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Prepared by
Bernadeth A. Dimdam
Table Of
l.Front page

ll. Table of contents

lll.Title Page

IV. Acknowledgments

V. Introduction

Vl. Company Profile

•Mission and Vision

• Organizatinal chart with seal

Vll.Narrative Report

•Daily Accomplishment Report

•Narrative Report on Weekly

• Conclusion
Table Of

•Internship Contract

•Evaluation Sheet

•Certificate of On-the-Job Training


•Daily time record

•Recommendation letter

•Parents waiver
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to several
individuals and groups who have been instrumental in making my
On-the-Job Training a fulfilling and enriching experience.

First and foremost, I am deeply appreciative of Ma'am Eva

Grencio and Ma'am Caroline Maesie J. Robles, CPA for their
invaluable guidance, patience, and unwavering support throughout
the training period. Their expertise and encouragement played a
pivotal role in shaping my learning journey.

I extend my thanks to the LGU DAET for providing me with

the opportunity to be a part of their team and for offering an
environment conducive to learning and growth. My gratitude also
goes out to the Accounting Department for their coordination and
assistance throughout this process.

I am grateful to my colleagues and team members who

generously shared their knowledge and experiences, contributing
significantly to my understanding of the work and the industry.

Last but not least, I want to acknowledge the unwavering

support of my family and friends, whose encouragement and
understanding sustained me during this phase.

This learning experience has been invaluable, and I am

thankful to each and every individual and entity who has been a
part of my OJT journey.

Bernadeth A. Dimdam
On-the-Job Training (OJT) stands as a cornerstone in the realm of professional
development, an immersive educational approach fostering hands-on experience and
practical skill acquisition within a real work environment. This dynamic learning method
serves as a pivotal bridge between theoretical knowledge and practical application, offering
individuals a unique opportunity to delve into the intricacies of their chosen field while
honing their competencies in a tangible, real-world setting.

In its essence, OJT intertwines the theoretical underpinnings learned in classrooms with the
practical demands and challenges encountered in professional settings. It is an
indispensable facet of educational and professional growth, where individuals are actively
engaged in tasks and projects under the guidance and mentorship of seasoned
professionals. This mentoring process is a critical component, as it not only imparts
technical skills but also cultivates invaluable soft skills such as communication, problem-
solving, and adaptability.

The benefits of OJT reverberate across various industries, be it in the realms of business,
technology, healthcare, or any other field. The hands-on experience gained during OJT
refines an individual's understanding of the industry's nuances, thus fortifying their
competence and confidence. Moreover, it offers a panoramic view of the workplace
dynamics, fostering an understanding of organizational structures, protocols, and the
intricate interplay of various departments.

Furthermore, for organizations, OJT is an invaluable tool in nurturing and shaping a

workforce equipped with the precise skill set required for optimal performance. By
investing in the training and mentorship of individuals, businesses not only amplify their
productivity but also pave the way for a more efficient and adept workforce, thus
contributing significantly to their bottom line.

This method of learning has evolved over time, adapting to the changing landscapes of
industries and technologies. From apprenticeships in traditional crafts to modern-day
digital internships, the core essence of OJT remains rooted in experiential learning,
preparing individuals to navigate the complexities and challenges of their chosen

The journey of OJT is an ever-evolving continuum, adapting to the demands of the current
professional landscape while standing as a testament to the unyielding importance of
merging practical experience with academic knowledge. The metamorphosis of an
individual from a learner to a proficient contributor within the workplace is a testament to
the potency of OJT in shaping the future of skilled professionals.
Vision And

"In pursuit of our VISION, LGU-DAET, upholding the principle of
responsive leadership, equipped with competence and righteousness,
is committed to the constituency to:
1. Require high level of professional performance of public servants in
an atmosphere that rewards excellence and recognizes productivity.
2. Continuously build its financial and entrepreneurial capacity.
3. Ensure the delivery of quality basic services.
4. Ensure the sustainability of the environmental concerns."
Prepared by :
Bernadeth A Dimdam
Week 1
No. Of

September 04,
OJT started at Accounting Department 8

Ma'am Eva gave me some paper works

September 05, like Disbursements Voucher and
2023 Obligations Request together with the
other documents.

