A Hermetic On-Cryostat Helium Source For Low Temperature Experiments

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A Hermetic On-Cryostat Helium Source for Low Temperature Experiments

K. E. Castoria,1 H. Byeon,1 J. Theis,1 N. R. Beysengulov,1 E. O. Glen,1

G. Koolstra,1 M. Sammon,1 S. A. Lyon,1 J. Pollanen,1 and D. G. Rees1
EeroQ Corporation, Chicago, Illinois, USA
(Dated: November 6, 2023)
We describe a helium source cell for use in cryogenic experiments that is hermetically sealed in
situ on the cold plate of a cryostat. The source cell is filled with helium gas at room temperature
and subsequently sealed using a cold weld crimping tool before the cryostat is closed and cooled
down. At low temperature the helium condenses and collects in a connected experimental volume,
as monitored via the frequency response of a planar superconducting resonator device sensitive to
small amounts of liquid helium. This on-cryostat helium source negates the use of a filling tube
arXiv:2311.01546v1 [physics.ins-det] 2 Nov 2023

between the cryogenic volumes and room temperature, thereby preventing unwanted effects such
as such as temperature instabilities that arise from the thermomechanical motion of helium within
the system. This helium source can be used in experiments investigating the properties of quantum
fluids or to better thermalize quantum devices.

The liquid and solid phases of helium at low temper- this film is approximately 30 nm close to the bulk liquid
atures are paradigms of quantum matter. Below 2.17 K surface, and decreases as h− 3 with increasing height h
He forms a superfluid Bose-Einstein condensate [1] while from the surface [16]. In addition, liquid helium can be-
below 2.5 mK the lighter isotope 3 He forms a fermionic come trapped in volumes smaller than the 4 He capillary
superfluid with p-wave, spin-triplet pairing [2]. Whilst length (lc ≈ 0.5 mm) as the capillary action counteracts
the bulk superfluids are ideal systems for studying the the gravitational force exerted on the liquid.
macroscopic manifestation of quantum mechanical ef- The presence of helium in the filling line can give rise
fects, their microscopic properties are often best inves- to several unwanted effects; uncertainty in the bulk vol-
tigated and controlled with micro- and nano-fabricated ume is introduced and, as the thermal conductance of
devices employed to probe, for example, the influence of superfluid helium is extremely high, heat can be trans-
nano-scale confinement on the superfluid phases [3, 4], or ferred from the higher temperature stages of the cryostat
in compact devices for investigating the generation and to the base stage. Furthermore, temperature gradients
detection of excitations within the liquid [5]. Also, the between cryostat stages can induce flow of the super-
high-quality dielectric properties and excellent thermal fluid giving rise to long-lived oscillatory motion of the
conductivity of liquid helium make it an appealing mate- liquid [17, 18] resulting in thermal instabilities. Simi-
rial for integration with quantum devices. In fact, liquid larly, the presence of helium gas in the filling line can
helium is already employed to achieve low electron tem- give rise to Taconis thermoacoustic oscillations, which
peratures in solid-state devices [6–9], reduce thermally can also result in parasitic heat loads [19]. These effects
driven charge noise [10, 11], and to improve the coher- are typically combatted by using long, thin tubes (cap-
ence of superconducting quantum circuits [11, 12]. Ad- illary tubes) as filling lines. However, this dramatically
ditionally, hybrid devices enabling the control of single increases the flow impedance between the experimental
electrons trapped above the surface of liquid helium are cell and room temperature. This can lead to high pres-
being actively pursued for applications in quantum infor- sures when warming the cryostat, a situation exacerbated
mation science [13–15]. There is therefore strong inter- should accidental air leaks lead to blockages in the fill-
est in developing efficient methods by which to integrate ing line. Furthermore, the construction of a complicated
liquid helium with condensed matter experiments and filling line that must be made leak-tight to superfluid he-
quantum devices. lium can be a significant drain on the time and patience
Traditionally, helium is introduced to a cryogenic ex- of the experimentalist.
perimental cell from an external gas source via a thin We have developed a simple, and reliable, hermetically
capillary filling tube anchored at each thermal stage of sealed helium source that can be installed directly on the
the cryostat [16]. For 4 He, condensation occurs close to coldest stage of a cryostat, thereby eliminating the need
the 4 K stage of the cryostat, and the liquid becomes for a filling line. At room temperature, with the cryostat
superfluid where the temperature falls below the critical opened, the source cell is charged with helium gas to a
temperature Tc = 2.17 K. At the experimental volume, desired pressure before being sealed. The cryostat is then
which is typically the lowest point in the enclosed sys- closed and cooled as normal, allowing the helium to con-
tem, the helium cools to the cryostat base temperature. dense in the source cell and any connected experimental
While most of the helium resides as “bulk” superfluid at volumes. We demonstrate that this method can success-
this lowest point, a van der Waals film helium coats all fully supply superfluid helium to a connected experimen-
surfaces below the critical temperature. The thickness of tal cell, using a superconducting microwave resonator de-

