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Name of Learner: ___________________________ Grade Level: _________
Section: ___________________________________ Date: _______________

Recognize a potential market

Activity 1: SWOT your MIND!

DIRECTIONS: Based on your understanding of conducting a SWOT analysis, study and

analyze the given case or scenario and identify areas that fall under strength,
weaknesses, opportunities, or threats. Utilize the table below to complete the task.

Maria Pala tried out a barista instructional class to invest her inert energy gainfully. With
her commitment to learning, she figured out how to secure various abilities, talents, and
competency in creating diverse coffee-based espresso drinks. With her energy duty, she
figured out how to set up her own café that serves coffee. Following 3 years her bistro is
doing incredible in the market in terms of productivity. Her extraordinary coffee-based
espresso drink has earned decent notoriety among coffeehouse in their zones. Another
key player in her prosperity is her strong relationship with her workers. She ensures all
business exercises are lined up with moral qualities and ethical values. It has been quite
a while that her shop is getting a high fulfillment rate from the beginning. Be that as it
may, because of the popularity of the product and services for espresso aficionado,
another coffeehouse will be set up in her area. Product innovation will be the system of
the new coffeehouse that Maria’s Coffee shop neglected to organize. Also, her
provisions for espresso are presently on the drawback. The absence of accessible raw
materials is remembered for her issues.

At this moment there is new headway in the market as far as delivering coffee because
of various technological advancements and process innovation for refreshments.

What possible course of actions that Maria can do about to maintain her business
activities in the market? Maximize the concept of SWOT analysis to provide
recommendations for Maria’s coffee shop.

Basic SWOT Analysis

Business Strengths Business Environmental Environmental

Weaknesses Opportunities Threats



Name of Learner: ___________________________ Grade Level: _________
Section: ___________________________________ Date: _______________

Recognize a potential market



Using the given model below classifies the following accompanying circumstances
experience by different business sectors nowadays then write the number below the
identified barriers that will affect the force of competition.

1. Shifting of customers buying behavior from visiting a mall to online shopping.

2. Strict implementation of government policy about ECQ programs.
3. The high cost of production for PPE.
4. The product represents a high percentage of buyer’s cost.
5. Few suppliers of PPE but sales volume is generally high.
6. Diversity of competing industry.
7. Lower cost of substitute product example cloth mask over the surgical mask.
8. The innovation of substitute product (different style of face shields)

Threats to the new entrants

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Suppliers Rivalry among Firm Buyers

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Substitute Products
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