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Individual Reflection 1: Role Models and Standards for Professional Excellence

COMM 4501-001

Amanda Williams

October 10, 2023

In the realm of mentorship in the workplace, I believe it is essential to understand

the perspectives and experiences of individuals who have achieved professional

excellence in their respective fields. This is why I chose to interview Maggie Bowles, a

successful marketing and design entrepreneur who founded Bujou Studios. Bujou is a

thriving marketing and advertising agency in Calgary. Upon hearing the requirements

for this project, I felt interviewing Maggie would be vital to exploring how crucial a

mentor can be for a striving professional like myself.

As Maggie is a graduate of Mount Royal University’s Marketing program, she

holds a wealth of knowledge in the area. Our interview became a mutually beneficial

interaction, as I shared how my knowledge in public relations shared many similarities

and differences to marketing. Through this interview I addressed certain questions

regarding mentorship and professional excellence, which reinforced my existing

knowledge on the importance of mentorship in the workplace.

Role Model Interview: Who Did I Pick and Why?

Maggie and I have known eachother since 2018 when I became a rookie dancer

on the Mount Royal University Dance Team. She held the title of Dance Captain at the

time, and we shared a formal mentorship relationship. As Carol Mullen and Cindy

Klimaitis described, formal mentorship seeks to transform mentees into self-directed,

responsible learners, who can advocate and guide themselves (Mullen & Klimaitis,

p.25). This is precisely how Maggie and I’s relationship flourished in 2018. As I entered

my first year of collegiate dance Maggie began teaching me the internal workings of the

dance team. Her teachings extended from internal factors such as logistics, team
bonding, and choreography, to external affairs such as advertising, social media

marketing, and fundraising efforts.

When choosing a mentee I knew Maggie was the right choice, given the years of

friendship we have built and the bountiful wisdom we have learnt from eachother.

Maggie was chosen for this interview not only for her remarkable achievements in the

marketing industry, but also for how her experiences and insights align so closely with

the discipline I am studying. Additionally, her dedication to lifelong learning and her life

philosophy which she claims to be “never stop learning, because once you stop learning

you stop growing”, makes her an ideal mentor for understanding the importance of

continuous development in the professional world.

What Constitutes Professional Excellence?

In order to interview Maggie on what constitutes professional excellence, I had to

first expand my existing knowledge of the topic. Experts on workplace excellence Kelly

Quintanilla Miller and Mark Wahl, explain professional excellence as being recognized

for your skills as a communicator and serving as a role model to others (Miller & Wahl,

2023, p.4). After formulating a brief idea of what professional excellence should look like

I began to ask Maggie on her insights.

Maggie described professional excellence in the field of marketing as

multifaceted and dynamic. According to her, the following elements are key contributors

to professional excellence: creativity, innovation, adaptability, and strong

communication skills. She explained how exceptional marketers are known for their

creative thinking and innovative approaches to problem solving, claiming that this is
essential to developing unique brand campaigns that capture an audience’s attention.

As Maggie works in a constantly evolving industry, she affirms professionals must be

adaptable and embrace the change that comes with the industry and its publics.

Maggie explained to me that adaptability would be extremely important in public

relations, where quickly changing trends are so prevelent with our audience and key

publics. Lastly, she claimed strong communication skills would help me flourish in my

professional excellence. Maggie explained how effective communication is the

paramount in marketing, it has helped her convey her ideas, and connect with her

diverse audiences.

What Portfolio Pieces are Expected in my Discipline?

Maggie shared with me that a strong and aesthetically pleasing portfolio would

help me flourish in my discipline, because it is what has propelled her professional

career. As an owner of a thriving marketing agency, Maggie often determines a

candidate’s compatibility with their portfolios. She states that a well rounded portfolio

includes a mix of skills, versatility, and creativity. She particularly looks for examples of:

social media campaigns, visual design samples such as logo design and branding

material, blog posts, and videos or infographics.

Maggie shared with me that although her expertise lies in the Marketing sector,

she has employed graduates of the public relations program at Mount Royal University.

She explained to me that public relations student should also show their creativity by

providing visuals of their work such as branding materials. She also shared that it is
crucial to attach captions with your portfolio work to reinforce what you learn with each


Final Remarks

To conclude my interview with Maggie Bowles I asked her if she had ever

completed an interview like this in her program. She shared that she had never been

given the opportunity to interview a mentor, but she was flattered that she was picked to

participate in this interview. The interview informed my professional development by

highlighting the skills, traits, and strategies that have contributed to Maggie’s success. I

hope to use this information to set new and improved professional goals. This

conversation provided me with industry insights, inspiration, and practical knowledge to

help advance my career as a public relations professional. Overall, I feel that this

interview not only showcased the kind of professional growth I hope to achieve, but also

the personal growth both me and Magge have achieved since 2018.

Mullen, C. A., & Klimaitis, C. C. (2021). Defining mentoring: a literature review

of issues, types, and applications. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences,

1483(1), 19–35.

Quintanilla Miller, K. & Wahl, S. (2023). Business and Professional

Communication: KEYS for Workplace Excellence.

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