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Introduction to Forensic Psychology

Research and Application 4th Edition

Bartol Test Bank
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Bartol and Bartol, Introduction To Forensic Psychology: Research And Applications, 4e
Chapter 7, The Development of Delinquent and Criminal Behavior
Source Of Answer Locations: Final Manuscript
Date Prepared: September 30, 2014


LO 7-1. Define criminal behavior and juvenile delinquency.

LO 7-2. Define antisocial behavior, conduct disorder, and antisocial personality disorder.
LO 7-3. Review the offenses for which juveniles are most frequently charged.
LO 7-4. Review the developmental approach to criminal behavior.
LO 7-5. Summarize theories of Terrie Moffitt, Gerald Patterson, and Laurence Steinberg.
LO 7-6. Identify developmental factors most relevant to criminal behavior.
LO 7-7. Specify the relationship between ADHD and delinquency.
LO 7-8. Identify those fire-setting behaviors that are precursors to offending.
LO 7-9. Review research on adult psychopathy and juveniles with psychopathic


1. In order to convict someone of a criminal offense, the prosecution must prove that the
defendant committed
*a. a voluntary act with a guilty state of mind.
b. extensive harm to a person or significant damage to property.
c. a violent act against the criminal code.
d. extensive damage without just cause.
Learning objective: LO 7-1
Cognitive domain: Comprehension
Answer location: Introduction
Question type: MC

2. The chapter focuses on criminal behavior that is __________ and __________.

a. violent; antisocial
*b. serious; persistent
c. glorified; untreatable
d. involuntary; punitive
Learning objective: LO 7-1
Cognitive domain: Comprehension
Answer location: Introduction
Question type: MC

3. Running away and truancy are examples of

a. social delinquency.
b. psychopathy.
c. criminal violations.
*d. status offenses.
Learning objective: LO 7-1
Cognitive domain: Comprehension
Answer location: Definition of Juvenile Delinquency
Question type: MC

4. In legal terms, a juvenile delinquent is defined as a(n)

a. an individual under age eighteen who engages in developmentally inappropriate behavior.
*b. an individual who commits an act against the criminal code and is adjudicated delinquent by
the court.
c. a minor who commits a violent act against another.
d. a minor who displays erratic behavior for a period of at least six months.
Learning objective: LO 7-1
Cognitive domain: Comprehension
Answer location: Definition of Juvenile Delinquency
Question type: MC

5. According to research, when does persistent antisocial behavior typically begin?

a. Early adulthood
b. Middle adulthood
*c. Early childhood
d. Infancy
Learning objective: LO 7-2
Cognitive domain: Comprehension
Answer location: Introduction
Question type: MC

6. Which term is essential to the diagnosis of conduct disorder?

a. Sporadic
b. Disruptive
c. Voluntary
*d. Habitual
Learning objective: LO 7-2
Cognitive domain: Analytical
Answer location: Conduct Disorder
Question type: MC

7. Evan is an 8-year-old boy who frequently sets small fires, is often aggressive toward his baby
brother, and has difficulty communicating with others. Evan’s father is convinced his son has
antisocial personality disorder. Why is Evan’s father wrong?
*a. Evan is too young to be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder
b. Evan is male and is therefore does not qualify for a diagnosis of antisocial personality
c. Evan’s behavior is neither illegal nor habitual and therefore doesn’t qualify as antisocial
personality disorder.
d. Evan’s behavior is normal for an 8-year-old boy and therefore doesn’t meet diagnostic criteria.
Learning objective: LO 7-2
Cognitive domain: Analytical
Answer location: Definition of Juvenile Delinquency
Question type: MC

8. Terrie Moffitt is to __________ as Laurence Steinberg is to __________.

a. psychopathy; delinquency
b. biopsychological theory; sociological theory
c. family dynamics; peer relationships
*d. developmental theory; cognitive psychosocial theory
Learning objective: LO 7-5
Cognitive domain: Analytical
Answer location:
Question type: MC

