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K Proctor 62 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Test 1 Part 2 mm For questions 1 to 8, read the text below and decide which word best fits each gap. Use only one word for each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). Direct descendants of dinosaurs (0) wings and feathers, birds have been present in our system (1) ___ more than 150 million years. They are not mammals. Considered (2) historians to be the only survivors of the great mass extinction, birds are vertebrates (3) skeleton has two pairs of limbs and whose respiration is usually pulmonary. Very intelligent, (4) species demonstrate an impressive ability (5) ____ lear and are able to reproduce sounds like those of humans. This is the (6) ____ of the parrot for example. The geographical distribution of birds is very wide. They inhabit all climatic environments, whether urban, tropical (7) even desert, and are also present on the ice shelves of Antarctica. This distribution is favoured by migratory phenomena, (8) vary from one species to another. However, the subspecies of birds colonising cold countries are generally more migratory, mainly due to harsh climatic somsi0ns and lack of food. wow eas, 728 KP K Proctor Test 1 22 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Part 3 For questions 1 to 8, use the word given on the right to form the correct word that fills each gap in the same fine. There is an example at the beginning (0). ° F/IIN/i]T]ijolN Fruits By (0) in everyday language, a fruit is a plant food += DEFINE with a sweet flavour and is (1) eaten raw. It differs GENERAL from vegetables which most often come from the roots, ‘stems and leaves of a plant, while fruits come from the (2) . organs hidden in the heart of the flowers, REPRODUCE Nutritious, (3) and low in calories, some such as TASTE the pomegranate and the goji berry have even (4) MOVE away from the crowd to become real little bombs of (5) which today raise them to the rank of superfoods! += NUTRIATE Fruits are (6) to health because they contain fiber, BENEFIT vitamins and supplements that help (7) organs, STRONG fight diseases, slow down the aging process or lose weight, among other things. In (8) . none of the ADD edible fruits contain cholesterol. wrannseasy Formac o” 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Test 1 Part 4 For questions 1 to 6, fill in the gap in the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given. + Do not change the word given. + Use between two and five words (including the word given) 1 The car was too expensive for James to buy. ENOUGH James oe... .. money to buy the car. 2. The only person Lucy didn't ike was her new boss. APART Lucy liked everyone ..... .». her new boss. 3. Mr Smith has always found learning languages easy. GooD Mr Smith has always .... languages. learning wore se = 2 K. Procter 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH 4 “This van is not mine" BELONG "This van .... lid the old woman. -.", said the old woman. 5 Wendy doesn't live with anyone else in that house. OWN Wendy lives . ... in that house. 6 We don't know the right place to buy this instrument, WHERE We aren't sure . this instrument. www.easy K. Proctor 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Test 1 Part 4 —————_—— For questions 1 to 6, fill in the gap in the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given. + Do not change the word given. + Use between two and five words (including the word given) 1 The car was too expensive for James to buy. ENOUGH James ...... .. Money to buy the car. 2. The only person Lucy didn't like was her new boss. APART Lucy liked everyone .... her new boss. 3. Mr Smith has always found leaming languages easy. GooD Mr Smith has always .. languages. . learning wwe.easyoo = 12 K. Proctor 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Test 2 Part 2 LL For questions 1 to 8, read the text below and decide which word best fits each gap. Use only one word for each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). 6} [ofr | | ] _—wA———_ Stress Stress is an integral part (0) we all live by it. life. No matter our age or our schedule, (1) our opinion on the subject is rather negative, stress has its good sides: (2) forces us to surpass ourselves, both physically and mentally, (3) instance, physical training demands work to strengthen the body; and deadlines motivate us (4)___ complete tasks. Stress can enhance performance, but when itis too intense, it can impair it. Sometimes the stress is temporary (5) dissipates once the stressor is removed. However, ongoing or chronic stress can increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and (6) early death, Tricks to manage your stress (7) _____ 0" thing in common: they will allow you to take a step back and redirect your tnoughts, which can prevent the accumulation of sess and help you “ace cnallenges (8) ____ more confidence K. Procts: Test 2 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Part 3 __ For questions 1 to 8, use the word given on the right to form the correct word that fills each gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0). Why travel? Traveling is (0) . It makes us grow and teaches us a lot. We marvel at sublime landscapes (1)___ from those we already know, we meet people we would never have met in (2) times, we do things that we would never do at home. Every (3) gets something out of their trip. Whether long or short, far or near, (4) or not. travel has many virtues. Traveling allows us to take a step out of our comfort zone and get out of our (5) habits. Sometimes, small adventures are enough to embellish our trip but it is true that certain destinations allow us to (6) ____ our field of (7) and to discover new horizons. It makes us curious and encourages us to live a new (8) experience or even to challenge ourselves. vaww easy formacion.com CONSIDER DIFFER CONVENTION TRAVEL EXOTICISE Day WIDE ACT EXPECT K. Proctor 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH KP Test 2 Part 4 For questions 1 to 6, fill in the gap in the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given. + Do not change the word given. + Use between two and five words {including the word given) 1 I'mglad | went to Africa to see animals in their natural habitat. WORTH Besereee .. Africa to see animals in their natural habitat. 