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As tiny as a sunflower seed

A new kind of chameleon was discovered by scientist during a trip in Madagascar’s

rainforest. It has even been considered that it may be the smallest in the world! I think
chameleons are pretty interesting reptiles so this new finding really excites me.
The species was called Brookesia nana and became known as the smallest. This
information was based on the study of the two specimens found. A male with a length of
22 mm and a female of 29 mm.
In addition to this, their wildlife was known through the observation process. It was
learned that its main habitat is the forest floor where they can easily feed on small insects.
At night they hide in the grasses to avoid being seen by predators. However, this is not the
only danger they suffer. Like the other animals in the area, the loss of their habitat is
caused by actions such as deforestation.
Taking everything into account, we can realize that international support is needed to
preserve this chameleon. I personally hope that a solution can be found.

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