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Kim Vo 12PD16 - Part 2: ​With reference to your chosen sport (soccer) in part 1, explain 2 types of training and the

training methods that would be most appropriate for improving performance.​ Provide superior examples.

To effectively train for the sport of soccer, it is vital to recognize the sport’s overall dependence on athlete’s aerobic
abilities to improve reactivity, speed and endurance. ​Conditioning is important due to the fast-paced nature of the
game. Agility drills help soccer players deal with the constant change of directions. ​It is through extensive training on
targeted areas of individual’s own positions on the playing field that the overall improvement in performance will
become evident. ​A highly improved aerobic system will help to buffer lactic acid at a higher rate, and emphasize the
ability for athletes to recover faster in between high intensity bouts of sprints, and cutting.

When preparing for a sport like soccer, one that is aerobically dominated, it is best to utilize aerobic training as it uses
the aerobic system as the main source of energy supply, making the objective of every training in preparation for soccer
games to be about the athlete’s body and how efficient they are at using oxygen in relation with their most
predominant energy system.

Cardiorespiratory endurance, the level at which your heart, lungs and muscles work in unison when exercising for an
extended period of time, is vital in not only a soccer player’s time in training but an average person’s indicator of health
and level of fitness. Increasing cardiorespiratory endurance has an increasingly positive effect on a soccer player’s
overall health but mainly in their prolonged and sustained ability to effectively perform during gameplays for longer
periods of time without discomfort. Considering soccer and its reliance on an individual’s aerobic abilities, fartlek and
aerobic interval training are the most benign in the enhancement of performance and also in measuring an athlete’s
maximum oxygen uptake and how it is used during intense training.

The utilisation of continuous training to achieve cardiorespiratory endurance via methods that improve performance
refer to ​the aerobic conditioning via the long run. Aerobic development is achieved by participating in activities that
elevate the athlete’s heart rate and maintaining it elevated for a sustained period of time. A long run is a The benefits of
continuous training is often considered necessary to have at least 3 sessions a week in order to not lack and have the
elevated heart rates decrease as that may most likely have a negative impact on the way a defender may control their
breathing during high-intensity movements such as jumping up to defend the ball from getting a goal. An exercise such
as a long run involves the main worked muscles such as the arms, chest and legs to efficiently combine with the
cardiovascular system to supply oxygen to the athlete and their working muscles. The duration of this exercise would
typically be 20 minutes at the beginning working at a heart rate of 75% and gradually decreasing the time will elevate
the athlete’s heart rates to where they need to be where the athlete benefits according to their own individual heart
rate level, ensuring that 80% of their maximum heart rate was worked. When training to improve cardiorespiratory
endurance one must match the level of intensity to their level of fitness to regulate the individual’s heart rate range in
order to determine whether on the playing field, positions such as midfielders that extensively pursue the soccer ball
may be inadequate fit for the athlete.

Aerobic interval training will rapidly improve the performance of an athlete’s aerobic conditioning and will increase
endurance. It consists of relatively long training periods with shorter rest periods between them to increase the level of
endurance. The level of intensity is related to the length of the work interval which is extremely relevant in terms of
soccer as athletes, require a high level of cardiorespiratory endurance to maintain optimum performance throughout
the entire 90 minutes of the game. To increase cardiorespiratory endurance an athlete may jog 400 meters, working at
a heart rate of 75% with 2 minute breaks in between 3 reps and 4 minute recovery periods between 3 sets. In
decreasing the recovery periods between each sets and reps the more the soccer athlete is going to be familiarised with
on the playing field as the little to non recovery periods mimic the realities of a soccer game where there is little
substitution and breaks.

Strength Training is an effective method of training to ensure players the constant development in muscle hypertrophy
so that there is never a lack in physical endurances of soccer games. Reliable players upon the game field must be
equipped with the abilities to be agile, responsive and durable in order to be able to increase chances of winning the
game. These qualities can be achieved greatly through consistency in resistance training and free weights. It is through
resistance training that strikers will also need good lower body strength in order to maintain control and accelerate
faster by being able to maneuver themselves around the field in order to be responsive when the opponent attempts to
take possession of the ball when striker attempts to score. Through exercises such as seated row that resistance drives
through, the athlete’s leg strength will increase due working against forces such as the pinned weights. Free weights are
also an example of an exercise of resistance training as free weights allow for the complete and absolute isolation of
weights to be entirely your efforts. For example, isotonic programs such as deadlifting 80kg with 8-12 reps for 3-4 sets
with 1 minute rest periods in between will contribute greatly to building strength as it is a compound movement
working many muscles in your upper body by working your lateral muscles and lower body by working the quadriceps,
Kim Vo 12PD16 - Part 2: In Soccer explain 2 types of training and the training methods that would be most appropriate
for improving performance.
contributing to a goal keeper’s need to jump and put their arms out to defend in all different kinds of unpredictable
directions. Weight machines such as leg press with free weights - taken off and added on - also contributes to a
midfielder’s muscular endurance as leg press is able to assist in building strength in an athlete’s legs which is useful as
they maintain a position valuable to that of running back and forth across the field during a match.

Ultimately, through the two training types of Aerobic training and Strength Training soccer athletes will gain the most
effective measures of training through continuous training, aerobic interval training, resistance training, free weights
and weight machines to better improve their cardiorespiratory endurance in order to better work in unison with their
Aerobic Energy System and gain in muscle size due to isotonic programs that focus on targeted muscles used to improve
performance in the sport of soccer.

Reference List:
● Better Health Channel, 2020. ​Resistance training - health benefits [​ Online] Available at: [Accessed 5
March 2020]

● Colla, M, [Year Published].​ Soccer.​ [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5 March

● Dynamic-Soccer-Player, [Year Published]. ​Developing a Faster, Quicker and more Agile Soccer Player to
Devastate Opponents.​ [Online] Available at: [Accessed 6 March 2020]

● Emily Cronkleton, 2017, ​What is Cardiorespiratory Endurance and How can you improve it?.​ [Online] healthline.
Available at: [Accessed 5 March 2020]

● Time-to-Run, [Year Published]. ​Interval Intensity of Understanding Intervals​. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 4 March 2020]

● Hamilton. A [Year Published] .​Aerobic Training: Interval Training to improve fitness.​ [Online] Available at:
ning-improve-fitness/ [Accessed 9 March 2020]

● Sloan, J, ​2020,​ Exercises To Improve Cardiovascular Endurance |​ Livestrong.Com. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 10
March 2020].

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