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General Administration of Education and Scientific Research

General Service for Pedagogical Affairs,

Pedagogical Research and Teaching
Steering organized by the French Community





Included in Basic Options Bundle

- kitchen and dining room (2nd professional level);

- administrative assistant / administrative and reception assistant

(3rd professional degree);

- social and animation techniques (variant A)

(2nd technical degree of qualification)

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This provisional program

ÿ is applicable from 2006-2007, for the expression and communication techniques course included in the grouped
basic options:

- “kitchen and dining room” - 2nd professional degree (program 135/2001/249);

- "administrative assistant/administrative and reception assistant" - 3


professional (program 241/2004/249)


- “social and animation techniques” - variant A – 2 technical degree of

qualification (programme 162/2002/248B).

ÿ complete, for the grouped option “social and animation techniques, pages 9 to 13 (“expression and communication”)
of program 162/2002/248B.
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1. Preliminaries p. 2

2. Foreword p. 3

3. Skills to Master p. 5

4. Learning situations p. 6

5. Development of the study program by option p. 16

6. Evaluation p. 30

7. Bibliography p. 32
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The program of the Techniques d'expression et de communication course falls within the
guidelines determined by the decree of July 24, 1997, which defines the priority missions of
basic education and secondary education and organizes the structures specific to them. reach.

This course is part of the following bundled options:

Kitchen and dining room, 2nd level of vocational education, 1 period in each year,

Administrative and reception assistant, 3rd level of vocational education, 2 periods in each

Social and animation techniques (variant A), 2nd stage of technical qualification education, 1
period in each of the years.

The holder of this course (see specificity of functions) is the French teacher.

In addition, the 3 options mentioned pursue very different objectives (a qualification profile)
and integrate the targeted course

- at different times during the course (2nd degree, 3rd

degree); - in different forms of education (qualification, professional); - for a
different number of periods (1 or 2).

Therefore, the program foresees 3 versions, specific for each option (pages 17, 21, 26).

In this spirit, it is essential to collaborate closely with the professors giving the technical and
professional courses of the options considered.

· This collaboration is also planned in the opposite direction for holders of the
Practical work and Methods course, 2nd professional degree Kitchen and
dining room, in Methodological and teaching advice: “Establish coordination
with the course on technical expression ”.

· Similarly, for the Social and Animation Techniques option (variant A), it is
necessary to collaborate with the holders of the Animation Techniques and
Investigations, Visits and Seminars courses (in Practical work).

· With regard to the Administrative and Reception Assistant option, collaboration

with the holder of the Reception, Organization and Secretarial Technique
course will be absolutely essential, given that the program of this course (of
application since the 2004-2005 school year) includes 3 modules (out of 6)
centered on the notion of communication.

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Among the 3 options providing for the Techniques of expression and communication course,
the 2 options of the 2nd degree classify this course as Basic technical training, while the option
of 3degree classifies him in Oriented General Education.

This means that this course is an extension of General Education. Consequently, the program
will be articulated in the same way as the program of the French course, which brings together
the 2nd and 3rd degree of professional and technical Humanities, and which refers to the
Terminal skills and common knowledge listed in the repository of the same name.

More specifically, this standard provides on page 12 that:

“To build their knowledge, students will be encouraged to:


1. Connect with others:

Dare to express
yourself Use reasoned debate
Address others without being aggressive, let them express themselves and
listen to them Learn the meaning of nuance, beware of manichean attitudes
Understand the signs of nonverbal expression and their effect on communication,
being aware of their means to facilitate it,
· adapt the form and content of the message to the receiver,
· accept negotiation as a value, · propose alternative
solutions, · recognize the importance of the contribution of
each within the group, · work as a team, collaborate in order to the
realization of a project;

2. Practice the French language:

· Practice the language with clarity, improve its use in the main
communicative situation,
Expand their lexicon, apply the main rules of syntax in order to
to express an understandable thought,
· Broaden the common language through access to specific languages (disciplinary
or professional);

3. Read, write, listen and speak in a variety of communication situations. »

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In the process, the program of the French course mentioned above highlights:

1) communication: “Whatever the case, the teacher will always keep in focus this prescription of the
“specifications” that constitute the reference system and this program: do everything possible so
that his students progress, that they are increasingly proficient in communication skills through
reading, writing, speaking and listening. »

2) the task-problem: it is “an educational device designed by the teacher to enable and facilitate the
acquisition and stabilization of skills. » It is always about "communication tasks-problems" (pp.3-4)

Among the 25 examples of task-problems presented in the French program, several can be exploited and
deepened within the framework of the Techniques of expression and communication course, an additional
reason for the teacher of the two courses to be the same.