My trainor called me and teach me how to

encode and do advise in cheque. She teach
September 06,
me how to ACIC in Land Bank, she also 8
explained that we check the General Fund
and make a cheque

I do my daily task which is checking and

September 07, signed in every papers about cash advance
2023 or Reimbursement and participate
Earthquake drill in SM Daet

September 08, I check procurement of goods, travel

2023 expenses, Honorarium, and other papers.
Week 1
On September 04 2023 my OJT started, I attended the flag ceremony together
with my Co- OJT and after that We go Conference to start an orientation with Sir
Rommel Carrascal at exactly 8:00 in the morning. He Orient us about the policy and
the guidelines of LGU- Daet. Wearing a crop top and flirting to the co-worker is
strictly forbade us. He also said when you see someone doing something bad, don't
imitate it, just do the job we were ordered to do properly.
After Orientation Sir Rommel Carrascal the Peso Manager accompanied us to our
assign area. Maria Christine and I assigned in Accounting Department. and the other
students of CNSN assigned in Treasury Department. The Accounting Department gave
us a warm welcome, Ma'am Caroline Maesie the Municipal Account Welcome us with
a big smile. I Introduced myself followed by my Co- OJT and then Ma'am Robles
assigned me to Ma'am Eva Grencio. I Introduce myself again to Maam Eva and she
immediately gave me a papers about Check and voucher , l was confused because I
didn't know what to do but after a few minutes she showed me one by one how to do
it. Exactly 12:00 noon we take our lunch. 12:51pm I took my time and went back to
work again. I don't know much yet, but I remember a little.
My 2nd day
I entered in LGU DAET at 7:41 in the morning. I my fixed my lunchbox because it was
very cold inside the office. When Maam Eva Arrived we start our work again. She gave
me some of the paper works like Disbursements Voucher and Obligations voucher
together with the other documents. There is so much to fix and check to put a
accounting control number. 11:58 i take may lunch and time at 12:51 in the afternoon.
After lunch back to work again . I couldn't finish it because I was still confused about
checking, but Ma'am Eva helps me when I don't know something and teach me how to
do it. At 5:04 in the afternoon we go to peso office to time out.
September 06, 2023 I go to LGU DAET and time in at 7:54 in the morning. Ma'am Eca
gave me another paper work and check, I also signed in every paper that I checked.
After snack time Ma'am Eva called me and teach how to encod and do advise in
cheque. She teach me how to ACIC in Land Bank, she also explained that we check the
General Fund and make a cheque. One of the paper work that I encod is the Meira's
event catering services, i advise and do ACIC to have a check and be signed by the
municipal accountant to get into the bank. 11:58 i do time out and take my lunch with
my Co- OJT. 12:55 time in in Peso Office. Back to work again. Maam Myra the JO of
Accounting office ask me if I know how to make a logo for the jersey of the
accounting department and i said Yes. I made logo samples and then I showed them
and sent them to gc because they will choose which one to make. 5:06 in the
afternoon We time out.
Week 1
September 07, 2023 Waited until it 8:00 am before I start my task. First i do my
daily task which is checking and signed in every papers about cash advance or
Reimbursement. After I check all the papers I encode it on Ma'am Myra's Pc, put a
control number and give to Municipal accountant after i finish my task Madam
accountant said that we to prepare to participate an earthquake drill in Sm City Daet.
Around 1pm we go to SM and participate in the said Earthquake drill Mayor Benito
Ochoa open a program and the Earthquake drill begun. During the evacuation, we were
reminded of the importance of accounting for all employees, and we conducted a
headcount to ensure that everyone was safe and accounted for. This emphasized the
significance of communication and coordination during such emergencies.
Preparedness: The earthquake drill served as a vital reminder of the importance of
preparedness. Being familiar with emergency procedures can make a significant
difference during real crises.
Communication: Effective communication played a crucial role in ensuring that
everyone was aware of the situation and responded accordingly.
Organization: The process of encoding files earlier in the day made me appreciate the
significance of well-organized data, which can be invaluable in times of crisis.
Participating in the earthquake drill was a valuable experience that underscored the
importance of being prepared for unexpected emergencies. It also served as a
reminder of the need for organized data and effective communication in both regular
work tasks and during emergency situations. This exercise not only promoted our
safety but also strengthened our workplace's overall emergency response capabilities.
After the program I went to my house.
September 08, 2023 Our 5th day in Accounting Department and it's friday. I started to
do my assigned task at 8:00 in the morning,I check procurement of goods, travel
expenses, Honorarium, and other papers. When checking Procurement of goods of
Meiras event catering services there's a problem in their paper, Business Permit, DTI
registration, and others are missing that's why we call the staff of catering services to
ask some of the papers Checking and analyzing papers, put control number, check
some cheque and signed.
Week 2
No. Of

September 11, Ma'am Myra ask the logo that I made. I check
procurement of goods, travel expenses, 8
2023 Honorarium, and other papers.

