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Dear Readers,

In the beginning, this zine was just a dream. As anyone who has consumed xReader
content is probably aware, the genre as a whole is woefully underappreciated. However,
we wanted to put together something special, something that was catered specifically for
xReader enjoyers everywhere and we believe we’ve succeeded!

In this zine, we’ve put together art and fanfiction that span Female, Male, Gender
Neutral, and Nonbinary presentations, all with handy title pages to help break up each
section so people can skip if they want to. Though we have a wide selection of characters,
the incredibly vast world of One Piece means some were skipped, despite that, we hope
that there’s something perfect for everyone in our amazing collection!

To our contributors, our heartfelt thanks for all the time and effort you’ve put into
the zine! Without you, this zine wouldn’t have existed and we sing your praises for get-
ting through to the end with us!

And, to the amazing mod team who worked so tirelessly, the head mod sends her heart-
eous thanks and warm hugs. All of you did an amazing job and this entire zine wouldn’t
be here without all your hard work and for that, she’s truly grateful.

Lastly, to you, y/n, who downloaded this zine, we give a huge thank you for looking
through it! We hope if you’re new to xReader content you’ll seek out more, and if you’re
already a fan, we hope that you enjoyed it.

With all our thanks,

— Mod Team from X Marks the Spot: A One Piece xReader Zine

op x reader zine ii

Head & Writing Mod
A SecretSnailor | T Snailor_Bee | C commissions


Writing Mod
A HowManyShipsCanIHave | T Angel152324


Art Mod
T t mewiyev


Jack of All Trades
tA childofblackmaria | T lale_txt


Graphics & Formatting Mod
T kaiteaa | t kai-teaa

op x reader zine iii

Table of cOntents
Mew I Ranch II

female reader

TardiiArt 1 xmanticorax 4

Jess 2 Hiwless 5

nastyhornz 3

male reader

Don-Mellow 6 TuesdayinThedas 11

SnailorBee 7

op x reader zine iv
Table of cOntents
nonbinary reader

goldstein_99 12 Haru D. Nae 14


D.awn.ya 13 Mew 22

gender neutral reader

Jessica Lotufo 23 HeyItsDoe 31

Lale 24 SpookyKlauser 37

fairyvearths 38
howling_queen 30 Cev

op x reader zine v
eating out, femdom, male masturbation
Nami grins down at you kneeling between her feet, her long legs spread wide.
You look a treat, naked and twitching, desire shimmering in your eyes as you stare
up at her. But you’re doing well and don’t move, wanting to be her good boy.

“Keep your hands still,” she says, and you nod, palms flat on your thighs, fin-
gers digging into the flesh as if to keep them from touching her. With her bare
foot, she drags her toes against your shaft and delights in the shiver that wracks
through you. “So hard already and we haven’t even started,” Nami teases and
you whimper pathetically.

But really, that’s just how Nami likes her men. Lifting her leg, she props the
calf on your shoulder. “Alright, go on then.” She leans back against the couch in
the aquarium room, getting herself comfortable.

The rest of the Strawhat crew have already left to enjoy the island they just
pulled into, and Nami plans on doing the same.

Except first she wants to blow off a little steam.

Which is where you come in.

You start by placing kisses on her knee before moving up her thigh. Nami
leans against her palm, elbow propped up on the couch back, making her lower
half slide down just a little closer to you.

Her skirt is loose enough that with her other hand, she lifts it out of the way
as you continue trailing kisses upward. She’d already removed her underwear in
preparation for this and you press a delicate kiss against her naked core before
lapping between her folds.

Your tongue is warm and wet and oh so good. Nami fights down the urge to
moan, not wanting to give you the satisfaction so quickly. Still, she must have
moved a little because without wasting more time, you buried your tongue deep
into her.

She hisses and you take that as encouragement, alternating between sucking
and pistoning your tongue inside of her. The pressure feels heavenly, her cunt
quickly growing wet under your ministrations, making squelching sounds as you
continue eating her out to your heart’s content.

When your lips close around her clit and suck lightly, she rolls her head back
with a heady moan. “That’s good, more,” she demands, hand grabbing onto your
hair and tugging you closer.

Your tongue dances between her folds, rubbing deliciously against her clit

nectarine flavored skin 8

before circling back down to thrust into her core. Nami arches her back at the feel-
ing and says your name, making you moan, the sound muffled against her flesh.

“Finger me,” she commands and quickly you lift a hand to join where your
mouth is pressed against her. One finger easily slips inside her before another
joins it, the stretch of only encouraging the heat that’s been gathering in the pit
of her stomach to burn even hotter.

It feels amazing, the way you suck her clit just right and the way your fingers
move in and out of her without pause. Nami can feel her orgasm building and
she grabs onto your wrist.

You know what that means, and you double your attention on her clit, tongue
rubbing over it as you start to finger her faster. Her toes curl, clenching on air.
“Deeper, deeper,” Nami chants, tightening her grip over your wrist, and you curl
your fingers until it hits that spot inside her that has her seeing stars. She moans
loudly, her orgasm crashing over her.

Immediately afterwards, Nami relaxes back into the couch with a sigh of relief.
You return to pressing little kisses against the skin of her inner thighs, your hands
wrapped around her shaking calves.

You’d moved them without permission, Nami notes distantly. She’ll have to
punish you for that later, but for now, she’s feeling just a tad generous.

“You can masturbate now,” she says airily.

You groan with relief as your hand immediately wraps around your cock, the
head a bright red and your precum leaking down the shaft your only source of
lube. Nami smirks as you start thrusting, your moans filling up the room. “Lean
back, make it a show.” Your eyebrows furrow as you whine but you put your
other hand behind you, leaning your body back so it makes a lovely arch, put-
ting yourself on display for her.

All the while, your hand never stops moving on your cock. You’re trembling
now, and Nami knows you’re close. “Such a good boy,” she coos. “Does he want
to come?”

“Yes!” you all but shout, hips thrusting up to meet the jerking motion you’re
making with your fist. “Please, Nami, pleaseeee.”

She snickers. Nami loves seeing you like this, a pleading and desperate mess.
“Go ahead then, baby. Come for me.”

At her permission, your body locks up as you start to cum all over yourself,

nectarine flavored skin 9

coating your chest in ribbons of hot cum. You collapse to your ass, wrung out
and panting hard as Nami stands, skirt falling back into place. She puts a hand
on her hip and waits for your gaze to sharpen back into awareness as you come
down from your high.

You follow the lines up her body, eyes drinking her in the way that she just
adores. When they finally meet her own, Nami smiles, pleased with the devo-
tion she sees within them.

“Get dressed.” She throws a washcloth at your chest, straight into the middle
of your mess. “You touched me without permission, that deserves a punishment.”
You sigh in disappointment as you start to wipe off the come. Nami’s eyes sharpen.
“Buttt, I’m in a good mood.” She laughs when you perk up.

“Let’s see what you get first, a reward or a punishment,” she says walking
towards the exit.

“Uh, Nami?” your voice stops her at the door and she turns back to where
you’re grabbing at the bundle of your clothes. “Your underwear?” You lift up the
pair of pink panties she’d slid off at the beginning.

She licks her lips and watches the way your eyes drop to watch the movement. “I
don’t need them. Keep them for me, won’t you? Hurry up, you need to carry my
bags.” Then, just because she can, she adds, “It’s pretty windy today you know.”

Nami opens the door, and she hears you let out a yelp and it sounds like you
drop your bundle of clothes. She giggles as she closes the door behind herself,
waiting a few seconds before starting to make her way to the docks. She’d never
say so, but she was going slowly so you had time to catch up. She needs her man
to pay for her lunch and carry all her things after all!

