter-Singer
d. the opponent-process
REFERENCES: Theories of Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

96. An experimenter shows that individuals can be made to experience emotions by direct stimulation of heart activity and
respiration. Depending on the pattern of this stimulation, different emotions are experienced. Which theory of emotion
would best be supported by the above evidence?
a. James's peripheral
b. Fight-or-flight
c. Cannon's central
d. Schachter-Singer
REFERENCES: Theories of Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand
97. Lie detector tests use what assumption in detecting liars?
a. Lying is emotionally arousing.
b. Taking lie detector tests is emotionally arousing.
c. A liar is emotionally aroused most of the time.
d. An honest person is not emotionally aroused when taking the test.
REFERENCES: Theories of Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

98. Which situation is most consistent with the facial feedback hypothesis?
a. A boy smiles at a funeral and is punished by his mother.
b. A mother smiles at her children to make them feel happy.
c. An actor smiles on stage in order to become happy.
d. A student smiles at a joke told by his professor.
REFERENCES: Theories of Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

99. Because all your friends are concerned about your feeling depressed lately, you decide to walk around all day with a
smile on your face trying to look happy. By the end of the day, you actually begin to feel happier. The theory of emotion
that best explains this phenomenon is ____.
a. James's peripheral theory.
b. Cannon's central theory.
c. the arousal theory
d. the Schachter-Singer theory
REFERENCES: Theories of Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

100. J.T. is taking a lie detector test as part of an ongoing investigation into a recent bank robbery. The investigators hope
that the polygraph will reveal any dishonesty because different patterns of physiological activity are associated with
different emotions, such as guilt. The investigators most likely ascribe to ____ theory of emotion.
a. Cannon's central
b. James's peripheral
c. Darwin's
d. the Schachter-Singer
REFERENCES: Theories of Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

101. You have lost all feedback from your body about its physiological and behavioral activity. Which theory of emotion
predicts the least amount of change in your ability to experience emotions?
a. James's peripheral
b. Cannon's central
c. Schachter-Singer
d. Darwinian
REFERENCES: Theories of Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

102. Isabella is injured when her automatic pencil sharpener malfunctions and a pencil pierces her skull and destroys her
thalamus. Now Isabella can no longer experience emotion. This situation supports ____ theory of emotion.
a. James's peripheral
b. the Darwin-Buss
c. the Schachter-Singer
d. Cannon's central
REFERENCES: Theories of Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

103. The crew of the starship becomes addicted to a type of video game because the pleasure center in their brains is
stimulated each time they scored. They eventually play the game nearly constantly and experience a pleasurable emotion
without having to interpret a physiological reaction or think about the situational cause of their emotion. This is most
supportive of which theory of emotion?
a. optimal arousal
b. Cannon's central
c. James's peripheral
d. Schachter-Singer
REFERENCES: Theories of Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

104. In the year 2999, Bert is alive, but he is only a brain connected to a "life machine." Because Bert has no body, he
does not experience physiological responses such as changes in heartbeat, perspiration, or breathing. Yet Bert still
experiences the full range of emotions. The theory of emotion that best explains how Bert can experience these emotions
is ____ theory.
a. the Schachter-Singer
b. the opponent-process
c. James's peripheral
d. Cannon's central
REFERENCES: Theories of Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

105. Terrence has just climbed all 354 steps to reach the crown of the Statue of Liberty. When he reaches the top, he
meets Rose, who has climbed the steps just a few paces ahead of Terrence. They immediately decide they love one
another. Which theory of emotion best describes why they believe they are in love?
a. James's peripheral theory
b. The Schachter-Singer theory
c. Cannon's central theory
d. Darwin's theory
REFERENCES: Theories of Emotion
106. Before coming to his final exam, Howie drinks four cans of Surge (which contains a lot of caffeine). As the final is
being passed out, Howie becomes aware that his hands are shaking and his heart is beating fast. According to ____ theory,
whether Howie attributes his shaking hands and beating heart to ingesting a lot of caffeine or to being concerned about the
final will affect his emotional experience.
a. James's peripheral
b. Cannon's central
c. the Schachter-Singer
d. the Shenker-Turner
REFERENCES: Theories of Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

107. Ten-year-old Sasha begins crying uncontrollably while watching Old Yeller, a movie in which a brave dog saves his
master but is killed by the bad guys. Her mother tells Sasha, "It's all pretend! Don't worry. Yeller is alive and living in
Hollywood, California!" After her mom explains, Sasha feels much better and stops crying. This difference in Sasha's
emotional reaction can best be explained by ____.
a. arousal theory
b. a difference in her interpretation of the situation
c. drive reduction theory
d. Maslow's hierarchy.
REFERENCES: Theories of Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

108. Chicken Little is afraid the sky was falling, so he warns everyone about it. Henny Penny explains that Chicken
Little's emotional experience (fear) is a result of him thinking that an event (the sky falling) will negatively affect his well-
being. Henny Penny would most likely agree with ____ theory of emotion.
a. Cannon's central
b. James's peripheral
c. Schachter-Singer's
d. Lazarus's cognitive appraisal
REFERENCES: Theories of Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

