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Class 3

What are your hobbies?

Olivia: Hi, Aldo!

Aldo: Hi, Olivia! Long time no see!

Olivia: I know, right?

Aldo: Yes! What’s new with you?

Olivia: I’m training for a marathon!

Aldo: Wow! I didn’t know you liked running

Olivia: Well, it’s a new hobby of mine. Now, I like running on the weekends,
it’s a great exercise.

Aldo: It is! And what other hobbies do you have?

Olivia: I also love reading, listening to music and going to different concerts
with my friends. And, what about you? What are your hobbies?

Aldo: Well, I like to exercise, but I don’t run, I prefer riding my bicycle. I love
hanging out with my friends and going to the movies. Oh, and I love
traveling! I try to visit a new place every year.

Olivia: Wow! That sounds like fun. What was the last place you visited?

Aldo: Well, I went with my family to Argentina. It’s a beautiful country! You
should go!

Olivia: Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll think about it!

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