Along the way, she’ll think of an appropriate punishment and reward. Nami
smirks as a door slams open, your voice yelling her name drifting down to where
she’s waiting for you.

nectarine flavored skin 10

Who Said
was the Only
Thing Worth
Haru D. Nae
with spot art by Hornz
alcohol drinking, kissing, groping, blowjob, vaginal sex, come shot
Over the past ten years you’ve made a name for yourself in the Underworld.
By now you have a good grasp of how deep it runs along with the kind of people
it’s connected with all across the Blues, including the most feared pirates of the
era. You’ve been at sea for long enough that you’re used to their codes, habits,
and tendencies, and when it comes to trading with them, you trust your gut feel-
ing because it’s never betrayed you.

Despite all this, one pirate remains inscrutable: Red-Haired Shanks.

You’ve been trading with him for years, yet you still can’t quite pin him down—
not in the literal sense, though you wouldn’t mind either.

The man can be straightforward when he wants but he remains slippery, true
to his reputation of powerful Yonkou under a relaxed facade. Such a strong
energy, shrouded in mystery. Very handsome to boot, and sometimes flirtatious
too, tiptoeing around the fine line between business and pleasure.

You’ve wondered what it’d be like to cross said line, too... To be fair, it’s pretty
clear you’d been pining for each other for a while now, and it’s only out of pro-
fessional caution that you never initiated anything. Still, it’s always a pleasant
surprise when you answer your den den mushi to hear his voice. Civil and cau-
tious as ever, you keep the conversation to the bare minimum.

“What do you want?”

“A headcount, and the whereabouts of anyone you can get currently residing
on Hachinosu. A few millions if you’re in.”

You purse your lips and squint—on a weird stroke of luck, you just so happen
to have most of the intel he’s looking for. “How many is a few?”

The den den mushi slightly smiles. “Fifty.”

Your eyebrows shoot up in delighted surprise. “You’ve got a deal.” You pro-
vide the name of a quiet port town along with a date and time. Once you get
acknowledgement you hang up, spine tingling with excitement at the prospect
of meeting with him soon.

On the agreed upon day, Shanks waits for you on the outskirts of town, a black
cape wrapped around him with the hood up to conceal his identity. The half-
baked disguise would fool a regular citizen, maybe a witless pirate, but you had
traded with him often enough to know better.

Your heart beats faster as you recognize all too well his lopsided smile curving

idInfo rmationwa
Information sththe
was eOnOnly
Thing thTraTrading
Worth ding 15
under the hood at your approach, but you avoid his gaze and keep an even pace
as you walk past him.

He follows you into a deserted alley and proceeds with the exchange.

You merely comment, “That’s generous.”

“That was our agreement.”

“Those two aren’t mutually exclusive.”

Shanks pulls his hood back, freeing a few red strands as he reveals his face.
“Thanks, as always,” he says.

You nod slightly. “My pleasure.”

“Say, I’m gonna have a drink in town. Wanna join me? My treat.”

You look back up and hold his gaze, full of mischief and determined. His offer
is unusual, though somewhat unsurprising since the few conversations you’ve
had together gave you hints of mutual interest, and it’s the first time he actually
makes a move. A smirk curves your lips. “Why not?”

Shanks offers to go to an inn downtown, which is pleasantly lively yet not too
crowded. As promised, he treats you to a drink, then another after tempting you
into staying a little longer. On the surface he’s in it for the small talk, but you see
the way he observes you, or the way his smile keeps growing as you indulge him
in a silly, innocuous story.

You’re not drunk yet—making sure to keep valuable information to yourself—

just pleasantly buzzed, enough for your gaze to linger a little longer on his lips
or his hand as you chat, filing the mental images for later perusal.

Shanks leans a little over the table between you, making your cheeks heat up
at the proximity. “Who do you work for, really?”

You raise an eyebrow. “You should know better than to ask me that, Red-Hair.”

He holds your gaze and drops his voice a little, “Too bad. I’d hate to have the
hots for a World Government dog.”

“You’re not serious,” you jab back.

Shanks flashes you his lopsided smile again. “I’m always serious.”

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Information sththe
was eOnOnly
Thing thTraTrading
Worth ding 16
You know for a fact that he isn’t, but you still take the bait. “And what makes
you think I’d be interested too?”

He lifts a scarred eyebrow. “Never said that.”

A slip-up, that’s rare coming from you, when knowledge is power and your
main source of revenue. You blame the beer for your sloppiness, rolling your
eyes and evading, “Like you’re gonna say that just for the sake of it. Please, Red-
Hair, I’m not naive.”

“Never said that you are, either; I wouldn’t be trading with you otherwise.”

You mentally slap yourself for the second example of carelessness that eve-
ning, and glare. “Fair.”

His smile grows larger. “But since you mentioned it... are you? Interested, I

You give him a quick once over. You know you should keep your guard up,
but you let it down twice in a row just now; it’s been too long and the tension
between you two electrifies the air at this point. You lick your suddenly dry lips.
“Do you really need to ask?”

Shanks hums. “I’ve got a room here, you know.”

You huff a light chuckle as you realize the whole drink-at-the-inn thing was
well thought out. “Shall we?”

Shanks graciously leads the way upstairs and into his room. You’ve just stepped
in when he locks the door and wraps his arm around your waist to pull you into
his personal space.

A little short of breath, you quietly tease, “What’s the hurry?”

He bites his lower lip. “I waited too long,” he quietly confesses, and dives in
for a kiss.

You almost melt at the contact, long-awaited and far better than your expec-
tations, his lips soft and warm against yours. You lean into his touch, wrapping
your hands around his shoulders for support, then moan into his mouth when
he slides his tongue between your lips.

Shanks’ warm hand slides up and curls around the back of your neck, tilting
your head to deepen the kiss, assertive and demanding as he walks you back-
wards, trapping you with his bulk against the closest wall.

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Information sththe
was eOnOnly
Thing thTraTrading
Worth ding 1717
When he finally leans back, you gasp for air and slide his cape off his shoul-
ders, taking a moment to visually appreciate his strong build. Then you bring a
hand to his chest, palming at a pectoral as you idly bite your lower lip.

“Like what you see?” he teases, flashing you his trademark lopsided smile.

You meet his gaze and counter, “Not enough yet.” You run your hands down
his torso and undo the few buttons on his shirt before sliding the irrelevant gar-
ment off his broad shoulders.

Shanks braces his arm on the wall next to your head, still smiling, then he leans
in and huskily asks, “What’s your trade?” His breath raises goosebumps where
it lands across your neck in a sexier reenactment of your usual conversations.

Your head falls into the curve of his shoulder. Determined to get the best out
of this situation, you set aside all thoughts of professionalism and crane your neck
to murmur under his ear, “Fuck me.”

Shanks leans in again, just close enough that you can feel his smile against
your skin as he goes on, “What’s in it for me?”

Who Said Information was the Only Thing Worth Trading 18
You exhale a quiet chuckle and tuck your thumbs into Shanks’ sash. You
unwrap and drop it, then you push him back slightly. Then, holding his gaze, you
sink to your knees, sliding his pants down on the way, revealing tented underwear.

His pupils widen and he lifts very interested eyebrows. “You’ve got a deal.”

You smile and slide his underwear down before leaning in, only breaking eye
contact when you wrap your lips around his throbbing cock. You start slow and
gentle, but a few encouraging moans later you’re properly blowing him off, hold-
ing his hips and coating his rock hard erection with spit.