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These skills will be reached at the end of the 2nd degree, except proficiency
Structuring and organizing its expression, which will be reached at the end of the 3rd degree.

Dare to express
yourself : · raise
your voice; · to manage stress.

Mastering the non-verbal :

· body posture; · glance ; ·
physical presentation; ·
facial expression …

Adapt your expression : · use

a language level; · speak without
aggression; · listen and allow others
to express themselves; · master professional
vocabulary; · maintain the public's attention.

Structuring and organizing one's expression :

· preparing one's message orally and/or in writing; · speak
from a diagram, a plan.

Express yourself within the group with a view to achieving an objective :

· learn to negotiate, to argue; · learn the meaning
of nuance; · recognize everyone's contribution;
· propose alternative solutions.


The first skill (Dare to express yourself) is a sine qua non for the development of the other skills. It will therefore
be installed first. Furthermore, it will be essential to frequently update the Operational Contents and learning
situations, as well as the associated Contents (see tables below), which allowed a first appropriation of this skill.

At the same time, it will be advantageous to provide back and forth between the various skills, with the objective
of progressive deepening.

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The numerous learning situations are listed in the first column of the tables constituting
the program for each of the 3 options (pages 16 to 29).

The associated contents (2nd column of the tables) allow the exercise of these situations.

Several associated contents can be implemented for such or such learning situation.

Example for the Dare to speak skill :

The Presenting yourself in a group situation involves at least:

· voice and breathing, adapted vocabulary;

· flow and punctuation; · stress management.

Example for the skill Mastering the non-verbal:

The situation Identifying the effects caused by non-verbal signs in the interlocutor involves at least:

· interpretation of mimes, facial expressions, gestural and bodily attitudes; ·

ability to observe people.

Example for the Adapt one's expression skill:

The situation Adapt the content of the message to the receiver involves at least:

· voice, speed and pauses, intonations;

· choice of specific, technical and scientific vocabulary; ·
language levels; · communication scheme.

The bibliography (pp. 31-32) provides short presentations of the content of the works
cited. In these presentations, emphasis is placed on the learning situations as well as on
the associated content.

Thus, for BARLOW: improvisation from an image, portrait game, devil's advocate.

For CHARLES and WILAME, very concrete (and progressive) aspects of communication…

For oral expression : there are the explanations necessary to develop certain associated content
such as the voice (and its precise relationship with a type of breathing), diction, intonation,
regional accents, etc.

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1) The following pages develop 3 examples of learning situations, which

each apply in particular to one of the 3 options considered.

Presented according to the method used for the examples of task-problems

contained in the French program for the 2nd and 3rd qualification levels
(reference 92/2002/240), they include a title that is necessarily more specific than
those listed in the first column of the different tables presented in the pages

2) These situations target the 3 skills presented on page 6, in relation to the Guidelines
(pp. 11-12), itself already mentioned on page 3.

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1. 3 and 4th Professional KITCHEN AND ROOM


Preliminary remark

The interlocutors can be work colleagues as well as customers present in the room.
Moreover, a privileged recipient is also the written document, in other words the menu that will have to be
offered in the dining room. This document (which is the intermediary allowing the student to make his oral
presentation to the clients) must be presented and analyzed in such a way as to allow the student to adapt
his expression.

Analysis of the procedure1

The teacher offers the students documents (menus) taken from popular cookbooks, professional operating
procedures, magazines for the general public, etc.

At the same time, it reinstalls the notions of language levels.

Finally, it provides training and structuring exercises relating to the stages of narration (chronological and
spatial textual organizers), but also on the oral aspect (to be linked with Analysis of the task, point 3 below ).

Task analysis

1) Among the documents proposed, after an observation phase, we select together a complete and well
detailed menu.

