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Brown : “Good morning,how are you this morning??

Smith : “I’m just fine,thanks,and how about you?”

Brown : “Yes, i am.are you student of smpn 1 pecangaan??”

Smith : “Yes I am. My name is Alan Smith. And you?”

Brown : “My name is brown.”

Smith : “And what is your complate name?”

Brown : “My complate name is Brown Sutejo.”

Smith : “What are you doing here??”

Brown : “I am looking for eighth B. Do you know it??”

Smith : “Ouh yes,eighth B is beside the language laboratory.”

Brown : “Ok thanks you smith,I’II get in the class, it’s nice to meet you..”

Smith : “It’s nice to meet you too.”

Brown : “ Ok tha-tha..”

Smith : “ Yups Tha-tha..”

Prepare : mempersiapkan Brush up : Mengulang pelajaran

Catch :Menangkap Pass : melewati

Take a rest : istirahat Plan : Merencanakan

Embarrasing : Memalukan Hope : Berharap

Coward : Pengecut Nervous : Gugup

Wet : Basah Respounsible : Bertanggung jawab

Cruel : Kejam impolite : Tidak sopan

Shy : Malu repair : memperbaiki

Chew : mengunyah stay up :

Adam :Excuse me jean. What date is today?

Jeany : I really don’t know. What month is this?

Adam : This is march. But I don’t know what the date is this.

Jeany : I believe It’s fifteenth of march.

Adam : It must be march fifteenth,What year is this?

Jeany : I know what year it is,this is two thousand and twelfth.

Adam : Right, So today is march fifteenth 2012.

Jeany : Isn’t today your birthday?

Adam : No,It isn’t. My birth day is the tenth of march.

Jeany: What year were you born in?

Adam : I was born in ninteen ninety seven.

Jeany : And i was born in ninteen ninety eight.

Adam : By the way, are you free tonight.

Jeany : yes, what’s up...?

Adam : How about having dinner with me.

Jeany : yes thanks you, I love it.

Adam : Ok..see you next time,jeany, bye-bye.


Believe : Percaya Deny : Menyangkal Flatter : MerayuPoision : Meracuni

Suicide : Bunuh Diri Please : Mempersilahkan End : Mengakhiri Accuse : Menuduh

Avoid : Menghindari Blame : Menyalahkan Hold : Mengadakan Mock : Mencemooh

Betray : Menghianati Escape : Meloloskan diri Snore : Mengorok Examine :Menguji

Suckle : Menyusui Treat : Mengobati Conclude : Meringkas Suspect : Mencurigai

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