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Rural Definitions for Health Policy and Research

The term “rural” suggests | L. Gary Hart, PhD, Eric H. Larson, PhD, and Denise M. Lishner, MSW
many things to many people,
such as agricultural land-
scapes, isolation, small towns, THE UNITED STATES HAS periences. The term suggests pas- ately to the situation at hand can
and low population density. evolved from a rural agricultural toral landscapes, unique demo- we discern differences in health
However, defining “rural” society to a society dominated by graphic structures and settlement care concerns and outcomes
for health policy and research its urban population. Depending patterns, isolation, low popula- across rural areas and between
purposes requires research- on which definition is used, tion density, extractive economic rural and urban locales. The defi-
ers and policy analysts to roughly 20% of the US popula- activities, and distinct sociocultu- nition of rurality used for one
specify which aspects of ru-
tion resides within rural areas. ral milieus. But these aspects of purpose may be inappropriate or
rality are most relevant to the
Approximately three fourths of rurality fail to completely define inadequate for another.1
topic at hand and then select
an appropriate definition. the nation’s counties are rural, as “rural.” For example, rural cul-
Rural and urban taxonomies is 75% of its landmass. While the tures can exist in urban places.1 WHEN IS RURAL NOT SO
often do not discuss impor- rural population is in the minor- Only a small fraction of the rural RURAL?
tant demographic, cultural, ity, it is the size of France’s total population is involved in farm-
and economic differences (rural and urban) population. ing, and towns range from tens Rural and urban taxonomies,
across rural places—differ- As important as the rural pop- of thousands to a handful of resi- researchers, policy analysts, and
ences that have major im- ulation and its resources are to dents. The proximity of rural legislation generally view all rural
plications for policy and the nation, there is considerable areas to urban cores and services areas as uniform in character.
research. Factors such as ge- confusion as to exactly what rural may range from a few miles to However, there are, in fact, huge
ographic scale and region
means and where rural popula- hundreds of miles. Generations variations in the demography,
also must be considered.
tions reside. We will discuss of rural sociologists, demogra- economics, culture, and environ-
Several useful rural tax-
onomies are discussed and defining rural and why it is im- phers, and geographers have mental characteristics of different
compared in this article. Care- portant to do so in the context of struggled with these concepts.2,3 rural places. Large rural towns
ful attention to the definition health care policy and research. Despite the theoretical limita- that are not too distant from
of “rural” is required for ef- tions of the concept of rurality, it larger metropolitan areas often
fectively targeting policy and WHAT DOES RURAL LOOK is very useful as a practical ana- have more in common with met-
research aimed at improving LIKE? lytic and policy tool. Common ropolitan areas than they do with
the health of rural Americans. definitions of rurality are the remote and isolated small towns.
(Am J Public Health. 2005;95: Although many policymakers, basis for many policy decisions, By treating these diverse types of
1149–1155. doi:10.2105/AJPH.
researchers, and policy analysts including criteria for the alloca- rural cities and towns and the
would prefer one standardized, tion of the nation’s limited re- problems they confront similarly,
all-purpose definition, “rural” is sources. It is important to specify policy analysts may fail to iden-
a multifaceted concept about which aspects of rurality are rele- tify each site’s distinct health care
which there is no universal vant to the phenomenon being concerns and effective methods
agreement. Defining rurality can examined and then use a defini- for resolving those problems. Ac-
be elusive and frequently relies tion that captures those elements. cess to medical specialists and
on stereotypes and personal ex- Only by defining “rural” appropri- surgical services is a case in point.

