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International Journal of Ambient Energy

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ANSYS CFD and experimental comparison of

various parameters of a solar still

Hitesh N. Panchal & Nikunj Patel

To cite this article: Hitesh N. Panchal & Nikunj Patel (2018) ANSYS CFD and experimental
comparison of various parameters of a solar still, International Journal of Ambient Energy,
39:6, 551-557, DOI: 10.1080/01430750.2017.1318785

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Published online: 12 May 2017.

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VOL. 39, NO. 6, 551–557

ANSYS CFD and experimental comparison of various parameters of a solar still

Hitesh N. Panchala and Nikunj Patelb
a Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government Engineering College, Patan, Gujarat, India; b Department of Mechanical Engineering, Smt.S.R.
Patel Engineering College, Unjha, Gujarat, India


A solar still is a very simple device to convert brackish water into drinkable water. It depends on various Received 9 January 2017
parameters like inner glass cover temperature, outer glass cover temperature, vapour temperature, basin Accepted 4 March 2017
water temperature, etc. All such parameters are directly proportional to the distillate output. Hence, to com- KEYWORDS
pare parameters, a model is developed in ANSYS CFD. The simulation results of ANSYS CFD are compared Solar still; ANSYS CFD;
with actual experimental results. Results show that there was good agreement with experimental results. distillate output; cumulative
Hourly distillate output and cumulative distillate output were also obtained by simulation results and good distillate output
agreement was found with experimental results. At last, it is obvious that ANSYS CFD simulation results are
a very important tool to analyse the purpose of a solar still.

1. Introduction All of the above research accomplished increasing or improv-

ing distillate output from a conventional solar still. Distillate
Due to the present situation of water crisis, saline water desalina- output depends on inner glass temperature, outer glass cover
tion technology will become more popular to face this problem. temperature, basin water temperature and vapour temperature.
Many countries in the world face a very high intensity of solar In the current work, validation of such temperatures is attained
radiation; hence in such countries, the problem of potable water by a software approach called ANSYS CFD. At last, daily distillate
could be somewhat reduced using a solar still. A solar still is a output and cumulative distillate output of an actual solar still are
very popular technology for converting saline water into potable also compared with simulation of ANSYS CFD.
water. It is very easy to fabricate by locally available materials and
it requires very low maintenance.
2. Experimental set-up
Many researchers have worked on the solar still to improve its
performance. Proper inclination as well as direction of the cover Figure 1 illustrates the picture taken in climate conditons of
plate could increase distillate output of a solar still. Basin water Patan or the experiments of solar still. Figure 2 shows line dia-
depth has a significant effect on a solar still. Research shows gram of solar still. It has an effective basin area of 1 square
that water coming out from a solar still depends on the amount metre (Panchal 2010, 2011; Panchal et al. 2010, 2011a, 2011b)
of water going into the basin of the solar still (Panchal 2010, with inclination of glass cover of 23 degrees to accommodate
2011, 2016a, 2016b; Panchal et al. 2010, 2011a, 2011b, 2014; the latitude of Patan to receive solar radiation normal to the
Panchal and Shah 2011a, 2011b, 2012a, 2012b, 2013a, 2013b, plane of the glass cover. The lowermost superficial of still was
2013c, 2013d, 2014a, 2014b, 2014c, 2015; Panchal and Patel coated black colour of 92% absorptivity to obtain extreme sun
2016). Some energy storing materials can store a good amount rays for enhancement of absorption. To circumvent falling of
of solar energy and increase temperature. Hence rubber mat, basin water to the exterior of the still, the inferior perpendicular
charcoal could be used to increase the temperature of water and lateral elevation of the still was kept at 40 cm. The bottom-most
increase distillate output of a solar still (Tripathi and Tiwari 2005; portion of the still was insulated by an easily available maerial,
Phadatare and Verma 2007). There are also some black materi- glass fibre, to reinforce the plastic of 5 cm thickness. For the
als which are used in the solar still to store the extra solar energy collection of output from the solar still, a measuring jar was
during the sunny hours (Okeke, Egarievwe, and Animalu 1990; used in the experiment. Here, all experiments were conducted
Tiris, Tiris, and Ture 1996; Akash et al. 1998; Tripathi and Tiwari under clear sky conditions during the morning from 10 am to
2006). Use of a flat plate collector coupled with a solar still could 05 pm and the inner, outer, vapour temperatures and insola-
improve the productivity of the solar still (Boukar and Harmim tion and distillate output of the solar still were measured. Accu-
2001, 2004; Naim and Abd El Kawi 2002). Another good approach racies and error of measuring instruments and temperature-
to increase distillate output of a solar still is the use of various depenent properties have been taken from literature (Panchal
dyes (Pandey 1983; Dutt et al. 1989). et al. 2010).

