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Kim Vo 12PD16 - Question 1: Analyse the role of the energy systems in supplying ATP in soccer

In order to power muscular contractions for movement during training, the human body must be underpinned by energy
systems that consist of the continuous supply of body energy in order to cater to the needs of functioning organs. The single
energy source for all bodily functions and movements is ​Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), ​an energy-rich compound produced
through the breakdown of sugars, and acids. During training there are different levels of intensity that require different
interplays of the 3 energy systems. ​The Alactacid System (ATP/PC System)​ supplies ATP to sports of high intensity and consists
of short bursts,​ the Lactic System​ is mainly for intermediate bursts of relatively high-intensity and ​the Aerobic System​ for long
efforts of low to moderate intensity. In reference to soccer, it is a ​multi-activity sport played at a relatively moderate intensity
interspersed with short periods of very-high-intensity sprint and jump performance, soccer may therefore be arguably,
regarded as a sport with both aerobic and anaerobic demands.

While there are three major energy systems that all maintain a role in the performance of an athlete playing soccer, the
energy system demands of the sport of soccer first exercises the ATP/PC System which uses the ATP molecules and ​Creatine
Phosphate (CP) molecules stored in the muscle ​for short ballistic movements ​up to 12 seconds in length​ until CP molecules are
broken down at maximum effort of the system.​ ​An example​ where the ATP/PC System would be most predominant in
supplying ATP to short explosive movements during a soccer game would be in a midfielder’s movement of off balancing
opponents by taking a sharp turn while sprinting in an explosive manner.​ ​Though the production of ATP is readily available for
use the ​efficiency ATP/PC System is quite short​, the chemical reactions occur almost immediately in response to the body’s
need for energy. It is also efficient in its rate of recovery as it ​typically takes around two minutes to fully regain the normal
levels of CP once the stores have been used up.​ ​This ​short rate of recovery assists soccer players in taking quick breaks as
games/training sessions are long​ and substitutions and breaks are few and far between. As the ATP/PC system is easily
fatigued by the loss and inability to resynthesise ATP molecules​ and the contractions during soccer are required beyond the
limits of the ATP/PC System, the Lactic Acid System will come into play and continue providing the required ATP molecules for
the​ next 2-3 minutes​ to achieve optimal performance. However, due to the lack of CP molecules, exhausted by the ATP/PC
System the body must find a fuel other than CP to use as body energy. Despite the lack of CP, the ATP/PC system has ​no
fatiguing by-products other than heat resulting from the contraction of muscles.

Among the interchange of energy systems from the ATP/PC System, the Lactic Acid System has now become the predominant
energy system in the supplement of ATP to power muscular contractions. Due to the break of ___ and low levels of CP, the
Lactic Acid System ​seeks for immediate sugar supply to fill in as fuel known as Glucose, however there is stored glucose in the
muscle called​, Glycogen, that is more flexible under conditions as it is more abundant than CP and can be used despite the
absence or presence of oxygen, making the supplement of ATP still readily available to soccer players among the game as the
Lactic Acid System is able to ​efficiently resynthesise ATP molecules due to the breakdown of glucose.​ The Lactic Acid System is
able to continue to fuel a soccer player’s short bursts yet ​high intensity movements for up to 1 minute ​such as a defender’s
sudden change in movement to mark out the strikers by sprinting to intercept their move and prevent a goal. ​Unless a
defender​ who’s decision at the time of the game was to maintain possession of the ball and work in maintaining more time to
open the game, there is little movement and merely moderate intensity of dribbling the ball between their feet.​ During the
following rest period after that 40 second-1 minute explosive movement,​ a large blood flow is required to replace the used-up
phosphate and oxygen stores in the muscles to help remove any lactate ions and hydrogen ion by-products created due to the
brewing of pyruvic acid in the absence of oxygen. ​Lactic acid is the product of build up that blood is not able to transport out
of the body due to high-intensity exercise that lasts 40-60 seconds. ​Once too much lactic acid is created, onset of blood
lactate accumulation occurs and causes muscles to fatigue. ​This is where the soccer player’s performance begins to deplete,
and the​ rate of recovery becomes detrimental to the player’s ongoing performance in the game as it takes 20 minutes - 2
hours to remove lactic acid.​ In order to maintain sustained elite performance of the soccer player, the Aerobic System must
take over as it’s dependence on oxygen becomes essential in the immediate removal of lactic acid as the Lactic Acid System’s
by-product of pyruvic acid is changed into carbon dioxide, water and ATP.

Once the Lactic Acid System’s by-product of pyruvic acid becomes detrimental to the performance of the soccer player, the
Aerobic System became the predominant energy system, handling the body’s response to the gradual removal of lactic acid. The
Aerobic System requires the presence of oxygen to ensure the continuation of supplement of ATP molecules to fuel muscular
contractions of 3 minutes and more. Oxygen does not immediately play an active role in fact it is rather timid when the soccer
player begins to move and gradually the involvement of the ​aerobic pathway becomes prevalent as it becomes the sole and
predominant supplier of ATP to the working muscles​. Fuel degradation/aerobic metabolism comes into play as their source of fuel
in order to resynthesise ATP is in the breakdown of glucose, fat and protein. The Aerobic System is​ extremely efficient in it’s
supplement of ATP as it makes 13 times more ATP than the Lactic Acid System​, both starting from the same amount of CP (120
Grams), enabling the soccer player’s sustained position in the game for longer periods of time Considering that soccer is an
intermittent sport, the total amount of glycogen of 350 grams is more than sufficient for​ 4-6 hour of continuation. With the
Aerobic System being so versatile, there is a depletion in glucose to the working muscles and when it
runs out the body fatigues, quickly. Fatigue also occurs when the extended source of fuel, fats begin to take more oxygen than
required, negatively impacting the soccer player’s efficient performance on the field. The Aerobic System also ​does not consist of
harmful by-products,​ merely, the produce of water and carbon dioxide that can be easily lost in sweat, expiration or distribution
to available cells. As for the majority of the 90 minutes in a soccer game, 70% of the body exercises the Aerobic Energy System
the body ​may take days to properly recover​ as glycogen has most likely been exhausted.

To Conclude, all three energy systems, The Alactacid System, The Lactic Acid System and The Aerobic System are all essential
in improving an athlete’s performance due to the essential need for continuous and various methods of supplying Adenosine
triphosphate (ATP) to working muscles. It is vital to have all systems interchangeably play an active role as each system
maintains different strengths and weaknesses that are able to compliment one another in terms of filling in for the other’s

Reference List:
● Dechant, Z (2010). ​Soccer and Energy Systems - Continuing Education, Speed​ [Online] Zach Dechant Sports
Performance Enhancement.
[Accessed 2 March 2020]

● Wjec, C, (2016). ​Energy Systems and their application to training principles ​[online] Available at:
2-energy-systems-and-their-application%20.html [Accessed 3 March 2020]

● 2020. ​Soccer Is An Aerobic Sport, Isn't It? - Coachdos.Com​. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 9 March 2020].

● n.d. ​Energy Systems In Soccer – Petruzzi Soccer Academy​. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 10 March 2020].

● Mackenzie, B., n.d. ​Energy Demands Of Football​. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 8 March 2020].

● Factors Affecting Performance Core 2

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