July 2005, Vol 95, No. 7 | American Journal of Public Health Hart et al. | Peer Reviewed | Critical Concepts for Reaching Populations at Risk | 1149

The absence of certain services that residents of counties with gender.16 While there are many problems at the local level. As a
in a small place is expected. The larger numbers of workers who common threads between urban result, policies may fail to include
lack of such services in a larger commute out of the county and clinical medicine and its rural appropriate intrarural targeting.
rural place might be construed who travel more than 30 minutes cousin, there are many substan- Rural and urban taxonomies
as a critical provider shortage. each way to reach their care pro- tive differences.7,8,17,18 have usually been developed
A small rural town’s population viders received substantially lower based on population size, density,
base may only support 1 or 2 levels of health resources. Access HOW DO ACCURATE proximity, degree of urbaniza-
generalist physicians and a nurse to proximate services for care DEFINITIONS HELP? tion, adjacency and relationship
practitioner or physician assistant. often makes the difference be- to a metropolitan area, principal
A larger rural town, whose geo- tween life and death.10 The federal government defines economic activity, economic and
graphic service area may include The environment in which “rural” in a variety of ways. The trade relationships, and work
the small town, may serve as a re- rural physicians and other provid- Office of Management and Bud- commutes. An appropriate
gional center for accessing spe- ers practice also differs enor- get’s (OMB) definition of metro- rural and urban taxonomy
cialists and surgeons. Health plan- mously both across rural areas politan and nonmetropolitan pop- should (1) measure something
ning, recruitment and retention, and between rural and urban ulations and the Census Bureau’s explicit and meaningful; (2) be
and identifying and optimizing areas.11–13 Physicians who practice definition of rural and urban fail replicable; (3) be derived from
the supply and mix of providers in smaller and more remote rural to identify the same populations available, high-quality data; (4) be
are going to be different in each towns practice in a medical care as rural. When the 2 definitions quantifiable and not subjective, and
place.1,4 delivery system characterized by were cross-tabulated for the 2000 (5) have on-the-ground validity.
financially vulnerable medical or- census, 72% of the population To some extent, all definitions
HOW IS RURAL ganizations, small populations, was classified as both metropolitan will either underbound or over-
DIFFERENT? long distances to specialists and (OMB definition) and urban (Cen- bound rurality. Some large coun-
tertiary hospitals, longer practice sus Bureau definition), while 10% ties, for example, have large
On average, rural populations hours, lack of collegial support, was classified as nonmetropolitan cities and less densely settled
have relatively more elderly peo- limited access to advanced tech- and rural (Figure 1). However, areas that may be considered
ple and children, higher unem- nologies, and relatively high fixed nearly 18% of the nation’s popula- rural in terms of economic activi-
ployment and underemployment costs per delivered service. This tion was divided between the 2 ties, landscape, and service level.
rates, and lower population den- milieu creates especially difficult taxonomies: 11% were metropoli- However, because of the pres-
sity with higher percentages of circumstances for rural providers tan but rural, and 7% were non- ence of a large urban core the
poor, uninsured, and underin- and populations.14 Rural physician metropolitan but urban. Depend- entire county is often considered
sured residents. Rural populations practice concerns—patient pri- ing on how the categories are urban. In this case, “rural” is
are more vulnerable than their vacy, clinical adaptations in the combined, the rural population being underbounded—areas that
urban counterparts to economic absence of nearby specialists, gen- can vary from 10% to 28% of the might reasonably be called rural
downturns because of their con- eralist scarcities, quality assurance nation’s total (i.e., a population of are actually being classified as
centrated economic specializa- programs, compliance with the 29–79 million). Research findings urban. At the same time, “urban”
tion. Other unique circumstances Health Insurance Portability and and policies may appear to con- is being overbounded. A certain
include longer travel distances to— Accountability Act of 1996 regu- flict when those findings and poli- amount of overbounding and un-
and higher costs associated with— lations, and continuing medical cies are based on different rural derbounding is inherent to any
needed health care services; disec- education—are different from definitions and populations. The definition of rurality; the re-
onomies of scale; high rates of those of their large city contempo- use of noncongruent definitions searcher must simply be aware
fixed overhead per-patient rev- raries, differences that have a po- of rural may result in markedly of this problem when evaluating
enue; fewer health care providers tential impact on health out- different conclusions and policy data across the rural and urban
and a greater emphasis on gener- comes. For example, studies have implications. dimension.1(p15)
alists; health care facilities with shown substantial differences be- Another problem associated Because numerous taxonomies
limited scopes of service; econom- tween rural and urban physicians with defining “rural” is that con- have been used to categorize the
ically fragile hospitals with high in clinical prenatal and intra- ventional definitions use a single rural/urban continuum, we ex-
closure rates; greater dependency partum practice styles for similar rural classification and thereby amined the 4 that are most often
on Medicare and Medicaid reim- low-risk patients, without appar- fail to differentiate categories of applied (Table 1).
bursement; higher rates of chronic ent differences in outcome,15 and rurality. Rural areas are not ho-
diseases; and different clinical that physician attitudes regarding mogeneous across the nation, OMB Metropolitan and
practice behaviors, practice physician-assisted suicide vary and aggregating rural areas of Nonmetropolitan Taxonomy
arrangements, and reimbursement dramatically by rural or urban differing sizes and levels of re- The federal government most
levels.5–8 Hong and Kindig9 found practice location and practitioner moteness may obscure emerging frequently uses the county-based

