Numerical Simulation of Coupled Thermal-Mechanical Fracturing in Underground Coal Gasification

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Original Article

Proc IMechE Part A:

J Power and Energy
Numerical simulation of coupled 0(0) 1–11
! IMechE 2017

thermal-mechanical fracturing in Reprints and permissions:

underground coal gasification DOI: 10.1177/0957650917744699

Tian-Hong Duan1,2,3, Jian-Ming Zhang3, Cliff Mallett3,

Hong-Hang Li4, Li-Wen Huo5 and Kai-Ting Zhao1,2

A combination of thermal fracturing and stress-induced fracturing, i.e. coupled thermal-mechanical fracturing, occurs
under the effect of combustion-generated heat and stress in underground coal gasification. Controlling the cracking of
roofs and floors and the precise positioning of the combustion zone in underground coal gasification requires full
knowledge of the characteristics of the coupled thermal-mechanical fracturing of the surrounding rocks. This study
considers the variation in the physical and mechanical parameters of the rock with temperature and rock heterogeneity
in order to derive a mathematical model of coupled thermal-mechanical fracturing. Then, a numerical simulation is
performed, from which the following conclusions can be reached. First, temperature increases expand fractures, which
emerge in the highest temperature area, before extending to lower temperature areas. Second, fracture density is
directly related to temperature, with higher temperature corresponding to greater fracture density. Third, the cracking
rate increases linearly with time in stages. For m ¼ 1, the growth rate of the cracking rate are 55.76%/h, 26.08%/h
correspondingly during the first stage (from 0.8 h to 1.6 h) and the second stage (from 1.6 h to 2 h).While for m ¼ 2, the
growth rates are 18.50%/h, 40.99%/h correspondingly during the first stage (from 0.8 h to 1.3 h) and the second stage
(from 1.3 h to 2 h). Finally, fracture formation speed is slower in more homogeneous conditions when other conditions
are unchanged. A few fractures emerge in the sample after 1.3 h for m ¼ 2; the sample cracking rate is only 14.84%, which
is far lower than for m ¼ 1 at the same time (32.31%). Similarly, the cracking rate reaches 29.94% after 1.6 h for m ¼ 2
(still far lower than that for m ¼ 1 at the same time, which is 46.91%). The average growth rate of cracking rate for m ¼ 1
(27.16%/h) is quicker than that of m ¼ 2(21.77%/h).

Underground coal gasification, coupled thermal-mechanical fracturing, numerical simulation, Weibull distribution

Date received: 6 April 2017; accepted: 24 October 2017

pollution from dust and noise. Furthermore, UCG

Introduction reduces methane emissions and enables deep
In recent years, the disadvantages affecting the trad- resources, which are generally inaccessible to mining
itional coal mining and processing industry (e.g. to be utilized.3–8 Although UCG has the potential to
restrictions associated with mining rate and environ-
mental pollution concerns) have become increasingly
obvious.1 These changes have made it urgent for 1
Key Laboratory of Deep Coal Resource Mining, School of Mines,
the coal industry to develop new methods of Ministry of Education of China, Beijing, China
State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources & Safe Mining, China
coal-resource exploitation and utilisation. The devel-
University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, China
opment and application of underground coal gasifica- 3
International UCG Research Centre, China University of Mining and
tion (UCG) technology have emerged as the main Technology, Xuzhou, China
direction of energy acquisition research.2 Compared 4
Lugou Coal Mine, Zhengzhou Coal Group, Zhengzhou, China
with conventional coal mining methods, UCG can New China Trust Co., Ltd, Beijing, China
reduce or eliminate the need for underground
Corresponding author:
miners, thereby improving safety conditions. In add- Jian-Ming Zhang, International UCG Research Centre, China University
ition, UCG eliminates the need for treatment of coal of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China.
refuse and tailings at the surface, which reduces Email:
2 Proc IMechE Part A: J Power and Energy 0(0)