September 12, Sir Mark Treat us a Snack because of his

2023 Promotion

September 13, Maam Eva gave me a check and I do ACIC on

2023 her area and give to Municipal Accountant

I record and update the incoming and

September 14,
outgoing documents with accounting control 8

I check procurement of goods, travel

September 15,
expenses, Honorarium, and other papers with 8
Ma'am Eva.
Week 2
My journey through the world of accounting
began with an enriching opportunity to partake
in an+123-456-7890
On-the-Job Training (OJT) program at a
reputable company's accounting department.
This experience was a pivotal moment in my
academic and professional life, allowing me to
immerse myself in the practical applications of
the theories learned in the classroom.
On My 2nd week of OJT in LGU DAET I make a
logo of Accounting Office for Sportfest next
week. Sir Mark Treat us because of his
promotion and become an Accountant ll. I do
my daily task which is ACIC and I record and
update the incoming and outgoing documents
with accounting control number. I check
procurement of goods, travel expenses,
Honorarium, and other papers with Ma'am Eva.
When it comes in travel expenses there's
always an error due to lack of documents such
as narrative reports and no travel completed.
Week 3
No. Of

September 18,
Sportfest started 8

September 19, Sir Norbert and I go to treasury office to

2023 pass with check papers and non

September 20, Cheers our player of volleyball and

2023 basketball

I record and update the incoming and

September 21, outgoing documents with accounting control
2023 number because Ma'am Myra the JO of
Ma'am Eva is one of our player

September 22, Friday and day 5 of sportfest that's why we

2023 support our player thru our lungs
Week 3
Week 3 of our OJT and sportfest started. The Local
Government Unit Daet held its annual Sports Fest from
September 18-29, 2023 at the LGU DAET covered court
The event was a grand celebration of athleticism,
camaraderie, and community spirit. This narrative
report captures the highlights of the LGU Sports Fest
2023.The Sports Fest kicked off with a spectacular
opening ceremony that featured of teams from various
departments. Athletes proudly carried their banners,
displaying the unity of the LGU ,a heartfelt rendition of
the national anthem set a tone of patriotism and
enthusiasm. While the competition was fierce, the
atmosphere remained friendly and supportive. Rival
teams displayed exceptional sportsmanship, often
exchanging high-fives and words of encouragement.
The LGU's emphasis on fair play and respect was clearly
visible throughout the event. Sir Norbert and I go to
treasury office to pass with check papers and non.I
record and update the incoming and outgoing
documents with accounting control number because
Ma'am Myra the JO of Ma'am Eva is one of our player.
Friday and day 5 of sportfest that's why we support our
player thru our lungs.
Week 4
No. Of

September 25, Before going to the treasury office I update the

incoming and outgoing documents with 8
2023 accounting control number.

Final play of volleyball and

September 26,
basketball.We support our player of 8
volleyball girls and boys

I Prepare voucher number for trustfund

September 27,
general fund and sef, also we support the JO 8
for their team building

September 28,
It's Holiday 0

September 29,
The last day of sportfest and awarding 8
Week 4
Its Family Day, Before going to the treasury
office I update the incoming and outgoing
documents with accounting control
number.Final play of volleyball and
basketball.We support our player of volleyball
girlsand boys. Also I Prepare voucher number
for trustfund general fund and sef, we support
the JO for their team building. I do ACIC in Maam
Eva's computer because she participate a team
building of Regular employees.
The last day of sportfest and awarding, last day
of sportfest that's why we support our player
thru our lungs.At the heart of the LGU Sports
Fest were the athletes and their dedication. The
closing ceremony was a celebration of their
achievements. Medals, trophies, and prizes
were awarded to the winners. Beyond the
physical rewards, participants took home
memories of a day filled with camaraderie,
determination, and pride.
Week 5
No. Of

Octoberber 02,
I excuse myself because of Dysmenorrhea 0

Ma'am Eva and other staff of Accounting

October 03,
ask me if i can work because of what 8
happen yesterday and i said Yes.