1150 | Critical Concepts for Reaching Populations at Risk | Peer Reviewed | Hart et al. American Journal of Public Health | July 2005, Vol 95, No. 7

the largest urban settlement

within the county. To qualify as
adjacent to a metropolitan
county, a nonmetropolitan county
must share a boundary with a
metropolitan county and must
meet a minimum work commut-
ing threshold.1 The UICs’ use of
the size of the largest town in a
county is as a taxonomic crite-
rion. The largest town, as used
for health care purposes, is asso-
ciated with the likelihood of local
availability of hospitals, clinics,
and specialty services. While the
codes are often used for research,
they are infrequently used in fed-
eral and state policies. In 2003,
the UICs were updated in accor-
dance with 2000 census data.

Census Bureau Rural and

Urban Taxonomy
The Census Bureau partitions
Note. “Metropolitan” and “nonmetropolitan” are Office of Management and Budget terminology; “urban” and “rural” are Census Bureau
terminology. urban areas into urbanized areas
n = 202 000 000. and urban clusters. The same
n = 30 000 000.
c census tract–based criteria are
n = 20 000 000.
n = 29 000 000. used for both; however, the ur-
banized areas have cores with
FIGURE 1—Comparison of metropolitan and nonmetropolitan classifications with urban and rural
populations of 50 000 or more,
classifications, by proportion of 2000 US population (N = 281 421 898): 2000 Census Bureau data.
and the urban clusters have
cores with populations that
range from 2500 to 49 999. All
OMB metropolitan and non- was measured by commuting to urban cores. The metropolitan other areas are designated as
metropolitan classifications as work. The United States has and nonmetropolitan taxonomy rural. The nation has more than
policy tools. These county-based 1090 metropolitan counties and was most recently updated in 65 000 census tracts that are
definitions are the foundation for 2052 nonmetropolitan counties 2003 in accordance with the made up of blocks and block
other, more detailed taxonomies (674 micropolitan and 1378 non- 2000 census data. groups. In 2000, 59 million resi-
and are used when determining core) that have (according to dents—21% of the US popula-
eligibility and reimbursement lev- 2002 census data) 239 million US Department of Agriculture tion—were deemed rural by the
els for more than 30 federal pro- metropolitan and 49 million non- Economic Research Service Census Bureau taxonomy. The
grams, including Medicare reim- metropolitan residents, of whom Urban Influence Codes Census Bureau’s rural and urban
bursement levels, the Medicare 29 million lived in micropolitan The Urban Influence Codes taxonomy is the source of much
Incentive Payment program, and counties and 20 million lived in (UIC) taxonomy is a county-based of the available demographic
programs designed to ameliorate noncore counties. Micropolitan definition that builds on the OMB and economic data. A weakness
provider shortages in rural areas.4 counties are those nonmetropoli- metropolitan and nonmetropoli- of this system with regard to
Metropolitan areas were de- tan counties with a rural cluster tan dichotomy. Counties are clas- health care policy is the paucity
fined in 2003 as central counties with a population of 10 000 or sified into 9 groups: 2 metropoli- of health-related data at the cen-
with 1 or more urbanized areas more. Noncore counties are the tan and 7 nonmetropolitan. The sus tract level. The Census Bu-
(cities with a population greater residual. The most significant nonmetropolitan counties are reau and others often aggregate
than or equal to 50 000) and problem with this taxonomy is grouped according to their adja- urban clusters with urbanized-
outlying counties that are eco- that county boundaries both cency and nonadjacency to met- area data. Depending on the
nomically tied to the core, which overbound and underbound their ropolitan counties and the size of purpose at hand, this may be