Shanks groans when his tip rubs against the back of your throat, and his hips
tense under your hands for a brief moment.

You lean back, running your tongue on the underside of his cock as you let
it slide out of your lips. You look up and exhale a quiet pleased sound, a smile
curving your lips.

Shanks is absolutely gorgeous, chest and shoulders moving with each breath,
muscles taut with restraint, a curtain of red hair casting shadows across his hand-
some face.

Your eyes linger on his tongue as it darts out to wet his lips, then you meet his
gaze, heavy and wanting.

Shanks gently rocks his hips forward, rubbing the head of his cock against your
still drawn tongue. You curl your tongue under his frenulum, making him hiss
then exhale a deep moan. Biting his lower lip in an obvious show of restraint, he
slowly pushes further while his gaze drifts down to your mouth.

Acknowledging his carefulness, you softly hum and invitingly open your mouth

Shanks’ scarred eyebrow briefly twitches, and after a brief hesitation he leans
back to get out of your way.

Mildly disappointed, you lick your lips and throw him a curious glance.

Shanks squats down, his intense gaze diving into yours as he cups your chin
and tilts it up. His warm breath fans over your lips when he says, “You sure know
how to trade.” And he dives in to claim your mouth.

You’re almost out of breath when he finally breaks the kiss and pulls you up
so you’re both standing again.

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was eOnOnly
Thing thTraTrading
Worth ding 19
Shanks’ wandering hand raises goosebumps on your back where it snuck
under your shirt, and there’s mischief in his smile when he next says, “I’ll hold
my end of the deal, then.”

Flattered by his eagerness, you crack a smile and exhale a soft chuckle, then
gasp when he flips you around, pushing you against the wall once more with his
strong body.

Shanks leans back and pulls your bottom garments down in one swift move-
ment, taking a moment on his way back up to slide his fingers across your inner

You step out of your clothes and brace your arms on the wall, curving your
back for better access. Your breathing gets heavier once his fingertips find your
folds, spreading the wetness there and teasing your entrance.

Shanks’ fingers are removed too soon, only to be replaced by his spit-coated
cock that he slides into you without further ado.

Your fingers curl against the wall and you exhale a lewd moan once he’s
sheathed in. “Oh, fuck...”

“Oh yeah”, Shanks growls, and he starts thrusting into you right away, hard
and fast.

With every other sinful sound passing past your lips under his ministrations,
you feel his cock throbbing into you, stretching you further, and you bet he’s
close already. You turn your head around and bite your lower lip at the view.

Tanned skin glistening with sweat over taut muscle, brow furrowed in the effort,
pretty lips slightly parted, dark gaze locking with yours–Shanks is close alright,
and you’re not faring much better. His hand slides from your hip to your back,
tracing the dip of your spine up to the back of your neck, pushing you against
the wall while he fucks you silly.

A harder thrust makes you see stars lingering behind your eyelids when you
close your eyes. You slide a hand down and press it over your swollen clit, reach-
ing for the orgasm that’s been building up inside you. Your inner walls flutter
around Shanks who pounds deeper in return, finally sending you off the edge.
You’re just starting to come down from cloud nine when he pulls out and tucks
his cock between your ass cheeks.

Shanks cums with a series of heavy moans, throbbing against you and paint-
ing your lower back with cum. After he leaned back and helped clean you up,
he asks, “You won’t tell me who you work for, huh?”

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Information sththe
was eOnOnly
Thing thTraTrading
Worth ding 20
“Mhm. The only thing I can say is that the Underworld and the World
Government don’t really mix.”

“Ooh, is that so?”

You have a feeling he already knew that, so you simply shrug.

“Then I’m afraid I’ll have to require another trade, soon.”

idInfo rmationwa
Information sththe
was eOnOnly
Thing thTraTrading
Worth ding 2121
with spot art by Mew
afab!reader (no pronouns or descriptive words for reader’s
genitals used), pegging, praise kink, dirty talk, fingering (reader
receiving and giving), size kink, spanking

You let out a content sigh as you sink into the bathwater and right into your
boyfriend’s arms. Instantly, he wraps them around you and pulls your body
closer to his. There’s been this heat between the two of you ever since Katakuri
suggested staying in tonight and having a bath together instead of going out.
He’s never been one to enjoy the company of many people anyway, preferring
to spend his shared solitude with you instead.

One hand of his is big enough to wrap around your torso fully, holding you
in a tight but not painful grip. Even if you tried, you could never wiggle out of
it. Not that you wanted to—you loved when he held you like that. The sheer size
of him made you feel safe and sparked a fire within your core.

Tonight isn’t any different.

“Sweet little thing… you’re squirming.”

Katakuri’s voice is low in your ear, his hot breath fanning over your skin and
making you tremble slightly. It doesn’t go unnoticed by him with the way you
arch your back and rub your thighs together, desperate for some kind of friction.
How your heartbeat speeds up a little when he presses his fingertips deeper into
your soft flesh. Your habit of biting your bottom lip when you want to hold back
your needy mewls. For him your body speaks a language of its own and Katakuri
understands every syllable of it.

He rests his chin on top of your shoulder after dragging messy kisses along the
side of your neck while his free hand spreads your legs under water with ease,
hooking them over his knees to keep them wide open for him.

“So good for me,” he whispers and trails a finger along your slit, almost making
you jump in his embrace if it wasn’t for his firm grip holding you in place. His
touch is never rough, always gentle; he’s well aware of his size and never wants to
hurt you. But oh, could he lose himself in the way you whine and moan when he
pushes one finger inside your hot core, followed quickly by a second. And when
you beg for a third as your walls already twitch around him, Katakuri can’t help
but grant your wish, stuffing you until your head falls back on his shoulder and
you let out the sweetest sounds of pleasure.

It doesn’t take long for you to cum around his fingers, your walls fluttering
them as if they never want to let him go. Katakuri keeps on pressing kisses to your
jaw and the side of your neck before he removes his fingers carefully, holding
you against his body as you come down from your high. You feel his gaze linger-
ing on you, and you tilt your head up to meet his warm, crimson eyes. Every tiny

Avalanches 25
wrinkle around them you know by heart, having lovingly traced them countless
times with your fingertips.

Katakuri reaches for your hand and brings it to his lips, placing another soft
kiss on the back of it. You hum gently and turn around in the tub so you could
face him directly without cranking your neck—and maybe also because you want
to take in the sight of his throbbing cock that has been pressing against your back
the whole time.

“How can I make you feel good tonight?” you ask, your voice dripping with
hunger as your fingertips run up the inside of his thigh, making them tremble
a little. You love how sensitive he is, the slightest touch enough to turn him on.
Your eyes rest on him, waiting for him to reply.

There are a few seconds of silence between the two of you–not the uncomfort-
able kind, the good kind–before Katakuri speaks again, his voice low and making
your heart skip a beat.

“There’s something I’ve never tried before… if you’re up for it.”

It’s a sight to behold.

Katakuri, leaning against the headboard of the bed, his breath hot and heavy
as he keeps fisting his throbbing cock under your stern gaze. Every time he lowers
his eyes, a strict ‘tsk, tsk’ of yours reminds him to keep looking at you as he obe-
diently follows your instructions, always so eager to please.

“Spread your legs for me,” you demand as you sit opposite of him at the other
end of the bed, lazily stroking the strap-on around your hips, all lubed up already.
You smirk when your man does as you tell him and bends his knees further, push-
ing his legs apart to grant you a better view of just how deeply he desires you.

