Adverse Situations

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Name: Tambrietta Williams-Baca

Date: 01 November 2023

Course ID: EAD 536

Instructor: Steven Bebee

Adverse Situations

Management and Operational Systems

The main decision is determining whether or not the air conditioning can be repaired in a

timely manner or if the students and staff need to be dismissed until the repairs can be made. If

we ascertain that the problem cannot be fixed promptly, then we will have to figure out how to

notify the parents and the bus drivers of the change in schedule. Another item to consider is the

relocation or transportation of students who cannot be immediately picked up by their parents.

Human, Fiscal, and Technological Resources

In these types of situations, communication is essential. I would need to notify the people

who work in the central office first to make sure that I am following protocol. They make the

final decisions about whether or not the school will be closed earlier than usual. It is also

important to keep them in the loop so that in case there is any news media, they will know how

to respond. They would also be able to contact the bus drivers or our Department of

Transportation so they can either bus the students home or elsewhere. They can also help me

coordinate a secondary location if it is necessary.

It is important to be prompt and consistent in our communication with parents about the

current situation. The staff has probably noticed the increase in temperature over the last few

hours. Using any accurate weather site, I would see how high the temperatures are expected to

get. This will also help me determine whether or not we need to leave early. As principal, I

would need to send an email to all of the staff. This email would tell them about the broken air

conditioner, the approximate repair time, and what we as the school plan to do in response. In

this case, the school would need to dismiss early. I would also send a statement to the staff on

what to say to parents. In my school, we use TalkingPoints to communicate with parents. After

the school is completely empty, I will do an “all call” to the parents of the school with a pre-

recorded message to let them know what is going on in the school. If this incident reaches the

media, I would advise the staff not to answer any questions directly. I would tell them to direct

any news media personnel to the designated person from the central office to address the


With it being so early in the morning, the students may not have eaten lunch yet.

Therefore, the cafeteria staff should be notified so that a bagged lunch can be prepared for them

to take with them. I would also instruct staff to allow students regular water breaks until they

have been either picked up by their parents or are on the bus. The school nurse and the school’s

first responder team would be advised to check for anyone who shows signs of heat exhaustion,

heat stroke, or any other heat-related illness. Students who are diabetic or have other underlying

health conditions should be carefully monitored.

Hopefully, the students will be picked up by the bus or a parent shortly after dismissal. If

there are one or two students remaining, after several attempts to contact the parents, the
assistant principal and the guidance counselor will be asked to take the students home. I will

remain in the building until it is completely empty of students and staff.

Safety and Welfare of Students and Staff

As the principal, it is my duty to ensure the safety and welfare of all the students and staff

in our school. According to the Arizona Department of Health Services, “Arizona is one of the

hottest places on earth from May to September” (ADHS). The Arizona Department of Health

Services also provides a table for each county that shows the level of risk according to the

temperature and location of the school and they advise to start interventions while the

temperatures are still lower. Once the temperatures reach a certain level, students, staff, and other

personnel from the county will be at a greater risk.

According to Wayne County Public School Board policy, the decision to do an early

dismissal is usually left to the discretion of the superintendent who will notify related personnel.

However, a principal can also invoke an early dismissal but will still have to notify the

superintendent and transportation director immediately (2023).

Collaboration with Faculty and Community

The most important stakeholders in this situation would be the students who are in an

unsafe learning environment. The next would be the faculty and staff that are working in an

unsafe environment. This would include the nurses, custodial staff, and office staff. Parents, bus

drivers, and the central office personnel are also stakeholders in this situation however, they are

not in a situation where they can become ill or injured due to the heat.

Solution and Rationale

The best solution to this problem would be to notify the central office and start the

process of early dismissal for the students. It is better to err on the side of caution. If the air

conditioning cannot be restored within an hour, it is best to get the students out of the building

until repairs can be made. Parents should be notified and receive prompt communication from

teachers regarding the issue. As the principal, it is my job to ensure that my staff knows what is

going on so that they can appropriately respond to the students and parents. I should also let the

central office know what is going on so that they can get workers to our school who can do

repairs and further advise me on how long the school will be closed and any make-up days for

students and staff.

We want our students to learn, but we do not want to risk harm to them due to extreme

temperatures. It would be a similar situation if we were experiencing freezing or below-freezing

temperatures and the heat suddenly stopped working. Our staff also have the right to work under

conditions that are not harmful to them. Therefore, in order to protect the people inside the

building, I must dismiss school early and make sure everyone gets home safely before I leave the

building. I should follow the protocol, and I will need to contact the necessary persons and

follow the chain of command.


Arizona Department of Health Services. (n.d.). Managing extreme heat recommendations for

schools: pilot version. Retrieved from


Wayne County Public Schools. (n.d.). Board Policy. Policy manual. Retrieved November 1,

2023, from

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