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Interview Questions

1. What can you tell me about yourself?

I am a very organized person when it comes to work.

2. What two or three accomplishments in school have given you the most satisfaction?

being able to play the clarinet in band . having a amazing grade in social studies

3. What elective courses have you taken?


4. What is your best subject in school? Worst subject?

My best subject is math class because the teacher is a very good teacher he makes things easy to learn.

although I love it my worst subject is band because I am not able to go to the sectionals. ( my parents aren't able

to take me)

5. What subject do you enjoy most and why?

The subject i enjoy the most is band because it allows me to free my mind from the whole day

6. If you had complete freedom of choice to be a great success in any job field, which one would you choose and


7. Do your grades in school reflect your abilities? Why or why not?

8. Have you held any positions of leadership in school or in your community?

No , I have not

9. How will you juggle your school and work schedule?

yes, i will

10. What are your short-range career goals? What are your long-range career goals?

my short term goal is Waste less time during school hours and my long -term goal is Determine my dream job

and start working towards it.

11. What do you consider to be major strengths? Weaknesses? one strength is

12. Do you prefer working by yourself or with others?

I prefer working with others

13. Can you take instructions without being upset? yes,I can

14. Why do you think you would like this type of work?

15. Do you object to working overtime? Do you object to working weekends?

16. What job experience do you have?

i sadly have no job experience.

17. What do you do during your spare time? What are your hobbies?

I draw or i play with my pets

18. Who has influenced you most in your life? Why?

19. If you could work anywhere in the world, where would it be?

20. Why should I hire you?

21. What sets you apart from the other students I am interviewing today?

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