2 Jason arrived at the cinema too late for the start of the film. ALREADY The film ... the time Jason arrived at the cinema. 3. You can’t smoke in the non-smoking area. ALLOWED YOU sesso vss the non-smoking area K. Proctor B2 FCE USE OF ENGLISH 4 You really should wear warmer clothes tomorrow. BETTER YOU vee eer teteeeneeerieetssisesesiseeee Warmer clothes tomorrow, 5 Itwas.a mistake going to that meeting last night. SHOULD YOU so... .. to that meeting last night. 6 "You've broken my new watch, Fred! ", Jack said. ACCUSED Jack . . his new watch, wwiueasy-formacian.com K. Proctor Bz FCE USE OF ENGLISH Test 3 Part 2 ee EEE For questions 1 to 8, read the text below and decide which word best fits each gap. Use only one word for each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). 0] |ainjo I — Eggs Yolk phospholipids have well-known (0) much appreciated emulsifying properties. They are also very useful for the brain (1)___ they are part of the composition of cell membranes, including neurons, On the other hand, egg white proteins are renowned for (2) perfect balance of essential amino acids. (3) other proteins of animal and vegetable origin, they contain them all. Two eggs provide ten grams (4) protein, that is 15% of the daily protein needs of a woman and 10% of a man. These proteins are also highly sought-after 6) top athletes. In addition, they are very useful (6) times of life when protein needs are high, whether during childhood, adolescence, pregnancy, breastfeeding or old age as they prevent undernutrition. In conclusion, we see that everything in the egg is complementary and useful and we would be well advised. at any age of life, to eat it regularly, or even every day (7) ____ we wish. In short, no contraindication - apart from egg protein allergy - and a desirable place in the nutritional balance of anyone. (8) ____ their food choices. ia K. Proctor Test 3 22 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Part 3 For questions 1 to 8, use the word given on the right to form the correct word that filis each gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0). ° FJO;RIT/UINJA] TIE; L Can you train to become a better communicator? (0) ___.. yes! everyone can improve the effectiveness of their (1) . The concem is that (2) is not so useful if you do not put it into practice. You must therefore be (3) to question your habits, test, try different tools or different approaches in different contexts. Practice is the key for a new skill to become (4). so that when we want to communicate. we can (6) __: in this context, will | communicate with my (6) ____ way of doing things or will | oo 1s in. a new way? And observe what the use of ‘nese "ew sills generates. Thus, we will be able :0 oeveop and improve a skill of (7) ____ communicanor_anich seems almost as natural as the fact of speacre (8)___ today. FORTUNE INTERVENE TRAIN DISPOSE AVAIL, CHOICE USE STRATEGY SPONTANEOUS K, Proctor 22 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Test 3 Part 4 ————— For questions 1 to 6, fill in the gap in the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given. + Do not change the word given. + Use between two and five words (including the word given) 1 I'mnot fit enough to go in for a race. Too PM esc cocoa go in for a race. 2. They had to cancel the match because of the bad weather. CALLED The match ...... .. because of the bad weather. 3 | failed to persuade Daniel to take up surfing. SUCCEED I. ... Daniel to take up surfing. wonrceasy fern am 20 K. Proctor 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH 4. I think he is lying about what happened TRUTH dont think he ...... . about what happened 5 | really don't like travelling by train in the moming STAND -». by train in the morning. 6 William didn’t have enough money to go to Greece by cruise. AFFORD William to Greece by cruise. a wiwweasyte K. Proctor B2 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Test 4 Part 2 For questions 1 to 8, read the text below and decide which word best fits each gap. Use only one word for each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). o is Kilimanjaro Mount Kilimanjaro (0) known not only for its highest altitude in Africa, but (1) for its famous ice cap at the top. Unfortunately, (2) ice cap is in a phase of retreat due to climate change, in particular the decrease in snowfall. Human action accentuates this phenomenon (3) _____ deforestation. Some experts estimate that its cap will be gone by 2030 to 2050. Kilimanjaro is close to the border with Kenya. Nairobi, the capital of Kenya is 200 kilometres to the north-northwest. It imposes (4) ___in an isolated way and is surrounded by the savannah, dominating it with a drop of 4,800 to 5,200 metres. Kilimanjaro is therefore (5) highest single mountain in Africa and the world Many people regard climbing Kilimanjaro (6) an impossible task But don't worry, there's a way to the top for (7) hiker. Indeed, there are different routes that vary in duration and difficulty. In this way, it is enough to be in good health and in good physical shape to be (8) to reach the top! 22. K Pro NGLISH K. Proctor 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH 12 Test 4 Part 3 rd For questions 1 to 8. use the word given on the right to form the "7 correct word that fills each gap in the same fine. There is an example at the beginning (0). ] oO} JE;LielG|ainicle The horse in The horse is one of the most popular pets in the world. 