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After several years performing auditing and consultancy service to various clients with manual to semi-

computerized accounting system, you are now confronted with the situations wherein most of your
clients are now switching to fully automated/computerized accounting system due to the pandemic. As
a result, you are now considering to hire professional with expertise in accounting and auditing
software, as well as system analysis.

Required: Explain thoroughly the quality standards that your firm must comply for this particular
situation. Is it required that you should also be able to perform the services that the newly hired
personnel for you to be able to supervise him/her. (Please support your answers by citing various quality
standards that you should comply for this particular situation.

In the evolving landscape of auditing and consultancy services, adapting to the shift towards fully
automated/computerized accounting systems is essential. To ensure the quality of services provided by
the firm in this situation, several quality standards must be adhered to. Additionally, it's important to
consider the role and capabilities of the newly hired personnel in relation to the supervision by the
existing team.

ISACA's IT Assurance Framework (ITAF):

Standard 1201: This standard emphasizes the importance of having the necessary knowledge and skills
in IT audit and assurance for professionals performing these services. It requires that individuals possess
the expertise in auditing automated systems.

International Standards on Auditing (ISA):

ISA 315 (Revised): This standard highlights the need for auditors to have an understanding of the entity's
information system, including automated accounting systems. It emphasizes the importance of assessing
the risks associated with automated processes.

AICPA's Trust Services Criteria:

Security, Availability, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality, and Privacy: These criteria are relevant when
auditing computerized systems. They provide a framework for assessing the effectiveness of controls in
automated environments.

The IIA's International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF):

Attribute Standard 1300 - Quality Assurance and Improvement Program: This standard emphasizes the
need for firms to establish a quality assurance program to ensure that services provided meet the
necessary professional standards.

COSO's Internal Control Framework:

Control Environment: This component of the framework emphasizes the importance of having
competent individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to implement and supervise internal
controls, especially in automated systems.

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