Two fingers are pushing deeply past his puckered hole, and they glide in and
out of it slowly.

“Good boy,” you say in a low voice, eyes wandering from his flustered expres-
sion to his throbbing cock, a few drops of precum leaking from it as he continues
stroking himself for you, his rhythm getting slightly faster whenever you praise
him in a sultry voice.

“Gorgeous… Does it feel good, touching yourself like that?” you ask as you
watch him add a third finger, stretching his hole further for you. Katakuri nods,
his breath a bit ragged by now and a thin sheen of sweat covering his massive
chest. “You wish it was my cock, filling you up…?”

Avalanches 26
He nods again and you can tell that he is close from the way his fingers clench
tighter around his cock, how his thumb circles the tip of it, and how his hips jerk
forward slightly as he silently begs you with his eyes to cum. You muster him up
and down as his whole body shivers slightly, then you smile and grant him his wish.

“Cum for me… let me hear how good it feels…” you whisper, though your
voice leaves no room for disobedience. Usually never one to be overly vocal,
Katakuri cums with a whimper, fingers still gliding in and out of his stretched
hole as his load lands on his stomach, leaving a sticky trail all the way down his
abs to this still throbbing cock.

You don’t leave him any time to breathe.

“On all fours,” you command. “Bend over and spread your cheeks for me,
can you do that?”

Seeing Katakuri this obedient, this aroused, it stirs something inside of you.
When he told you earlier about his curiosity about pegging, having never tried
it before, you were curious too, trying to imagine what he’d look like when he
was at your mercy.

It is a sight forever burned into your memory.

His whole body is trembling, face pressed into the pillows and a blissful and
fucked out expression, all the while his fingers slide in and out of his stretched
hole for your eyes only… it makes you fall all over for him, the trust between
the two of you only growing. You lean over him and trail kisses down his spine,
mumbling words of adoration against his hot skin, making him whine quietly.

“So good for me,” you coo as your hands cup his ass cheeks, spreading them
wider for a better view which has Katakuri moaning, muffled by the pillows.
“Shh. Hold still–”

The sound of the bottle of lube clicking open is followed by soft pants from
Katakuri when you pour the cold gel where his fingers were moments before,
now replaced by two of yours, rubbing slow circles around his twitching hole.
You watch your digits disappear inside of it, his ring of muscles clenching around
them as you push them in and out slowly, eliciting the sweetest sounds eliciting
the sweetest sounds Katakuri’s throat has to offer.

“One more,” he mumbles in the pillows, his knuckles turning white when he
grips the bed sheets as you add another finger, taking your time to make sure
he’ll be able to take your strap with ease. With your free hand you land a sharp
slap on his ass cheek, quickly followed by one on the other. His moans are get-
ting deeper now, more needy, which makes your whole body tingle in return.

Avalanches 27
“Think you can take me…?” you ask, your own heart also beating faster at the
sight beneath you. When Katakuri nods, you can’t help but smile and curl your
fingers slightly against the sensitive spot inside of him, having him on the edge
the whole time before you leave him empty and whining, though if only for just
a few moments.

You add a generous amount of lube as you stroke the strap in your fist again,
then line yourself up against him with the tip of your fake cock rubbing between
his spread cheeks teasingly.

“We can stop anytime, okay?” you whisper, waiting for Katakuri to give you a
sign to show that he was good to continue, before you nudge your strap against
his entrance. All your gentle preparations from earlier is paid off when you see
how easily he swallows you as you push in slowly.

“Sucking me in so greedily.” You smirk as you grab him by his hips, gently
guiding him deeper down on your strap. “Feels good…?”

Katakuri breathes heavily as he almost loses himself in this new sensation. All
words are lost with every inch you push in deeper, having him mewl and growl
under your constant praise as you stretch him so deliciously. He looks so unfairly
pretty like this. Part of you wants to ruin him, wants to hear him beg and cry as
you fuck him into the mattress, until his eyes roll to the back of his head; another
part wants to take this so painfully slow that he just cums untouched, cums with-
out a single finger of yours wrapping around his cock to help him get off, cums
from your lazy thrusts that hit his sweet spot inside so well.

Then you’re all the way inside, your hips grinding against him, your finger-
tips leaving faint red marks where you hold him in place as Katakuri’s whole
body trembles. His heavy pants bounce off the walls of your bedroom and send
warm shivers throughout your whole body. You’ve never seen him like this and
you can’t get enough of the sweet sounds you’re eliciting from him.

Avalanches 28
You lean forward, a hand of yours finding his hair and gently tugging on it
as you kiss down from the side of his neck to his shoulder blades, mumbling soft
words of praise and affection against his sweaty skin. From the way Katakuri
arches his back for you, rocking his hips back and forth slightly, you can tell that
he wants more and you can’t help but laugh softly.

Still bottomed out all the way inside, you kiss his broad back a few more times
before your hands wander to his sides, then all the way around his stomach
until they find his throbbing and neglected cock. Your fingers of one hand wrap
around it, the other around his balls; both are heavy and pulsating in your tight
grip, begging for sweet release.

“You poor thing,” you coo. “Have you been holding back? Does my cock make
you feel this good? Look at you, so pretty for me…”

Katakuri mewls when you give his cock a few lazy strokes, too light to get him
off, yet the feeling of being so full of you is so intense it almost has him seeing
stars. By now he is drooling and whimpering, the feeling of pleasure almost too
much to handle, his curiosity more than satisfied.

“Will you be good and cum for me?” you whisper as you slowly start thrusting
again, almost mesmerized by the way his hole stretches around your strap on. If
you could, you’d watch this for hours. Your fingers wrap his cock harder, feeling
it twitch underneath your touch when you rub your thumb over the pink tip.

Katakuri is a mess by now, his moans caught in his throat as he begs you to go
faster, sweet pleads to let him cum. And you do—

One last thrust is all it takes to push him over the edge. You feel his whole
body shake beneath you when he cums, making a mess of the sheets and every-
thing else. His load trickles from your fingers down to your wrist as you keep
milking him, lazy strokes that have him whimpering from overstimulation until
you finally release him from your grip. You pull out your cock slowly, watching
how his hole clenches around nothing before he slumps down on the sheets, fol-
lowed by you right next to him.

He has his eyes closed in pure bliss when you brush a few strands of his crim-
son hair out of his face before leaning down to kiss him gently. For the moment
no words are needed between the two of you, the air still radiant with the trust
and love the two of you hold for each other. One arm of his comes to wrap around
your waist and pulls you closer to him, so close you can feel his heart beat errat-
ically in his chest, every drum an echo of your name.

Avalanches 29
One Touch
At A Time
with spot art by Calyptale
Mihawk x G/N(AFAB)!Reader
explicit sexual content, penetrative sex, intimacy, body worship,
alcohol consumption, inebriation, inebriated sex (consensual),
established relationship
You stir slowly from sleep with a soft inhale, shifting amongst the warm, cotton
covers that never fails to get tangled between your legs. The morning chill that
settles over the castle hits your shoulder as it peeks out from the sheets, and you
shiver, trying to tuck the fabric back up protectively. With a bleary crack of your
eyelids, now roused beyond the point of falling back into slumber, they train onto
the first thing in your line of sight. And, oh, what a sight it is. A smile lifts the cor-
ners of your mouth, gazing softly at your lover beside you.

His face is serene, the brow normally furrowed in thought and concentra-
tion now smooth and relaxed. A dangerous man, so beautiful in slumber. Seeing
Mihawk like this, asleep and at peace beside you, his hand unconsciously press-
ing against the skin of your hip for contact, was something you’d never forget.
No dreams disturb him, his breathing even and deep. Sleep holds him tightly.

