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(Green iguana)
They’re diurnal animals characterized by their broad head, round
snout, hanging dewlap on the throat, robust body, 4 strong legs
with hard and sharp nails and a crest from the head to its long,
thin and flattened tail that serves as a whip to defend themselves.

General description
They’re excellent
swimmers and climbers.
Adult females can
measure up to 2 meters
and weigh from 4 to 6
kilos, while males can
reach up to 2.2 meters
and weigh from 8 to 10
kilos, although there are
reports of males
weighing up to 15 kilos.
Their colors may vary depending on mood, temperature, health
and age.

They can be found in various types of habitats such as forests
(humid, very humid, and dry), rocky areas, scrublands, cliffs,
mangroves, rivers, arid areas, and savannahs with scattered shrubs
and trees, among others.

- They’re very calm; therefore, they don’t need to be taken for
a walk, they don’t cause damage to the house and they have
accessible care. That’s why they’re the preferred pets among
lovers of reptiles and exotic animals.
- The female green iguana lays between 30 and 60 eggs.
Some females lay a little less, 20, but others can deposit up
to 70.
- It’s a very long-lived animal, taking into account its small
size and the gestation period of the young. The usual thing is
that the green iguana lives between ten and fifteen years, but
it’s not uncommon to find specimens that exceed that
average and reach twenty years.

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