July 2005, Vol 95, No. 7 | American Journal of Public Health Hart et al. | Peer Reviewed | Critical Concepts for Reaching Populations at Risk | 1151

TABLE 1—Comparison of Commonly Applied Rural Taxonomiesa

Geographical Unit Characteristics Strengths Weaknesses

OMB Metropolitan/ County This OMB definition is used extensively in federal Useful for a general definition of rural status. Substantial underbounding of rurality in
Nonmetropolitan policy. Significant 2003 update with 2000 The methodology and county assignments many large metropolitan counties.
census data. Counties are assigned as were significantly changed in 2003. The large size of counties often
metropolitan (n = 1090) or nonmetropolitan Underlying geographic unit (county) is obscures intracounty differences.
(n = 2052). Nonmetropolitan counties are very stable over time.
now designated as micropolitan or noncore
based on the presence of an urban cluster
(areas with a population less than 50 000
but greater than 2500 people) with a
population of 10 000 or more.
In 2000, 17.4% of the US population
resided in nonmetropolitan counties.
ERS Urban Influence County Metropolitan counties are grouped into 2 Use of largest city criterion, which differentiates Overbounding and underbounding occurs
Codes categories based on size of urban counties with several small towns from just as in OMB metropolitan and
population. Nonmetropolitan counties those with 1 or 2 large towns for grouping nonmetropolitan categories. Does not
are grouped into 7 categories based on nonmetropolitan counties, may be better differentiate metropolitan counties
size of largest city in county and adjacency/ than RUCA method for suggesting level as well as does RUCA. The large size
nonadjacency to a metropolitan county. of locally available services. Adjacency of counties often obscures intracounty
Updated with significant changes associated criteria may be suggestive of degree of differences.
with the OMB metropolitan/nonmetropolitan economic integration with metropolitan
definition changes in 2003 on the basis of county.
2000 census data.
Census Bureau Rural Census tract Census Bureau definition of rurality based on Helps reduce problems of underbounding Data other than census data are infrequently
and Urban census tracts. Rural census tracts are and overbounding associated with collected by census tract. Difficult to
those outside of urbanized areas and county-based terminology. apply to health data that are often
clusters with populations of 2500 or collected at the county or zip code
greater that do not have substantial area levels. Lack of familiarity of most
commuting data users with census tract geography
In 2000, 21% of the US population lived and terminology. Not stable across
in rural areas. census years—there were substantial
changes for the 2000 census.
RUCA Census tract Multitiered taxonomy developed by University Use of work commuting data strongly Difficult to apply to health data
of Washington and the Economic Research differentiates rural areas according to that are often collected at the
Service, with funding from the Federal their economic integration with urban county or zip code area levels.
Office of Rural Health Policy and the areas and other rural areas. Very sensitive Will not be stable over time.
Economic Research Service. Uses census to demographic change. The structure of Complex structure of codes not
commuting data to classify census tracts the codes allows for many levels of easy to master for casual users.
on the basis of geography and work generalization—from 2 groups (rural and
commuting flows between places. urban) to 33.
Updated in spring 2005 with 2000 census data.
RUCA–zip code US Postal Multitiered system developed by University of Use of commuting data strongly differentiates Complex structure of codes is not easy
approximation Service zip Washington, with funding from the Office rural areas according to their economic to master for casual users. The
code areas of Rural Health Policy. Census work integration with urban areas and other rural underlying geographic unit is
commuting data are used to classify census areas. Very sensitive to demographic subject to some change by the
tracts on the basis of geography and work change. The structure of the codes allows US Postal Service across time.
commuting activity between places. for many levels of generalization—from 2
Approximates the census tract RUCA codes groups (rural/urban) to 33. Use of the zip
for 2000 zip codes. code unit makes them useful with a wide
Updated in spring 2005 with 2000 census data variety of data collected at that level,
and 2004 zip codes. including health data.