Good, you thought, he certainly needed it.

Waking before the legendary swordsman is a rarity. He keeps strange hours,

training and finding other ways to occupy his time around the castle when he
isn’t out sailing the seas, and often rises early to tend to the garden. And so, you
don’t squander this moment to gaze upon him with reverence.

Eventually, as if he can feel your stare, his eyes blink open, regarding you with
a tenderness that has your heart beating hard. A low hum emanates from his
mouth, and one hand reaches up to slowly caress your cheek.

“I’ll never get enough of this…” His mutter is breathy as he stirs. “Waking up
and seeing such a lovely sight before me.”

You scoff, gently pushing his arm, but can’t help but agree to the statement.
“Getting sappy in your old age, love?”

There’s something in the way he looks at you, thoughtful and quiet. “No. Just more honest.”

“Imagine that…” you hum, amused, before leaning forward to place a soft kiss
to his lips. “I managed to make an honest man out of you after all. This anniver-
sary is something special.”

You feel the smirk on his mouth as you lean in for a second, then a third kiss.
He lingers, savoring the feeling just a moment more, before rising with a groan
from the bed. There’s much to do today, but you look forward to every second of it.

Anniversary or not, with a castle so large, there was always something that
needed doing. Sweeping, dusting, and all manner of other menial chores…and
that was just to keep it clean. Even on a special day, such as today, these important

One Touch At A Time 32

things couldn’t be skipped. Laundry, dishes, the list went on. But you and your
love went about it with a practiced patience. After so long, so many years together,
the routine and domesticity of chores felt…comfortable. Almost fun.

Then on to the garden where the weeds needed trimming, and the many fruits
and vegetables planted needed meticulous care and attention. Kuraigana’s harsh
environment meant consistent tending to ensure they didn’t wither away and die.
That was largely Mihawk’s responsibility—a pastime you knew he’d never openly
admit to anyone outside of you or that red-haired rascal of a pirate, of course.

By the island’s standards, the morning was downright lovely; only the barest
hint of a chill in the wind of an inky, oily, green-purple sky. Watching your hus-
band tend to the plants with such gentleness never failed to make you smile. If
only the rest of the world saw him as you could…

With a keen eye, the two of you inspected each crop. What was ripe ended
up in the wicker basket hung from your arm, placed there with care by Mihawk
as he perused the many vegetables you’d both grown there over the years. Each
time you caught one another’s eye, warmth grew in your chest, little knowing
smiles lifting your mouths. The serenity, the peace…you could think of no better
setting for your anniversary.

Comfortable admiration and years of cultivated love eventually slid to coy

intrigue, when the brush of his fingers against yours as he placed a bright red
tomato into the basket lingered a bit longer than necessary. A touch so gentle.
Chaste. Trailing down the length of your pinky with lazy intent, a tiny spark hits
your chest. Mihawk’s eyes held a question behind them, watching with deep inter-
est at what you might say or do to his touch.

Several times, his hands found your skin in some way or another through the
morning. Never further than a ghostly, barely-there sensation. Fleeting. Testing.
More akin to a promise than anything.

Oh, this was a familiar game. A favorite of yours.

Beyond a knowing, smoky stare, you refrained from visibly acknowledging

his subtle advances. Instead, you ‘innocently’ returned the favor in kind, find-
ing every excuse to touch him on the wrist or hand, even the back of his neck if
you were to pass behind him. Naturally, Mihawk barely showed any reaction to
the treatment, only the tiniest flutter of his eyelids to indicate he felt your fin-
gers against his skin at all.

Each new touch built upon the last. Slowly, the earlier affection began to
simmer, to bubble just under the surface. All morning this continued, even into
the kitchen where you are now preparing dinner.

One Touch At A Time 33

You chop and mince at your cutting board while he prepares the pots with
water. Together, you’re an efficient team in the kitchen as you navigate the steps of
the recipe, reaching around one another for the next ingredient or kitchen tool.

More touching. More not-so-subtle lingering stares. The man somehow even
manages to find an excuse to show you how to ‘properly’ chop an onion, larger
hands covering yours to demonstrate as his chest rests at your back, firm and
warm. If he feels the shiver down your spine, he says nothing. Oh, he is good…

But two can play at this game. When you insist on him lifting you up to reach
a particularly high-placed utensil—one that you really don’t require, given the
recipe, but he doesn’t need to know that—the position places your ample chest
flush with his face as you reach above him, giving quite a view if you did say so
yourself. It’s tough to hide the pleased grin on your face, not having to look to
know he’s staring. That penetrative gaze of his is practically palpable.

Minutes drag as you carefully dance around what you both know the other
wants, the cooking of your dinner now little more than a stage to the building
tension between you. The heat from the stove doesn’t help any either, fueling
increasingly lewder thoughts, bolder touches, and even the occasional whispered
promise of what the evening has in store for each other.

Finally, the food cooked and plated with care, you take your places across the
table from one another. A small vase of flowers is between you; along with a single
candle lit, the wax dripping down its side into the metal tray beneath; and mood
decor that you barely even acknowledge amidst the heated stare you keep with
your husband, taking in his handsome visage gluttonously.

You drink your wine, topping it off when the contents are gone. A good buzz
would only make this all the better, you think.

Light conversation carries you through your meal, though the words hardly
matter. Beneath it all is the palpable sexual tension that’s spent the past half dozen
hours building between you. He eats delicately, expression denoting the indul-
gent eye-fucking no doubt happening in that head of his. A bite of your lip is the
only sign that you’ve noticed.

Your plates sit empty after some time, and upon noticing, Mihawk stands from
his chair, walking over to grab your plate alongside his and bringing them to the
kitchen. When he returns, he’s still holding his wine, extending his hand to you
as an invitation.

“Shall we end tonight in the parlor, love?” he asks, voice husky and eyes never
straying from what—who—he wants most. That sexy little upward quirk of his
lips is impossible to look away from.

One Touch At A Time 34

Without a word, you return the smile with one of your own, placing your hand
in his and following him further into the halls of the castle.

He doesn’t pounce immediately, but there’s no mistaking the intensity of his

gaze on you as he sets the fireplace alight, flaming to life and matching the heat
flowing through your veins. You stand on the fur rug as he moves around you,
watching the flames lick upwards, heart beating hard in your chest. The feeling
of his lips pressed to your shoulder makes you shudder, his free hand guiding
down your arm delicately.

The moment is still, your breath loud in your ears, before hours of stewing in
your own desire come to a head. The stuttered sigh against your skin is enough
to indicate that Mihawk has reached his limit as well.

One by one, clothes are discarded to the floor, exposing skin for wandering lips
and hands to touch and savor. The castle air is cold all around you, but the fire-
place rages hot. Wine and lust cloud your mind, gasping when his teeth nip along
your neck. Not to be outdone, your hands wander behind and between you, fin-
gers stroking the silky skin of his cock. You smile at the sound of his pleased hum.

You turn in his arms, facing your husband, and thread your fingers through
his dark hair, dragging his lips to yours in a hard kiss. He tastes of wine and spice,
exotic and sinfully sweet. Impatience makes it all teeth and tongue, seeking and
wanting. Mihawk is happy to return the enthusiasm in kind.

A surprised noise escapes your lips as he suddenly lifts you, pressing you close.
With a bit of maneuvering, he’s lowered you to your back, the soft fur rug pro-
tecting it from the icy tiles of the castle floor. But your thoughts never stray from
the Warlord as he settles himself over you, eyes raking in the sight of your naked-
ness. The wine makes his pupils large and shaky, but they still hold an abundance
of admiration and heady desire. Reflections of the flames dance in his eyes, cap-
tivating you.