9. All of the following are major categories of juvenile unlawful acts except
a. drug offenses
*b. unlawful acts against oneself
c. offenses against the public order
d. status offenses
Learning objective: LO 7-3
Cognitive domain: Knowledge
Answer location: The Nature and Extent of Juvenile Offending
Question type: MC

10. The UCR has stopped collecting data on which status offense?
a. Burglary
b. Forcible rape
c. Arson
*d. Running away from home
Learning objective: LO 7-3
Cognitive domain: Knowledge
Answer location: The Nature and Extent of Juvenile Offending
Question type: MC

11. Which statement is true about the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports?
a. It contains information about crimes unknown to law enforcement agencies.
b. It classifies serious crimes into sexual crimes and property crimes.
c. It is the sole method of recording police data on reported crimes and arrests.
*d. It does not provide conviction data.
Learning objective: LO 7-3
Cognitive domain: Comprehension
Answer location: The Uniform Crime Reports
Question type: MC

12. Why are juveniles arrested in greater numbers than their proportions in the population?
*a. They commit crimes in groups.
b. They commit violent crimes.
c. They commit status offenses.
d. They commit crimes not reported to law enforcement.
Learning objective: LO 7-3
Cognitive domain: Comprehension
Answer location: The Uniform Crime Reports
Question type: MC

13. Which source of crime data was developed to address the shortcomings of the UCR?
*a. National Incident-Based Reporting System
b. National Crime Victimization Survey
c. National Youth Survey
d. Monitoring the Future
Learning objective: LO 7-1
Cognitive domain: Knowledge
Answer location: The Uniform Crime Reports
Question type: MC

14. Why is the juvenile psychopath label so controversial in the field of forensic psychology?
*a. The prognosis for treatment is poor for those labeled psychopaths.
b. Juveniles labeled as psychopaths are more likely to be sentenced to death.
c. Juveniles labeled as psychopaths are more likely to have poor interpersonal skills.
d. Signs and symptoms of psychopathy are typically evident before birth.
Learning objective: LO 7-9
Cognitive domain: Analytical
Answer location: Juvenile Psychopathy
Question type: MC

15. Which term refers to a cluster of traits characterized by high impulsivity, egocentricity, lack
of empathy and deficits in emotional expression?
a. Impulsivity-egocentricity
b. Conduct disorder
*c. Callous-unemotional traits
d. Inconsistent regulation
Learning objective: LO 7-9
Cognitive domain: Analytical
Answer location: Callous-Unemotional Traits
Question type: MC

16. Which statement illustrates a difference between male and female psychopaths?
a. Female psychopaths recidivate more than male psychopaths.
*b. Environmental and cultural influences play a greater role in the development of psychopathy
in females than in males.
c. Incidents of violence and aggression are more common with female psychopaths compared to
male psychopaths.
d. Male psychopaths tend to be more skillful and manipulative in their aggression compared to
female psychopaths.
Learning objective: LO 7-9
Cognitive domain: Analytical
Answer location: Female Psychopaths Compared to Male Psychopaths
Question type: MC

17. According to Moffit’s theory, a boy who bites playmates at age 3, shoplifts at age 10,
commits burglary at age 19, and rapes at age 26 would be considered a(n)
*a. life-course persistent offender.
b. ADHD offender.
c. adolescent limited offender.
d. antisocial offender.
Learning objective: LO 7-5
Cognitive domain: Application
Answer location: The Moffitt Developmental Theory
Question type: MC

18. Compared to life course-persistent offenders, low-level chronic offenders

a. peak at round age 16 and then decline during late teens and early adulthood.
b. begin antisocial behavior early and then remain at a high level throughout their lifetimes.
*c. exhibit a rise in offending through early adolescence, plateau, and then remain at the same
offending level well past age 18.
d. engage in no delinquency in early adolescence but then display high level delinquent behavior
throughout adulthood.
Learning objective: LO 7-5
Cognitive domain: Analytical
Answer location: The Moffitt Developmental Theory
Question type: MC