a) Brass Connector Copper Cap b)

Cold-Weld Crimp Seal

Copper Cylinder Cryostat Cold Plate

150 mm

Experimental Cell Air

FIG. 1: a) Schematic diagram of the hermetic helium source cell, as described in the text, showing (left to right) side view,
projected view, and schematic cross section including the experimental cell. b) Schematic of the charging method. A 3-way
valve is used to alternate the connection to the source cell between a helium cylinder and a pump.

vice as a sensitive helium detector [14, 20]. We show that tor microwave cavities[21]. We have found these cold
this method eliminates oscillations of the cryostat base weld seals to be reliably leak tight at room temperature
temperature arising from the thermomechanical motion (when testing with a mass spectrometer leak detector)
of the superfluid, which appear when using a traditional and, more importantly, at low temperatures (by moni-
capillary filling line. toring the cryostat vacuum space pressure whilst flood-
Schematic diagrams of the source cell are shown in ing the seal internally with superfluid helium). The crimp
Fig. 1(a). The source cell is made of OFHC copper and seal remained leak tight over multiple thermal cycles.
is comprised of a central cylindrical section with upper Having thus charged the source cell with helium gas,
and lower cap pieces sealed to the cylinder via indium the cryostat can then be closed and cooled down. The
wire o-rings. The internal diameter and length of the initial pressure of the helium gas in the source cell Pi
cell is 50 mm and 125 mm, respectively; the cell volume determines the volume of liquid produced when the cryo-
is therefore 2.45 × 105 mm3 (245 cc). Small demount- stat reaches its base temperature. Treating the helium as
able brass tube connectors are sealed with indium at the an ideal gas, the pressure in the source cell decreases lin-
centre of the cap pieces. These brass connectors are sol- early with decreasing temperature. Condensation occurs
dered to either copper or stainless steel tubing, allowing at the temperature for which this pressure becomes equal
connections to be made from both the top and bottom. to the saturated vapor pressure of 4 He. At this point a
In our experiments, the bottom of the source cell is con- fraction of the gas will condense and equilibrium will be
nected to an experimental cell located beneath base plate established between the liquid and gas phases; further
of the cryostat by a 200 mm length of thin (1.6 mm outer cooling then decreases the vapor pressure, consequently
diameter) stainless steel tubing. increasing the liquid volume. For Pi = 4 bar (absolute)
To prepare the source cell with helium, the top of the we estimate that condensation occurs at T = 1.92 K.
cell is connected to a pumping station and a helium gas Close to 1 K the vapor pressure is negligibly small and
cylinder via a 3.2 mm diameter copper tube, when the we assume that all the helium is in the liquid phase; the
cryostat is open at room temperature. The source cell is final liquid volume is then ∼1300 mm3 (1.3 cc).
alternately evacuated and pressurized with helium sev- Before examining source cell performance, we demon-
eral times, to remove air. The pressure of the helium gas strate that parasitic thermal instabilities can arise when
in the source cell is then brought to a final value, typi- using a filling line to introduce helium into the experi-
cally several bar. A hydraulic crimp tool (Solid Sealing mental cell. For these control measurements, a stainless
Technology KT35046) is then used to make a cold weld steel filling line, of 1.6 mm outer diameter, runs from
crimp seal in the copper tube several cm above the top room temperature to the experimental cell. This filling
of the cell. This method has been used previously to line is thermally anchored at each thermal stage of the
make gas gap heat switches and ultra-high quality fac- cryostat by brazing a ∼30 cm length of the tube to a cop-