2) It must be said that its (0) , its majestic port, its ELEGANT in beauty and its (1) leave no one indifferent. If this REFINE is animal has accompanied man for thousands of years s all over the world, it is not without reason. Indeed, if it was (2) useful for a very long time. it is now ESSENTIAL of appreciated for its many other qualities and delights in young and old alike in the context of (3) SKILL th practices as well as major professional (4) __ COMPETE The examples of the (5) of the use af me norse EFFECTIVE k are (6) ____. There are many stories of noers who NUMBER d, carried messages, either as a (7) ot as WARN iN information. Without horses, the Untec States woula not exist, Napoleon Bonaparte would 7c: “ave lef France and the history of medieval knign’s #ouc De (8) — RELEVANT 22 wrmonees 8 dette K, Proctor B2 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Test 4 Part 4 For questions 1 to 6, fill in the gap in the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given. + Do not change the word given. + Use between two and five words (including the word given) 1 Jennifer moved here fifteen years ago. LIVING Jennifer esse «for fifteen years 2 47. | am here as a representative of the enterprise. BEHALF lam here ...... the enterprise. 3 The price of gas has gone up sharply again, INCREASE There has been .. con the price of gas. wanmeasytow ss oo ro 24 K Pre ~ K Proctor 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH 4. Ihave never been to the Olympic National Park STILL Lee he Olympic National Park. 5 He read the whole letter before saying a word. UNTIL He didn't say a word ........... .. the whole letter. 6 Theres a complete lack of sports facilities at our schoo! No Our school has + all vwewwseasy-farmacion.com as K. Pract 22 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Test 5 Part 2 ———— For questions 1 to 8, read the text below and decide which word best fits each gap. Use only one word for each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). | PED CITI Multilingualism: An Undeniable Asset Being multilingual (0) an undeniable asset on a personal, social and professional level. Not only (1) _____multiinguals more likely to land jobs, but speaking more (2) ‘one language allows individuals to have broader social experiences and may even alter brain function (3) positive ways. The (4) obvious advantage of muttilingualism is the potential communicative ability. Knowing (5) to communicate in several languages offers individuals the possibility of having richer cultural and traditional experiences. They can also appreciate and enjoy more artistic works in the field of literature and music, for example. (6) advantage: greater neurocognitive flexibility, Indeed, numerous studies have shown that multilingual individuals are more likely to obtain better results in terms (7) analysis, creativity and mental flexibility than unilingual individuals. Regularly switching (8) ‘one language to another is an intense mental stimulation that contributes enormously to the good development of the brain. vows easy form = K. Proete Tes Fo ex The To s soci the ¢ 3). of th have princ Am form fact | recei they beha are fi hume GUSH K. Proctor 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH 2 Test 5 Part 3 y For questions 1 to 8, use the word given on the right to form the 7 correct word that fills each gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0). Oo} |C\ll[viijeyr]sSjA;Tt{1}ojn The family The family is the nucleus on which (0) isbased. CIVILISE To speak of the family is to tell the intimate story of society and its(1)___. Itis as important to society as. EVOLVE the oxygen of life, All social (2) _ civlised forms of DEVELOP @) and coexistence, including the preservation BEHAVE ] of the environment, and even the politics of countries, ! have their roots in the (4) ____of values and FORM principles taught in families. A mentally and (5) healthy human being is SPIRIT formed with these values and principles. thanks to the fact that in their family they have been protected and received (6) love. Itis in this environment where CONDITION they will learn to value life and (7) ___ ane selfless HONEST behaviour. The family is that cell of life from wnicn we are formed, it is where we are born, grow anc form as human (8)___. BE 2% ovo easy forms: o> 22~ 2 K. Proctor 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Test 5 Part 4 —_ For questions 1 to 6, fill in the gap in the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given. + Do not change the word given. + Use between two and five words (including the word given) 1 Illfinish the job if they give me enough time to do it. LONG Ii finish the job ... give me enough time to do it 2 J don’t know how to code, but it would be useful if | could. ONLY If. .. cade, it would be useful, 3. The burglar entered the house at night. BROKE The burglar ..... .. at night. wow easy-to: k. Proc Id SL In K. Proctor 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH 4 =“ Itwas Andy who took the watch!", said Anne. ACCUSED Anne. . the watch. 5 | think I'm too impatient to be a lorry driver. PATIENT I don't think ......... «+++. to be a lorry driver. 