2) The problem is posed and studied: what will become of this menu in the kitchen, in the language of the
chef? How can we adapt it in this perspective? Attention is drawn to the choice of specific and technical
vocabulary, as well as to language levels.

3) The student rewrites this menu so as to be able to present it orally (but with the support of the written
document) to the customer. This develops the voice, flow and pauses, intonation.

This learning situation will be offered during the school year, at a time when different
prior learning (see below) will have been completed.
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Valuation bases (according to page 30)

The student will be able to detail a menu (list the dishes, but also briefly explain what the
dishes consist of).

His or her oral presentation will comply with the competency mastery indicators listed on
page 19, 3rd column.

Target skill

Adapt his expression (see page 5).

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Analysis of the procedure

It is based on a form containing various elements of a person's presentation (see pages 12 and 13).

From this form, different activities are proposed.

Task analysis

1) The students respond in writing to the various questions on the form.

Observation: defining oneself, talking about oneself in the straightjacket of a form is not always easy.

2) With the support of this form, each student introduces himself orally to another student in the class
and vice versa.

3) After listening to the other student, he orally introduces him to the whole class.

Observation: the difference between speaking to a single person (we "tell each other more") and
speaking in front of a whole group (we say fewer things, sometimes less personal things, we have
difficulty remembering the information given by the other).

At this stage, various remarks and training and structuring exercises should be considered, relating in
particular to:

- voice, articulation, gestures; - the

humor that can be slipped into the spoken word, the touch of originality;
- the need to structure his speech, by introducing the presentation,
providing logical subdivisions: first the "civil status", then
the studies,
tastes, projects,
effectively ending his presentation (this must be felt in the intonation, in
the words used and not by a "that's it, it's over" or "I don't know anymore").

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4) Each student is invited to introduce himself using his first name only.


- We can make a neutral presentation or convey a feeling, a character trait

in the first name.
- The intonation is important: it sometimes says more than the first name itself.
- We can explain the choice of the first name, give its etymology or the reason for this

Valuation bases (according to page 30)

The student will be able to present himself orally to the class.

He will also be able to orally introduce another student to the whole class.

His or her oral presentation will comply with the competency mastery indicators listed on page 21.

Target skill

Dare to express yourself (see page 5).

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Whose ?

What purpose ?

From what points of view?

How long and how many lines?



First name



Place of birth


Mother tongue

Place in the family

Other particularities


Last school and last class before this one

Favorite subjects

Disliked subjects

Problem materials

It is useful to explain that, whatever one has to write, one must always know the addressee and his objective.
Give examples of particularities: “I have a twin, I am adopted…”

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Book reading (frequency per month, genre)

Reviews (idem)

Newspapers (idem)

Television (idem)

IT (idem)

Cinema (idem)

Theater (with the school: when? what?)



Character: main quality? fault ?

Physical: health? resistance ?

A life project?

4 A dream?



Clearly explain the difference between these last two points.
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3. 3 and

and 4th Qualification Techniques SOCIAL TECHNIQUES Variant A


Analysis of the procedure

Three different and successive stages will be considered:

1) Observation phase of a non-verbal message; 2)

Exploitation of this non-verbal message (awareness of the meaning of the message); 3)
Application by students.

Task analysis

Three intermediate tasks will correspond to these three stages.

1) The teacher has the students observe the non-verbal aspect of oral messages.

For example, excerpts from recorded television debates, a short presentation by the teacher on a
topical subject, a short communication by a student on a subject that is close to his heart, or on a
theme on which he wants to share his ideas.

To facilitate the work, the teacher gives the students an observation chart to complete. This grid
makes it possible to identify the gestures, facial expressions, movements, gestural and bodily
attitudes of the speaker.

2) The exploitation will highlight, by comparing the students' notes, the specificities of the non-
verbal, in particular its very persuasive character, the importance of the spatial element and
especially the fact that it can be interpreted in a different way. , and not expected by the sender of
the message.

3) Students are encouraged to practice. They can be asked to prepare for a few minutes (individually
or in small groups) the expression of a non-verbal message (eg anger, joy, fear), which they will
then pass on to the whole class.

Another example: a given situation is described to them, a situation which they must then act out.