a) 2.43 stages is increased. Because superfluid helium flows to-

wards the warmer cryostat stages[22] and has extremely
high thermal conductivity and vanishingly small viscos-
ity, a mobile heat link can be established between the
4K Stage different stages[23, 24]. As the superfluid motion is very
T [K]

weakly damped, oscillatory helium flow due to the com-

bined action of thermal and gravitational potential gradi-
1.22 ents can be established[17]. This motion, combined with
the complex interplay between cooling power and tran-
sient heat load manifested at each of the cryostat stages,
1.20 1K Stage give rise to thermal oscillations detrimental to the exper-
0 20 40 60 iment under investigation.
In contrast, when using the hermetic source cell to sup-
b) ply helium to the experimental volume the thermal oscil-
1.14 lations are eliminated. In Fig. 2(b) we show a time trace
of the cryostat base temperature for the case in which
T [K]

∼ 1.0 cc of helium is condensed in the source cell and

1.12 the connected experimental volume. The base temper-
1K Stage
ature remains stable within a window of ∼ 1 mK. This
0 20 40 60 stable performance, and the appearance of temperature
Time [Minutes] oscillations when using the filling line, was observed over
multiple cryostat runs and for a variety of experimental
FIG. 2: a) Thermoacoustically driven temperature oscil- conditions [27].
lations observed when using a filling line to introduce he-
We now demonstrate the supply of helium from the
lium into the experimental cell. b) In contrast, a stable base
temperature is observed when using the hermetically sealed source cell to the experimental volume of interest. For
source cell to provide helium to the experimental volume. this purpose, a superconducting resonator device spe-
cially designed to be sensitive to thin helium films, as
used in several recent studies [14, 20, 25], was mounted
per bobbin that is then clamped onto the thermal plate. in the experimental cell. The device was a ‘hanger’ type
The length of tube between each cryostat stage is ap- resonator patterned on a 100-nm thick niobium film on a
proximately 30 cm. The cryostat used in our experiments silicon wafer as shown in Fig. 3(a). The resonator was ca-
(ICEOxford DRYICE 1.0K) has three thermal stages; the pacitively coupled to a coplanar waveguide (CPW) elec-
50K stage and 4K stage, which are cooled by a two-stage trode close to one end, and connected to electrical ground
Gifford-McMahon cryocooler, and the 1K plate, which at the other. The length and width of the resonator elec-
is cooled to base temperature (∼ 1.1 K) by pumping on trode were 5.2 mm and 8.0 µm, respectively. The gap
a helium-4 pot that is continuously filled with helium between the central resonator electrode and the ground
through a variable needle valve impedance. Once the 1K plane was 4 µm. The exposed silicon in this gap was
stage of the cryostat reached base temperature, the ex- etched to a depth of 1 µm to form microchannels run-
perimental cell was filled with 1.0 cc of liquid helium, ning along the length of the resonator electrode. The
as determined by the change in pressure in a calibrated sample was wire-bonded onto a PCB sample holder that
external volume at room temperature. In this process, was then mounted inside the experimental cell. Copper
the temperature of each cryostat stage rises slightly as spacers were mounted both above and below the PCB
gas cools and condenses into the experimental cell; once to reduce “box-mode” resonances within the cell volume.
all the helium has condensed the temperatures return to The open volume of the experimental cell was therefore
their normal values. However, as shown in Fig. 2(a), after negligible compared with that of the source cell. Her-
several minutes the temperature of the 1K plate begins metically sealed SMP connectors made connection to the
to oscillate with an amplitude of ∼ 10 mK and a typical PCB allowing measurement of the S21 transmission spec-
period of several minutes. Each maximum in the tem- trum of the coplanar waveguide with a vector network
perature of the 1 K plate is accompanied by a drop in analyzer. At 1.1 K, and in the absence of helium, a res-
the temperature of the 4 K plate, indicating a transient onant absorption of the microwave signal corresponding
increase in the thermal conductance between the stages. to the quarter-wavelength fundamental mode of the res-
Such temperature oscillations are a typical consequence onator was observed at a frequency f0 = 6.08 GHz with
of introducing liquid helium to a multi-stage cryostat; be- loaded quality factor QL = 2.16 × 104 .
cause a van der Waals film (or column of liquid trapped To calibrate the response of the resonator device to
by capillary forces in a thin tube) can propagate upwards liquid helium, we first used the filling line to slowly in-
in the filling line, the thermal conductance between the troduce helium to the cell while monitoring the resonator