create two environmental hazards (ground-water con- 50% and 60%, respectively, after heating. Using par-
tamination and surface subsidence) if operations are ticle simulation, Xia et al.14 found that particle dis-
not optimally managed, both hazards appear avoid- placement and the number of microscopic cracks
able through careful site selection and the adoption of increase remarkably when a certain critical tempera-
best practices for operations management. Moreover, ture is attained. Similarly, Zhao et al.15 showed that
while all uses of coal, including UCG, produce carbon increases in temperature can cause structural changes
dioxide, there exists a strong synergy between UCG in coal and surrounding rocks. Further, Shen et al.16
and carbon capture and sequestration (CCS): the reported that multi-region boundary element analysis
cavity developed during UCG might be used to can accurately simulate temperature changes and
store supercritical carbon dioxide.9 thermal stresses in rocks. Simpson,17 Booker and
The fundamental principle of UCG is changing Savvidou,18 Ayotte et al.,19 and Huang20 have all
coal into combustible gas using heat and chemical investigated the impact of heating rate on the thermal
reactions; the difference between UCG and ordinary fracturing of igneous rock, finding that a higher heat-
coal gasification is that these processes are performed ing rate can significantly increase its thermal fractur-
underground. Gasification can be realized in the gal- ing. In addition, Akbarzadeh and Chalaturnyk21 have
lery of an underground gasifier through three reaction found that pore volume, aperture, porosity, and per-
zones: the oxidation, reduction, and dry distillation meability increase significantly with temperature in
zones, as shown in Figure 1.10 UCG. Some researchers have also performed numer-
Unlike traditional mining methods, UCG is imple- ical analyses of the thermal fracturing characteristics
mented in a closed, high-temperature environment; of rock and coal, obtaining results following the pat-
therefore, delineation of the combustion zone with tern reported above.22–24 Islam et al.25 and Kim et al26
monitoring technology is important. In the UCG, modeled thermal discrete cracking with finite element
microcracks in the coal and rock extend and form analysis.
broken meshes; this behavior is known as the coupled The studies summarized in the previous paragraph
thermal-mechanical fracturing of coal and rock. In primarily analyzed the mechanism and characteristics
order to elucidate the mechanism and characteristics of the thermal fracturing of coal and rock; these
of this phenomenon, many experiments and numer- results indicate that high-temperature UCG induces
ical simulations have been conducted, and the thermal strong fracturing. However, few researchers have con-
fracturing characteristics of coal and rock under dif- sidered that most of the characteristics of in situ rocks
ferent temperatures and heating rates have been vary dramatically with temperature, and that the
researched. characteristics of these in situ rocks can only be deter-
For example, Johnson et al.11 and Wang et al.12 mined from experiments involving simulated in situ
studied the thermal fracturing of US Westerly granite, conditions.
finding that coupled thermal-mechanical fracturing of Therefore, in this study, we fully consider the in
this rock occurs at 75  C. Further, Mahmutoglu13 situ conditions of the examined rock and incorporate
demonstrated that the uniaxial compressive strength these properties into numerical simulations of coupled
and the tensile strength of Carrara marble and thermal-mechanical fracturing. This approach is the
Buchberger sandstone are reduced to approximately only method that ensures the accuracy of the

Figure 1. A diagrammatic sketch of the principles of UCG.