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Methodological remarks

1) Preparation is essential: these are real moments when the student must concentrate,
internalize the message that he will have to express in a non-verbal way: the teacher will
help him to reach this maximum concentration, by small exercises appropriate (see

2) The spatial aspect is important: the student must be able (during preparation and during
production) to move freely. Conversely, in some cases, a specific space not to "overflow" will
be imposed on him. In any case, this assumes that the teacher will try, as far as possible, to
use an appropriate room (examples: the Physical Education room, a courtyard, etc.).

Valuation bases (according to page 30)

The student will be able to communicate a message without using verbal language.

Its presentation will comply with the indicators of mastery of skills listed on page 27, 3rd

Target skill

Master the non-verbal (see page 5).

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KITCHEN AND ROOM Pages 17 - 20



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Skill to be mastered: Dare to express

yourself Operational
Presentand learning
yourself content
in a group.· Related content Skills mastery indicators

Communication with others:

· Choose the right posture. · voice and breathing, adapted vocabulary; · The student speaks clearly, audibly, without
· Speak clearly, taking into account different forcing the voice.
parameters: room, noise, number of · thought structuring; · It conveys a clear and structured message.
· Manage stress. · flow and punctuation; He uses correct intonation and
· Communicate information in a clear and cleaning breaks.
precise manner: for example, transmit an · stress management. · He seems comfortable speaking in public.
instruction (command, menu, etc.).

Intervene in public: present the menu,

to welcome the client…

Methodological advice: -
pronounce letters or words respecting the breathing rhythm; - get the student
to think about the content of the message before speaking; - read a text respecting
the punctuation.

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Skill to master: Master the non-verbal

Operational content learning situations
and Related content Skills mastery indicators

Interpret the non-verbal signs of the mimes, facial expressions, gestural attitudes · The student will express various messages
client. and bodily gaze.. without using words.
· Translating the messages by non-verbal signs · Interpretation of mimes, facial expressions, · He will accompany his speech with non-verbal
(respect, ease, welcome, etc.). gestural and bodily attitudes. signs that his interlocutor will identify.
· Ability to observe people.
· Identify the effects caused by non-verbal signs · Physical distance between interlocutors
in between (social, · It will occupy the space appropriately.
in the interlocutor. professional, cultural, etc.).

Methodological advice: -
Travel will be free or imposed in a specific space.
- Mime a given situation.
- Ask several students in a group to mime an identical feeling.
- Although this skill can be used in theatrical technique, it goes without saying that the Techniques of expression course is not a
acting classes.

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Skill to be mastered: Adapting one's expression Operational

content learning to
different· interlocutors.
and the same message
Related content Skills mastery indicators

· Voice, speed and pauses, intonation. The student adapts his language level to
Choice of specific, technical and scientific vocabulary. his interlocutor.
· Move from colloquial language to neat language. · He takes into account the environment to express
· Language levels. himself.
· Pronounce the same sentence in · Active listening. · He adapts his vocabulary to his interlocutor.
different situations. · Diagram of communication.
· Vary the flow of a sentence and choose the · Distortion of the message. · They read a text with expressiveness and capture
appropriate one. the attention of their interlocutor.
· Formulation of interrogative sentences in the
· Rephrase a message. register appropriate to the situation. · He is able to reformulate a message he has just
· Adapt the content of the message to the receiver. · Saying and commentary of a heard without distorting it.
menu. · He applies the rules of courtesy.
· Speak to others, without aggressiveness, listen to · He adopts a correct dress and attitude.

Methodological advice: Use a

recorder as often as possible.

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Skill to be mastered: Expressing oneself within the group with a view to achieving an objective
Operational content situations
role of Associated
each person in content Indicators of mastery of learning skills · Recognize the
and a group.

· Importance of the non-verbal.

· Role of the individual within a group and The student will clearly express his point of view
· Be able to propose an alternative solution. transmission of personal experience. while respecting that of
· Knowing how to listen to others. · Analytical mind. · They will become aware that teamwork implies
· Avoid straying from the subject of the meeting. · Respect for others. collaboration between team members.
· Argumentation.
· Be aware of your personality (tastes, motivations, · Clarity and precision. He will accept the point of view of others and
skills, etc.). will accept the dialogue.
It will alternately hold the role of client, then that
of server

Methodological advice: - use

television programs in the culinary field; - provide small persuasion
exercises; - plan exercises to listen to others.