You’re well and truly drunk, you decide, body tingling as his lips suck and lick
his way over your jaw and neck. Everything is too much, but in all the right ways.
Soft, low moans are breathed into your ear, sending your mind haywire. Your
legs wrap themselves around his waist, pulling him in, hoping he’ll understand
what you were needing.

His hips shift, hands spreading your knees apart to open yourself to him. His
tip presses to where you’re in most need of him, Your breath catches, the moment
before he presses in feeling like a lifetime, before that blessed stretch tightens
your lower half. He fits perfectly, your bodies so accustomed to one another that

One Touch At A Time 35

it feels like he’s home, deep inside of you. He’s still, gazing down at you with
parted lips and a glazed, drunk stare.

His thrusts are slow, lackadaisical, as he savors you. Every penetration is a

prayer, your unabashed moans their answer. With the wine heightening every
sense, even this gentle pace is like fire burning through you, your sounds of
pleasure matched by his own. Mihawk envelops you completely, body and soul,
celebrating your lives together in the best way you knew how.

He’s all you can see when your eyes crack open. Golden eyes gaze back, missing
not even a single moment as he fucks you deeply, passionately. His sweaty fore-
head presses to your own, sharing this moment of love and lust together. Higher
and higher he takes you, his pace never quickening, his love never waning.

Your peak hits without warning, but it’s as soft as it is overwhelming, muscles
shaking around his cock, triggering his own breathless release. His face creases
with concentrated pleasure, hips pushing just a little deeper to ride out the waves
as long as he can. You’re floating in a red haze with him, coming down from your
passion bit by bit, the fireplace keeping you in a dopey state of bliss all the while.

You’re unsure how long you stay that way, him still seated inside you, sweat
sticking your skin together. Words feel unnecessary, and so you both stay silent,
basking in your post-sex glow. Soon enough,
the logs would burn to ash, and the castle’s
typical chill would cool you down.

But for now you lay beneath your hus-

band, fingers stroking along his arms, eyes
flitting across his face, burning this moment
to memory so you’d never forget.

One Touch At A Time 36

and All
the Other
Names for
with spot art by cev
porn with feelings, slight codependency, light sadomasochism,
choking, size difference, creampie, overstimulation
“I don’t appreciate this game you’re playing.” You try to sound self-assured,
but you’re certain it comes out weak.

Bellamy stares at you, blinking slowly as he ponders your words. “What game?”

You remind yourself that he’s not being malicious; that he’s already apolo-
gised for leaving you, and hasn’t said or done anything wrong. You swallow the
ire that tempts to coat your tongue. “I get confused, sometimes, when you’re
close then act like it’s nothing, and…” You’re quick to dismiss your own feelings
out of fear. “You act like it’s nothing to you, and I don’t…” You exhale softly,
realisation itching your throat. “I don’t like that.” Because you don’t want it to
be nothing. Not to him.

“Ah,” he says softly. He’s in the middle of your kitchen, shoulders hunching
towards his chest as though it’ll make him smaller. Bellamy rests his wrist on the
chair in front of him. “That’s.” He swallows something thick. “Not a game.”

The next intake of air feels tinged with ice, scraping its way down your throat,
coming to rest cold tendrils atop your heart. Before the thoughts of ‘he’s messing
with you on purpose’ can form, you murmur, “Explain.” He’s been good so far—
you owe him this doubt. “Please.”

“I’m—” Bellamy pauses, fingers drumming across the backrest. “Leaving the
door open.” He slides his gaze over to you, pinning you in place. “For you.”

The encroaching ice stops. Your chest feels heavy. “What?”

“I just…” He sighs, tensing his jaw. “I do these things, and you don’t react, so,
I don’t… I don’t want to push you into something you’re not comfortable with.”
Something pained breaks across his face, fingers flexing. “But at the same time,
I’m...” He abandons his post on the other side of the island, and steps into your
space. He takes your hand that’s been resting atop the counter.

Your heart stutters at the warmth from his skin. You still as he pushes his
thumb under your fingers, splaying out your digits until your palm is flat. He’s
gentle in a way that has your breaths solidifying in your lungs. You risk a glance
to his face, but he’s staring at where you’re joined; enamoured—expression rev-
erent as he caresses your hand.

“So, maybe I’m a selfish wretch,” Bellamy mutters. Brows furrowing, he swipes
his thumb over your knuckles.

His grip loosens.

You tighten your hold around his fingers.

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Devotion, All
and the
All Other
the Names
Other for
Names Love
for Love 39
He snaps his head to your face, eyes wide.

Swallowing, you flicker your gaze between his pupils. You wet your lips, fight-
ing to calm your racing heart. “Don’t let go.”

His eyes shine with tenderness, like he’s looking at something celestially divine.
He breathes your name, parting from his lips with a devotion tantamount to

You don’t feel human, not under his scrutiny. “Bellamy,” you choke out.

Bellamy scoops you in by the waist, hand resting on your back. He cages you
against him, turning until you’re pressed against the edge of the counter. Fingers
intertwined with yours where he’s still holding onto you.

Maybe you should be afraid, dwarfed by his 7’10” stature, but all you feel is safe.
You tuck your free hand between your bodies, press your digits against his shirt.

His heart races beneath your touch, a quick-fire, rapid beat that parallels your
own. “Tell me,” he rasps, leaning in.

You study him—the swell of his cheeks, the rugged scars that adorn either
sides of his face. And his eyes, dark with adoration, begging for you to bare your
soul unto him, so he can show you why Icarus chased the sun at his own demise.

There will be no melted wax in this iteration. You detach your hand from his
chest and reach for his jaw, brushing a thumb over his scar.

He sinks into your touch, eyelids fluttering shut. Angling his face to your palm,
he muffles, “Tell me what you want from me.”

“Kiss me,” you say.

He does, lips hot against yours. Softly pushing into you, gasp choking in the
back of his throat when you return the kiss.

You open your mouth for him, coaxing his tongue through.

His chest rumbles with a displaced moan and he slides his hand out from yours,
circling it around your waist.

Now freed, you paw at the lapels of his shirt, pulling him down.

The kiss is frantic, your collision with him igniting a fire that’s been kept at
bay too long. “Bells,” you whine against his mouth.

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Devotion, All
and the
All Other
the Names
Other for
Names Love
for Love 40
Bellamy lifts you like you weigh nothing, placing you gently on the counter. He
crawls his hands to your thighs, electricity sparking into your stomach at his touch.

You wrap your arms around his neck, shuffling yourself closer to him. “Bells—”

He growls, breaking the kiss. “I can’t—” he pushes out, resting his forehead
against yours. “I don’t know what’s gonna happen if you keep calling me that.”
Hot air falls onto your lips, intermingling with your own quick breaths.

Your eyelids flutter open. Gulping thickly, you lean into his warmth.

His gaze is intense as he drinks you in.

“Is that a good, or bad thing?” Your lips brush against his as you speak.

“It…” He dips forward, like he wants to kiss you again, but refrains from
doing so, skull digging into yours. “Depends,” he whispers, “on what you want
from this.”

You’re struck dumb by the admission, a heavy knot lodging itself in your stom-
ach because you know this strained voice. It’s desire. “Oh.” Nerves are firing
through your mind, but you quell them, bolstering yourself. You detach your
arms from around his shoulders, wanting some distance to survey him.