109. Roberto tells Azzy that he feels guilty about lying to his parents about a recent speeding ticket. Azzy suggests that
Roberto is experiencing that emotion because he has attached a category label (guilt) to his unpleasant feelings. He
believes this kind of labeling comes from our cultural training. Azzy’s theory seems to be in agreement with ____ of
a. the conceptual act model
b. Cannon’s central theory
c. James’s peripheral theory
d. the social referencing model
REFERENCES: Theories of Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

110. In class, both Ned and Allen are called out by the teacher for their performance on the science exam. In Ned’s
culture, it is considered a reward to be individually recognized in a group, so he is happy. In Allen’s culture, it is
considered a dishonor to the group for him to be singled out, so he feels shame. The theory of emotion that best accounts
for these different experiences is ____.
a. the conceptual acts model
b. the opponent-process theory
c. Cannon’s central theory
d. Maslow’s hierarchy
REFERENCES: Theories of Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

111. Ginger has a wonderful job but decides to interview for a position at another company so that she can practice her
interviewing skills. Ginger is not nervous during this interview because she does not believe her well-being is affected by
the outcome. Her emotional experience is best explained by ____ theory.
a. Cannon's central
b. James's peripheral
c. Maslow's hierarchy
d. Lazarus's cognitive appraisal
REFERENCES: Theories of Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

112. Shortly after finishing his fifteen-mile run, Georgio sees a handsome man waiting at the bus stop. Georgio feels
attracted to this man and introduces himself. They agree to meet later for lunch. During lunch, however, Georgio decides
that the man is not nearly as attractive or interesting as he originally thought. What was most likely occurring when
Georgio first met the "handsome" stranger?
a. pyramidal attraction
b. facial feedback
c. social referencing
d. excitation transfer
REFERENCES: Theories of Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

113. Sherman is going to give Luella some flowers. He really wants her to like them. According to the principle of
excitation transfer, when would be the best time for Sherman to give her the flowers?
a. just before Luella is going to go for a jog
b. when she has been sleeping for ninety minutes
c. about a half-hour after she has taken a tranquilizer
d. a few minutes after she has finished jogging
REFERENCES: Theories of Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

114. The addition to James's peripheral theory that the Schachter-Singer theory provides is ____.
a. very minor—they are essentially the same theory
b. the interpretation of bodily responses
c. the social-referencing phenomenon
d. labeling of the adrenal medulla as the initiator of emotional experience
REFERENCES: Theories of Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

115. The main difference between James's peripheral theory and Cannon's central theory of emotion is that ____.
a. the transfer of excitation can be adequately explained only by the Cannon central theory
b. in James's peripheral theory the thalamus plays a decisive role
c. Cannon's central theory says that the brain directly creates the experience of emotion.
d. in James's peripheral theory cognitive appraisal of what caused your responses is especially important
REFERENCES: Theories of Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

116. As a member of the Peace Corps, David is given special training in the customs of the third-world country to which
he was going. Nevertheless, David probably needs little training to correctly interpret his hosts' display of happiness,
surprise, and sadness as revealed by their ____.
a. eye contact
b. body posture
c. facial expressions
d. hand gestures
REFERENCES: Communicating Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

117. Janessa smiled in real pleasure when her baby reaches for her. This is an example of ____.
a. a Duchenne smile
b. social referencing
c. "liget."
d. the facial feedback hypothesis
REFERENCES: Communicating Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

118. In October, Emil decides to carve a pumpkin to look as scary as possible. In order for people from many different
cultures to recognize his pumpkin as threatening, Emil should use ____.
a. diagonal and triangular elements
b. a furrowed brow
c. circular elements
d. a witch hat
REFERENCES: Communicating Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

119. Blind infants tend to show the same facial expressions as do sighted infants, but as blind infants grow older, their
expressions become less animated. This indicates that facial expressions ____.
a. are innate
b. are learned
c. may be innate but are maintained by operant shaping
d. are the result of imitation
REFERENCES: Communicating Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

120. The fact that people all over the world seem to associate a smile with positive emotions provides support for the ____
aspects of the expression of emotions. On the other hand, the diversity of types of smiles supports the ____ aspects of the
expression of emotion.
a. social; innate
b. innate; social
c. learned; innate
d. learned; social
REFERENCES: Communicating Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

121. Which statement best supports facial expressions of emotion as being innate?
a. Infants soon begin to imitate the facial expressions of those around them.
b. The pattern of facial movements we call a "smile" is universally related to positive emotions.
c. When playing some games of chance, many people master the skill of hiding their emotions from the other
d. Sticking your tongue out at someone means surprise in China and resentment in North America.
REFERENCES: Communicating Emotion
KEYWORDS: Analysis

122. According to Darwin, emotional expression is important because it ____.

a. communicates important information to other people
b. causes our brain to arouse our body into action in frightening situations
c. supplies an instinctive response to all situations
d. causes blood to flow to the appropriate parts of the brain
REFERENCES: Communicating Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

