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Individual Assignment [MKT101]

TOPIC: Apple's iPhone Launch

Student name:…NGHÊ PHÚC THUẬN

Code: CE181547
Class: IB1804
Phone: 0815352352

Cần Thơ, 09/2023


1. Marketing Success Story: Apple's iPhone Launch..........................................................1
2. Relevance to Principles of Marketing Course:................................................................2
3. Marketing Lessons Learned:............................................................................................2

Content structure Guideline (Individual Assignment [MKT101]):
1. Copy content about situation of marketing success or failure in a real company.
Please describe the situation of marketing success or failure in a real company you
know (In real life or search on the internet or other source)?
2. According to you, what does this marketing situation relate to in which contents in
principles of marketing course?
3. What do the marketing lessons you learn?
1. Marketing Success Story: Apple's iPhone Launch

In the realm of marketing success, Apple's launch of the iPhone is a prime example.
When Apple introduced the first iPhone in 2007, it transformed the smartphone
industry. The company successfully combined cutting-edge technology with a
groundbreaking marketing strategy. Here's a brief overview of the situation:
- Innovation: Apple introduced a truly innovative product that combined a phone,
music player, and internet communicator into one device. This groundbreaking
innovation set the iPhone apart from existing smartphones.
- Marketing Strategy: Apple's marketing campaign was a masterclass. They
generated immense anticipation with a series of teaser ads and a high-profile keynote
presentation by Steve Jobs. The "iPhone hype" created enormous buzz even before the
product was available.
- Design and Branding: The iPhone's sleek design and Apple's strong brand image
played a pivotal role. Apple focused on user experience and aesthetics, making the
product highly desirable.
- Exclusive Carrier Deals: Apple partnered with AT&T (formerly Cingular) for
exclusive carrier rights initially, which also added to the iPhone's appeal.
- Ecosystem: Apple's ecosystem strategy, including the App Store, iTunes, and
seamless integration with Mac computers, further enhanced the product's value.
The result? The iPhone became a cultural phenomenon, revolutionizing the mobile
phone industry and propelling Apple to become one of the most valuable companies

[Name.Class.IA[No]] 1
2. Relevance to Principles of Marketing Course:

This marketing situation relates to several key concepts in a Principles of Marketing

- Product Innovation: Apple's iPhone launch exemplifies the importance of product
innovation as a marketing strategy. It demonstrates how a groundbreaking product can
create a significant competitive advantage.
- Marketing Communication: The marketing campaign and teaser ads showcased in
this example highlight the role of marketing communication in building anticipation
and buzz around a product.
- Brand Management: Apple's strong brand image and commitment to user
experience showcase the importance of brand management in marketing.
- Market Segmentation and Targeting: Apple targeted a specific market segment,
focusing on consumers who sought premium design and functionality. This
demonstrates the concept of market segmentation and targeting.

3. Marketing Lessons Learned:

From Apple's iPhone launch, several valuable marketing lessons can be learned:
- Innovation is Key: Innovating and offering something genuinely unique can set a
product apart in a crowded market.
- Effective Marketing Campaigns: Crafting an effective marketing campaign can
generate excitement and anticipation, driving demand for a product.
- Brand Matters: Strong brand identity and consistent branding can contribute
significantly to a product's success.
- Understanding the Target Audience: Identifying and catering to the needs and
desires of a specific target audience is crucial.
- Ecosystem Building: Creating a broader ecosystem around a product can enhance
its value and customer loyalty.

[Name.Class.IA[No]] 2
Overall, the iPhone launch demonstrates that a combination of innovation, effective
marketing, and strategic branding can lead to remarkable marketing success.


1. Submit at Slot 14
2. Font: Times New Roman, Size: 13; Paragraph: Before: 6 pt; After: 0 pt; Line
spacing: Multiple; At: 1.2
3. Write content citation and references to Harvard style/APA

[Name.Class.IA[No]] 3

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