19. Research on gendered pathways indicates that, in adulthood, AL female offenders

*a. had poor economic outcomes.
b. committed more violent crimes.
c. had greater motivation to succeed in their careers.
d. engaged in high levels of family conflict.
Learning objective: LO 7-5
Cognitive domain: Comprehension
Answer location: The Moffitt Developmental Theory
Question type: MC

20. Which of the following illustrates a difference between coercion developmental model and
Moffit’s developmental theory?
a. The coercion developmental model focuses more on self-determination and gender differences
than societal influences.
b. The coercion developmental model focuses more on societal influences than on self-
determination and gender differences.
c. The coercion developmental model focuses more on characteristics of the child than parenting
*d. The coercion developmental model focuses more on the role of parenting than on specific
characteristics of the child.
Learning objective: LO 7-5
Cognitive domain: Comprehension
Answer location: Coercion Developmental Model
Question type: MC

21. According to the coercion developmental model, what is the greatest predictor of early-onset
a. Peer rejection
*b. Family environment
c. Disposition of the child
d. Exposure to violence
Learning objective: LO 7-5
Cognitive domain: Knowledge
Answer location: Coercion Developmental Model
Question type: MC

22. Jack is a five-year-old boy whose parents have inadvertently reinforced his frequent tantrums
and aggressive behavior by giving in to his demands. According to the coercion developmental
model, what will likely happen to Jack when he reaches kindergarten?
*a. He will be rejected by peers
b. He will be manipulated by his teacher
c. He will be an LCP offender
d. He will be susceptible to peer pressure
Learning objective: LO 7-5
Cognitive domain: Application
Answer location: Coercion Developmental Model
Question type: MC

23. Which individual would typically have the greatest influence on a 15-year-old girl?
a. Her physician
b. Her older sister
*c. Her friend
d. Her father
Learning objective: LO 7-5
Cognitive domain: Comprehension
Answer location: A Developmental Dual Systems Model of Adolescent Risk Taking
Question type: MC

24. According to Terrie Moffitt, what is the core reason for most delinquency?
a. Inadequate brain development
b. Poor parenting skills
c. Societal pressure to obtain wealth
*d. A desire to impress peers
Learning objective: LO 7-5
Cognitive domain: Application
Answer location: A Developmental Dual Systems Model of Adolescent Risk Taking
Question type: MC

25. What do the Supreme Court cases Miller v. Alabama, 2012, Jackson v. Hobbs, 2012, and
Roper v. Simmons, 2005 all have in common?
a. They involved the death penalty for juvenile offenders
b. They all involved juvenile psychopaths
*c. The decisions all involved research on cognitive abilities of adolescents
d. The decisions all involved the provision of rehabilitative services
Learning objective: LO 7-4
Cognitive domain: Analytical
Answer location: A Developmental Dual Systems Model of Adolescent Risk Taking
Question type: MC

26. Which neurotransmitter is central to Laurence Steinberg’s model of adolescent risk taking?
*a. Dopamine
b. Serotonin
c. Amygdala
d. epinephrine
Learning objective: LO 7-5
Cognitive domain: Knowledge
Answer location: A Developmental Dual Systems Model of Adolescent Risk Taking
Question type: MC

27. Excessive motor activity, impulsivity, and inattention are the three central behaviors of
*a. attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
b. oppositional defiant disorder.
c. juvenile psychopathy.
d. executive function.
Learning objective: LO 7-7
Cognitive domain: Knowledge
Answer location: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Delinquency
Question type: MC

28. What is the leading psychological diagnosis for children living in the United States?
a. Depression
b. Conduct disorder
*c. ADHD
d. OCD
Learning objective: LO 7-7
Cognitive domain: Knowledge
Answer location: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Delinquency
Question type: MC
29. Which statement is correct about the cause of ADHD?
*a. The cause of ADHD is unknown.
b. ADHD is caused by exposure to toxic substances in the preschool years.
c. The cause of ADHD likely involves childhood vaccinations.
d. ADHD is caused by genetic factors.
Learning objective: LO 7-7
Cognitive domain: Comprehension
Answer location: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Delinquency
Question type: MC