a) CPW crostructure. As the film is extremely thin it causes only

a very small decrease in the resonator frequency. Then,
as bulk liquid begins to collect in the small (∼ 0.2 cc)
open volume at the bottom of the cell beneath the PCB,
the channel structures are filled with helium by capillary
Nb action of the superfluid [26]. This occurs when the total
volume of liquid condensed into the cryostat is approxi-
He mately 0.5 cc and results in a clear step-like decrease in
Si the resonator frequency of some 8 × 10−4 f0 . This shift is
in good agreement with finite element modeling (FEM)
b) 1e 3
analysis, which predicts a shift of −1.0 × 10−3 f0 when
the channels are completely filled with helium.
As more helium is introduced into the cell f decreases
1 gradually as the liquid radius of curvature (as determined
(f f0 )/f0

by the height of the microchannel above the bulk liquid)

2 increases. Eventually however, the amount of helium is
sufficient to completely submerge the device resulting in
3 a large frequency shift, observed when ∼ 5 cc of liquid
is condensed into the cell. Again, this frequency shift
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 is in good agreement with FEM analysis, which predicts
Helium [cc] a shift of approximately −4.0 × 10−3 f0 once the entire
volume above the resonator is filled with liquid helium.
c) 1e 4 This calibration allows us to demonstrate the effec-
0 tiveness of the source cell in supplying helium to the ex-
periment. In Fig. 3(b) we show values of f recorded at
2 T = 1.1 K for Pi = 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 bar as the colored
(f f0 )/f0

dots. The frequency shift values are plotted against the

expected volume of liquid formed when all the gas in the
6 source cell condenses. For Pi = 1 bar, f is very close to
the frequency recorded when a thin van der Waals he-
8 lium film covers the sample, indicating that the amount
1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2
of helium is not sufficient to form a bulk liquid volume
T [K] at the bottom of the experimental cell. For Pi = 2 bar
and above, the values are close to the frequency recorded
FIG. 3: a) Schematic of the superconducting ‘hanger’ res- when helium fills the resonator microchannels. This re-
onator device. Inset: Cross-section of the device showing the sult confirms that the bulk liquid condensed from the
microchannels formed at the edges of the resonator electrode. source cell collects below the sample allowing the mi-
b) Solid line: Resonator response upon filling the experimen- crochannels to fill with superfluid. Pi ≥ 15 bar would be
tal cell with helium via the filling line. The dots show the
required to completely submerge the sample; however, it
frequency shifts observed when employing the source cell with
initial loading pressures Pi = 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 bar (yellow, blue, was found that Pi ≥ 10 bar caused helium gas to leak
red, green and purple, respectively). c) Resonator response from the indium seal at the base of the experimental cell.
to increasing temperature for Pi = 2, 4, 6 and 8 bar. The Larger or more robust source cells, or several source cells
dashed lines represent the temperature at which the bulk liq- connected together, could be employed to supply greater
uid volume in the cell is expected to become fully depleted as volumes of liquid.
the vapor pressure within the experimental cell increases.
Finally, in Fig. 3(c) we show the change in f with tem-
perature T for several values of Pi . When T is sufficiently
high, the amount of helium is insufficient to maintain the
frequency f . Generally, as liquid helium (dielectric con- saturated vapor pressure and the bulk liquid is depleted
stant εHe = 1.055) covers the device, f decreases as the completely. Consequently, the microchannels empty and
change in the dielectric constant local to the resonator f jumps suddenly to a value close to f0 . For all Pi ,
electrode reduces the effective speed of light in the de- this frequency jump occurs at a temperature close to,
vice. As shown in Fig. 3(b), and as found in previ- but slightly below, that predicted by the helium vapor-
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stages [14, 20]. First, a van der Waals film is formed on not all the liquid helium in the system collects in the
all the surfaces within the experimental cell, including bulk volume, with a fraction “lost” to an extended van
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