6 The wind was so strong that we could not reach the top. SUCH twas that we could not reach the top. orwaaneasy tom 29 K. Proctor 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Test 6 Part 2 For questions 1 to 8, read the text below and decide which word best fits each gap. Use only one word for each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). |} Fel TIT TT TT TT TTT] The Great Pacific Garbage Patch ‘ost researchers tend (0) consider the Pacific Ocean the dirtiest a) of the Great Garbage Patch located there. (2) to strong currents, debris thrown (3) the ocean drifts along certain routes, eventually accumulating in one place and forming giant marine litter (4) the surface of the water. In total, in the world ocean, which covers more than 70% of the Earth's surface, there are five huge garbage islands, the largest of (5} is located in the Pacific Ocean. Globally, scientists estimate the amount of plastic floating in the oceans @) seven million tons. Plastic, which takes hundreds of years to degrade, is fragmented by solar radiation and can thus (7) easily ingested by fish, birds and marine mammals such as dolphins To control the size of the vortices already formed, it would be necessary to reduce the production and use (8) plastic, promote recycling, and use biodegradable plastic. www easy-for H K. Proctor Test 6 22 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Part 3 For questions 1 to 8, use the word given on the right to form the correct word that fills each gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0). Oo E/V/O;LJU/T/)I}OIN Reading Nowadays, with the (0) of technology, many people no longer like to read books. Yet doing so will bring them (1) benefits. The most important benefit of reading a book is brain @ . Indeed, by doing so. the latter will always be @) and will not lose any of its abilities. In fact, as you exercise to (4) heart risk and build muscle, you need to do the same with your brain. And the only method you have to keep it (6)__is reading However, to avoid (6) YOU S7OuKE Dkex Up only those books that you find (7) Oree you find What you love to read, be sure to try omer Twrgs 200 (8) ___, know that you can aiso sorukre your mind through games such as puzzles or cness. EVOLVE PLENTY ‘STIMULATE ACT Low WHOLE BORING GRIP INTEREST 31 K Proctor 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Test 6 Part 4 For questions 1 to 6, fill in the gap in the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given. + Do not change the word given. + Use between two and five words (including the word given) 1 How were you able to make such a tiny model plane? MANAGE FRA sconescvrese ... such a tiny model plane? 2 1can hear you perfectly so you don’t need to shout. NO | can her you perfectly so see to shout. 3. Fewer people read Carlton's books these days. WIDELY Carlton's books . these days, srw. eacy-forens SH K. Proctor 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH 4 Don't worry if you cant finish today, because we have enough time. MATTER We have enough time, so .... .. iF you can't finish today. 5 | returned the laptop to the shop because it didn't work. TOOK The laptop didn’t work so .. veesuissssa the shop. 6 We last went abroad three years ago, BEEN We... .. three years. wweasy-for K. Proctor B2 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Test 7 Part 2 — For questions 1 to 8, read the text below and decide which word best fits each gap. Use only one word for each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). o| |tlo | ] e————— Biodiversity There are multiple hypotheses (0) explain the appearance of biological diversity around 3.5 billion years (1) ___, but palaeontology, stratigraphy and biochemistry converge towards (2) marine origin of life. The first living being would (3) appeared from the many organic molecules present in the environment, resulting (4) the chemical reactions of the primordial ocean. From that moment on, natural selection, the motor of evolution, led to the appearance of muttiple forms of life. Bacteria, (5) very simple in organisation, represent the fundamental basis of biodiversity. both functionally and genetically. It was in the Silurian that it reached the terrestrial environment (6) began to participate in the formation of the first soils. The soils, resulting from the interaction (7) living beings. source rocks and climate, are very diverse; not only are mey a physicochemical support, Sut also a living environment, where tne Sioaiversity is very high, and differs from (8) __ place to another. SH K. Proctor Test 7 B2 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Part 3 For questions 1 to 8, use the word given on the right to form the correct word that fills each gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0). o cjo|m/P/A/R/1/sloin Self-esteem In a society where (0) with others is strongly encouraged, itis not always easy to maintain good self- esteem. When it is good, it allows us to orient ourselves (1) in decision-making and thus to develop our self-confidence. Itis therefore (2)___ to preserve it on @ (3) ___ basis, if you want to live a @ lite. ‘A person who has good self-esteem will more easily take action, that is to say, make (5) that promote the (6) ____ of their personal and professional projects, while a person who has low self-esteem will tend to devalue themselves and therefore slow down in their (7). Based on our mood, self-esteem is a componert that positively or negatively impacts the (8) of our life COMPARE FAVOUR SIGNIFY DAY FULFILL DECIDE SUCCEED ACT QUALIFY 35 K Proctor 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Test 7 Part 4 For questions 1 to 6, fill in the gap in the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given. + Do not change the word given. + Use between two and five words (including the word given) 1 Liamis very active even though he is not very well SPITE Liam is very active .... that he is not very well 2 Amelia would rather not cook lunch today. FEEL Amelia ....... cesses lunch today. 