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Skill to master: Dare to express yourself

Operational contents situations and learning Related content Skills mastery indicators

Orally, associate words with each other · Notion of fluidity (mental and verbal). · The student speaks clearly, audibly, without
to others. · Different situation depending on whether it is forcing the voice.
· Improvise in front of the group on a word or written or oral. · It conveys a clear and structured message.
theme chosen by the students. · Structuring an oral or written presentation
· Introduce yourself by responding in writing to (method of aspect order, chronological). · He seems comfortable speaking in public.
a form, then introduce yourself to a
classmate, and finally report to the class on · Stage fright analysis (plexus, breathing, etc.).
the other person's presentation. Physiology of speech (voice and breathing,
volume, pitch/timbre…)
Intervene in public: give your opinion... · Awareness of the factors influencing expression
· On the basis of a photo (representing for (situations known or not, public known or
example a professional situation), express not, degree of personal involvement,
a comment to a person or a group. knowledge of the subject, etc.).

Methodological advice:
- For word improvisation, choose a concrete word, then an abstract word.
- To speak in public, divide the students into sub-groups.
- Mental fluidity (ability to quickly mobilize ideas on a given subject, to find the different aspects in order to be able to develop them validly) and verbal
fluidity (manifestation of mental fluidity) will be developed through exercises. For mental fluidity: theory of aspects, improvisation games on the
associations of ideas; for verbal fluency: presentation of the different plans (S.OS.RA plan, dialectical plan, Laswell method, medical diagnosis plan,

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Skill to be mastered: Mastering the non-verbal Operational

content situationsfeelings
Associated learning
through content
and · Translating
signs. Skills mastery indicators

· Mimes, facial expressions, gestural and bodily The student will express various feelings
attitudes. without using speech.
· Introduce his interlocutor to the · Interpretation of mimes, facial expressions, gestural · He will accompany his speech with non-verbal
feelings expressed. and bodily attitudes. signs that his interlocutor will identify.
· Ability to observe people.
· It will occupy the space appropriately.

Methodological advice: - Travel

will be free or imposed in a specific space.
- Mime a given situation.
- Ask several students in a group to mime an identical feeling.
- Although this skill can be used in theatrical technique, it goes without saying that the Technique of expression course is not a
acting classes.

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Skill to be mastered: Adapting one's expression

Based on different
to operational
auditory and/or
and written
content · Related content
media, Skills mastery indicators
identify the components of a communication (for
example, observe images and determine · Elements of communication (verbal, non- · The student adopts a correct dress and
whether or not it is illustration of a verbal): sender, receiver, message, attitude.
communication). channel, tool (telephone, Internet, etc.), · He applies the rules of courtesy.
context. · He evaluates his behavior critically.
Transmission channels: face-to-face, mail,
telephone, Internet, etc. · He speaks to others without being aggressive.
· On the basis of written and/or oral supports, · Language levels. · He uses a level of language adapted to the
determine the levels of language and · Barriers to communication: - situation.
their effects, use the appropriate register attitude of the sender/receiver
fatigue, lack of · He listens to others and lets them express
according to all the elements of a interest, etc.); - message
clearly that is not
explained themselves.
communication, read given expressions (inappropriate vocabulary, poor · He masters a specific vocabulary.
and find the level of language, reformulate pronunciation, intonation, articulation, · He has a sense of nuance.
the sentences according to the appropriate unsuitable delivery, etc.); - faultymessage · It maintains the receiver's attention.
register. (interference on the telephone line,
· Using pictorial scenes, identify obstacles to external noise, document difficult to read
communication and specify what should or poorly printed).
be done in each situation to improve

· Pronounce the same sentence with different

intonations and identify the effect
provoked in the receiver.
Determine the communication tool to · Tools used in the company to communicate
use in situations. orally and in writing.
Methodological advice:
- Use a recorder as often as possible.
- Use observation grids containing indicators of mastery of skills.
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Skill to be mastered: Expressing oneself within the group with a view to achieving an operational objective
situations Associated and
content meeting
to of
up a project.
of skills Learning content · Participate in a

· Importance of the non-verbal.