Bellamy, assuming that this is where you want to stop, steps back.

Before he can complete the action, you reach out and hook your index fin-
gers through his belt loops, snagging him in place.

He freezes, dropping his hands back to your legs, caving indentations over
your thighs. His breaths are heavy as he leans into you. “What do you want?”

It’s difficult to meet his eyes, everything in you wants to look away from his
expectant gaze.

“I want this,” you whisper. Then, because you know Bellamy is a stickler for
making sure you voice exactly what you need since he’s reappeared in your life,
you add, “I want to have sex with you.”

It’s like he’s paralysed, a clump of air stuck beneath his sternum. “Fuck me,”
he exclaims quietly.

And, because he’s always brought out that mischievous side of you, you counter
with, “Exactly.”

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Devotion, All
and the
All Other
the Names
Other for
Names Love
for Love 4141
That brings him out of his reverie, and he smirks. “Alright.” Bellamy slides an
arm around your waist, hauling you off the table and into his embrace.

Your fingers find purchase on his shoulders, startled squeal trapping itself in
your throat as he begins to walk. “Where are you going?”

“Your bedroom,” he answers easily, but you’re aware he’s going the wrong way.

You’re about to bring it to his attention, until he reaches his other arm behind
you and you hear your back door click locked. “Oh, that’s smart,” you say, “I
forgot about that.”

“Got other things on your mind, I bet.” There’s a teasing lilt to his words and
when you look at him, the grin is still permanently pasted on his face.

All you can do is hold your tongue in between your teeth, because… he’s right.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t miss this cocky attitude. “Yeah, alright, you—”
You’re saved from having to think of a creative insult when he hikes you higher
on his body and kisses you.

He devours your gasp of surprise, lips tugging on yours incessantly. Bellamy

slips his hand under the hem of your shirt, fingers pressing into your back.

Your body arches into his with a desperation that leaves your lips in hot puffs
of air. You only realise you’re in your room because he’s lowering you down onto
the mattress.

Bellamy braces himself on his knees, hand steepling on the bed so he doesn’t
crush you. His other hand snakes over your stomach, holding you down as he
parts from you. “Are you sure?”

You nod, propping yourself up with your elbows to maintain proximity to him.
“I’m sure, Bellamy.” You capture his lips in yours. “Please.”

Bellamy gently pushes you until you’re lying down. He slides his hand down
your belly, fingers slipping under the waistbands of your pants.

Your eyes roll back when he touches your bundle of nerves, moans falling from
your lips. But this isn’t what you want. “Bellamy, please,” you whine, hips buck-
ing into his hand. “I need you.”

He growls into the side of your neck, rutting his clothed crotch onto your thigh
like a mutt in heat. “I know. Just need you to cum first.”

You shake your head, scrabbling for his belt. “No, we don’t have to—”

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Names Love
for Love 42
Bellamy pulls away, face inches from yours. “It’s gonna hurt.”

“I know.” You pause, resting your fingers against his waist. “I just…” Under
his watchful gaze, you admit, “I want it to.”

“Shit,” he breathes. “Fuck, okay.” He lifts himself off you, quickly undoing
his belt.

You can’t help but admire him; toned muscles and arms flexing as he sheds
his clothes. Tattoos stark against his skin. Heavy cock decorated with thick veins,
tip glistening with precum.

He comes back to the bed, failing to hide his smirk because he knows exactly
how he looks—what size he is. “You want it to hurt, huh?”

Something pools into your stomach at his demeanour, tongue darting out to
wet your lips. Arrogance is a good look on him. “Bells,” you whine.

The cocksure attitude splinters, composure fluttering away. “You’re,” he kneels

on the bed, hands gravitating to your hips, “doing that on purpose.”

A smirk is the only answer you give him, and he returns it with his own.

He hooks his index fingers into your waistbands. “Lift,” he orders.

You obey, raising your hips off the bed.

He slides your trousers and knickers off at once, discarding them on the floor.
Bellamy grabs the hem of your shirt. “Can I?”

You nod.

“Words, baby.”

Oddly enough, you almost cum from that. “Yes,” you breathe, “you can take
my shirt off.”

He discards your shirt and bra. Bellamy drinks you in, naked and irresistibly
perfect in every way because it’s you. He swallows something heavy. “You ready?”

Your ‘yes’ comes out warbled.

He hums, leaning over you. He slides an arm between your back and the mat-
tress to tug you closer. “Hold onto me.”

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Names Love
for Love 43
You wrap your arms around his shoulders, revelling in his warmth, his chest
against yours, his muscles under your fingers.

He guides himself in, a slow and careful endeavour that has your eyelids
squeezing shut.

You stretch around him, the stinging going right to your belly and you roll
your body into his.

Bellamy grunts, digits digging grooves into your back. He eases you into it,
starting with shallow strokes and pushing further every time.

You’re a gasping mess by the time he nudges against your cervix, walls shud-
dering. “Fuck, Bellamy.” You slide a hand down to his waist. “Please move.”

“Tell me you want it—tell me—” he stutters, “tell me you want me.”

“I want you, I want you.” Muttering prayers into the crooks between your
bodies, filling each crevice and nook with love and devotion.

“Fuck.” Bellamy growls, dick pulsing. “You got me.”

Your eyes roll back, words filling your chest with a fire that seeps into your

“I’m yours,” he says, with a thrust. “I’m all yours.”

It’s a symphony, a perfect duet of moans and grunts parting from both your
lips. Chasing highs and connection as he pounds, walls accommodating him with
every snap of his hips. Your teeth have sunk into his shoulder, and he’s ramming
into you harder just so he can feel you can bite down more.

God, he loves this, loves—

“Look at me,” he gasps, slowing his thrusts to make sure you focus on his
words. “Look at me.”

You obey, eyes finding him in the soft lighting, the sun filtering through your
curtains to paint him in a godly glow. Sweat shining on his skin.

He shifts until he is no longer holding you up, letting you rest against your
bed. He darts his pupils between yours, and it feels like he is undressing you. Yes,
you’re naked and laid bare, but this is different; he is winding his way through
the very fibres of your skin and bones to lay his gaze on your soul.

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Names Love
for Love 44
You blink, feel a vine wrap around your throat, something that tastes like vul-
nerability and hope. How can someone look at you with so much…


Swimming behind his irises. Something soft—a promise.

A forever.

He bows his head, pushes his forehead against yours, damp hair swiping onto
your skin. He slides his hand up your leg, and settles it on the side of your waist.
Grip gentle, like he’s holding something delicate. “I—” he sighs, words strangling
themselves in his throat. He ducks his head down, presses his lips onto yours in
the softest kiss yet. “I love you,” he breathes into your mouth, like he wants you
to ingest his feelings whole.

It jolts something down in your heart, tugging your chest into your stomach.
A zap to your nerve endings that sets every cell on fire, warming you from the
inside. You’re full, his words settling deep into your gut, pushing into your soul.

It feels like home.

“Bellamy,” you whisper back, tightening your arms around his shoulders.

He kisses you again, on your lips, then your cheek, below your ear. Craning
his neck to kiss the pulse under your throat. He ruts his hips forward, pressing
into your walls.

You gasp, breath stuttering in your lungs. You grab his bicep, trying to push
him away because you want to continue this conversation. “Bell—”

“It’s okay.” And in the words he doesn’t say, you hear him utter, ‘You don’t have
to say it back.’

But you feel the same way he does. You can’t deny it the same way you wouldn’t
deny yourself breathing. “Look at me.”

It’s his turn to find your eyes, lifting his head to focus on you.