I ask Ma'am Allyana what should we do after

October 04,
OJT she said we need to prelare a speech and 8

October 05, I do number and do ACIC in all incoming

2023 check voucher.

October 06, I Prepare voucher number for Trustfund,

2023 General fund and SEF.
Week 5
On October 02, 2023 i can't go to work because
of Dysmenorrhea that's why I excuse myselt on
that day. On the other day Ma'am Eva and other
staff of Accounting ask me if i can work
because of what happen yesterday and i said
Yes.I ask Ma'am Allyana what should we do after
OJT and she said we need to prepare a speech
and perform tiktok dance. I do number and do
ACIC in all incoming check voucher.I Prepare
voucher number for Trustfund, General fund
and SEF. We all know that The LGU's Accounting
Department plays a vital role in managing the
financial resources allocated for public services
and projects. This department is responsible for
budgeting, financial planning, maintaining
transparency in financial transactions, and
ensuring compliance with government
accounting standards that is why we need to
avoid an error to ensure that every voucher we
create are accurate.
Week 6

No. Of

Octoberber 09, Attending flag ceremony and Ma'am Eva rate my

2023 evaluation form.

October 10, I do a lot of task because tomorrow is our last

2023 day in ojt

October 11, Last day of OJT and we prepare a snack, do

2023 speech with a twist and perform tiktok dance
Week 6
The morning began with a sense of
bittersweet excitement. Walking through
the familiar corridors, I couldn't help but
reminisce about
+123-456-7890 the significant
milestones, the knowledge gained, and
the relationships formed during my time
here. My mentors and colleagues, who
had been pivotal in guiding me through
the intricacies of financial transactions,
were preparing for a small farewell
gathering, a gesture that warmed my
heart, I delivered my speech with a twist i
prepare a small gift that symbolize of
their everyday life with a letter. After that
we perform our tiktok dance and you can
see the happiness of all accounting staff
and have a smile on their face. The day's
agenda was a mix of reflection, final
tasks, and closing discussions.
Week 6
I spent a part of the morning revisiting
some of the initial projects I had worked
on, feeling a sense of accomplishment in
the progress made and the skills honed.
The guidance and patience of the team
had significantly contributed to my
growth, allowing me to handle tasks
independently that seemed daunting at
the start.Leaving the accounting
department on the last day of my OJT was
a momentous occasion. It marked the end
of an enriching chapter while paving the
way for the beginning of a new phase in
my professional journey.With a heart full
of gratitude and a mind brimming with
newfound skills, I stepped out of the
doors, cherishing the memories and
lessons, ready to embark on the next
chapter of my career.
The journey through this OJT in the accounting department
has undoubtedly been a transformative and enlightening
experience, marking a significant chapter in my pursuit of a
career.As my OJT in the accounting department culminates, I
leave with a profound sense of gratitude for the exposure,
guidance, and learning opportunities provided. This experience
has not only enhanced my technical skills but also cultivated in
me a deeper appreciation for the role of accounting in the
corporate world.Moreover, the exposure to diverse tasks within
the accounting domain, whether it's ledger management,
reconciliations, or financial analysis, instills versatility and the
ability to navigate multifaceted challenges. The immersion in
day-to-day operations fosters an acute awareness of the
industry's demands, preparing individuals for the ever-evolving
landscape of finance and accounting. Furthermore, the
collaborative atmosphere within the accounting department
cultivates teamwork, communication skills, and an
understanding of the interconnectedness of various roles within
an organization. The engagement with colleagues, supervisors,
and clients hones interpersonal skills, essential for effective
collaboration and client relationship management. The
invaluable insights gained and the relationships formed with
industry professionals will serve as a cornerstone for my future
endeavors in the accounting domain. The OJT experience in the
accounting department not only serves as a stepping stone for
professional growth but also acts as a crucible for the
development of a well-rounded, astute, and adaptable
accounting professional, poised to contribute meaningfully to
the intricate world of finance.

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