Source. aAdapted from Larson and Hart.1

Note. OMB = Office of Management and Budget; RUCA = Rural–Urban Commuting Area.

1152 | Critical Concepts for Reaching Populations at Risk | Peer Reviewed | Hart et al. American Journal of Public Health | July 2005, Vol 95, No. 7

misleading for rural health plemented by a zip code–based for research purposes, because it have important policy conse-
policymakers. For example, a version. There are more than has a very different meaning for quences. For example, research-
town with a population of 3000 30 000 zip code areas. demographers and geogra- ers and analysts who examine
in a very remote area is consid- RUCAs range from the core phers.20 There also are many data across years, when different
ered urban under the Census areas of urbanized areas to iso- rural and urban definitions de- definitions were in place, need to
Bureau definition, but that same lated small rural places, where veloped by the states for various be aware of these changes and
town is often nonmetropolitan the population is less than 2500 geographic scales. For an intro- adjust result analyses and inter-
under the OMB definition. and where there is no meaning- duction to older rural and urban pretations accordingly. (For more
ful work commuting to urban- taxonomies, see Hewitt.21 Other detailed information about meth-
Rural/Urban Commuting-Area ized areas. While the zip code taxonomies that lend themselves odological changes in the Census,
Taxonomy version of the RUCAs is slightly to use with the rural and urban see the US Census Bureau and
A recently developed taxon- less precise than the census tract taxonomies include the new ERS Web sites at http://www.
omy uses census tract–level de- version, the RUCA zip codes county-based amenity index.22 and http://www.ers.
mographic and work-commuting have an advantage in the health Other schemes regionalize, and see Slifkin,
data to define 33 categories of field because they can be used the nation or individual states for Randolph, and Ricketts.24–26 )
rural and urban census tracts.19 with zip code health-related data. diverse uses, for example, ambu- While it is beyond the scope of
The Rural–Urban Commuting The RUCAs are widely used for latory care utilization via the this article to describe all of the
Areas (RUCAs) were developed policy and research purposes national Primary Care Service concerns associated with new
and are maintained by the Uni- (e.g., by the Centers for Medicare Areas.23 The federal government methodologies, 2 are most
versity of Washington Rural and Medicaid Services and many has used taxonomies and mea- noteworthy.
Health Research Center and the researchers). RUCAs can identify sures to allocate resources to
USDA Economic Research Ser- the rural portions of metropolitan rural and urban areas. In these 1. There is some confusion about
vice (ERS), with the support of counties and the urban portions schemes, factors such as physi- a new OMB metropolitan and
the federal Health Resource of nonmetropolitan counties. cian-to-population ratios, infant nonmetropolitan taxonomy
and Service Administration’s RUCAs are flexible and can be mortality rate, poverty, and resi- category: micropolitan—an
Office of Rural Health Policy grouped in many ways to suit par- dent age are used to rate geo- urban cluster with a popula-
and the ERS. (For more infor- ticular analytic or policy purposes. graphic units (combinations of tion that ranges from 10 000
mation about RUCAs, see For example, there is a tool that counties, census tracts, facilities, to 49 999. While some of the
http://www.fammed.washington. provides the road mileage and the populations, etc.) and to delin- designation criteria have un-
edu/wwamirhrc and http:// travel time along the fastest route eate those places and populations dergone subtle changes, the between each zip code area and most in need of federal health micropolitan counties have
The RUCA categories are the nearest edge of a core in an care resources. These methods historically been designated as
based on the size of settlements urbanized area and the closest (e.g., Health Professional Short- nonmetropolitan. Unfortu-
and towns as delineated by the large rural city. When this tool is age Areas) have significant flaws, nately, the term micropolitan
Census Bureau and the functional used with the RUCA codes, users and efforts are being made to has led some to think of these
relationships between places as can identify highly isolated “fron- substantially revise them. counties as being urban or
measured by tract-level work- tier” areas—counties with 6 or metropolitan in nature. How-
commuting data. For example, a fewer persons per square mile—in How Have OMB and Census ever, changing the terminol-
small town where the majority of a more precise manner than with Bureau Methodologies ogy does not make these
commuting is to a large city is previous definitions. The RUCA Changed After the 2000 counties any more or any less
distinguished from a similarly taxonomy was updated in the Census? rural and urban than they
sized town where there is com- spring of 2005. Despite the common assump- were before—historically rural,
muting connectivity primarily to tion that Census Bureau and albeit larger rural towns/cities.
other small towns. Because 33 Other Taxonomies OMB methodologies change little Micropolitan counties could
categories can be unwieldy, the Common taxonomies that between decennial censuses, just as well have been titled
codes were designed to be aggre- have been designed for related about a quarter of the census macrorural or large rural
gated in various ways that high- purposes include (1) ERS’s tract boundaries changed be- counties. A general problem
light different aspects of connec- Rural–Urban Continuum Codes, tween the 1990 and 2000 cen- with the creation of so many
tivity, rural and urban settlement, (2) ERS’s Economic Typology of suses, and the number of coun- taxonomies is that they take
and isolation, aspects that facili- Nonmetropolitan Counties, and ties designated as metropolitan on a life of their own and are
tate better program intervention (3) frontier areas, which is a by OMB in 2003 based on often used without consider-
targeting. The census tract ver- crude measure at best. The term 2000 census data increased by ing the suitability or meaning
sion of the RUCAs has been sup- “frontier” is a problematic term 27%. Many of these changes of the category.27