Duan et al. 3

numerical simulation and yields the coupled thermal- temperature, as well as the heterogeneity of the
mechanical fracturing characteristics of in situ rock. rock, are fully considered in the numerical simulation.
Thus, the coupled thermal-mechanical fracture char-
Model and numerical simulation of coupled acteristics relevant to the direct sandstone roof of the
three_2 coal seam in the Chengjiao coal mine (oper-
thermal-mechanical fracturing of rock
ated by the Shenhuo Corporation in Henan, China)
To evaluate the stability of the direct sandstone roof are obtained.
of the three_2 coal seam in the industrial UCG test
conducted in the Chengjiao coal mine and reduce the
risks of industrial tests, we designed a model experi-
Rock heterogeneity
ment at 1:10 scale. A diagram of this scale model In the traditional homogeneous thermo-elastic rock
experiment is shown in Figure 2. The sandstone mechanics model, the deformation and thermal frac-
sample used in this model experiment was mined turing of heated rock are attributed to elasticity-
from the real direct roof of the three_2 coal seam. plasticity; this behavior is modeled using macroscopic
Therefore, the material similitude ratio is 1:1 and elasticity-plasticity theory. However, this mechanical
the stress similitude ratio is 1:10. Along with the gas- model, which is based on classical mechanical theory,
ification of the coal below the direct roof, the coal was ignores the heterogeneity of the microstructure inside
burned to ash and a cave was formed. The rectangular the rock mass and is not sufficiently exact to express
zone of A–B–C–D is subjected to stress and heat. the complexity that appears throughout rock deform-
Therefore, coupled thermal-mechanical fracturing is ation. Any rock specimen contains a variety of min-
inevitable in this zone. erals; therefore, the different thermal expansion
In this section, a mathematical model of the coefficients of the various mineral particles—as well
coupled thermal-mechanical fracturing of rock is as the different thermo-elastic properties of the aniso-
derived and established. Then, a numerical simulation tropic particles with different crystallographic orien-
with relevant parameters determined from a large- tations—should be considered. The latter induce
scale rock sample experiment under high temperature uncoordinated thermal expansion around the particle
and triaxial stress is implemented. Note that the vari- boundaries, and all aforementioned factors contribute
ations in physical–mechanical parameters with to the thermal fracturing mechanism of a rock mass.
To simplify this model for ease of investigation, the
following assumptions and physical mechanics condi-
tions are adopted in this study:

1. At the microscopic level, rock is formed by com-

bining random nonhomogeneous particles. In con-
trast, on the macroscopic level, rock is a
homogeneous isotropic elastic medium containing
many mineral particles.
2. The physical–mechanical parameters of the micro-
scopic elements are the statistical properties of
many mineral particles.
3. Microscopic elements do not have macroscopic
statistical properties because of their small size;
therefore, their characteristics exhibit random

Mathematical model of coupled

thermal-mechanical fracturing
Coupled thermal-mechanical fracturing is a common
phenomenon in rock engineering. Rock is composed
of a variety of mineral particles with different thermal
expansion coefficients. However, as a continuum, the
mineral particles inside a rock cannot expand freely
according to their thermal expansion coefficients
under the influence of temperature; therefore, as
shown in Figure 3, thermal stress is generated inside
the rock, and fracturing occurs around the mineral-
Figure 2. Diagram of the scale model experiment. particle boundaries. Further, the cracks in the rock
4 Proc IMechE Part A: J Power and Energy 0(0)

Figure 3. Frame diagram of the mechanism of coupled thermal-mechanical fracturing.

expand if the thermal stress exceeds the rock’s where l and G are the Lamé constants, u is the dis-
strength limit. Simultaneously, the mechanical prop- placement, " is the normal strain, and  is the shear
erties of the rock degrade with increased temperature, strain.
facilitating the generation of cracks under stress When equations (4) to (7) are substituted into
action. In return, the change in porosity caused equation (1), the following is obtained
by the development of fractures in the rock can also       
affect the heat transfer of the rock mass. @u1
@ l @x @u2
þ @x @u3
þ @x @u1
þ 2G @x @u1
@ G @x @u2
þ @x
1 2 3 1 2 1
Consequently, these two factors, force and heat, are þ
related. In general, it is easier to generate fractures @x1 @x2
under heat; this mechanism can be referred to as @u1 @u3
@ G @x3 þ @x 1 @ ð3KTÞ
coupled thermal-mechanical fracturing. þ þ F1 ¼ ð8Þ
@x3 @x1
In UCG, under high temperatures, coupled ther-
mal-mechanical fracturing of the rocks in the under-
ground gasification stope must occur. Because of the If parameters G, , and K are all considered
complexity of the coupled thermal-mechanical pro- heterogeneous, the model will be very complex and
cess, it is generally modeled by complex differential difficult to solve. In addition,  dominates the
equations, which are coupled via certain variables. thermal fracturing of the rock. Therefore, in this
The main equations for the model established in this mathematical model, only  is considered heteroge-
study are derived as follows. neous, with other parameters assumed to be homo-
The stress equilibrium equations of a rock mass, geneous. Therefore, equation (8) can be simplified as
considering temperature effects,27 are follows