3. Emma plays the piano really well GooD Emma... .. the piano 36 K. Procto ISH Proctor 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH 4 That's the best film I've ever seen. NEVER Vooccecceentessssiiisisaeee SUCH @ good film 5 When | was a child my uncle took care of me. BROUGHT | neamemsrssnmnentes - my uncle when | was a child. & What | really hate is people smoking while I'm eating STAND | really while I’m eating. wwcoasy-formacion.com a7 K Procter 22 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Test 8 Part 2 Ee For questions 1 to 8, read the text below and decide which word best fits each gap. Use only one word for each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). o] [aln [| l —— The Working Environment Several factors can have (0) impact on the quality of life at work. Prior (1) income, one of the factors most often cited by employees is their enthusiasm in their jobs. Employees seek to give meaning to their work and to grow professionally (2) stimulating tasks. The feeling of belonging to a company (3) organisation is also essential. To feel fulfilled, employees (4) to know that they are useful to their company and that they contribute to the workplace. (5) need for recognition is essential to encourage employees. Not @ may this be done financially, which is particularly important for many of them, but also through verbal encouragement. Of course, the working environment is essential. A well-ventilated and comfortable workspace, suitable lighting and good ventilation are all elements (7) help combat stress at work and improve the health of workers. Finally, (8) elements can influence the quality of life at work, like work-life balance, travel time, career prospects and job security. vowwneasy ter 38 stISH K. Proctor Test 8 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Part 3 For questions 1 to 8, use the word given on the right to form the correct word that fills each gap in the same line, There is an example at the beginning (0). ° M/A/EINILIY Neuromarketing Neuromarketing is (0) used in the advertising industry. Indeed, the goal is to (1)__ the brain and (2) expressions when faced with a stimulus, often an advertising message. Neuromarketing is of crucial (3) in our society today. In fact, we are (4) subjected to thousands of thoughts and emotions that will influence our (5) --~» 4nd therefore our purchases. The purpose of this technique is not to focus on the message conveyed by a classic (6) but on the details that will trigger a reaction in the suo,ec: Neuroscience is (7) a field of the future. because the more we manage to (8) the "u™ar grain the more we can control it. MAIN ANALYSIS FACE IMPORTANT DAY BEHAVE ADVERT DOUBT CODE K. Proctor B2 FCE USE OF ENGLISH KI Test 8 Part 4 Se For questions 1 to 6, fill in the gap in the second sentence so that ithas a similar meaning to the first, using the word given. + Do not change the word given. + Use between two and five words (including the word given) 1 Very few mountains in Spain are as high as Aneto, THE AN@10 IS esc .. Mountains in Spain. 2. Thousands of athletes run the London marathon every year. TAKE Thousands of athletes . sssseu London marathon every year. 3 He never discavered who had stolen his car. OUT He didn't .......... who had stolen his car. won aasytor. K Proctor 2 FCE USE OF ENGLISH 4 I want to maintain contact with all my college friends. TOUCH Twant toes ... all my college friends. 5 Susana would like to visit Africa. APPEALS The idea of .. .. Susana. 6 | want to go to Australia, but | don't have enough money. HAD Wi... .-. go to Australia. wr easy-formac cr. 2:~ 4 k. Procter 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Test 9 Part 2 For questions 1 to 8, read the text below and decide which word best fits each gap. Use only one word for each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). [2] [Tee Bees Beyond making honey, (0) most remarkable work of bees is pollination. Pollen transport promotes fertilisation and the formation of fruit and seed; part (1) the world’s food production and biodiversity depend on it. Even (2) _____ the populations of these animals have been reported to be declining, some 20,000 species are singled (3) and doing irreplaceable work As bees struggle (4) survival, they collect pollen from plant stamens and carry seeds. With the help of (5) bodies, they facilitate the union of the male gamete in the grain of pollen with the female gamete of the ovum. The natural process guarantees the production of at (6) a third of the products that man and other species consume daily. (7) ____ shows on the one hand that bees and other pollinators are very important for our biodiversity and our food security. On the other hand also the bee, by (8) honey. constitutes an enormous source of income for the populations. vewvmreasyf a2 K. Proet Te re su Fu fay the an pri Th on ott GLISH 2 42 K. Proctor Test 9 2 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Part 3 For questions 1 to 8, use the word given on the right to form the correct word that fills each gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0). ° ClEINIT/RIAIL The sun The Sun is the main and (0) star of the solar system. Its primary function is to supply light, (1) and energy to the Earth. This function is of great (2) , because it allows life to exist on our planet. For example, humans, animals and plants need to regulate their temperature on a (3) _level. It is the sun that (4)__ this process. Furthermore, the sun, as a source of energy and heat, favours the realisation of certain (5) reactions in the body which allow the (6) and development of animals and plants living on Earth. One of these primary processes is photosynthesis. The Sun not only allows the (7} of ning organisms, but also the (8) of our pane? arc ne other planets of the solar system. awuineasy “= CENTRE HOT IMPORTANT BIOLOGY ABLE CHEMISTRY GROW EXIST SURVIVE 43 K. Proctor 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Test 9 Part 4 —_————_— For questions 1 to 6, fill in the gap in the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given. + Do not change the word given. + Use between two and five words (including the word given) 1 The teacher said Jack had cheated. ACCUSED MBER vesercusrsrvccr .. his teacher. 