COMM 4501-001 - Weekly Summmary 5

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Prep Note for Weekly Summary 5

By: Desiree La Noire

1. The difficulty surrounding decolonization- the Decolonization is for Everyone video
highlighted the challenging nature of conversations about decolonization and the nature
of this complex topic. I found it particularly interesting and saddening how these
conversations are commonly recognized as difficult and demanding.

2. Decolonization is for Everyone- this video furthermore emphasized the idea that
decolonization impacts everyone, including imigrants. This idea encourages a more-
open minded approach and allows others who previously felt disconnected from the
topic to be involved.

3. The language surrounding decolonization- the beginner’s guide to decolonization

video highlighted an interesting take on the language of decolonization. It brought forth
the idea that the language used can often be unwelcoming and intimidating. I found this
interesting because its important to have inviting language in order to accomodate a
larger audience.

Impactful Quotes
1. “In order for us to know where we want to go together, we need to know where we are
and for us to know that we need to know where we’ve been (Sanchez, 2019, 2:09). This
quote resonated with me as a first generation immigrant, because the importance of
ancestors and family heritage are important factors to me. As an immigrant, I have been
abled to see how those who came become me shaped my family and I into who we are
2. “There is no healthy future for Canada that sees the continuation of apartheid-like
legislation (Lamoureux, 2022, 6:58). This quote impacted me because it emphasizes the
current state of Canada and the need to implement a change in regulations. It makes me
reflect on how important it is to change policy through collective action as it will have
lasting effects on future generations.
3. “It’s hard to know where to start, I think many of us feel trapped” (Lamoureux, 2022,
10:24). This particular quote was very interesting to me, it outlined that a want for
change is desired by many but action is taken by few. This outlined the importance of
collective action, I illustrated this idea in my head with petitions as this would be a way
that collective action has more power than a single person.

1. What are some initial actions you can take in response to the themes discussed
by the speakers in the two videos
The first step would be to engage in comprehensive research and education on
decolonization. This wil provide individuals with direction and help them dissect the
complexities of the topic.
2. How has your perspective on the concept of decolonization evolved after
watching the two videos ?
After watching both videos, I concluded that the topic of decolonization has become
much more accessible and has become something that im more likely to explore. The
speakers both conveyed not only the topic but also its significance through anecdotes
and experiences. With this increased knowledge about decolonization I have come to
recognize its importance.


Sanchez, N. (2019, March 12). Decolonization is for everyone. [Video]. Tedx Talks.

Lamoureux, K. (2022, April 20). A beginner’s guide to decolonization. [Video]. Tedx Talks.

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