CONTACT Hitesh N. Panchal

© 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group


Figure 1. Experimental set-up.

Figure 3. Model of a solar still with actual dimensions made in the ANSYS Work-
bench 11.

Figure 2. Line diagram of a solar still.

3. Result and discussion

3.1. Experimental results
Experiments with a single slope and single basin solar still was
carried out in the month of August 2011. Here, four thermo-
couples were used to measure temperature at various points of
the solar still. Solar insolation was taken as a variable param-
eter in this experiment and was measured after an interval of
1 h and various temperatures were also measured. Hence, Table
1 shows the result of insolation, inner glass cover tempera-
ture, outer glass cover temperature, basin water temperature,
vapour temperature, distillate output, hourly distillate output Figure 4. Application of the fluid domain applied to the model made in ANSYS
and cumulative distillate output. CFD 11.

Table 1. Results of eight hours of working of the solar still.

Solar insolation Outer glass cover temp. Basin water Vapour temperature Inner glass cover temp. Distillate Cumulative distillate
Sr. No. Time (h) I(t) (T co ) °C temp. (T w ) °C (°C) (T ci ) °C output (Litre) output (Litre)
1 10:00 400 39 37 30 22 0.0 0.0
2 11:00 463 47 43.2 35.8 30.2 0.350 0.350
3 12:00 700 50 47.8 40.2 35 0.370 0.720
4 13:00 680 52.5 50.2 47.8 43.6 0.500 1.22
5 14:00 700 51.2 48.6 52.8 46.9 0.570 1.79
6 15:00 600 47.2 45 50 45 0.710 2.50
7 16:00 420 45 41.7 40.5 42 0.456 3.21
8 17:00 150 43 40.6 34.7 39.7 0.320 3.53

Figure 5. Application of meshing for the model made in ANSYS CFD 11.

Figure 7. Fluid–solid interface with walls of the model made in ANSYS CFD 11.

Figure 6. Application of total energy concept applied to the model made in ANSYS Figure 8. Adiabatic wall concept applied to the side walls and basin model and
CFD 11. inserting thermocouple into the basin of the model made in ANSYS CFD 11.

its meshing were done using ANSYS Workbench 11. As sensi-

3.2. ANSYS CFD results
tivity needs to be good, the required number of nodes have
For simulation of a solar still, a three-dimensional, two-phase been used. The procedure for making a model in ANSYS Work-
model is required. Here, simulation analysis was carried out bench 11 to simulate the results of the software is shown in
using ANSYS CFD 11. Quasi-steady-state conditions are used in Figures 3–14.
this work. First, a model of a solar still was made as per the
actual dimensions of an experimental solar still in ANSYS work-
3.3. Comparison of experimental and simulation results
bench 11, and then an unstructured tetrahedral mesh was used.
The computation time per simulation required to reach quasi- Figure 13 shows the simulation result of a solar still, which
steady-state conditions was about 4–12 h according to the com- gives simulation result values to be compared with experimen-
puter used for CFD simulations. Building model geometry and tal results. Figure 15 shows a comparison of outer glass cover

Figure 9. Define inlet side of pouring brackish water inside model with attaching Figure 11. Sealing the gap between the glass cover and the top of thebasin to
thermocouple made in ANSYS CFD 11. prevent losses and make the gap adiabatic.