@x1 @x1 x2 @x1 x3 @ ð3KTÞ  

þ þ þ F1 ¼ ð1Þ @ 2 u1 @2 u2 @ 2 u3 @2 u1
@x1 @x2 @x3 @x1 l 2
þ þ þ 2G 2
@ x1 @x1 @x2 @x1 @x3 @ x1
 2 2
@x2 @x1 x2 @x2 x3 @ ð3KTÞ @ u1 @ u2 @ u1 @2 u3
þ þ þ F2 ¼ ð2Þ þG 2 þ þG 2 þ
@x2 @x1 @x3 @x2 @ x2 @x1 @x2 @ x3 @x1 @x3
@ ð3KTÞ
@x3 @x1 x3 @x2 x3 @ ð3KTÞ þ F1 ¼ ð9Þ
þ þ þ F3 ¼ ð3Þ @x1
@x3 @x1 @x2 @x3
where  is the normal stress,  is the shear stress, F is @ 2 u1 @2 u2 @ 2 u3 @2 u1
l 2 þ þ þ 2G 2
the external force,  is the coefficient of linear thermal @ x1 @x1 @x2 @x1 @x3 @ x1
expansion (CLTE), T is the temperature; and K is the  2   2 
@ u1 @ 2 u2 @ u1 @2 u3
volumetric deformation modulus. Further27 þG 2 þ þG 2 þ
@ x2 @x1 @x2 @ x3 @x1 @x3
xi ¼ l" þ 2G"xi ð4Þ @ ð3KTÞ
þ F1 ¼ ð10Þ
@ui @uj
xi xj ¼ Gxi xj ¼ G þ i ¼ 1, 2, 3 j ¼ 1, 2, 3  2 
@xj @xi @ u1 @2 u2 @ 2 u3
ðl þ GÞ 2 þ þ
ð5Þ @ x1 @x1 @x2 @x1 @x3
@ u1 @2 u1 @2 u1
" ¼ "x1 þ "x2 þ "x3 ð6Þ þG 2 þ 2 þ 2 þ F1
@ x1 @ x2 @ x3
@T @
@ui ¼ 3 K þ KT ð11Þ
" xi ¼ i ¼ 1, 2, 3 ð7Þ @x1 @x1
Duan et al. 5

