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Straightforward Beginner Unit test 11

Name _______________________ Score _____________


A Match the verb with the noun.

(1) win 5. a) a computer

(2) play 4. b) a song
(3) drive 6. c) salsa
(4) sing 7. d) Spanish
(5) type 2. e) the guitar
(6) dance 3. f) a car
(7) speak 10. g) a letter
(8) know 9. h) sports
(9) do 8. i) a language
(10) use 1. j) a medal

B Complete the text by putting the words in the gaps.

gallery painting artist favourite art

My (11) _ favourite __ painting is ‘The Umbrellas’ by the (12) __artist _, Pierre-

Auguste Renoir. Renoir studied (13) __ art __ in Paris. In the painting, there is a little
girl on the right and many people have open umbrellas. The umbrellas are blue and
the people are wearing black or blue clothes. I like this (14) _painting__ because the
people look very relaxed. You can see this painting in a big (15) __ gallery__ in

Straightforward Beginner Second edition © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013

Functional language

C Choose the correct sentence.

(16) a) My favourites painter is Picasso.

✓ b) My favourite painter is Picasso.
(17) ✓a) I think this is a painting by Monet.
b) I thinking this is a painting by Monet.
(18) a) I can to see a bridge and a river.
✓b) I can see a bridge and a river.
(19) a) May it can be in France.
✓b) Maybe it is in France.
(20) ✓a) In this picture, there is a market.
b) On this picture, there is a market.


D Find and correct the mistakes in the text.

Paula Radcliffe is a British runner. She didn’t win a medal at the Olympic Games in
Athens but she can to win medals in marathons. She winned the New York
Marathon in 2004. She cans run faster than many women. Paula works hard to
win. She don’t can eat pizza and ice cream. She eats pasta and vegetables. She
not can drink wine often but she is happy. She loves running!

(21) ___ She won a medal at the Olympic Games ___________________________

(22) ___ she can win medals in marathons __________________________
(23) ___ She won the New York Marathon in 2004._____________________
(24) ____She can run faster than many women.__________________________
(25) ____ She can´t eat pizza and ice cream. __________________________

Straightforward Beginner Second edition © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013

E Make questions with CAN from the prompts.

(26) A: I want to work in Seville.

B: can you speak Spanish?
(27) A: He wants to live in Switzerland.
B: can he / ski?
(28) A: My parents love opera.
B: can they sing?
(29) A: My grandmother has got a mobile.
B: Can she / use a computer?
(30) A: I’d like some lunch.
B: Me, too. Can we / have a sandwich here?

F Make questions using the present continuous.

(31) What / he / drink? What is he drinking?

(32) you / eat toast? Are you eating toast?
(33) What / they / do? What are they doing?
(34) you / watch TV? Are you watching TV?
(35) What / she / play? What is she playing?

G Make answers to the questions in F using the present continuous.

(36) He / drink coffee. He is drinking coffee.

(37) No, I / not / eat toast. I / eat pizza. No, I am not eating toast. I am eating pizza.
(38) They / swim in the sea. They are swimming in the sea.
(39) Yes, I / watch a music programme. Yes, I am watching a music programme.
(40) She / not / play computer games. She / do homework. She is not playing
computer games. She is doing homework.

Straightforward Beginner Second edition © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013

H Complete the conversation by putting the correct form of the verb in

A: Hello?
B: Hi! It’s mum here. How is everyone at home?
A: Fine, thanks. How are you?
B: I (41) ____have______ (have) a great time here in Paris. I (42) ___drink_______
(drink) wine by the river.
A: Fantastic!
B: What (43) __is______ your father _____doing_____ (do)?
A: He (44) ___is not making_______ (not make) dinner but he (45) ___is
watching_______ (watch) football!
B: Oh no, that’s not good. What’s that noise? (46) ____Is______ Katy
____playing______ (play) the guitar?
A: No, she (47) __is listening_______ (listen) to music. The boys (48) _are not
doing____ (not do) their homework.
B: (49) _____are_____ you _____doing_____ (do) your homework?
A: Oh, yes, of course. What? Dad (50) __is__talking______ (talk) to me. He wants to
speak to you.
B: OK. Bye for now…. Hi darling…

Straightforward Beginner Second edition © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013

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