· Role of the individual within a group and transmission The student will clearly express his point of view
· Recognize the role of each in a group. of personal experience. while respecting that of
· Be able to propose an alternative solution. · Analytical mind. · They will become aware that teamwork implies
· Respect for others. collaboration between team members.
· Knowing how to listen to others. · Argumentation.
· Avoid straying from the subject of the meeting. · Clarity and precision. He will accept the point of view of others and
will accept the dialogue.
· Be aware of your personality (tastes, motivations,
skills, etc.).
Methodological advice: - organize
a debate, which the teacher leads, or in which he participates; - provide small persuasion
exercises; - plan exercises to listen to others.

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Skill to be mastered: Structuring one's expression

Operational content situations
content Associated
· Describing learning
and an activity
hobby, (e.g.:
a day
internship, etc.) Skills mastery indicators
to someone who knows nothing about the subject (therefore
explaining the terms specific to the discipline ). · Selections to be made (in information, The student speaks clearly:
knowledge, etc.). the description is “meaningful” for the
· Classification according to different criteria recipients.
(chronology, hierarchy,
argumentation · He follows a pre-established plan (by him or not).
· Describe a place, an object or a device to · He is able to explain the different notions
a person. · The different spatial planes: foreground, or subjects mentioned.
· Write or present an activity report. middle ground, background. · He is able to get a message across, to
· Structuring the narrative. maintain attention, to captivate his
· Tell a story in an engaging way. · Diagram of the narration. audience, possibly to make people laugh
· The types of explanation: explanation- with his story.
· Recount an event that you have witnessed, description, explanation-interpretation, · He is able (through his explanation) to have
being aware of the chosen point of view explanation of the logical type). a “work” carried out, to enforce an
(chronological, explanatory, integrating · Preparation for a good explanation, in 3 instruction, to have his audience draw a
judgment, comments, etc.). steps: clearly formulate the subject to be diagram, a plan, a sketch.
· Explaining something to someone: explained in the form of a question,
instructions, operation, procedure,
of a job or course
a day. identify secondary ideas, set up the
course of the explanation.

Methodological advice:

The structuring of the narration (see Related Content) is very important. It involves a presentation of the subject (how is the story “installed” in
the act of communication?), a narration in different stages, a fall. The presentation and analysis of jokes, funny little stories, will be very effective
in this regard.

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Skill to master: Dare to express yourself

Operational contents situations and learning Related content Skills mastery indicators

Communication with others:

· Present yourself in a group. · Voice and breathing, adapted vocabulary; · · The student speaks clearly, audibly, without
· Speak clearly, taking into account different thought structuring; forcing the voice.
parameters: room, noise, number of · It conveys a clear and structured message.
interlocutors. · flow and punctuation;
· Manage stress. He uses correct intonation and
· Communicate information in a clear and · stress management. cleaning breaks.
precise manner: for example, transmit an · He seems comfortable speaking in public.
· Intervene in public in a debate: give your
point of view.

Methodological advice: -
pronounce letters or words respecting the breathing rhythm; - get the student
to think about the content of the message before speaking; - read a text respecting
the punctuation.

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Skill to be mastered: Mastering the non-verbal Operational

content situationsfeelings
Associated learning
through content
and · Translating
signs. Skills mastery indicators

mimes, facial expressions, gestural attitudes The student will express various feelings
and bodily, gaze. without using speech.
· Introduce his interlocutor to the · Interpretation of mimes, facial expressions, gestural · He will accompany his speech with non-verbal
feelings expressed. and bodily attitudes. signs that his interlocutor will identify.
· Identify the effects provoked in the interlocutor by · Ability to observe people.
the non-verbal signs. · Distance physical interlocutors (social,
in between · It will occupy the space appropriately.
professional, cultural, etc.)

Methodological advice: - Travel

will be free or imposed in a specific space.
- Mime a given situation.
- Ask several students in a group to mime an identical feeling.
- Although this skill can be used in theatrical technique, it goes without saying that the Techniques of expression course is not a
acting classes.