You stare at the expectation of disappointment in his pupils. You push your-
self off the bed.

He grunts, swaying with your momentum until he’s on his back and you’re
comfortably straddling him. He rests his hands on your waist, eyes wide, mouth

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for Love 45
You bend down, press your chest against his, relishing in how fast his heart
is beating under yours. You peck his lips, leaning back slightly when he chases
you for more. “I love you, too,” you confess.

Bellamy digs his fingers into your flesh, grip tightening enough that you’re
sure it’ll bruise. A grunt falls from his tongue. “You do?”

You smile softly, rolling your hips down onto his, lips pulling into a smirk
when he mutters a curse. “Yes.” You press yourself closer, elbows on either side
of his head. “I love you.”

He makes a noise that digs into your heart, and drops onto the apex of your
cervix. Enveloping you into an embrace, his arms dig into your back as you con-
tinue to pump yourself onto him. “Fuck, fuck,” he breathes with every single
one of your thrusts, teeth gritting as he tries to hold himself back from finishing.

Seeing him so desperate, hearing him—it’s pushing you over the edge and
you leverage yourself into a higher position to fuck him faster.

Bellamy growls, teeth gnashing together as he stifles his moans.

You reach up, pull on his chin with your fingers. “Let me hear you.”

“What?” Bellamy loosens his hold around you as you rise off his chest, push-
ing your forehead onto his.

You brush your thumb across his cheek.

“I wanna hear you,” you reiterate. “I wanna
know how good I make you feel.”

His eyes are blown wide as he

stares up at you in awe. “Jesus,
fu-ck.” His voice breaks when
you move again, groans
uneven. “Dammit—fuck.”

His moans pool into

your belly, stoking the fire.
You’re tightening around
him, spurred on by how close
he is, wanting to see him come
undone before you. “Cum,” you
plead, “cum for me.”

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He snarls, a futile attempt to curb his own completion—not yet. Not when
you haven’t.

“Bells,” you whine, and his dick twitches.


“I love you,” you whisper into his ear. “I love you, cum for me.”

He cums with a shout, breaths shuddering, hips stuttering, hot semen paint-
ing your walls. Loud pants fall from his lips as he grips your waist.

But you’re not stopping, gaining speed as you ride him again.

“Shit,” he hisses. He reaches a hand up, fingers digging into your shoulder.
“Wait, I’m not—”

You hold onto his forearm, using him for leverage.

“Wait, wait, you—” he gurgles, words choking on roughened walls. Growls

rumble through his chest, trying to hide how tender his dick is.

Still, you move.

“Fuck me.” He’s saying it in exclamation.

You take it as an order, rolling into him with feverish vigour because you like
this version of him—senseless, mind untangling as he focuses on chasing his
pained high.

The absolute best part is; only you get to see him like this.

So poised and collected outside the private walls of the bedroom. But in here,
he’s a desperate, begging, mess of a man.

His fingers clamp down on your skin, moulding your flesh beneath his fingers.

Your waist and shoulder flare with pain before it washes into your stomach,
adding to the coil building in you.

His arm flexes beneath your grip, muscles bunching. “Wait, stop. This—”

“Say it,” you demand, knowing he won’t. “You know how to make me stop.”

“No.” He shakes his head frantically, eyes squeezing tears into his hair. “Fuck

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you,” he barks out a moment later, “you—”

“Yeah, I bet you wish you could.” You’re emboldened by how submissive he
is; a man who is able to crush you, obeying you, instead, because…

He loves you.

The fact seeps into your core, and you grind down on him, needing the friction.

Bellamy writhes beneath you, unbelievably turned on by you taking command,

but unable to do anything for himself because he’s too damn sensitive. He’s not
sure when you got to know him so well, but he’s glad. Because he can let his walls
down with you, say ‘no’ when he means ‘yes’, and you’ll know.

Because he trusts you.

He’s babbling, words he doesn’t mean spilling from his lips.

“You say that, but you’re still hard.”

Bellamy makes a noise that’s halfway between a chuckle, and a cry. “Shit,” he
gasps, breath thready. “You’re such a fucking slut.”

You smirk, enraptured as he struggles with his composure. “Yes, Bellamy,”

you coo. You take his wrist, pulling his grip off you slightly.

He obeys easily, letting you do what you will with him—he’s yours; yours to
control, yours to use. Yours in every way imaginable.

You settle his hand on your collarbone, spreading his thumb and forefinger
to rest on your throat. “I’m your fucking slut.” And just like that, you’re his too.

His nails dig deeper into your waist, a crass moan escaping from his lips. Pupils
blown. Mouth agape.

“Do it,” you whisper, pressing his digits into your neck.

“Say it.” He’s not about to do anything without your explicit permission. “Tell
me what you want me to do.”

“Bells,” you intone. “Choke me.”

He squeezes, fingers applying just enough pressure that the air you breathe
in is nominal.

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You bounce on his cock, moans shallow, fingers digging into his hand and
wrist. The stimulation becomes too much, all at once and you’re rocking into
him faster, trying to soar off that cliff.

Bellamy’s voice hitches, low groan vibrating at the base of his throat, and you
know he’s close again.

You speed up, his cries filtering into your senses and sticking under your skin.

God, you need him.

Bellamy urges you to finish, sweet siren song of ‘cum, baby’ pulling you off the
edge of the cliff. It sets off a chain reaction, his seed splashing against your walls
as he lets go of your throat. You bowl over the top of him, hips still riding his
dick, milking him for every last drop.

By the time your high has petered out, you’re both a puffing and sweating
mess, skin clammy as you lay against his chest.

Bellamy rolls you over on your back, letting you stretch out your cramped
limbs, relief washing through your joints. “You okay?” he asks.

You nod slowly, taking in how he looks; reddened cheeks, hair matted to his
forehead. With him here, you know you’ll always be okay.

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page artists
Audrey Giordano Mew
I T reylayneart T t mewiyev

Cev Michel Mims

T cevuru | t cebwrites | 4 cevu- I T mimscosara
D.awn.ya I monica_sketch | t chloeleau
I d.awn.ya | T d_awn_ya
Don-Mellow T nastyhornz | T pirat3curly
T Donmellowart | t don-mellow
goldstein_99 T shipshina_
T GoldsteinMart | I goldstein_99
Hiwless T spookklauser | I spooky_klaus-
I T Hiwless er

howling_queen TardiiArt
T howling_queen T t TardiiArt

Jess TheCatatonic
T dailyrebranded T thecatatonic | t catatonictrash
I dailysbrredacted
Jessica Lotufo Tt TuesdayinThedas

T CorgiQueenJess xmanticorax
t byjessicalotufo T xmanicorax | T GiuliaCantuaria

Levi zzzaturation
T 4 akagaminolevi T I zzzaturation

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Spot artists
Calyptale Levi
I calyptale T 4 akagaminolevi

Cev Mew
T cevuru | t cebwrites | 4 cevu- Tt mewiyev
Damaged_Intellect I monica_sketch | t chloeleau
A Damaged_Intellect
t 4 damagedintellect Ranch
T zoloftlesbian
T nastyhornz | T pirat3curly TardiiArt
Tt TardiiArt
T artissan | t issatheartist

fairyvearths Lale
tA fairyvearths tA childofblackmaria | T lale_txt

Franky po
T 4 CyborgFranky t mugiloaf
t cyborg-franky
Haru D. Nae T Simswriting
t harudnae | A Anaelita t superhero--imagines

HeyItsDoe SnailorBee
t4 heyitsdoe A SecretSnailor | T Snailor_Bee
C commissions

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