July 2005, Vol 95, No. 7 | American Journal of Public Health Hart et al. | Peer Reviewed | Critical Concepts for Reaching Populations at Risk | 1153

2. The 2003 update of the met- the demographic and economic policymakers and legislators 46.4 per 100 000 population.
ropolitan and nonmetropolitan heterogeneity that often exists often do not understand rural When we examined these same
taxonomy resulted in a net within counties, can weaken the variability and diversity or the data with the census tract version
gain of 253 counties in the meaningfulness of policy analy- methods for making these dis- of the RUCA taxonomy, we
metropolitan ranks (now ses. Both the strengths and weak- tinctions. Third, self-interest often found a much lower ratio of
1090 counties). This also re- nesses of any given definition are prevails, wherein people advo- 38.5 per 100 000 population—
sulted in a net loss of 7.3 mil- strongly rooted in the underlying cate greater selectivity and more 17% lower. For resource alloca-
lion residents who would have geographic unit used in the defi- effective targeting as long as they tion purposes, where money is
been counted, in accordance nition.1 As already noted, some do not lose anything in the pro- spent is clearly influenced by
with the older definition, as degree of overbounding and un- cess—regardless of what they how that locale is defined. A re-
nonmetropolitan. Whether or derbounding is inherent in any may also gain. Finally, in some cent study of acute myocardial in-
not the rural population is definition of rurality. It is impor- cases the availability of data at farction that used zip code–based
shrinking depends on how the tant to consider which way the different geographic scales dic- RUCAs10 found substantial rural
question is asked. As rural “error” goes when evaluating data tates the geographic unit that is and urban and intrarural differ-
counties and cities grow, they and policy.1 The more mixing of used in policies. ences in the use of needed initial
are designated as being met- diverse groups within units of anal- hospital services, where a previ-
ropolitan and urban. Thus, be- ysis, the more difficult it is to show WHY SHOULD WE CARE? ous county-based study found lit-
cause these rural populations real differences between groups. tle difference.33 (For a compre-
are no longer counted as non- Rural data from federal surveil- Definitions of rural are the hensive explanation of the policy
metropolitan or rural, it ap- lance systems and surveys are ex- basis for targeting resources to consequences of rural definitions,
pears that the nation’s rural tremely limited,18 and funds for underserved rural populations. see Hewitt.21) Health care re-
population is shrinking or rural surveys are scarce, both of If the only outcome of clarifying searchers focus great attention
stagnant. However, according which impede rural health re- the definition were an improved and time on statistical methodolo-
to Dr Calvin Beale (senior de- search and policy analysis. Better mechanism for funneling health gies; however, geographical meth-
mographer, ERS), if the 1993 rural health research methods care to where it is needed most, odologies are often neglected.34
nonmetropolitan definition is and tools are needed to produce the clarification would be well Expert geographic consultation
held constant, the overall pop- meaningful findings. Substantial worth the effort. Because there should be sought when determin-
ulation change between 1990 progress has been made recently are 50 to 60 million rural resi- ing the most appropriate geo-
and 2000 shows an 11% in- in data procurement and methods dents in the nation, decisions graphical unit and rural definition
crease compared with a 13% because of focused funding from about resource use have signifi- to use in a given analysis.
increase for the nation (writ- the Health Resource and Service cant ramifications in terms of
ten communication, March Administration’s Office of Rural the dollars spent and the well- CONCLUSIONS