In the same way

@ u2 @ 2 u1 @ 2 u3
ðl þ GÞ 2 þ þ
@ x2 @x1 @x2 @x2 @x3
@ u2 @ 2 u2 @ 2 u2
þG 2 þ 2 þ 2 þ F2
@ x1 @ x2 @ x3
@T @
¼ 3 K þ KT ð12Þ
@x2 @x2
@ 2 u3 @ 2 u1 @ 2 u2
ðl þ GÞ 2 þ þ Figure 4. Stress–strain curve of the sandstone at a
@ x3 @x1 @x3 @x2 @x3
 2  temperature of 600  C.
@ u3 @ 2 u3 @ 2 u3
þG 2 þ 2 þ 2 þ F3
@ x1 @ x2 @ x3
  Here, S is the shear modulus, sij is the deviatoric
@T @ stress tensor, dsij is the deviatoric stress increment, d"ij
¼ 3 K þ KT ð13Þ
@x3 @x3 is the strain increment, and dl is the nonnegative
scalar proportionality constant.
In general, the stress balance equation of a rock In contrast to the general mathematical model of
mass is expressed as elasticity, two items are incorporated into the rock–
mass balance equation in the mathematical model
X3   developed in this study, namely, the deformation
@" @ 2 ui @T @
ðl þ GÞ þG þ Fi ¼ 3 K þ KT , caused by the temperature gradient and the thermal
@xi j¼1
@x2j @xi @xi
expansion coefficient gradient. These items help yield
i ¼ 1, 2, 3 ð14Þ a more accurate model of the thermal elasticity of a
random heterogeneous rock mass. Thus, in this study,
The sandstone used in this work displays brittle- the heat balance equation of rock is expressed as
ness or complete elasticity at low temperatures.28
However, as shown in Figure 4, when the @ T @2 T @2 T @T
;200 mm  400 mm sample is heated and compressed kr2 T ¼ k 2
þ 2
þ 2
¼ C ð19Þ
@z @y @x @t
in the 20 MN high-temperature, high-pressure servo-
controlled triaxial rock testing system, it obviously where k is the thermal conductivity of the rock,  is its
changes from brittleness to ductility. In the experi- density, and C is its specific heat capacity.
ments, the temperature was maintained at 600  C The mathematical model of coupled thermal-
and the confining pressure at 5 MPa. Wan showed mechanical fracturing comprises equations (14) to
that higher temperatures aid the brittle–ductile tran- (19), and the relevant characteristics and laws con-
sition,28 and Yu et al.29 reported that greater confin- cerning the coupled thermal-mechanical fracturing
ing pressure plays a positive role in the brittle–ductile of a rock mass can be obtained by solving these
transition. The confining pressure of the real physical equations.
model in our study is 15.2 MPa (greater than 5 MPa)
and the temperature of the corner of the model is
higher than 600  C. Therefore, the elastic–plastic con-
Numerical simulation
stitutive relation is used in this study. Because the scale in the Z direction is much larger
The constitutive relation of a rock mass under than that of the X and Y directions of the scale
changing temperature is determined as follows. For model, and the strain of the Z direction can be neg-
the elastic stage30 lected in comparison with those of the X and Y dir-
ections, the numerical simulation is based on a plane
ii ¼ l" þ 2G"ii  3KT ð15Þ strain model. Assuming that the CLTE obeys a
random distribution (Weibull distribution), the geom-
ij ¼ Gij ð16Þ etry of the plane model is taken as 20 cm  10 cm.
Because the physical–mechanical parameters of the
For the plastic stage31 rock change with temperature, these changes must be
considered as the temperature varies to achieve accur-
1 ate numerical simulation results. In most previous
d"ij ¼ dsij þ dlsij ð17Þ
2S experimental studies, the mechanical parameters of
high-temperature rock were established for nonstress
3d"p or uniaxial stress states; however, the actual rock state
dl ¼ ð18Þ
2i involves triaxial stress. In addition, most samples used
in previous experiments were small, thus, could not
6 Proc IMechE Part A: J Power and Energy 0(0)

effectively reflect the large-scale characteristics of an Table 1. Values of partial parameters at room
in situ rock mass. A large-scale in situ rock mass con- temperature.
tains many original fractures; thus, the larger the
Symbol Unit Value
sample, the more accurate the physical and mechan-
ical parameters. Zhao et al.,32 Wu et al.,33 Feng,34 and RT0 MPa 6.06
Qu35 have all conducted high-temperature, high- ’T0 
pressure triaxial pressure tests on rock using the QT0 MPa 13.10
XPS-20MN servo-controlled high-temperature, high-
pressure triaxial rock testing system developed by
Zhao and Wan. The axial and lateral maximum nom- Note that  varies with T, with different behaviors
inal forces of this testing system are 1000 t, and the exhibited at different T ranges, such that
sample size can be set to ;200 mm  400 mm.
The variations in parameters with temperature >
>  ¼ 6:66  106  6:30  108 T þ 1:92  106
obtained under high-temperature and high-pressure >
<  1010 T2 ðT 5 350  C,
triaxial-pressure testing on sandstone specimens of
;200 mm  400 mm have been reported by Wan,28 >
>  ¼ 7  105  2  107 Tð350  C 5 T 5 450  C,
who found that :
 ¼ 1:66  106 ðT > 450  C
k=k0 ¼ 3:0196 T0:2847 ð20Þ