2 My laptop needs to be repaired before the weekend, HAVE Ineed . ss++0 before the weekend. 3 My father advised me which hotel | should book. GAVE My father .......... .. chogsing a hotel, tex womnoasy fo 4a Ker ISH K. Proctor B2 FCE USE OF ENGLISH 4 Although Alex keeps his room tidy, he seldom cleans it. EVER Alex keeps his room tidy .. cleans it 5 The only person who was late was Sue. APART Bveny0n@ssisconaienngenveeeeinvareennere. Was On time, 6 Hurry up, the film will be starting in a moment. ABOUT Hurry up, the film . .. Start, www easy: 4s K Proctor B2 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Test 10 Part 2 — For questions 1 to 8, read the text below and decide which word best fits each gap. Use only one word for each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). °} feist TTT TET TITLE —_—<—<—<$—$— — Biophilic Design Given its many virtues (0) our health and our joy of living, biophilic design has a bright future ahead (1)__it. indeed, several scientific studies (2) demonstrated the beneficial effects of the presence of plants or a fountain in (3) interior room. This not onty improves the concentration of people working there, (4) also reduces stress and lowers blood pressure The benefits of plants and nature also affect our mental health. Do you know sylvotherapy? This practice, (5) ____ comes straight from Japan, consists of walking in the forest in a state of mindfulness. Attentive (6) the sounds and smells of our natural environment, we come back happy, relaxed, ultra-zen. Biophilic design has almost the (7) ____ virtues as a walk in the forest. Thus, we see that a business housing a green wall improves the customer experience, or even that a patient recovers more quickly (8) their hospital room allows them :9 see a tree 46 KF et me ome me ae Ke oO Ish K. Proctor Test 10 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Part 3 — For questions 1 to 8, use the word given on the right to form the correct word that fills each gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0). 0 8] Joftfofefife TTT) The Circadian Cycle Every living being has a (0) clock that regulates the periods of (1) and sleep on a rhythm of about twenty-four hours, corresponding to the day-night 2) . This rhythm is commonly called the circadian cycle. There is thus an important link between the regulation of this internal clock and (3) ___ light. To function (4) , our biological rhythm needs to have sufficient rest time and to be regenerated by natural daylight. Indeed, this (5) circadian clock is found in our brain, at the level of the nypothalamus and on the path of the optic nerve. thus (6) ____ connecting our body clock to natural ign: anc the outside world, By bringing such (7) to the biological cloxx via our body, we can maintain a (8) lite vawmncasy form 2 BIOLOGY WAKE ALTERNATE NATURE PROPER FAME PERMANENT ILLUMINATE BALANCE ar K Procter 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH KA Test 10 Part 4 — For questions 1 to 6, fill in the gap in the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given. + Do not change the word given. + Use between two and five words (including the word given) 1 He began working for this company when he was 20. BEEN He . ...for this company since he was 20. 2 How about going to see a film at the weekend? CINEMA Why not ... . at the weekend? 3 Aire broke out on board the plane shortly after it left the ground. JUST The plane ..... .... Off when a fire broke out on board. K. Proctor 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH 4 Robert knows how to cheat successfully at Poker. AWAY Robert knows how to ..... .. at Poker, 5 It’s time you started some serious work at university. DOWN It's time you .. .. Serious work at university. 6 The government spends very little money on sports education ‘SMALL The government only spends ... money on sports education. www easy-formacion.c~ 49 ISH. B2 First Extra resources K. Proctor 2 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Open cloze Part 2 In this part of the exam you complete a gapped text with only one word. Most of the missing words have a grammatical function, but there are also some words which form collocations and fixed expressions. Here is a list of the most common words used in Use of English part 2: PRONOUNS. 