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የጥናት ጌዜዬን በምን ላባክን እችላለሁ ?

🔹 motivated እስክሆን በመጠበቅ(ለመሆን በመጣር) 🤮

🔹 thinking about other stuff🤧

🔹 እቅድ በማውጣት ፣ በማሻሻል ፣ በመቀየር🙄

🔹 በማቋረጥ ሌላ ስራ በመጀመርያ😡

🔹 writing quotes and success principles🖕

New Powerful HABITS

1. Drink 2 liter water every single day 💧
2. reading my goal 3× a day
3. taking my goal-card everywhere I go in my pocket
4. using 2 apps text-editor & task-list
5. Psychologically
 thinking Positive only
 100% Commitment, Dedication, Persistent, Consistent

Golden Ideas
⭐ If you make the 100% commitment to exercise every day for 30 minutes, no matter what, then it is
settled. You simply just do it. It doesn’t matter if you are traveling, if you have a 7:00 AM television
interview, if it’s raining outside, if you went to bed late last night, if your schedule is full, or if you simply
don’t feel like it. You just do it anyway.

⭐ What truly successful people do is listen daily to audio programs from the world’s most renowned
motivational masters—in the car, at home, and at the office—even if it’s just for 15 minutes each day

⭐ One of the main strategies of the successful is that they constantly seek out guidance and advice from
experts in their field. Make a list of the people you would like to ask to mentor you. Approach them and
ask for their help.

⭐ This process, called masterminding, is one of the most powerful tools for success presented in this
book. I don’t know anybody who has become supersuccessful who has not employed the principle of

Bad habits
🚫 thinking Negative thinking Positive
🚫 waiting to 1hr to start studying count down 3 2 1 then, specify end time, how many page you will
read, start

🚫 going class every single day determine only must classes and go only on them

🚫 watching porn + masterbate watching porn Watching motivational video + motivated

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