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In general, X* pa G is not cancellative, although it is embeddable into a group ifand only if it is cancellative [[W13, Theorem 5.5]. We recall the following concepts from [EP1a]. Let a € X*, and g €G. Then a is said to be strongly fired by g if g-a =o and gly = Ie. and we lot SE, = {a € X* | a strongly fixed by g}- OF course, if a € SFy, then a7 € SF, for every word y ¢ X*. We will say that a strongly fixed word a is minimal by g if a € SFy and no prefix of a is strongly fixed by g. and will denote this sot by MSF, = {ex ¢ X* | o minimal strongly fixed} C SFy. The self-similar group (G,X) is said to be pseudo-free if SF, is empty for all g # Ig. A short calculation shows that X° p4 G is cancellative if and only if (G,.X) is pseudo-free (see [LW13, Proposition 3.11] or [ES14, Lemma 3.2). As mentioned earlier, our condition (H) is slizhtly weaker than right cancellativity, so one hopes that we can give conditions on (G_X') which are equivalent to (H). If (a9), (3.4) € X" pa G meet, then there exists (7k) € X* oa G such that (a.a)(k) = (3A) ky fala). a1, 8) = (0n-7). A, 8). and since the action of G on X” fixes lengths, we must have that a = 3, 9-7 = hoy Kl, After noticing that the definition of a self-similar group implies that 1, for all k € Gv € X°, this is easily seen to imply that 7 is strongly fixed by g th. Hence, (X* pa G)jq.g),(a.) is only nonempty when g~'h has a strongly fixed word, and (X* Pa G)(ag)fa.h) = {(y.&) | BE Gi © SE} = (X* 2a Gag) t0.4). Thus, X* b¢ G will satisfy condition (H) if we can show that for all g € G\ {1c}. there exists a finite set FC SF, such that for alla ¢ SF, there exists 3 ¢ F such that 3X*naX* ¢ a. The following result appears in [EP14a] gives conditions for when this occurs. Lemma 5.1. [EP14a, Theorem 12.2] Let (G.X) be a self-similar group. Then X* oa @ satisfies condition (H) if and only if, for all g € G\ {Ig}, the set MS, is finite. Proof. One easily sces that if MSFy is finite, it will satisfy the above condition, as each strongly fixed word must have a prefix which is minimal. Conversely, if such a finite F exists, and MSF, is infinite, find ay € MSF, such that |) > maxacr lal. Then there mmst exist a € F such that aX*7X* # B, and since || > Jal, a must be a prefix of 7. But o is strongly fixed, and + is supposed to be minimal, so we have a contradiction. Hence MSF, is finite. a We now address condition (EP). In this example, the core of X* ba G coincides with the group of units of X* pa G, which is (X* ba Gp = U(X" oa G) = {(0.4) | € GE 23

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