where k0 is the thermal conductivity of the rock at

room temperature. Further, the specific heat capacity The composition and distribution of minerals in
C of the rock is rocks are random; thus,  is taken as a random vari-
able in this paper. Three kinds of random distribution
C ¼ 0:0004T þ 1:0064 ð21Þ (Weibull, uniform, and exponential distributions) are
used to describe the heterogeneity of rocks; however,
and its elastic modulus E is given as the Weibull distribution is the most consistent with
  the heterogeneity of rocks.36,37
T If the probability density function of a random
E ¼ 90:18252 exp  þ 0:37607 ð22Þ
59:83617 variable x is
The Poisson’s ratio  of the rock is given by m x m1 x
pðxÞ ¼ e ð28Þ
 ¼ 0:36264 þ pffiffi
868:41092 2 where m and are constants, it is said that x obeys the
 ! ð23Þ Weibull distribution with parameter (m, ), which is
T  309:65286 2 abbreviated as x  (m, ). Then, the distribution
 exp 2
868:41092 function is
Z    m
In addition x
m t m1 t
FðxÞ ¼ e dt
RT =RT0 ¼ 0:0008T þ 1 ð24Þ Z    m  m ð29Þ
m t m1  t
¼ e dt ¼ 1  e
where RT and RT0 are the uniaxial tensile strengths of 0
the rock at a given T and at 20  C, respectively.
Further In this paper,  is assumed to obey the Weibull
distribution with parameter (m, ). Thus, (m, ) is
’T =’T0 ¼ 0:0008T þ 1 ð25Þ called the ‘‘Weibull distribution parameter of ’’,
with m being the shape parameter, which reflects the
where ’T and ’T0 are the internal friction angles of the dispersion degree of . When m increases, the distri-
rock at a given T and at room temperature, respect- bution density function of  changes from short and
ively. Similarly wide to high and narrow; that is, it becomes more
concentrated and uniform. The smaller the value of
QT =QT0 ¼ 0:0008T þ 1 ð26Þ m, the larger the range of the physical–mechanical
parameters of the rock particles, and the less
where QT and QT0 are the cohesion of the rock at a homogeneous the rock is. In contrast, a larger m
given T and at room temperature, respectively. The corresponds to a smaller fluctuation range in the
initial values of the parameters at room temperature physical–mechanical parameters of the rock par-
in equations (24) to (26) are listed in Table 1. ticles, along with greater uniformity in the rock.
Duan et al. 7