30. What is the most common treatment for ADHD?

*a. Medication
b. Cognitive-behavioral therapy
c. Multisystemic treatment
d. Psychotherapy electroconvulsive therapy.
Learning objective: LO 7-1
Cognitive domain: Knowledge
Answer location: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Delinquency
Question type: MC

31. Childhood onset and adolescent onset are two subtypes of which diagnosis?
b. Antisocial personality disorder
*c. Conduct disorder
d. Psychopathy
Learning objective: LO 7-6
Cognitive domain: Knowledge
Answer location: Conduct Disorder
Question type: MC

32. Tia has always been a capable student who is aware of her strengths and limitations. She is
kind to her friends and family and shows empathy to others. Tia likely has high
a. naturalistic intelligence
*b. emotional intelligence.
c. visual-spatial ability.
d. attribution ability.
Learning objective: LO 7-6
Cognitive domain: Application
Answer location: Intelligence
Question type: MC

33. While walking through the halls of middle school, Jacob accidentally bumps into a student
named Sam. Jacob is surprised when Sam responds by yelling profanity at Jacob and punching
him in the stomach several times. Based on his reaction, Sam seems to have a(n)
*a. hostile attribution bias.
b. visual-spatial deficit.
c. empathic deficiency.
d. reactive transference effect.
Learning objective: LO 7-6
Cognitive domain: Application
Answer location: Intelligence
Question type: MC

34. Which of the following is a form of intelligence measured by standard IQ tests?

a. Naturalistic
b. Interpersonal
*c. Linguistic
d. Kinesthetic
Learning objective: LO 7-6
Cognitive domain: Comprehension
Answer location: Intelligence
Question type: MC

35. Interpersonal, deviant lifestyle, and deficient affective pertain to the

*a. three core factors of psychopathy.
b. developmental trajectory of psychopathy.
c. biopsychological influences of psychopathy.
d. characteristics of female juvenile psychopathy
Learning objective: LO 7-9
Cognitive domain: Comprehension
Answer location: Core Factors of Psychopathy
Question type: MC

36. Poor self-regulation is related to the early onset of adolescent

*a. substance abuse.
b. ADHD.
c. psychopathy.
d. firesetting.
Learning objective: LO 7-6
Cognitive domain: Comprehension
Answer location: Self-Regulation Skills
Question type: MC

37. Which common childhood diagnosis is closely linked to poor executive functioning?
*a. ADHD
b. Substance abuse
c. Psychopathy
d. Schizophrenia
Learning objective: LO 7-7
Cognitive domain: Knowledge
Answer location: Executive Functions
Question type: MC

38. All of the following are characteristics of temperament except

a. it has a constitutional basis.
b. it continues throughout the lifespan.
c. it can be influenced by the psychosocial environment.
*d. it begins in early adulthood.
Learning objective: LO 7-6
Cognitive domain: Comprehension
Answer location: Temperament
Question type: MC

39. Compared to violent offenders who are not psychopaths, criminal psychopaths engage in
violent offenses that involve
a. domestic disputes.
b. extreme emotional arousal.
*c. revenge while drinking.
d. a close family member.
Learning objective: LO 7-9
Cognitive domain: Knowledge
Answer location: Offending Patterns of Criminal Psychopaths
Question type: MC

40. A primary motive in juvenile arson involves the desire

a. for excitement.
*b. to get back at authority.
c. to harm.
d. for parental attention.
Learning objective: LO 7-8
Cognitive domain: Knowledge
Answer location: Juvenile Firesetting: An Illustration of the Developmental Perspective
Question type: MC