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Skill to be mastered: Adapting one's expression

Operational content learning
the same situations
message · Transmitting
interlocutors.Related content
to different
and Skills mastery indicators

· Voice, rate, tone. The student adapts his language level to

· Choice of specific vocabulary. his interlocutor.
· Transpose familiar text into neat language. · Language levels. · He takes into account the environment to
· Active listening. express himself.
· Pronounce the same sentence in · Diagram of communication. · He adapts his vocabulary to his interlocutor.
different situations. · Distortion of the message.
· Vary the flow of a sentence and choose the · They read a text with expressiveness and
appropriate one. capture the attention of their interlocutor.
· Rephrase a message. · He is able to reformulate a message he has
· Adapt the content of the message to the just heard without distorting it.

Methodological advice:
- Use a recorder as often as possible.

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Skill to be mastered: Expressing oneself within the group with a view to achieving an objective Operational
content situationsproject.
Associated content Indicators
and of mastery of learning skills · Participate in a meeting to set up a

· Importance of the non-verbal. The student will clearly express his point of view
· Role of the individual within a group and transmission while respecting that of
Recognize the role of each in a of personal experience. others.
band. · They will become aware that teamwork implies
· Be able to propose an alternative solution. · Analytical mind. collaboration between team members.
· Respect for others.
· Knowing how to listen to others. · Argumentation. He will accept the point of view of others and
· Avoid straying from the subject of the meeting. · Clarity and precision. will accept the dialogue.

· Be aware of your personality (tastes, motivations,

skills, etc.).
Methodological advice: - organize
a debate, which the teacher leads, or in which he participates; - provide small persuasion
exercises; - plan exercises to listen to others.

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In a course of this type, it is above all important to motivate the students well, in order to gain their
support for the proposed activities.

Evaluation during the year will therefore be essentially formative, and most often self-formative. It will
highlight the achievements of the students, more than their possible weaknesses.

During the qualification test, the Expression Techniques teacher will be present: he will have provided a
specific observation grid.

Finally, he will be involved in student internships.

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BARLOW, Oral expression and group work techniques, Nathan didactic files, 1979.

The purpose of this book is to help teachers who are deprived of learning to practice speaking, by giving
exercises already experienced in class, which have become classics but are still effective and interesting
to put into practice: improvisation from an image, portrait game, devil's advocate. He also considers
communication in the group, including the "NASA test, the different types of animation...

BERGHE, DARDENNE, Before the three blows, De Boeck, 1987.

Suite of very elementary exercises at the beginning, noted by teachers over the practice of introducing
students to theatrical language. These exercises are just as suitable if you are not doing theatre, since
they work on expression, breath, diction, etc.

BEVILLE, Communication games for the use of the trainer, Ed. of organization, 4th ed., 2001.

CHARLES and WILAME, Oral communication, Repères Nathan collection, 1989.

These are techniques and advice with exercises. Each subject is laid out on an A4 page and takes up
very concrete (and progressive) aspects of communication, such as “Mastering stage fright”, “Gestures”,
“How to tell? “, “Speak to sell”, “Present a file in front of a jury”.

LAVERRIERE, SANTUCCI, SIMONET, 100 sheets of written and oral expression, Ed. of organization,

Very concrete sheets, classified according to different criteria (size of the group, necessary equipment,
skills developed, etc.) and whose complexity is progressive. It is a classic for learning expressive

The notebooks of the Improv League and especially their training days! which give a host of ideas,
techniques, reflections on the pedagogy of expression.

Oral expression, collection What do I know?, PUF

This is a theoretical overview, but it contains the necessary explanations to develop certain associated
contents such as the voice (and its precise relationship with a type of breathing), diction, intonation,
regional accents , etc.

SOREZ, Speaking, Profil formation collection, Hatier, 1990.

Tips for freeing up oral expression, 78 individual exercises, 38 group exercises.

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VANOYE, Expression et communication, collection U, Armand Colin, 1977.

A classic French teacher's tool, this manual gives good exercises and examples taken from literature,
comics, sketches, and makes it possible to clearly explain certain associated content (for example, the
communication diagram).

VANOYE, MOUCHON, SARRAZAC, Practices of the Oral, collection U, Armand Colin, 1981.

The authors start from the principle that the teaching of oral is now the business of all French teachers
and all trainers in “expression and communication ”. They offer simple theoretical benchmarks,
particularly in the field of psycho-sociology.
They also present concrete proposals concerning listening, gesture and movement, interaction situations,
etc. They also consider theatrical acting as a means of learning and developing expressive skills.

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