2004). Nevertheless, some Health Policy, the Bureau of being of rural populations. Inap-
rural areas are experiencing Health Professions, and the Bu- propriate definitions may bias Deciding which rural defini-
population loss.28 reau of Primary Health Care. To research findings and policy tion to apply to an area depends
maximize the utility of these new analyses and may result in dif- on the purpose at hand, the
GEOGRAPHIC SCALE AND methods, they must be widely ferent conclusions than those availability of data, and the ap-
DATA AVAILABILITY disseminated to state offices of that are based on another unit propriate and available taxon-
rural health, primary care officers, of analysis (often called the omy. There is no perfect rural
Another problem associated and researchers and analysts.29–31 modifiable unit problem).32 The definition that meets all pur-
with rural health research in- more we aggregate different poses. Researchers must be de-
volves the geographical level of WHY ARE DIFFERENTIATED types of rural areas, the less we liberate and insightful when
available data. Typical units used LEVELS OF RURALITY NOT can pinpoint localized health defining rural and when apply-
for the collection of health and GENERALLY USED? care and delivery problems at ing the appropriate definition
demographic data include states, the state, region, county, town, and its associated taxonomy to
counties, municipalities, census Federal and state policies tend or zip code levels. program targeting, intervention,
tracts, and zip codes. The county to treat rural areas as a single en- We examined the 2000 Amer- and research. It is recommended
is a convenient and frequently tity for several reasons. First, the ican Medical Association Master- that researchers familiarize
used unit of analysis, and many political process often requires file data on the nation’s physi- themselves with various rural
health-related data are collected that a significant coalition be cian distribution and found that definitions and geographic meth-
at this level. However, the large formed to pass rural-related legis- the most remote UIC subgroup odologies and then carefully
geographic size of counties, and lation, and it is more expedient of counties had a generalist weigh the pros and cons of
the failure to distinguish between to lump than to divide. Second, physician–to-population ratio of available definitions. Defining

1154 | Critical Concepts for Reaching Populations at Risk | Peer Reviewed | Hart et al. American Journal of Public Health | July 2005, Vol 95, No. 7

rural and urban must be a meth- tion and Health Care Challenges in Rural 19. Morrill R, Cronmartie J, Hart LG. Medicare in Rural America. Washington,
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systematically with the problems Praeger; 1992:178–190. Cult. 2000;Spring:91–102.
of defining rurality will signifi- 6. Ricketts TC III. The rural patient. 21. Hewitt M. Defining “Rural” Areas:
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the utility of health research Textbook of Rural Medicine. New York, search. Washington, DC: US Govern-
NY: McGraw-Hill; 2001:15–26. ment Printing Office; 1989. US Office
work, which is essential in rural- of Technology Assessment Staff Paper.
7. Geyman JP, Norris TE, Hart LG.
focused health research. Textbook of Rural Medicine. New York, 22. McGranahan DA. Natural Ameni-
NY: McGraw-Hill; 2001. ties Drive Rural Population Change.
8. Loue S, Quill BE. Handbook of Washington, DC: Economic Research
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About the Authors Academic/Plenum Publishers; 2001. 1999. Agricultural Economic Report
The authors are with the WWAMI Rural No. 781.
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July 2005, Vol 95, No. 7 | American Journal of Public Health Hart et al. | Peer Reviewed | Critical Concepts for Reaching Populations at Risk | 1155

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