Therefore, m reflects the heterogeneity of the rock criterion and the plastic behavior is assumed to be
structure and is called the heterogeneity parameter. elastic and perfectly plastic. However, the yield
In the numerical simulation, ¼ 9.6  106 K1 was strength increases with increasing confining pressure
set at room temperature. (hydrostatic stress). In addition, the Drucker–Prager
Regarding the other simulation parameters, the criterion incorporates the volume expansion caused
depth H of the direct sandstone roof of the three_2 by the yield. Therefore, this criterion is suitable for
coal seam in Chengjiao coal mine is 600 m, and the granular materials such as concrete, rock, and soil.
average density of the upper layers is assumed to be The Drucker–Prager yield surface is a curved surface
2.5 kg/m3; therefore, the vertical stress is 15.0 MPa. in the principal stress space, which is expressed as
The lateral pressure coefficient is l ¼ 140/H þ 0.78
¼ 1.01, and the corresponding confining pressure is f ¼ I1 ij þ I2 ðSij Þ þ k ¼ 0 ð30Þ
15.2 MPa. Because the thickness of the coal seam is  
too small in comparison with its buried depth, the where f is the plastic potential function; I1 ij and
vertical stress is simplified to be equal. Since the I2 ðSij Þ are the first and second invariants of the
stress similitude ratio is 1:10, the vertical and confin- stress tensor, respectively; and and k are the mater-
ing stresses are correspondingly set to 1.5 MPa and ial constants, which are functions of the cohesive force
1.52 MPa. and internal friction angle of the material,
When the blowing rate of the gasification agent is respectively.
stable and without large geological structures, the
heat release intensity of UCG can be taken as a con-
stant. Although the rectangular physical boundary of
this model is not static, because the exothermic pos- Numerical simulations of the coupled thermal-
ition of the oxidation zone moves slowly, the combus- mechanical fracturing of rock under the random
tion surface also moves slowly. Thus, the physical Weibull distribution were conducted using
boundary of this model can be taken as a slowly COMSOL Multiphysics 5.2a (COMSOL Inc.), and
moving boundary which moves along with the com- the coupled thermal-mechanical fractures distribu-
bustion surface. The heat transfer of the rock in the tions, cracking rates, and temperature distributions
boundary ultimately reaches a balance, and the tem- were obtained. The geometry model is divided into
perature distribution of the rock in the boundary is 400  200 units, with the scale of each unit being
constant. The heat-release intensity of the heat source 0.5 mm  0.5 mm. The results obtained for m ¼ 1 and
is determined by the blowing rate of the gasification 2 are listed in Figures 6 to 11. In these figures, the
agent. Therefore, when the blowing rate of the gasifi- cracking rate is defined as the percentage of the total
cation agent is stable, the heat-release intensity of the units that are damaged during rupturing. (Note that
heat source can be taken as a constant. Therefore, the the results for only a portion of the timeframe are
distribution of the temperatures of the interface listed because of space limitations.) Further, the
between the coal seam and roof is invariant. An air– cracking rates as a function of time for different m
steam mixer is used as the gasification agent in this values are shown in Figure 12.
paper. If the air proportion in the gasification agent is From Figures 6 to 8 and Figure 12, it is apparent
72.17%, the maximum temperature of the reduction that the variety in coupled thermal-mechanical frac-
zone is 798.35  C.38 Then, there exists one point at turing profiles within the rock becomes obvious
which the temperature is 700  C on the interface within a short period of time for m ¼ l. A small
between the coal seam and roof. Because the distance number of fractures emerge in the sample after 1 h,
between the D corner and the gasification injection and the cracking rate is only 19.67% (Figure 12).
pipe is the shortest, the combustion in the collapsed However, after 1.6 h, many fractures have emerged,
coal and the coal above the cave on the vertical exten- and the cracking rate has reached 46.91%. The tem-
sion line of D points is the most violent. Considering perature extends from the upper-left corner, as does
coal is a kind of poor conductor of heat, and for sim- the fracturing behavior. The fracture distribution
plifying, the initial temperatures of other units are set density is directly related to temperature, with a
to be 20  C. This is considered as the first boundary higher temperature corresponding to greater crack
condition of the heat transfer model. Therefore, the density; therefore, the damaged area expands with
boundary conditions of the stress field in the rock can the gradual increase in temperature under the syner-
be expressed in Figure 5. gistic effect of the stresses. The cracking rate varies
Finally, the Drucker–Prager yield criterion is taken from 2.30% at 0.8 h to 54.31% at approximately
to govern coupled thermal-mechanical fracturing. The 2 h; this behavior is almost linear, as shown in
Drucker–Prager yield criterion approximates the Figure 12.
Mohr–Coulomb criterion and modifies the von The behavior observed in Figures 9 to 11 is similar
Mises yield criterion (containing an additional item). to that for Figures 6 to 8. The variety in the coupled
The yield surface does not change with gradual yield- thermal-mechanical fracturing profiles inside the rock
ing of the material; therefore, there is no hardening quickly becomes apparent for m ¼ 2. A few fractures
8 Proc IMechE Part A: J Power and Energy 0(0)

Figure 5. Stress field boundary condition.