41. Factor 1 is to the __________ components of psychopathy, where Factor 2 is to the

__________ components of psychopathy.
a. goals and ambitions; socioeconomic status and educational attainment
b. socioeconomic status and educational attainment; goals and ambitions
c. deviant lifestyle and antisocial attitudes; interpersonal and affective
*d. interpersonal and affective; deviant lifestyle and antisocial attitudes
Learning objective: LO 7-9
Cognitive domain: Knowledge
Answer location: Core Factors of Psychopathy
Question type: MC

42. Gaynor (1996) identified three stages of firesetting behavior. A twelve-year-old boy who sets
damaging fires in order to get attention is likely at which stage?
a. Fire interest
b. Fire experimentation
c. Fireplay
*d. Firesetting
Learning objective: LO 7-8
Cognitive domain: Knowledge
Answer location: Developmental Stages of Firesetting
Question type: MC

43. Kolko’s (2002) firesetter typology is based on the __________ of a firesetter.

a. criminal history
b. mental disorder
c. age
*d. motivation
Learning objective: LO 7-8
Cognitive domain: Knowledge
Answer location: Firesetting Typologies
Question type: MC

44. Which quality do sociopaths have that psychopaths lack?

a. Criminal history
* b. Empathy
c. Firesetting in childhood
d. Callous-unemotional traits
Learning objective: LO 7-9
Cognitive domain: Analytical
Answer location:
Question type: MC

45. According to Quay (1965), an important feature in the behavioral description of a psychopath
is the
a. ability to escape detection.
*b. neuropsychological need for excitement.
c. range of crimes committed.
d. poor judgment
Learning objective: LO 7-9
Cognitive domain: Knowledge
Answer location: General Behavioral Characteristics of Psychopaths
Question type: MC

46. An individual who engages in habitual criminal behavior and demonstrates a cluster of
psychological, interpersonal and neurological features that discriminate him or her from the
general population is referred to as a psychopath.
*a. True
b. False
Learning objective: LO 7-9
Cognitive domain: Knowledge
Answer location: The Criminal Psychopath
Question type: TF

47. The majority of research on peer rejection has focused on boys.

Learning objective: LO 7-6
Cognitive domain: Knowledge
Answer location: Deficient Interpersonal Skills and Peer Rejection
Question type: TF

48. The typical juvenile is far more likely to be the victim than the perpetrator of a violent crime.
*a. True
b. False
Learning objective: LO 7-2
Cognitive domain: Comprehension
Answer location: The Nature and Extent of Juvenile Offending
Question type: TF

49. The terms antisocial personality disorder and psychopathy are synonymous.
a. True
*b. False
Learning objective: LO 7-2
Cognitive domain: Knowledge
Answer location: Antisocial Personality Disorder and Psychopathy
Question type: TF

50. The research has strongly supported the reliability and validity of the PCL-R for
distinguishing criminal psychopaths from criminal non-psychopaths and for helping correctional
psychologists in risk assessments of inmates
*a. True
b. False
Learning objective: LO 7-9
Cognitive domain: Knowledge
Answer location: Psychological Measures of Psychopathy
Question type: TF

51. Historically, research on psychopathy primarily focused on postpartum females.

a. True
*b. False
Learning objective: LO 7-9
Cognitive domain: Knowledge
Answer location: Racial/Ethnic Differences
Question type: TF

52. Research suggests that high levels of the hormone cortisol are linked to antisocial behavior.
*a. True
b. False
Learning objective: LO 7-6
Cognitive domain: Knowledge
Answer location: Hormones and Aggression
Question type: TF

53. A primary motive for arson is vandalism.

a. True
*b. False
Learning objective: LO 7-8
Cognitive domain: Knowledge
Answer location: Juvenile Firesetting: An Illustration of the Developmental Perspective
Question type: TF

54. The majority of juvenile offenders grow up to become chronic adult offenders.
a. True
*b. False
Learning objective: LO 7-1
Cognitive domain: Comprehension
Answer location: Definition of Juvenile Delinquency
Question type: TF