Figure 10. Inserting the inner and outer glass covers with attaching

Figure 12. Application of solar intensity in watt per metre Square for simulation
purpose of model made in ANSYS CFD 11.
temperature from experimental results and simulation results.
It shows that, temperature of the outer glass cover increases
from early morning to 3 pm and afterwards due to less thermal
energy from the sun, it decreases. It also shows good agreement morning to 3 pm due to gradual increase in the availability of
between experimental results and simulation results. Figure 16 the sun’s rays, and then decreases. These results also show good
shows a comparison of vapour temperature from experimental agreement between simulation results and experimental results.
results and simulation results. The thermal energy from the sun The basin of the solar still should always contain a requisite quan-
that is incident on the glass cover increases the temperature of tity of water; if the quantity of water lessens due to evaporation
a layer of water, which gives rise to vapour. Hence, measure- of water by solar energy, then a float valve operates and sup-
ment of vapour temperature is important. It also increases from plies the required water to maintain a pre-determined depth of

Figure 15. Comparison of experimental and simulation results of the outer glass
cover temperature of the solar still.

Figure 13. Simulation results of the applied solar intensity showing the water
vapour contours.

Figure 16. Comparison of experimental and simulation results of the vapour tem-
perature of the solar still.

Figure 14. Side view of the water vapour contour of the model made In ANSYS move downwards and collect in the distillate channel to pro-
CFD. duce fresh water. If the inner glass cover temperature increases
due to some reasons, then the vapour will not condense and
the quantity of production of hourly distillate output will be low-
ered. Hence, the temperature of the inner glass cover should be
water level inside the solar still. In this experiment, 3 cm depth is sufficiently low. Figure 18 shows a comparison of experimental
taken as the level of water to be maintained. Figure 17 shows results and simulation results of inner glass cover temperature
a comparison of experimental results and simulation results. of the solar still. The results are in good agreement with each
Results show good agreement with each other. In the solar still, other.
the vapour produced on evaporation floats upwards due to its Hourly distillate output is a major output of a solar still. If
low density. But it condenses and gets converted into water it increases, then automatically the efficiency of the solar still
droplets on contact with the cool surface of the inner glass increases. Hence it is a very important parameter to be consid-
cover. Due to the angle of slope of the solar still, all droplets ered while designing a solar still. Many scientists have worked

Figure 17. Comparison of experimental and simulation results of the basin water
temperature of the solar still.

Figure 20. Comparison of experimental and simulation results of the cumulative

distillate output of the solar still.

to improve the efficiency of solar stills (Panchal and Shah 2011a,

2011b). Figure 19 shows a comparison of experimental and sim-
ulation results of hourly distillate output of a solar still and
Figure 20 shows a comparison of experimental and simulation
results of cumulative distillate output of a solar still. Both show
good agreement of experimental and simulation results.

4. Conclusion
In a solar still, condensation as well as evaporation phenomena
are required to produce distillate output. Hence, condensation
as well as evaporation processes were simulated in ANSYS CFD
by making models of the actual dimensions of an experimen-
Figure 18. Comparison of experimental and simulation results of the inner glass tal solar still. First, from an experiment with actual solar stills,
cover temperature of the solar still. results of different temperatures, distillate outputs and cumula-
tive outputs obtained in the climate conditions of Mehsana and
simulation results with ANSYS CFD work were compared. Simu-
lation results were found to be relatively similar to experimental
results. Hence, it is obvious that, predicting the performance of a
solar still is simple by use of the ANSYS CFD software and difficult
situations in Solar still, ANSYS CFD will give satisfactory work.

Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

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