(a) (b) (a) (b)

Figure 6. Results after 1 h with the Weibull distribution Figure 7. Results after 1.3 h with the Weibull distribution
(m ¼ 1): (a) fracture distribution; (b) temperature distribution. (m ¼ 1): (a) fracture distribution; (b) temperature distribution.

emerge in the sample after 1.3 h; the sample cracking corner, like the fracturing behavior. The fracture dis-
rate is only 14.84%, which is far lower than for m ¼ 1 tribution density is directly related to the temperature;
at the same time (32.31%). However, many fractures therefore, the damage area expands with the gradual
have emerged after 1.6 h, and the specimen cracking increase in temperature. The cracking rate ranges
rate reaches 29.94% (still far lower than that for m ¼ 1 from 1.80% at 0.8 h to 43.53% at approximately
at the same time, which is 46.91%). As in the previous 2 h, which also yields an almost linear plot, as
case, the temperature extends from the upper-left shown in Figure 12.
Duan et al. 9

(a) (b) (a) (b)

Figure 8. Results after 1.6 h with the Weibull distribution Figure 11. Results after 2 h with the Weibull distribution
(m ¼ 1): (a) fracture distribution; (b) temperature distribution. (m ¼ 2): (a) fracture distribution; (b) temperature distribution.

(a) (b)

Figure 9. Results after 1.3 h with the Weibull distribution

(m ¼ 2): (a) fracture distribution; (b) temperature distribution.
Figure 12. Variation in cracking rate with time under  with
the Weibull distribution.

(a) (b)
fracture formation and propagation are directly
related to temperature, and that this behavior can
be interpreted as the consequence of thermal stress
and the weakening of the material.
The cracking rate for the m ¼ 2 case after 1.6 h is
29.94%, which is far lower than that obtained at the
same time in the m ¼ 1 case; this difference can be
interpreted as the effect of material homogeneity.
For m ¼ 2, the degree of homogeneity of the rock is
higher, the distribution range of the thermal expan-
sion coefficient is smaller, and the particle expansions
are closer to a number. Therefore, it is more difficult
Figure 10. Results after 1.6 h with the Weibull distribution for thermal stress to emerge in the rock, which yields a
(m ¼ 2): (a) fracture distribution; (b) temperature distribution. slower fracture growth rate.
The coupled thermal-mechanical fracturing of in
situ rock is an extremely complicated process. Thus,
there are some discrepancies between the numerical
simulation results obtained in this paper and actual
The simulation results for m ¼ 1 and 2 are similar, results, which are impractical to measure directly
indicating that fractures extend from the upper-left under in situ rock stress and temperature conditions.
corner in accordance with the temperature increase. However, this study aids in understanding numerical
Further, the fracture distribution density is directly simulation of coupled thermal-mechanical fracturing
related to temperature. These results indicate that of rock mass under in situ stress and temperature.
10 Proc IMechE Part A: J Power and Energy 0(0)

Finally, note that acoustic emission events occur of this article: This study was supported by a project
upon coupled thermal-mechanical fracturing of funded by the Priority Academic Program Development
rock. Acoustic emission monitoring systems are of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions and the
widely used in mines and can record the energy Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
(China University of Mining and Technology) under Grant
levels released upon fracturing in the form of stress
No. 2017XKQY045.
waves, based on acoustic emission generated by the
production, expansion, friction, and energy accumu- References
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