55. The majority of firesetters are young males.

*a. True
b. False
Learning objective: LO 7-8
Cognitive domain: Knowledge
Answer location: Juvenile Firesetting: An Illustration of the Developmental Perspective
Question type: TF

56. Developmental psychologists typically view adolescents as less responsible for their behavior
than adults.
*a. True
b. False
Learning objective: LO 7-4
Cognitive domain: Comprehension
Answer location: The Developmental Perspective
Question type: TF

57. ADHD causes antisocial behavior.

a. True
*b. False
Learning objective: LO 7-4
Cognitive domain: Knowledge
Answer location: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Delinquency
Question type: TF
58. Research has found that treatment makes psychopaths more likely to recidivate.
a. True
*b. False
Learning objective: LO 7-9
Cognitive domain: Comprehension
Answer location: Treatment and Rehabilitation of Psychopaths
Question type: TF

59. List three characteristics central to temperament. How may a child’s temperament influence
one’s trajectory?
Learning objective: LO 7-4
Cognitive domain: Analytical
Answer location: Temperament
Question type: ESS
Answer: Varies

60. Define the terms actus reus and mens rea. How do these terms pertain to juvenile
Learning objective: LO 7-1
Cognitive domain: Analytical
Answer location: Introduction
Question type: ESS
Answer: Varies

61. How has the juvenile justice system historically treated male and female status offenders?
Give an example of how this is changing.
Learning objective: LO 7-3
Cognitive domain: Analytical
Answer location: The Nature and Extent of Juvenile Offending
Question type: ESS
Answer: Varies

62. Compare and contrast the theories of Terrie Moffitt, Gerald Patterson, and Laurence
Learning objective: LO 7-5
Cognitive domain: Analytical
Answer location: The Developmental Perspective
Question type: ESS
Answer: Varies

63. Describe the Uniform Crime Reports. Include the limitations of this data.
Learning objective: LO 7-3
Cognitive domain: Analytical
Answer location: The Uniform Crime Reports
Question type: ESS
Answer: Varies

63. Define delinquency from a legal perspective, a social perspective, and a psychological
Learning objective: LO 7-1
Cognitive domain: Analytical
Answer location: Introduction
Question type: ESS
Answer: Varies
What are the pros and cons of removing status offenses from state juvenile courts?

64. Why is it so difficult to gather complete data on the national incidence of juvenile
Learning objective: LO 7-3
Cognitive domain: Analytical
Answer location: The Nature and Extent of Juvenile Offending
Question type: ESS
Answer: Varies

65. Compare and contrast a male psychopath and a female psychopath.

Learning objective: LO 7-9
Cognitive domain: Analytical
Answer location: The Female Psychopath
Question type: ESS
Answer: Varies

66. Why do some researchers have concerns about the concept of juvenile psychopathy? What is
your opinion on this issue?
Learning objective: LO 7-9
Cognitive domain: Analytical
Answer location: The Nature and Extent of Juvenile Offending
Question type: ESS
Answer: Varies

67. Discuss the reasons that many arsons set by youth go undetected and unreported.
Learning objective: LO 7-3
Cognitive domain: Analytical
Answer location: The Nature and Extent of Juvenile Offending
Question type: ESS
Answer: Varies

68. Describe three explanations for ADHD.

Learning objective: LO 7-3
Cognitive domain: Analytical
Answer location: The Nature and Extent of Juvenile Offending
Question type: ESS
Answer: Varies

69. Summarize the research examining the relationship between language development and
antisocial behavior.
Learning objective: LO 7-3
Cognitive domain: Analytical
Answer location: The Nature and Extent of Juvenile Offending
Question type: ESS
Answer: Varies

70. Explain the core factors of psychopathy.

Learning objective: LO 7-9
Cognitive domain: Analytical
Answer location: Core Factors of Pscyhopathy
Question type: ESS
Answer: Varies

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