1 Me My Mine Myselt You You Your Yours Yourself He Him His His Himself She Her Her Hers Herself It tt Its Its Itself We Us Our Ours Ourselves You You Your Yours Yourselves They Them Their Theirs ‘Themselves ARTICLES, DETERMINERS & QUANTIFIERS A An The So Such i Not No Any None This | That These Those All Every Each Other(s) Another ff Unless i wwweas.p— aE 27 ro 52 ISH K, Proctor 22 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Much Many Alittle Afew Alotot Some Plenty of Both Either - or Neither - nor Several Enough Least Most Half AUXILIARIES, MODALS & OTHER VERB FORMS Be Am is Are Was Were Been Being Have Has Had Having Do Does Did Done Doing Can Could May Might Must Need Ought to Should Shall wilt Would Beableto —_ Had better PREPOSITIONS, PHRASAL VERBS & ADVERBS At To On In With For ot Up Along About Out Into Around Through Over After Before Back Across off Without Away behind Forward Like Since Yet Still Already Just 52 www.easy “> a $3 K. Proctor B2 FCE USE OF ENGLISH RELATIVE PRONOUNS Who Whoever Which Whichever What Whatever When Whenever Where Wherever Why That Whose Whom Whomever CONNECTORS However But Whereas: Although Even though Though While And In addition —_Besides Also Too For example For instance Like Such as Because AS Since Because of Due to On account of Owing to Inconclusion To sum up In brief Therefore So To summarize On balance Insummary Thus Nevertheless Moreover What's more Inorderto So. as to So that Incase (of) Apart from Except for As well As well as Not only, But also Provided Aslongas © Asthough Until Even if Despite Inspiteof Even so Actually Rather than SH ba K. Proctor Word formation Part 3 B2 FCE USE OF ENGLISH In this part of the exam you complete a gapped text by changing words given, for example changing a verb to anoun or an adjective. VERBS There are four main prefixes/suttixes used when making verbs, which you should revise for the B2 First Here are some examples: en, ity enable amplify ensure identify enclose beautify encode clarify endanger diversity enforce electrify entrust justity enlarge falsify enrage glorify enrich horrity ise advise apologise criticise devise exercise improvise organise prioritise revise specialise en brighten darken deepen lengthen shorten, strengthen tighten weaken worsen widen 55 K. Proctor B2 FCE USE OF ENGLISH NEGATIVES For the B2 First exam, there's nearly always at least one negative in the word formation paper. There are lots of prefixes and suffixes we can use to make negatives. 1. Negative prefixes can be used with nouns, verbs, adjective and adverbs. For example disapproval, disapprove, disapproving, disapprovingly. Usually im + p (impatient) but not always (unpieasant). Otten il + | (illegal) but not always (unlikely) Oiten ir + r (irregular) but not always (unresponsive). Usually -ful changes to -less (harmfulless) but not always (endless). Ii you can't remember, choose un - i's the most common negative prefix. oan en Here are some examples: un, im ir il unable impatient inaccurate illogal unaware impertect inappropiate illegible unbelievable impolite incapable illimited unexpected improbable ineffective illiterate unknown impossible inefficient illogical ir dis, mis, less irradiant disapprove misbehave careless irrational disagree misspelt endless itrecognizable disbelief misundestand harmless irrepresentable —_ dishonest misuse helpless 56 wwneasy- forms K, Proctor One educ also. to de stem Ver app com con deci des exp inte proc qual repe solv LISH K. Proctor 52 FCE USE OF ENGLISH NOUNS WITH -ion One of the most common ways to change a verb to a noun is with -ion (e.g. educate to education) and with -ation (e.g. invite to invitation). Sometimes we also change the verb stem as well when we make the noun like this (e.g. describe to description}. The table below shows common nouns in which the spelling of the stem also changes. Verb apply compete consume decide describe explain intend permit produce quality repeat solve Noun application competition consumption decision description explanation intention permission production qualification repetition solution yeweneasyforms: 2° 227 57 K. Proctor 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH NOUNS WITH -ence and -ance Two common noun endings are -ance and -ence. Usually, their adjectives are made with -ant and -ent. Here are some common examples which might help you in the B2 First exam. @ Nouns with -ence: Verb depend differ excel exist obey occur silence violate Noun (-ence) dependence difference excellence existence innocence intelligence obedience occurrence: silence violence smw.eaey terms Adjective dependent different excellent existent innosent intelligent obedient silent violent 58 NGLISH are you 58 K Proctor @ Nouns with -ance: Verb accept (dis)appear assist attend reassure signify Noun (-ance] acceptance (dis)apperance Assistance / assistant attendance / attendant distance importance reassurance significance Ne Many verbs can form nouns with the suffix -ment. Here are some examples: Verb Noun achieve achievement amuse amusement argue argument develop development encourage ‘encouragement Verb excite improve involve judge measure 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Adjective accepting apparent distant important reassured significant Noun excitement improvement involvement judgement measurement 59 K. Proctor Ni H -nes: Many adjectives can form nouns with the suffix -ness. Here are some examples: Adjective Nour Adjective aware awareness lazy dark darkness lonely forgetful forgetfulness rude happy happiness tidy homeless homelessness weak IRREGULAR NOUNS 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Noun laziness loneliness rudeness tidiness. weakness: There are lots of standard noun suffixes (e.g -tion, -ment) or verb suffixes. But many nouns and verbs have irregular suffixes which you will need to know for the Be First exam. On the next page you will find a list of the most common irregular formations for the B2 First that you will have to make sure you study before taking your official exam. wawweasy-forr 60 LISH K. Proctor Verb believe choose defend die give ose marry practise pretend prove save see speak succeed think 60 Noun beliet choice defense death gift loss marriage practice pretense proof satety sight speech success thought Adjective (Un)believable chosen defensive dead - deadly lost (un)married practical (un}proven {un)sate unseen (un)spoken (un)suecesstul thoughttui-less 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Adverb (un)believably defensively dealy practically (un)successtully thoughttully-lessly 61 K. Procter 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH MATI The word formation part of the B2 First often tests adjectives such as ‘short’, ‘wide’, ‘dark! and their nouns and verbs. Here is a list of sore of the most common adjectives and their forms, Adjective Verb Noun bright brighten brightness dark darken dark - darkness i deep deepen depth \ high heighten height i large enlarge enlargement } long lengthen length | loose loosen looseness low lower : short shorten shortage - shortness strong strengthen strength tight tighten tightness weak weaken weakness - weigh weight wide widen width i i wewneeasy-forns Gus t, st 42 | < Proctor 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Key word transformation Part 4 There are six questions in this part of the exam (total 12 marks). For each question, you complete a second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. You must use between two and five words, including the word you are given. Contractions (e.g. isnt, won't) count as two words, USEFUL TIPS AND EXAMPLES. Underline the part of the first sentence that you need to change to help you focus. As the weather was freezing, nobody wanted to swim in the lake. UKE As the weather was freezing, nobody FELT LIKE SWIMMING in the lake. ® Read the whole answer when you've finished to check for careless mistakes which might make you lose a mark (e.g. changing the time. missing ‘a / an’, repeating words). We were all excited about meeting his wite. LOOKING Everybody #$ LOOKING FORWARD TO MEETING his wife. NOT CORRECT Everybody WAS LOOKING FORWARD TO MEETING his wife. CORRECT ‘Alex moved here ten years ago. BEEN Alex HAS BEEN LIVING HERE FOR for ‘er years ‘OR 1s repeated) wwweas. “=: K. Proctor 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH PRACTICE 1) The tourists were not very interested in what the guide said. MUCH There ‘among the tourists in what the guide said. 2) She's worked very hard in the garden. DEAL She's done a in the garden. 3) Nobody helped him clean the house last week. HIMSELF He last week. 4) He loves her and she loves him very much. EACH They very much. 5) Bruno was too tired to work any more so he stopped. CARRY Bruno any more because he was too tired 6) I'd love to go to the cinema tonight, but I've got to do my homework. WISH 1 the cinema tonight, but I've got to do my homework. 7) it was possible that he was having a shower. so he couldn't hear the phone. MAY He shower, so he couldn't hear the phone, www.easy far LISH 6a < Proctor 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH 8) We found it difficult to write the book, TROUBLE We the bok. 9) The fast time | saw John was nine years ago. FOR Il nine years. 10) Germany is well-known for making great cars. REPUTATION The Germans for making great cars. 11) David was excited because it was his first visit to Paris, NEVER David was excited because Paris before. 12) Donald is obviously the best player in the team STANDS Donald the best playar in the team. 13) When on tour, actors often miss their home. FEEL Many actors tend to when they are on tour. 14) Sara didn't accept the role in the new musical. DOWN Sara the role in the new musical 15) Lucas has always been full of ambition, VERY Lucas has always __.. person. viwonwasy form 222° 227 6 K. Procto« 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH 16) The number of students at the college suddenly increased. INCREASE There was __ the number of students at the college. 47) You don't get good marks because you don't study hard. HARDER li you studied better marks. 18) You said | broke the window. ACCUSED You the window. 19} Going to the gym so early seems pointless to me, POINT leant going to the gym so early. 20) People think that my brother owns a huge house in London. THOUGHT My brother __ a huge house in London. 21) | decided not to buy a new motorbike now, bul to get one later. PUT decided _ anew motorbike until later. 22) Jim is very active even though he is not very well DESPITE Jimis very active that he is not very well. 23) It wouldn't be a good idea if you ate too much chocolate. BETTER You too much chocolate. wmnmensy-forn ss = 66 3LISH be K Proctor 22 FCE USE OF ENGLISH 24) | really regret not bringing a camera today, ONLY tf acamera today. 25) | will be very pleased to read what you've written. GREAT | will take what you've written 26) John found it very difficult to make a decision. DIFFICULTY Maria had great a decision. 27) A local decorator painted my bedroom. HAD I a local decorator, 28) I'l lend you some money but you must pay me back soon. LONG H"Hend you some money me back soon, 29) When my sister heard she'd failed her driving test, she began to cry. BROKE When my sister heard she'd failed her driving test, she tears. 30) Sara is the best chess player in our club. Goop Nobody in our club is at chess. wwe easyer K. Proctor 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Verb tenses review 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH K. Proctor ee snonueg senator vcunmisniiuceny pagent sets wave sevedipheamaein a see oan od ehesrerhve we ng youonteytont atest % & t own easy: 68 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH K. Proctor tase pease coment nota pou ee sop roar seca Eaten un i, Gages va Foun tone yt Butane berasen ais oer emes wovw.easy-formaz 27 5% Photocopiable 90 NGLISE Eh K. Proctor Part 4 www.easy formacion.com 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH Photocopiable 91 K. Proctor 82 FCE USE OF ENGLISH NOTES WHAT DID I LEARN? DATE: NEW VOCABULARY DEFINITION - TRANSLATION wivwseasy-formacion.com 98

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