123. Three-year-old Simeon is at the top of a tall and scary slide. At the bottom of the slide, Simeon's older brother is
smiling and laughing. When Simeon sees this, he goes down the slide. Simeon's behavior is an example of ____.
a. social referencing
b. attribution
c. transferred excitation
d. social facilitation
REFERENCES: Communicating Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand
124. Daniel has a new job. At his first meeting with his new co-workers, someone calls the boss the “old man.” Daniel is
not sure if this remark is meant as an insult or a joke, but when he sees the boss and the others all smiling and laughing he
realizes that the remark was friendly kidding. Daniel’s realization best illustrates ____.
a. Darwin’s theory of emotion
b. social comparison
c. the facial feedback hypothesis
d. social referencing
REFERENCES: Communicating Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

125. In the United States, it is customary that men shake hands when greeting other male friends. However, in the Middle
East, it is customary that men will greet each other with a kiss on the cheek. Thesedifferences in displaying emotions
demonstrates the existence of ____.
a. transferred excitation
b. social comparison
c. the facial feedback hypothesis
d. emotion culture
REFERENCES: Communicating Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

126. Explain why people date from the perspective of the four theories of motivation: instinct doctrine, drive reduction
theory, arousal theory, and incentive theory.
ANSWER: From the perspective of instinct doctrine, especially its most modern descendant, evolutionary
psychology, dating behavior associated with love and marriage is a result of innate desires to create
offspring to propagate our genes with as great a chance of success as possible. Therefore, one’s choice of
mate is influenced by perceptions (often nonconscious) of the genetic fitness of the candidate person.
From the point of view of drive reduction theory, dating is a way of satisfying a drive to find a mate for
reproduction. This biologically based drive creates an imbalance in homeostasis that motivates us to
behave in such a way as to restore the balance. Thus, we engage in social behaviors that we believe will
lead to the satisfaction of our need for a mate and offspring.
Arousal theory would propose that we seek out stimulation that will lead to increased states of arousal.
Although not offered as an explanation for all types of behavior, arousal theory does provide the
possibility of explaining behaviors that other theories don’t explain satisfactorily. In the case of dating,
arousal theory might emphasize the role of novelty (meeting new people and engaging in new activities)
and curiosity, which both play a role in increasing and maintaining desired levels of arousal.
From the point of view of incentive theory, external stimuli motivate behavior. In terms of dating, this
means that we are drawn to individuals and dating scenarios that bring positive incentives and maximize
pleasure. Dating needs to have some positive incentives and pleasure associated with it in order for us to
pursue it. A hungry woman may accept a date with a man who offers to buy her dinner or a woman may
choose to date a man who makes her laugh and feel good about herself.
REFERENCES: Concepts and Theories of Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Analyze

127. List the characteristics of people who have high achievement motivation. Include some parenting characteristics that
are important in the development of a person with high need for achievement.
ANSWER: People with high achievement motivation tend to set challenging and difficult but realistic goals. They
actively pursue success and are willing to take risks in that pursuit. They experience intense satisfaction
from success and are not particularly bothered by failure if they feel they have tried their best. People
who are motivated to achieve tend to be preoccupied with their own performance and level of ability.
They prefer tasks that have clear-cut outcomes—tasks that leave no question about whether they
succeeded or failed. They tend to persist at a task, even after repeated failure, and struggle on their own
before seeking assistance. They enjoy receiving concrete feedback about their progress. Finally, they
tend to delay immediate gratification and make careful plans about the future, especially about career
Parenting behaviors that contribute to the development of high achievement motivation include
encouraging independent thinking, rewarding success with hugs and other signs of affection,
encouraging children to attempt difficult tasks, especially new ones, encouraging children to find ways
to succeed instead of complaining about failure, and prompting children to go on to the next, somewhat
more difficult, challenge.
REFERENCES: Achievement Motivation
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Analyze

128. Compare and contrast the James-Lange, Cannon-Bard, and Schachter-Singer theories of emotion.
ANSWER: The James-Lange is a self-observation theory of emotion. When stimuli are perceived, they evoke
immediate automatic peripheral responses. These physical responses can include actions such as running
in response to a fearful stimulus. After the automatic responses occur, people feel an emotion because
they observe their physiological responses.
The Cannon-Bard theory proposes that direct central experience is responsible for emotions. The
thalamus originates an emotion. A person perceives a stimulus and interprets it through the thalamus.
The thalamus sends simultaneous signals to the cortex, which causes the emotion to become conscious,
and to the autonomic nervous system, which produces a physiological response.
The Schachter-Singer theory proposes that emotions are based on the attribution of arousal. First, a
person perceives a stimulus and identifies its nature. Then visceral responses occur, which the person
identifies as some emotion. In other words, people attribute their physiological responses to some cause
that makes sense, given the situation they are in.
REFERENCES: Theories of Emotion
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Analyze

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